Not This Time


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By bedtime, she seemed a little more relaxed.

"Hey, what's in the bag? I forgot to ask earlier."

"Oh, at lunch, I got a new pair of heels for work and a few new skirts." Just then, her phone went off. She looked at it and typed something back.

"Who's that at this time of night?"

Maddie said, "It was Jill. She wants to do lunch. With this new job, we don't seem to get together as much. So, she just sent a text to remind me."

She looked at it again. It was from Richard, 'remember, wear the heels and skirt you don't want the pictures sent to her husband, do you?'

Maddie typed back, 'No, I will wear them, but I have never walked in anything that high before.'

Maddie wondered, 'How am I going to walk in 5" heels?'

I looked at Maddie when she came down to go to work and said jokingly, "Uhm, honey, I think you grabbed the wrong heels and skirt. Those are your date night heels, and that skirt is a little shorter than you normally wear."

"Dammit, your right!" But I am running late. So, I will make sure to sit most of the day.

"Paul, I love you." She gave me a quick kiss, and off she went.

Something didn't feel right. So, I called Donna and told her, "I might be late or not at all. I told her that everything is alright and that I was just taking a personal day. And if something important comes up, call me."

Then I called Doug and asked him if he had time to meet.

Doug said," Anytime works for me. How about in 30 minutes?"

I got to Doug's law firm, and we went into his office.

"OK, Paul, what's up? I can tell something is on your mind."

I told him what had been going on the last few weeks with Maddie," Maybe I am a going nut's I don't know."

Then I told him how she went to work dressed.

" Hold on while I make a quick call."

"OK, Paul, I got someone coming over. I knew something was not right when you guys were over the other day. Even Sally said something after you left. Sally had a feeling something big was on Maddie's mind, but Maddie never said anything."

Doug continued," Look, Paul, I have worked with a guy from time to time on a few cases. He's excellent." A few minutes later, Mark walked in. We went over what I had told Doug.

Mark said, "OK, first let's check your house. If you have a bug, we need to find it. Think about whether there is anything that doesn't look right in the house. Then, go home call this number saying you need a plumber. We'll come over and do this thing, and I will run a sweep. Also, what's Maddie's cell phone number."

I looked at Doug and Mark," what the hell is going on with you two?"

"If you permit me, I am going to hack into her cell phone and check her text messages. If this guy is threatening her, it will help us. We'll meet back here at 4. One more thing Paul. You must act like you know Nothing, and I mean Nothing."

Mark told Doug, "Invite Paul and Maddy over tonight. I'll stop by to say 'hi' or something. That will give me a chance to give her phone a good look. Paul, text Maddie that Doug invited you both over tonight, and let's see what happens."

Paul texted Maddie, 'Hey Maddie, Doug asked us over tonight at about 7. I told him yes. I will make a light dinner and see you when you get home. I love you.'

Doug tried to be reassuring, "Paul, Maddie loves you. If she's not acting right because of this Livingston guy, Mark will find out."

ON the driving home, my head was spinning. What the hell is going on?

When I got home, I went into the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes. I made it sound like the garbage disposal was not working and called the number Mark gave me. About half an hour later, they showed up. While Peter looked at the disposal, Mark did his thing. In about 10 minutes, he looked at Peter.

Peter told me, "Sorry, your disposal shot. I'll have a new one by this afternoon, and I can be back here tomorrow morning."

"OK, maybe my wife can be here. I have a meeting. How about I call you in the morning? If Maddie can take time off, you can come over in the afternoon."

"That works. It should take about an hour, give or take."

I decided to go to work for a bit. When I got into my office Donna, who has been with the company from day one, knew something was not right. She walked into my office with a cup of coffee, "Out with it! You have that blank and deep in thought look just like your father used to have" She closed the door and sat down.

" It's Nothing. I have a lot on my mind."

Donna looked at me," Bullshit! Tell the truth, Paul. I have watched you grow up. So out with it."

I told her about Maddie getting a promotion out of the blue to be a PA with some guy named Livingston. She had never applied for the job. Donna's face had that surprised look you see when you know something terrible was coming.

"A Richard Livingston?" Donna asked.

"Yes. do you know Livingston?"

