Now Hiring - Willow Parks


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I found myself at Two Cups again enjoying a cup of coffee in the fresh afternoon air and thought about this wonderful opportunity I could have. I let my mind wander and was curious what Mary Beth and Kim were like as business partners. They were so comfortable together, and Mary Beth seemed to always have the upper hand.

I went to bed Tuesday night with my clothing already laid out and ready for my first day. I couldn't wait. I fell asleep with my tablet in hand reading from my favorite website and the newest Sapphic stories.

Wednesday morning I was up before the sun was. I showered and took a little bit of extra time pampering myself as well as ensuring I was smooth and soft; all over. My purse and lunch were all prepared the night before, I wanted to be ready. I dressed and made my way to the office.

I pulled into the parking lot right at 8:25. I was slightly nervous while being very excited about my first day at work. I walked into the office and waited. Mary Beth and Kim came out to greet me. They invited me back to the kitchenette to enjoy a cup of coffee.

They laid out to me the tasks which were most important to be looked at today. After twenty minutes, we all went about our day agreeing that if I needed anything I was to ask either of them.

It was just after 10:30, I knocked on Kim's door seeing she wasn't on the phone. I let her know I was going to make myself a cup of coffee and wondered if she wanted one.

"I don't but you should go ask Mary Beth." She smiled and nodded going back to work.

I made my way down the hall, seeing Mary Beth's door open. I knocked. "I am making a coffee, would you like any?" I asked, waiting for her reply.

She looked at me from the design work she was doing. "In a second. In fact, come here, take a look at this."

Nervously, I walked over to her design table, which was different from her desk. There were different photos laid out all spread apart.

"I am trying to arrange these. I think I have the right idea but which should go in the upper corner, Willow?"

As soon as Mary Beth asked that question, her hand moved to the small of my back, pulling me closer to the table. I shivered, I really shivered.

"Are you okay Willow? You are shaking dear." Mary Beth sounded of concern.

"I am fine Miss, I am fine, and I just do not want to mess anything up."

Mary Beth smiled as we stood closer together, closer than we had ever been. Mary Beth wondered if she was herself shivering inside. I felt comfortable next to her.

I stretched and picked up a photo which I thought might fit well in the corner. As I did, I shifted my entire body stretching but Mary Beth let her hand glide along my body. As I reached the top, on my tippy toes, Mary Beth's hand slid right where she wanted it. I was surprised. I certainly hadn't expected this!

Maybe it was all a mistake, she was just steadying me. Yes, she was steadying me as her hand moved to cover my ass. Oh god! It felt so wonderful. Oh gawd the feeling, her softness I could feel my heat and my immediate moisture, my face warmed as well blushing deep.

I am certain it was wrong of me but I waited just an extra second and allowed Mary Beth to take a moment and enjoyed this touch. It was only a split second more but the enjoyment was worth the short time she left her hand there.

As I lowered myself back to the normal standing position, Mary Beth's hand came up from my ass to the small of my back pulling me closer to her.

Her hand was still on my back when she looked at the table. "Hmm yes that fits perfectly. I loved that. Maybe we can do that again."

I lowered my head, I was embarrassed, and I loved how she touched me. It felt so good to have a woman, this woman, touch me.

"A coffee then Miss?" I asked.

Mary Beth took a step closer to me. She was very close to me; as her lips were very close to mine. "Never Miss Willow, I wouldn't want Kim to punish you. It's Mary Beth, remember?"

I nodded. I was trembling. I felt her breath on my lips and skin. I wanted to kiss her; I wanted her to kiss me. I was in such need. Then she said, "Yes" I could bring her a coffee, one sugar.

I turned my body, still seemingly floating as I made my way out of her office to the kitchenette. By the time I reached the kitchenette, I had calmed some. I made her coffee and then mind, I started back to Mary Beth's office with a smile on my face but hesitation in my mind. What the hell was I doing, thinking that beautiful woman would want me over the even more attractive and sexy partner of hers, Kim.

I excused myself for not knocking and set Mary Beth's coffee on her desk then went back to mine. I busied myself through lunch and tending to a new filing system out front. The next thing I knew it was time to end the work day. I couldn't wait to get home and curl up on my couch. I needed relief from that interaction with Mary Beth.

As I curled up in bed, I read a new story about a younger woman who was now the Personal Assistant for the new CEO. The daughter had taken over the firm when her father died suddenly.

