All Comments on 'Not a Chance in Hell'

by Cagivagurl

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still a garbage writer

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 2 years ago

Wow. Two Cagivagurl stories on the same day. Throwing five stars at you. On to the next...


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really a RAAC After all of this ? What a shame

RougeHunterRougeHunterover 2 years ago

I fucking hate ironic titles.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story left so many unresolved emotions that it kinda makes me uncomfortable, and she still likes the guy that basically destroyed her marriage..

Richie4110Richie4110over 2 years ago

Well done. Loved reading this and trying to figure out how and where it was headed. The ending was accepted although it could have gone another way.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and efforts.

Feoalex81Feoalex81over 2 years ago

Im 100% positive a women wrote this garbage. Only women are as selfish as the women in this story.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
I think that you have done this before. The story just breaks apart.

quote from page 5:

That night was the first of many. Holly and I did still m

While we recovered from a spectacularly breathtaking night of lustful lovemaking, all three of us panting.


What happened? Is there a bunch missing?

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 2 years ago

Well conceived storyline with well written characters. It was long drawn out but entertaining. I think John is a weak fool for going back to Lee after she DESTROYED their first marriage by her cheating with Rafe. John was doing fine when he moved back and found Holly. But allowing Holly to engage Lee back into his life was a BIG mistake. He should NEVER have let Lee back into his life, especially when he moved in with Lee and Rafe. Sure he still loved her but she was a conniving selfish uncaring bitch, wanted to have her cake and eat it too. The worst part is when he finally realized that he wanted true love, a wife to love and be his alone, he moved out of town but Lee comes back to screw up his life again, because she realizes she was a stupid cheating slut and had a great marriage to John the first time but she wanted a lover and a husbands. That's why John divorced her... I disliked the ending because they got back together even though she was/is a cheater. John will have more heartache when she go finds another 'teacher' to help to educate her again...

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 2 years ago

There is nothing more unattractive than little, sensitive, poly-amorous, bi-sexual men like Rafe. Polyamory is only encouraged by predatory individuals who take from someone else's relationship while bringing nothing to the table but themselves. They have nothing to lose. It's like bringing a stranger to a swinger club posing as your spouse allowing you to fuck someone's wife. I can't believe you had John moving in with them. That ruined it for me. Until that point, you spun a good tale although there were a few incomplete sentences that should have been deleted. But I am by no means skilled in grammar. I will definitely read more of your work, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's difficult in the extreme to like any of these characters. Which in turn, left me grasping for anyone to root for. I gave it a two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A truly great and fresh story, long at times but i also felt for my own sense that the ending was too fast. You captured the pain of both members of a cheated family, but it goes deeper. You tell a great story and present it really well. I resorted to more violence against him, and spent 30 days in jail but i felt it was well worth it. Thank you for a nice read. R. Bachman

CharetteCharetteover 2 years ago

Nice up and down of emotions , still unsure about Holly ... Catalysator ?

vhasstvhasstover 2 years ago

Always great to read a new work from you, Cagivagirl. Not your best of works but interesting none the less.

Look forward to more.

tangoperutangoperuover 2 years ago

He should have divorced her for adultery and named the would-be guru as accessory.

secretsalsecretsalover 2 years ago

An interesting portrayal of a fucked-up relationship, but when Lee finally admits that all the trauma she put them through was for only to pursue a little infatuation, and then they just pretty much pick up where they left off, the entire thing comes off quite cheap. Lee just feels very shallow ("I got lost along the way" is a cheesy cop-out, c'mon), and John doesn't fare much better on account of putting someone like that on such a high pedestal that she's impossible to replace.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’s funny that you think ALL men want two women LMAOOO most men can’t even handle two women properly. But I get it. Gotta find some way to justify her selfishness smh. What right does anyone have to change the parameters of their relationship with a shotgun-like decision??? I cheated so he’d accept polyamory??? What? You’re a great writer tho. Seriously. Ironic that most of your stories are from the male perspective yet I can’t relate to a single one. - VANILLA JONES

TajfaTajfaover 2 years ago

Too long and I didn't like the ending. There is a world full of great women and he should have found one. She is a psycho who was happy to see her man destroyed and now has an epiphany that it was him all the time? Don't think so He needs someone stable in his life and it isn't her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

1 star

A long piece of time wasting shit. Lee is nothing but a whore and John is a dumb fuck for taking her back.

