Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 24


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The male spectators did nothing to hide their amusement as they chortled at Dr. Carolia's account of his first meeting with Olivia.

"Well, I must say, Miss Williams," Dr. Sokolov smiled. "You certainly know how to make a lasting first impression."

The men in the audience howled with laughter as Olivia squeezed her eyes shut in humiliation and rage.

"Alright, let's get back to the topic at hand," Dr. Sokolov said, trying to redirect the conversation. "Another reason we created an anal stimulator is that it's a turn on for many men to play a woman's ass. Whether the woman likes it or not," he added, seeming to be indifferent with regards to women's sexual boundaries. "And when the man is turned on and aroused, he'll get an erection. Which, of course, makes vaginal intercourse, ejaculation and impregnation possible. So, if it makes you hard to stimulate and play with a woman's ass, go for it!"

A number of men in the crowd enthusiastically yelled out in agreement. Olivia shuddered in disgust and apprehension.

Dr. Sokolov smiled as the spectators' reaction. He glanced down at his note cards and then continued. "Many men also enjoy engaging in anal intercourse. The anal orifice is tighter than the vaginal orifice, which can make sex more pleasurable. Well ... more pleasurable for the man, that is. Many women report feeling discomfort or even pain while being anally penetrated. But we must keep in mind that the man getting and maintaining an erection is what will lead to impregnation. So if it gives you an erection to penetrate a woman's ass, then that's what you should do. However, if you are going to perform anal intercourse, it is extremely important to switch holes before the critical moment. When it comes time for you to ejaculate, deposit your semen into the woman's vagina. Remember, our main goal here is impregnation. Our nation wants to increase our population. That means more babies. And that means more women getting pregnant more often. You can fuck a woman in her ass if you want. Just make sure you cum in her cunt."

Once again, the men in the audience hollered and cheered.

Olivia was completely taken aback by the vulgar language Dr. Sokolov was using. Olivia was not naive. She knew that this "experiment" was just an excuse to humiliate her for the sadistic entertainment of the male observers. However, as the "experiment" went on, Dr. Sokolov seemed to become less concerned with appearing like a professional scientist. And he was beginning to sound more and more like a lowbrow lecherous degenerate.

Dr. Carolia picked up a rather short thin object from the tray that Mr. Yavlov was holding. To Olivia, it simply looked like a small butt plug. She slowly exhaled in relief. After all she had endured, the sex toy in Dr. Carolia's hand did not really look all that intimidating. He picked up a bottle of lubricant from a nearby rolling cart and squirted some clear gel onto the pocket-sized rubber toy. He then applied a generous amount of lube to Olivia's back door. When the cold substance made contact with Olivia's sensitive skin, she let out a muffled squeak, which made the older doctor smirk. He then gently and smoothly slid the butt plug into Olivia's rear end.

Olivia could feel the little object lodged in her back passage. However, it was far from painful. On the contrary, it even felt mildly pleasurable. Although Olivia would have never admitted it to the crowd of men watching her. But she did not need to verbally admit it, of course. The sensor on her vulva at the base of her clitoris began beeping and flashing its red light.

"There is a significant increase in blood flow to the test subject's genitals," Mr. Dima loudly proclaimed. "Her heart rate, perspiration and vaginal secretions are also quickly increasing."

The men in the audience all excitedly discussed with one another in Vulmonian their surprise and amusement at Olivia's body's reactions. As the blood continued to flow towards Olivia's crotch, filling her nether lips and clitoris, Olivia could also feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. As her heart pumped blood up towards her head, she could feel her entire face turn scarlet with humiliation. She cringed as her body's physiological sexual responses were made known to every single man in the observation lab.

"I had no idea that our test subject was such a big fan of anal stimulation," Dr. Sokolov with mock surprise. "Tell us Miss Williams, when did you first discover that anal play brought you sexual pleasure?"

The entire room of men all quieted down as they waited to hear Olivia's answer.

Olivia stared up at the ceiling and concentrated on breathing steadily. She was not sure how to answer the physician. It was true that the anal stimulation she had been forced to experience did sometimes feel good. However, it was not something that she would ever choose to do.

"It doesn't bring me pleasure," she finally replied defiantly. She clenched her jaw in anger.

"The sensor I placed near your clitoris indicates otherwise," Mr. Dima countered.

