All Comments on 'Not a Chance in Hell'

by Cagivagurl

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  • 395 Comments (Page 4)
AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Once a cuck…….. and a spineless one at that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Half the length and it would have been 10 stars. All the counseling mumbo-jumbo is too boring.

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 1 year ago

That went well beyond cuck fag shit.

The wife was possibly the most evil character that I have encountered on this site, she murdered his soul.

Fortunately he was a meaningless it, he was borderline retarded and it was impossible to feel anything other than utter contempt for it.

The story was absolutely vile and abhorrent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I like this author for the talent of her stories, albeit they are often too long and too full of unnecessary minutiae. Also based on too many assumptions of husbands not being accepting of their wives blatant, and knowing disregard of infidelity and the associated emotional blackmail because of their 'male ego'. Would you take back a spouse who did the things the cheating women do in many of her stories, knowing it struck at their self-esteem? It's clearly disrespectful at the most fundamental level. It's also true for offended wives, albeit maybe different in the details. Then they mostly seem to 'take them back'? But Cagivagurl's fictional webs are so well written that she gets away with often. But not this one which seemed to end with: 'I fucked our friend. So what. Get over it and I'm not sorry." At least until he walks and gets nasty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Jesus... On a stick followed by a cannibal repast! This (ex)wife didn't know what she wanted or lacked insights into her own character, never mind she didn't understand her spouse at all. His stances were pretty clear, and only went along in a limited fashion out of reluctance to split permanently. But he should have, frankly. And a comment on polyamory style marriages. Without supporting legal frameworks, what kind of situation would you find when one of a several person "marriage" disagrees over parenting, child support, or any one of complex situations that arise even between TWO married people? Who arbitrates the disagreements if they come before a court? A thrupple where it requires the males to be defacto bisexual? This guy should have severed all ties and left to start a new life elsewhere. He only didn't because the confused Ex kept showing up on his doorstep, like with the girlfriend. It's okay to experiment before marriage, but doing so without mutual concensus once married and behind the spouse's back indicates an unreliable, inconstant marital partner. Who with knowledge of her prior behavior would ever believe she had changed regardless of what she said. What next cinderella adult fantasy would she fall into next? That is what this is: a well-written but ambiguous adult fantasy. Imagine this poor bastard in 10 years, with minor children when she gets her next fantasy to unilaterally act on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nad premise by a great writer. The wife should know her husband enough to know he would not accept this. But she pushed. I could not even read after page 2 and just skimmed the rest of the story. I do not see race at the end either

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 1 year ago

Another let he back in story. Yeeetch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Author's worst story. Sick of the lack of empathy the wives in this author's stories have for their husbands. They never put themselves in their husband's shoes. They just attack, deride, claim all about their fragile male ego, and then in thr end apologize and beg to be let back into their lives. Their actions are bad enough. Their post discovery attitude or their demeanor when rheu ask for an open marriage is just blindingly bad.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 1 year ago

The writing is very good. It even makes the pain of excessive length worth enduring.

Didn’t really like how he kept caving if he truly abhorred the situation.

All in all fun read

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He is so indecisive, I can’t believe that our hero is successful at anything. What is it with New Zealand men? Stories about them being cheated on, having their wives get into long term adulterous relationships and welcoming them back after they have second thoughts or regrets are a common writers’ theme. I can’t believe that men thus depicted come from a nation that produced the All Blacks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just more misandrist bullshit from the land of geldings and that fascist cunt Jacinda Ardern.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Stupid RAAC. Not even a good excuse for reconciliation with a woman who was in every was a deceitful cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

writings is good, very good,

the plot? meh, i can't believe how the main char is so indecisive

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah probably, but unless someone has experienced that sort of love, they wouldn't understand.

Seriously? That kind of love? You mean that kind of selfish self serving love? And he pines for that? Either the trans writer does not know how men emote or think ..or he she it writer is actually a crazy bat!

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 1 year ago

Cagivagurl can not write a story with a strong MMC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I haven't read a single story on Litrotica site where the Rafe character wasn't a fucking putz who deserved to die.