Poppi123Poppi123over 2 years ago

A mediocre tale of an wishy washy idiot married/divorced/reconciled to a selfish ego centric idiot. I disliked both. I found the husband's willingness to move back in with the cheating couple unbelievable, but it is fiction, so I suppose anything is possible. That he would tolerate her continued disrespect was distasteful. An interesting sequel might be that her continued disrespect is followed by the return of the guru asshole and the husband kills them both, feeds them to sharks and accidentally trips and falls in the water himself to be eaten alive. A fitting end to this group of idiots.

kelchakelchaover 2 years ago

To me, it's not a very appealing story. Four stars for the quality of the writing. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a powerhouse of a story. Emotions everywhere and well written. Five stars.

stev2244stev2244over 2 years ago

Very good. As usual, I get angry, want to punch something, but can't stop reading. Very well done.

Slick742Slick742over 2 years ago

Gave it a 5 because of the ups and downs of the husband. It kept me interested in the outcome. Thank goodness the men never really hooked up. Was he weak yeah but he did stand up when the issue of kids came up. Thanks again for an interesting story of fantasy. SK

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a huge pile of dog shit. Worst thing I’ve ever read. So far from reality it should be a feature episode if “Unexplained Mysteries”.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

After reading this idiotic story, I am not surprised that New Zealanders have the opinion of twisted, immoral and strange. The main character is a weak idiot manipulated by women. If the women were pushing harder, he would have slept with the guy. All the heroes of this story are mentally ill, amoral people who sleep with everything that has two legs and do not run away to the tree.


peterrude69peterrude69over 2 years ago
Why, I could read some thing better than this.

Not a chance in hell of liking THIS!

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 2 years ago

As usual, you write very well. Thank you for the story. All through it though the fact that John was just so weak willed and pathetic, giving in to that manipulating slut on every issue, just rubbed me up the wrong way. When he got back to Auckland, now completely divorced, no one in their right mind would allow their ex back into their life.

His words never matched his actions. He always gave in. To slut Lee, to the girlfriend who then fucks his Ex and starts mingling with Rafe as well! How could a guy be that weak? Has he no moral fibre at all? No backbone. What if the G/F fucked Rafe as well and wanted foursomes? Then later for dickhead John to spend about a year with his Ex getting fucked by two men... well, unbelievable. Great writing but disgusting main guy. Cheers.

jaythemanjaythemanover 2 years ago

Once again, you have created a very intriguing storyline and great characters and once again the story went off the rails due to the main character's very inconsistent behavior. I understand the main character fucking Lee after the breakup. She wasn't his anymore and it would mean he was getting some revenge on Rafe. But there is no way, he moves in with them as long as he has any alternative, which he obviously does as a financial manager. I can even buy the eventual reconciliation. The story would hold up if you took out the whole cohabitation part. The character would not put himself in that environment and he definitely would not be part of any 3 way action, even if he kept himself separated from Rafe. Overall, I really enjoy your writing as it is always thought provoking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Once a cheater always a cheater.

fred324afred324aover 2 years ago

The title to the story isn't actually true? What a weak and unbelievable character who's very clear and decisive to begin. And then totally folds.

amygdalaamygdalaover 2 years ago

Holy fucking Hail Mary and Christ on a motherfucking pogo stick. My blasphemy aside I cant believe i read through all of this unmitigated bullshit of a story.

NRBonzNRBonzover 2 years ago

No. Good read but just no. How long before 'Rafe no. 2 - or no. 3' shows up and the same old thing again? No way he should have taken her back what, some 3 or 4 times? No.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The wife was too uncaring about her husband. Rafe was just slime ball that eased his conscience through weak false philosophies. I've never experienced a love that would allow me t share my wife with anyone, nor would i willingly accept her doing so. A well written story, as expected from this author, but the content and topics were mostly unpleasant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a very important distinction that many 'high-minded and open-minded....intellectuals" DO NOT understand.