"I do NOT enjoy having things put up there," Olivia stubbornly insisted as she tightly balled up her hands into fists.

"Really?" Dr. Sokolov said cynically. "You are not deriving any pleasure whatsoever from the anal stimulator in your rectum?"

"NO!" Olivia spat back.

"Well then, what is causing so much blood to flow to your cunt? What is causing your clitoris to become erect? Something is making you extremely aroused. If it isn't the anal stimulator, then it must be something else. Maybe it's having so many men watching you. Maybe exhibitionism is what makes you so aroused."

"Absolutely not!" Olivia replied indignantly.

"I used Miss Williams for a demonstration during one of my medical classes about female anatomy," Dr. Carolia informed the audience. "Under the influence of a mild sedative, she masturbated in front of a lecture hall packed full of male medical students. When I asked her, Miss Williams admitted that she enjoyed having so many men watching her. Even after the sedative wore off, Dr. Miloza practically had to rip her hand away from her pussy to stop her from masturbating."

The entire observation lab was abuzz with questions and comments about Olivia's wanton and unladylike behavior.

"Alright, everyone quiet down," Dr. Sokolov said. "Now I think it's clear that Miss Williams becomes sexually aroused from being observed. But we're still trying to determine if she enjoys anal stimulation. Miss Williams, are you still asserting that anal stimulation brings you no pleasure?"

"No, I hate it!" Olivia insisted through gritted teeth.

"Well Dr. Carolia, you know what to do," Dr. Sokolov shrugged as he looked over at his short fat colleague.

Dr. Carolia picked up a remote from the tray that Mr. Yavlov's was holding. The older doctor pressed a button and the butt plug in Olivia's rear began vibrating.

"OH!" Olivia blurted out in surprise. The sensors all over her body began blinking their red lights. Their high-pitched beeping echoed throughout the observation lab.

"Her body is strongly reacting to the stimulation," Mr. Dima said from behind the computer monitor.

Dr. Sokolov smiled smugly. He looked over at Dr. Carolia and gave the white haired clinician a short swift nod. Dr. Carolia once again pressed the button on the remote. The vibrations coming from the anal toy became stronger.

Olivia closed her eyes as they rolled back in her head. She arched her back lifting her plump tits up into the air as she inhaled sharply. As she exhaled, she moaned uncontrollably. The sensors on her body beeped faster and louder, their red lights flashing even more swiftly. The male spectators all snickered as they watched the young girl's own body betray her. As the vibrating plug hummed away inside of her forbidden orifice, Olivia writhed and shuddered on the gynecological table. Any attempt to hold onto her dignity was futile as she parted her lips and grunted with unwanted ardour.

"Mr. Dima," Dr. Sokolov addressed the technologist. "In your professional opinion, do you believe that it's possible for the test subject to achieve orgasm through anal stimulation alone?"

The medical tech furrowed his brow as focused his attention on the numbers scrolling across his computer screen. "Interpreting the information from the various sensors I've placed on the test subject's body, I do believe, given enough time, that this particular test subject could achieve climax solely via anal stimulation." All of the men in the observation lab seemed pleasantly surprised by this new tidbit of information. "The sensor I placed on her clitoris and the one I placed inside of her vagina are showing a dramatic increase in temperature as well as blood flow and moisture."

"Interesting," Dr. Sokolov grinned in triumph at having proven Olivia wrong. "Well, as we all know, the test subject is not allowed to experience an orgasm under strict orders from her temporary guardian. So Dr. Carolia, you'd better turn off the vibrations. I think it's clear to every man here that our test subject could climax at any moment. Given all of the anal stimulation she's receiving, plus the fact that she enjoys being watched by an audience, the poor thing can barely control herself."

The crowd of men all turned to watch the naked girl moaning and squirming, strapped down to the table with her thighs wide open. They all nodded and voiced their concurrence with Dr. Sokolov.

Dr. Carolia pressed the off button on the remote and the rumbling in Olivia's posterior ceased. As the titillating sensations throughout Olivia's body died down and her breathing slowed to a more steady pace, Olivia squeezed her eyes shut. She grimaced over the degradation she had just experienced. She could not understand why her body would react in such an shameless manner.

"However, we are not quite finished with our demonstration of the anal stimulator," Dr. Sokolov announced. "Dr. Carolia, could you please show everyone the other function that this device has to offer?"