She looked at me and said, "I'll be right back." She left and was back in under a minute. She handed me an envelope in my dad's writing with my name on it. "Your father told me to give this to you if that name ever came up again. He wrote it right after the divorce was final." She then walked out of my office and closed the door behind her.

Inside were the divorce documents. The man named was the same, but it was Livingston the 2nd, not the 3rd. It was the same company that took my mother away from my father. He laid it all out how Livingston had done it. He saw mom at another event and planned the whole thing for the next event. Sent small gifts to her workplace and invited her to lunch to talk about donations to her favorite charity. It all ended that night where he took her away for the weekend in front of my dad. 'My god, he is planning on doing it to me at the event this Saturday night!'

Maddie got the text I sent about going over Sally and Doug's and about garbage disposal is broken. So, she was going to have to take tomorrow off. Just as she was going to answer back, Richard called her into his office. As Maddie walked in, he looked over, seeing her in those heels and skirts. He was not sure he could wait till the weekend.

"You have the report. Let me see it. Also, unbutton the top two buttons of your blouse.

Now! "Richard said in a forceful voice.

"Richard, please stop. I can't do this! Please, it was a mistake that night. I don't even remember doing that. Please stop doing this to me. I will quit and never say a word. "Maddie pleaded.

"Oh, Maddie," Richard said, "Do you want me to send those pictures to your husband? I get what I want, and in 3 weeks, so will the rest of the board when I take you away from your husband for the weekend. Now the buttons."

With head down, Maddie slowly unbuttoned the top two buttons.

" Tomorrow, wear a short skirt, those heels, and something sexy under your top. Leave the top three buttons undone."

" Richard, I can't make it tomorrow. I need the day off. We are having garbage disposal put in, and Paul has an important meeting."

Richard was quiet for a moment, "OK, I will text you what I want, and you better do it or else."

Maddie walked back toward her desk but instead went to the ladies' room and cried. She texted Paul, 'OK, we will talk about it tonight.' Thinking how she could end this.

Will he ever forgive me?'

After I went over the divorce papers, I told Donna, "I'll be out the rest of the day." Then I just drove around thinking. 'How could she?' Yes, I've only known her for just under two years, but the way Sally talked about her, I thought I knew her well enough. When I looked at the time, it was almost 4, so I headed over to Doug's office.

Mark was already there. Doug pulled out a bottle and poured each of us a drink. I look at them both, thinking this is not going to be good.

"OK, this is bad if you brought out a bottle, so just out with it. "

Mark said, "There is no way around it, so here it is. Livingston is blackmailing her into having sex and setting her up to take her away from you."

I just sat there looking out into space. Then, finally, I pulled the papers out and handed them to them both. "It's all there how Richard's his father did it to my dad. Mark, are you sure she cheated?"

"Paul, there is no doubt. I was able to pull these pictures off her phone with the text. It's going to be a shock, but please look," Mark said.

Mark handed them over. There was Maddie with Richard's head sucking her nipple and between her legs. Another with her on her knees. The last one showed her with her face covered in his sperm, holding his dick. Her wedding ring was showing, and she was wearing the necklace he gave her. The one I gave her was missing. Various text messages saying how great a night it was and that they would be doing it a lot more unless Maddie wanted them sent to her husband. There was more, but I stopped reading.

Mark and Doug were going over the papers. I just kept looking at the pics. Something that didn't look right. I jumped up, yelling, "Hey guys, that's not Maddie! "

"Paul, are you sure? I mean, I know this comes as a shock," Doug replied.

"'NO! It's not her! Look at the ring! The hearts are facing the wrong way. It should be facing toward her, not away like mine. Also, Doug, I bet Sally can agree with me on this, but Maddie has a small birthmark just under her, Uhm left breast. This must-have happened a few weeks ago when she went out after work.

"A few of the girls brought her home, and she was a little drunk. She couldn't remember a lot. She told me she had about three drinks. Look at the pic. It's a clear shot of the left breast, and there is no birthmark.

"OK, guys, now what do we do?"

Mark was quick, "I have a plan." He told us his plan. "OK, everyone got it. I'll see you guys tonight.

"Paul, remember to talk about yours and her day."

Paul could see Maddie was a little uptight when she got home. "Hey honey, have a glass of wine. We don't need to be there till 7.

"Go get changed, and I'll make a light dinner."

