Nothing in Life is Free Ch. 07


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I waited in the shop for a while before Nikki and Peter came back out from behind the counter. Nikki smiled, holding her new phone in its new bright red case while Peter looked somewhat sheepish and wouldn't make eye contact with me.

As we left the store Nikki turned and gave Peter a big smile and a wave, "Bye, Peter! Thank you!"

"Uh, thank you." He said.

On the way back to the car I asked, "Did you have fun?"

Nikki nodded and said, "Yeah! He's cute."

As soon as we got back to the car Nikki 'Air Dropped' three photos to my phone. The first one was of Peter standing in front of the wire shelves stacked with inventory; his pants and underwear were around his ankles and his erection pointed up at a 45º angle as he stared into the camera. The second photo was of Nikki's long slender fingers wrapped around Peter's short fat cock and the third was a close up of the tip of his cock in her cum filled palm.

Nikki laughed and said, "He touched my titty and came really quick."

"Yeah, young guys often do. They can usually get it back up again pretty quickly though."

"His didn't even get soft at all." She said, sounding impressed.

"You would've like to blow him too, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah. I kind of wanted him to fuck me but I didn't ask for permission first so I didn't."

"Why do you like doing that if you don't even get off?"

"I like dicks. I like playing with them. They're cool. Testicles are fun too. I feel powerful when I can make a guy cum. I can make boys do whatever I want by making them cum. I got a free case just for giving Peter a handjob, didn't I?"

"Yeah. You got a free place to live too."

She went silent and seemed to pout for a minute.

"I'm sorry Nikki. That wasn't very nice of me."

"It's OK. You're right. That's what I did but I really do love you, Bishop. I really do."

"We both used each other, Nikki, but I love you too. I really do."

Nikki played with her new phone in the car all the way home.

We pulled into the garage and I said, "I'm glad you like it. Now you can call or text me anytime."

"Yeah, I can send you pictures too." She looked over at me a grinned widely.

"Sure, but if you ever have a question about a situation or you need help or advice you can always call or text me for anything, OK?"

"I will." She beamed and snapped a selfie sending it to my phone. I saved the photo of her and assigned a special ring-tone for her in my phone.

"Are you too excited to eat, or should we start making some dinner?"

"I'm hungry." She shoved the phone into her pocket and we walked through the side door of the garage, across the patio and into the kitchen.

I made hamburgers and fries for dinner which was always a hit with Nikki. She started fiddling with her phone as she ate and I asked her not to. "I know it's new and I know it's fun but please don't use it at the table when we're eating. OK?"

"Oh. OK." She put the phone in her back pocket and we enjoyed a pleasant meal and some laughs before retiring to the living room couch.

"I got you something else. Would you like to see it?"

"Yes please!" She sat bolt upright on the edge of the couch.

"Wait here." I'd given her the realistic dildo I'd ordered but hadn't yet given her the two vibrators that had been delivered at the same time. One was only about three inches long and about an inch in diameter with a small bulbous head, while the other was an oddly shaped thing that was supposed to go inside a woman's panties and lie flat against her pussy. It could be remotely activated by a Bluetooth app and was designed to stimulate the entire region and the clitoris in particular. I retrieved the two vibrators from my desk drawer and brought them into the living room.

I sat on the coffee table in front of Nikki and handed her the small, three inch vibrator. She looked at it quizzically for a moment and then twisted the base, turning it on. She smiled broadly and put it against the gusset of her jeans and closed her knees. "Oooh. That's nice."

"Can you make yourself cum with that?"

"I can make myself cum with anything."

"Good. Now, how about this one?" I handed her the remotely controlled vibrator. Still holding the other vibrator in her crotch, she turned the new one over in her hands and then looked up at me cocking her head like curious puppy.

"Stand up and let me show you."

She stood, turning off the tiny vibrator and placing it behind her on the couch. I unbuttoned her jeans, pulled her zipper down and dropped her jeans to about mid-thigh. Thankfully Nikki had her thong on today; she was fond of 'going commando' and didn't always wear panties.

I turned on the vibrator and it buzzed once to indicate it was ready. I reached into her thong and placed it against her pussy, locating her clitoris and giving it a poke with my fingers. Nikki stood with her hands at her sides and grinned at me expectantly.

