All Comments on 'Now It's My Turn Ch. 02'

by Aussie Bard

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
hard to frogive a judgemental cheating wife

i love happy endings, and hate to see any marriage fail. there are exceptions tho. wasn't having too much trouble with the story, until the cheating wife made the statement that she didn't know if she liked the new side of him that has been exposed. sorry, that would have been my last straw. she not only puts him through hell, but now sits in mental judgement of his actions, wow, unbelievable. other than that, great story, keep up the good work.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
His BAD side?

I felt that, too. She doesn't like what he has done??

Well, tough shit! She asked for it!

This gives me the impression that she will fuck up the marriage completely. She just HAD to have Steve? How many more men in the future will she just HAVE to have??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Where is it going and when?

There are those who will castigate you because they'll perceive that you've created another cuckhold wimp. Pay them no mind mate. You've developed a story that, if truth be told, any reasonable person would acknowledge that they would have to deal with in some fashion. You have written a fine story, told it well, so far, and managed to give us all food for thought. Well done, but please hurry with the rest of the story. Ronnie W.

thebulletthebulletabout 19 years ago
Thought provoking and troubling

I usually fall on the side of the 'reconcilliation if possible' crowd. But not only was what she did about as cruel an act as a woman can perpetrate on a man without castration, her reasons for doing it, her attitude about his response, all make one feel that she would probably do it again. She's mostly sorry he caught her and has some remorse for hurting him. But she admits to being obsessed with the concept of cheating with Steve. When will her next obsession strike her and what will be her response? Those were questions I would be asking myself if I were her husband.

SalamisSalamisabout 19 years ago
A good story gets better...

I very much enjoyed the story to this point and eagerly await the next chapter. However, I do take issue with a few things.

(1) Contrary to Mary’s opinion, the cheating with her IS NOT the same as the situation between Megan and Steve. My Muslim friends divorce their wives with a public declaration said 4 times. In the West we give a public declaration that we are married, and the law in many jurisdictions recognizes that holding oneself out as married constitutes that declaration, regardless whether a marriage license have been recorded. Therefore, I would argue with Mary that the marriage was over when Steve made that public declaration of divorce in the restaurant.

(2) I have one other concern about Mary. Any woman who tells me she has secretly aborted my child would also be shown the door and ushered out of my life permanently.

(3)This idea of violence never being used annoys me. Steve was struck in

Self-defense. There should be no regret in that action. As for the police…I

would have preferred that the response be “I’ll not be interviewed by you

without my attorney present”. Legal matters are always best left to

professionals. Why would Jack represent himself? That’s just plain dumb.

(4) I could have envisioned some rapprochement with Megan if she had come to her husband ALONE, and had she stated that her friendship with Sylvia was over. Under no circumstances should Sylvia ever be welcomed in the home. Sylvia has done the most hurtful thing a so-called friend could ever do, and for that, she should be banished from both their lives.

At this stage in the story, I would see him moving on with his life without Megan. He could forgive her…but to continue the marriage would probably be a huge mistake.

Megan nine years ago knew the devastating impact that Mary’s cheating would have on Jack and now she acts to perpetuate the same pain. Incredible! She has learned nothing. In general, if I were advising Jack I would tell him to remove the ‘toxic’ people from his life; that would mean severing relations with Mary, Megan and Sylvia.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Diligence is One Thing - However

Constructively - talented effort - But before you and the Troubador have him romantically skipping down the lane with his forgiven loving wife lets think about this.

Megan says "I never stopped loving you" [ how convenient to remember now - why not remember during her self proclaimed long term 6 month premeditated obsession for Steve???, constantly thinking of Steve while she was having sex with her husband, and the conniving and drugging him to get to Steve???] plus trying to whore him out to her best friend. Did she also remember loving him during the loud conversation with Steve in the bedroom while she was fucking him???

Author, those were your words and if you think you can now create a braindead husband to take her back that is acceptable to us - think again! Reality please!

Author credibility should be as important to you as it is to us. No husband in his right mind would walk that path again with a cheating drugging slut wife and be able to live with himself and others!

She's out as she earned it - Next story please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
clearly the author is pushing reconcilliation

the author has Mary, Mom & Dad all pushing toward reconcilliation, so that idea seems to be the author goal.

1. first Jack is made to have forgiven Mary many many infidelities when she was his girlfriend. then Jack is written to easily and near instantly forgive Mary when he finds out she secretly aborted their child long ago.

Children seem important to Jack, but the author treats it very lightly. the author rather changes Jack's character so that he can now use the Mary arguement of "you forgave me infidelities and even the killing of our child, now you gotta forgive her, the evils are equal."

this is just plain back-writing a new personality for Jack. i find it a bit lame. it is like he is a totally different character entering halfway in the story.

2. the false equality:

"She lied, planned and cheated behind your back. She set you up and hurt you terribly. You lied, planned and cheated mostly behind her back." and she is hurt.

the falsity lies with FAULT. she caused the problem, he was ending it.

3. "If you truly love them you owe them the chance to rebuild that trust."

the problem here is it was a cruel, viscious & hateful attack that hurt on so many levels.

-she drugged him, which could have killed or brain damaged him (author has been ignoring this.)

-she made him think he cheated, which tore his guts out.

-she made him a cuckold, humiliated and disrespected before others.

-she abused his trust, his love, his ability to forgive, his desire to please her: she took almost everything good about him and their marraige and poisoned it by deliberatly using it against him.

the Aussie Bard writes well, but his first chapter worked great as a stand alone. adding this second chapter preparing for reconcilliation just spoils the whole thing, IMO.

noone269noone269about 19 years ago
I liked this story, but some problems.

First and foremost the whole "violence is never justified" bullshit. If some guy fucks my wife and then when I rightfully inform his wife that he is a cheating asshole, he comes to my door with his fist raised, I will beat the shit out of him and not feel guilty about it one bit. He was perfectly justified to hit Steve.

I am normally one who loves happy endings, and a marriage getting back together, but what she did is beyond cruel. Drugged him, set him up, and then took a man he despised to their marital bed. To me that is unforgivable, and he was right to start divorce proceedings. Also she seems to regret being caught, not the actual cheating, which was proven in her conversation to Sylvia. Then on top of that she has the nerve to say what he did was bad? What he did doesn't even come close to the cruelty she inflicted on him.

Since you have already laid the groundwork for a possible reconciliation, at least give the guy some bigger balls. Make her work her ass off for it, and throw another woman into the mix. Maybe even that Mary would be interesting an interesting direction to take the story. She lost him once, it's possible she would hold onto him with a passion if she ever got him back. At this point, she is no less deserving of a second chance than Megan is.

That having been said, I look forward to your next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Needs Work

I can understand that your idea in this chapter was to show his confusion, but the other characters were just unbelievable especially his parents, Only getting upset over the fact that he hit Steve. Bollocks most parents would have wanted to kill Megan and Sylvia for what they had done to there child let alone to the grandkids.

As for Mary the moment he heard that she aborted there child he would have ether had a heartattack, kicked her straight out or left himself. It would take more than a few seconds before he could forgive her. He would be likely to forgive her as at the time they were split up.

The story is well written but your character motivations seem diffrent from the first chapter. You seem to be dumbing the main character down.

And where did his friends Dave and Betty go. These people would have been there to support him after all they help him to find out the truth in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
it is good to show your female side as a writer

i guest we as men have a female side,but some writers have more than others.after saying that,be a man and stop prolonging the facts yes or no.yes give her a another chance or no, divorce and end the marriage.he was protecting his home when he punch steve and the wife bought steve into their marriage under false mistake can be forgiven with time and love.she would have to walk a narrow line.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

When you think you know someone, you don't. Relationships in life are the glue that bonds SOULs. The author has demonstrate the ability to capture and to look at all aspects of this relationship with this second chapter. Through Jack's upbringing and the values that he was given, he is trying to sort through all of this. Unlike others, I don't like to critizes the author. Transfering thoughts and meanings in a story is one of the biggest communication tool we, as humans, have, OR why would people buy the written word in book stories. Please continue to share this great story as only you can tell it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
ill say it again

he didnt do this megan did... she hurt him ... and as one said she didnt worry about the cheating she worried about the being caught.... sylvia shopuld be barred from both their lives ..if megan did that and ran sylvia off never to be seen again that would be one thing to rebuild trust... parents would never worry about the guy being hit ... mine might even do it for me ....hes upset his wife left him well whos fault is that .... maybe he needs to find another mary.... what megan did was very hurtful and was worse than just cheating... to drug your own husband to have an affair... especially with someone she knows he dont like...thats down right terrible.... ok so shes hurting now.... hes hurting now ... he does need to tell the kids do need to know so they can ask questions and not be surprised to fast to soon ... maybe they need to just divorce and become friends with benefits ....see each other in context of the kids and fuck every now and then ... maybe then they will find out they still like each other enough to live together.. maybe not marry justlive together ... that way there is no committment and he still has the option if she dont tow the line then its just a matter of kicking her out next time...but if they did see each other would be that she never even looked at another guy and to dress to lok like olive oil so no one else would want her anyway ... just dress nice for her ex at home.. i really dont know what to do with this story ... but i cant see them being able to put this past them with out help and a lot of work on megans part ... to rebuild his trust

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
Well written on a powder keg subject,,

Divorce looming in the future, all stops were pulled out in this chapter. His mom, dad an the kids, come over. Before she left, Mary gave instructions to Jack on forgiving Megan.

Then both Sylvia and Megan follow up with a plea of Megan and Jack getting back together. Stong stuff and will await the finis.

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
Well written on a powder keg subject,,

Divorce looming in the future, all stops were pulled out in this chapter. His mom, dad an the kids, come over. Before she left, Mary gave instructions to Jack on forgiving Megan.

Then both Sylvia and Megan follow up with a plea of Megan and Jack getting back together. Stong stuff and will await the finis.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
a nonny mouse

In the brief sampling so far, I enjoy everything that Aussie Bard writes. They are interesting, well written stories. If this husband takes her back, or becomes a real wimp, I will give you the zero it would deserve, and not bother reading any more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Neither Obvious Route Is Right

Those who advocate dumping her are looking at a single event, not the history and hearts of those involved. I think it is pretty clear that the couple have strong mutual feelings and rapport. The simple vengeful act of throwing her out is going to be as destructive to him as to her. It seems unlikely that he will find anyone as well matched as her, so he would lose as well. But he can't simply accept her back, no strings, either. There will have to be conditions, including probably breaking off her relationship with Sylvia completely (which has been destructive). Of course, this is a sex-story site, so they might make Sylvia their sex slave. Megan has to allow him to fuck Sylvia whenever he feels the need, and he does it in ways that abuse her...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Great sad story about what cheating does

to a marriage. This will be a very hard decision to make for the husband. I'm not so sure I would have let Silvia in my house. She could had sat outside and waited. Megan might not have had my compassion either and perhaps I would have punched her in the face too.

