Not His Best Trait


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"Such a bad girl," he growled, drawing out the final syllables.

Chad's eyes were alight. My stomach turned in fear. His hand flashed out to seize my upraised wrist. He squeezed, making me cry out. He grabbed my other arm, pulling it out from under me. I fell back against the rock, wind knocked out of me.

Chad released my arms and lifted my other leg onto his shoulder. He leaned over and bent me in two. I squealed and put a hand on his chest and another beneath his chin, pushing his head back. He let me struggle futilely against his weight and strength as he lifted me, scooting me up the rock and creating space. He climbed onto the rock with me and paused, his cock poised at my entrance.

"Give me your pussy."


"Give it up, Robin. You know you want to feel this."

I did. God help me, I really did.

"I'll make you cum so hard you'll pass out," Chad promised.

It sounded like a boast, but wasn't that what Tracy had said? I trembled, terrified and excited by the big man looming over me. I shouldn't fuck him, I really shouldn't, he's an asshole, he doesn't care about me. But even as I was thinking that, another set of thoughts made my pussy clench with desire. Look at him. Look how big he is. That amazing dick. Those orgasms. They were good. He's so good.

A tiny nod. That's all I could muster.

"FUCK!" I wailed, my arms losing strength as Chad's thick cock tunneled into my tight pussy.

The burn! I was wet but not wet enough. Soft tissues complained as hard dick pushed and stretched, forcing my pussy open. I hissed, shocked at the pain. Why had I thought I'd enjoy this? Anger and shame flooded back in. I'd made a huge mistake. Chad's expression had shifted into a pleasurable wince, but his eyes never left mine. I bunched my fists to punch him--his face was in easy range now--but he caught both my wrists in his big hand.

"No more of that," he said and slammed my arms against the rock above my head.

"Fucker!" I cried out.

I looked down at the painful penetration expecting to see something horrible. To my shock, he'd given me just a couple inches of his dick--there was so much more to go! As I watched, Chad withdrew to the barest touch and thrust. He didn't make it very far and still I screamed, pussy muscles tensing into a stranglehold around his cock. He was so thick!

"Relax," Chad huffed. "Take your first real cock like a big girl."

I conjured some saliva and spat. The blob missed his face, striking his thick neck, but the point was made.

"Fuck. Even better than I thought."

That's when I finally realized my struggling turned him on. It was too late, though. Chad pumped his cock into me. He sank a tiny bit deeper with each push, opening me up.

I tried hard to sustain my anger and annoyance. I tried to focus on how little he cared about me. But my rebellious pussy decided it liked thick cock. My clit's short memory recalled those first two orgasms. Pleasure crept in behind the pain of his thick insertion. I tried to look out at the boulders instead of at his gorgeous face and hardpacked body, but my eyes kept returning to Chad, drawn like a magnet to witness his easy possession of my pussy.

I whimpered with each quick stroke. My hips curled toward his thick root, trying to get a little more. Chad made a few soft, pleasurable grunts as he fucked me. The tension grew, my body responding. He had me pinned, my wrists popping in his strong grip, and, still, a part of me wanted him to claim me, to thrust deeper and harder and take all that he could.

"No," I said, pitifully, regret and fear clogging my throat. "No."

This was it. If I came like this, held down on a rock with his big dick inside me, I'd lose a piece of myself. I'd known it, ignored it, but now the moment had arrived: I would lose what I'd always thought about myself.

Chad's smile was knowingly smug. "Try to convince yourself."

I clamped my mouth shut.

"Come on. Try."

"Go away."

"I won't stop at three. How many do you want?"

"Fuck off."

"Five? Six? Tell me how many you want. You can say no each time--your body will always say yes."

His thrusts grew faster. My pussy squelched as his thick dick plundered. His hand found my breast. I peered down and saw his powerful grip envelop the big globe.

"I like these," he murmured.

I moaned and tilted my chest into his hand. He smirked, pleased, and slowed his hips, grinding his cock into my pussy, making me feel each hard, thick inch. I made an incoherent cry as he slowly stuffed my pussy the way he'd stuffed my face. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop him.

"Poor Ryan. Now I'll be three times better than him."

He reached down and rubbed my clit. The dam was going to break; I only had so many fingers for the dike.

"You're su--."

But it was too late for foolish claims. My breath caught. My hips bucked, my pussy wrapping and squeezing his awesome length. My back arched, the crown of my head tilting to rub against the rough, fabric-covered rock. My arms jerked, pulling at my imprisoned wrists. The pleasure squeezed me in its heated grip.