When Maddie came down, she relaxed, and over dinner, we talked about the day. I told her I took the day off and had lunch with Doug. And about the disposal. "How was work today?"

Maddie looked a little tense, "Nothing big to report. I did talk to Richard about taking tomorrow off, no trouble. I can work from home while I wait for the plumber."

We headed over to Doug's and Sally's house. Mark was there with his wife. Just before we got out, I handed Maddie a note. 'Don't say a word. Leave your phone in the car. When we get inside, act normal. Maddie will explain all. Trust me.'

She looked at me and nodded. When we walked in, Sally was there and Mark's wife as well.

Doug and Sally began, "Maddie, Paul, great that you could make it. We have big news. Meet Mark's wife, Lindsey." Lindsey did a quick scan of Maddie and nodded to Mark.

They both replied," Nice to meet you both."

After everyone was sitting, Mark started to talk, "Maddie, it is nice to meet you, and I am sure you have a few questions."

Mark smiled, "Paul felt something was not right with you.

Mark then turned to Paul, "OK, Paul, you're on."

I looked over at Maddie," I have had this feeling that something is going on, but this morning with the way you dressed and considering how you have been acting the last few weeks, I decided to talk to Doug. He mentioned that Sally said the same thing to him Saturday after we left. That's when he called Mark. I did this because I love you, and I am sorry for breaking your trust."

"OK, Mark, it's your show now."

"Maddie, after talking with Paul, I hacked into your phone."

She looked over at me with those eyes. "Oh god!" I grabbed her hands.

Mark went on." I found the pictures and the texted messages." He pulled them out but didn't show them.

"Paul also had a letter and the divorced papers from his dad." They show how Richard's dad was able to do what he did. Richard is following the same plan. We know this and have one of our own. Now for the hard part. You will need to do whatever he asks until the event. Before you say a word, trust us, you won't be left alone with him at the event. There will be a few embarrassing moments at work, but I don't think he will do anything there. I am sure of that. The big moment when he makes his move will be at the event. ``

Maddie looked at all of us and started to cry. "Please forgive me."

I hugged her and laid the pictures on the table on the table.

Maddie lost it," Why are you showing them to my friends! How could you! I thought you loved me, Paul."

"Maddie, I do with my whole heart," Paul told her. "Look, I want to show you something, and it will make everything clear."

"The girl in the pictures is not you. Look, the ring is all wrong. The hearts are facing away from you, not toward you, and this one, your, um, the birthmark is missing. Also, they rebuttoned your blouse and put mayo around your mouth and neck. So, when they dropped you off, they would know that I would see it. It would harden and have the cum look and crusty feel. If you saw it, you would think you gave him a BJ. I noticed it when I was cleaning you up."

"We did that to guys at college who passed out. It was mean but funny as hell the next morning. He is setting you up to take you away for a weekend of sex, and then I am sure whenever he wants after that, just like his dad did to my mother. After that, he would have new pictures of you to keep control of you and me to some extent. At least until I had enough of being your cuckold and divorced you."

Maddie picked them up and took a closer look at them, and saw I was right. "OH god, Paul, I thought if you found out, you would leave me. I swear I don't remember that night. I have been feeling guilty ever since."

She planted a kiss on me.

Mark said," OK, let's talk about the plan."

The next day over breakfast, Paul told Maddie, "You know what? I think I'll stay home. I'll wait for the plumber. Why don't you go to work."?

Maddie said, "That would be great, but I already told them I wouldn't be in and that I will be working from home. Besides, a down day would feel great, I don't have to dress up, and I can get that report finished for the big meeting and the charity event at the end of the week."

"OK, I am going to be outside doing yard work. If you need anything, just call."

A few minutes later, Maddie's phone got a text. It was Richard. 'What's your husband doing home? That's not going to change a thing. A package will be delivered soon. Follow the instructions.'

Maddie texted back, 'how do you know my husband is home? Are you watching me? I can't do this anymore, Richard, please stop. If Paul finds out, I don't know what he will do.'

Richard texted back, 'Oh, Madison, this ends when I say so, I will always know what you are doing. Now get rid of your husband so we can have fun. It's picture day.


Maddie called me into the house, "Can you do something for me?" She put down her phone so that I could see the text.

