Not a Typical Friday Night

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Will wife be pushed to cheat.
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Thank you for all the feedback on my last story. I didn't expect it to do as well as it did. I took some of the advice and hoped I put it to use.

This story will be a 2-part story. I hope you like it.


Not a typical Friday night

As I sit here at the dining room table waiting for my wife of 18 years to come home, my mind is all over the place. In the last ninety minutes, my life and marriage may have ended.

My sister and her husband are in town to help with some issue that I will tell you about later. After we talked, I took them back to their hotel. We stop for a drink before I headed home. Who walks in, but my wife Jill dresses to the nines with some guy I had never seen before?

The LBD, which I had never seen before, and I would guess 4" heels. Because we were in the bar, she never saw us. Lisa and Bill didn't know what to say.

"I am going to the ladies' room. I will be right back," Lisa said.

I looked at Bill. "I just don't believe I see what I see."

I pulled my cell out and called my wife. When she answers, I saw her look at this guy and said something like, my husband.

Hey "honey, what's up."

"Hey Jill, sorry I'm late for dinner, just letting you know that I'm heading home. Lisa and Bill are in town for the weekend. I had to sign some papers. I am just dropping Bill off at the hotel. What's for dinner?"

"Did you forget it's girl's night tonight? I left meatloaf in the over for you," Jill replied

"Oh, I must have with all that's on my mind. Well, don't stay out too late. I have something important to tell you. Love you," And I ended the call.

I turn to Bill, "Tell Lisa I see you guys tomorrow about 2." Then left.

When Lisa got back, asking where I went, and Bill told her about the call. Now Lisa always had my back, and this time was no different.

She walked out of the bar and then walked into the restaurant part right past Jill. Stop and turned around looked right at Jill.

"Jill, what a surprise, Is John and Bill here? And who is this gentleman?"

"Hi am Lisa, Jill's sister-in-law."

The comprehensive eye looks my wife gave Lisa and red face boy. I wish I saw that.

"We are in town for the weekend needed John to sign some papers. I am meeting them for a drink in the bar. Why don't the two of you join us." Then she walked away.

Jill hoped she would get home and changed before John got home. Why did I listen to Sally? Hoping I didn't just blow up my marriage?

John thought about what happened to his wife and marriage. The past four weeks have been hard on him. He started to think about what has happened in the last four weeks. The pieces began to fall into place.

First, the pain he was having and waiting on the test result. Then Amy saying that mom got a new dress when they went shopping for her prom dress.

She said, "Mom's going to look hot for your date night, dad. Do I need to talk with the two of you" laughing as she said that.

Of course, it went right over my head. Now that part of the puzzle fell into place. When I got home, Amy was there.

"Amy, can you stay with a friend tonight? Where is JJ? Your mother and I need to talk."

"Sure, JJ is over Steve's, I text him. Dad, everything ok. You look upset."

"Thanks, yes, for now. I will explain it all tomorrow by the way Uncle Bill and Aunt Lisa will be over. There is some news you all need to hear."

"Dad, you're scaring me. What's going on" tears running down her face.

It was breaking my heart knowing the news I have that her mother might be cheating on me.

"All sweet pea, it's nothing. It's all good, trust me."

I went to the cd player and put in the Mood Blues night in what satin. Never have those words hit me like now.

Beauty I'd always missed

With these eyes before

Just what the truth is

I can't say anymore

Because I love you

Yes, I love you

Oh, how I love you

Whenever I had to think out a problem or was upset, this was my go-to think about what to do.

I poured a nice glass of Johnny Walker Gold and sat down waiting for Jill walked in.

"Don't change. Just sit down."

"John, please let me change, then I will explain everything, please."

"NO Sit down."

I got up and went and got her a glass of wine. "At this moment the way, you look gorgeous in that dress. Amy told me two weeks ago you got it for our date night. Jokes on me, huh guess it was not for me."

Jill looks great at 5'5 34C, 120 pounds, and a tight ass. Even after two kids, she still has a killer body, not bad for a 41-year-old. It must be from the gym and doing yoga with her daughter every day. I do peek in at times; I am a man, after all.

