Old West Cowgirl


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He took the shirt from her outstretched hand, his fingertips lightly brushing her palm. Alejandra wasn't sure if this gentle, thrilling touch was accidental or deliberate. But then he removed all doubt. Slinging the shirt over his bare shoulder, he leaned down and slowly, gently kissed each of her finger tips, one at a time. Then he kissed each of her knuckles.

Alejandra's heart just MELTED, as did her dewy pussy. She leaned forward, and planted a soft, fleeting kiss on his upper chest, midway between his nipples. Then she pulled away and gazed up into his eyes. They were sparkling, to match the smile on his lips. She leaned in again, this time kissing directly on first his right nipple, and then his left. When he put his strong arm around her, gently and lovingly, she knew that he didn't mind at all how forward she was being. So now she began a gentle nibbling on his nipples.

She was surprised and pleased when he started softly moaning now. So she continued to nibble at his chest, feeling his tiny nipples grow pebble-hard between her teeth. Then she placed her open palm flat against his bare chest, and as she gradually sank down onto her knees, she began slowly kissing her way down his torso, until she reached his navel. She then let her tongue slither and flicker against his belly button.

He gently cupped her elbows in his palms, and he delicately pulled her back up to a standing position, facing him. He cupped her face in his palms, and he sweetly, gently, softly kissed her upper lip. His little moustache tickled slightly, and she kind of wished then that she might eventually persuade him to shave it off, but right now, Alejandra was feeling too wonderful to let that irritate her.

He then spun her around, and standing behind her, he began kissing her shoulder-blades, right through her brown satin shirt. He folded his arms around her waist, and he began placing butterfly-light kisses on the sides of her neck, as his still-covered crotch delicately pressed up against her curvaceous ass through her black micro-miniskirt. Almost in spite of herself, Alejandra sighed and let out a long, low "Mmmmmmmm!"

He then leaned his head over her right shoulder, and still standing behind her, he turned her head just enough to plant another soft kiss on her lips. She reached around behind her, wrapping an arm around his neck, and pulling him closer. She returned his kiss, much more forcefully than he had done, and with a fiery passion. She parted her lips just slightly, and she gently licked across his upper lip, carefully avoiding his moustache so as not to drawn tiny hairs into her mouth. He got the hint, parting his own lips slightly, allowing her tongue to slowly, lovingly slide into his mouth. His tongue slowly licked up the underside of her intruding tongue, before he returned the favor and let his tongue flicker and dance just inside her own mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Alejandra repeated. She spun around to face him again, and she melted into his strong, enfolding arms.

He absent-mindedly crumpled his clean shirt, the one he had planned to wear to impress his business clients, into a ball. Caught up in the moment, he unthinkingly tossed the shirt onto the bedroom floor.

He then outstretched both hands, hooking one hand just inside her satin blouse to hold it steady, as his other hand unsnapped the top snap. Crouching down slightly, he leaned in and gently kissed the sensitive area at the base of her neck, just above her chest. For her part, Alejandra leaned forward and again kissed his still-hard, pea-sized nipples. At the same time, she let her fingertips "accidentally on-purpose" brush against the front of his trousers. As she did this, he pulsed once, mightily. She smiled at the feel of his cloth- covered hardness pulsating against her fingers.

But Alejandra's attention was soon focused elsewhere, as he popped-open the second snap, revealing the very top curves of her two luscious breasts. He leaned in and kissed between the tops of her breasts. Then he let his tongue trace the side curves at the tops of each breast, first her left, then her right.

She bent down, planted a quick kiss on his navel, while she let her hand rub his still-covered crotch-- one long, slow stroke upward from his balls, and then one slow downstroke back to his balls. Then she stood up again, just in time for him to undo her third snap. She smiled to herself at how thick and hard his excited shaft felt through the fabric of his suit pants. He now leaned his head deeply into her exposed cleavage, and he kissed directly between her breasts.

