Of Lords and Ladies Ch. 06

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Lady Allys gains some more...experience.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 11/29/2012
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Ronald turned back from the door feeling quite content with the morning's events thus far. During his brief conversation with his young friend, Dr. Madison, he'd informed him about, not only his desire to purchase one of the mechanical devices they'd discussed earlier but had also made his friend aware of his need of other medical paraphernalia. He ignored Will's brief attempt to gain permission to schedule Lady Allyson for an appointment with a surgeon for a clitorectomy, much as he had the man's earlier flirtation.

Their on-going 'discussions' regarding healthy sexual behavior versus some of what Lord Allensby viewed as aberrant behavior in the extreme could become lengthy and loud. He was grateful, therefore, that today's discussion had been kept to a peaceful minimum. As much as he'd pretended to ignore the young bride, Will had been reluctant to voice certain of his views in front of her, for which Ronald was grateful. The suggestion that Allys be subjected to surgical removal of her clitoris would have been laughable had William not been so earnest about the need for it to be done. Giving a snort of derision, Ronald acknowledged wryly that his viewpoints were frequently 'old-fashioned' but thought nothing was probably MORE likely to cause Allys hysteria than removal of that which she was learning gave her so much pleasure.

Glancing back across the room he saw Molly helping her Mistress to her feet. The look of uncertainty on Allyson's face sent him hurrying across the room. Pulling Allyson against him he hugged her, murmuring against her hair, "Well done, Pet."

Leading her to the settee he let her stand briefly while he built up the fire again. He was aware of her distress and certain he knew the reason for it but this too was part of his plan for her training and education. She must understand, sooner rather than later, that she would obey him in all things -- and that he would not brook substantial discussion or argument in any matter. But that if she submit to him wholly and trust him, that he would always keep her pleasure and best interest to heart. He was, he thought, not above bribing her and rewarding her with more and increasing pleasure.

Finishing with the fire he returned to the settee, pulling Allyson down onto his lap as he sat down, his hands lingering on the swell of her breasts and the curve of her buttocks. She sighed and shivered with pleasure when he bent to press a kiss to her lips. His fingers tugged gently at the copper thatch between her thighs and he murmured, "Spread your legs, Kitten" pleased that she did so now with no hesitation at all.

Sliding his fingers between the slippery folds of her sex he slipped two fingers easily into her moist depths, his thumb resting alongside her clit, in much the same way the young doctor had just roused her to orgasm. "I'm very glad you're learning to let yourself enjoy the pleasure your body is capable of giving you, Pet. Before long we'll work on some other ways of bringing you pleasure, as well as on your self-control."

At her look of confusion he continued, "It's important for you to be able to feel pleasure. I'm very pleased and proud that you can. It's also important for you to understand that you belong to me...you are mine...my wife. I will say how you can and cannot feel pleasure...when you can and cannot feel pleasure...and with whom. You will learn that your body and your pleasure belongs to me as well. As long as you obey me you will be rewarded...defy me..."

Allyson shivered at the look in his eyes. She couldn't imagine defying him. He was a man, older...and...her husband. All of her life she'd been expected to submit meekly, without question or argument when her father spoke. Now that she was married she expected to do the same with her husband.

Hearing a slight noise behind them in the room, Lord Allensby called the maid forward as well, addressing both of the young women now, "Molly, there are times that you will need to come and go from this room -- either into the rest of the house, or out to the local markets and merchants. Since that is true I cannot place you under the same rule as my Lady wife regarding dress. I will say, however, that I expect you to always be accessible for our use and our needs."

The girl bobbed a curtsy and Ronald was pleased to see a slight smile lifting the corners of her mouth. "Now, as to your activities earlier. I have no objection as yet to the two of you 'getting to know each other', as long as I am present in the rooms. If I am elsewhere then I expect you to refrain until such time as I can be reached for permission, or I can join you. And Allyson, when I say that your body and your pleasure belongs to me, I mean it. No matter how 'hungry' or desperate you feel you are not allowed to touch yourself or bring yourself pleasure unless I specifically direct you to. Do you understand?"

The color flowed over her body in waves, an ocean in pink and coral as she blushed and tried to stammer out a response, "B-but Ronald, I would n-n... I c-c-couldn't..." Finally she gave up and subsided with a nod and a gasped, "Yes, Ronald. I-I-I understand."

Pulling his fingers from her juicy quim he licked one clean before holding the other to her lips. Her lips tightened briefly but then her mouth opened, her tongue tip extruding to lick at his finger delicately. Her gray eyes never left his as she licked his finger clean of her juices. Opening her mouth wide enough for him to place his finger inside she continued to slide her tongue over and around the digit as she sucked at it, generating an immediate response between his legs.

"Mmmmm," he groaned with pleasure. "That's lovely, Kitten. Do you think you could do that to my cock as well?"