They want respect and tolerance for being wired gay or bi, but rarely seem to apply that thinking to straight and or monogamous types. Now that they have, I would argue, over representation in the 'evil cis gendered hetero' western world....they act as bullies.

I personally am bisexual. And not because it's trendy. I don't tell people. It's none of their business. But I respect a man or woman that says, "I'm just not wired that way" Whatever that way is. This story is an excellent example of two idiots that try to force their wiring on someone else that isn't wired that way. When stripped of it's brooding philosophical angst...we see it for what it really is. What they did was sexually bully a man. They forced their worldview on him. It's completely disrespectful. When he stood up for himself, the manipulation only intensified.

This is a great story because it highlights the twisted ways selfish people abuse and twist narratives...hijack them even....just to get their rocks off. Yes, bisexuals are sometimes abused and hated. But that's not an excuse to seduce a married woman, and try to fuck her very reluctant husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just couldn't resist revisiting your worst story..."The Date"...where the poor guy gets badgered into

slut wifes games..I think this author has a thing for humiliating decent straight husbands

Tiger27Tiger27over 2 years ago

I agree with anonymous "This is a very important distinction", totally.

I wouldn't take the bitch back period!

Wildbill314Wildbill314over 2 years ago

So much for BTB. But I liked it…a lot

CD1929CD1929over 2 years ago

Cagivagurl-I love your writing so I labored through this tale. I enjoy reading your stories because I can relate to how a man would feel when his partner/spouse cheats on him. Your stories are so real.

But honestly, this stuff..

It's fine, she cheated they got divorced. I can even deal with them having casual sex after their divorced. I seen that happen with some of my friends. But having him eventually agree to it and be ok with with another man in their relationship and the only reason he finally balks is because she wanted a family. Sorry I don't buy it.

I love a good RAAC story but this went a little too far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a weak gutted cuck!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One star. Story was too long and too loose.

demanderdemanderover 2 years ago

I don't believe in reconciling after the wife has screwed another guy. Period. I think I'll try to find some exception, and write about it. But this wasn't close. This guy fell for the wrong woman. D

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don’t want to give a mediocre number of stars without explaining. This just went on far too long. It just stopped (for me) being believable that Lee would keep trying after he said no so many times and that he finally caved. Writers need to know when to build attention, and when to let it go; the extended tension here wore me out and I lost interest in and sympathy with the characters.

mordbrandmordbrandover 2 years ago

Not a chance in hell apparently means every single chance possible in Australia.

I liked the other story you posted today about Paisley because it was one of your rare tales that are different. You are an amazing writer, but you choose to (mostly) write the same tired storyline with just enough changes to make it seem like a "new" story. If you could just get past that and work on actually new stories, it would be so refreshing.

Instead we have the same rehashed slop. Husband slams his foot down and stands up against a duplicitous wife who wants to gaslight him into a relationship of her creation. Husband usually caves after page 3 or 4, then hates himself and tries to escape the abusive relationship again. Finally they typically reconcile at all costs or at least have some type of open relationship.

If you look at your work in bulk, that summarizes around 75% of it. Which is sad because you have the talent to do better and because it is so terrible to read about abusive relationships centered on gaslighting a person until they break.

I gave Paisley the both of a star full marks because it was a quality tale and you stepped out of your comfort zone. Sadly, I have to rate this story a one for being your typical wheelhouse full of mental abuse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why isn't there a number lower than zero for voting on garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I find long stories quite boring as they drone on and on about silly nuances. This story would do well brokn up into 3 page sequences. The ending is an ending and a fools a fool no matter the light of day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's just not a convincing reconciliation. She disrespected him terribly which is an act of treachery founded in narcissism. She may love her ex-husband and he may love her but major issues still exist, intimacy is incredibly difficult to build when trust issues remain. I don't hate the story like others but I am not convinced of the ending and that is an issue. Its extremely well written as usual, I am just left wanting -starsong.