But saying that, I kow this man loves her very much. Buty the more you love someone and that person hurts you, the deeper it hurts. So Aussi good luck buddy. It's your call and I can't recommend what to do to end thhis story. But as a man who like shappy endings, I say, have him go back to his old girlfriend for the next 5 months to see if they have anything lft for sure. Then make sure his wife knows what he's doing. He doesn't even have to have sex, kust have it look that way. The wife would have to worry for 5 months and be hurt as bad as he was before he brings her back home, if he does. V

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Sad but a great story dealing with a hard subject. This writter has dealed with the subject fairly and with great for thought making this a very good story. Now I can't wait for the ending which I hope is in the very near future.

studyingstudyingabout 19 years ago
balancing justice and mercy

Megan's tale was somewhat confusing -- she was thinking of Steve while with her husband or not? She had sex with the fellow multiple times, right or not? Why did she want her husband in the house and then use their marital bed? This was all with malice, forethought, and with humiliation in mind. That is death penalty criteria.

Mercy is merited when there is contriteness, not something present in Megan's explanation. There is not even remorse for anything other than getting caught.

At the same time, there are the children who deserve a mother and a father.

My solution: Sylvia has got to go from their lives. Megan can come back but Husband can never trust her even though he loves her. She should be his sexual outlet, on an allowance, completely servile with punishments doled out as needed for infractions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
A long way from forgiveness

Go back to Part 1 and Megan's secretly recorded comments on the phone: She loves her husband, but she enjoyed cheating and she'll keep it up for at least a little while. She changed her tune only when she was caught. ALSO: In Part 2 she says there are some things her husband has done that she doesn't like. EVERYTHING he did was sparked by her infidelity.

She just doesn't get it. Before Jack forgives her, she's got to understand how selfish her actions were and how badly he was hurt. I know she's said this, but she's lied so often that her words are meaningless.

That's what cheating does to a relationship.

Oh, and Sylvia deserves to have her ass kicked, and then told to get out of their lives forever. The longer Megan stays with Sylvia, the longer Megan will be able to justify continued cheating before the divorce is final.

sherlock40sherlock40about 19 years ago
"You have done things in past week that I didn't

think you were capable of?" Man, is that ever the pot calling the kettle black. Like one other commentator said, you will have a difficult choice author. As a romantic, I hope that, after much counseling and talk, they get back together.

But, they need to drop a couple of things before they can go on; 1. Sylvia-she was the main driving force behind this whole thing. 2. Mary-the ex-girlfriend kills the man's baby just so she can date other men? That woman should have been gone two seconds after she said those words.

With effort, like in real life, they can go on and have a wonderful marriage. But it will need constant care.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Poor Jack

Jack is such a nice guy and has been plagued by the women he loves using him. He doesn't seem to really be a wimp (yet) Megan's phone conversation about continuing to see Steve pretty much condemns her, as does her continuing relationship with Sylvia. She also pretty much admitted she accepted the fact that Jack would just continue to be a "nice guy" and she could do as she pleased. She was put off at his new behavior. Duh! And I do not agree that he couldn't find another woman that "matches" him as well as Megan. I simply don't believe there is only "one" person that is the "perfect" mate for anyone. If you can find it in your heart (or pen) find Jack a woman that deserves him. Or you better change Megan's personality and make her turn on Sylvia for being the mastermind of the destruction of her marriage. She needs to show true remorse, not just for getting caught. Re-read the first chapter and realize Jack has those words stuck in his head forever! Good luck with the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Absurd, that Mary should judge Jack!

Hello, she had an abortion, and that is very wrong in my book! As far as the marriage existing, it only existed on paper at this point, and legal pretenses are not reality. Fucking around pending a divorce is not the same thing as fucking around behind your spouse's back while she still lives with you. It just isn't! Jack was right. The marriage was over. The relationship was over, at least. If he chose to take her back, fine, but whatever happened during the separation would still not count. That's just my 2 cents.

As far as justice and mercy are concerned, mercy as most people think of it is inherently UNJUST! There is an absence of justice when there is an absence of merit, and mercy is treating people better than they merit. Forgiveness comes after punishment and contrition, NOT before them! However, I'm opposed to executing people for adultery, as they did in the past. It's a matter for civil courts, not criminal ones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Happy Ending with Pain

So far I have loved your writing. As one that has faced cheating of a spouse it is not easy to keep the relationship. It is easier to walk away then to stay, but the couple has many reasons to stay.

The children, parents, and friends would affect the decisions of the husband. The biggest reason for Jack to stay is the marriage prior to this, and what he found out from his former girl friend.

I would expect the couple to stay together because of Jack's integrity and the children. The planning of the affair, more than the act, would cause major problems that could affect this. Megan would not be trusted and the intimacy would be gone. It would take time, talking, and counselling to change this. Sylvia would be gone from their lives whatever the outcome.

I am one for the happy ending, but the pain would be there in a happy ending and would be in their lives for some time. Neither person would forget.

Ultimately, reading many of the comments I think you as the author need to make a decision on your ending. Your fans can point out things, but write this as you see it. Keep up the good writing and I wait for "your" ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I can see how this is going...kiss and make up...all is forgiven and thier love is stronger by overcoming such huge challenges. But dump Sylvia? You people are crazy!!! In real life you've got to keep the Sylvia's of the world cloe to you. "Keep your friends close and your enemies CLOSER" is an adage that is one of histories truest

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Interesting Questions

So far--a real thought provoking story. I like it. One of the key points in Megan's talking was how Sylvia kept reminding her about Steve. It is almost as if Sylvia and Steve had been the ones setting Jack and Megan up. This of course makes Megan either pretty easy to talk into things or dumber than a box of rocks. Also, if our friends can't talk us into doing dumb things, well advertising would not be the money maker it is. SO I wonder if Steve wanted Megan and Sylvia wanted Jack, did they come up with this elaborate plan for both of them to get their way.

Another thing that came from a friend of mine who is a chemist. She said that it is a problem with some of the Date Rape drugs, that they do not work that well on men. The side effects are just about the way you have described them.

As to reconciliation--I am of two minds and thus very interested in seeing how this plays out.


sexmatesexmateabout 19 years ago
Thought Provoking Story!

Good read with real life emotions! I still think Megan is not showing much remorse. The first thing she should have done is dump that bitch Sylvia regardless! That's the first step to reconciliation! As far as Mary....... The abortion should have said everything!!!. Him beating the shit out of Steve.........Castration would be to kind. As far as him doing things she didn't know he was capable of? WTF! She and Sylvia are the cause of everything! Reconciliation is a long way off unless some real remorse and steps are taken to get it started and then it will be a long road.

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
I agree with many of the points made so far:

- his actions being the same as Megan's = they arent even close & trying to insinuate they are is a major flaw in the story. The most important part of a marriage isnt the legal aspect & he shouldnt even bother with all the people trying to equate their actions. Its obvious they think marriage is only a business arangement & that its only purpose is tax benefits & sharing expenses. Who would want a marriage like that?

- whether he should forgive & forget. Said it before and Ill say it again - this is not a simple mistake that you can make right with an appology. It wasnt even the sex so much as the total disregard for her husband she showed for 6 months. The time period involved shows its not just a good woman who made a horrible mistake. Basically what she had was a 6 month affair no matter how many times she had sex with Steve. She had 6 months to consider things (and did as illustrated by her ploy to get away with fucking Steve and make Jack think it was his fault). All the people saying he should turn the other cheek are kinda flawed in their thinking imo.

- contrary to Troubador's (and it looks like yours) opinion, women arent the weak, stupid creatures who go around acting in such hurtful ways while still loving their spouses. They arent so dumb that they cant see the forest for the trees. Look at all the effort she put into being able to fuck Steve without consequences - kinda gives lie to her claim that she didnt know the husband would be hurt IMO. One of the worst trends in some of these stories is the tendency to apply a different set of standards to men as to women. To me, this insinuates women are too emotional and weak to be responsible for their own choices. Again, who would want a marriage to someone like that?

- Megan judging Bill was over the top. Even more over the top was him not becoming mad or defensive. Supposedly he is really hurt & angry and just barely has his emotions under control but he lets his wife sit there and basically say he is just as bad as her. Doesnt make sense to me.

- Megan brings Sylvia to her one chance at saving her marriage seems stupid to me. She knew the husband was mad at her & she should be too. Even if Megan accepts that its her responsibility no matter how much Sylvia pushed (which it is), why would she still be buddy buddy with her? If her actions were really so much against character as she is trying to convince Jack, why does she want to be friends with Sylvia in the first place? If she is the person she wants Jack to believe, she cant have much in common with Sylvia.

- even if Megan is sorry for what she did, does it really make a difference? By now it should be clear to Jack that he and Megan have fundimental differences of opinion on important issues. She is sorry she hurt Jack (not that she had sex with another married man) and has only admitted that she didnt think it would bother Jack as much as it did. She still seems to think its only about the sex when thats the least of their problems. Her behaviour over a long period leading up to the actual act (and since she was discovered) are much more of an obstacle to reconciliation than the actual sex.

I guess what it comes down to is a difference of opinion between me and you (and Troubador). I dont think she really loves him & I only think she is sorry for what she lost. Either she is really, really dumb or not the person her husband thought she was - both are enough reason to move on IMO. Real people dont act this mercenary over such a long period of time without at least once trying to put themselves in the other person's shoes. She knew what she was doing would hurt her husband and just didnt care. Its a little late to be pleading ignorance or listening to stupid advice or being swept away by a fantasy now. If her cheating was a spur of the moment one off, I can see trying to fix things but her actions and even words show that it wasnt.

The only way they can get back together is after a divorce IMO. Megan is not sympathetic at all now & Jack has shown no tendancy to write this off as a 'mistake' (it wasnt a mistake, it was a choice). About the only way that reconciliation makes sense is for the divorce to go through and for Jack to fall back into love with Megan over a period of time when they are forced to interact because of their children. For even this to occur, Megan must change her behaviour completely and appear to truely sorry for what she has done (i.e. not date etc). For this to occur, she has to first figure out what she did wrong and I dont really think she has yet.

