Nude Day Running Adventure


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Rachel looked up. Standing over her, mouth agape, was the good-looking younger man she had passed earlier in her run. His shirtless torso was shiny with sweat.

Rachel, in an instant, realized she was showing off her breasts and pussy to the man.

She emitted a high-pitched squeak and covered herself the best she could with her hands and arms.

The man threw his hands out to his sides, in a gesture apparently intended to show his intentions were good. His face showed a look of concern.

"I'm sorry!" he said. "I didn't see you. I was coming around a bend. Are you... are you OK? Are you in trouble? Did anybody hurt you?" He looked away from her, scanning the surroundings.

"No," said Rachel. "It's not like that." She wondered how she would explain what it was like. "I... I went skinny-dipping in the river. My clothes fell in and got swept away. I'm trying to figure out how to get home without people seeing me."

The man turned back to her, but he averted his eyes. Rachel could tell he was struggling between a desire to look at her and a wish to be respectful.

"Uh," he said. "Is there something I can do to help?"

Somewhere in the back of her panicked brain Rachel appreciated both that he wanted to look at her and that he wanted to be respectful and not gawk at her nudity.

"Ah, maybe," she said. "You don't have anything I could wear, do you?" Rachel was nervous about how much of her body she exposed to him even with her hands and arms draped over her private parts.

"I'm sorry, I don't. I'm just wearing these shorts, and nothing underneath. I can't give you my shorts. The police probably would be more likely to arrest a naked man than a naked woman."

The police. Holy hell. Until now, Rachel hadn't even considered the possibility of being arrested while running back to her house naked. But she might. It just kept getting worse.

"I have an idea," he said. "I can try to help get you to my car. I can drive you home."

Rachel didn't know this man, and she was nervous about putting her fate in the hands of someone she didn't know. But his plan was better than hers. She couldn't imagine any way to run through her neighborhood naked without being seen.

"Where's your car?" she asked.

"It's that way." He pointed behind her, in the direction from which she had come. "At the park, about two miles away."

"Oh shit," Rachel muttered.

"What?" he asked.

"That's in the opposite direction from my house. But the other thing is... please tell me you will be discreet and won't tell anybody about this."

"I won't," he said. "I promise you."

"Three young guys saw me, briefly. I heard them say they are bicycling this way to find me. They're coming from that direction. They're friends of my son. I can't let them find me. It would be a disaster."

"OK," the young man said. "I'll help you avoid them. I'm going that way, anyway. I'll help you get to my car and get home."

A whisper of relief rose in Rachel's breast. She was still panicky, but just a bit less than before.

"Thank you so much. Could you... turn the other way?"


"I need to stand up, and... well... it's kind of awkward."

"Oh, sure," he stammered. He turned his head the other way.

Rachel removed the arm across her boobs and used her hand to push herself off the ground. She stood up facing the man and recovered herself. She saw him turn back to her. He couldn't help but sweep his eyes up and down her body. Rachel smiled faintly despite her predicament. The young man was trying to be helpful, but he was obviously turned on. A little piece of her, buried deep, liked that.

"I'm Mateo," he said, his brown eyes on hers.

Rachel wasn't sure she wanted to tell him her name, but if he were going to drive her home he would know where she lived and it wouldn't really matter, would it?

"Rachel," she said.

He smiled.

"I'd shake your hand, but --"

"Yeah," she interrupted. "Let's take a rain check on that."

"We should probably get going," Mateo said.

An idea came to Rachel. Her brain was growing calmer.

"Do you live nearby?" she asked.


"Well, another plan would be for me to hide here, and for you to go home and get something for me to wear and bring it back. I know it's a lot to ask."

"I would do that," he said. "But I live about an hour away. If I did that you'd be out here for hours."

That didn't sound like a good idea to Rachel. She thought about having him drive to her house and pick some clothes up for her, but she would have to tell him where the key was and give him the code to turn off the alarm. She was nervous about doing that with a stranger. Plus, he had nothing to write it down. If he got it wrong, the alarm would go off and the cops would show up, and they'd wonder where she was... she didn't even want to contemplate what might happen then.

"Then it's Plan A," she said. "Let's go. Do you, uh, mind going ahead of me?" She didn't want him staring at her ass as they ran to the park together.

"Of course," he said.