Once I'd positioned the vibrator where I thought it would do the most good I reached down and pulled Nikki's pants back up, closed her zipper and buttoned her jeans. I reached for my iPhone and opened the app that would control the vibrator. I turned it to the lowest setting and Nikki jumped a little; looking down at her crotch and then up at me. "Nice?" I asked.

"I don't know."

I turned up the intensity a little bit and Nikki bent her knees a bit and shoved her hand between her legs cupping herself like a little girl about to pee herself. "Oooh... That's nice." She smiled.

I put my hands on her shoulders and sat her on the couch as I sat opposite her on the coffee table. Nikki spread her legs still cupping both hands in her crotch. I increased the intensity of the vibrations yet again and she started rubbing the inside of her thighs and cooing. I leaned in to kiss her and she practically raped my mouth with her tongue. She put her hands on my hips and pulled me off the coffee table to kneel between her legs. She scooted her butt to the edge of the couch and pressed our crotches together and started dry humping me.

I gave her a couple of minutes and increased the intensity again. She started growling and grunting as she reached behind me, grabbed my ass and pulled me forcefully against her. She came suddenly and violently; grinding against me and biting at my shoulder and neck. I reduced the intensity to its lowest setting and she calmed a bit, slumped back on the couch and cupped herself with both hands again.

"You like the new toy?"

"Oh shit. I... Oh shit. I think I wet myself."

I laughed and kissed her. "Well, then. We know it works."

"Oh shit. It works. Oh fuck!" Her language always seemed to get saltier the hornier she got.

Nikki started working the button and zipper on her jeans, lifted her hips and yanked her jeans down her legs. She reached into her panties and pulled out the vibrator and examined it as she cupped her bare pussy with the other hand.

"Is it too much? Was it too intense?"

"Maybe a little at the end but, wow! This is cool."

"You can control it with an app on your phone." I showed her how to download the app and she tested it while holding the vibrator in her hand. "You can wear your vibrator all day and turn it on whenever you want. I can control it with my phone too." I gave her a mischievous grin.

"This is really cool." She looked at it lovingly before stuffing it back into her panties.


The next day the credit check came through and I emailed Jerri to let her know that she was welcome to move in at her leisure. She promptly emailed me back to say that she and her friend, who owned a pickup truck, would arrive the next day to move what few belongings she had into the apartment.

I spent most of that day working from my home office and Nikki spent her day tanning on the back patio and reading textbooks. I'm not sure but I don't think she bothered with clothing all day.

As the day progressed toward late afternoon I decided to get at least a little exercise and mow the front lawn. I pulled on a pair of shorts and sneakers but didn't bother with a shirt. About ten minutes after I'd started the mower my new neighbour pushed a mower out of his garage and began to mow his front yard as well. We smiled and waved and as we worked and when I finished before him I grabbed two microbrews from the kitchen and walked over to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Bishop. Welcome to the neighbourhood." I handed him a beer.

"Oh! Thanks very much. I really needed this. My name's Nathan." He shook my hand and took a long pull off his beer then held the cold bottle against his forehead.

Nathan also wore just shorts and sneakers but it looked much better on him than me. We stood in his front yard and made small talk for a while and sipped our beers. Nathan was a thirty three year old architect; he worked at a firm downtown but, like me, often worked from home. He was a good looking fellow with a full head of sandy brown hair; he wore wire rimmed glasses and he was obviously in pretty good shape. He looked strong and lean and had the beginnings of six-pack abs.

"Come on over when you're done and we'll have a couple more if you'd like."

"That'd be great. I'd love another, but my cupboards are bare."

"Good. We'll see you in a few."

Nathan had showered and changed into a clean pair of shorts and a polo shirt before coming over. I'd put on a t-shirt but had remained in my shorts. Since our homes are completely different designs I handed Nathan a beer and gave him the 50¢ tour of the house before we stood in the kitchen and opened another cold one.

We were leaning back against the kitchen counter sipping our beers when Nikki came in through the backdoor. She came halfway into the kitchen and stopped dead. She stood completely nude in the middle of the kitchen and raised a hand across her breasts, placed the other over her crotch and stared dumbly at Nathan.

Nathan had a mouthful of beer and I thought he was either going to choke or spit it onto the floor. I stepped up to Nikki and got her moving again by taking her elbow and guiding her through the kitchen, "Nikki, go put some clothes on and come back to say 'Hi' to Nathan, our new neighbour."