Jack also must give her the opportunity to show she has changed. This would involve him not dating & becoming close to someone else & he must still care enough for her to even care whether or not she is the woman she claims to be or the woman her actions show her to be. I can see a really superior, forgiving person, not running her down to the kids, treating her politly, giving her fair access to the kids etc but thats about as far as even a saint would go imo. For them to fall back into love after the necessary seperation, he has to dig himself out of the emotional hole her actions have created. Think of it as a race - she is starting a 100 yards behind the other racers (every other woman he has no past with) but has the same finish line. Their history offsets her deficit somewhat but its still a deficit imo - maybe others believe a shared history more than outweights her long term choices, actions and behaviour (this giving her a head start) but I dont - I could be wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Well written, but...

I have to wonder if Jack woke up in some sort of bizarre parallel universe or something, because everyone around him seemed to be out of touch with reality.

First, Mary. For her to equate what he did with what Megan did is just absurd. Granted, he was far from pure in his motivations, and ultimately he would have been better off if he took some time to reflect on things and get his life back together before jumping into bed with another woman. But did he plot for months to deceive his wife? No. Did he conspire to have her drugged? No. While he might have made a mistake with Mary, in no way can it possibly compare to what Megan did.

Second, his parents. What color is the sky in their world??? I hope that this was simply a case where he didn't share all the details with them, because their reaction otherwise was simply retarded. Like being disappointed with him hitting Steve. Now it would have been one thing if Jack had jumped Steve from behind, or otherwise hunted him down, but that simply was not the case. Steve, who you established as the bigger and stronger man, was trespassing on Jack's property with the sole intent of inflicting bodily harm. By the parent's logic, Jack should have allowed himself to be beaten to a pulp. And if Jack had been severely injured or maybe even killed, would they have still felt that way? Also, why are they trying to defend Megan? While there is certainly something to the idea of giving a loved one a chance to regain trust, they don't seem to fully grasp what she did to their son. Megan's actions were pure and deliberate evil, and to say "Oh, well she's hurt too, give her another chance" rings very hollow in this case. Finally, and make no mistake, by mixing drugs with large quantities of alcohol, SHE ENDANGERED HIS LIFE, PEOPLE DIE FROM THINGS LIKE THAT. It sounds like Jack's parents don't love or value him very much if they have so little regard for his physical safety.

Third, Megan. We've already established that what she did was not simply a mistake, it was pure evil. This was not a case where she had a momentary lapse in judgement, or was impaired, drugged, blackmailed, etc. She went about for a period of months plotting to have an extra-marital affair, planning to pimp him out to her friend, even conpiring to trick Jack into thinking that HE was the bad guy and her actions were perfectly justified. And now she thinks she should get another chance because she's sorry? So what, a normal human being would feel sorry? Heck SATAN would feel guilty about that! Not to mention the fact that what she's telling Jack now runs contrary to everything she was telling Sylvia behind his back. If she really felt bad about CHEATING and not merely GETTING CAUGHT, why is she planning on seeing Steve a few more times? Simple, she doesn't regret her actions so much as she regrets the fact that she was caught. She's trying to talk a good game with Jack, but (barring a complete change in character) seems either unwilling or unable to walk the walk. While I don't think she's planning on becoming a swinger like Jack suggested when he talked about keeping the kids away from her "lifestyle," there is something to be said about keeping kids away from someone who would perpetrate such a malicious act on someone they claim to love. And why in God's name is she still hanging around with Sylvia? It seems to me that her friendship with a person who has gone about knowingly destroying marriages is more important to her than preserving her marriage to Jack. Finally, where does she get off, claiming that she doesn't like this side of Jack that she's now seeing? What side is that exactly, the side that wants to divorce her due to her cheating, or the side that acted in self defense when Steve came around looking to beat him up?

Lastly, Sylvia. I'm sorry, it's totally unbelievable that she suddenly has all this guilt. She's a habitual homewrecker (as you established in the first chapter), what's with this sudden attack of conscience? She seemed to undergo an even bigger reversal of character than Megan. Is this the same Sylvia from chapter 1 or some alternate reality Sylvia?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Boy, can he pick 'em

I was going to say. "Dammit, Anonymous in Kalifornia said everything I wanted to say!" but I had a few more comments.

1) His wife. Well, outside of everything detailed in Chapter 1, what did she say? "I never thought that you would find out. I thought that you would be sorry enough for your supposed cheating with Sylvia that you would be grateful for a chance to make it up to me." (Gee, since he found out and he wasn't supposed to, I guess it's all his fault, not hers.)

In other words, she was planning to keep on holding this over him forever. He would go on thinking he had betrayed her, but he would be so grateful that she was kind enough to take him back, it would be OK. Huh? It would never end. He would always think he has this mark against him, which, in all likelihood, would have finally torn them apart.

2) An old girlfriend who cheated on him repeatedly. She then equates his stated forgiveness about her abortion with his wife purposely planning to not only cheat on him but to make him think it was his fault. (I said "stated" forgiveness because I inferred he said this only to make peace, especially after the passage of time.)

Had Megan just cheated on him, then the two may be equal, but what Megan did was purposeful and cruel. Added to it that fact that the only way the plan could have worked was for her to continue perpetuating the lie, and what Megan did was far worse than anything Mary could have done to him.

3) His parents. Oy. Sure, they talk about how what Megan did was wrong, but there is also a very strongly implied feeling that he should forgive her, and if he goes through with the divorce it is his fault.

I agree with several others that the author seems to be pushing for reconciliation. Bad idea. There is no sane or logical reason for him to do so. If she can do all this and plan on continue doing this to him, keep on making him think it was all his fault, you have to question if she understands the very concept of love. I can only hope that in the next chapter he asks her this very point. "You not only did this, but then planned to hold this over me forever. The only reason that didn't happen is because I found out. You say you love me, and you may very well believe it, but how can you and do the things you did? If the roles were reversed, what would you do?"

romaq7705romaq7705about 19 years ago
evil sisters tag team

nothing in this chapter justifies a reconciliation. not now. not ever. after the divorce, jack should pack his bags and take his kids as far away from megan and sylvia.

the "evil twin siters" really don't get it. they try oldest trick in the book, the good cop, bad cop routine only this time it's bad bitch, worst slut. sylvia's presence is obviuously to deflect all of jack's hatred away from megan.

however, with copious tears flowing, all they can say is, "jack megan loves you", "i never meant to hurt you blah, blah. they can't answer jack's simple question, WHY? all megan said it's her fault because she had an obsession for steve's cock and "i'm sorry pls let me make it up to you".

i'm a sucker for happy endings but given the gravity of megan's offense, sad to say this is not of those stories. is forgiveness possible? can jack trust megan again? can their 'love' see them through? i doubt it!

forgiveness.. why is megan sorry? she's sorry because ted caught her. she doesnt care what ted feels. all she wants is steve's cock. she knew it was wrong but she did it anyway. megan did it for no apparent reason. jack would have understood if he'd been remiss in his duties. in megan's own words jack is a good husband, lover and father to their kids. she's not sorry for fucking steve and how can jack forgive that? how can jack trust her again?

megan lost all respect for jack when she fucked steve in their bed. does she have to rub jack's nose in it? why didn't she just go out and fuck steve the whole night in a motel? worse, she planned to have steve's cock a few more times before letting jack "off the hook". as vito corleone would ask. "what have i ever done to me you treat so disrespectfully?"

jack thinks she loves megan. but the old megan is gone. what self respecting man would want to be married to a cold, lying, calculating slut?

i eagerly await chater3. but pls, if they really have to get back together, don't make jack a wimp. give him back his manhood and self respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Sylvia and Megan so "OVER THE TOP"

It seem Sylvia needs to grow up and consider the consequences of her actions. I can't believe Sylvia would start feeling remorse now since she been sleeping with any man she can even if they are married. Hard to believe she just develop a conscience seeing as she probably has destroyed many marriages while causing pain and suffering along the way. That might be one of the reasons she tries to look 22 while acting like a child.

The only thing Mary said is true that legally Jack cheated on Megan since they are still marry. All others things are bogus since Jack slept with Mary because he thought his marriage was over. What Megan did is so over the top that it can't compare to what Jack did. First off she trick Jack into thinking he cheated on Megan. Secondly Megan use this situation to cheat on Jack. If that wasn't bad enough, she still want to have sex with other people while rubbing Jack nose in it. At least Jack was up front and honest and even though he slept with Mary, it really wasn't cheating because Jack and Megan thought the marriage was OVER!

This story is very similar to rpsuch's story "Carol Goes Too Far." I recommend everyone who haven't read this story yet to read it. SK

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
Forgot to mention the parents

Thats another really, really weird part of the story. With parents like Jack's, who needs strangers?

romaq7705 also made a good point about Sylvia. I couldnt understand why Megan brought her to the meeting with Jack but I think romaq has come up with the only reasonable explanation. They were playing bad and worse in order to try to confuse Jack and shift the blame from the one who really hurt him (Megan). Yet another point that shows Megan to be just as mercenary as ever and only sorry for getting caught, not for her choices/treatment of the man she 'loves'. No matter what Steve and Sylvia did in the lead-up (short of raping Megan), it was her choice. She is the one who claimed to love Jack and she was the one that proved all her previous protestations of love to be lies. Trying to shift the blame to Sylvia is the same as saying Megan isnt responsible for her own choices when, in the end, our own choices are all we are responsible for.

I guess it comes down to deciding if you want to be in a marriage of convenience to someone who doesnt love you. I dont think its enough especially in fiction where happy endings for the good guy are much easier to achive than irl. If you do reconcile them in part 3 (without a lengthy seperation and a lot of work to get back on track), at least make it a marriage of convenience for the kid's sake,financial reasons or even dependency and emotional weakness on the husband's part. True love conquers all and love=forgiveness would be too much to swollow given the wife's lack of love.

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardabout 19 years ago
A True Hornet's Nest

Well Bard you wacked the hell out of the nest this time...damn.

well First, great story so far, you are reallly getting into the head of the main character here and I love that.

now onto two seperate thing, my complaints and things i want to know/have happen. BTW I hate and love you joe average, you really stated most of my ideas but ...then again here I go anyway.

