Nurturing Cindy 04: The Club Pt. 01

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Cindy's New exploration.
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Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2020
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Cindy walked gingerly from her car to her front door thinking she would never, ever, ever get another bikini wax in her life. She wasn't sure if she like this or not but she thought at least the surprise would be nice. She left a reminder of her once thick and luxurious bush by keeping a landing strip.

She had at the spa looked at her new cunny coif and was quite pleased with how her inner labia barely snuck out from within the thicker outer lips. She thought she has a pretty perfect pussy. As she entered the house she noticed on her dining room table a gift box with a note attached.

"For tonight" read the note, "Pick you up at 7."

Opening the box she found a black mini-skirt, a silky metallic gold camisole top with spaghetti straps, a pair of stockings with lace elastic tops, and a pair of Mary Jane shoes with a small kitten heel.

Oh, and another note written in all caps saying "NOTHING ELSE".

I picked her up at 7 as promised, First, we went to a quiet bistro where we had a light meal with some wine. Then down the street to a dessert bar where we each ordered a different dessert sampler and then shared from each other's plates.

"Now for the main course," I uttered as we walked back to the car.

Cindy snuggled her head into my shoulder and mewed. The trip to the industrial side of town was brief. We pulled up to a small two-story building surrounded by a bevy of cars and parked. We opened the outside door to leave us into a well-lit atrium and were greeted by a stern-looking woman and a man who's clothing could not hide his chiseled body.

The woman looked at me and said, "I saw your name on the reservation list go right in"

The room was large and open. Throughout the place, there were little vignettes of furniture that kept Cindy guessing if it was for sitting or for something else. There was a doorway, where a steady stream of people with staff shirts entered and exited with trays of food.

"Don't be afraid," I whispered to Cindy. "This place is highly vetted and even small violations of the rules are not ignored. The safewords here are red, yellow, and green. We are just going to watch at first, we have until breakfast if you like to try something more. As the night goes on people will start to play, this is a sex-positive club so you probably see all sorts of play."

Cindy's eyes got big, she chewed on her lip as she so often did and started to glance around the room. "Oh," I said, "There is also an upstairs with private rooms."

I had started to check Cindy's computer weekly to make sure she was using passwords and was deleting files. I was making mental notes of what she was watching on porn sites. She had started watching threesome porn equally divided into MFM and FMF. Someday I might tell her how to hide her searches.

Near the buffet table was a naked and blindfolded woman tied up with the words "Karess Kitty" written on her chest. Her partner stood next to a table with a collection of sensation implements. I noticed Cindy continually returned her eyes towards this scene. Finally, she said she wanted to visit the buffet table, but I think she had other things in mind.

While walking toward the buffet I nudged Cindy closer to the tied woman. I whispered in her ear that we should stop on the way back and maybe watch someone play with her more closely.

"If you want," Cindy said with a slight catch in her breath. We walked over with plates in our hands and introduced ourselves to the guy at the table. Her name was Kitty, his name was Sam. He noticed some chocolate candies on Cindy's plate that looked like a large soft Hershey's kiss. My wife loves those he said, why don't you feed her one. Cindy looked at me and I smiled broadly.

Cindy picked up the chocolate and held it pressed against Kitty's lips. After a few seconds her tongue came out and she scooped up the chocolate morsel with the tip of her tongue. Cindy picked up a second piece and then a third and fed it to the appreciative woman before she snuggled back into my arms.

Sam turned to us and quietly said that we were allowed to touch her if we wanted. I led Cindy over and taking her hands in mine I had her caress Kitty's arms. Then I guided her hands over her shoulders and down across her breasts. I removed my hands from Cindy's and whispered in her ear "Squeeze them!" Then I took a few steps back to let Cindy find her way.

Cindy looked at me and then squeezed Kitty's heaving breasts. "Keep going," said her husband, "She likes nothing better than just to be touched".

Cindy continued to fondle Kitty while tentatively looking for approval from both of us. Soon she stopped looking at us and started to measure Kitty's response. Soon Kitty started to shift her weight and twist her torso inviting Cindy to explore between her legs. Finally, the husband asked Cindy, "Could you make her cum, she needs to cum."

Cindy froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, "Rub her pussy now" I said speaking for the first time.

Cindy's hand's dove between the woman's legs momentarily and nearly as quickly reappeared. I looked at the husband he nodded affirmatively.

I again said, "Rub. Her. Pussy." Cindy's hands went back between the woman's legs but as she began to shutter she again stopped. I went to Cindy wrapped her hair in my fist, pulled her to face towards me telling her, "Rub her until I tell you to stop."

The third time Cindy's hands grazed across the woman's clit caused an immediate orgasm. "Keep rubbing," I said as the woman tugged and pulled at the ropes that were holding her up. Finally, with an audible gasp, the woman lost the ability to stand and hung from the ropes momentarily until her husband went to support her.

Cindy came over to me, hugged me as we watched the husband and wife reconnect. After resting a few minutes Kitty looked at Cindy, smiled, and said, "Thank you, that was perfect. Can I have a good-bye kiss?"

It started as a peck on the cheek then to lips grazing one another then into a full-blown make-out session. Finally, after a few minutes, we said our good-byes.

Before we left I spun Cindy around lifted her camisole top squeezed her breasts so our new found friends could see. Then I lifted her skirt and ran my fingers between her legs. That's when I found out Cindy had been to the spa that day. I spun her back around, lifted her chin, looked at her asking, "Young Lady"?

She responded with a plaintive, "What?"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Shutter = window storm covering

Shudder = involuntary tremors, could be orgasmic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Pay dirt!

The characters are developing nicely and this chapter turned up the heat a bit. I love the kind, relational tone.

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