Escape_WithinEscape_Withinover 2 years ago

Once again I would like to applaud the author on being thought provoking. Also for stirring emotions. I have yet to decide whether this is a love conquers all story or one about coercion. The adage "No means no!" first comes to mind. It is a phrase that applies not only to rape but tolerance. I accept that there are many opposing views to those I believe in or are contained in my perspective. Not being given the space, to remain in my own comfort zone is unfair. The stress created by the characters in this story is defeating the adage "If you love someone set them free." I read LW stories for stories about betrayal. I was exposed to a polyamory situation in my earlier married years. It took a lot for the parties involved to respect my boundaries. It killed a friendship that could have survived with "To each their own.".. kudos and well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I somehow enjoyed this but I’m not sure why. It’s one big confused mess.

AngusMAngusMover 2 years ago

At least the wife came to her senses

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 2 years ago

A well written story with a happy ending. Well done.

A_BierceA_Bierceover 2 years ago

Really well written, as usual

But the sour taste lingers much too long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The MC is written alternatively as a normal man and as a SNAG, which undermines the credibility of the character. The blather about "poly" is utter drivel. It's a sign of cultural decline in the West. We all know the incredible cultural heights that polyandry (e.g. Tibet) and polygamy (e.g. any Muslim country or tribal society) will cause us to achieve. Yet, our soi disant "deep thinkers" continue to offer up this intellectual slop. The RAAC is appalling.

Now for something different: "Women are so much better equipped to satisfy two men." Really? Perhaps with lots of lube and patience. The average woman is good for at most one orgasm, after which she is tired and her clit is too sensitive for further play. Moreover, if sex goes on for much more than 20-30 minutes, the average woman's pussy starts to swell and gets dry and sore. If she is an outlier and is multiorgasmic, it takes longer to finish her off, but the same things happen. There are undoubtedly outliers of both sexes, but the usual LW bullshit about women generally having more sexual capacity is, as I said, bullshit.

Frank66Frank66over 2 years ago

Not a chance in hell....... well, unless you ask me a couple of hundred times, wear me down, tempt me with sex (any kind of sex). Yes, then I can be bought/bribed rather easily since I have a spine the consistency of boiled linguini. Yes, that's a man that Lee and Holly would really want to spend the rest of their days with. NOT!

PowersworderPowersworderover 2 years ago

I thought it was amusing that he started sleeping with Lee again post-divorce in an effort to wreck her relationship with Rafe. I had no problem with that at all. Having the threesome with Holly was great too, as that let Lee atone for being such a dumb slut and betraying her husband. Unfortunately, where the story fell apart was John moving in with Holly and Rafe and participating in their sordid polyamorous relationship.


Again, the main problem here is you're a woman writing from a male protagonist's perspective... but straight men don't behave this way.

John was still in love with his ex-wife and would bitterly resent Rafe for destroying his marriage. There's no way in hell that he would stay in the same house while Rafe fucked Lee on alternate nights. For 99% of normal guys, the thought of sharing your woman with another man is utterly revolting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Two 5* stories in one day. Please keep them coming!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Lee whispered breathlessly, "Please, John. Stay, talk to us. You said you were prepared to be friends at least."

Sighing, I nodded in resignation.

….and that’s when I knew Cagiva girl was back to her( his) shit!! Stopped reading!

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 2 years ago

Ahh... Not surprised a female author wanted a happy raac ending. Most men would not end back up with the ex after all that.

