Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 24


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However she did not have long to ruminate on the surreal situation. The next thing she knew, Dr. Brovachik was invading her womanly sheath with the next sex toy. This time it was a silicone egg.

"This vaginal stimulator comes with an accompanying wireless remote," Mr. Uday explained, in his thick Vulmonian accent. "This way the man can control the stimulation, even if he isn't in the same room with the woman."

"This is extremely useful," Dr. Sokolov said. "Let's say the woman is in the kitchen cooking dinner or washing dishes. And maybe the husband is in the living room watching TV. He can use the wireless remote to turn on the egg inside her vagina. It will vibrate and begin stimulating her. Before long, she will be aroused with a wet pussy. This way she will be ready for her husband when he decides that he is finally ready to use her. He doesn't have to waste time on foreplay - he can just get right to the main event. Which, of course, is vaginal intercourse and hopefully impregnation."

The large group of men in the observation lab began to excitedly talk among themselves, nodding their heads in approval at the convenience provided by this particular device.

"Let's hand this to someone sitting at the back of the room," Dr. Sokolov said, picking up the wireless remote and handing it to a man in the first row. "Please pass it back," he instructed.

The man in the front row passed it to the man behind him. And that man handed it to the man behind him. And so on, until it eventually reached a white haired gentleman sitting at the very back of the room.

"Sir, when you're ready, please turn on the vaginal egg," Dr. Sokolov called out to the man.

The lucky spectator looked down at the remote in his hand and perused the various buttons and their corresponding labels. He pressed the first button and Olivia gasped as the silicone egg inside of her reverberated against her vaginal walls. Her eyes closed and her jaw dropped open as a moan escaped her lips. A subtle buzzing could be heard coming from between her thighs. "Ahhhh," she sighed.

"Now this first setting is good for getting the woman warmed up. Now why don't you try the next setting," Dr. Sokolov suggested. The white haired man pushed the next button and the strength of the vibrations increased.

"Oh!" Olivia cried out. "Ohhhhh! Ahhhhh!"

"Her heart rate has sharply increased," Mr. Dima said. "Perspiration and vaginal fluids are being secreted in significantly larger amounts. She won't be able to hold on for long."

"Why don't you try the next setting," Dr. Sokolov said to the man in the back row. "I think you'll find this setting interesting."

The white haired man pressed the third button. Suddenly the vibrations stopped. "Ah," Olivia gasped. "Why'd it stop?"

"Just wait," Mr. Uday smirked.

After a few moments of silence and inactivity, the egg suddenly began pulsing, once again arousing Olivia and bringing her back to the brink. "Oh god ..." she moaned. "Oh yes ... mmmmm!" Then the pulses abruptly stopped. Olivia let out a heavy disappointed sigh as she felt her impending orgasm dissipate.

Just as she began to catch her breath, the pulses began again. "Ah!" she cried. "Oh jesus!" she moaned as the egg throbbed inside her cunt. She was so close to orgasm. All she needed was a few more seconds. Then the pulses stopped. "Oh no!" She cried out in frustration.

The men in the room all began to simper. They watched Olivia, as she was mercilessly teased over and over again by the device inside of her snatch. One moment it looked like every single one of her muscles was tensed up and her young supple body was right about to be overtaken by an all-consuming orgasm. Then the next moment, she was whining in disappointment and despair as the egg ceased to vibrate and her climax dematerialized.

Olivia began wiggling her hips around, hoping that the movement might possibly trigger the mechanism inside of the battery operated egg. Maybe if she shook her lower body vigorously enough, it might cause the egg to turn on and vibrate again. But unfortunately for Olivia, the egg remained still and silent. "Oh, come on!" Olivia panted, exasperated.

The men in the observation lab all loudly guffawed at the scene in front of them. Despite being in a completely humiliating situation, Olivia was so preoccupied by her need to cum, she could not be bothered to hide her body's reactions or her carnal desires. The situation they had put her in was so beyond mortifying, it was not possible for her to maintain any dignity. She no longer saw any point in behaving modestly.

Suddenly the egg began loudly buzzing as it rumbled against her Gspot. "Oh god ... I'm going to cum! Oh thank god ... I'm finally going to cum!"

And of course, just in the nick of time, the vibrations stopped. "No!" Olivia wailed. "Please," she implored. "I can't take this anymore. Please let me cum!"

