Nylon Conquest Ch. 05


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I turned to Lilith in askance. But movement caught my eye.

Caliphea hung to her mid thigh. She flexed upwards to stare at me. I felt a stirring in my own sex. I looked up into my wife's face. She was panting, and a bit of drool was dripping from her lips. She could not take her eyes off the orgy before her. Her tail began to whip back and forth.

Oh shit. This was trouble. "Lilith, your, your snake."

"Y-y-yes. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

"Do you want to join them?"

"I. NEED. TO. FUCK." As if that was an answer.

"Have you ever fucked on that bed?"

Lilith paused for a few moments. Her breathing was accelerating. She couldn't seem to tear her eyes off the gang-rape scene before her. "Yes."

I knew this would have been before she met me. But still, it was a stunning view into her world that I'd never imagined.

Lilith forced herself to look away. I could see her desperately trying to control herself. When she had calmed down, she continued. "For the past thousand years, the Succubi have shared our world with benevolent visitors from another world. The Silken had escaped their dying world and proposed a trade. As shape-shifters, they can assume many forms. But their preferred form appears to be of silk. It seems they were inspired by the silk treasures of Lesbos.

"Like the Succubi, the Silken have discovered an insatiable appetite for male cum. For centuries, we fed men to the Silken for their consumption. They encased them, stimulated them, and forced them to cum, over and over and over. Men would last two or three days, some as much as a week. They were discarded and replaced from our inventory.

"But then we discovered a way to preserve the male and use him as a conduit, to feed the Silken through our Succubi sisters, who harvest armies of men for their cum.

"At the Silken's request, legions of men on Earth were tested for compatibility over a period of many years. This man was scouted by a hunt team led by Savannah, a Succubus Domina, about a decade ago. He passed the initial tests and was brought to Subus for further trials. The Silken queen took to him immediately. She encased him in her nylon body and together, they are symbionts. They feed off of each other. Each symbiont would die without the other. For him, there is no escape from this place or from his alien symbiont. They are forever bonded."

Lilith's snake began to rub the outside of my crotch. Inevitably, I began to grow and harden. I felt Lilith's tail nuzzle my ass.

"I have assigned a coven of twelve warrior Fems to harvest thirty-five men a day, to take their cum, and to deliver it to the Silken queen through orgasm, as tribute. He receives it all through his cock and stores it in his engorged balls. When he orgasms, the cum is fed to the Silken through his cock. She has completely enclosed his cock in her silk so that when he cums, she absorbs it into her body. The so-called gang bang you see here is actually the ceremony of our tribute to the Silken. Our Fems are delivering to the Silken the essence of three dozen men each day. The Silken queen has demonstrated an insatiable appetite for cum. She feeds every fifteen minutes or so."

Caliphea's mouth latched onto the shaft of my now rock-hard boner. She began to gnaw up and down its length. Even from outside my pants, the pressure was stunning, beautiful.

"You mean he cums every fifteen minutes? As intense as that?" It was too much to believe.


"For how long? How long could he possibly last?"

"As her symbiont, the Silken queen has granted him eternal life. They have been here, entombed in this living bed for nearly ten years. Each day, a half-coven visits for an essence transfer."

"Is that what you call this? Essence transfer?"

"Call it what you like. Rape, gang bang, essence transfer, CBR."

I looked at Lilith. "Ceremony of the Blissful Rapture?"

Not content with biting my dick from the outside, Calithea slid inside the waistband of my pants and found the head of my cock. Fuck she was a sexy thing. I wrapped an arm around Lilith's waist and held her tightly, preparing myself for the pleasure of my wife's snake. Lilith responded by caressing my anal hole more aggressively with her tail.

"Yes. And there's more. Every day the symbionts are visited by one of the hunt team stationed on Earth. They are some of my prime Succubi - the Domina. Their job is to each absorb twelve men every other day and deliver their essence to the Silken queen and her mate. Each day, one of the Domina enters this chamber and spends several hours in ritual sex. She must cum twelve times to deliver the essence of twelve males to the Silken."

Calithea began to slither down the shift shaft of my cock. She was hot and wet and she absorbed my member very slowly and sensuously. I was in - well certainly not heaven - call it, bliss.