Complaints : 1) Mary, wow, she must be in love with Megan too. cause most people I know would go a bit nutz and stay that way if their ex, that they still had feelings for, were treated like this. And she wants him to try to get back with her?

As for his 'forgiveness' with her cheating/abortion, I agree with 'Boy, can he pick 'em' Anon in that I think it was closure and one of those what is done is done and time has already healed that wound even if i didn't know it existed.

On on his 'cheating', where I live if she has been served legally the papers, then they are seperated and at least legally his wasn't doing anything wrong. As for morally? well to him the marrage was over at that moment. And I agree ...his planing for a WEEK has NO I mean NO(where's the bold print on this thing) comparison to her SIX MONTHS and extremely callous/selfish actions.

2) his parents. The "well written' Anon (damn it guys sign up and get a name so I can actually USE it!) stated it best. They make saints look like sinners. Then again I have seen that many times on here. Man is cheated on and for some freaken reason HIS parents are the ones who defend her and tell him he is in the wrong.

Future Note To writers : Make HER parents do this (you fuck up your marrage, are you NOT going to talk to your folks? To at least get support? And if your daughter/son did this would you not be not only hurt but want to help out?) Actually X-Bishop got this amazingly correct in his 'Deception' sequel where even though the gals parents didn't like him, they went the extra mile and a half to help out their only kid. Now HIS parents can be calm ...even try to talk him into being rational...AFTER they have screamed/cried/raged with him.

And personally I want to see a Mother - cheater/wrongdoer meeting in one of these tales where the mom goes the hell off on the person, mother's love and all.

3) Sylvia. ok so your best friend admits she wants to fuck your man. gets you to sleep around to do so. then asks for him, then when he finds out and proceeds to start a divorce you STAY FRIENDS WITH HER?!!?

why am I getting Flash back to a recent story on here with two slut wives and an episode of 'tie you up and make you watch'? Can't remember the name of the tale right now but in it the wife and her friend make up a tale to 'exonerate' her cheating.

Then you bring her into the last shot you have to keep you marrage? yeah I beleive the good cop/bad cop thing must be true.

Things I want...hell can't hurt to ask.

1) Sylvia...ask megan WHY she says friends with her...even after what she lead her to do... Is their friend ship THAT important?

And after she gets Megan to cheat on her man, why not have her become a fuck friend that helps her out in her relationships, you know an added third, double ddates etc. and they can just blame it all on him couse well 'he brought this all on himself'.

2) and this is actually MY main point.

WHY did she have to rub his face in it? her attitude, her wanting to do it at their house, in their bed, while he was there, then her continual hammering the point home.

why did she feel she has to hurt him that bad? was it the power she gained? the control? does she really HATE him that much that he will continually get punished for a crime he never commited? To me THIS has to be dealt with.

I mean come on. That was just mean and calculated. now I can see one reason(and I actually just thought it up!) She was punishing him to punish herself. She was cheating and was in the wrong but was using him to take the blame couse she couldn't/wouldn't. Then again if she felt like that ...then she should have realized exactly how wrong this was!!

3) She was going to keep going with the steve deal and he knows it! And was even going to 'make' him go after that bitch and sleep with her! WOW what love.

This really shows to me that she doesn't have the same feelings towards the relationship that he does. no fidelity, no respect, no love...just power and control.

Did she really think that after this they could go back to normal?

I personally think all of this should be confronted to.

4) Megan's Remorse. She's unhappy to be caught. She has never said she was sorry to sleep with Steve. She wanted and still wants to have the cake and eat it too.

Until she sees exactly how evil she was when she planned, drugged lied and tortured her husband, THEN Broke her vows then she will not be in any place to be forgiven.

Now do I think they will get back together? hell even I can see that train coming. But I hope that you Give us lots of paina nd suffering on both their parts before we get to this...maybe streach it for 4-5 chapters?

oh and plese PLEASE for the love of god and my puppy speedbump PLEASE! get the next chapter to us faster! ;)

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardabout 19 years ago
Well i For got something too..

I know, wrote a damn novel and still forgot a point or two...

I really liked that Steve got his...not the 'fight' but that HIS cheating was reveiled. Nice.

And one more Sylvia point. She wants to wife to WATCH while they force him to cheat with her.... now this gives me just one idea...

She's trying to get them to be swingers. Why else have HER cheat at their house, and then have Megan watch? Hoping that it will 'open' them up to the life?

More I look at it the more they should toss her to the curb. But I know they won't. That just doesn't happen in these tales.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Am I missing something?

AB: My congrats for an entertaining and engaging story. Nice work!

Now I've always considered myself more a romantic than not, and in most stories such as yours, I've wanted to see a reconciliation between husband and wife. BUT NOT HERE!

AB, none of the women in your story give much pause for sympathy. 'Silvia'...well, it's fairly obvious that she is basically a self-centered bitch who gave no forethought to what would the consequences be which would evolve from her manipulation of 'Megan.'

'Mary' isn't much of an improvement. Apparently while dating 'Jack,' she couldn't keep her panties on for other guys when she and 'Jack' were a couple. And, while I'm a firm advocate for pro-choice, for 'Mary' to have had an abortion so she could keep dating a hockey player...well, nothing more need be said about her character and priorities.

And 'Megan'...she, who apparently gave an indication to what she's really made of by blackmailing 'Mary' in order to rid herself of competition for 'Jack,' cunningly and willingly conspires with 'Silvia' to, firstly, make 'Jack' believe he was unfaithful to his marital vows as a prelude for justification for her cheating on him. Then, secondly, she beds a boor, Steve, in 'Jack's' and her bedroom, yelling loud enough for him to hear that romping under the sheets with him is something that she has been looking forward to for a long time. Gotta believe that those words would be indelibly seared into the memory of any normal guy! Then she uses him as barter for 'Silvia's' complicity in her scheme. 'Silvia' gets 'Jack' as a reward for her help. Does 'Megan' once give to 'Jack' and their children any thought as to how her actions will affect their family? Nope! She says to 'Jack' how until the moment she saw him with 'Mary' she didn't realize how much she had hurt him. I guess, prior to her assignation with 'Steve,' noticing the torment and anguish 'Jack' was experiencing would have just ruined her fun.

AB, I believe that in marriages sometimes a partner can make a mistake...a grievous mistake. And in most such instances the couple, with patience, empathy, understanding and, perhaps, counseling, can remain as a loving couple. Sometimes they may even emerge with a relationship stronger than before. But in this one, give me a break! AB, if you had a business partner who betrayed you like this, would you remain in business with him? Actions speak louder than words. Oh, she can tell him how much loves him until pigs fly, but what did she do to scratch an itch she had...willingly and knowingly betrayed him...and rubbed his nose in it too! Hell, she's more loyal to 'Silvia' than she is to him. Cut her loose!

AB, good story, but PLEASE be real about where it goes from here. (I have to agree with some earlier comments...the parent's response was unrealistic. I can't imagine too many moms and dads being as laid back about their daughter-in-law's actions as they were.)

rip32rip32about 19 years ago
If you lie down with dogs

you get fleas. Who knows how many marriages Sylvia has broken up? And now she can add one more to the string. You associate with people like her, you become like her. Megan did. Some of the comments say Megan should be forgiven for one mistake. Which one should she be forgiven for? She planned this for six months, and thought of Steve while fucking Jack. She drugged her husband, endangering his life. She helped strip him and put him in another woman’s bed, where he was sexually assaulted and almost raped. When Jack told her he was considering suicide (I did think I’d be better off dead but I guess I’m not man enough for that either) she ignored it and went on with her plan to fuck Steve (later she acted very surprised when he told her about it again). She brought Steve to her martial bed with Jack in the house. She set Jack up to be known around town as a wimp cuckold. She wanted to totally crush his ego so she could dominate the marriage and do as she wanted, fuck whoever she wanted. She prostituted Jack to Sylvia, she would require him to fuck her. So which mistake should Jack forgive her for? His parents have been mentioned here in other comments, and all I can say is he should be sure Megan gets them as her share of the divorce. I really like happy endings, in this case I hope Jack finds a woman who will love him like he deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
OK so far, but could go badly wrong

There is a chance of reconciliation, but not to the point they were at before the betrayal. Because that's exactly what it was - a gross violation of the trust between two people in a marriage. Trust is just as important in a marriage as love - once the trust has gone a marriage is over, regardless of how much the couple may love each other.

Megan must suffer for what she has done before there is to be any reconciliation. It doesn't have to be extreme, but she can't get away without receiving some retribution for the crime she has committed. One way of doing this would be to have the divorce go ahead and leave her to wallow in self pity while he goes on to create a new happy marriage/partnership. Then maybe the new wife/partner dies tragically (Deus Ex Machina) at which point Megan comes back as the "comforter" etc.

Having the kids reject her, if only temporarily, is also an option. I'm part of the generation that has seen massive divorce rates in its parents; I know that kids have a surprising ability to judge the behaviour of their parents quite accurately. They'll be hurt a bit but it isn't a death sentence, especially if their father picks up with somebody else who can provide the love a mother should.

Sylvia needs to really suffer, and certainly get removed from the lives of the major characters permanently.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
another possibility????

readers, don't forget, megan is now going thru a divorce and is free, so is steve. noticed megan doesn't like the new side of jack that has been displayed. could this actually be a little anger and concern over what jack did to steve. could there be some unspoken feelings for steve hidden in that statement. lots of unspoken things left unsaid at this point.

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardabout 19 years ago
Re: another possibility????

Good point actually BUT

if she does this then she WILL lose the marrage, hopefully she knows this. In all truth I hope Steve is out of the picture but then again the statement about it all being over to the officer sorta forshadows that it aint.

As for his actions, what about the other sie of HER that he's seen? The cruel, evil, manipulative, selfish, sadistic, hateful (where's the thesarus when you need it?), uncaring, totally living-on-planet-megan-is-god side of herself?

Just a thought..

BTW man a LOT of posts on this one. I'm even checking in everyso often just to see the replies!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
What I hope is going on

Loved Part 1; am concerned about Part 2; anxiously await Part 3.

The visit from Mary and Sylvia is a calculated attempt on their part to get him in the habit of forgiving Mary for her peccadillos: they are deliberately downplaying their sexuality; they have a well-rehearsed set of speeches that places the blame on Sylvia and Jack; they keep playing the children card; etc.

