Ogres and Ogresses Ch. 18


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"Catch me? Wait shoulders? What?"

Kail chuckled, the sound still growling. "When I tell you to run you must run. When I catch you, you will become my mate."

"Does it...have to be now?"

"You can't explain to my mating drive that you won't be snatched up by a stray ogre or its human equivalent. You jump started it with your declaration of love. That was the only thing keeping it in check, the possibility that you didn't want me. " Zyra swallowed and looked around the room as Kail braced over her.

"I need my boots."

"You can't wear them. And Zyra?"

He grinned evilly. "I don't suggest running near your village. I will take you where you stand, even if it's in front of the entire campfire."

He released her and she stood up uncertainly.

"Can't...can't we just skip the chase and just consummate it here?"

"No! I have to prove that I am worthy of you."

"I don't need..."

"I do. Zyra..." The intensity in Kail's eyes was like a scalding summer sun. "Do not let me catch you."

Zyra nodded and headed towards the door and suddenly stopped.

"Wait...you've tried to mate with me before. That time you chased me, that's exactly like this time!"

Kail grinned. "You have six minutes."

"No! We need to talk about this now! Did you try to force me to be your mate? I didn't even love you then!"

"I stopped didn't I? Five minutes."

"It hasn't been a minute!"

"Shall I say four?"

Zyra huffed and ran as fast as she could, spear in hand. She wasn't sure how to feel. Running naked was always an awful experience. Her breasts beat at her like angry fists and the wind was never welcoming. Regardless of this she understood that whatever bestial urge Kail was going through she was at fault. She felt she should have asked more questions, but did she really have the time? How was now any different than before? He could see her emotions, she was an easy target. Unless...an idea came to her.

She made her way to the stream. She abandoned her spear in a gathering of brush and picked a water thistle. Then she jumped inside of the water. If she stayed underwater he would not be able to see her. She swam to the perch that they had been to and positioned herself against the rock. Then she placed the water thistle in her mouth and submerged. Breathing through her mouth she relaxed her body and used her dulled hearing to see if he was near.

He wasn't. It was past five minutes. She had been expecting to see him storming out like a wounded bear. Sighing she laid back and waited. As time went by she started to wonder if her spot was too good. A naked Kail wandering around her village would not be a good thing. What if he had decided that was where she was? She was getting pruney, she was uncomfortable, and she was cold. Maybe she needed to find him. The entire exercise was pointless. Why should she keep fighting if she knew she wanted him? She had done enough hadn't she?

She was about to lift out when she heard a rustle in the trees. Sucking in a deep breath of air she waited. She swallowed nervously trying to repress her desire to pop out and let him see her. Then the sound vanished.


Sighing she raised out of the water. Oh well, perhaps Kail should have...

"Found you."

Zyra jumped as she looked up and saw Kail perched on the rocks.

When? How?

"Clever," he snarled.

Zyra's eyes widened and suddenly she wanted nothing to do with the mating. Kail looked deadly. His normally glistening gold eyes had turned dull and animalistic, his fangs seemed sharper, whiter in the moon light. Kail's body was too muscular to be human and his blood red hair that she had loved looked like it was dyed from the blood of stupid women like herself. She jumped into the water and began to swim, intending on going to the one place he could not.

A splash behind her told her he was on her tail. She pushed herself using her powers as much as she could. She didn't have any Nemlock strength added in but she was sure her own strength would suffice. Kail had never been able to keep up.

She was almost to the other side when a firm hand clasped around her ankle. She yelped when she was pulled under. The air in her lungs burned as she was dragged backward. Zyra struggled, fearing that she would drown in Kail's stupid game. He tugged her underwater as she struggled fruitlessly before tossing her on the land like a fish. She sputtered and gasped as she caught her breath.

"Are you crazy?" she coughed. "You nearly drowned me! This isn't a game Kail!"

He didn't speak to her, only breathed in heavy growls.

"Well," she snapped. "What do you have to..."

Catching his eyes she realized what she had been missing with Kail's playful banter previously. Whatever this was it was not like when he had chased her before. There was nothing in Kail's gaze that said game. This was not a game, and the beast standing before her was a Kail she had never known.

She scrambled onto her feet and the predatory look he gave her was enough to make her wrap her arms around herself to hide from his gaze.

"Kail...say something. Anything, you're scaring me."

He didn't answer, the growl becoming louder. She wondered if in the midst of everything he had somehow forgotten he loved her. She took a step back and he matched it, striding towards her with feline grace and brute strength. Not bothering to try to reason Zyra turned on her heel and started to run. She had done no more than two strides when he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back.

"OW!" she shouted, holding her head. Kail said nothing, pressing her against the mossy side of a tree. Roughly he tilted her head to the side. Her shoulders were tense but she didn't want to lower them, she was frightened by his behavior. He let out a vicious growl and tugged at her head. She whimpered and against her better judgment let het her shoulders fall. As soon as she did she let out a scream.