As I read the end of part two, my middle finger was buried deep in my tight pussy and I was cumming all over the towel I had laid on my bed. As I put the towel in the laundry and freshened up, I went to bed with the memory of Mary Beth's hand on my bum. It was an amazing feeling.



Willow has been in our employment for over a week and she had made a few recommendations, most of which we had already implemented. There was one thing I really like about her, outside of her work, and that is her passion. She has a passion for all things in life and I am guessing love.

We had scheduled a lunch for the three of us to discuss a few more items on our lists for recommendations and improvements. I had just come back from picking up the food. I walked down the hall to the kitchenette; I heard the two of them in Mary Beth's office chatting about her files and the accounting invoices.

I poked my head in and what I saw was a bit shocking but yet had me very excited. Mary Beth had her hand resting on Willow's back as they stood next to each other while Willow was moving files. At one point, Mary Beth's hand had moved from her upper back to her ass.

I stood there watching, not saying a word. I would discuss this with Mary Beth later but I was happy, very happy.

I retraced my steps and announced as I 'entered' the office that I had lunch and we could meet in the conference room.

Just a moment or two later, the two of them came into the room. Mary Bath was smiling as was Willow. Willow had with her a notebook and was prepared for our lunch and follow up meeting.

We enjoyed our lunch and went into the meeting. As we were wrapping up I asked Willow if she would like a coffee, as I would make us each one. She stood immediately letting me know that she would make each of us one.

"Make ours first and bring them to us dear." Which she did; I had a plan in mind.

I smiled wide as I saw the two exchange a glance when Willow delivered Mary Beth her coffee. As Willow carried my coffee over to my seat, I placed my hand on the small of her back, holding her close for a moment.

I lightly caressed her back then looked up at her and asked how she and Mary Beth were getting along. Willow had lowered her hands to her sides and was answering how they both felt they were clicking well.

Mary Beth spoke up and acknowledged how Willow was a huge help earlier in the day. I smiled wide, here it was the moment I had waited for. I lowered my hand from her back to Willow's petite waist and then slid it down her ass, pausing and cupping it in my right hand.

I looked up at Willow and then to Mary Beth and simply said, "Yes, I can feel why you two are clicking so well. I am sad I wasn't invited sooner to the touch-fest I witnessed earlier before lunch."

In an act which I should be nominated for and should win a Grammy, I stood and looked at both of them, feigning a disgusting snarl and walked back to my office slamming the door.

I sat at my desk turning the chair sideways laughing both inside and outside hoping this plan would play out exactly like I would want. I would want Willow to come knocking, bringing the cup of coffee I had left and begging for forgiveness. Then tonight I would expect Mary Beth to do the same as I would act very upset.

I was surprised when Mary Beth knocked on my door first. I stood from my desk and composed myself walking over and opened the door. I stood there. She didn't say anything. She looked at me with sheepish eyes and a worried look on her face. I knew Mary Beth still loved me, of course she did but this was different.

"Well?" I spat trying not to smile and burst out laughing.

She admitted to this being a playful kind of love. What I witnessed were innocent interactions with Willow. The kind that excites you so much if you knew what you were looking for, the visual signs would be very evident. I assured her that I would find that visual sign when we got home tonight.

I closed my office door telling her I needed to get back to work.



I was in shock; I didn't know what to do. I stood there until Mary Beth walked over and hugged me, calming my nerves. She assured me that everything was fine and that our touches while highly enjoyable wouldn't lead to anyone, especially me getting into trouble not losing my job.

"I should go see her, beg for my job." I said rather than asking.

Mary Beth pushed back saying not to worry I was fine and that she would handle this situation. "Kim just blew this out of proportion." she said.

Just a few moments later Mary Beth returned to the conference room and hugged me once more. She placed her hand on my ass and one in the middle of my back. She whispered in my ear. "Do not worry darling Willow. I will take care of this." She caressed my ass once more. I shivered and pressed my lips to her cheek.

"Thank you Miss Mary Beth, thank you."

I pulled back looking at her. She started to speak, I knew what she was going to say but I didn't want to hear it. I needed her; I wanted her to take me. I muted her as I pressed my lips to hers kissing her.

It was the most wonderful kiss of my life.

'WILLOW!!" I heard my name. "Bring my coffee please and come into my office. We still have a job to do."