The portly gynecologist grinned as he pressed another button on the remote. Suddenly Olivia gasped as she felt the butt plug lodged inside of her backside begin to expand. Slowly but steadily, the sex toy widened in circumference. It also began to elongate inside of Olivia's rear chamber. "What's happening?" she cried out frightfully.

"Mr. Uday, would you like to explain?" Dr. Sokolov suggested, turning to the balding engineer.

"The outer layer of the anal stimulator is made from a flexible rubber. However, inside there is a series of overlapping metal pieces linked together. When the mechanism located at the center of the anal stimulator is activated, the overlapping metal pieces begin to spread apart and the entire device expands inside of the woman's rectum. But because the whole thing is encased in a soft rubber, it should not cause her any discomfort," Mr. Uday explained to the observers.

"Ow!" Olivia cried. "It's growing really fast. It's becoming too big!"

Mr. Uday smirked. "Well, there is no discomfort, that is, until it expands to it's full size. It depends on the woman, of course. But I would image that when the anal stimulator is at it's largest expansion, most women will experience some discomfort or even pain."

"Please, make it stop!" Olivia pleaded.

"Now, some of you may be wondering why we would include such a feature on the anal stimulator," Dr. Sokolov said. "As I mentioned earlier, many men enjoy anal sex. However many women complain that it's too painful. Sometimes the man's penis is too big to fit into the woman's rectum. Getting past the first sphincter seems to be a particular problem for many couples. Many women make such a fuss as they are being anally penetrated. This can be extremely bothersome for the man."

Many men in the audience nodded emphatically.

"But with an expandable anal stimulator, you can stretch the woman's rectum and sphincter ahead of time. This will make things much easier for you when you decide that you are ready to anally penetrate her," Dr. Sokolov told his audience. The men in the crowd all applauded, impressed by the ingenuity and practicality of such an invention.

"Please turn it off! I can't take anymore," Olivia implored. "It just keeps growing!" she cried out.

"Dr. Carolia, you'd better stop. We don't want to cause any permanent damage to the test subject's body," Dr. Sokolov warned.

Dr. Carolia sighed, slightly disappointed, as he pressed a button to stop the plug from expanding further. He had been very curious to see Olivia's reaction when the anal stimulator was at its full grown size. But he willingly complied with Dr. Sokolov's request. However, he did not press the button on the remote to cause the butt plug to contract. Instead, he chose to keep the device at its current size.

"Why isn't it getting smaller?" Olivia inquired, clearly in pain.

"You appear to have a rather tight anus," Dr. Carolia told her. "I'd imagine that it would be rather troublesome for the next man who wants to have anal sex with you. In my professional medical opinion, I think we should keep the anal stimulator, as it is, inside of your rectum. We need to loosen you up a little. That way, the next man who anally penetrates you will find it a bit easier," the stocky gynecologist reasoned.

"Good point, Dr. Carolia," Dr. Sokolov praised his colleague. "You've done an excellent job demonstrating the anal stimulator. Now, why don't you take a seat."

The male audience enthusiastically applauded for the thickset physician. Dr. Carolia looked down at Olivia and smiled slyly. He then pressed the button on the remote causing the butt plug to once again vibrate. As the device in her bottom reverberated against the delicate walls of her rear orifice, Olivia squealed at the unexpected titillation. The men in the observation lab all laughed. Dr. Carolia then switched off the device. Still holding onto the remote, he and Mr. Yavlov sat down behind Dr. Brovachik and Dr. Miloza.

Olivia groaned in frustration and pain. This day could not possibly get any worse, she thought bitterly to herself.

Suddenly Mr. Vlangar came strutting through the white swinging doors holding a metallic tray baring a single object. Olivia inwardly groaned to herself. Would the torture never end? Exactly how many sex toys did they need to test?

"Now, like I promised earlier," Dr. Sokolov said gazing out into the crowd, "I told you that there would be a chance for audience participation."

The male observers all perked up and took notice when they heard this. They all watched Dr. Sokolov intently and listened closely for what he was about to say next.

"Can I please get a volunteer from the audience?" Dr. Sokolov requested. Every single man in the room shot his hand up into the air and began to yell fervently. Dr. Sokolov could not help but be amused by the unabashed enthusiasm of his audience.