I submit that as of now, all characters named Rafe are required to die in the most humiliating and painful way imaginable.

usaretusaret12 months ago

Too long, and too much lifestyle bullshit for such a dull ending.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Grats Cavliagurl, this Male MC is the worst spinless one yet. Why do you like such weak main characters?if this had been the first of your stories i read i would not have read another..o stars. just plain bad.Done with your stories..Hope you learn to use your writing ability to present some quality tales.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

What I can't stand is the constant use of statements and accusations by the "share" your spouse community, they claim intelligence, and say you just need an open mind. The most idiotic statement from these so called intellects, there is a huge difference between having an open mind and being delusional, if you know something has a 90% failure rate and you say it's going to fail then you simply are aware of reality it has nothing to do with having an open mind, the FACT that swinging, swapping, sharing, and open relationships end up destroying it 90% of the time, yet there are still so many delusional people who continue to push and promote them as good ideas, like it is "new" or "modern" and those who understand the truth are "close minded" or somehow have outdated concepts, No the history of man is littered with hedonistic depravity that cause sorro and chaos and it was discovered that marriages, unions WORK a hundred times better for society at large and for those in the relationship. So those who push stupid ideologies are not open minded intellectuals they are delusional narcissists.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

One star you wrote one of the worst male characters in have read ever. She screws around and wants her cake and wants him back nope. Remorse is one thing but everytine she is late he is going to wonder every time she is out the same . sorry bud story good writing but weak mc and slut wife

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I can understand accept a premise of polyamory, albeit I doubt it's authenticity. But this woman's character borders on a form of mental illness or congenital mental disorder. And the idea that the (ex) husband would consider re-establishing a relationship with such a disturbed (or easily, fundamentally confused) woman reflects poorly on his judgement. It defies commonsense that a former partner would accept that she had become unconfused in her emotional life. And all this without any serious psychiatric treatment or psychological counseling? No couple is "meant" for each other. Just so much errant nonsense. It's about trust in your closest companions judgement that they have your back. She clearly didn't understand that, and the Ex bought that she just showed up and now knew better? Nah... But it's what I like about this author that she (or he) writes from interesting alternate premises about relationships and makes them almost plausible stories.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"Rafe offered me something that you didn't. He is deep and passionate. I liked that." Geeze... the guy took her back after that confession? Such a vote of confidence in their intimacy and companionship. What a weak sister to take her back after that! Too idiotic to keep his time and space away from such incestuous circles like his former girlfriend and his exwife AND her lover. No wonder he didn't move on. One of this author's lesser works for sure. Disappointing after some other stellar stories. Still.... 4 stars.

lover1953lover195311 months ago

Very well written. A bit long, but that is the prerogative of the author. I gave it 5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Too much shit talk for me. We have talked this to death she said. John said no you are killing our marriage and walked out the door.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Damn Holly is teaming up with Lee. John cancele dinner and go tell the bitch and asshole to get a life and leave him out of it.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Invite Rofe. Hell no did you forget he was the reason that we are divorced?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Taking his classes and you really like him. WE ARE HISTORY JUST LEAVE.

MoustacheSmugglerMoustacheSmuggler11 months ago

Absolutely the best writer on this site.

I often get annoyed by the decisions your characters make. Do they decide to do what I would do? No. But they aren't me. They are people who are well defined and understandable.

I find myself absolutely fuming, but understanding. That's the mark of real emotional engagement. Fantastic writing, your characters are properly alive.

Oh, sorry, I should just say "cuck, kill her" etc etc.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A very talented writer. Great storyteller.

But I have to read the last page before tackling a story of yours to know if the male character is a complete jerk or not.

If he acts decently I read from the beginning.

If he is not like that, I leave the story.

The normal thing is that I leave the stories because the endings are authentic garbage.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great writer in this genre. It seems the ending comes too quickly, too easily.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago
Ended to soon

Yep, you left the ending for someone else to finish. Not good!

WisquejacWisquejac10 months ago

Wanted to beat all three of them with a shovel. Not my cup of tea. Thanks.

goodshoes2goodshoes210 months ago

Second time through. Still only 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You were up to your usual pattern, hence the outcome was no surprise at all. It's either you love it or you hate it. Hardly any room for the grey areas of life. The writing was excellent, apart from a few incomplete sentences. The storyline and the characters weren't. 2*

inka2222inka222210 months ago

I have a feeling this may have been a good and interesting story, but as usual, cagiva decided to throw the coin and instead of "decent BTB" it came up "cucky bullshit with idiot so-called 'man' pining uselessly for shallow egotistical backstabbing shitstain without literally ANY redeaming value other than being pretty, instead of finding a decent woman; and reconciling with her because his brain got removed at birth". Thankfully, I was smart enough to check the last page first, and avoid wasting too much of my time on this story (and yes, if LE owners were more concerned with useful user interface and less with censoring good stories that offend their limited and useless sensibilities, tags for a story would show on FIRST pages instead of last, and I could have just skipped it since it was correctly tagged "reconciliation"). I won't even rate it - the author was honest with tagging, so 1-star for RAAC is not fair, although would have been deserved on story merits.

miket0422miket042210 months ago

Second time reading this.