Pulling away again, he tugged her top up slightly, out of the top of her miniskirt, and unsnapped her fourth snap. Her top was now completely open, except for a tiny portion at the base of her shirt, still tucked into the waistband of her skirt. He gently tugged again, pulling her shirt completely free of her skirt, and pushing aside the two side flaps of her satin cowgirl top. This left her tiny red, nearly-transparent bra exposed. It had peekaboo cut-outs around her long, thick, hardened nipples, and it left acres of flesh exposed above and below her breasts, down to her waist. Then after a tiny patch of skirt, she was bare again, all the way down her thighs, down to her knee-high cowboy boots.

He leaned in again, his tongue flicking out against Alejandra's right nipple, jutting out long and hard through the peekaboo cut-out of her lacy red bra. He then repeated the maneuver, his tongue catching her left nipple this time. He then sunk down lower onto his knees, and his swirling tongue slowly traced the bottom curve of first one breast, and then the other.

Alejandra reached both arms out in front of her, and clasped both of his hands in hers. She then slunk, cat-like, toward the hotel room bed, towing him along with her. Purring, she stretched out on her back, her blouse opened wide, her tiny skirt barely hiding anything, her legs spread wide, the heels of her cowboy boots flat against the bedsheet, her knees raised in the air. He stood over the bed, and started to unbuckle his belt. This would not do, Alejandra thought. This simply would not do at ALL! SHE was determined to undress him, not let him do it HIMSELF! So she reached out, warapped her arm around his bare back, pushed down hard, and sent him sprawling face-down beside her on the hotel-room bed.

She grabbed at both of his bare, powerful arms, and rolled him onto his back. Smiling, she sat up, leaned over, unbuckled his belt, and began slowly unsnapping the crotch of his dressy slacks. As she unsnapped him, she rubbed her palms slowly and eagerly, up and down his crotch. On about the third stroke, his cock pulsed once, right through the fabric, right against her exploring fingers. That DID it! Alejandra could not wait one SECOND longer, and she began frantically unsnapping his crotch, one snap right after another, in rapid-fire succession. She then cupped his firm butt in both of her palms, lifting him off the bed, and she tugged his pants hard and fast down his legs. Eight solid inches of hard, throbbing cock sprang free of his trousers.

"So big!" Alejandra exclaimed, as her palm rubbed upward from his balls toward the cock-head. As she reached the head, he pulsed hard and strong once more.

"Mmmmmm!" Alejandra cooed. "So HARD!" She leaned down, and kissed his massive balls. His cock throbbed again, right against her exploring face.

She backed off and gazed admiringly at the two-inch-thick column of manhood stretched up his belly, where it touched the very navel she had been kissing only moments before.

"So BEAUTIFUL!" she concluded.

The businessman chuckled. "BEAU-tiful?" he challenged.

"Yes," Alejandra replied, kissing the wide-open pee-hole slit at the tip of his cock-head, "beautiful!" She slowly licked up his whole shaft, from balls to head, and repeated, "yes, YES, beautiful. VERY beautiful!" and she kissed the cock-head one final time, before opening her lips to take him in.

But she was not to taste this decidedly-beautiful shaft just yet. Her lover had other ideas.

He turned her on her left side, so that the button closing the back of her skirt was facing him. He unbuttoned her skirt, and unsuccessfully tried to remove it. It was simply too tight to slide down her legs while she lay on the bed. Besides, Alejandra wanted to leave her skirt ON. So she rolled onto her back again, and grabbing the hem, she lifted her skirt the inch or two needed to expose her tiny, lacy red panties. Her barely-there panties were too small and too transparent to hide very much, and in fact, the very edges of her pussy lips showed outside the border of her skimpy panties. Somewhat to her embarrassment, Alejandra noticed the dark spot at the front, where she had already soaked her panties in excited anticipation of this moment. She tried to hide her wetness beneath her hand.

Her lover smiled. "Don't feel ashamed. I'm honestly FLATTERED that I turn you on THAT much!" He lay face down on the bed, slid his manly body downward until his face was aligned with her lacy, fiery-red panties. He then softly, sweetly kissed her, right THROUGH her pretty little panties. After about two dozen sweet, lingering kisses directly onto her crotch, he slowly rolled his tongue out of his mouth. As his tongue extended ever further out, it plowed the front of her panties ever deeper into her slit, which by now was getting ever- juicier by the second. She WANTED him! SHE knew it, HE knew it, but their foreplay was just TOO good right now, to interrupt it for the hard, pounding, driving fuck that she needed and wanted, and that she KNEW she would soon receive.

