Nordberry Nosh


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Julie had overheard that, I found out, and we shared an understanding look.

"This has been the most epic week of my entire life."

Julie said, very serious, "Unquestionably. Undeniably. Epic is a great word. It's a ... we're facing a complex, life-changing situation."

Sitting at the table for a moment, she was obviously thinking about the word more.

"So, yeah, 'epic' fits. Maybe, 'epoch'. Entirely new circumstances. Just the fact that it's happening, could change the world as we know it, like, for Everyone. If you have this, ability or whatever, some kind of sweat thing, or even stronger, your cum thing, they could find out what that does, like, the actual molecules? Then, give it... SELL it, bottle that, for people. It'd be ...seriously unfair."

I was nodding.

Julie continued, shaking her head and smiling in a fatalistic way, "No choices. Love this person. Put you in the same room, give the chemical through the ductwork, yeah, that's it. Chemical love, bottle it up. Chanel number five? Obsession? This is the _real_ obsession, what you have. I am. I have been. Obsessed with you. Loving you. Feeling it, DEEP, in me, like, my uterus twists when I think of you. I'm around you, and ... at night? I ... my clit pops out, right there, boom, I'm coming, I'm so wet, just right away. Your face is Living In My Head."

My parents heard her say that. She'd said 'clit' out loud. No reaction from the others except to smile and nod, she'd said something with Deep Truth.

I said, "I'm so sorry..."

"The thing is, I'm worried about if there are after-effects. Like, if I decide to leave you, to go somewhere else for a month or something, not just if I would decide I hated you then, but... would I ... would my body do something oddball? Would I get depressed and suicidal or some shit like that?"

"I hope not!"

"Me Fucking, Too."

We stood up and obviously were going to head downstairs, but all of a sudden I had hugs from everyone, and Julie did, too, and we decided to head downstairs.

I wondered if the 'clit' comment would get a reply or acknowledgement, but it didn't. It was an amazing bit of honesty she'd shown just then, and I had huge respect for that.

We headed downstairs; I had homework I wanted to work on, a novel to read, and Julie had some work for the next day, too, so we bade everyone goodnight and closed the door.

Getting our bags and sitting on the couch, legs up on the ottoman but not quite reading yet, we both just kind of stared straight ahead.

I was full of thoughts, and I could tell she was, too.

Breaking the silence, I asked, "So... what'cha thinkin' bout?"

"Same things since I got here, same thing since I've been around you, ever - I want your cock buried in, up to my HILT, DEEP in me, like, NOW, like ...and, I've never done that? I'm a virgin, you probably know that..."


"So the fact that I can imagine the feeling so vividly, it's gotta be something. I sooooo want you."

"What's holding you back?"

She was confused, "You, Dumbass! You intimidate the fuck out of me. You're ... _strong_, You're sexy as fuck, you're Right Here, but... Your brain, I know it's like ten times the size of mine, and I'm thinking, how do I not offend this guy, I guess? It's... like I said, It's intimidating. I don't want to fuck it up."

I laughed, but she was serious, so I just stood up, in wonder, pulled off my sweat top and folded it onto the table, and my t-shirt, and my sweat bottoms, and my underwear... and my socks...

Julie was done before I was.

Naked, standing in front of me, touching my elbow, wanting me, her eyes told me 100% of that. I took her hand, aimed her into the bedroom, followed, and shut the door behind us.

She turned to me and said, "Like, right after we started, maybe the second week? I ... daydreamed, in class, after our sessions. Distracting, so... Anyway, I thought, Sooo, IF we were going to 'do it', and I, oh, wow, did I want to do it, I knew, you'd... I'd seen videos, some guys are really big. Mom said it all works out, but sometimes it's pretty painful the first time? Low expectations? And, there's blood and it's messy?"

I nodded, stroking her shoulder and feeling both myself touching her abdomen, and her breasts, really her nipples, touching my chest. We were almost face to face, but the expression she had, she was concerned, so I waited.

"Yeah, so... I didn't know how... uh... big? you would be. Really, I knew then, oh GOD I knew then I wanted to and I wanted to make sure so it would be grand and perfect and ... so, yeah, I looked around, like. This med site, legit OB site, said, hey, want to cut down on discomfort, so, maybe you can prepare, right? So, I got... a toy."

I smiled and shrugged, "Yeah, cool! Good on you."