My biggest issue with them ending up together is that Lee proved over and over again that she didn't care about his wishes. She only cared about what she & Rafe wanted. He was very steadfast in his opinion and expressed it strongly for an extended period of time without wavering and yet, when she cheats with Rafe the first time her excuse is she thought he was opening up to the possibility.

You can't have a relationship where one partner is that selfish and has no respect for their spouse's opinions or feelings.

0ldfart0ldfart10 months ago

This story just doesnt add up. No way would a worthy man be prepared to go down on a woman who had another lover's cum in her. And, there is only so much disrespect a man will take before he decides enough! I usually enjoy this writer's stories, but this one I struggled to give it 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"I missed out on I understood that she hated cooking two separate meals" - It seems like you dropped something after, "I missed out on." He missed out on what?


"Come on, babe, you know it has to be Rafe" - Yeah, because she wants to have sex with Rafe, it has nothing to do with polyamory.


"We both like him" - I wouldn't bet the ranch on that.


"don't just say no without even considering it." - They've been "considering" it for months.


"I know there is room in my heart for another." - Obviously there's room in HER heart!


"No, I was hoping that with all the discussion we have had you might be prepared to be more open-minded." - And in all of the discussion he's consistently said no, Why is it that those who believe in monogamy are "immature," or "close-minded?"


"But you have me, why would you need anything else?" - As he said, she has him, why does she need anything else?


We're only a little past 3 1/2 pages of a seven page story, and he's divorcing her. How the fuck is it going to drag out?


"I told you, Lee." - He wasn't even prepared to accept polyamory, how does she expect him to accept blatant cheating?


"I mean you and me. The rest we can talk about later. I don't want a divorce." - Then forget "the rest."


"We misread the situation." - How do you misread, "No, I'm not interested?" "at least respect our choice." - How about respecting HIS choice? He's only the husband after all!


"She misread my position on the state of affairs." - Again, how do you "misread" repeated NOs?


"She accused me of being closed-minded, stubborn, homophobic and chauvinistic." - So accept the divorce and find someone more "open-minded."


Maybe that she's with Rafe, they could share now!


"Regardless of what you say, it was not my intention." - That is such bullshit.


She got the house. I don't remember the divorce settlement, did she buy him out?


"I said I'm not happy, and I'll add that I'm not sure I can deal with it." - That SHOULD be enough to stop her, or else, maybe he should ask her to be exclusive.


"Holly and I did still m" - Another cut off sentence.


"That was the first night we had sex together as a threesome, all in the same bed." - Damn, I read a comment that he cucked out, was beginning to think it was wrong.


"Right from the" - Another cut off sentence.


I was hoping that it was Holly who came to him at the end.


I think you missed your editor.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore198110 months ago

What a idiot she did it once she's going to do it again

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore198110 months ago

I agree with oldfart and miket0422 1 no self respecting man would do that hell no self respecting man would even get into that type of relationship and as Mike stated lee has shown more than once it's always about her and raife wishes and shown when they decide to have kids without even discussing it with John and he agrees to take her back well he is no man and when she does the same thing again all i can say is he will get what he deserves

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

He stood fast with only a bit of wavering... She finally had to admit she was wrong all along. Thank you!

Tex_Ex_MilTex_Ex_Mil9 months ago

WAAAY too long!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

When he moved in with them I quit reading. but, out of curiosity, I read the ending. This was just a silly story.

pukgpukg9 months ago

Got bored pretty quick and fast forwarded to this page

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The cuckold got his girl back once the chad was done with her.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So Explain to me what was the Purpose of even divorcing her in the first place? He ended up back in the same house with the same cheating wife, that he had told her to not fuck Rafe. Then he took her back after she really made him in to a world class cuckold. So how can he ever trust her to not fuck around on him again. I bet the first thing he does if she ever has his baby, is go and have a DNA test done..

MightyheartMightyheart8 months ago

Too long. Needs serious editing.

Didn't work at all.

Cheating - Divorce- Reconciliation. Why ???