I looked at Mary Beth; she smiled and kissed me gently assuring me I would be fine, Kim was having a "moment".

I gathered myself and picked up my notebook and Kim's coffee. It was cold so I walked to the kitchenette and made a fresh cup. I nervously made my way to Kim's office. Once there I knocked on her door and waited.

Kim opened her door and simply pointed at her small conference table. I stepped forward and placed her coffee at her desk, then moved and stood next to the other chair.

As she sat, Kim motioned for me to sit. It was a moment of silence when I spoke. "Kim, I am in fear ..."

She interrupted me saying, "I will hear no excuses for the advances that my lover made to you, I blame her ... and me for this."

I stood. "No! It was me Kim; I did this, not Miss Mary Beth!"

Kim turned to me, I moved in an attempt to speak but out of habit opened my arms, and hit the coffee cup which sat, waiting for Kim to enjoy. I watched in slow motion as her cup fell, knocked from my flailing hand to the floor, spilling its contents wetting the carpet.

I gasped then fell to my knees as I tried to catch the falling cup. I quickly stood, turned and ran out of her office trying to find a towel to clean up the mess I made. I ran to the kitchenette grabbing a roll of paper towels, only to return to Kim's office seeing her kneeling with a towel, cleaning up the mess I made.

I dropped to my knees weeping, begging Kim to allow me to clean up the mess I made. She looked at me in silence and continued to clean the mess. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mary Beth standing at the doorway.

Mary Beth walked forward and reached out her hand, extending it to mine, helping me stand.



I left the towel on the carpeted floor and stood wrapping my arms around Willow and Mary Beth. "No use crying over spilt milk; or coffee."

Willow seemed very upset. "Please, let's just calm down, have a seat and relax."

I released the hug as did Mary Beth. The three of us sat, all calming down and started an open and honest conversation. After all, it was just a cup of coffee. After a little while and after everyone's emotions were back to normal, we resumed our days with apologies and kind words.

Seemingly on Thursday, a few days later, I quickly knocked on the door and walked into Mary Beth's office. She jumped up from her desk; I saw a look on her face which I had rarely seen in our fifteen years together. It was a look of embarrassment.

I closed the door quickly to hide her. I laughed to myself as I walked closer to my lover and business partner. I had my hands on my hips and decidedly was swaying a bit more. My eyes never left hers even when she lowered her head, trying to hide her crimson face.

"Were you doing that again?" I shook my head, "Tisk tisk lover." I said as sensually as I could. "Tisk tisk you naughty bitch."

I walked up right against her side, my breasts were pressing against her arm, my lips were close enough to kiss and nibble her ears.

"Am I going to get that treat tonight? Are you that worked up over our newest pixie cut cutie?" I bit her earlobe, holding it in my teeth. Mary Beth moaned.

I placed my left hand on the high curve of her ass, my right hand I placed perfectly, just above her public mound.

"Was she on her knees eating you just now in your dream? Or was she fingering you under your desk." I asked and my left hand caressed her ass.

My right hand stayed flat as I slid it down the front of her slacks, pressing harder as I brought it back up.

"Is my business partner as sexually excited as I am about that cute petite sexy play toy?"

I bit her earlobe again. I hissed in her ear, "I watch your eyes staring at her." I moved my hand lower on Mary Beth's ass, caressing it.

I hissed in her ear, "That's right; I see my lover wants that submissive little woman to please her."

"You want to have her don't you?" The fingers of my right hand were teasing at Mary Beth's still covered pussy.

"How wet are you?" I asked, kissing her cheek.

"Soaked my dear." She groaned

"I should call her in here while I unzip your slacks and have her lap at your sweetness. Or, maybe I should take you here, on your desk as I like. As we have done before. What shall it be?" I was really trying to get her to moan again, Mary Beth was really holding back.

Yyeeesss, Pleeaasseee Kim." She seethed with need.

"Ohh no, not just yet I have a little bit more for you to endure before I allow you to have our delicious morsel."

I kissed her deeply, released my hands from her then turned and started to walk from her office. I paused at the door looking over my shoulder.

"And no, you best not cum or even think about cumming until I give you permission. You can look at her all day, but don't you dare touch, no touching even yourself." I turned my head, opened the door and went back to my office.