When she smiled and nodded he kissed the tip of her nose, setting her onto the floor between his legs. She dropped to her knees, reaching forward to grasp his cock. He was still only half erect and she cupped him with one hand, stroking his appendage with an index finger before bending to kiss the tip and run her tongue up and down the shaft. Her warm breath caressed him as she bent to examine him closely, pausing here and there for deep inhalations. He wondered at first what she was doing until she lifted her face to look up at him, her eyes radiant as she informed him, "You smell so GOOD Ronald...the way a man should."

He chuckled, knotting his fingers into her auburn curls and pressing her face back to his groin. "I'm glad you like it, Kitten...now SUCK my cock!" he commanded. Her obvious eagerness to please him more than made up for her lack of experience, and he actually didn't mind the occasional graze of her teeth. As his arousal and need for release grew, so did his need to thrust. Reminding himself sternly that it was only their second full day of marriage, and that to frighten or hurt her now would certainly slow all of the progress they had made thus far, he stopped her in mid-stroke, his hands firm as they cradled her head. Her eyes flew open and she looked up at him, smiling happily and scrambling onto his lap when he said, "Come here girl."

Far from mere submission alone to this stranger who was now her husband, Allyson was feeling a growing infatuation. There were, in her feelings, elements of hero worship for his rescue of her from her father, but he was also one of the handsomest men she'd ever seen...not, she admitted, that she'd seen many handsome men, but Ronald's confidence and maturity, as well as a subtle sexual confidence, drew her like a magnet. His ability to find and draw out her new found passion and lust certainly played a part in her budding feelings, but so did his kindness to her and his concern for her. She was under no delusion that it could have been much worse. There were many that her father gambled with, she knew. Some that he'd brought to the house with him had been simply repulsive, although others had been...frightening.

Pressed close to her husband's body, however, the firm length of his cock wedged between their bellies and her own moist heat against his thighs, Allyson felt...not simply safe, but treasured and beautiful and far more sensual than she'd ever expected to feel. His large hands cupped her breasts, lifting them to his lips and her head fell back. She moaned with bliss as pleasure shot through her, seeming to run straight from her nipple to her sex and she rubbed against his thigh seeking relief from her own growing need. His hands moved to her bum, lifting her against him and his voice sounded hoarse to her ears when he said, "Reach down, Pet. Put him in you."

Biting her bottom lip in concentration she reached between them, grasping his shaft and sliding it backwards. Inexperienced as she was, still she knew when she'd found the right spot, sinking down as he slid home inside her, filling her with his heat. The feeling of fullness made her head spin -- a feeling of completeness she seemed to have been waiting for all of her life. His hands stayed on her arse and he began to raise and lower her, as if she were riding a horse, as he did his fingers slid closer to the tight spiral of her sphincter. She recalled the thrill she'd felt when he put his finger inside her and wondered if he might do it again. Meanwhile she was finding that the feel of her nipples, hard as rocks, scraping and tangling in the curls on his chest, was quickly becoming a blissful torture. It seemed as though each flick of her nipple was echoed between her legs and she wanted...oh, she didn't know what she wanted but the feeling was growing...a maddening, itching, burn that needed...

"Touch yourself," he growled hoarsely, and when she didn't respond immediately he repeated, "Take your hand, Pet, and touch yourself...rub your clit!" He pressed a finger against her anus until it gave under the pressure, allowing him to penetrate deeper. Allys moaned with the pleasure she was feeling and, as directed, worked her hand down between them. As she touched the spot that the doctor had rubbed earlier, and that Ronald himself focused on so often, she felt all of her need...all of the heat in her body...gathering there. Even as her slender fingers began to press and rub at the protuberance she found there, she marveled at Ronald's ability to sense her desire without a word being spoken.

He was pounding her rapidly now, the scrape of her nipples across his chest setting fire to his senses as well. He buried a second finger in the tight tunnel of her rectum. She moaned with pleasure and her head fell back, her hair tickling his thighs while her fingers rubbed more frantically at her cunny. The smell of her rose in his nostrils and the first flutters of her orgasm began to ripple along his prick. Bellowing unintelligibly he pulled her down against him, pressing deep inside her as the hot jets of his seed began filling her. She writhed against him, her hand continuing to squirm and rub as the waves of her climax tore through her, finally collapsing limp and glowing in his arms.

Ronald had closed his eyes tightly in his extremity, but when the pleasure/pain of his scalding emission diminished he opened them again. Over the top of his bride's tumbled curls he spotted her maid, curled on the floor against a table leg, her own fingers tightly pressed between her own thighs, her breasts dripping. The sight was enough to harden him again although he had already begun to soften.

Feeling the warmth as their mingled cum began to drip from the tight confines of his wife's cunny he exclaimed, "Here.....GIRL!"