Reconciliation must be justified.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19818 months ago

That's the thing mightyheart reconciliation is never justified when cheating and such disrespect is the cause of the relationship ending there should never be forgiveness involved when a relationship ends for those reasons in fact the wife should not be allowed to be breathing when such a thing happens same for the man if the woman cheats it should be legal to kill her and the person she cheated with if a man cheats it should be legal for the woman to kill him and the person he cheated with make that a law and watch how fast people quit cheating

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Not happening in any sorta way. In real life this will never happen where they are back forth with all of this fickle crap. A real dude would never have takne her back the time he walked out the door let alone forty eleven more times. Guess you made a story of it, but not even realistic, would never happen like you wrote it. The story is way too long and no one would have the patience in real life to even entertain this crap.

FirstClassFlirtFirstClassFlirt8 months ago

Obsessions are daaaaangerous things…

DeanofMeanDeanofMean8 months ago

why would he ever want that 2faced trog back hell i dunno why he didnt give the GF the boot soon as she started hanging out with the ex? why let her lead him by his nuts? ya cannot be both strong enough to refuse but every time she shows up he wilts still a fun right well written like most of your stuff but i dont get the choices your people make sometimes mind you probably be a ton less engrossing if i agreed with em

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19817 months ago

To deanofmean the answer to your question is easy read other stories from this writer and you can clearly tell her feelings towards a man she thinks all men are cuck bitches so her stories while start out like this one always ends with her showing her true colors and making the man a cuck bitch hell she even made raife a cuck bitch though not as much as she did the former spouse that's why he took her back cause he's nothing but a cuck bitch 1 of the lowest scums on earth though unlike this writer and so many other stories and writers on this site most men isn't a cuck bitch its popular with very few and only online where its a safe fantasy and from people who has no life and don't forget most of those types of stories are from women who think the same way this writer does they read the meaning of cuckold online and started having fantasies about it and it developed so much and so far that it became the way they think and act though they just like the people who wrote the meaning of cuckold are morons cause the meaning Google gives and what most people think is not the real or true meaning to cuckold the true meaning to cuckold is a man who gets off watching his wife fuck another and well anyone who gets off watching his wife fuck another man is no MAN there just a little bitch hense a cuck bitch being a cuck bitch should be against the law and punishable by death

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I liked the story but you seemed intent on demeaning the mc. He never once put his foot down during the marriage and said no more seeing the bad guy, you even showed how little rafe thought of the sanctity of marriage yet washed over it like it didnt matter. You cant have it both ways, either you want your men to be men or you dont. How many real men do you know that would allow a woman to continually bring home another man like this Rafe.

chasbo38chasbo387 months ago

Your male character let his wife have everything she wanted. Yes he put up a fight but gave in. Yes he divorced her but then gave her what she had originally asked for, a relationship he never wanted. What is he going to do the next time she gets a wild hair up her pussy ?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I should have read the last page first. That way it would have saved me reading this of verbal excrement! This author loves belittling males. It says a lot them.

NegateGivityNegateGivity6 months ago

John and Raifes relationship was in no way justified. It was clunky and shoehorned in for the story to happen. John obviously disliked the guy, so why would he ever get friendly with him. Especially after the divorce. It just made the whole narrative weak.

JordanFullerJordanFuller6 months ago

I like a lot of your stories, but this one is terrible.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I don't understand what the writer tried to prove.

It's very clear that the women like Lee are selfish bitch who just wanted the best of both worlds.

People like Rafe are always a snake who shouldn't be entertained at the first place.

And about the John character, they're always submissive in nature who can be manipulated easily.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Pure garbage, this bs is so stupid like downs syndrome IQ level. The fact is the MC was a man genetically but he had no male virtues, those that make men great they are honor, valor, courage, and most important self-respect. In reality of couples that try swinging, swapping, sharing, or open relationships have a 90% death rate and they carry way more hatred and animosity than other break ups. The FACT is these debaucherous multi partner relationships are not modern or new age at all, it was how things were before marriage and it led to the fall of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The union of marriage created stability of family units and they intern led to the stability of society - FACTS - they are not an advancement of the enlightened but rather a decline backwards into animalistic nature. This story wouldn't have a happily ever after because the stupid cheating slut having NOT learned a damb thing will most likely bring home her next infatuation.

Flat_OutFlat_Out6 months ago

Polyamory usually fails.

I understand that Literotica is fictional. But I read many stories that are just unrealistic fantasy. The best stories are those that are realistic. All of the cuckold stories I've ever read are complete rubbish, completely unrealistic.