Mateo, keeping his eyes respectfully ahead, scooted to the side of Rachel on the narrow trail, and he began jogging slowly on the trail, heading back to the park. To stay with him, Rachel had to pull her hands and arms away from her body. She ran behind him, now completely naked again. She thought how strange it was to be running completely naked and exposed just feet away from a stranger. Thank goodness he was being respectful and, for the time being, looking forward and not sneaking glances at her.

"How fast do you want to go?" he asked.

"This is a good pace," Rachel replied.

"If I see anybody, I'll cough loudly. Hopefully, you'll have time to hide."

"Thanks," Rachel said. She knew it would help to put some space between her and Mateo, so if he called, she'd have more time to hide from someone. But she felt safer, somehow, staying near him.

They moved swiftly along the dirt trail. Thankfully, they hadn't run into anyone, yet.

Rachel reflected on the craziness of her predicament. She was running, fully naked (except for her running shoes), away from home, trusting in the assistance of a stranger. He seemed nice enough, and he was nice to look at -- tall and leanly muscled. She thought about the weirdness that she was the naked one but that she was checking him out.

It was a beautiful day: warm but not too hot. The air was fragrant with the many scents of nature in mid-summer. It was a perfect day for running, or for being naked -- but not quite in this way.

Mateo suddenly made a loud coughing noise, and Rachel looked both ways for a place to hide. Hiding places were few. But she saw a gap between two large bushes and pressed her way between them, scooting behind one and dropping to the ground. She heard Mateo's voice, unnaturally loud, on the trail ahead.

"Nice day for a bike ride!" he called.

"Shit," Rachel whispered to herself.

"Yeah." It was Jeremy's voice. They'd reached her location.

"Hey," he continued. "You didn't happen to see a naked chick around here, did you?"

"Naked chick?" Mateo asked. "No. Why do you ask?"

"We were on the other side of the river, and we saw a naked chick over here, so we came to check it out."

"You guys aren't going to harass her, are you?" Mateo's voice sounded stern.

"Good for you," Rachel said to herself.

"No, nothing like that," Jeremy said. "We just thought maybe we knew her, and we'd say hello. That's all."

"Right," Rachel muttered.

"Sorry, guys," Mateo said. "I haven't seen any naked ladies. Maybe you should keep going upriver a ways and look."

"Maybe," Jeremy said. "But I'm pretty sure she was right around here. She had a hot body. We'll keep looking."

"You do that," Mateo said.

A few seconds later Rachel, behind the cover of the bushes, saw the three boys on their bikes ride past on the dirt trail. They were looking for her every which way around them, so she scrunched down as low as she could to stay out of sight. When they were gone, she stood up and returned to the trail. Mateo was there, waiting for her. His mouth dropped open again. Rachel, having grown more accustomed to her nudity, had failed to cover herself. She was giving Mateo a full-frontal view, and he obviously was enjoying it.

"They're probably going to come back this way," Mateo said. "I should probably stay behind you this time and warn you if they return."

Rachel said nothing at first. Mateo's reasoning was sound, but he might just want to watch her naked ass while she ran. But he was right. He could block the trail and give her a little time to hide again if Jeremy and his friends came back to them from behind.

"OK," she said. "Let's go."

Her arms were at her side, and she was aware that she was displaying all of her nude body to a man she'd just met. It no longer seemed as mortifying to do so as before. She even felt a tingle of pleasure at the feel of Mateo's eyes on her body.

She turned and started running again. She picked up the pace. The faster they got to the park, the better chance there was to avoid being caught by Jeremy and the others.

Despite the risk of exposure, she had to admit there was something delicious about running in the nude. She had never done it before. She felt the air on her body in a way she never had. She noticed the way the sun's rays struck her skin. Her senses had sprung to new life. Her ears picked up with greater sensitivity the chirping of birds and buzzing of insects. It was like a musical soundtrack to her crazy adventure.

She pushed on, running quickly, her feet nimbly picking their way over the irregular surface of the dirt trail. Uncertain of where Mateo was, she turned around. He was not far behind, and his eyes were fixed on her breasts, suddenly come into view with her shift in position. She turned forward again, certain that Mateo's eyes seldom left her ass as she ran ahead of him.

"He's getting quite a view," she said almost silently.