I sat back down. Jill was looking at me. Not sure if she should say anything, so I just stayed quiet.

"Ok, Jill, here is what's going to happen. You will and better tell the truth after I get done talking do you understand?"

She took a drink" Yes John" in all their nineteen years together. It's the third time he spoke like this to her. Both other times she thought she was helping by getting some work down on the house that didn't go as planned. And it cost us more to get it fixed.

The look on his face this time, Jill was not sure she could fix it.

I got up and refilled both glasses.

"I am going to ask just once you will tell me everything no matter how much hurt it will cause the both of us."

Jill started to cry even more.

"I want to know in order how long, why, and who. If you tell me everything and it's the truth, I will forget what I saw today.

"I don't know why or what I have done to make you look outside of our marriage."

Jill's side

When she got home and saw John got home before her. She knew it was terrible. Walking in, she heard the song

Beauty I'd always missed

With these eyes before

Just what the truth is

I can't say anymore

Because I love you

Yes, I love you

Oh, how I love you

Jill knew right away John was hurting and thinking about how to fix what happens.

Jill took a long sip of the wine and thought back to the last four weeks. It started about a week after the last time Jill and John made love. She was talking to Sally about how long it's been. Other than after the kids were born. It's been the longest we've gone without doing it how she tried to get John to have sex, even getting some new lingerie, and still nothing.

Sally told her, "He must be getting some on the side. How can he turn you down with a body like that, and you why not too? It's only fair."

"There is a guy who saw you on our last girls' night. He's been asking Dave to ask me to set him up with you. We can double date."

"Sally, I won't cheat on John. I am sure something else is going on. He will tell in time."

The next day at work, I got a text from a number I didn't know said Sally gave me your number.

"Hi, this is Jim Garcia, a friend of Sally and Dave. I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Can we meet for a drink?"

Jill texted back," Jim, thank you, but I have to say no, I am a married woman. Please stop texting me."

At lunch, Jill called Sally, "what the hell, Sally are you doing giving my number out?"

"Oh, come on, Jill, he's doing it. You should too." Sally said.

Well, Jim keeps texting and calling and sometimes texting at night at home. Jim keeps telling me how sexy I looked and everything else a girl wants to hear. After another week of nothing. And Jim's calling and texting and Sally pushing, I told her ok next Friday.

So, when Amy and I went out to pick out a dress for her prom, Sally told me, "I sure get something for myself and to make you jealous, and when I got home, you would see what you are missing."

"Since you won't touch me anymore, I should find someone who would and just make you a cuckold," Sally told me.

"So that's when I got the LBD and this morning went to get my hair done. This whole week I have been on pins and needles, thinking you would notice how nervous I was."

"Sally and Dave were to meet us at the restaurant for dinner then onto dancing. Then back to the hotel for a wild night. I honestly don't know if I would at that time."

Jill went on, "So I got dressed up in my new bra and panties, and stocking put on my dress and heels. Call for a uber to get picked up, and yes, it felt good to be wanted. "

Jill looks over at me. All she saw was me crying. I didn't feel like a man anymore. I always did the little things to show her how much I love her. With all that was going in the last few weeks, I didn't know it came back to bite me. I lost my lover and wife.

He was saying all the right things I want to hear. We just sat down and ordered drinks when you called.

"Jim was not happy, but I told him I had to take the call. When you told me that your sister and Husband were in town and that you were dropping Bill off, I panic."

"So, I went with it's a girl's night thing hoping you buy it. Then a few minutes later, Lisa walked by the table. I knew it was this hotel. When she told both of us to stop over for a drink, I knew I was trouble deep."

"I told Jim sorry, but I can't do this. I have to get home before you did and ran out of there got a taxi pray that I got home before you did."

I swear, "John, I never have sex with him, just a quick kiss."

Jill took another sip. "I am so sorry I lost your trust, but I love you with all my heart."

"I let Sally and Jim get into my head, and if Lisa never stops at the table, I might have likely done the worst things. Your sister stopping at the table was a slap in the face. I need to see what I was doing."

"Please, John, can you forgive me? I will do anything to prove I only love you, and please forgive me."