I expect a conversation in the car after leaving similar to the one in Part 1: "Do you think he bought it?" "How badly can I hurt him in the divorce with Mary's time in our bed?" "If I get the kids every other weekend, I should be able to set some distrust of Jack in their minds; he's already promised me he wouldn't do anything to turn them against me." "I think I can get his mom and dad to work on him and the kids - they hate violence and are as wishy-washy as he is about holding anyone's feet to the fire." "You know, Steve is now going to be really available and incredibly horny after losing both the wife and his latest conquest. Would you be interested in trying a threesome there?"

I hope that he will see the true situation here, just as he did the first time around. The evidence will pile up in the six months it will take "for it to be final" from lots of little things he hears from his true friends, his kids, and his parents. I agree that the first clues are Sylvia's presence at the attempt to reconcile, Mary's inability to apologise for anything except getting caught and therefore hurting him, and her attempt to make him feel bad about his actions in getting the evidence and starting the divorce.

She attempts to make a distinction between "having sex" (when she thought about Steve) and "making love" (when she thought only about Jack). So, I guess he'll never get any hot monkey sex from her again without knowing that she is thinking of someone else! What a way to start a reconciliation discussion!

As others have said, this is your story, AB. We have the right as your readers to disagree with what you do, but we don't have the right to write your story for you. The fact that you are getting all this feedback is a clear indication of how much your characters have hit home with some of us. Give us YOUR story, not ours. We are blessed that you take the time to do this for us.


rpsuchrpsuchabout 19 years ago
thinking versus doing

Jack's thinking of the possibility of a reconcilation. He is not trying to build one. The gap between thinking and doing is vast. Do not assume that the author is going to get them back together just because he is offering up that possibility.

I had a character recently taken to task for thinking about a fling and backing it up with a phone call home. Thinking and doing: not the same thing.

All the reasons he shouldn't have been covered so I won't go back over that ground. Reserve your judgment.

phoenix764phoenix764about 19 years ago
Good Story, but confusing

I really like your writing style. The problem is I agree with many of the points being made in the comments. Sylvia not only persuaded Megan to cheat, but she went after Jack. How she can be considered a "friend" is beyond me. It is also questionable if Megan is trully repentant for her cheating. Obviously she never considered the danger of drugging her husband, which may have caused permanent damage, if not death. This isn't a simple case of adultery. We have an outside source causing harm to the marriage, drugs wre involved, and the additional lies of making Jack believe he cheated. It is highly questionable if he will ever forgive her, and be able to put their marriage back together. Also, since Jack does the right thing; why did he sleep with Mary? He knew his marriage wasn't leagally over, and that if he cheated he could hurt his standings in a divorce. That doesn't make sense. His friends that helped him also disappeared, when they should be supporting him. If Jack decides to try to work it out with Megan ( foolish in my opinion ), he should insist on several things including: monthly std tests for both of them, a break of several months before they get back together, lie detector tests about fidelity for both of them ( start at every 3 months, and increase over time), insist on birth control when they start having sex again, insist on professional counselling, and lastly NOT have her sleep in the same bed, or even have sex with her until he feels he can forgive her. I also think the parent's response was way off base. I can understand them wanting to make sure he didn't get hurt, or in trouble with the law, but just about every parent would be foaming at the mouth due to their anger about what Megan did to their son, and to their grandchildren. I point out the fact that jack normally doesn't fight unless his family was in danger. Where do you think he got it from? Obviously, his parents. Considering what Megan did, wouldn't they be mad as grizzlies at her for hurting their son, and grandchildren? Aussie, please keep the characters true to themselves. Yes they can change their minds, but they won't go against their basic principles.

gnfgnfabout 19 years ago
This reminds me of

the following dialog in the movie "Along Came Polly"

which came out sometime ago. If you haven't seen it give it a shot.

Husband "I'm not getting back together with you."

Wife (Lisa) "What are you talking about? W why?"

Husband "Why?" "You screwed a scuba instructor on our honeymoon. What kind of cold heartless bitch would do that to someone you love? I'd have to be an idiot to get back together with you after that."

Megan in this story went way beyond that. She conspired to destroy her husband mentally so she could have another guy screw her at her hearts desire, wherever and whenever she so desired. Megan’s ultimatum was he either accepted this or they were through. That was covered in the first chapter. Megan made the statements, Megan pushed the buttons. The others just played their parts, Megan made the ultimate decision, nobody else just her. It was her choice and her's alone.

Now here we are in the second chapter and Megan has shown absolutely no remorse for her actions. It appears that all she wants is to keep a bread winner and have access to her children. Love can mean many things to different people however I have never heard of trying to destroy someone you love as love.

This story is very well written and I cannot wait to see where it goes. I just hope that the author writes his own story and not the commentator’s story and that also includes me.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Time to move on

Very well written, some of real life situation's.Jack should move on, rebuild the the life for the kids.One thing that got me was when Megan, was thinking of Steve , while jack was making love to his wife, I don't know of any one else,but that would have hurt even more by her saying something like that.

As for me, if that were to happen in my life, she would have be gone, Sorry maybe i'm old school, but that is something i could not live with,he did his best to be good, but she planned it,and that even hurt worse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Don't put them back together.

When she said " "You have done a lot of things lately that I never thought that you were capable of. Not that you didn't have cause. I have seen a side of you that I never knew existed and I'm not sure I like it," She proved once and for all she's just a selfish person and not a good mother either. Great writing, though. Just don't make him a wimp like so many stories on the site.

JDsellerJDsellerabout 19 years ago
What The hell????????????????

I gave you a five for a well written story, but the story line took a turn for the worst. I even went back and reread the first chapter to see if I had missed the character's development of their personalities. Your characters changed from the first chapter to the second. Jack became a wimp in the second. I am willing to give your next chapter a fair read, but it will have to have more better character flow than this chapter. You should take great pride in the fact that your story generated this mush response.

beesfanbeesfanabout 19 years ago
My problem.

With a story which has passed the acid test of attracting great interest and many comments, mostly both thoughtful and emotionally involved, is that I am struggling to get a definitive handle on any of the characters involved. Jack, in chapter 1 comes across as strong and decisive, though I was a little concerned about his ready acceptance of Megan's disproportionate response to his apparent drunken indiscretion even before he knew all the facts. In chapter 2, he appears weak and ambivalent about what has happened and where he wants to go with it. To the extent that he allows himself to be lectured by Mary on the right thing to do, even after the still startling (surely?), if old, news that not only had she repeatedly cheated on him when they were an item, but had also aborted their child to facilitate sex with another man! He forgave Mary all her indiscretions back then, so why not forgive Megan now? And he allows all that crap about him behaving as badly as Megan to go seriously unchallenged, like he allows so many remarks questioning his integrity to go unchallenged. Then there's the reaction of the parents. No sympathy, at all, for what their poor boy is going through? Just another lecture from Mom, 'we didn't bring you up to hit people' and from Dad, 'remember the cheater is probably as hurt by her "mistake" as you are' bullshit. I agree with others. Mistake? I don't think her actions begin to qualify as that. And finally, there's the confrontation itself, in which the confidence on the part of Megan that she will be able to overcome this little local difficulty by re-affirming her love for Jack is apparent, at least to me. How else would she think it productive to bring along her 'partner in crime' to a discussion that should be intimate and private to husband and wife; how else would she have the nerve to criticise his actions, 'a side of you I don't think I like'; and how else could she think that it was remotely appropriate to suggest a postponement of the divorce, presumably on the strength of the progress they had made towards reconciling during that very first meeting ('same old Jack - I continue to control him, despite what has happened'!!?).

Will the real Jack please stand up! The other chracters are pretty much ciphers, apart from their unalloyed nastiness, in that we have no firm idea what they are really thinking. Perhaps chapter 3 from Megan's POV? Or perhaps not! I hate it when commenters tell writers what to write, so I'll shut up now! Thank you for producing a story which has generated such a huge response.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Is there any point in commenting?

Looks sickeningly like Troubador has you 99% down the path to a reconciliation, an option not possible with your characters as written so far.

I have read the lines:

"I can't deny that when we had sex I fantasized that it was him not you that was in me and the guilt that I felt made me want to tell you, but I couldn't. When we made love it was only you."

And am still trying to decipher what the author means, or what he is trying to have her say. Is she splitting hairs about making love/having sex with her husband? What? From her actions she has absolutely no clue what love is.

Slightly changing the words in the Nat King Cole song "Love is just a word, a word she's only heard, and can't begin to know the meaning of"

Don't spoil a good story by wimping 'Jack' out now. You have seemed to be a reasonable bloke so far......... Don't destroy your credibility with a contrived ending just to get them back together.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
And as for rpsuch's comment

He well knows had his character only 'thought', then she likely was fit for redemption.

He knows she not only thought, she took several decisive, definitive and substantial steps to arrange her cheating. Steps which far exceeded 'thought'.

He merely keeps misrepresenting my argument because it suits him to not discuss the real point.

There is a world of difference between a thought and an act. I know the difference, you know the difference, and I would have thought a person as astute as rpsuch seems to be would likewise have the same depth of discernment.

Sorry AB for putting this with your story, but it's also where his comment is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
No comment

Beautiful chapter 1, you should have left it at that.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Write your own story

It's pretty common for writers here to post a chapter, wait for comment, write another and post it... The result is usually a chain story or, even worse, a committe story. The better the first chapter, the more comments, making for an even worse second chapter. This one went all mushy; most of characters had the names of ones in the first chapter but not the personalities.

Would't it be better to write the whole story and then see what people think? Publish in installments, maybe, but don't let anyone else in on the process.

Oh, about Megan... Mistakes can (and probably should) be forgiven. Cold blooded betrayal over a period of time? A different matter entirely. If this story ends in reconciliaion there needs to be several chapters of time passing while we see how the characters cope. Maybe Jack and Megan can meet at their grand daughter's wedding and realize that they can't live without each other. (Yeah, I know what I said about write your own story. Ignore me.)

samissamisabout 19 years ago
I like the way

you touched on the obsession of the wife after the thought of the other man was planted. Reminded me of a shorten version of Torn Asunder by xbishop of the obsession/fantasy that can over take a persons' life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
this tramp is mad

for no reason she went out to hurt her hubby and she love him.she is selfish and mean,who want someone you can't trust.she has no respect for him,fuck in their bed.

the Troubadorthe Troubadorabout 19 years ago
Took some time, but the comments so far have been


First, I have to apologize for the mistaken belief that I've had any part in the story line. When I've been asked for my input by new authors it has NEVER been on the story line. That's for your readers sake, you already know the truth of that.