Pushing her soaked panties to one side now, he curled a finger and slowly hooked it into her wide-open dampness, his fingertip massaging her G-spot, even as the underside of his knuckle gently rubbed her lengthening, hardening, eager little clit. Feeling her clit grow against his long, slender finger, he leaned down between her spread legs and raised knees again, and he let his unfurled tongue slowly lick across her growing clit. As she pulsed against his tongue, he sucked her clit up between his lips. Then he began slowly, gently, nibbling his teeth into her oh-so- sensitive love button. Her ass began eagerly bucking up-and-down off the bed, pressing hard into his handsome, loving face, as her hips desperately swayed from side-to-side in ever-growing horniness. And then his teeth released her, his tongue took a fast and furious swipe along the entire length of her hard clit, and she just about EXPLODED her ooze onto his swirling tongue and sweetly-caressing lips. He curled his tongue, slowly slid it deep into her slit, and then just as slowly retreated. When his tongue was completely free of her moist insides, he once more slowly licked at her now highly-sensitive clit, and she felt her orgasmic juices oozing hot, thick, and heavy onto his slowly-slithering tongue. His tongue took a series of judicious licks to wipe the thick glop off her crotch, and the kindness of his gesture made her come hard into his face yet again. She knew that she couldn't come much more without her pussy getting REALLY sore, and she had yet to come ON his cock.

So she turned to him, and sweetly kissed his lips, tasting just a hint of her own fresh juices on his breath. Smiling contentedly, she sweetly whispered her request, in a calm, even tone that hid her true state of arousal: "Fuck me, please."

"OK," he said, kissing her breasts and letting his fingers massage deep inside of her juicy slit.

"No, you don't understand," Alejandra whined and whimpered, "I mean, fuck me, NOW!!!" she commanded authoritatively, leaning in to kiss his rock-hard cock in encouragement. She licked her way up from his balls, all along his thick, throbbing shaft, and over his cock head, before opening her mouth wide and slowly sucking him down her throat. When his balls rested against her lips, and her mouth and throat were stuffed completely FULL with his manliness, she let out a long, loud, deeply-contented moan of pure pleasure.

Releasing his ready-to-explode cock from her mouth now, Alejandra raised her still-booted legs straight up in the air. Her skirt exposed most of her ass, and her red panties left the entire outer edge of her pussy lips exposed. He could see her garter belt, and the red thigh-tops of her nearly-transparent stockings. "Fuck me," she repeated in a soft whisper now.

He quickly pulled her sexy black, knee-high cowgirl boot off her right leg. She kicked the last inch of boot off her leg, sending her boot flying across the room, smashing against the glass bedroom window, and falling to the street below. A passing cowboy spotted the sexy boot, and looking up through the broken hotel window, he could see Alejandra's raised legs, open skirt, and exposed red panties.

"YEEEE-HHHHAAAA!" the cowboy shouted from the street below, pulling out his pistol and firing up into the air. "YYEEE-EEE- HAAAHHH!" One of his bullets struck a barrel of molasses, sending the thick glop slowly oozing everywhere in a big mess.

Alejandra turned, gazed out the window, and observed the scene below.

"That's just LIKE a cowboy!" Alejandra exclaimed.

"What do you mean, my love?" her businessman lover asked.

"Getting all excited before the sex even starts, firing off his WEAPON way too soon, and then when he's all done, leaving his disgusting, sloppy mess for OTHERS to clean up."

Her lover pulled off Alejandra's other boot, and she let this one quietly fall to the floor. She then raised her bare legs straight up in the air again, and slowly spread them apart in a big, wide V. "Come ON, lover," she moaned, "FUCK me--right NOW! I NEED you in me!"

