Old Age

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Mojo's come and mojo's go. Some come back!
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Will and Lynn Beamon were seventy-seven when they sold up their house in the city and moved to a planned community well outside of town. The believed that the move would free them up to do things that they could not do now, because of the maintenance and upkeep on the house and lawn.

The new place was a two-bedroom unit in a building that had four units, each facing a different direction. The development - The Haven - took care of all maintenance, and had a gym, pool, community center, nine-hole golf course and other amenities.

There was a university just down the road, and that made Will happy. He was a retired Prof.

Will was a lean, medium height fellow, with brownish hair. He was fit and fairly strong. Lynn was also fit, but gray. She was 5'8" and weighed 135 pounds, well distributed. She swam and played table tennis.

There was one thing, though. Will had not been able to get an erection since they moved in. The couple had compensated well, using toys, fingers and Will's tongue. Will had used the blue pill, and had consulted a doctor. No dice. But after two years they were used to it, and getting along okay.

The Haven was filled with older people, despite having a 55 and older age limit. Mostly people there were seventies and up. Will and Lynn had just turned eighty, when they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Their two children and seven grandchildren all came to the party. Grace, their daughter had two sons, and her husband Nick was also present. Mike, their son, had four children - two each. His wife Millie was at the party, but not enthusiastic about it. And....there were two great grandchildren on the way. They were there, but in utero.

The party was held at the community center, and many of the couple's friends attended. It was a grand time.

But, one of the attendees was Big Frank Blake, who had just moved into a unit next door to Will and Lynn's. Frank was seventy-seven, and buff. His wife, Dora, was very ill, and had a place in the 'memory' unit of the development. Frank had a one-bedroom unit.

No one at the party knew Frank all that well, since he had only moved in two weeks before. Toward the end of the party, when the dance music played, Frank asked Lynn to dance, and she accepted. Will watched as they swirled around in a waltz. Then he watched as Frank pulled Lynn to him for a slow dance.

After that, Will tapped Frank on the shoulder and cut in. He noticed that Frank was erect when the couple separated. Will danced Lynn away, and spoke to her.

"Are you all right? He was after you."

"I can handle it."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

Lynn said, "No problem, silly guy." They danced away. But Will was not mollified.

Frank became a part of life at the facility. He was basically an ass. Loud. Self-important. Will played golf with Frank on Tuesdays, along with two other guys. Frank was very competitive, and always either won or complained. Really, only Will could sometimes win against Frank.

Frank also paid too much attention to Lynn, so Will believed. Will was insecure about it to say the least. He knew full well that Frank was not handicapped in the erection department. He mentioned to Lynn one evening, after their dildo session, that Frank was coming on to her. She pooh poohed that. Will was not fooled.

Lynn was, at eighty, still a good looking woman. She was gray and her face had some age on it. But her body was fit, and didn't sag as might have been expected. And her brown eyes still flashed.

Will noticed that Lynn was warming to Frank. He wondered about that.

Lynn was, indeed, warming to Frank. She was a sexual woman, and the toys used by Will and her were not what she truly wanted. Frank had what she really wanted, asshole or not. And he had made it clear to her that she could have what he had, any time.

Will sat down with her one evening. He said, "Lynn, I won't tolerate you going with Frank. Or anyone else. I understand that he can fuck you like I used to do. But, we're eighty. We have a long time together, and we've been faithful to each other. We have to expect some.....lessening of abilities."

Lynn had a serious look when she said, "I may not be able to put him off. I have needs."

Lynn had been at the gym two days before, and saw Frank there. They walked back to the unit together, and when they got to Frank's door, he pulled Lynn in with him. He kissed her and held her tight. She made only a token show of resistance. In fact, she was thrilled.

But she broke away. "No. Frank, no."

"Why not? I can see that you.....you need this."

"I'm married. I've been married for 60 years, and neither of us has strayed. I won't do it now."

Frank looked at her. He had an epiphany.

He said, "He can't get it up anymore. Right?"

Lynn looked away. Frank knew what he knew, and he was now sure of his ability to get what he wanted.

Lynn said, "Still. I won't. I won't sneak and cheat."

"Tell him then. Tell him you need a real dick."

"I....you don't understand..."