"You'd better turn it off for now," Mr. Dima said to the white haired man. "She'll most definitely have an orgasm during the next sequence of pulses." The gentleman in the back row nodded and replied in Vulmonian as he pushed the off button on the remote.

"That last setting in particular is my favorite," Dr. Sokolov said. "It allows the man to get the woman highly aroused without actually bringing her to orgasmic completion. Now, there are a variety of reasons why a man may want to sexually arouse a woman but deny her an actual orgasm. Maybe he wants to bring her to orgasm himself later on using his fingers or his sexual member. Maybe the woman behaved badly and the man needs to punish her. Or maybe it brings the man sexual pleasure to deny a woman an orgasm and it turns him on to watch her become sexually frustrated."

This idea seemed to spark particular interest with the men in the audience. They conversed with each other enthusiastically and called out questions in both English and Vulmonian. They inquired when such a marital aid might become available for purchase, where they could buy one, how much it would cost and what type of batteries it required.

They also demanded that the white haired man who was holding the remote pass it around so that others in the audience could all take a turn stimulating Olivia's pussy from across the room.

Olivia closed her eyes and sighed as the egg once again buzzed against her Gspot. But it was switched off before she could reach any sort of pleasurable peak. Then the remote was passed over to the next man who played around with the various settings. The men all watched, enthralled, as Olivia writhed around, struggling against her restraints. She cried out in both lust and distress as she was continually brought to the edge and then cruelly denied climax.

"Please let me cum!" she begged. "PLEASE!!" But the only response she received was the sniggering of the men and their lewd comments.

"You want to cum," one man in the audience called out. "Come see me later tonight after the experiment is over. I have a 'marital aid' that will make you cum!"

The men in the observation lab all howled with laughter as Olivia's entire face and ears turned bright red. She had been so lost in her body's physical sensations, she had temporarily forgotten any and all social norms.

"All right, we need to move on," Dr. Sokolov said trying to get the rowdy group of Eastern European men to settle down. He held out his hand for the remote, which was eventually returned, despite the protests from the men who had not gotten a turn to try stimulating Olivia's cunny.

Dr. Brovachik slipped his fingers into Olivia's slippery slit. She grunted at the unexpected introduction of his thick digits. As he retrieved the silicone egg he said, "If you liked that, I think you're really going to enjoy what's to come." He smiled at her as he reached down and cupped her left buttock, giving it a firm squeeze. He then strolled over to the other side of the room followed by Mr. Smurdir.

"Next, we will be demonstrating a clitoral stimulator," Dr. Sokolov informed everyone as Dr. Miloza entered through the swinging double doors. He was followed by his pupil, Mr. Kaldoff, who held a tray displaying a small object.

"Our clitoral stimulator is very simple. It's a variation on what is known in the west as a Magic Bullet," Dr. Sokolov explained. "It is recommended that it is applied either directly to the clitoris or to the surrounding tissue. If it is applied to the clitoris, it is suggested that is applied to the shaft rather than the head. Sometimes if the clitoris is very sensitive and too much strong stimulation is directly applied, you end up getting the adverse reaction. The clitoris starts to become numb and the woman becomes less aroused. Just something to keep in mind gentlemen."

Dr. Miloza reached over to the tray held by Mr. Kaldoff. He picked up the small rounded plastic object attached by a long wire to a battery pack. With his right hand, he placed the "bullet" against the left side of Olivia's clitoral shaft. Holding the battery pack in his left hand, he flicked a switch with his thumb and the bullet began quietly humming against Olivia's most sensitive body part. The sensor on her pubic mound immediately began flickering and beeping as Olivia moaned and squirmed.

"So far, her body is strongly responding to this stimulation," Mr. Dima said.

"Yes," Dr. Sokolov nodded his head. "For most women, clitoral stimulation is the most effective way to achieve sexual pleasure."

"Oh jusus christ," Olivia gasped as she twisted and turned as much as her restraints would allow. Her sensitive little kernel throbbed between her legs as the sandy haired gynecologist looked down at her with just the hint of a smile. "Oh god ..." she exhaled as the pulsating in her little pearl increased. "Oh fuck me," she moaned lustily without thinking.

"Well, Miss Williams, unfortunately that is not what we are here to do," Dr. Sokolov gently chastised. "But perhaps when you are finished with your community service and are no longer under in police custody, I'm sure you will have no trouble finding a volunteer willing to accommodate you with that task."