Second, it is interesting that I have been characterized as one who ALWAYS insists on 'happy ever after.' Several of my stories have illicited heavy criticism that I have NOT shown some way the couple can stay together.

Now for my comments on the story thus far. I agree wholeheartedly that the wife has to break the 'at the hip' connection with Sylvia. Without her conniving and machinations this would never have happened. What she could come up with in the next weeks and months boggles the mind.

And if your connection with the characters indicates they stay together, give some building blocks for them to follow together that they can rebuild their lives together. The most obvious is professional couples counseling. And with care in choosing the counsellor. Some start with built in prejudices, usually regarding the nasty man who happens to be the husband.

A comment on several comments that the husband's character has changed from that shown in the first half of chapter 1 and the second chapter. Of COURSE his character has changed! For heaven's sake, he has undergone a severe and debilitating experience. That doesn't mean his current mindset is permanent. It could be he will remain a bitter and untrusting ass who will take from every subsequent relationship, without giving anything in exchange. More likely after the horrendous pain subsides he will swing back to the caring, forgiving man he was before.

Enough said. You have done a good job on the story. I would recommend you write subsequent multi-part stories either in their entirety before posting any part. You can post the parts one at a time, but have the thing pretty well complete before the introducing us piranhas to your brain child.

You are going to be a wonderful addition to the 'literature' found on these sites. Keep up the good work.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 19 years ago
Very good story telling!

I am not sure I can forgive the wife, but the story is very good! To cheat is bad, but to try to ruin your spouse's self-esteem and honor, is very hard to forgive. I await the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Good so far, cant wait for next chapter

First, fairly well written story and its had quite an effect on readers.

Second, I do have to agree with others that your characterizations aren't as good as they could be, really a bit wishy-washy. That said, I'll reserve full judgement until I read the whole series as I can see where one might take this line of thought/plot/characterization. Jack isn't thinking too clearly, which makes sense given all thats happened to him (though his parent's are either complete wackos/written badly or a good foil for Jack's own insanity ;)).

That all said, please write the story you want to write, not what might be influenced by the readership. Good luck and thanks for an interesting story so far.


so_krazyso_krazyabout 19 years ago
Is Mary Nuts?!?!

What Mary saying Jack did the same thing as Megan of lying, planning, and cheating so he should forgive Megan is pure CRAP! Megan lie so she can cheat, Jack didn't told the truth that he know what Megan and Sylvia been up to is not the same thing. She plan to trick Jack into thinking he cheat so she can have an affair is not the same as Jack planning to confront her and Syvlia so he can punish them. Megan cheating is not the same as Jack sleeping with Mary because his marriage was pretty much over. Unless you throw out all the problems Megan and Sylvia has cause then on a technicality (just maybe) what Jack did can be consider the same as Megan. Of course Mary, forgetting one thing Megan brought this upon herself so saying Jack did the same thing is bullshit. If Megan plays then she should pay!

vetter350vetter350about 19 years ago
It's fiction!

If this was a real story, I would be like everyone else that wants her gone. But its fiction! Made up. There's enuff divorces and separations as it is. Don't get me wrong. I'm not condoning what she did, but how many of us would do something similar if we thought we could get away with it? She should suffer pain for this, but I think she see's how bad she did screw up. I think I would have him take her back, but she would know inside if she ever came anywhere close to doing something like this she would be gone. Sylvia has done a really bad thing, but she is accepting the blame. I'm not as eloquent as everybody else but these are my feelings on this story. Hell! When I saw this chapter had been posted I had to put off everything else and read it first. Can hardly wait for the next chapter. I hope to see a lot more stories from you, AB Thanks again for a great story

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
Almost believe this chapter was a smokescreen

The more I think about how the wife is acting now and has acted in the past, the more I think it isnt an accident on the authors part. Makes me think that all his apparent softening is just there so we'll think there may be a reconciliation when in fact we see the husband recognizes and confronts his wife for what she is in chapter 3.

Megan thinking it still isnt so bad & that she has a chance at keeping her meal ticket until he starts pounding her about the many evil/stupid/hurtful things she's done (they've all been covered in comments).

I only wonder why he didnt bring up any of the obvious points about her behaviour in their conference when he was 'getting some answers'. All he did was ask generic questions about why and if he was such a bad husband etc. Why didnt he hit her with the big guns and confront her with her actions at the time.

Maybe this whole chapter was a set-up to record the conversation with Sylvia and Megan for added insurance in the divorce. The only thing that stops me from thinking this is the way his parents acted. The more I think about the parents the madder I get. I can understand being fooled by Megan (into thinking he knew her, that she was a nice person, a good wife and a good mother etc) but what's it say if your own parents dont love/support/comfort you in what has to be the worst time of your life?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
So far, so good...

AB, I have a feeling that once you hit your stride, you will become one of the best authors on this site. You have all the tools at your disposal, and it would be a shame to stop now.

This story is well developed, and it focuses on issues that arise after the revenge. I could see this as a good seed for a much longer story, and I'd wait with bated breath for the next chapter. While character development is a little light (the put-upon saint, the impressionable shrew, and the manipulative harridan), you've kept it open enough for future embellishments. I'll keep my plot comments until I have read the whole story. Keep the chapters coming!

CK84CK84about 19 years ago
Given this some more thought and...

After re-reading it, this second chapter does not sit well with me at all. On it's own merits it's still pretty well written, which is why it's generating such a response. However, most of the characters in this chapter aren't believable at all, and (as several others have pointed out) the returning characters seem to totally disregard the basic characterization you assigned to them in the first chapter. The worst in this case is Sylvia, who goes from callously pursuing men to having a sudden attack of conscience. Why? It's okay for her to sleep around with one married man (Steve) but not another (Jack)?

As for Megan, the more I re-read these first two chapters, the more I dislike her. As written thus far, it's painfully clear to me (and most other readers) that she is in COMFORT with Jack, rather than in LOVE with him. It's not just the adultery, it's all the planning and scheming that went into it. Drugging him, endangering his health (not to mention his life)? What the hell kind of way is that to treat someone you love? Not to mention the way she tried to rub his face in it, trying to humiliate him and break his spirit when she knew all along that he was innocent. That is not the act of a loving wife, that is the act of an evil manipulative witch who is interested only in her needs and maintaining control. If she's so in love, why was she planning to continue seeing Steve? Again, it seems clear that she doesn't love Jack and isn't upset by her cheating. Rather, it seems she's upset with getting caught and the prospect of losing her meal ticket.

She somehow manages to become even worse in this chapter. The first red flag comes up when we learn that she blackmailed Mary in order to win Jack for herself. Now, was this done because she loved him or because she saw him as a good meal ticket, someone who could provide for her? Second, why on earth is she still even associating herself with Sylvia? That woman was a horrible influence on her, yet it seems that a friendship to this heartless bitch is more important to Megan than her own family. Finally, something that I thought was very telling about her true character came near the end. When she asked Jack not to use the children as a weapon against her, that thought had never even occurred to him; he simply would not do something as shady as that. However, the fact that she brings it up makes me wonder: is that what she would do if the positions were reversed? It sure seems like she's thinking, "Since I would use the kids against their father, then he must be planning to do the same against me." These are the reasons that most people are so strongly against a reconciliation in this case, and at the very least these are all questions that Jack MUST address.

Then there's the unrealistic behavior exhibited by Jack's parents. In my last comment I asked what color the sky was in their world, because they don't seem to be living on the same planet as everyone else. Megan drugged their son, and those drugs combined with all the alcohol she and Sylvia were giving him could have turned his brain into mush. "Oh, she just made a mistake. She's upset too, give her another chance son," is not a normal reaction when learning that someone has endangered your child's life. How can they not be even slightly angry? Steve trespassed onto Jack's property with the intent to do harm to their son, and yet Jack is the bad guy for defending himself? I don't see how they can be considered good parents, they seem to have very little respect for the basic safety and physical well-being of their son. Amd what was with that line about "divorce may be your best option, but is it your only one?" That sure sounds like his folks are telling him that he shouldn't be doing to best thing for his family. And make no mistake, given the circumstances divorce IS the best option at this point, for him and the kids. What the hell kind of parents would tell their son to settle for less than the best?

Another unbelievable thing was the fact that the police officer was even entertaining the notion of charging Jack with a crime, at least in the scenario you set out. I say this because as you present it here, this is essentially how things happen: Steve goes to the police and says, "The husband of one of the women I was banging on the side sent proof of my infidelity to my wife. My wife threw me out. I went to this guy's house with the intent to get my revenge. However, before I could beat him up, he broke my nose. Please charge him with assault." No cop with half a brain would even waste their time pursuing this, not only would they laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of Steve's claim, the only person they would even consider charging in this case would be Steve.

I'm not clamoring for brutal revenge on Jack's part, or that you give us 10 chapters of Megan suffering and having her will completely broken. I think the best revenge Jack could get would be to find a good woman who loves him the way he deserves to be loved, and that he live happily ever after with his new wife.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Avg Joe & the smokescreen

You have a 50-50 chance with this - you are right or you are not.

If you are right, AB just wasted a whole chapter alienating a large percentage of his readership.

If you are wrong, that percentage will be very cautious before reading any more of his submissions.

AUTHORS... Please...

About this submitting chapter by chapter story telling method - it's just like pulling teeth with no anaesthetic, bloody painful.

Why do authors submit a story in chapters and often with large gaps between them?

1. Frightened to submit a long story? Why? Readers will read as long as their interest is maintained by the author. So, maybe do it if the story is not interesting enough to be read all at once... Otherwise: Finish; Polish; Review again; Polish, then Publish.

2. Story incomplete? Well, finish the bloody thing then submit it. Get it to where you and your editor are happy and then send it in COMPLETE. Where is the rush? Is there a prize for the shortest time from when you think of a story until it's posted?

3. Not sure where the story is going? waiting for the committee to tell you what to write? Just look at the stories written that way and you will see why you shouldn't do it. AND you will never please all the critics anyway.

4. Likes to put up story fragments with controversial content to stir up public comments. Gets rocks off this way. No answer to this one. takes all kinds? Does it not?

Think seriously about writing the WHOLE story before submitting it, AND always use an editor, not just for spelling, but to ask you lots of seemingly stupid questions about the plot so you iron out all the silly plot slip ups before we get to rip into it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Story Endangerment / Author Credibility

Constructively - After reviewing the few(wow) comments it is apparant the author has talent - has stired emotions - created problems in chapter 2 - will reveal greater depths of character in chapter 3 - etc.