I have two friends that have been in three polygamous relationships between them. One of those with a child. All of those real relationships have failed. So this story was realistic, right up until he let Lee back into his home. I expected him to dump both Holly and Lee before it got to the sex. The idea that John got back together with Lee and Rafe and lived together with them was complete BS!

A realistic ending would have been so much better. To be fair, the story is well written, just the storyline is BS. Thanks to Cagivagurl for a good read, albeit somewhat irritating.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A REAL man would have filed for divorce at the FIRST mention of bringing another person into their marriage.

As soon as Holly became friends with Lee, I would have sent her packing!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I couldn't get past page 1

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19816 months ago

To Flat_Out no pollymary don't usely fail it always fails there is no chance it can work this story got that part right then again though it was still a bullshit story that was way overboard cause no Man with any self respect would have never gotten involved in such a relationship to begin with it would have never been open for discussion much less giving it a try at a later point once she decided to become a slut and cheat which she did on purpose she would have been out of the husbands life for good since they had no kids

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago



AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

So a friend recommended me to this author when I asked for some reconciliation stories, man did I regret reading it, at first I could handle some stories where the husband is wimp cuck, all forgiving and all.But no this author every story of his/her portrays the husband as a cucked wimp who pines for the cheating wife and there's little remorse from the wife side, the author seriously enjoys making the husband a wimp or either to make a raac story he/she made it that way.. to each his own I guess

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This very good author has a habit of repeating herself endlessly, but this story takes it to a new level! I’m very disappointed because it’s an interesting topic and the story telling is drawing me in. But, then here comes the repetitive dialogue and it disrupts the flow. Frustrating

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I get that this is fiction. And good fiction at that, but I just don’t see all the drama and histrionics over a 3 year marriage in the real world. A marriage this short in time is still more about lust than love. And for the husband at least, in this case the lust is gone. Move on.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Poczatek dobry, srodek do przyjęcia ale koniec opowiadania kiepski. Autorem musi być kobieta bo facet tak by to nie opisał.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Umm they were married three years. Just let the marriage die. Move on. She isn't worth it. And screw Rafe. He is a parasite on affection. Polyamory my ass. Rafe was a vampire destroying a potentially good, but early marriage. Serious only 3 years. Just moved.

Psychman24Psychman244 months ago

Another story where the wife refuses to listen or respect the husbands values and beliefs. She wants to have a three way marriage as she has fallen in love with another man. Husband says I can't accept that, absolutely not. That should be the end of it, either accept his values or divorce. Instead she hounds him repeatedly and gas lights him, trying to make it his fault for being too "narrow-minded" and in the end goes ahead and cheats on him anyway, trying to have it all her way. The wives in these stories are so selfish and manipulative and then are always so surprised when the husband sticks to his principles and divorce. They insist that they love their husband so much but actions speak louder than words. This was a good story, entertaining, but I felt that the husband agreeing to move in with wife and her lover was totally unrealistic and not believable based on his character. Surprised he took her back in the end, I don't think I would have.

TwentysevenTwentyseven4 months ago

Polyamory is such a wishy-washy concept. It means I love you just as much as I love a bunch of other people. Thanks for nothing.

AhboomAhboom4 months ago

Nice. Yeah in real life it might be a different story. But for what it is, it's good that he at least tried to make it work between all three. Still got a happy ending as well, I liked the story

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ok this story spent a good amount of time building up John, being in to all the Kung fu shit. But he only hit Rafe-poo one time just breaking a couple ribs. After he fucked your wife making you cuckold, and taking your wife after you clearly said no sharing of her pussy. And you didn't totally fuck him up with all of your kung fu? What's going to happen the next time she feels the need for two cocks??

moultonknobmoultonknob4 months ago

What a pathetic excuse for a man, he divorced the bitch and instead of just telling her to fuck off and leave him alone he keeps seeing her and moves in with her and her boyfriend then the fucking wanker gets back together with her again. Load of fucking rubbish.

Darkness86Darkness863 months ago

Nice story although he's an idiot for moving in with the 3 of them should've stuck to his guns and told them to fuck off

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I normally like yur work. Not this one - she didn't actually suffer for her stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


lc69hunterlc69hunter3 months ago

Polyamory can work. I have seen it.