Her encouraging words worked, as he slid back up the mattress, his pulsing cock sending rippling shock-waves of joyous anticipation through the bed, and all up and down her spine, as he moved. Finally, he aligned his pelvis directly over hers. By now, her pussy was SO damned excited, that it was staying wide open all by itself, without either of them using their fingers to hold it open. Alejandra wrapped both hands around his thick, throbbing shaft, and guided the head to her opening. His cock-head rubbed her clit five or six times, before gently pushing its way down into her. She seemed to open even WIDER, if that were possible, and the first inch of his horniness slow slunk down into her. As another inch slipped down inside of her, she wrapped her legs around his waist, resting her bare feet on his ass cheeks, and using her legs to pull him ever deeper into her now.

His first dozen or 15 strokes, he entered VERY slowly, and withdrew just as slowly. This was driving her right through the ROOF with lust! So she began pulling him down with her feet ever more quickly. He got the hint, and he began thrusting and slamming into her very hard and fast now.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" was the only comment Alejandra could manage now, and it was sufficient commentary for both of them.

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhh!" was his immediate and repeated response, as he pounded her inner walls mercilessly, and they kissed fiercely.

She wrapped her arms around him, and used all of her strength to roll him over flat on his back, and to keep his pounding cock from slipping out of her. She then rode straight up and down on his cock, over and over and over again.

And then suddenly, she felt her thick fluid oozing hot and heavy from around her G-spot, to coat the whole length of his shaft. Swirling his cock down into her in a rotating, cork-screw motion, he reached rock-bottom, his balls to her walls, and he EXPLODED way down deep inside of her. Feeling him come so hot, heavy, and deeply inside of her, triggered yet ANOTHER orgasm for Alejandra, and their thoroughly-blended juices, sweetly and gently stirred by his corkscrewing cock, now oozed. poured, and flowed out along her thighs, his thighs, and the bedsheet.

Echoing the drunk cowboy voyeur who had earlier observed them from the street, Alejandra couldn't resist crying-out "YEEEE-EEEE-HHHHAAAA!" as she continued to ride him ecstatically, and as they both came again and again and again.

He held her lovingly in his arms, his head resting between her breasts, and his cock continuing to pulse and throb deep inside of her. She gazed soulfully down into his eyes, and smiled. He told her that he NEVER wanted this moment to end, and she agreed that they must do this again soon, and often, and for the rest of their lives. "Mmmmm-hhhhmmmm!" he readily and dreamily agreed.

"My name is Alejandra," she introduced herself. In place of a handshake, she sealed the introduction by squeezing her deeply-contented pussy muscles tight around his still-hard shaft.

"I'm VERY pleased to meet you, Alejandra," he smiled. To show her just HOW pleased he was, and how much he wanted this to become a PERMANENT relationship (every bit as much as SHE wanted that), he reached up, cupped both of his palms around her bare hips, and forced her down hard onto his throbbing hardness. She was instantly awash from head to toe in the pure pleasure of the moment, and the thrill of knowing that they would have a LIFETIME to do this over and over again. She uncontrollably screamed out another "YEEEE-EEEE- HHHHAAAAAA!" as she gloriously coated his entire 8 inches with another happy burst of her orgasmic ooze. She wanted to spend her life riding this handsome man's stunningly-beautiful cock, and he wanted to spend HIS life getting his cock continuously bathed in her warm, wonderful love-juices.

He reached up, scooped their mixed goo off of her with his index finger, and he proceeded to lick his finger clean. At the same time, he placed the palm of his other hand flat on her hip, and pushed her up off of him, letting her grasping pussy release almost, but not quite, all of his deeply-buried cock. Then he thrust her back down onto him, slamming his way back up into her in one fast, hard stroke. As he was licking their fresh come off of her and plunging his way back into her depths, he started coming again, triggering her own orgasm again. Neither one came quite as strongly as the first time, but certainly still highly-satisfying to them both.

As they both came one last time, he smiled and began to introduce himself. But her continued excitement over riding him caused her third "Yeeee-haaa" to completely drown him out as he said, "Hello, Alejandra. I'm VERY pleased to meet you! And my name is..."

- End of This Story -

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