"OK." She continued to stare at Nathan over her shoulder as she crossed the kitchen.

As I released Nikki's elbow at the entrance to the hallway I turned to back the Nathan. "Sorry about that."

For his part, Nathan was able to swallow his beer without incident, "Uh, no problem."

Nikki came back into the kitchen a few minutes later; she had on a tight t-shirt and a pair of running shorts but was still barefoot. She poured her own beer and sat next to me at the kitchen table while Nathan sat across from us.

Nathan looked over and asked, "So, Nikki, are you in college?"


"Oh. I only asked because you're always reading textbooks."

I chimed in, "Ah yes. She does read a lot while she's sunbathing."

"Oh... Uh... I didn't... I mean I... Your daughter is... Uhm..."

I didn't correct his assumption that Nikki was my daughter. I just said, "Nathan, relax. I'm really sorry if Nikki's been a distraction. I've tried to convince her to wear a bikini while tanning but she just doesn't like them. My other neighbour complained so I'm really just concerned that you might be annoyed with us. If it bothers you, I'll put up another pergola."

Nathan looked from me to Nikki and back, "No, it's alright. I'm not complaining. I mean I'm... I won't... Ah shit." He turned to Nikki again. "Nikki, I apologize."

Nikki looked at him quizzically so I told her, "Nathan has been looking at you while you're tanning."

"Oh. I know."

Nathan looked startled and went scarlet. I laughed out loud and said, "Nathan, relax! Nobody is pissed. If a pretty girl is going to strut around in the nude then men are going to pay attention and look. I only ask that you don't take pictures. I don't want to see them get posted to the Internet. OK?"

Nathan still looked nervous but said, "I didn't. I won't; I promise."

"Nathan, I'm sorry if we embarrassed you. That wasn't the intent. Nikki is a little different. She is very awkward around strangers and can sometimes seem rude or inappropriate. She lacks the filter between brain and mouth."

I smiled at Nikki, "Isn't that right?"

"Yeah. But I'm getting better. I've been studying."

"The textbooks?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, they're neurology textbooks and journals. I think I have Asperger's Syndrome."

"Nikki is far more circumspect in public but is accustomed to saying anything she wants here at home. Will you stay and have another beer?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Nathan finally smiled and chuckled.

We hung out for a while, talked, laughed and finished another couple of beers but Nathan left before dinner.

"He's nice, don't you think?" I asked

"Yeah. He's cute." Nikki giggled and said, "He probably got hard watching me and had to... You know." She made a masturbating motion with her fist.

"Probably so." I said.

"He thinks I'm your daughter."

"I noticed you didn't correct him."

"Sometimes I think it's funny to call you 'Daddy' when people think I'm your daughter."

"That's wicked, don't you think?"

"Yeah." She laughed. "Can I give him a handjob, Daddy?"

"Sure thing sweetie-pie." I said with sarcasm. "You can give Nathan a handjob if you feel like it."

"OK, thanks!" She smiled and set about picking up beer bottles and straightening up the kitchen.


Nikki and I were just finishing breakfast the next day when my phone rang. It was Jerri, asking if it was too early in the day for her to start moving. I let her know that Nikki and I had been up for a while and that she was welcome to come anytime.

I had assumed that her 'friend with a pickup truck' would be a guy but instead, Jerri showed up with Beth; a girl about her own age. Beth was taller, thicker, wider and just all 'round bigger than Jerri and a bit masculine in her mannerisms and her swagger.

Within an hour the two of them had moved Jerri into the apartment without any help from Nikki or me. I met them at the bottom of the stairs when they were done and invited them to stay for lunch and Jerri and Beth graciously accepted. Jerri said, "Thanks Bishop, I haven't had a chance to go grocery shopping yet so we were just going to get some pizza and beer."

"That's a great idea but homemade pizza will probably be better."

I served pizza and beer for lunch to a kitchen full of young women. I observed the subtle touches and looks between Jerri and Beth and came to the conclusion that they were a couple. I wasn't shocked or even surprised. They seemed to get along very well together as they anticipated the other's needs and finished each others' sentences.

They went up to the apartment together after supper and I didn't hear Beth's pickup truck pull away until several hours later.

As we lay in bed that night Nikki turned to me and said, "You like Jerri, don't you?"

"Sure, she's nice."

"Do you want permission to fuck her?"