It couldn't hold Chad, though, who kept moving, kept caressing. The orgasm spiraled higher. Thought fizzed. Pressure, so much pressure, making me writhe, making me burst. Boom, boom, boom.

I sucked in a breath--finally--and whined. A halo of brightly colored light spiraled about the edges of my vision. Hot pussy juice ejected from my slit. I was whimpering. I was weeping. The little death. I shuddered and a sudden flow of tears spilled across my cheeks. So beautiful, so beautiful.

"Fuck," Chad said. "That was a big one."

I could barely see, his heavy body and pretty face a blur.

Chad moved off the rock. He pushed my legs off his shoulders and tugged my thighs against his waist. He pulled on my wrists, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"Hold on," he ordered.

Prudent given my woozy state.

Chad curled a strong arm about my middle and lifted, tucking his other arm under my butt. My body flopped against his chest. I was so befuddled after my massive climax that I felt warm and safe in his arms. Earlier I'd had a nice daydream about being held by strong, muscular Chad; now it was coming true.

That only lasted a moment, though.

Chad shifted, pulling my body away from his torso. A huge wedge of flesh found its way between my legs. Before I could react, Chad pulled me onto his cock.

"Ohhh!" I howled as Chad's huge dick speared my pussy. He went deep in a single thrust, a loud pfffft sound accompanying his entrance as his massive cock drove air and slick from my unprepared snatch.

"Oh god. Oh god, it's--." I dropped my forehead to Chad's hard shoulder, unable to express the intensity of what I was feeling. He was so--fucking--big. I'd never been so full, so utterly stretched.

"Oh yeah," Chad sighed, withdrawing slowly, "you're wet enough."

I shook my head. "No more."

Chad laughed. "This is my favorite position, especially for entitled bitches like you. I'm going to fuck you stupid."

He thrust, hard dick forcing its way through stiff muscle and tight flesh. I groaned.

"Please. Chad, I can't."

"I like it when you beg." The dick inside me flexed and hardened. Chad gave me shallow strokes, just a bare rocking of his hips.

"You're--fuck--you're too big."

"You're too tight," Chad said, withdrawing his cock by pulling my pelvis straight out from his body as before. "But I'll fix that." He yanked me back in.

"Chad, please!" I whined, the sound tinny and weak. I would adjust to his size, but it wasn't happening fast enough.

"Good thing Ryan's gonna help you hike down."

Chad lifted me upward until just the tip of his dick remained within my pussy. He held me there, poised. I locked eyes with him, shocked and scared at how empty I felt.

His upper lip curled into a wolfish snarl. "You're definitely not going to be able to walk after this."

He dropped me on his cock.

The scream that erupted from my throat began at my pussy opening, and was driven up through my body by the colossal cock slamming into me. Birds erupted from a nearby tree, startled by the unholy shriek. Chad's huge cock stretched every fold of my vagina and rammed against my cervix, a massive mallet against a meager gong. A peal of pain resounded through my body, and I shuddered in shock and agony.

Before I could recover, he did it again. Chad lifted me to the precipice, arms flexing, shoulders rippling, until just the tiniest bit of his cock was within me. He waited, making me feel his control, his strength. There was no strain on his face. He held me up with ease like a fussy toddler. Then, he lowered me with the combined power of muscle and gravity.

I'd never experienced anything like that incredible stroke of cock. I couldn't help but scream from the pain and--holy shit--the pleasure, too. The bliss of the thickest dick reaching so, so deep, rubbing every nerve, every spot, stamping the outermost point. The pleasure of being taken, completely and totally.

Chad did it again. Lift, pause, thrust. I had no control.

And again. Lift, pause, thrust. Totally at his mercy.

On the fifth immense stroke, I shook as he raised me, rattled as he held me aloft, and fractured as he rammed home. I shattered. I didn't climax; I disintegrated. His huge dick broke me. The world went white; I couldn't see. My mouth opened in a howl I couldn't hear.

I blacked out--I lost time. Just as he'd promised.

When I finally came to, I was clinging to Chad and sobbing. I'd smeared drool and tears across his shoulder and chest. As awareness returned, I noticed that I was rocking back-and-forth. Chad hadn't stopped--Chad never seemed to stop. He was still fucking me. Not huge, dominating thrusts, just a regular shuttling, almost lazy compared to what had come before.

Again, I felt used, but it was hard to summon any anger. I was exhausted.

When I shifted in his arms, he remarked, "Four times better."

"You're--." My pussy convulsed and I whimpered. "You're such a jerk."

"Ready to go again?"