He had dug his fangs into her neck. She shook as the pain overtook her. How could he do this to her? She repressed her tears as he loosened his clamped jaw and released her. His tongue licked at the bleeding wounds and one of his knees bumped her thighs open. Zyra stood numbly as he lifted her off of her toes. Shivering she grabbed onto the tree and let out another scream when he impaled her on his cock. He pressed closer to the tree and braced his hands on each side of her. Then he began to saw in and out of her.

Zyra was lucky they were both slick from the lake. Even with that it took a few minutes for her to get adequately wet. When she did she noticed her neck began to tingle. The tingling spread like wildfire and her entire body began to respond to the rough treatment he gave her. She arched her back and leant against his powerful body as he thrust into her, growling like a monster. His fingers dug into the bark, leaving curls of flayed wood in his wake. She was glad he had chosen to hold the tree. Zyra's first orgasm made her shriek.

With that sound Kail pulled out of her and dropped her on the ground. Before she could question him he was in her again, this time from behind. She had seen animals fuck this way but Ginger had never told her about this position. He held her waist as her pussy melted around his dick and she clawed at the ground. It felt amazing. Her nipples tightened and she dug her fingers into the ground as Kail slammed against her hips.

"Oh Kail...I'm going to..I'm g-going to..."

Her words turned into another shriek, but Kail did not stop.In fact, he began to pressed harder, deeper inside of her. What had been one orgasm multiplied into two and three as he began to force her body to the limit. She swallowed hard, her mouth watering.

A bug crawled over her hand and she flicked it off in annoyance. Whether it was because the bug or not, Kail lifted her up then and took a seat on the ground. Her body wasn't sure how much more she could take. She lay limply in Kail's arms as he drove her pussy down and his penis up. Hissing she dug her fingernails into his thighs as he grunted over and over inside her. Zyra lost sense of her positions and began to drown in the pleasure and pain of this Kail.

Her mind drifted back to that time when she lay sleeping in the tree of the Valley. That dream she had had, of Kail violating her against trees and rocks, it was all happening. It was all happening now.

The thought made her clamp down on him and he growled louder. He placed her on a stone and began to shove her mercilessly against it. She drooled, unable to stop herself from lavishing in the unending abuse her groin was receiving. The sloppy slap of his hips against her made her weak and she arched back towards him.

What was he turning her into?

She could see it now, that wanton look in her eyes, the yellow eyes that surrounded her. It was too much. She screamed until her voice ran out as she came a final time. This time Kail held onto her and with a massive thrust let out a bone chilling roar. She felt his hot thick seed spurt inside of her achingly wet center. Darkness blurred her vision until she fell unconscious against the stone. __________________________________________________


"Are you alright?"

Zyra didn't dare open an eye. She way lying in a bed of furs, Kail's furs as he lay next to her. A damp cloth was over her head. Feeling for her neck she saw it had been bandaged.

"How do you feel?" he asked again. His voice seemed uncertain, worried at the least.

"Like I was tossed around by a basilisk."

"Here, drink this. It should help with the soreness."

Zyra reached out a hand and he placed the drink inside it. She drank quickly before regretting it. Whatever he had given her was horrible.

"What...was that?" she asked, her lips smacking in horror.

"You don't want to know," he said taking the cup from her. "Lie back down."

She listened to him and sighed heavily.

"What...was that you back there? It was like a...?" She didn't wish to insult him but the word that came to mind was...

"Beast?" he chuckled at her facial expression and took the rag off of her head. "That was me."

Zyra let out a deep sigh and touched her neck gingerly. "What...what did you do to me?"

"It's irrelevant in terms of this world," Kail said.

His finger traced the outline of her face and he caressed her lips.

"But in the valley, it's a symbol that you belong to me. No magical creature would dare attempt to claim you with my mark upon you. It also lets me know where you are and if you ever need me I will know."

Zyra nodded and with Kail's help sat up. He made her sip more of the horrible mixture and she nodded for him to take it from her.

"So...is mating so one sided?"

He shook his head. "No actually. I've put myself in an awful place by doing this. If you thought you had power over me before it is nothing like a mating bond. We haven't completed it you see..."

He gave her a weary smile and pointed to his own neck.

"You haven't marked me as your own. Until then I am yours and you are your own person."

Zyra touched his neck and placed a kiss on it.

"Then...let me mark you."

"I'd love that," he hissed lowly. "But you can't."


"It'll give the witches leverage over you. Right now this is the only thing I can do to protect you. Let me show you."

He pressed her hand in his and stared into her eyes.

"I want you to think like an ogress. Feel like one."