The men in the room all laughed and several even yelled out crude offers. Olivia silently kicked herself for her poor choice of words. But soon her attention was back on her throbbing little nub and the minute buzzing device. "Uh!" she sharply inhaled.

"She's going to climax any moment," Mr. Dima cautioned.

"Now, like I said, this marital aid is a variation on the Magic Bullet that they sell in the west. It is similar, but not exactly the same," he informed his male audience. "You might be wondering how ours is different." Then he turned to his colleague. "Dr. Miloza, could you please switch the clitoral stimulator to its other setting?"

The slim clinician flipped the second switch on the battery pack. Suddenly a sharp stinging jolt quickly shocked Olivia's clitoris. Olivia shrieked at the top of her lungs as her entire body struggled to lift up off the table. "Ah!" she cried. "That hurt!"

"You see, when the clitoral stimulator is on its second setting, instead of emitting vibrations, it emits a very painful, but completely harmless little shock," Dr. Sokolov said.

"In the west, their clitoral stimulator is known as 'The Magic Bullet.' We've decided to name our marital aid 'The Biting Bullet' ... for obvious reasons," Mr. Uday explained to the captivated audience.

The men in the crowd seemed to be extremely excited and impressed by the gadget being demonstrated before them. Many wanted to know if they could purchase one then and there. Several men stood up from their seats, demanding to be able to try it out on Olivia themselves.

"Now gentlemen," Dr. Sokolov raised his voice, attempting to reestablish order throughout the observation lab. "There will be some audience participation later on in the demonstration. But for now, I need to ask you to sit down so that we can continue with out test trial."

Olivia wriggled around on the gynecological table. Her hips violently jerked as Dr. Miloza continued to stimulate her clitoris with painful little shocks.

"Please," Olivia begged Dr. Miloza. She craned her neck, looking up at his face. She tried to catch his eye in the hope of eliciting some sort of sympathy from him. "Please stop! Ow!" she howled in pain.

Dr. Miloza flipped the switch on the battery pack and once again the bullet began to softly vibrate. Olivia laid her head back down, closed her eyes and amorously sighed.

It did not take long for her clitoris to begin tingling. Soon it was throbbing. As Dr. Miloza gently pressed the bullet against her clitoral shaft, Olivia could not stop herself from parting her lips and letting out a long low moan. "Oooooooooh ..."

The sensor on her pubic mound began blinking and beeping like crazy. "You'd better cease the stimulation right now," warned Mr. Dima. "She's right on the edge."

But Dr. Miloza did not stop. Instead, he moved the vibrating bullet from the shaft to the head of Olivia's little button. Barely touching, he very carefully, with the lightest possible pressure, made contact between the buzzing sex toy and the head of Olivia's clit.

"Ah!" Olivia cried out.

"You need to stop!" Mr. Dima demanded.

"Jesus, I'm going to cum!" Olivia gasped. "Oh god, I can't help it! Fuck yes! I'm going to ..."

Dr. Miloza flipped the switch on the battery pack. Suddenly Olivia let out a high pitched, ear splitting shriek. "AHHHHHHH!" Her scream echoed throughout the observation lab.

Dr. Miloza chuckled as he sadistically administered shocks directly to the head of Olivia's sensitive nub.

"NO!" she implored. "Please stop!"

"You were so close to orgasm. I need to make sure that I am applying enough pain to counteract the effects of the pleasure provided by the vibrations," Dr. Miloza explained.

"Please, no more!" Olivia wailed. But her pleas were ignored. Dr. Miloza could not help but smile as he watched Olivia's hips comically gyrate.

"You'd better not cut it that close again." Mr. Dima shot Dr. Miloza a reproachful look. "She was seconds away from an extremely powerful orgasm."

Dr. Miloza simply replied with a cavalier shrug. The highly esteemed physician and medical professor was not particularly interested in seeking the approval of a lowly technologist.

Mr. Dima sourly scowled at the arrogant clinician. He then turned his attention to his computer monitor and the information coming in from the body sensors. "You can stop with the pain stimulation. She's no longer about to climax," he informed his haughty colleague.

Olivia heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Mr. Dima's instructions. However, Dr. Miloza continued to hold the bullet to Olivia's poor abused nub, inflicting shock after shock on her most sensitive organ. "Ow!" she cried in agony.

"Dr. Miloza, I think that's enough," Dr. Sokolov diplomatically suggested. "You've very effectively demonstrated the uses of the Biting Bullet. And you've pulled our test subject back from the brink of orgasm. We all appreciate your professional gynecological expertise. A job well done!"