"I understand. But he just will have to understand that you have needs. Think about it. I know what you want. It would be selfish of him to deny you satisfaction."

Lynn went home and thought about it. But she thought with her.....emotions.

So, when Will braced her, and she told him she might not be able to resist, that started a further discussion, despite Will's blanket statement.

Lynn said, "It wouldn't be like I loved him. Or loved you less. It would be physical release for me. Maybe all of us need to adjust to our.....age and infirmities. Frank doesn't have the same infirmities as you."

Will said, "I can't stop you, but it would end us."

Lynn got angry. "That's selfish of you, Will. Your ego is getting in the way of common sense."

"Whatever." Will got up and walked off.

Lynn was troubled by all of this. So was Will. But he was a man who planned for various possibilities. He made some arrangements for what he now believed was inevitable.

A week later, after another encounter with Frank at the gym, Lynn decided to assert herself.

She told Frank that she'd come see him at seven that evening. Frank was overjoyed.

Lynn spoke to Will at dinner that evening, light fare.

"I'm going over to Frank's house tonight. I'll be back in the morning. I can make breakfast."

Will said, "Please reconsider. I said what I meant - that it would end us. Sixty years - over and done."

"Bullshit. If that's all you think of me, fuck you!"

It was 6:55 when she walked out, wearing only a short A-line dress and flip flops. Will watched her go knock on Frank's door.

Frank opened the door. He was naked and his cock stuck straight out toward Lynn. She was thrilled. She moved into the apartment, dropped to her knees and seized the big dick in front of her. Frank slowly closed the door, allowing Will to see what his wife had done, when confronted by a hard dick. Frank knew that Will was watching.

Lynn enveloped Frank's big cock into her mouth. She sucked and licked it up and down. Frank moved her to his bedroom, where she took off her dress, and stood naked before him. She twirled around so he could see all of her. She didn't want foreplay, and neither did Frank.

Lynn pivoted and laid herself onto Frank's big bed. She opened her legs to show him her shaven genitals. She said, "It's all yours, tonight."

Frank was on her and into her in two seconds. His cock was somewhat bigger than Will's used to be. But she was so aroused and ready that he easily penetrated her and bottomed out on her cervix. Lynn was in ecstasy. Frank pumped into her savagely. He had not had real sex for months, and then only with a hooker. Lyn started a series of orgasms, more intense than ever she had felt before. Frank couldn't hold on too long. He pulsed into her, spurting. He felt like he did when he was a young man. And Lynn felt as she did when she was twenty, just married. It was a fucking miracle for both of them.

It took Lynn thirty minutes of sucking and licking to get Frank hard again, but she didn't mind. In fact, she was overcome with mindless lust. When Frank got hard, Lynn had him on his back and mounted him. She came immediately. But Frank was seventy-eight. He stayed hard, but didn't come for quite some time. Lynn was like an orgasm machine. Frank could feel her, pulsing around his cock. He wanted to come, but couldn't. Yet he stayed erect.

Maybe twenty minutes into the second fuck, Frank spurted off into Lynn again. Lynn felt it and had a massive orgasm.

They both collapsed and fell asleep in each other's arms, almost immediately.

Meanwhile, Will was prepared. He went into his closet and got out two duffle bags. He took his new, second cell phone, and his small computer. He left his wedding ring on the dining room table.

Will got into his F-150 and drove forty-five miles to a roadside motel. He checked in and went to sleep. He hadn't driven much since they'd moved into the complex, but it was like riding a bike.

He took a shower, got into bed and cried himself to sleep. When he awoke, he pulled out his computer, hooked up to the net and emailed all his relatives, except grandchildren. He simply told them what had happened, and that he was no longer going to be married to Lynn. He said he had a new number, and wouldn't give it out unless he had a firm promise not to allow Lynn to know it. Then he sent the emails, checked out, and had breakfast at a café down the road.