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

Youve got a real talent for writing cucks who think they aint cucks

BigBlueKatBigBlueKatover 2 years ago

God, I hate wimpy guys that can’t find the stones to distance themselves from a TOXIC woman/relationship. 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was another disgusting piece of shit writing from a tranny writer who has no clue how a guy works… that’s the problem with these so called trans people… confused bodies … confused minds!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Rafe needed his arse handed to him properly even before he fucked her. Otherwise pretty decent.

docrxdocrxover 2 years ago

I agree with Bierce's comment. Well written but leaves a sour taste.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Better than average. Best part was the story a was moved along by realistic conversations. The thoughts about polyamory were well written.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

A really well written story that clearly shows that you can write. But that it took you 7 pages to write a cheap cuckold story is no fame sheet! For me it will always remain incomprehensible how men can take back women who have been sullied and polluted by other men / women. Some dread nothing at all. She had everything and threw it away and he, the cuckold, is happy to get it back?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I guess I see these characters as a snapshot of the world today. These people tend to get seduced by charisma, feelings and the excitement of new things. John was the closest to having a solid foundation but continued to compromise his beliefs. I always find it curious when these characters are being emotionally hurt, abused and disrespected and they say how much they Love their torturer. Love is not about happiness. Happiness is a temporary feeling that comes and goes, like a full stomach. Love is a commitment based on shared values, trust, honor, compassion, intimacy and sacrifice. If any of those are one-way or demanded without reciprocation, then the integrity of the relationship is damaged.

I see the ending as bittersweet and doomed to repeated failure. She admitted to being selfish and he accepted her back as such. The story doesn’t say that they found a way to deal with this trait, so we are left to assume that it will come to the surface again in their future.

I suppose those reading this part might see me as a bitter troll, but I’m reminded of the Seinfeld “Yada, Yada, Yada” episode. It reminds us that two people can see or hear the same fragments of an event and project their own assumptions based on what they want to believe.


muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Way past any possible reconciliations. She has serious mental health problems and he comes off as a total cuckold. Not an enjoyable story.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

You are the most frustrating author to read. Many times l hate your characters they are so, so stupid. John in this story is such a character. Lee is just brain dead. You finished the story way too quickly there was was scope for plenty more angst. But no, you went so far and then finished it all off in a couple of paragraphs. Way too neat and tidy for my liking. The forced ending ruined the developing story. You could’ve brought Holly back so that John could’ve ended her presumptuous behaviour. But no.

I understand true love and all that, but the way you wove and conducted this story was just so irritating. A better ending would’ve saved it for me.

Scores 3/5

ibuguseribuguserover 2 years ago

Half way through, I thought I'd give it 1* for protagonists' recurring stupidity. You managed to twist around a royalty twisted tale. 5* for that and thank you for sharing.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Always enjoy reading your stories and this one was no exception. I did notice, uncharacteristically, you had several editing errors right out of the chute, but it settled down after the introductory part. I will always take a stand in LW when characters devolve from reality and John surely did. Rate and Lee I can see fitting into my life experience in some way, but John's reactions and journey just didn't mesh for me. You always have a different spin in your universe that I find both entertaining and interesting. This time, I just couldn't get all the way there. Solid work and a solid 4*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A technical glitch ate parts of a couple of paragraphs, but a little thinking let me fill in the missing bits.

The bigger issue is that the whole period where he moved back into the house and shared her is out of character for him, in light of everything that goes before and after it. If he wasn't willing to share her when married to her, he wouldn't be willing to do it after the divorce either. Especially not with the man who broke them up in the first place. This puts him in an even weaker position than the one he rejected to begin with.

devtekdevtekover 2 years ago

Funny and original. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think I threw up in my mouth 4 or 5 times reading through this story.

Again it's very clear this is a woman trying to write a man's character. And failing miserably.

None of these characters are all that likeable. At all. They really are all pretty detestable people. I would think that all Aussies and Kiwis are detestable except I know more than a few in real life and they are great people who actually are not sociopaths and narcissists. You'd never know that by reading this author.

So let me get this straight. This guy allows another man to get into an intimate relationship with his wife. Actually condones it. I mean the guy was spending all kinds of time in his house with them talking about polyamory. He sees the relationship develop between them. Yet does nothing? Either a moron or clueless.

He just simply tells her that he is not going to allow her to bring Rafe in as a 2nd husband. But other than that he just let's the intimacy grow between the two of them. He let's his wife fall in love with another man! Watching from the sidelines?? No man would allow this.. WTF?

Then he only objects when she actually has sex? That's when he objects? Not with all the other bullshit going on between the two of them?