Jill was crying and looking at me. I was crying too and seeing the love of my life hurting as much as I.

I took a sip of my drink. I have a lot of thinking to do.

Beauty I'd always missed

With these eyes before

Just what the truth is

I can't say anymore

Because I love you

Yes, I love you

Oh, how I love you

"Jill, I was there when you walked in. I saw how you dress for someone other than your husband. I called you from the bar. Do you know how much you hurt me? I know I am not the jock or the big muscle type."

"All my life, girls I liked and wanted to date but because I didn't fit that type of guy, John you're a great guy, but I think of you more like a brother, and they put me in the friend catalog Good enough to hang around but not seen with."

"They cried on my shoulder when their boyfriends cheated on them, who also are my friends. Asking where all the good guys are?"

"I wanted to shout right here in front of you. Then I met you."

"Why do you think it took me so long to get the courage to ask you out? Here is a gorgeous, beautiful, smart girl talking to me. She wanted to spend time with me. You were so out of my league."

I took another sip of my drink. "You saw something in me all the others never did. That is why I did whatever I could to make you happy. Yes, I know I put you up on a pedestal. That's how much I love you. That's why it hurts so much." I took another sip and just looked at Jill.

Jill took a sip looking at me, then put the glass down, stood up, walked over to me "standup," I did.

"John Banker, I love you till the end of time. What can I do to show the world that my man and knight in shine armor is the love of my life? I am so sorry, please. Can you forgive me?" And she gave me a deep kiss.

I kissed her cheek" I going to sleep in the guest room until I figure out what to do. Jill, I do love you, and that is what makes this so hard to understand."

Beauty I'd always missed

With these eyes before

Just what the truth is

I can't say anymore

Because I love you

Yes, I love you

Oh, how I love you

The following day after not sleeping that great, I went down for breakfast. I stop at the door looking at Jill in her pj's did nothing to hide her body. My god, how did I get so Lucky. Then the picture of her dress yesterday popped into my mind. Anger started to run thru my body. She happens to turn around as the hurt was on my face.

"John, have some coffee, please speak to me. I see the hurt in your face. I am asking again. Please forgive me."

She brought me my coffee and toast. Sat down next to me, she would generally sit at the other end of the table.

"John, I didn't sleep well, and I guess you didn't either. Please tell me, have you decided what we are going to do now?"

"Jill, you're right. I didn't sleep much. Not having sex with him was a big plus. If you did, we are over. The kiss I can overlook, but the way you dressed, and it was for someone else, and it wasn't for me."

I drank some coffee. "that's what I can't stop seeing and thinking in my head" My eyes started to water, and I had to look away. When I turn back, Jill was crying too.

Look, I have to run to the store and get stuff for the BBQ. I take JJ to help carry the stuff. I told them about 2. I got up, started to walk out, then stop and walked back and kiss Jill on the cheek. "I still love you," I texted JJ, saying I will pick him up to help me with the shopping.

Once John left, Jill called Lisa. "Lisa, it's Jill. Please don't hang up. I need to talk to you, will you meet me in the coffee shop. I know I screwed up, please."

"Sure, Jill, I would like to know also what's going on and what the hell you're were thinking."

Lisa was already waiting for Jill sitting down at a table in the back, drinking her coffee. Jill walked in, saw her, sat down a server walked over. "Coffee, please," Jill replied.

"Lisa, thank you for meeting me, and please don't judge me hard or quick."

So, Jill told her all that has been going on over the last four weeks. John's attitude and mood. And how Sally was filling her head with things. And Jim's texts and calls.

Just then, Jill's phone rang. It's Sally

; give me a second

"Jill, what the hell happened last night? Jim was mad as hell you ran out. We must have just missed you."

"Sally, I don't know why I even listened to you.

"Jill, don't let him talk you into anything. He needs to learn. Jim wants to meet with you again. So, get the LBD on. Tammie and I will pick you up.

I can't John's sister in town this weekend I call you Monday and what does "Tammie what does she have to do with this?"

"She the one who said John was cheating on you, and you need to teach him a lesson."