That night I decided I wanted Mary Beth to yearn for more; I kept her on edge. As we drove to the office Friday morning I had my hand resting on her leg as usual. She was staring straight ahead, deep in thought.

I spoke up. "Is it a work project or something else that has your mind wondering?"

She shook her head slightly and turned to look at me. "You know I love you and have loved you for more than fifteen years and that will never change but I think I want to play with her, with your permission." She took a deep breath.

I caressed her leg then smiled saying, "So invite her over for the weekend. Let's see what she thinks about a sleepover with minimal sleep my dearest."


Mary Beth

I woke up Saturday morning with the aroma of brewing coffee filling my senses. The addictive aroma filled my nostrils and engaged my mind. I pulled on a top which lay bedside at the ready and eased myself out of bed. She needed sleep and I know how much She loves Her weekends and sleeping in. I went to kiss Her cheek but I didn't want to disturb my love. Kim means so much to me both at the office and here in Her home.

Yes, this is Her home and Her rules. She treats me with such love and care here away from the stress of our lives and the business I own. I truly appreciate Her and the relief I receive from Her controlling me here.

I heard a quiet humming as I made my way down the hallway after closing the first floor bedroom door. I turned the corner seeing Willow moving about the kitchen with beauty and grace, her flawless movements were as if she was floating on air. Our guest was up before us and had not only started our coffee but she was also cleaning up our wine glasses and other dishes from last night. She was performing my tasks.

I walked up behind her. As she placed a plate in the dish rack to dry, I moved my lips to her ear and my hands to her waist. I heard her moan and giggle slightly. I kissed her skin and nipped at her ear.

She cocked her head to the side as if I was tickling her, restricting my access to her neck any further. I brought my hands up her sides and cupped her small firm breasts. My fingers immediately felt her nipples harden.

"Oh!" Willow moaned. "Miss Mary Beth I do love your touch and I love the feel of your hands on me."

I bit at her neck again, enjoying the murmurs coming from her lips. It was then I heard my Mistress clear Her throat.

"You aren't starting without Me are you? That sweet little love belongs to both of us." Miss Kim said as She wrapped her arms around me, leaning Her head against my back and kissing my neck.

"We could always go back to bed and make fresh coffee later." Miss Kim spoke.

I kissed Willow's neck, releasing my hands from her body and turned in my lover's embrace. I kissed Her good morning and nodded.

"Miss, this one knows how You love Your weekends and sleeping in. This one didn't mean to wake You, I am very apologetic."

"Hmm?" Miss spoke softly, "Well then you both shall just follow Me and put Me back to sleep ... after some enjoyment. Back to bed girls!"

Miss Kim took my hand and started walking towards our bedroom. I took Willow's hand in mine, knowing it would be a wonderful morning with Miss.


*** The End? ***

Again, this playful Sapphic story with its twisted ending was all for Mary Beth.

We ask you to take a moment from your valuable time and tell us what you think.

Would you like a second chapter? Maybe a new character added? What are your thoughts?

Please leave me a comment or vote. As always your constructive criticism is appreciated and will assist in making your reading pleasure greatly enhanced.

All my love,


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Truly exciting! A new chapter is very much needed! Thank you for your stories.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6433 months ago

Yes please to more chapters!

A good story but it went very quickly from feeling Willow out to her making breakfast, what/how did they get there?

Looking forward to the next parts!

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

it was very well written keeps your interest,

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hell yes, make at least another 3 chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I think there is more you may develop with this story and with Willow. Too early to add another character though in the future would be good.

doug1407doug14074 months ago
Very simply.....

YES!! more chapters of these including Willow and any other young pretty girl they want to seduce....

ladylicker1ladylicker14 months ago

Always love your stories. Yes please, another chapter. More on the sharing of Willow. Perhaps another assistant, with Willow showing a stronger side. So many potential avenues. Thanks for sharing, as always.

Rainyday493Rainyday4934 months ago

Oh, indeed, I'd love to see you develop this nice three way relationship.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6434 months ago

Your stories are so good! Please work your magic on another chapter or three of Willow, Mary Beth and Kim's adventures!

Thank you Aoife for sharing!

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulster4 months agoAuthor

@Auquariusgirl, thank you for your comment and for taking time to share your thoughts. I will finish as time allows, I am trying to close out another series. Yes, I do agree then length was a bit shorter than my normal. I was in a hurry to get this published for MB. Thank you again. 🖤

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