Allys started against him, attempting to rise from his chest but he held her against him, spreading his legs below her and keeping the two fingers of his one hand buried in her arse. Molly looked at them, from across the room and licked her lips hungrily, crawling to them and ducking below. Allys started and gave a squeak of surprise but stopped her attempts to escape when his hands tightened on her again. Ronald could feel the darting strokes of Molly's tongue against his thighs and balls and assumed she was similarly laving her mistress' parts. He knew it for certain when he felt her tongue circling Allys' anus where his fingers were snugly encased. Allys moaned and shivered against him -- looking down he noted that her eyes were tightly closed again as she focused on her growing pleasure.

His cock, astonishingly, was once again a rod of cast iron, despite his 50 plus years and his lagging 'abilities' of the past few years. His young friend and personal physician had assured him that such decrease in his vigor was entirely natural considering his age and he thought briefly that he should recommend taking a young, virgin bride or mistress...or both he thought with an inner chuckle...to all of his peers with similar complaints.

He smacked his free hand hard against the rounded curve of Allyson's buttocks, resulting in a loud report and a satisfying sting. The girl squeaked again and lifted against him. Pulling his fingers from her rectum he ordered, "Get up Kitten...and turn around."

Unable to stand straddling his widely splayed thighs, she stood between them and turned, facing outward. He pulled her back against him, wishing for a moment to bury his prick between the full globes thus presented, but he held off, sticking to his mental plans and knowing that his friend would soon be sending him the wherewithal to ease his access to that glorious passage. Slipping a hand between the girl's marble thighs he found her cunny. B'god the girl was positively dripping wet and exuding nearly as much heat as the hearth across the room. He stroked her once, and again before easing his cock back into her wet velvet heat. Lifting her thighs he spread them to straddle his own, feeling the little maid on the floor moving forward again -- her tongue once again busy against them both.

Allys jerked with surprise but involuntarily rocked atop him, sending a wave of pleasure through them both. Molly bent low to lave his balls, sucking each one into her mouth and cradling them with lips and tongue before returning her talented tongue to his wife's private parts. Allys' hands tightened on his thighs as she looked down, watching the other girl's mouth and tongue moving against her. Ronald reached forward to cup her breasts, kneading her nipples between thumb and index finger, and her head fell back, her long hair tickling his chest and belly.

"Have you ever ridden a horse Kitten?" he gasped the question once, then repeated it, his fingers tightening to near painful levels when she failed to respond. She nodded emphatically and he caught her strangled, "...side-saddle..."

"Soon you will learn the pleasures of riding astride...until then...do your best my Pet." He panted the command, feeling his balls drawing up and tightening as his pleasure grew. He would have to buy a cheval glass in order to fully appreciate times like these but knew, having observed others in similar pastimes, what he was missing by way of visual stimulation. Molly seemed to have her mouth permanently glued against her mistress' sex now but he felt her hand reaching to cup his testicles, one finger sliding back along the bridge of his flesh. He eased forward slightly and she pressed down against his own anus, sliding a finger deep inside to massage his nut, and he groaned aloud with pleasure.

Allys was rocking and sliding atop him, her movements disjointed and inexperienced, but all the more exotic and pleasurable for all that. Her bluntly rounded nails were digging into his thighs while she tried her best to focus on both his cock buried inside and the tongue that was teasing and tormenting her clit. He had a sudden fantasy of Molly upon his lap, his cock buried in her arse and his fingers pulling the milk from her tits while his bride buried HER mouth against them and came...roaring his pleasure loud enough to rattle dishes on the table.

Simultaneously he became aware of his butler bending to announce quietly, "The Apothecary's lad brought round the items you requested, m'Lord." The man held the smaller box of the 'Dr. Young's Rectal Dilators' open for inspection atop the larger wooden box of the 'Mayer and Meltzer's Enema and Pump' equipment...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Absolutely brilliant. THIS is what I enjoy. It makes me hot and so envious just to imagine what Ally is experiencing.

Please keep writing.

sweetone66sweetone66over 10 years ago

Anxiously awaiting the next chapters!!!

nflgirl81nflgirl81over 10 years ago
Yay! More!

I'm so pleased we get more, please keep writing. As always a fantastic chapter. Love it.

peachesmelbapeachesmelbaover 10 years agoAuthor
Admit it

my very dear litereader54 - You might be just the tiniest bit biased in this matter too. <3 you too! Peaches

MNyogiMNyogiover 10 years ago
So hot.

Very well written--keep it coming!

litereader54litereader54over 10 years ago
Yes, well worth the wait

Its so great to read a well written (a rarity on LitE), EROTIC (not hack porn), story. Keep the chapters coming Peaches.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
more soon

Love the story had to reread last chapter to recall where they had left off. Hope you can submit more soon!

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlover 10 years ago

Well worth the wait :)

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