Olivia: The Hottest Mom Ch. 11

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Cody and Liv break the rules, and there are repercussions.
10.8k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 03/10/2021
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On Cody's birthday, storm-driven debris shatters one of his windows, and he moves into Liv's house for a bit while she's out of town at a symposium. Carla is camping, but returns unannounced, and catches Cody jacking off in the shower. She rewards them both later, showing him how she uses her dildo, and giving him a hand job before licking his cum off him. Cody admits it all to Liv when she gets back, and she admits to straying herself. Carla promises to be good, unless Liv gets tired of Cody...

It was late, past seven-thirty, and Liv and I toiled away on an urgent project. Most of them were urgent, or under some sort of time constraint, often needed the day before the actual request came from our clients, and ideally the week before they asked for it.

Liv and I were both frazzled, as our client wanted the answers in the morning, and there was a great deal of number-crunching and data massaging needed to provide an accurate response. We had ordered a couple of sub sandwiches around six o'clock. They'd arrived an hour ago, and still sat in their bag, untouched until we reached a good time to take a rest from the work. The janitor had been and gone, studiously avoiding our workspace.

We sat in the largest of the three conference rooms, the huge table half-covered with stacks of reports and photos, legal pads at our elbows with figures scrawled in blue and red ink. Liv closed her eyes for a moment and leaned back in her chair for a moment, before sighing softly. Her face was drawn with fatigue, as I'm sure mine was.

"Ms. Lufrano, I think we should grab those sandwiches. Let's take an intermission." I was still, and always, careful not to let her first name, or, worse, 'Liv' escape my lips anywhere in the building. I thought it absolutely vital to be as paranoid as possible, although I was relatively certain there were no bugs or hidden cameras. Relatively certain.

"You're right, Cody. Let's take a breather, but not here. My office, just be careful not to spill, and we put the trash in the break room after. Don't want my office smelling like corned beef or turkey or whatever we got, okay?" She sat up slowly and took a deep breath before levering herself out of the big leather chair and stepping out of the conference room.

I followed her, the bag of sandwiches in hand, and we sat on either side of her huge desk. I opened the bag, and our orders were perfect down to the chips and condiments. I grabbed a couple of Cokes from the refrigerator in the break room and came back, handing her one as I sat down to our dinner.

She smiled over a bite of corned beef on rye. "So, Cody, welcome to the exciting world of analysis and stocks! You've been here for six months... What do you think?" She winked at me very salaciously, and settled back while chewing a demure little bite.

"Well, I'm learning a lot, Ms. Lufrano."

She chuckled. "What, you're afraid we're being bugged, babe? I'd have to sign off on that, and I'm not ready for Big Brother just yet. Call me Liv."

I relaxed and smiled back at her. "Liv, this has been incredible. Seeing you again, learning so much from you..."

"Professionally and personally, I trust, my handsome, sexy man..."

I didn't quite choke mid-bite. "Both, obviously. It's everything I could have dreamed, and so very satisfying. Again, in so many ways." My suspicions about being eavesdropped on were allayed, mostly, but it was still a hard habit to break, not calling her Ms. Lufrano in the PL&E offices.

"Cody, I'm so glad it worked out. For both of us. You're so good at what you do here, and you keep me so satisfied away from here. It's what I wish I had had with Maximilian, but that wasn't how he thought of me, of us, obviously."

"His loss, Liv."

She leaned forward to put her elbows on the dark wood, and put her chin in her palms, leaving her sandwich on the wax paper for the moment. "So, did you expect this during the interview?"

"When I saw you? No, honestly. I thought you might send me home, and I'd be filing and doing basic accounting still."

"So glad I didn't, but that never even crossed my mind, baby. I needed, this firm needed, someone with your skill set to back me up. And the fringe benefits I'm getting nightly are incredible." One hand drifted down to clasp mine tightly. "I love you, Cody, and I love everything about you. Not just the sex, but your thoughtfulness, your attention to detail, the way you make love to me. You are the man I needed in my life."

"And you are the love of my life." I got out of my chair and circled the desk to kiss her, then went back to mine and sat down. She blushed a little, I saw.

"So, Cody, what was the first thing that went through your mind after we kissed in my office? During the interview?"

"I...I wondered if we were going to have sex on your desk..."