The men in the crowd all applauded approvingly, impressed with Dr. Miloza's timing and control over the young girl's body. The tall slender doctor smiled smugly at the response he received from the audience and reluctantly turned off the sex toy.

Olivia closed her eyes and exhaled heavily, thankful to no longer be receiving the torturous shocks.

"Don't relax just yet." Olivia opened her eyes to see Dr. Miloza staring down at her, smiling sardonically. "I'm done with you for now. But Dr. Carolia's next. I believe he'll be demonstrating an anal stimulator," Dr. Miloza announced.

Olivia's eyes widened as her jaw dropped open. "What?" she gasped in horror. The room full of men began laughing at Olivia's shocked reaction. Dr. Miloza reached down and gave her clit a quick sharp little pinch.

"Ah!" she squealed in surprise, pain and indignation, which made the male spectators laugh even harder. Dr. Miloza gave her a mischievous grin. Then he turned around and leisurely sauntered over to the other side of the observation lab followed by Mr. Kaldoff. They both sat down next to Dr. Brovachik and Mr. Smurdir.

Olivia felt somewhat confused. When Judge Thorsky had informed her that she would be used to test sex toys, she had been fully expecting that her clitoris and vagina would be stimulated. However, with the nation of Vulmonia being so conservatively religious and traditional, she did not think that anal sex or anal stimulation would be considered acceptable by such an old fashioned society. Or at least not considered acceptable when discussing the topic of sex publicly.

Of course Olivia had experienced anal rape at Timor's dive bar at the hands of the two hospital custodians, Gregus and Sergov. And even her own lawyer, Mr. Kholod, had anally raped her in her holding cell at the police station when she had failed to complete the obstacle course. So clearly anal sex was something many Vulmonian men engaged in and enjoyed.

But Olivia had come to learn that Vulmonian men were extremely hypocritical. They all claimed to be moral with traditional conservative values. All the while behaving like some of the most sexually perverse men Olivia had ever had the misfortune of meeting. So maybe she should not have been surprised that they were going to force anal stimulation on her. She just did not expect that they would officially encourage anal sexual activity in public.

Especially since anal sex did not help with conceiving a baby. After all, that was why they were there. To encourage more couples to have sex with the end goal of conceiving more babies. So Olivia was surprised they would spend time and effort creating sex toys for anal stimulation. However, it appeared that the doctors and scientists were determined to humiliate Olivia in every conceivable way.

Dr. Carolia came waltzing through the white swinging doors followed by Mr. Yavlov holding a metallic tray. The short fat physician stood at the foot of the exam table just a couple of inches from Olivia's crotch. Olivia inwardly groaned as he leered down at her.

"Dr. Carolia will have the pleasure of demonstrating the anal stimulator that we've invented," Dr. Sokolov announced. "Now some of you may be wondering why we're even bothering to stimulate the anus, since anal sex does not lead to impregnation."

The men in the audience all seemed to lean forward with interest.

"As we are about to demonstrate, you will find that most women do become sexually aroused by skillful anal stimulation. And sexual arousal leads to the vagina producing natural lubricating moisture. And a moist vagina is easier on the penis when it comes time for penetration and vaginal intercourse. I mean, who wants to feel a dry cunt wrapped around their cock?"

Then men in the audience all chuckled in agreement.

"When it's time to fuck the woman's pussy, the wetter the better, I always say," Dr. Sokolov preached.

"I don't think it's possible for this test subject to not have a wet pussy," Mr. Dima chimed in as he observed the information on his computer screen. "According to the sensor I placed in her vagina, her vaginal secretions are off the charts."

"Yes, it's true" Dr. Carolia concurred. "The very first time I met Miss Williams at Nulmara University Teaching Hospital, she seemed to be experiencing quite a bit of discomfort because Dr. Miloza had given her such a large enema. Her belly was so distended, she looked like she was about to burst."

Most of the men in the room looked over at the mustached physician. Dr. Miloza shrugged wearing unapologetic smirk.

Dr. Carolia continued, "However, when I reached down to feel Miss Williams' vulva, I couldn't believe it. The girl was sopping wet. Her cunt lips were practically dripping. When I applied manual stimulation to her clitoris, she climaxed in a matter of moments. Making quite the mess all over the floor with her enema, I might add."