He had a cashier's check with him, and he stopped at a national bank, and opened an account there. He got a temporary check book, but he really needed a card, and they arranged for him to have that. He had no address, so they needed to do that for him right then. Will also had a bunch of cash. He drove west, and ended up in Pittsburgh. He checked into a hotel near the ballpark, and decided to take in a baseball game. He surprised himself by finding it interesting, and he stayed until the game ended. He walked back to his hotel, fell asleep quickly. The next day was a Saturday, and he decided to tour around the city. It was a pretty good place, from what he could see. Lots of good food, lively people, and no huge traffic problems. That night he went to the game again, and found himself rooting for the Pirates, against Washington. The Pirates had a comeback win.

Will went down to the bar at his hotel, and there were several Washington players there, having a late meal, maybe a beer. He asked the third baseman for an autograph for his grandson, and got it. There were five players at a big table and they invited him to have a beer. He got into a lively discussion with them about how great the Pittsburgh ballpark was. Four agreed, but a relief pitcher thought the place stank. It turned out that he had a problem pitching there, for no apparent reason.

Will went back to his room. He found that he was having a good time. But he missed Lynn, Sixty years. He missed her and he hated her for doing this to him. Will went to Sunday's game and then drove west again, ending in Ohio, somewhere. He generally followed the Ohio river to the Mississippi, taking several days. One day he passed a used truck lot, and went in. He bought a cap for the back of his pickup, so he could sleep there in an emergency.

Will wound his way around the southwest, just meandering. He had heard from his kids, and grandkids. They emailed at first, and then they promised not to tell Lynn his number, so he got to chat to them all. No one mentioned Lynn at all, because he had forcefully expressed his desire not to hear about her cheating ass.

Will had developed a routine for his travels, and began his day with exercise of some sort. He ran - well trotted. He used stretchy cords for weight training. He bought a book about yoga and began doing that every evening. He found that it helped him be limber. Not an easy task at his age.

Will eventually got a little bored and ended up in Vegas.

Meanwhile, Lynn was basically living with Big Frank. She had asked him to keep their sexual relationship a secret, so Will would not be too embarrassed if he returned. But Frank blabbed. When she called him on it, he told her that he was proud to be fucking the best-looking woman in the complex. Then he took her right over his couch. She was mollified. Will would just have to suck it up. After all, she did.

Frank and Lynn didn't have sex every day, but they did do it about five days a week. Lynn did not get tired of Frank in bed. But he was an asshole, and she was quite aware of that. Also, she felt a little guilty about Frank's wife, and more guilty about Will. Her relationships with her family were shot. After they understood - fully understood - what had happened, she believed they would understand why she had to do it, and cut her a break. But, noooo. It only got worse. She tried to worm Will's contact information out of them, and no one gave it over.

A month had passed, and she had heard not one word from Will. She missed him. He had been with her for so long. They knew each other so well. Yet, she had believed that his love for her would overcome his embarrassment at being replaced. She knew that that belief was a prime example of magical thinking.

She would have taken Will back and given up Frank (she said to herself). But Will wasn't around and Frank was very much around. So, she used Frank for all he was worth. It made her feel young again. All the sex was getting her into fine shape, as well, because she did not give up her regular exercise pattern. Sexual exertion was extra exercise. She lost a few pounds, and some of the flab she had went away. She looked even better than she had before Frank.

Frank, on the other hand, was starting to wear down. He also had lost some weight. He knew that, at his age, he shouldn't be fucking as much as he did. But Lynn was so alluring, yet so demanding. When she wanted to get screwed, he really had no way to resist. And, he was honest with himself, the sex he was having with Lynn was the best he ever had. His orgasms were more intense, and the physical contact was compelling. There had been a series of firsts for him, like taking a woman's ass. His own wife would never allow it. But Lynn loved it. His wife wouldn't swallow. Lynn made a big show of keeping his cum in her mouth and slowly swallowing it while looking him in the eye. When she did that, he got hard again, and she used him. He couldn't refuse her. He didn't want to.

He lasted a little over six weeks.

One Wednesday evening, Lynn lured Frank into bed early, and sat on his face. He loved that. When he was good and hard, she lay back on the bed, spread her sexy legs and beckoned to Frank. There was no hesitation on his part.

"Fuck me hard, Frank. Hard!" And he obliged.

Lynn had a couple of good orgasms, and felt Frank begin to come way up inside her. She always came hard when she felt that.