Zyra's brow furrowed. "How can I think like something I've never seen?"

"Feel strong then. Strong like me."

She frowned and closed her eyes. Zyra took a deep breath and tried to do what he asked. A second later she felt her hand tingling as a burst of energy flooded her. She let out a low growl as her teeth ached and her neck tingled. Then she heard Kail groan. Pulling her hand away her eyes snapped open and she saw he was sweating profusely.

"What have I done?" she gasped.

"What I told you," he huffed, flexing his hand. "Check your wound."

Zyra glared at him and pulled the bandage back.

The skin was healed, nothing but dried blood on the bandage.

"You can borrow my strength, my attributes, anything I am to enhance your own strength. Your blood knowledge entered me when I bit you. You should try to use some of my skills."

"Not if it means hurting you," Zyra protested. "There are other things I can do."

"Some things won't hurt," Kail said, holding her close to him. "Tell me, what color am I?"

Zyra's heart raced as she touched Kail's face. A light hazy pink surrounded him.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he answered.

She lay in his arms, wondering what this meant for her. Zyra the leader of the Rovian huntresses and sister to the Chieftess, keromedio to the Dark Witch council and the Monokeros of the Valley of the Marble Tree, mate of Kail Shashanen Shyla. __________________________________________________

"Welcome brothers," Zyra said in her best imitation of Kyzu's voice. Nima was gone with the other children and she was therefore Kyzu's voice piece.

"We know you have travelled long and hard. We welcome you with open arms."

The Ursies looked at her like she had three heads but the Chief simply laughed.

"I see you have grown more lovely and kind with time," he said solemnly. He glanced at Kyzu. "Have you surpassed your sister?"

"Kyzu took an oath of meditative silence," Zyra said bowing to him.

That was their story, and they were sticking to it.

"I speak for her."

"I see," he said nodding to Kyzu who accepted it with silent grace.

"Have them escorted to their lodgings."

"We will escort you to your lodgings," Zyra said, trying to keep a smile on her face.

Where was he? Where was Hanto?

Was he going to just pop up like some damned spirit from hell?

"We thank you," the Chief said again. "We have brought you gifts that you might find favor with us."

Zyra ushered the women forward and they embraced familiar lovers and new ones alike, showing them where they had prepared a place for them. Zyra stood on her toes searching as the Chief stood next to Kyzu, speaking softly to her in a calm patient voice.

He was handsome still, the gray strands peppering his long hair. Even so, she planned on rescuing Kyzu from his clutches on at least the second day. There were enough girls around that would love to say they slept with a Chief and Zyra would be damned if Kyzu was stuck mute with no way of refusing the handsome devil.

She looked about, wondering if it would be okay to ask the Chief if Hanto had fallen ill and was left home when she saw him.

He locked eyes with her and she gulped. Dark and moody as ever he had the look of a hunter in his eyes.

"Zyra," he said stepping forward.

He walked until he stood in front of her and she turned her body to the side, fighting the strong urge to run.

"You whom acknowledged my love with a kiss. I have returned to you that I might make a child worthy of your beauty and my strength."

Oh hell.

The Chief turned his attention to her and the whole village seized to watch the moment.

"My son has told me about your daring adventures," he said evenly. "It pleases me much that you have chosen each other. I have long hoped to see my grandchildren whether they be female or male. It will be a blessing to my years."

"Forgive me my Chief," Zyra said looking frantically about.

Where was Rell?

"I believe your honorable son is confused."

Hanto's eyes turned deadly as the Chief looked at him. "I do not understand."

"I have not chosen Hanto honorable Chief," Zyra said bowing to him.

She felt Hanto's rage soar up like a bird and he looked as though he wished to physically harm her.

"In what way am I unworthy of you?" Hanto challenged.

The Chief looked at her expectantly.

"You are brave and strong," Zyra said in her humblest voice. "I am sorry but I cannot bear your children."


"I desire to explore my choices."

Hanto turned viciously to his tribe and glared at each of them. "Is there any man here who would take this woman to bear their children?"

She watched as not a single voice or hand was raised. Zyra looked at all of them pleadingly and they ignored her.

Zyra even met the eyes of the Chief and he shook his head.

"I am sorry my darling. You are indeed beautiful, but my time for sowing oats is long over. My son is headstrong and careless, but he is a good man. This I promise you."

Zyra's teeth gritted. It was a promise that he had no idea was false.

Rell was nowhere to be found. After everything, he had abandoned her.

"So you see," Hanto said with dark confidence. "I am the most fit for you. I am the only one who desires you. You have already submitted to my advances. Or do you deny having kissed me when we last met?"

Zyra looked at Kyzu who seemed as shocked as she was. With no voice and her as her interpreter how could she avoid sounding biased?

"Did you kiss him young huntress?" the Chief asked her, his face serious.