"Between daily gang bangs, hours-long ritualistic sex with the Domina, and appointment sex with Succubi warriors, some of whom you met in the hallway, Silken and man lie here, alone in the torchlight, locked in this chamber, building and cumming every fifteen minutes for all of eternity. I'm told that on the rare occasions when they are alone, they concentrate on keeping the orgasm lasting for many, many minutes. The interval between orgasms is only a few seconds."

Calithea finished swallowing my cock. I hugged Lilith harder.

"For the last ten years?" I choked out. It defied understanding.

"The pact they have formed will last a thousand years. I am told they love each other very much."

"Locked inside this chamber on this enormous bed, cumming nearly continuously for a thousand years? What does that do to a man?" The inside of Calithea's body began to shudder all around the length of my shaft.

Lilith turned me. She was panting hard now. The kinetic motion of her snake swallowing my cock had got her attention. "There are Silken shapeshifters looking for Symbionts. Few men are compatible. My guess is you'd be an excellent candidate for the trials. Would you like to live forever?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Only if it was with you, my wife."

"Your words move me."

Calithea's lips began to suck and nuzzle my balls. At the same time, the hot wet pressure of her body squeezing the length of my cock was beginning to rule my brain. "Lilith, um, can we..."

Lilith wiped a bit of drool from her mouth. She looked down into my eyes. "You're right. We need to fuck."

I thought she'd never say. Calithea had gotten me to the point where I would do almost anything to cum right about then. The whole of her snake body was squeezing and twisting my dick so skillfully that I was ready to explode right there. She wouldn't let me though, of course. I'm not allowed to cum until her mistress consents.

For a fearful moment, I thought Lilith would pick me up and jump into the fray on the bed. But clearly Lilith wanted to fuck somewhere private. Knowing my wife's intentions, Calithea pulled off of my dick and wrapped herself around Lilith's thigh. My wife grabbed my hand and led me to the chamber door. She hauled open the heavy door and we entered the corridor, leaving the nylon man to enjoy his endless orgasms.

Ignoring the line of Succubi warriors waiting for their turn to join the gang bang, Lilith sped down the darkened stone hall. She was moving so fast I stumbled, so she effortlessly swept me into her arms and ran down the dimly lit corridor.

It was a surreal moment. Here I was being carried down a five-thousand-year-old stone corridor in the arms of a spectacular seven-foot-tall Succubus who loved me utterly in commitment and lust. I nested my head against her enormous breasts as we hurtled through the castle.

By this time, Calithea had slithered into my lap and had again begun to gnaw on the shaft of my cock. I reached out to stroke her length, giving her an affectionate squeeze near the base of her mouth.

"FUUUUUUUCK!" Lilith screamed. She stopped in front of one of the heavy oaken doors and slammed her left hip into it, driving it open. Carrying me into the room, which was illuminated with but a single guttering torch, she turned her back to the door and whammed it closed with her bum. With a high roundhouse kick, Lilith rammed the slide bolt home with a high-heeled toe while still holding me in her arms. Satisfied, she turned and bounded over towards the bed. From eight feet away, she threw me effortlessly into the piles of nylon piled deep and carelessly all over the bed. As I tried to regain my balance, Lilith leapt upon me, straddling my middle.

I reached down and grabbed her snake with both hands. She screamed in lust and delight.

My sex-demon wife wasted no time. She unclasped my belt and ripped away my pants with one violent stroke. Calithea immediately swallowed my cock with a deft cobra strike. Lilith straddled my lap. Instantly Calithea retracted deep inside my wife's vagina. Opening her legs wide, Lilith had sucked all twelve inches of me into her body in a heartbeat. The base of my cock pressed hard into her clit. She lay full atop of me, then rolled us over on the bed with me on top. She wrapped her body around me, enclosing me with her legs, tightening her grip around my neck, and pushing my face into her enormous breasts. They were heaving with desire as her grip around me tightened ever harder.

Lilith's wings emerged and she wrapped them tightly around my body. And then I felt it. The flexible end of her tail slid slickly inside my anal hole and began to expand and contract around my prostate. She knew exactly how to manipulate it.

I was consumed with lust, but it was here, on her home planet, that I feared her. Five thousand years of conditioning had honed my wife into a fierce, unstoppable sex-demon warrior, with the basest of sexual needs frustrated by thousands of years of sexual denial. She had ten times my strength and the passion of a goddess. And so I just melted into her magnificent body. Her snake began to pump and squeeze my dick with wanton need. Lilith's breasts heaved into my face, smothering me. She held me tight - so tight I began to fight for breath.