She bit her lip. "Yeah. A smaller size, but one that was, well, big enough to... solve my hymen problem. I didn't want it to get in the way of enjoying you, so, yeah. Does that upset you?"

I was still smiling. "Like I said, good on you, sounds like a great idea. Not having to worry about that..? Must have been a ... daring thing to do, though."

"Hurt like hell! My God, it hurt! Stinging, I could barely make myself do it, but I knew, I had to be ready for you. So, yeah. I'm ready. The toy wasn't big, just big enough, I thought, to get it out of the way, but ... still be ..." (her voice went kind of shy) ... so I'll still be tight for you."

This was kind of upsetting, and my face probably showed it. I said, "Julie. You didn't ... You don't have to worry about that. I'm... I love you. I know, whatever way you are, is How Julie Is. It's not like ... you don't ever have to worry about being 'tight' or whatever. Just Be Julie."

She was crying, and I got to be crying a little, too, so we moved the covers back and started kissing. "I want to be ... I want it to be... perfect."

"I read something. The quote is, 'I don't think that perfect exists. I think that Life Exists.' Dalai Lama, I think. There's no perfect. There's perfect For You, For Now"

We hugged, tighter, and rubbed each other's backs, maybe for two or three minutes, then pulled back and started kissing.

The kissing kept being kissing, but we went to the bed and lay down, just enjoying and having a good time, stroking each other, tickling a little, being funny, small nibbles.

I worked my way down her body, came up between her legs and pushed her bent knees back and open, and had a Grand Old Time. Her whole triangle was shaved smooth, though with some stray hairs that I had fun tickling with my tongue between soft licks up her slit.

Pulling the lips apart I could open her up and dip my tongue inside and down, wiggle some, then come up and flat-glide or tweak around the sides of her clit, back and forth then up the center, then pushing back her hood to tickled with a fast tongue-tip tata-da-tata-da-tada, staccato-superfast triple-tonguing across the nubbin.

She was breathing hard and moaning super-fast, but as I could start to build her up, the noises started coming in lower registers. Her arms pulled her knees back and wider, letting me use my two fingers in while I licked on top.

I think her initial reaction was at least half amazement that my touch could be as electrifying as it was, and the other half (of course) was sheer animal pleasure of unthinking in-the-moment experience.

My 'performance' wasn't aimed at 'getting her ready' or whatever, though that was back-of-mind. Mostly I just was feeling love and caring for her, and what she was feeling, and wanting her to feel good, at that moment, whatever it was that came next would happen then, but in the moment, that's the important thing, to help her body give her something... like, maybe a blessing or something, almost a religious thing, maybe, she could feel a connection, with me, or with her deeper self, or whatever.

Thinking this at the time, and I was considering how she was going to process the experience, I thought about it in religious terms. We bind ourselves to ideas, and to a sense of the spiritual, and maybe I could help her get there. I wasn't trying to BE God (presumptive! Not in my mindset), instead to be a tool that helped her, maybe me, too, get closer.

Stupid, silly, inane teenager thoughts, maybe, sure, but they were mine, and I'm admitting to them, so laugh if you want.

She came, of course, a trembling mass of quivers and full-body-back-arching convulsive isometric Wow's, letting her legs go and trapping my head between her thighs.

Those legs were stronger than they looked!

She calmed down, but I decided to repeat things and got her up again, let it decline, and then up a final time with guttural grunts exhaustingly huge moans.

Relaxing then, I just settled in and put my head down on her thigh to let her breath and relax.

She tried urging me to come lie beside her, whimpering with a faded, 'want' sound.

I just stayed there, waiting, knowing, it would happen, she would get to the right place mentally, more cogent in her thinking as she realized where she was again.

Sure enough, she regained a sense of the normal and looked down at me. "I ... want you now? Please, pleassszzzzzzzz, can we...?"

"Do you have a 'how' in mind?"

"On top of me! Please, encase me, make it so you're totally over me."

I moved up and between her legs; she spread hers and I moved up, wiping my face and then my wet hand on my stomach. I would taste like her juices, but the other girls had mostly been okay with that.

Positioned up the center, then, she adjusted me so her arms were inside and mine outside, her arms up over her head. My arms curled up behind her shoulders to hold her down.

This was very specific, and I had fun complying.