However, most of the time it does not work, long term. It takes complete honesty and openness from all three partners, and all partners need to know their role in the relationship and be comfortable with it. Hell, a two person couple many times can't get that right, and then to add a third. It is difficult.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This is not a satisfactory conclusion. A reconciliation under these circumstances would be unlikely and almost certainly would require the assistance of a trained counselor. Rafe should have faced consequences for his role in destroying their original relationship. They will live the rest of their lives dealing with the trauma he helped to inflict on John. Part of the proof Lee had returned to John would be her desire to punish Rafe for his actions. Odd, but true.

Just_WordsJust_Words2 months ago

I can't understand why he moved in with them after so many objections. And then she again blindsided him with the pregnancy thing.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Most of the women are inborn selfish. They want everything without thinking about the consequences. And when everything got crashed, they come to their senses. How stupid they are.

mdadaminmdadaminabout 2 months ago

Unrealistic story The husband is very weak and the wife can make him do whatever she wants

This story shows that the wife controlled everyone even though it appears that her lover convinced her but she wanted everything and got it

The ending is illogical because the wife was satisfied with the lover's opinions and someone will appear in the future and the story will be repeated and she will cheat on him

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

One of the author's worst stories. The delusional of this wife was beyond surreal. Her hooking up with the yogi (or whatever he was) was stupid. Her delusion of the shared experience was repulsive and imbalanced. At leat the M C got a divorce, but then he got sucked back in. Twice. Seriously just move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

a re-read for me, so no voting but somehow it works as a story, I suppose for some they do not recognise fact from fiction and the art of story telling. {it seems most your stories get hit by that}

JusteenKJusteenKabout 2 months ago

Cagivagurl, I truly admire your writing and I look forward to new stories from you appearing in my feed. However this one I'm afraid is just an absolute steaming pile.......

LarrynDallasLarrynDallas28 days ago

Weak, pitiful male protagonist. Entitled, self centered female protagonist. No likeable characters.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aa27 days ago

Second time reading and I'm changing my vote of 2 stars to one. I wholeheartedly agree with 'LarrynD' and 'mdadamin' - the MC was weak a pitiful submissive male. Lee is a selfish, delusional, self-absorbed slut who thinks her sh*t don't stink. She feels she can have two for the taking, a CUCK husband and a bastard lover. Rafe was a leach who seduced a dumb naive woman, so he steal her love from her husband and cuckold him to doing what Rafe wanted... How could John still care for a woman who has crushed his heart multiple times... Just a very sad and unlikable story. In fact, all characters were unlikable too. Not sorry for how I feel.

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

My wife is her own person, so she can always change her mind about loving me...there's little I could do, if that's what she chooses. Rafe, on the other hand, is unflinchingly self-serving. I'm not given to violence, however, I'd have cheerfully broken Rafe's ribs every time he dropped some patronizing nugget designed to pressure me into buying into his system of beliefs.

Am I spiritually compromised for not being open to such utter bullshit? Perhaps. Is Rafe a self-deceiving lothario with the morals of an alley cat? Probably.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Aside from the author's well known tropes of pathetic men, this one just comes across as implausible as Hell. After all the shit the Ex put him through, he took her back? Given her inconstancy and resulting infidelity, he trusted her again? Would YOU believe this woman finally knew her own mind enough to be a martial partner to have your back? Nope. Admitting her prolonged infidelity as a "mistake" does not necessarily indicate she had come to a permanent understanding of her inconstancy. He was asked to take a long, long risk of time commitment to see if she had learned to be trustworthy. I would not have done it and most rational men would not either.

DB71DB7120 days ago

I’m genuinely curious if you have written any stories from the opposite side. Switch the place of the husband and wife. You have a lot of stories in several categories, do you have any you think would be a good one to flip on its head?

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

The man has no backbone. I think he was more akin to a jellyfish. Holly was a bisexual slut, Lee was a whore. This story has a lot of back stabbing action. Years of wasted time letting the first slut control his cock. He maybe be in martial arts but besides that Rafe was the only one who had any manhood he took the other mans woman and then probably didnt care when she broke it off.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Lol. Just lol. No way it ends like that. No way ge moved into a trial throuple after divorce. Yeah it's fiction but even then... balderdash.

bigurnbigurn7 days ago

I , upon a second reading, upgraded my rating to a 3 Stars ⭐⭐⭐ . That's only because they hadn't remarried. Date, move in together, all good. He can never trust the gullible slut. I understand his moving back in with her and the freaks how. She was with the other dude, so now Rafe was the one sharing 'his' old lady. Free sex with no commitment was a handy situation. Once they started talking kids, it was time to get down the road. At the end of the story; it was back to free sex with no commitment again. A good ending for certain.

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