At random, he pointed to a man sitting near the center of the crowd with steel grey hair. The man rose from his seat. When standing at his full height, he was just over six foot five. Such a tall man was not that unusual in the tiny Eastern European nation. Vulmonian men did tend to be all the tall side. However, six feet and five inches was definitely taller than average.

"My goodness!" Dr. Sokolov exclaimed. "You are a tall one, aren't you! I hate to ask, but are you ... uh ... 'proportioned'?"

The steel hair man narrowed his eyes, smiled and confidently nodded.

"Oh dear," Dr. Sokolov said sheepishly. "This may not be such good news for our test subject." He turned to looked at Olivia. Terrified and nude and strapped down to the examination table, Olivia's eyes widened with fear.

Dr. Sokolov instructed the steel haired man to unfasten his pants and release his member. The volunteer presented the doctors and the audience with an impossibly thick, nine inch phallus covered in blue veins.

"My god!" Dr. Sokolov blurted out. Then he turned back to Olivia. Almost apologetically, he said, "Maybe we should have expanded the anal stimulator inside of your vagina."

"What?! You mean I have to have sex with him?" she shrilled. "What does this have to do with testing sex toys?"

"Well, you see, many women complain that they cannot achieve orgasm through vaginal penetration alone," Dr. Sokolov began his explanation. But then he stopped himself, taking in the sight of the volunteer's erect organ. "Though, I don't know ... I mean ... with a partner that well endowed, I don't know how you could NOT climax. His cock would be making contact with your Gspot the entire time. Though, I suppose a penis that large could be quite painful. But I digress." He then continued, "Many women claim that they need direct clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm. But bringing a woman to climax via her clitoris can be very time consuming and tedious for the man. So Mr. Uday and myself came up with a solution for that particular problem."

"Yes," the engineer nodded. "We've developed a clitoral stimulator that attaches to the man's sexual organ. It sits in front at the base of the penis. When the man vaginally penetrates a woman, the stimulator makes contact with her clitoris and can bring her to orgasm. This way the man does not have to waste his time on foreplay. He can get right to vaginal intercourse, ejaculation and impregnation."

"Now, I want to take this chance to point out that it may arouse you to play with a woman's clitoris or her other erogenous zones. If it turns you on to stimulate a woman's clitoris, by all means, you should engage in that sort of sexual activity. If you are aroused, you will be able to maintain an erection more easily, which will enable you to have intercourse, which will lead to impregnation."

Several men in the audience nodded in agreement, making vulgar gestures with their fingers and tongues directed towards Olivia. She shuddered in revulsion and looked away.

Then Dr. Sokolov said, "But we all know that there are times when a man is either too busy or too tired for foreplay. Or maybe he just cannot be bothered. That's where this device comes in handy. I would like to ask our gracious volunteer to now put on the marital aid."

The steel haired man picked up off of the tray what was essentially a silicone cock ring with a magic bullet vibrator attached to it. He slid it onto his manhood.

Olivia could not take her eyes off of the steel haired man's rigid rod as he advanced towards her. He donned the cock ring with its accompanying vibrator. She could see that the head of his member was already wet with precum. Her eyes became so wide with trepidation, they looked like saucers. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest as the man came nearer.

The steel haired man stood near the foot of the gynecological exam table. His gaze swept over Olivia's naked bound body. He noticed the look of alarm on the young girl's face. Her gripped Olivia's plump inner thighs and tightly squeezed her soft flesh. Her breath caught in her throat. She did not make a sound. She did not move a muscle as the older man brought the head of his cock to her moist slippery nether lips.

As the tip of his penis made contact with the head her her clitoris, Olivia let out a long deep exhale as she closed her eyes. The steel hair man smirked as he watched the look on her face change from an appearance of terror to an expression of lust. As she shuddered with desire, she lifted her hips up off of the exam table and pressed her clitoris firmly against his erect organ. Some muffled laughter could be heard throughout the observation lab. But for the most part, the spectators looked on silently.

The man then slid his dick downwards against Olivia's sopping wet slit. He rubbed his the head of his penis in her juices until it was slick and completely coated in her arousal fluids. Olivia's back arched as she softly moaned. The steel haired man reached down and gently strummed her little pearl with his thumb. He looked on in fascination as her ample bosom lifted up and her moaning became louder. "Mmmm ... Yesssss ..." she murmured, almost hypnotically. The audience full of men could not take their eyes off of the large older man masturbating the nude powerless girl.