The danger to story and author credibility enlarges with stretching the story - concise writting comes with experience - this is a good - very good - but new author!

Expectations created, situations developed and character traits initially estabolished weigh heavily upon reader satisfaction. When any of these take a 90 or 180 my head tilts as does the credibility expected from a good author in a very well started story.

Quite simply, if you intend to put them back together don't make the infidelity lengthy or heinous. If you don't intend to let them back together don't insult your hero or us with new judgements or incomplete irrational thoughts in the interest of stretching the story.

So far you have bruised credibility somewhat - your hero has stumbled but not fallen - I don't know how you could take this fine start beyond a chapter 3 of resolution credibly. It is a learning process isn't it - and it is your story to learn with.

Best of considerations with Regard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Where is Chapter three?????

Come on man....don't keep us waiting.....

EffectEffectabout 19 years ago
Reaction from the parents is what gets to me

I agree the author really does have talent and I really enjoy stories that actually deal with the emotions of the characters.

Like said if it was just the cheating, that happen once when she was caugh up in the moment or drunk, then I could see a chance for them to get back together since it was a mistake. Yet the very fact that you detailed the lengths that Megan and Sylvia went through and that she rubbed it in the husband's face when she knew he was completely innocent and did no wrong kills any realistic chance for to get back together. Maybe after the divorce or years later once they start over again from the ground up. Sorry but her saying she still loves him is really laughable and I think the husband should know that.

Also I'm glad you had the husband say that the divorce would continue. I was a little worried there but that stopped that worry. I think the husband while taking notice how the two of them were dressed(covered up) might have known that the two of them were there to redirect the anger from Megan. At least that's how I took that scene to be honest. Also their clearly were other questions he could have asked her yet he didn't. Maybe it was just to painfull for him at the moment or maybe he wanted to wait.

Mary on the other hand, I'm not sure where I stand with her. The husband forgiving her of what she did in the past when it came to the abortion I think was simply more of a "it's in the past and done with already and nothing you can do" type of situation. It had been years since they were last together and that event. He had enough problems as it is and really there was no need to get upset about what he had no control over and had already been done for years now. Plus the fact that she had kept that with her and it seemed like she was in pain from doing it and how she treated him all these years could be taken that she's suffered enough so just live it alone type of thing. Her telling him to fight for Megan could just be her way of knowing what Megan is like, or at least thinking she does. A cheater would know another cheater, I guess you can look at it like that. She's out of the picture anyway since the two are just friends.

Now the parents is what really has thrown me in this story. The time it took him to go see his parents really makes me think that maybe Megan could have spoken to them already by herself and sweet talked them or gave them an altered set of events and tried to defend herself against the husband's version of the story saying he was drunk and doesn't have the story complete and here is the real story. There is also the chance that the husband didn't tell more of the more detailed events to his parents with the kids being nearby. That might relate to the parents reactions.

If not that then I don't know what planet the parents are living on. Or maybe they themselves were in exactly the same situation with the mother cheating on the father they are putting their past experiences and feelings into the current situation, confusing things in their mind thinking that the son's current situation isn't that different and that he can get through it. I can see that if he didn't tell them exactly everything in order to allow Megan to save a little face so the parents didn't bash her in front of the of children when he was gone or they didn't over heard the grandparents.

Not to say that this is what happen but this is how the scene could be looked at I guess.

Also it does seem like Megan is more sorry that she is going to lose Jack, her home, and kids then for actually cheating. I don't think she'll ever be sorry about that, not after all she went through and thought about it. She never once said she was sorry for how she acted that night she knew he was in the room and actually got mad that he left that night. Sorry but that's not actions of a wife that loves her husband and I think the author did that purposly to show that and to get that clearly across. Maybe to offset the reactions of others in the story.

Jack sure can pick them can't he. First Mary and now Megan. At least Mary after years later has finally come clean. I don't think Megan will be so forth coming. How could she not think Jack would be so hurt. That right there shows that she is out of touch with reality. Could she be thinking that since he took Mary back all those times that he would take her back? I think that might be why she isn't so sorry about her actions but she forgets that Mary and Jack weren't married nor had any kids. While Megan and Jack have those things which greatly changes how a person reacts to cheating, abuse of trust, etc.

Good luck on Chapter 3. I can't wait to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Chapter 1 rated as 100.

I am being generous by giving Chapter 2 a 25. So the wimp husband is listening to all the self-serving statements from the wife.

If it had just been adultry and she had gotten caught, he might be justified in taking her back. However, her actions go way beyond adultry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
what will be next

good story ,but the plot is getting out of hand.look she trick him into adultery so she could have an affair.she told him she would do as she please and he had to go along with it.that was fuck when she got read other,mary a woman who trick him ask for forgiveness and to ask him to forgive his ask him to forgive her. the problem is till there the friend and the person who help in the trickery are till friends so she isn't to sorry,if she till friends after helping destorying her marriage.breaking a nose want make up for being make to watch your wife fuck another fanasy and in real life it hard to fine common sense.its not the norm.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
What everyone else said...

Good writing, for the most part.

Try using other words than 'said'. It gets monotonous.

As for content:

Sylvia admits to starting the breakup, then wife moves right in with Sylvia after breakup. Hmmm...

As for Megan, what she did wasn't just cheat but betray her husband. She cooked up this plot to get him to feel guilty enough to let her have affairs.

Do you really want to be married to someone capable of doing that?

If this guy has no self-esteem (wimp) then they should end up together.

Also puts a new light onto their past. Did she scare off Mary to protect him, or so she could use him as her cuckhold? (Probably the latter, given her latest actions.)

And what's with everybody's reaction? If some bitch does that to my son, I'd have her head decorating my wall.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
"Dark side" comment odd/hypocritical

I found it odd that she (Megan) didn't like his dark side that SHE brought out, but fully expects him to take her back with open arms with the full knowledge of hers. So far a great story, please don't wimp out on us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Ok, where is the next chapter?

Your style is great, keep up the good work but keep the chapters rolling so the interest stays high! Let us see some revenge on that cheating bitch-make it emotional & intense as you usually do. She needs to suffer emotionally and physically from this situation she put them both in. If not, then have her put six feet under and he finds someone who deserves him. Just some thoughts....

msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
The plot thickens

You'll have to be very careful with Ch. 03. I hope you were sucessful with the rest of your story. Emotions are running high.

LeBrozLeBrozalmost 19 years ago
What A Mess

As though a separation and possible divorce can be said to be anything but a mess.

The only real problem I have here is with his parents' response, especially his Mom's; what do they expect him to do? I can understand not actively looking for trouble but such extreme pacifism is way too much to swallow.

Another thing is the way friends and family are full of free advice that costs them nothing. He has got a great deal to resolve; after all, he & Megan did have 2 kids together; they've been married for 8 years. Is everything they had together more important than this brief betrayal? If so, how to get beyond it (notice I say beyond, not over it). That's alot of pain & betrayal.

I gathered in the previous chapter and had it confirmed here that Sylvia was the catalyst. She finally does something right - she accepts responsibility for what she did to create this mess. Doesn't even begin to redeem her as a person. She will forevermore have to face the fact that when Jack didn't fit her image of men as cheats she had to fraudulently create the image just to prop up her sad hateful facade.

As for Megan, her conduct mirrors that of the wife in ohio's House of Cards in that she fantasizes about Steve and compartmentalizes her actions as separate from the rest of her life. It's apparent from her words and reactions that only after the truth comes out does she finally realize what she's done.

You bring out in this chapter a great deal of background information as well as reveal everyone's emotional baggage. This is one of those elements that make any resolution easier to accept although it does make the story drag for those wanting an immediate resolution.

I did a very quick scan of the many comments on this chapter; you've really stirred up quite a fury. And it's like with Mary and his parents - advice is cheap and easy when it's not you carrying the pain. He's not being a wimp in taking the time to think through everything that's happened. That's tough emotional self-torture. The quick way is the wimp way: both the kick her out without another thought option or accept her too quickly without serious talking option. In both cases he shuts down a part of himself.

Good touch with the meeting between Jack & Megan; they do need to move on to the next step - solidifying the separation and making arrangements about their kids. And where they go from here only time will tell.

As usual, a great job with a tough subject.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

she said to him twice -- KNOWING that he never cheated... knowing THAT drugged -- then scheming on false pretenses to fuck steve in THEIR bed

" you only have your self to blame"

>>>>> Dumping the booze on the bed I rang our house. Desperately hoping, wanting to hear she had changed her mind, that she couldn't go through with it. On the third ring Megan answered and again I thought she seemed to have softness in her voice.

"Are you OK? You ran out of here so quick I didn't know what to think. I was worried that you may have done something stupid."

"No. I'm OK. I did think that I'd be better off dead, but I guess that I'm not man enough for that either. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. See you tomorrow."

"Remember that I love you, but you have brought this on yourself," Megan whispered as she hung up.

then later on ....

As I rose to go Megan reminded me, "Remember you brought this on yourself."

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
you are shitting me

" oh mom. i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have hit that poor guy who spent the last 6 mo. trying to and screwing your daughter. i promise mom,next time i will let him beat my sorry teeth,eyeballs and brains out so you and dad can take care of me and the kids till your dying day. forgive me for letting you down" (i'm a dr.) this attitude made me vote 25 and leave before the end. i should have expected no less from an aussie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What a maroon!

Hubby is a coward! I'll say it again, COWARD!!! He has no intention of taking her back, all he wants to do is have a pity party...oh poor me, my wife cheated on me. Grow a spine and either take her back or divorce her ass, but quit whining about it. Besides, legally speaking, he did cheat on his wife with Mary, and yes, the courts do frown on that sort of behaivior.

The other thing I hate about him, is how he can forgive MAry's cheating and abortion but not his wife' fucked up is that...the answer: HE IS A COWARD!

NucleusNucleusover 16 years ago
Writing can be fun ...

... reading your story too. This story contains all what a good story needs. Thanks for exquisite entertainment.