But that's when he decides enough is enough. OK. Fine. He's a dumbass, but at least he wasn't going to put up with his wife having sex with someone else. OK. Line drawn. Divorce. Move on with life. Right?

Wrong. Instead he lets the ex back first as a fuck buddy. Then cuts off her machinations of trying to get him back into polyamory with Rafe again. She goes away.. But Then a new GF (who he's not even that serious with yet) talks him into letting the ex back into their relationship with the 3 of them having sex.

Sorry. This is just a stupid plot line. It's just dumb as fuck. He has all this pain left over from the ex...but he is just gonna let some new skanky gf talk him into polyamory with his ex? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Not believable. No fucking way. We are not talking a threescore. We are talking relationship or about polygamy. That he divorced her for?

Then the entire part of the story dealing with him moving back into his old house as the 3rd wheel with the ex and Rafe? Hahahahahahahahaha...complete and utter nonsense.

Are you writing a man here or zombie? It must be a zombie that has lost his fucking mind to the magic pussy. That's the only explanation. The ex wife had a magic pussy that sucked the entire identity and sense of self from his brain. Turning him into some new character without an ego or sense of self respect. He LIVED with the ex and Rafe for a whole year? Even had threesomes with them?! Right. Sure.

Sorry. Your other story today was pretty good. This one was ridiculous. The icing or cherry on top to this absurd disaster was them actually reconciling at the end. Rubbish. Garbage. Basura.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Weak and annoying

OPrimeOPrimeover 2 years ago

Well if this story isn't the dumbest thing written lately. First off, Lee is too immature to be married and what was wrong with John? Why did he let Lee badger him about all this poly nonsense? Do real people act this way, or is it just the writer's fantasies playing out in her writing. It is my belief a normal husband would be seriously alarmed by Lee's initial behavior, and as it escalated give her a choice, tone it down or hit the road. Also what husband would allow some self described spiritual goof to hang around his home all the while disrespecting him? All and all the story is full of bizarre unrealistic behavior making it to unrealistic to be enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It seems to me that weasels can worm their way between people in slow, subtle, seductive ways and their intentions are never honorable. This seems to be the case with this charismatic, womanizing charmer who breaks up marriages like he’s breaking up firewood. By the time the intentions become clear to one of the spouses it’s become muddled to the other. By then the damage is done, the interloper has become the fly in the ointment, and the only recourse is to cut your losses and mosey on to greener pastures! All’s well that ends well though in this tale fortunately as I love a happy ending!

TechumsahTechumsahover 2 years ago

I liked it gave it a 4. I just think if it is going to be 7 pages the reconciliation would at least get two pages to flesh it out and make it believable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don't think the author understands straight men at all.

No way would a guy act in some of the ways written. Writing is well done but the story is off reality.

KRD19254KRD19254over 2 years ago

When he m9oved back, I gave up on him.... He was a cuck wanting to happen. Actually, when Holly went to lunch Monday, I'd have walked.


4*, Hooyah, but not impressed to many twists and Rafe did not get enough busted ribs multiple times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just more of your usual theme . The wife always knows best and is astonished when her husband wants out ,

whining about not giving some relationship/ lifestyle a go .

Later , she claims she didn't think he was serious about not being interested and wants him back . And the schmuck usually goes back .

In the real world , no self respecting man would ever be able to share a bed with an ex like this again .

You really need to make your male leads more convincing .

2 * because I want to be generous .

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Well written but so fucking annoying. The MC was totally worthless after the first few pages. Back and forth back and forth. Didnt buy it at all. Thought it started well enough, then it got rather tedious and then he got extremely stupid.

Sorry but no man would EVER assume again that his wife/ex wife had any love for him after what she did and the fact that you dragged it out into a 7 page cuck tale should be seen as a slap in the face of every one who read this.

Even though their "discussions" in the good part of this mess did feel a bit realistic...though it draged and dragged, she was more of the typical LW template of being extremely stupid. "I know you said no 14,000 times but I thought once i fucked another dude you'd be accepting".