"Chad," I made his name a plea.

It didn't do any good. He picked up the pace, fucking me faster and faster, hips slapping hips. He was a bucking bronco with a huge cock, taking every inch of me. It hurt like hell: my pussy felt abraded, my thighs ached, my ankle throbbed, my cervix twinged. I needed this beast to cum, and I knew only one strategy.

I wrapped my hand about his thick neck and squeezed. "Bastard," I shouted.

He laughed and fucked me harder. His neck was thickly muscled and I could barely apply pressure. I tried an earlier tactic: I slapped him.

"Fucking asshole!" I cried, hand whipping across his face.

Anger curled his lip. He growled and hauled my pelvis close, screwing his hips. I shrieked. Shit, I was getting wet again. The struggle was making me hot. Maybe I liked it, too?

"Put me down!" I screamed. I didn't have much in the way of nails, but I dug them into his chest. I grabbed one of his nipples, but he slapped my hand away.

"Crazy bitch," Chad rumbled.

He lifted me off his dick, spun me around and tossed me belly first onto the rock. I hit hard, jarring my knee against the boulder and jamming my sprained ankle. I cried out. He was on me in the next second, spreading my legs with his knees and lining up his dick. He surged inside, going deep in one powerful thrust. In this new position, his thick cock slid past my cervix and struck some other spot, some sensitive niche deep within.

"Fuuuuck!" I cried in shocked delight. What was that? No one had ever touched that place before.

Chad hit it again. He hit it and hit it and hit it. I turned into a babbling lunatic.

"Fuck me, Chad, yes, fuck me, oh god, oh god, yes, fuck me!"

"Cum on my cock," Chad grunted.

I was already there. My pussy was babbling, too, rippling and clutching in wild spasms. Chad pounded into me, each thrust of his big dick sliding oh-so-deep. The orgasm didn't end--it kept going, I kept rising. I scrabbled at the rough surface of the boulder, seeking purchase, seeking a tether to earth. But I was still rising, the pleasure endless, the world spiraling away into ecstasy. I was a woman riding a shockwave, blown skyward by a wild explosion. Boom! I bucked and squirmed. My whimpers became feral, incoherent cries.

Chad rolled over top of me, his big body encasing mine, holding me down. I was out of control, and Chad wanted to control me. His breath was hot on the side of my face. A drop of his sweat pattered onto my cheek. He slammed his hips hard into me and held. He crushed me into the rough rock. Between boulder and body the hardest feature was still his thick, iron dick stretching my pussy.

He felt immense inside me, steely and rigid, impervious to my feeble squeezes. My pussy fluttered about his length like a moth flitting against the saber tooth of a jungle cat. Rock dug into my breasts, Chad's muscled chest crushed my shoulder blades. His relentless dick imprinted its shape into my vagina.

I shifted, trying for a comfortable position, falling now, falling. I shuddered beneath him, moaning against the rock, the sound deep and guttural. I didn't want the pleasure to end. I knew pain was on the other side--the pain in my ankle, the pain of Chad's size, the pain of broken promises. I wanted to stay in the disorienting ecstasy of this endless orgasm.

But Chad wouldn't let me. He remained still, big hard body imprisoning my small one, cock a thick spear in my cunt--a reminder of his dominance.

"How about that," Chad said, "beneath the schoolmarm there's a wildcat."

"Get off me."

"Really?" He nudged my pelvis, the slight movement setting off aftershocks of bliss. "How many times now?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do. How many times?"

"I don't care about your stupid game."

"Speaking of games, I play all of them better than your 'boyfriend.'"

"I said I don't care."

"Oh, I know what you care about," Chad said, withdrawing and thrusting--long, slow, delicious.

I shivered in delight and moaned. I couldn't believe my body still wanted this, still wanted him.

"Feel good?"

"Yes," I admitted. No sense in lying now.

"Such a cheating slut."

My lidded eyes popped open. All I could do was wriggle, so I wriggled hard.

Chad snorted. He responded with another lazy withdrawal and soft, slow thrust. I tried not to react, but it felt so good--I clamped my mouth shut, but he still heard the quiet moan.

"I'll give you more," he said, "just admit what you are."

I screwed my eyes shut as if I could somehow make him disappear. I dug my teeth into my lip.

"You're awful."

"Not that awful." Chad rocked his hips. "I'll make you scream again. Promise. Just tell me--between us."

A few words. That was it. They gave him power, I knew that, but he already had most of it. I'd handed over my self-respect, the trust in my relationship. What were a few words?

"I'm a cheating slut."