I chuckled, "No, Honey. I don't think she likes men."


"I think Beth might be Jerri's girlfriend; she might be a lesbian."


"Yeah. You know about gay and lesbian people, right?"

"Yeah. So, maybe she'll want me instead?"

"I don't know. She seems to like Beth a lot. You might not be her type."

Nikki seemed deep in thought but just said, "OK."

We made slow, luxurious love and drifted off to sleep together.


I spent most of the next morning working in my home office while Nikki changed the sheets on the bed and then ran the vacuum cleaner around the house. When I heard the vacuum cleaner stop and the backdoor open and slam shut I got up to see where she'd gone. Nikki was completely nude, stretched out on her back in the lounge chair. I watched through the kitchen window as she got up a minute later and turned the chair so that her feet faced Nathan's house. She lay back down, drew her knees up, spread her knees and started to masturbate. Nikki hadn't yet mastered the art of subtlety.

While Nikki entertained herself and our neighbour I went about preparing lunch of ham sandwiches and cold potato salad. I served Nikki's to her on the patio once she'd finished getting herself off. She thanked me and sat up in the chair to eat.

"Did Nathan watch you masturbate?"

"Yeah." She grinned.

"There's chocolate ice-cream in the freezer if you want some."

"Thanks, Bishop. I love you."

"Love you too." I turned and went back into the house and back to my office.

I heard the backdoor slam shut and knew that Nikki was back inside the house. I heard the front door slam a few minutes later and turned to look out my office window. Nikki was barefoot in running shorts and a tiny t-shirt as she crossed the front lawn toward Nathan's house.

I turned back to my work but couldn't really concentrate as I imagined what might be going on nextdoor. I didn't have to imagine for very long; my iPhone chirped with a text message about twenty minutes later. There was a photo of a very long dick in Nikki's hand and a message that said, "His dick is really long. Can I try to suck him?"

I replied, "OK Nikki. Have fun!"

I went back to work but my phone dinged again about five minutes later. It was a photo of Nikki's profile. Her mouth was wide open and she had about half of Nathan's cock in her throat. I realized that getting any work finished wasn't going to happen.

About ten minutes later I got another message from Nikki. She said, "He wants to fuck me. Can I?"

I gave up on the idea of working altogether and replied, "Why don't you invite him over and fuck him here?"

A few minutes later Nikki came bounding in the front door pulling Nathan by the hand. "Daddy! Nathan's cock is really long!"

Nathan saw me standing in the living room and went pale. He stood frozen with his mouth hanging open. If he'd had a hardon when he came in he was completely flaccid now.

"Hi Nathan. How's it hangin'?" I grinned.

"I... uh... she... we..."

I laughed. "Nathan. Relax. I owe you an apology. She gets a kick out of letting people think so but she's not my daughter, she's my girlfriend.

"Really? This is cool? You... uhm..."

"Yeah, Nathan. I'm twice her age and can't always keep up with her appetites so she's gets permission to explore once in a while. She asked me if she could give you a handjob but I guess she was impressed by your size and texted me to say she wanted more. Is that OK? You're not too freaked out, are you?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty freaked out but if you're cool with it then I guess I can be too, right?"

Nikki was standing next to him holding Nathan's hand in both of hers. She whirled on him and kissed him hard. "Oh goodie! Thanks Nathan!"

"You were really texting your dad, uh, Bishop? I thought you were kidding!"

Nikki kissed him again. "Yeah."

"I'm going to get a beer. Would either of you like one?"

They both said, "Yes please!" in unison.

I went into the kitchen and poured three pints of beer and returned to the living room to find Nathan sitting on the couch with Nikki on the floor between his legs. She reached for to the waistband of Nathan's shorts and he lifted his butt to assist her as she pulled them down his legs and off. Nathan hadn't worn underwear; his balls were large and hung loosely between his muscular thighs; they appeared to have been shaved. His dark brown pubic hair was trimmed very short and his cock stood straight up from his lap twitching with his heartbeat. It was fairly slender but it had to be at least nine inches long with a large, bulbous head. I'd never seen a cock that long in real life before.

Nikki turned to me and said, "He's much bigger than you, Bishop."

"Yeah, I can see that. You weren't kidding. He's really big."

"I tried to give him a blowie but couldn't get him all the way down. I'm going to try again. OK?"