This was an insult to the intelligence of everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My biggest complaint is that some sentences were incomplete in the last few pages and if that is my biggest issue too bad. I really enjoyed reading your story although I don't know that moving in with Lee and Rafe would be possible looking at it from a male perspective. I loved the different perspective of this story. Great job! 5*****

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66over 2 years ago

Disappointed with this story. I can't believe Holly's behavior didn't drive John away, and the reconciliation at the end I didn't find believable. 3 stars.

invisible_bridgesinvisible_bridgesover 2 years ago

Usually these LW wife-gets-a-sharing-obsession start with a weak motivation. The wife reads an article, or whatever. I appreciate that you gradually built a plausible context --- that whole New-Agey stuff.


I do think, however, that the story leaked some dramatic tension as John's principles wavered. I get that his principles being tested and being found to be not as firm as he thought they were was the whole point of the tale --- I just found that portion of the narrative (the Lee/Holly threesome, the Lee/Rafe threesome) to be dramatically slack. It needed more of John's inner conflict to be expressed. Is it really that arousing to watch the woman you love be sexually intimate with someone else?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Powersworder, as usual, gets it exactly right WRT the actual plot.


As always with this author, the writing itself is top shelf. But also as usual, the story goes “where no ‘normal’ man would ever go.


4 ****

robinhodrobinhodover 2 years ago

Couldn't stop reading. I've also read all the comments. It's now 2am and I'm knackered.

Must have been good to keep me up so late! So why am I feeling dissatisfied?

Probably because I tend to identify with the 'hero', as I did your in other of today's (sorry, yesterdays) stories.

This 'hero' did not fit the bill for me. Total twerp.

Twerp is a pejorative term in use in England during the 1940s. Yes I am that old. That's why I need my sleep.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It dragged on.

darthnader19darthnader19over 2 years ago

A brilliant story 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

7 pages ... 6 too many! what a load of psycho-babble B.S. This is an exercise in aimless futility, not love

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Obviously written by a woman - with no idea of a man's feelings. I read a lot of Literotica and AM NOT one of the very prolific, rabid BTB crowd. BUT --- Some things are unforgivable (if forgiving means that the core, one on one intimacy is restored). I just have to say that the normal, everyday loyal bloke would have stopped the growing shit fight early in the piece - probably by beating little Rafe within an inch of his shattered dick - especially if was there upon my return after having spent those first days fucking the missus. I would have been doing the aforesaid damage to Rafe and then ejecting him forcefully from MY home. I also would never - and have never - hit a woman but just reading the constantly whining wife character my first thoughts were "Why doesn't he slap reality into the bitch's head?" Totally too long drawn out and a VERY unrealistic outcome.

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandover 2 years ago

Thank you for writing and sharing this interesting story.


Once the story really gets going--say, 2/3 of the way in--the relationships and also John's personal character get a bit more complex. At this point the story starts working well for me. The parallels and contrasts between the John-Lee-Holly triangle and the John-Lee-Rafe triangle are especially interesting.


Around this point, John's attitudes towards love, sex, and sexual exclusiveness also start getting more complex, hence more interesting.


I'd also praise your depiction of Rafe. I don't find him likeable as a person, but your depiction seems very realistic. I knew a couple of people very much like him a few decades back. I'd also praise the fact that in the story he is neither a demigod (as Lee sees him at first) nor an evil villain, but sort of mixed. Like most of us.


The big turn-off for me is the character of the narrator (John) in the first 2/3 of the piece. Presumably I'm supposed to be impressed by all that narrow-minded, strident talk and action celebrating traditional, conventional macho-masculinity, violence, meat-eating-as-aggression, and a sexual morality straight out of some small town in 1948. (Here I seem to be taking the opposite view of many other comment-writers, who think John doesn't enact this moral code thoroughly and violently enough!) Personally, I find him a bore and a jerk--until later in the story, when his views start getting a little more complicated & subtle.


A minor point: Holly was an interesting minor character. I was sorry when she suddenly disappeared.