When it was over, Frank collapsed onto her. Usually, he would be breathing hard. But Lynn noticed that this time was different. He wasn't breathing. She tried to speak to him to get him off of her. But he was unresponsive. She had to work hard to get out from under him. He rolled off the bed onto the floor when she shoved him. His cock, she noticed, was semi-erect. Lynn was trained in CPR. She called 911, and started to try to resuscitate Frank. She worked at it until the EMT's came and took over. They gave him the paddle. They worked for ten or twelve minutes. Nothing.

Frank was gone. As they put him into the bag, Lynn had her last look at his big cock. She was devastated.

Now what?

Back in Vegas, Will was fascinated by the blackjack tables and players. Will always had a great math mind. He also had a stupendous visual memory. That was why he had been so sought after by the military. He was a retired - emeritus - math professor. But he had also designed some computer code breaking techniques under a national security grant.

In any event, he saw that the casinos had basically prevented counting, by expanding the number of decks they used to deal the hands. So, he only watched. Then, after an hour, he made a small bet on a hand. He won. He waited some more, then bet a largish amount and won. Then a series of small wagers went 50/50. Then another quite large wager which he won. Then he lost a halfway big hand. But won an even larger one. He stopped playing, having won 40k. He knew that he had been lucky, but also good.

Meanwhile the dealer had alerted the casino security about Will, and they had watched him from above. Nothing they saw was such as to cause them any distress. Will kept his chips and had dinner in his room.

The next day Will started early and had won 111k by noon. He stopped then. A man came up to him and asked him to come into an office.

Another guy there, who reminded Will of Big Frank, asked him, "Are you counting cards?"

Will said, "Sorta. As you know, it's not possible to do that with the new system. You need a team, and that's easily spotted. So, you know I don't have a team. Just me."

"But....well, your betting pattern is unusual. Odd."

"True. The Lord speaks to me, as I play." Will smiled.

The guy, whose name was Barry Lantern, smiled back and thanked Will. Will went to his room. Barry made a call to a woman who sometimes worked the casino.

Her name was Helen Butler. She was a very high class call girl, 30 years old, and, although not beautiful like some of the women, she had her own style. She sometimes did chores for the casino, in return for being allowed to meet people there.

Will was a chore assigned to her.

Will had eaten dinner at a casino restaurant. He'd gone back to his room to write up his experiences at the place. There came a knock at the door.

It was Helen. To Will she was a vision, dressed as she was in a short, dark blue shimmery dress, and matching high heeled shoes. She had blonde hair - natural. She had a vivacious smile. She used it on Will.

She said, "Hi, are you Will?"

"Yes. Oh, yes, I am."

"I'm Helen. Management has sent me up here to see if you may need anything. Anything at all." She smiled.

"Why?" He ushered her into the room, where she immediately sat down on a settee, and crossed her wonderful legs. Will stared.

She said, "Because you've been winning money, and they're curious. Also, they want you to stay a while so they can win the money back. So, basically, I'm a comp. Do you understand?"

"Oh, yes. Oh, my. I'm eighty years old."

She seemed momentarily surprised. "Well, then, you'd be the oldest guy I ever had. A real distinction." She uncrossed her legs, and crossed them the other way.

"Are you worried that it might be....that I might be too much for you?"

"No. Not at all. If I die in your arms, well, okay."

She was touched. "That's probably the nicest thing any guy has ever said to me. And I believe you meant it."

"I did mean it. How do we start?"

"Maybe a kiss?" She got up and stood right in front of Will. He was not in any mood to dawdle. He took her into his arms and kissed her, softly but with some tongue. She responded. He ran his hands down her hips, around to her ass, and pulled her to himself.

The he stopped abruptly. She looked at him. "What?"

He said, "I have a hard on."

"I know. I felt it." She put her hand on his cock, rubbed. "I feel it now, even as we speak." She laughed. "It feels very nice."

He said, "I should explain. I haven't been hard for almost three years. My wife left me for a guy who did get hard. Or, well, I left her after she went to him."

Helen rubbed him some more. She said, "How long were you married?" She didn't just say it, she cooed it, still rubbing.

"Sixty years. And twenty days before she fucked the guy."

"Well, Will, I believe we have overcome your difficulty, and it wasn't too hard to do. Let's take off our clothes."