She pulled my face out of her flesh and brought her crimson lips close to mine. Her long tongue leapt out of her mouth. She wrapped it around my tongue once, twice, three times then drew our lips tightly together.

Overcome with sexual heat, she pushed her tongue deep down my throat. The invasion was alien to me but it signaled her possession of me like nothing on earth. I sucked on her tongue and drew it even deeper. I knew not how deep she plunged her mouth organ into me, but I began to feel a tickle up and down my torso.

Meanwhile Calithea was vibrating and squeezing my dick with unrestrained fury. She did rolling pulses up and down its length, punctuated by shockingly intense undulations of the hundreds of small nodules that vibrated in and out of her body, stimulating my cock like countless tiny fists. The orgasm building within me was amplified a dozen-fold by the skilled manipulations of her eager tail, buried deep inside me.

I was about to cum when Lilith's vagina flooded my cock with her sticky juices, preventing me from orgasming too soon. Apparently she wanted to enjoy pulsing over the length of my shaft to build herself into her own orgasmic frenzy. She had once told me the end of her tail was also a sex organ and she seemed determined to cum both ways at once.

There was no edging this time. No building me up and keeping me there forever and a day, driving my need and my lust to a higher plane of existence.

This time we just fucked like the wanton sluts we are. We just pumped and squirmed and squeezed and sucked each into a monstrous mutual orgasm. At one point I thought she was going to break my back, but Lilith was able to regain enough control of herself to spare my body.

When Lilith came, it was the orgasm of a goddess. Wrenching, screaming, shaking, violent. She tightened her body and her wings around me, cocooned me entirely, and she drove her mouth onto my neck, sucking the erogenous spot there mercilessly. It made me squirm uncontrollably and I came a second time as Calithea milked me for everything my body had to give. Meanwhile, Lilith's tail jerked in and out of my anus like a piston, cumming with unrestrained fury.

Surprisingly, my wife did not gush. I made a note to ask her about that later. Perhaps her body reacts very differently on her home planet.

Over the next three hours, we fucked the absolute brains out of each other. We both came multiple times and she let me drive her hard while on top a few times. I even got to sample her gorgeous Succubi ass for the first time. It was tight, slick, and glorious and she loved every inch of me. She loved it when I sucked on the end of her tail while I nailed her ass to the bed.

I knew she wanted more, but Lilith rolled away and sat on the edge of the bed.

Calithea slithered back off my cock and lay across Lilith's thigh. Her body was pulsing, as if she was coming down from an intense high. My wife sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me into her lap, where we kissed passionately for a few minutes. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she held me with unbreakable force, but I loved it.

After a few minutes of coming down from a series of stunning snake-driven orgasms, we parted lips.

"Come husband, there's much to do. We're late. They're waiting for us. Let us leave this chamber of lust and make our way to our ceremony."

Battered, bruised, but not broken, I lurched to my feet. But my pants were in shreds. "Is there anything for me to wear?"

"Forget about that. Men generally are not permitted to be clothed on Subus anyway."

"Am I just any man?"

"Of course not. But you won't need them where we're going anyway, so let us move on."

Yeah. That's Lilith. I wondered whether Larissa was fading into the background. I surely hoped not.

We continued down the darkened stone hallway. Following the curvature of the castle, the hallway disappeared into the torchlit gloom, forty or fifty feet ahead. I stole a glance at Lilith's midsection - Caliphea had retracted back into her resting place waiting, I hoped, for our next adventure.

As we walked, Lilith put her hand loosely on my far shoulder, inviting me into her space. Her sensational breasts were at eye level and the near one brushed my face with each step. I remembered that my impending trial included something about the breasts of thirteen Fems. I realized that Harmonia's Coven was the twelve women I had come to know in New York. I've already seen Rebecca in her Succubus form. I was curious to see the others.

Lilith navigated us into several offshoot passages and then up another long set of stairs that opened directly into the perimeter of an enormous circular chamber. We were at the very top of the castle, in the center of the tallest tower in the land.

The room was about fifty feet in diameter. Its ceiling was supported by massive oaken beams converging to a peak at the center, easily forty feet above the smooth stone floor. Narrow tall windows gave sparse light to the interior of the chamber. Primary light was emitted from an enormous roughly-hewn stone fireplace at least eight feet across, mounted on the perimeter of the chamber. A roaring fire consumed full logs piled as high as my chest, and there was no screen or other barrier to guard the chamber from the cracking and spitting of the massive logs being consumed by the flames.