So overall, my reactions to the story were mixed--but I do think that several things here were done very well indeed. Thanks for an interesting read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I guess you have a lot free time to write all these long stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I understand willing cuckolds who are aroused by their wife being with another man. But John being devastated by it, yet crawling back to Lee and Rafe, well, I found that pathetic. It was a very interesting story.. One thing though, with lines like, "Holly and I did still m" and so many other errors makes me think you can't have given this a second read prior to posting it. I appreciate your work, but please respect your readers by using a proofreader.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 2 years ago

Start to finish, it was all about her. She wanted to eat vegan, he didn’t. She wanted polyamory, he didn’t. She wanted Rafe as a partner, he didn’t. She wanted wanted children, he didn’t. He just HAD to overcome his shortsighted objections and agree with her and then everything would be wonderful. The word ‘we’ just disappeared from her head and heart. She said she had an epiphany, but we never saw any evidence of that. Excellent writing, I just had a lot of trouble sympathizing with the wife in the early part and then with the husband at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I doubledown on what Powersworder said! The majority of real men would not have responded favorably to Lee's shenanigans! AT ALL!

Also in the story Lee said: - "That's not true. You love your sister, your mother and your family. Love is not limited. If you open your heart and your mind, then anything is possible."

This is pure doublespeak B.S.! That single word "love" Lee is attempting to apply to this situation does not describe the emotional attachment represented by the varied relationships in an individuals life. The Greeks had many different words to describe "love":

Eros: romantic, passionate love - for that special someone - What Lee should have reserved for her husband!

Philia: intimate, authentic friendship - also described as "brotherly" love, think Philadelphia

Ludus: playful, flirtatious love - something that should also be reserved for that special person

Storge (stor-jay): unconditional, familial love - like parents for their kids and vice versa, also spouses

Philautia: self-love - doing what's best for your self interest barring needlessly harming others in the process

Pragma: committed, companionate love - something one might have for coworkers or friends

Agápe: empathetic, unconditional, universal love - the type of love GOD has for humanity and humans should have for each other. GOD loves you regardless of what or who you are or what you may have done. This is the love described by Jesus for us, which he admonished us to have for each other in the New Testament.

Today we have lumped all of the above into the single word "love". True we have an unfettered ability to "love". But loving individual family members, or friends, or a spouse can be very different things. You love your sister, but making love to her will land you in hot water, if you catch my drift!

So with that, I don't love the things Lee did to John or the way she treated him. John needs some form of recompense from Lee for the world of hurt and damage she did to him, not to be limited to a BTB pre-nup should they marry again. I definitely don't love Rafe as I feel he was a manipulative snake (my apologies to snakes everywhere) and John deserves a dark, back alley reunion with him in a follow-up chapter. Rafe did not lose his jewel bag and he needs to...and so much more, IMHO. The ending came too easy for all of the absolute pain, misery, anguish, humiliation, resentment, lying, cheating, manipulation, mental cruelty, etc that Lee caused John BECAUSE OF RAFE!

BSreaderBSreaderover 2 years ago
I don't know

Who was stupider me for reading this or John for doing any of this garbage. I did like the reconciliation but she should never have believed it in the first place. You can't love two and have a relationship like that it doesn't really work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A shit show of a plot. Just another cuck story.

dc6370dc6370over 2 years ago

Your ability to describe feelings are incredible. You take your time which allows the reader to feel the characters emotions. 5*

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Wow! An exciting, fantastically-crafted, well-documented story about a crash to rival the Great Train Wreck! Once or twice, I found myself yelling at my monitor! Even the cat went and hid, but he came out for food.


The money-shot line: 'It was like trying to deal with the KGB. Like brainwashing principles. If you keep saying it over and over and eventually the subject just folds. Except, I wasn't giving in.' This perfectly describes how all these New Age [cue: gong, pot/3 dur/3.0] cult religion enlightenment bullshit things work.


Another nearly-perfect story from your creative hand. Loved the HEA. The sex scenes were nice, because they were psychological fervent and allowed the 'theatre of the mind' to go wild with the imagery!!


Score it.... 5++++++/5! The only thing better than one of your stories is getting TWO long ones on the same day!!!

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