Jill got another call coming in. "Sally, I have to call you back. JJ is calling." Just before she ended the call, she heard Sally

"Jill, you need this, and you owe Jim. I call you back in a bit."

"Hi JJ, what's going on?'

"Mom, it's dad. He's in pain, bad pain. I am taking him to the hospital. Meet us there."

"Lisa tells Bill to meet us down here. JJ is rushing John to the hospital. Something is wrong, and it sounds bad."

When they got there, JJ was waiting. All he could say was dad double over in pain. I called Amy. She's on her way down. Just then, a doctor came out looking for John Banker's wife.

"I am Mrs. Banker. What's wrong with my husband?"

"I am Doctor Garcia. We think he had a panic attack. His heart rate was very high, and he had shortness of breath. We have given him something to get his heart rate down. Tell me has he been under a lot of stress lately?"

"This past month, he's been working late and seems to have other things on his mind. When will I be able to see him?" asked Jill.

"In a few minutes, we are running a few tests. Then someone will be out to get you."

They all went into the waiting room. Lisa pulled Jill off to the side.

"Jill, we have known each other for a long time. I see the pain and know you're telling me the truth. I believe John does too. And now it feels like high school all over again."

"Back in high school, John liked a girl who was dating his best friend. He never told anyone but me about her and his feeling."

"Well, one date they had another fight, and it looked like the big one to end it. For three weeks, John tried to get them together, but nothing worked."

"So, he got the cougar to asked her out when word got back to Peter, he found John and beat him pretty bad. That ended the friendship, and John stops hanging around his other friends and never saw the girl again. If she were walking down the hall, John would walk the other way."

"That's why he took forever to ask you out and why he is hurting so much."

A short time later, a nurse came out saying, "one can go in for right now." Jill got up follow her into the ER room. There, she saw John hook up to machines looking pale.

"John, what happened? Are you ok? What did the doctor say?"

"I am fine. We were walking into the store. It just hit me, you in that dress walking in with that guy. I couldn't get my breath started to feel sick, and getting light-headed, I fall to the floor. Thank God JJ was with me."

"John, please, I am so sorry you have to forgive me I know now why you were acting that way. I take that dress back. I wear whatever you want me to. Please believe me I love you, and I be lost if anything happens to you from now till the end of time."


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RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago
Another “writer” with wretched grammar and spelling…

…who doesn’t re-read or edit. One who spews word salad all over the page and expects the reader to try to make sense of it.

Please get an editor, or better yet, desist.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider19557 months ago

Oh isn't this just dandy. Another writer who can't finish a story. JPB is the worst, but there are so many others. You seem to be headed in that direction. 1 star is generous for this.

dikupinyadikupinya7 months ago

finish the story!!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

You need to proofread your work and outline your story before writing it. There was no coherent arc and

no ending. Keep practicing.

B3ndoverB3ndoverover 1 year ago

It made no sense

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What the fuck jumble of words did I just try ro read? Never again

WoodencavWoodencavalmost 2 years ago

Pathetic grammar! ⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I gave up shortly after 'Mood Blues night in what satin' when the text slipped suddenly from first person to third person and back again.

If you are intending to continue writing, I strongly suggest you take some lessons in how to write basic English. Your sentence structure is poor (at best), you seem to have little idea about punctuation and your characters are apparently incapable of speaking like normal people. I see that you have written two stories. If I were you I would stop now.

pummel187pummel187about 2 years ago

I love that song "nights in what satin" : )---

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Your a new writer so here is some advise.. DO NOT start a story if you are not prepared to finish it. Try to be as realistic as possible. Best fiction is believable. I do not know if your writing/views shows a big generation gap/difference. In mine a man/husband would not have walked out of that restaurant to go home and go thru the 'why me,why me' scenario, then cry through her explanations. Any man?/husband like that does not deserve any respect nor a decent wife. In real life he would have addressed the issue right there and there in the restaurant,with both of them.. Having given my opinion, I applaud effort. JZK

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Good try at writing. Get an editor soon. John is kind of wimpy...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Get an editor for God's sake

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
Monsieur is right

Go learn how to write before posting anything else

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It had potential but seriously needs a good editor to get things in order.


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