Embedded in the stone floor were long white stones radiating from a central circle to the perimeter, demarking twelve equal-arc segments. Fems, in full Succubus form, stood around the perimeter of the chamber, one per segment. They were clothed in Aphrodite's transparent silk body suits and stockings.

I noticed one Fem in particular. Snow-white hair falling to her waist. Rebecca. Her face was an unreadable mask. I wondered whether revenge lurked behind those impenetrable eyes.

At the center of the chamber was a medieval-looking iron rack. It was mounted on an axle and wheel assembly such that it could be oriented at any angle, from horizontal to vertical. Distributed over the rack was a cluster of rough metal shackles fastened to heavy leather straps riveted into the iron bed. A rudimentary mattress of straw and canvas lined the rack. Beside the bed-rack was a stone table upon which sat a number of bowls, pitchers, and heavy metal-and-leather instruments for unknown purpose.

Laying on the floor near the rack was a thick stone slab. It was about as long as a Fem was tall.

On a carved oaken table was a small, ornately-carved wooden box, and a larger plain box.

I froze. This looked more like some medieval torture chamber than a place for an indoctrination ritual. I turned to Lilith but she simply pushed me, not too gently, towards the rack.

I was trapped. With thirteen Succubi warriors surrounding me, each one of whom could render me to shreds, I had no chance of escape. Of course, on this alien planet, there was nowhere to go anyway.

Wordlessly, Lilith gestured for me to sit on the rack. With the twelve Fems silently looking on from their perimeter stations, Lilith picked up one of the heavy pitchers and poured a portion of its contents into a small black ceramic bowl. The liquid was milky white and smelled of lavender. Lilith brought the bowl to my lips and tilted it. The liquid was familiar to me. Briefly I wondered at the wisdom of drinking it, for I knew the dimming effect the liquid had on my psyche. It was stupid to not be in full control of my wits among these immortal demonic women.

No choice. I drank deeply. It tasted of honey and...something else.

When I had drained the bowl, Lilith held it above her head and turned to each of her Succubi Coven in turn to show that I had indeed finished it off.

"This mortal man has committed himself to our worthy Coven. May he endure the trials before him. May we, the apostles of Aphrodite, Goddess of War, Goddess of Love, Goddess of the Sea, and my mother, may we too be worthy of this gift of Incubus.

"My beloved sisters, you shall be tested, just as will he. And I shall administer his final test, the ultimate test of surrender: the Trial of the Snake.

"Savannah! Selena! Georgina! Akila! To me!" Lilith clapped her hands once and four Fems immediately strode forward. Placed at ninety-degree intervals around the circle, they converged on the four corners of the rack. They approached in silence and with a solemn dignity, their gazes never waiving from their Queen.

Lilith turned to me and gestured towards the rack. "Lie there. Do not resist."

Given the raw female power surrounding me, I had little choice. I hopped onto the rack and lay down.

Lilith turned to the table and opened the larger of the two boxes. She extracted a handful of silks and addressed the four women. "Dress him."

The Succubi approached the table. Working in pairs, they slipped a pair of oil-shine pantyhose over my feet. But this was no ordinary hosiery. They were the finest, glossiest, sheerest pantyhose I had ever seen. And there was something else: I could discern absolutely no seam or join in the silk, even in the crotch or gusset. Clearly they were the product of the multi-thousand-year-old silkworms of Subus.

As the Fems worked the hose up my legs, the feel of them began to stir my cock. But the Fems were very careful not to touch it as they pulled the gorgeous, filmy fabric up my thighs and over my hips. The pantyhose was crotchless, so there was no pressure on my sex.

Next the Fems picked up a pair of stockings. One Fem had an eight-strap garter belt. She effortlessly lifted my midsection, and leaning over me, she fastened the belt securely around my waist. She was so close to me I could feel the heat radiating off of her.

The stockings slid up my legs, nearly frictionless with the oil-shine pantyhose beneath. The four Fems fastened the garters securely. It was then that I recognized the stockings. They were the same ones Larissa had worn so long ago in our apartment. Their welts were stitched in whirlpools and they began to rotate furiously. They generated a blazing heat that somehow fed strength and electricity to my sex. My cock began to twitch and pulse uncontrollably.