They moved quickly, but for Rachel, time moved at an agonizing pace. She was still vulnerable while running along the trail to being caught and discovered by Jeremy and friends, and she absolutely could not let that happen.

More minutes passed, and her breath grew more labored, when at last they reached the edge of the park.

The wild tree and bush cover stopped at the park's border. Beyond lay green grass and big trees spaced far apart.

Mateo pointed. Rachel followed his finger. It led her to a blue Nissan, in a parking lot.

"That's my car," he said.

Her heart sank. The car was at least several hundred yards away. There was almost no cover between where she crouched naked and the car -- only some trees and a small free-standing restroom building halfway between her and the car. She looked around. The one thing she had going for her was that not many people were in the park. Two people threw a frisbee a few hundred yards away. Somebody read a book on a blanket under the shade of a tree.

But Jeremy and his friends would be back soon. She just knew it. And they'd be coming back on the trail behind her. She couldn't stay where she was, or they'd see her. It was only a matter of time. She and Mateo couldn't wait.

"I've got an idea," she said.

"I'm all ears," Mateo replied.

"Let's make a dash for that tree, that one there." Rachel pointed to an enormous oak tree, with a thick trunk and a broad crown of branches. "Then if the coast is still clear we'll run to that bathroom building. And if it's still clear we'll run to your car."

"Sounds like as good a plan as any," Mateo said. Rachel thought it was easy for him to say. He didn't have a naked ass on the line.

"All right," she said. "Let's go... NOW!"

They ran out of their hiding place into the open park. Rachel's nude body streaked across the grass in broad daylight. She ran as fast as she could for the pseudo-protection of the big oak tree. Mateo ran alongside her. A grim laugh escaped her as she sprinted forward.

This cannot be real, can it? she asked herself silently.

All her senses, and the overpowering fear of being discovered, told her the experience was indeed real.

She and Mateo made it the oak tree. As she slipped her body behind it, she looked back, and at that very moment she saw Jeremy and his two friends emerge from the dirt trail and ride into the park on their bikes. They rode to the Rivertrail and continued riding in her direction. If they kept going on that path their bikes would pass near her, and they would doubtless see her. Rachel began to panic again. Mateo stood next to her, behind the tree.

The boys stopped their bikes.

Rachel was aware that by focusing so much on the boys behind her she ignored the possibility of someone coming upon her from behind. Her bare bottom was exposed. She turned to Mateo.

"Can you get behind me? To shield me from behind so nobody sees me?"

"Sure," he said. He placed his body directly behind hers. His body didn't touch hers, but she felt his heat. Rachel was near sensory overload. She feared she might faint.

The boys stopped their bikes to the side of the Rivertrail, and they turned away, back toward the direction from which they'd come. Rachel couldn't hear what they said, but they pointed and gesticulated, and she guessed they were wondering where she'd gone. Rachel knew the boys wondered where the naked woman had gone.

"Let's make a break for the bathroom," she said.

"Now?" Mateo asked.

"Yes. While they're looking the opposite way. We can't stay here. They'll see me if we do."

"Whatever you say."

"I say this." And she sprinted from her place behind the tree, as fast as possible, toward the far side of the little bathroom building. Rachel couldn't remember the last time she had run so fast. She ran like a deer, bounding through the open park in long, quick strides. It took a few seconds for Mateo to catch up with her.

At last, they made it to the bathroom building. They scurried around it, to the back side. The doors to the bathroom faced the other way, toward Jeremy and his friends.

"What do you see?" Rachel asked.

Mateo left her side and snuck his head around the side of the bathroom. He ducked his head back immediately.

"They're coming this way," he said. "I think they're going to use the bathroom."

"I can't take much more this," Rachel said. "I'm a wreck." Her body shivered.

"Hang in there," Mateo said.

Rachel pressed the backside of her body against the stucco surface of the bathroom building.

"Can you stand in front of me?" she asked Mateo. "Shield me. Don't let anybody on this side of the building see me."

Mateo obliged her. He stood in front of her, his partially clad body shielding her fully nude one. He drew close.

Rachel heard voices. The boys approached the bathroom. Their voices grew louder and more comprehensible.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"I'll check," Mateo said. He left her for a moment and glanced around the side of the bathroom.

"They're coming this way," he said.