" Can you run these things over to Doug? I promised Sally I would return them, but I don't think I have time with everything going on today. "

" Sure. I'll see if Doug what's to grab an early lunch. I'll be back about two. If you need me back sooner, call. Love you."

When the package arrives, Maddie opens it. Inside was lingerie and a note. The note told her to put them on and take a picture of each. Richard would pick the best one for her to wear the night of the event.

'Oh my god' There were three outfits and a smaller box at the bottom. Maddie opened it to see handcuffs and a leather collar with post-it notes. You will be wearing these and your heels in our room at the end of the night.

Maddie felt like she was going to be sick. 'This plan better work' She dressed in each outfit and took a picture of each.

Maddie got into work the next day dressed the way Richard wanted. She had no sooner gotten to her desk when Richard opened his door and told her to come into his office." let me see the pictures." He looked them over, "Nice, very nice.

"You will wear the teal one Saturday night at the event. I will send you a dress to wear as well. Tell your husband you got it a few days ago when it arrives."

"Yes, Richard," Maddie said, "but we have another problem, Richard."

"Oh?" Richard said, "What's that? Is hubby mad or something and doesn't want to go? Well, too bad you better make sure he goes."

Maddie said, "No, he will be there.

Since this all started that night, I have not been with him out of feeling guilty. I've done other things to keep him happy. I have been lying to him about why we can't. "

" I can't because I am pregnant, and it's yours. "

Richard looked at her, "You're sure it's mine?"

Maddie told him," I haven't been with anyone else. I will be divorcing him after the weekend. I will see a lawyer Monday so we can be together. "

Richard sat down and looked up at her, "Go back to work while I think. It won't change what's going to happen after the event." Richard thought, 'This is even better. It's going to be easier to take her away and make her husband think the baby is mine when it's his all along.'

"So," I said, "That brings us back to what's in it for me.

"You see, Dick, Maddie is going home with me tonight.

"Tell me what you thought of her birthmark? I find it cute and beautiful.

"What's the matter, Dick, oh that's right, you never saw it did you. These pictures you have are fake, right down to the ring facing the wrong way."

That's when Lindsey walked over to the table and asked, are you Richard Livingston 2nd and are you Richard Livingston 3rd?

They both said yes Richard asked, "Who you are."

Lindsey then looked at Amy." And you must be Amy Hugh's Livingston 2nd". Amy nodded.

" You all have been served. All 3 of you for sexual harassment in the workplace, emotional distress to start." Then she walked away.

I looked at Amy, "My God, what kind of wife and mother you are. Pimping for your husband and son. That won't get you the mother of the year award."

That's when Mark appeared," Mr. and Mrs. Richard Livingston 2nd and Richard Livingston 3rd my name is special agent Mark Longo of the FBI you all are under arrest for blackmail, unlawful detention, extortion, wiretapping, and sex trafficking to start."

As Richard was begin taken away, I stepped in front of them and looked right at Richard, "See Dick, what's in it for me? Well, the look on your face right now and no, Madison is not pregnant yet, but she is coming home with me! "

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Decent story. But Richard was so over the top. No way those tactics worked 24 times in a row. Just not believable. Even in a fictional setting. And the blackmail threat was weaksauce. Just say he has pictures and wants me to have sex with him. "I don't remember. Think I was drugged , etc.". Defangs the predator. Better yet, record Richard during one of his blackmail taunts at work. Take info to hubby. Get a lawyer. Sue. Her coming forward, even IF the pictures looked real (though a digital forensic scientist can pick then apart if fake), means something big. Getting revenge on Tichard even more. Even if the MC had not noticed the defects in the photos, they should have been able to reconcile. Maddie was being horribly tormented and extorted. Wven if something happened the first time, it is his duty to protect her and their marriage when a predator like Richard is going so far over the top.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow, I'm shocked by the 4 and 5 reviews. This possibly had the germ of a decent story but the composition is a jumbled mess, in my opinion. Like you had thoughts in your mind that didn't reach the text presented. Better luck in the future.

Sumnut96Sumnut9611 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

FBI don't move that fast.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Really nice! 5 stars

Helen1899Helen189911 months ago

Good plot, not the best delivery.

AstordatairAstordatair12 months ago

Excellent plot! I loved it! 5⭐

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Confusing flow. But not bad.

nixroxnixroxover 1 year ago

1 star - bad idea and poorly executed - waste of time

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