Chad hummed his approval and gave me another beautiful thrust, making me whimper. "That's right. Tell me again."

"I'm a cheating slut." Shame rose to gag me, pleasure to grab me. An exquisite mix.

Chad kept his upper body against mine, our skin hot and slick where we touched, heavy ridges of muscle pressing into my soft back. His lower body moved slowly, sensuously, as he stroked me with his long, thick cock.

"I'm a cheating slut," I whimpered, this time without any encouragement.

"Yes," Chad agreed.

He stroked my hair, his thumb tracing across my hairline. I liked this closeness, this odd, dominating tenderness. Tears formed in my eyes, strange, conflicting feelings roiling my belly, constricting my chest.

"I'm a cheating slut." This time a whisper. I could barely breathe.

"And what am I?" Chad asked, hips moving a bit faster, rocking me.

The added friction was welcome, breaking my spiraling confusion. Still, I didn't understand.


"What am I now, little slut? Still the asshole?" He circled his hips, screwing his cock into me, lighting up my pussy.

"Oh fuck!" I cried.

"Tell me, or I'll stop."

That was the last thing I wanted. "No! No, don't stop."

"What am I?"

"A stud." It was the first thing that came to mind.

"Good start." Chad put on a bit more speed. God, he moved so well, so fluidly, each thrust filling me to the brim. The delicious pleasure jangled my thoughts.

"You're so good!"

"I know."

"Your dick. It's amazing."

"I know."

"You're--." A familiar, coiling tension was growing. I was struggling. "You're a warrior, a gorgeous fucking warrior god."

Chad laughed. "No one's ever called me that before."

He levered off me and seized my hips, lifting my pelvis a few inches off the boulder and ramping up to pounding speed. I squealed with joy and pressed my arms against the rock to take my weight. This is what I wanted. Annihilation. This is what Chad was good at.

"What about your boyfriend?" Chad growled.

I didn't want to think about Ryan.

Chad pulled out and let go of my hips. My pelvis plopped to the rock. My pussy clenched on nothing.

"No!" I cried, glaring at Chad over my shoulder.

He stroked his huge, slick cock, a fierce expression on his face. With his free hand, he slapped my ass. The sharp sting made me hiss. I opened my mouth to cuss, but he talked over me.

"What about your boyfriend?"

I knew what he wanted to hear; I'd learned some things about Chad. I knew what would make him fuck me, what would make him cum.

"He's a really nice--." I yelped as he struck my other cheek. "Kind and--. Ow!"

Now my ass was going to hurt like everywhere else. Chad caressed the cheek after striking it, though, and something about his hand there, the fingers long and thick, the palm dense with turned me on.

"I love his--."

"No!" Chad said, tone as sharp as his spanking.

He wasn't angry, though, with his eyes glinting and his nostrils flared, breath harsh. He was an attack dog on a flimsy leash.

"He can't fuck me the way you do," I purred, shimmying my butt against his palm. "You're so much bigger."

Chad licked his lips, staring at my behind.

"Compared to yours, he's got a little baby dick. I can barely feel it."

A rumble of satisfaction resounded in Chad's muscled chest. His hand shuttled faster along his thick cock, the rounded head swelling with blood, growing purple.

"You're so much stronger. A real man. He's never picked me up. He's never made me cum like that."

Chad slapped his big cock on my reddened butt cheek.

"God, you're huge. Please, stud, fuck me. Fuck me, you big Marine. Make me cum like my boyfriend never will."

With a growl of desire, Chad flipped me like a pancake into the middle of the rock. He climbed up after me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he drove his cock into my pussy. The thick tip parted and stretched my pussy lips, and then he was in me, striking deep, his long, thick shaft cleaving my sore flesh, the burning stretch now welcome.

Chad's hand clamped over one of my breasts as he set a relentless pace. I whimpered with each powerful shove.

"Yes, yes, fuck me, yes, don't stop, don't stop."

"I won't stop until you cum, you cheating slut."

Chad's rough palm abraded my nipple, his fingers curling and squeezing my soft flesh. My other boob flopped across my chest as he fucked me. His eyes locked on its motion, glinting with lust.

I goaded him, "big, you're so big, so much harder, so much better."

Chad began to grunt with each thrust, his muscles tensed. He trembled. He was losing control, but even now near his peak he wanted me to cum. I wanted it, too. I grabbed the hand at my breast and dragged it to my throat. Chad's eyebrows rose in surprise, but then his lips curled into a pleased, arrogant smirk. He squeezed the muscles along the side of my neck. I gasped, curling my neck toward his strong grip.