Rachel was trapped. If she tried to run away from the bathroom in any direction, they'd be sure to see her. She had no choice but to remain hidden on the opposite side of it and wait.

Mateo took his place in front of her to shield her from view by anyone behind the bathroom.

The boys' voices became louder and clearer.

"I thought we might see her," Jeremy said.

"Too bad," another voice said. "That would have been hot."

"She had a nice ass," the third guy said. "I wish I could have seen it again."

"I wonder if that was her," Jeremy said.

"Who -- Aaron's Mom?"

"Yeah," Jeremy replied.

"Come on. You don't really think Aaron's Mom would be running around naked, do you?"

"I don't know," Jeremy said. "I just had a feeling. It kinda looked like her."

"Guess we'll never know."

"Guess not," Jeremy said. "Now I gotta take a leak."

Rachel waited with torturous patience as each of the boys used the bathroom. She heard the tinkle of pee coming through the little open, grated window overhead. Mateo stood directly in front of her, shielding her from view of anyone. Her body squirmed with fear and impatience and her hips pushed forward and for a second, she felt a bulge under Mateo's shorts. She glanced down. It was there, no doubt about it. Mateo was aroused to be so close to Rachel's naked body.

Eventually, agonizing minutes later, the boys finished. Rachel heard bikes being picked up off the ground and mounted.

"Don't let them see me," Rachel pleaded in a whisper to Mateo.

Mateo drew closer to her. Her hands went to his sweaty torso. His hips pressed against her. Mateo was taller than Rachel, and she felt the thick bulge of his cock under his running shorts against her naked belly.

She kept perfectly still and quiet. To her left she saw the Jeremy and his friends on their bikes ride past the bathroom. They were not forty feet away, but they were looking in the opposite direction, downriver, toward the Rivertrail. If they thought to glance back, they'd see her. Her heart beat fast with fear. Fortunately, they eyes stayed ahead. She saw them ride to the trail, and then toward the bridge to the other side of the river.

When she realized she'd been holding her breath for a full minute, she let it out in a huge sigh.

She almost buckled.

"God that was close."

"You OK?" Mateo asked, holding her up with his hands on her arms.

"Barely," Rachel managed to say. "Let's get out of here."

"Last one to the car is a rotten egg," Mateo said.

With that encouragement Rachel broke free from Mateo's grasp and sprinted at full speed across the park, toward the car. It was a hundred yards, maybe more, across an open lawn with no trees or obstructions of any kind. Without breaking stride Rachel looked in both directions. To her right she saw a man with a frisbee in his hand stop what he was doing and stare open-mouthed at her. She was caught. He cat-called her from across the park. Rachel felt a twinge of annoyance, but there was nothing she could do about it. All she could think about was the relative security and privacy of Mateo's car.

She pulled up when she got to it.

"Open the door, please!" Rachel cried to Mateo.

Mateo fumbled for the key in the pocket in his shorts. The seconds passed with agonizing slowness. It was torture to Rachel. Finally, she heard the chirp and the mechanical sound of the door opening. She pulled the handle on the passenger side and got in.


She closed her eyes and sighed with relief.

When she opened them, she spun her head around every which way.

"Don't you have a shirt I can wear?" she asked Mateo, who was settling into the driver's seat.

"Sorry," he said, sheepishly. "I decided not to bring one. I figured I'd just get it all sweaty and have to throw it in the wash unnecessarily."

"You drove for an hour to the park, topless," Rachel said. "That's bold."

His eyes gave her the once over. "You should talk."

"No kidding," she replied. "Can we get out of here? Take me home please."

Rachel shrunk down into her seat to prevent being seen. The windows were tinted, a little bit, and that provided a bit of comfort, but the tinting wasn't enough to prevent a determined gawker from seeing that the pretty woman in the Nissan's passenger seat was naked.

"I'm almost home," Rachel muttered softly to herself. "I'm almost home. Just a few more minutes."

"What did you say?" Mateo asked.


Rachel gave Mateo directions. He pulled the car out of the parking lot and soon they were driving back toward her house on Laurel Lane.

It seemed to Rachel that the car moved with an abnormal and perverse sluggishness, as though wanting to prolong the chance for her to be exposed. She knew, rationally, that it wasn't so, and that Mateo drove quickly but carefully. To say the least, it wouldn't do to get pulled over for speeding.