The time came, and she kissed me, a super-worried look on her face, and I just said, "NO, now, stop the worry. It will be Fine." I told her I'd go slow and she could be in control, but she said, "NOT that. I want YOU to be in control, I want your cock up and IN me, and I want you to control the whole thing... at least, this time. Take me however fast or slow or tender or harsh - maybe harsh, more - that you want me. I have to feel that power, your ... power?!?"

There's no way I'm refusing Anything to her, on this day of days for her, so I moved around and nuzzled her like I was an animal, and grunted a little to feel the motion of it, my cock Right There, Poised to go in farther, just barely the tip resting in the spot where, and I felt ready. I said, channeling a more manly-man part of me, "I love you, Julie. I'm going to take you now. I'm gonna shove my cock in you, because I want to, because you're freakin' beautiful and I'm taking what I want."

Okay, it was a little cheesy, but I felt that as I said it, I meant for her to know, indeed, I was in charge, dominating her. It wasn't my normal thing, but, hey, I can stand up and Be There if she wants me to.

I pushed in pretty quickly, UP and INSIDE, and it was done. Her scream was more subdued than I expected, but still rang in my ears, and I think she surprised herself with the volume, and apologized immediately.

We laughed; I offered to scream at one of her boobs later to make it even, and then shifted my hips again to get the sensation of cock in pussy to the front of our minds.

Her black curly hair was getting in my face if I lay with my head beside hers, so I had to prop myself up, and set up a steady rocking motion in her, jostling her up with each thrust. The expression on her face had gone from incredibly worried to beatifically happy, open-mouthed joy with sideways thinking-glances that told of her contemplating all the new sensations she was getting.

Simply making love, face to face, was part of that experience, sure. But the emotional overtones of making it caring and an exchange and a gift both from me to her, and from her to me, made that trade and sharing Bigger and Better.

I had no place to be but joined with her, my penis stridently filling her, sometimes cool as it was out of her with the room air, sometimes hot as I was encased in perfection.

I could picture it, from porn, my cock passing up through her lips, down-into her vagina, curving inside there somewhat, it felt like, passing over ridges and bumps and sliding along in constant beautiful motion, tweaking our nerve clusters all the way from pelvis to spine to brainstem to cortex.

Connecting our bits made our mental connection physical. Sure, touch could be a hand on a hand, but this involved so many systems, I could picture them from the anatomy I'd studied.

Sometimes the wonder of what's happening is hard to shut out when the real beauty should be dominant. Brains. Distractible brains.

Sliding in and out I decided to let out sounds of my own enjoyment. I'd mostly kept those to myself except when I came, but I figured, why not just let out what I was feeling?

These sounds may or may not have been echoing or triggering things in her, but she was getting more and more out of each movement as time went on, and her sounds made that obvious, too.

Her buildup didn't wait that long, really. She stiffened up and grabbed me so, so tight, unable to hug with her arms but her legs moved to wrap around my thighs to pull me in. And, into her, and into her I went, and went, and went.

I most definitely went - and by that I mean, I came, thrusting hard-in and strong-up and PULSE-WahFukkkk YEzzzzz I was there, and then, and happening, and All of Me was Inside and spurting my life into her, pulse-jet, pulse-jet, pulse-scream-jet, on, and pushing, squirting her insides, hard-up as I could to a finish, a slight let-up, and again...

What is there to beat a good cum inside a beautiful woman you care about? Oh - yeah - one who cares about you - that makes it better. And, I had that. I had All of That.

Letting myself relax and fall down more on her, my head in her gobs of hair but somehow still being able to breathe, I asked if I was heavy.

She said, "Never. I can carry you, forever."

We lay like that for a few minutes until I rolled off to the side, splay legged and happy, though my cock was still hard and pointing up and away from my body.

Turning on her side, she saw that, and quickly gulped and apologized, then dove down quickly with her head. Sucking on me and slurping in all she could, she drank it in, but I still didn't go down.

She asked, "Is this for real? You're staying up?"

I said, "Sometimes happens." Clarifying, I said, "Mostly at night, when I'm frustrated and jerk off, if I had something really sexy happen that day, like, a pretty girl... you or not... looked at me, if that image is in my head, I have to jerk off _again_, to get it to go down."

"How long has this been happening?"

"Oh, a couple of months."

"Ah." She moved and lay by my side, "We'll give it 20 minutes, see if that helps."

We talked for a while, and I could see her eyes on the clock.

Twenty minutes had passed, and she came over and straddled my hips, pushed the head back into her pussy, and sat, then started ridiing.