She was embarrassing his son and now she seemed like a fickle tease.

Run, run!


"He was not the only one she kissed."

Gasps were heard as Rell came forth, half garbed in what the witches gave him. The golden circlet held his hair back and the obsidian dagger hung from his belt.

Zyra looked at him with relief and thankfulness as he took a step in front of her.

"Hello father. Brother."

"My son!" the Chief said embracing him. "You look taller. How is it you keep sprouting past your prime?"

"It's your eyes father," Rell said warmly.

He broke the embrace and looked at Hanto who regarded him stiffly.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Hanto said lowly.

"Zyra kissed me as well," Rell said firmly. "Her kiss was one of farewell, not acknowledgement."

"Is that so Hanto?" the Chief asked.

Hanto nodded jerkily, looking at Rell with hatred.

"Even so," Hanto growled. "It has been voted. No one desires her but me. If she is to join at all this celebration I am the lone choice."

Rell looked at Zyra. She stood behind him, her eyes filled with worry and nervousness. It was the first time she truly needed him.

Rell looked his brother dead in the eyes.

"I desire her."



If it's any consolation I've already got a good 3 pages of the next chapter written out. I dedicate this chapter to the song "Armistice" by Phoenix because I listened to it on repeat for two days in order to finish this. Never heard it? Get to it, it's good stuff.

So yes COMMENT, because ONE I write for them and TWO when I completely forget that I "write stuff" I check my email daily, and it reminds me "Hey, people are waiting for me, I need to write more."

Oh guy,I'm kind of wondering...there's this thing that a few of you have been doing where you favorite me, unfavorite me, then favorite me again. And I see the broken heart. So... Is that some kind of subliminal threat? O.O Because it's hilarious but also somehow hurtful. O.-

When I hurt I get depressed,-.- and a depressed Stubborn is a nonwriting Stubborn.

So yeah, backfired for motivation didn't it?

Love as always, check back in a week, and COMMENT!

Devotedly, -Subborn Dreamer

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I found this story today and couldn't stop reading! Please, please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
2 months!!

2 months and no update?!!! Aaahhhh your killing me in ur silence!! Lol hope all is well ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Just wanted to say I love all your stories, though this one is is my favorite. Understand you're concentrating on school, and that's a good priority to keep. Still, can't wait for the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Just wanted to let you know I really like this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great storytelling

Ok so this is SOOOOO not a genre I enjoy but you have sucked me in. The stupid Cupid story was so great (really great! Best thing I've seen on here by far) I had to just peek at the rest of your stuff and...well here I am at the end of ch 18. Ha. I would love to read more by you, especially if it was a little lighter on the fantasy scale. ;-) brava! And best of luck in your writing career.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Found you through your valentine's day story which blew my mind away and now I just went from the beginning of this till here without stopping. Pleaseeeee moarrrrrrr I'm addicted!!!

stubborn_dreamerstubborn_dreamerover 11 years agoAuthor

Hey, sorry I haven't posted up but I was working on an 11 page epic short story for Valentine's Day. It's called "Stupid Cupid." It's not up yet, but check for it! It should keep you enertained while I finish up on O+O Ch 19.




AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

There's a few grammar mistakes, but they don't detract from the story at all! :) Great job!

biercebierceover 11 years ago

You write amazing cliff hanger chapters. Very exciting to read. Thank you so much!

MzMagicBeautyMzMagicBeautyover 11 years ago
OMG LOVE !!!!!!!

Omg im soo happy right now....lol was at work bored out of my mind and then i saw this. It was my god send...lmao...

Yay for Zyra and Kail they are so freaking cute. But i need to know why Kail was exiled. and i do hope that now that their mated that it would be possibly for them to have a baby... lol .For Ginger and Luneh i feel so sad for them. I hope he does come back and can claim her in some type of way.

FrkyNymphFrkyNymphover 11 years ago
Wouldn't let me rate...

I usually never comment but I wanted you to know how much I love your writing and look forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Again with the cliffhanger!

Honestly stubborn-writer you are such a tease, this was yet another phenominal chapter totally worth the wait. Had me trolling this site looking for the next chapter. I love what you did with ginger and lune didn't see that coming very first love and oh so sweet, I do hope to see him again and this ominous evil... very exciting. l really like how zyra and kail's relationship is developing but I'm curious about his bad side what did he do that got him exiled and why do the witches have so much power again the Cliffhanger so cruel.

PS. for me florence and the machine's no light and cosmic love have your story written all over it fantasy and drama moving and passionate.

much love: anonymous Fan

sirraliasirraliaover 11 years ago

I'm so glad that Zyra and Kail are together. Love it. Can Ginger get a mate too. Oh and a baby for Zyra and Kail please. Just suggestions. Hahaha. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work.

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