<p>Have a good new year and keep on writing</p>


KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
In this chapter I liked – the comments…

Not trying to be facetious, just trying to find a positive thing to say about this chapter, especially after such a great first chapter…And indeed you have gathered an impressive collection of people who had put a lot of time and thought into their comments. So, as far as being able to stir people, you were obviously doing something right…<P>

For me however, this chapter amounted to shaking my head in disbelief; how could one chapter be so great, just to be followed by another which overall is so disappointing on so many levels? <P>

A decisive coherent and intelligent man in one chapter turns to be annoyingly wimpish and wishy- washy, with no apparent sign of independent ability to use his own judgment in the second chapter. He turns out to be this incredible creature who would listen endlessly with equal amounts of respect and patience even to the most nonsensical arguments - and agree with them all... mind you among those who lobby him are those who have the least standing to argue on matters of ethical behavior, and incredulously they all assign at least some moral fault on… Him! At times it felt like a parody or a farce on the genre and more than once I was reminded me of "Alice in the wonder land" due to the similar exercise of up side down logic…. <P>

Counting only few of the numerous examples I had found:

1. Nonexclusive premarital relations are obviously not of the same character as presumably committed relations, such as in a marriage. Simply put, what could be acceptable in the former may not be acceptable in the latter.<P>

2. Scheming and forming an elaborate plan to entrap another person into the wrong belief that he had done some terrible act, then making him go through extreme psychological pain over an extended period of time, could not be categorized as 'a mistake’, not even ’a terrible mistake’... Putting this label on such a severe offence is as inappropriate as calling pushing an elderly person into a highway – 'a practical joke'...<P>

3. Widely accepted concepts such as respecting boundaries of privacy, and If not being able to be supportive of one's relative at times of trouble, at least assuming a position of neutrality - are all ignored here. Instead, they are substituted by inappropriate uninformed moralizing directives aimed at the person who was at the receiving end of a terribly cruel “prank”, while being publicly cheated and humiliated. Can anybody think of a worse offense one spouse can perform on another -that is short of homicide? <P>

4. Equating A RESPONSE to exposed cheating to the cheating which brought it on, makes as much sense as putting in jail both the criminal who burglarized one's home and the person who had the audacity to try and stop that burglar... Never mind sense, hubby accepts these types of “logic” by his “friend” or his wife with the same straight face and dysfunctional brain as he does with all other propositions offered to him, suggesting that he somehow is the one who had wronged his wife… <P>

5. The laughable explanations of the wife to her cheating could easily turn into classic lines in a stand up comic routine. The reasons she could not stop herself from cheating were: first, she was curious (intellectually? –there are encyclopedias for that). And if A does not work, why not try a new age psychology – she became “obsessed” with cheating… The fact that she takes this clinical term and molds it into what amounts to: 'I did it because I really wanted to do it' -easily escapes him like all the other silly and nonsensical arguments… suffice it to say , it has nothing to do with real obsession. <P>

Like I said, I’ll always have chapter one to come back to…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Why add in extra stuff?

Why include this comment: "You have done a lot of things lately that I never thought that you were capable of. Not that you didn't have cause. I have seen a side of you that I never knew existed and I'm not sure I like it." ? After all she has done to kill their relationship, this statement of hers alone would have made any husband decide the marriage was over.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
not as good as the first chapter

I agree with previous comments, I can't believe the audacity of the wife to say she doesn't like the side of her husband that she is now seeing. How hypocritical is that? What about the side of her that she showed him? What a self centered bitch. His mom saying she is dissapointed about him hitting Steve? Steve came over to beat up him, he just happened to win by acting first against someone who is bigger and more fit. A belief in non violence is one thing, rolling over and letting people beat you up is another. His friend Mary's comment about cheating, he 'cheated' after divorce papers were served, quite a bit different than her setup. His dad's comments about trust mirror the mother's. Trust has to be earned and can be lost by one's actions. I'd say his wife's actions burned that bridge. Not just the cheating, but the setup, the repeated lying, how can he ever trust her again? This obviously was not a single incedent, shew repeatedly lied and plotted etc. I'm very dissapointed in her and with his response to all the bad advice he is being given. Always remember that there's more than one fish in the sea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
dumb broad!!

i think i woulda left out the "i was thinking it was him while you were making love to me" part. lol

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Guys cool down and read some of her other stories

Just a story from another perspective that's all it is not a biography

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Yeah the idiot will take the slut back, even though she is knocked up by Steve.

Wimpy, wimpy, whimpy!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Oh No..changing him into a cuckolded wimp!!!!!!

I hope I am proven wrong. This guy has been treated terribly and deserves justice. She, on the other hand, deserves to be kicked to the curve. Clearly a cheating slut of a wife.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

The comment section is as good as the story. Really opened up a hornets nest on this one! That means this is a "Great" story!

This one is confusing. You make them both so loving of each other and yet, what the wife did was horrible. Then the perfect husband immediately got revenge with once-cheating Mary to get even with her screwing the man-whore Steve?

Kinda funny actually... Damn, what if Mary and and the hero had fallen back in love? Cheater for Cheater? I like whatever you write AussieBard. This is a good one! I can go either way. I reconciled once and then divorced her later down the road. I never could fall back in love with her but I stayed for the baby and what we owned together. I lost all when I finally divorced. Oh goes the best laid plans of...husbands and wives?

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
I know AB history, Aussie is a love over comes all writer

It takes 3 parts just for him to get over and take her back.

AnotherClosetReaderAnotherClosetReaderover 12 years ago
Every once in a while,

I'd like to see the offended party (husband or wife) say "Yes" when the cop asks "Would you like to press charges?" Just a simple "Yup. You write it up and I'll sign the complaint." Even if it is gonna get tossed out buy the judge (read that: author) later in the tale.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 12 years ago
Ok, I have a problem with the husbands parents.

His wife's lover comes over to beat him up. He defends himself with one punch, and his parents chastise him for using violence? And then he apologizes? I certainly am not a torch the bitch guy but that has to reach a new low in wimpiness.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago


oldwayneoldwayneover 12 years ago
I smell a RAAC!

I hate where you are taking this. Ray Charles could have seen the crap you are fixing to heap upon us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
More Wimp Shit

You made the husband sound and act like he has no balls. Come on Aussie Bard, real world guys do not act like this. Whatever

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

You're about to make Jack a wimp. He reacted to his situation correctly in ch.1. Don't fuck it up now.We'll see what happens in ch.3.

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago
Don't do it!

I see it coming, jacks going to take the manipulative slut back!

Here we have a woman who tricked her husband into thinking he slept with her trailer trash slut friend Sylvia all so she can use this as an excuse to go & try out Steve's dick because she heard of how good he was in bed..... No way any real man would take her back. She knew exactly what she was doing, she actually was hoping her husband would bang slutty Sylvia so she can go & fuck Steve, where the fuck is the love in that? He shouldn't take advice from sluts like Mary & Sylvia unless it's regarding on how to suck a dick. He's doing the right thing by filing for divorce, what happens when she hears about how great gang bangs are? maybe this time she can grind some sleeping pills in his dinner. She's a selfish slut who use manipulation to fuck around and she never would've told him the truth.

"I can't deny that when we had sex I fantasized that it was him not you that was in me and the guilt that I felt made me want to tell you, but I couldn't. When we made love it was only you. Please believe me, I never thought that you would find out. I thought that you would be sorry enough for your supposed cheating with Sylvia that you would be grateful for a chance to make it up to me. At least that was the plan

Get real! How the hell can she say she loves her husband ? Obviously not enough to keep her legs closed. She envies her slut friend Sylvia's whorish life, which makes no sense, Sylvia's life seems lonely, all the men think of her as a fucktoy not something a man would marry ! Why would a sane person envy this. Jack would be a fucking moron to take her back, it doesn't matter how long they've been together or what they've gone through together nor does it matter that they have kids & no they loving each other is irrelevant-- none of these very good reasons mattered to Megan so why should they matter to jack? She wanted to play & now she must pay..... The trust gone I don't see how they'd be able to get it back, she would've did better just going out & sleeping with Steve so why was this scheme needed? Easy-- it was a way to clear her guilt. She disrespected her husband, her kids & the home they built for their family without thinking twice so I don't see how she wouldn't do it again when the next Steve comes along & once again she just had to try him out for size... No ... No reconciliation divorce the bitch.. She can move in with slutty sylvie..Once a cheater always a cheater...

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdalmost 12 years ago
The Sorytelling is Great

Not so much the story. This chapter just seems like alot of filler...hpoefully this story will come to a cohesive conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
still a worthless whore

didnt mean to my ass. Its all my fault.

sure is you spread your fucking legs whore now get the fuck out and stay out.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
it sucks being him

Wow Mary killed his child so she could fuck someone else. Now that is some pretty cold shit. It sucks being him. So he was ok to use Mary for a fuck but the wife, no fucking way, she should be history. He fought for her? Bull shit. The fight to fight for you wife ends at the alter. From then on she has to fight for herself to keep herself only for her husband and the same goes for him. He kicked Steve’s ass because Steve deserved it. “Both done the same thing for different reasons,” who the fuck wrote this crap. Once she did that bullshit about setting him up to fuck someone else the marriage was over. What is all this bullshit about owe them the opportunity to rebuild that trust? Barf! Fuck letting them have their “say.” Want to confess go see a fucking priest, unburden yourself someplace else and quit trying to help yourself by fucking with the man’s head. Why does he have to believe the cheating fucking cunt loves him? Hardly love to drug your husband, and make him think he fucked someone else so you could get a different cock in your nasty cunt. Oh now the cunt was curious and she thought of Steve when she fucked her husband. Did the author read every fucking cheating whore cliché there is and then put it in here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago



semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
This is starting

to look like a chick story. You know the type, the dumb fucker will end up taking the lying, cheating slut back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I do like forgiveness and reconciliation stories at times...but really?

I do like forgiveness and reconciliation stories at times...but really he's to feel guilty about defending himself from Steve and Mary wants him to feel guilty about sleeping with her after his marriage is essentially over. Are there unicorns in this world too. A man can and should defend himself or others if he feels the threat and Mary is a good one to pontificate about right and wrong as she has much worse skeletons in her closet. The premise of the story if good, but it has degenerated into a scold the guy and get him to say he's sorry and take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Mary was WRONG

Mary should have been kicked out immediately for even suggesting that what he and his wife did were comparable. His wife *planned* to make him hurt, solely so she could have permission to hurt him again. He wasn't doing any of that - he was trying to move on. Dumping a cheating wife cannot be considered payback. That isn't revenge, nor is it a hurtful action. It is a pained response to hurt caused by someone else. This story lost me at this point.

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