I said, "This is ... helping, right? I like it"

She was already breathing short gasps. "Ohmygodmetoooooo.....yeahh.... I am SOOO going to talk about this with the girls tomorrow, how your cock just Fills me completely up. I think... you might be hitting my cervix when we're tight."

I had to agree and said so.

Onward she rode me, her breasts with those beautiful puffy areolas staring me in the face and inviting some grabbing, tweaking, swirling, roller-pinning, and then (pulling her down on me), sucking for maximum mouthfeel...

She kept moving, and I kept thrusting up into her, and I knew it was longer, but probably was still slightly less than 10 minutes before I came again.

This was FAR more relaxing as a cum. Sure, wanton and cum-painting her insides, but a hell of a lot of fun.

After I came (she didn't, but I think she was focused on me), she waited a bit, moved down and sucked me to clean me off, then went over and got her underwear on with a pad (an interesting thing to watch since I hadn't seen it that many times), and came to lay down in bed again.

She said, "If you want me again, any time tonight, just tug this down. Otherwise I might feel myself leaking all over this bed?"

Pausing a minute and then getting out of bed again, she opened the door and went out into the kitchen area for a few minutes. When she came out, she said, "All Packed up. Bee will be here about 3:30 and we don't want to wake you."

"I'm ... not staying home tomorrow."

"Oh, we know. There's a schedule. It's been carefully worked out."

She lay with her back into me so I could spoon her, and I did, her hand pulling mine up and over her lower breast, getting me all situated like she was tucking in a child.

I didn't disagree, mind you, I just noticed she had a plan.

I wondered how many plans she had.

My hand involuntarily squeezed her breast in a pulse every once in a while. I didn't mean to, it was just automatic. When something feels that good, that squishable, soft and beautiful, well, you don't argue, you just let your hand do what it's gonna do (when invited, of course. If not, seek help, you're not right in the head).

Noting that her breasts felt different than Kim's, say, she said, "Oh, yeah. A couple of us have noticed it. Our Bras are fitting bigger, meaning my breasts are smaller, maybe by not too much, but some. Still, it's not that they're just smaller, they're more dense than they were, too, I think. There's no way to objectively measure that, though."


"So, just squeeze all you like. If it was up to me, I'd have you squeezing me all day long, it feels good... reassuring."

"Hmmm..." I was fading fast.

I think I was asleep not too long after that.


I awoke this time, for the 'changing of the guard, and reached out and touched Julie as she got up. She turned around and kissed me goodbye and told me she'd see me later, it was Thursday, so lunchtime.

She grabbed her pile of clothes and went out and shut the door, though the tiniest sliver of light shone under it to show someone had arrived.

After maybe 10 minutes, the light went out, and I lay awake, cock firmly in hand since frankly I was horny. The door opened and shut...

A form snuck in and got in, though I pulled back the covers for her and heard Bee's voice say, "Oh, Great! You're awake! Sorry to disturb you, Kev. You can go back to sleep..."

"Mmmmm... maybe or maybe not." My hands roamed over her body, laying on her back, and I moved over her to give her some kisses.

Her strength in returning these kisses surprised me, a fervor and desire that wasn't just a 'goodnight' thing - she wanted something. More of me, I think was the implication.

Her hands were cold, too (it was March), but rubbing over my back felt good, and my hands roaming over her body felt good to me, too.

Bee's sizable chest stuck up and out and I had fun playing with and squeezing. She responded strongly as I did that, including ducking under and starting a blowjob under the covers.

Pulling off but still jacking a little, she said, "I have been _dreeeeeeeaming_ about this. I've wanted your dick for weeks. I finally get it. All to myself, alone, just us, together..."

"You certainly have me."

"Oh, I'll have you, mister. Or, you'll have me. Whatever. I'm a-gonna do this, and I want to be a virgin no longer. Waited too long already."

"You're... ready then?" I was asking about her emotional context.

She deadpanned. "Feel me." She was speaking physically and immediately.

I did, rubbing down her leg, then up her inner thigh, and letting my fingers brush inside to a very wet place. "Oh, Yeah. I get that." I paused, then asked, "How, like, what position?"

She was firm, "You will be on top. I don't want to worry about stopping halfway, or having the first sign of pain be trouble, I want you to just... go... Do it. I don't want to wait one more damn minute. I have plans."