Her laughter was loud and joyful, smooth and comforting. "Baby, that crossed my mind shortly after you headed back to the hotel after the interview. Whenever you kiss me..." Her words faded, and a dreamy little smile played over her face.

"Me, too, Liv."

She clasped my hand again, then abruptly rose. The view of Lake Michigan was breathtaking, and she crossed to the door. When she flipped the light switch, the city sprang into view very distinctly, glowing with the lights and distant street sounds of Chicago on a weeknight. Liv stepped into my arms for a long, deep kiss. "What was I wearing?," she asked when we paused for a moment.

"Your grey pantsuit...only, you were naked from the waist down. Your blouse was open, and your bra was out of the way, over your breasts."

She slipped out of my embrace and kicked off her shoes, then slid pants and panties down, and stepped out of them. Her knee-high black stockings were still on, but that wasn't the important thing. Then she removed her blouse and bra, putting the former back on, still open, under her jacket. The paler portions of her body, top and bottom, glowed in the city lights, beacons for my rising passion. "Like this?," she cooed. I nodded, then, realizing she probably couldn't see me in the dark, said, "Yes."

"What were you wearing, Cody?"

"My suit, but my pants were..."

"Down around your ankles?," she guessed.

"Umm... Yeah." She stepped forward and undid my belt and trousers, sliding them down my legs to the floor, just like the first time we made love, just what she did with my shorts back then. Then she put her naked tush onto her desk, after moving her inbox out of the way.

"Like this, Cody? You wanted to fuck me like this?"

"Just like that, baby." My cock was hard as steel, ready to plunge inside her, and she was ready. I could smell her moist, musk-filled scent, inviting me to enter her.

She whispered, a smoky, promising tone. "It is Hump Day, and I want you to hump me, darling... What are you waiting for?" Nothing, I realized, and shuffled forward, harder to do than I would have thought with my ankles bound by my slacks. She was close, and I penetrated her easily, feeling the soft warmth of the slick walls of her twat surrounding my hard-on. It had been only Sunday when I'd last seen her naked and made love to her, but I was always ready for her, always wanted her...

"Oh, God, Cody... Fuck me baby..." I didn't need any further urging, and started to pound her as fast as I could manage. Our groins collided together repeatedly, and Liv raised her legs, pulling her knees down to her beautiful chest as I leaned forward to delicately nibble on one of her tits. Chicago's downtown lights illuminated us barely, glittering and flashing off the walls of her sanctum.

She let out a slow moan. "Oh, baby, oh, Cody, that feels fucking incredible!" All this as I sped up, wanting nothing more than to cum inside her again. Three days of accumulated semen pressed at the floodgates, eager for release into my lady love. I held on, but only barely, for a while longer. The unexpected liaison in her office, the forbidden sanctum in PL&E's forbidden suite, was erotic and taboo, intoxicating as I looked down, watched my cock slide in and out of her, her breasts move in time to our lovemaking.

It was only minutes later, both of us panting and groaning with barely restrained passion, her desk our temporary bower, when my orgasm rose up. I moaned, barely keeping my orgasm at bay. "God, Liv..."

Liv understood, and whispered a reply. "Cum, baby. Let your cum fill me up..."

Three thrusts later, I screamed as what felt like quarts of cum barreled down the length of my cock into Liv's pussy, filling her up. While I kept moving inside her, letting my testicles expel the last of my semen into her, she finally came, her sated moans filling the room between the echoes of my climax.

We stopped for a moment, her lying back on the desk, my loins still faintly pulsing in memory of the thick load I'd just pumped inside her. Liv sighed, then conversationally, "So, babe, I hear a lot of office people like to fuck on their boss' desk..."

I leaned forward and licked one dark nipple, feeling her delighted wriggle in response. "Better to fuck the boss on her desk."

We eventually disentangled and got dressed, me just pulling my slacks up, and Liv taking it all off to get her silky white bra, then her panties, back on. The stack of napkins that came with our meal was put to very good use cleaning up after everything else. While putting the rest of her ensemble back into place, she kissed me again and leaned into my chest. A sexy laugh bubbled up from her chest. "That was dangerous!"

"But nobody's here, babe..." The light in the office was still dark, the people seventeen stories below us unaware of our joyous break.

I couldn't see Liv clearly, but was sure her eyebrows were arched playfully. "And what if someone came in for late paperwork. Or brought someone they wanted to fuck on my desk?"

"They'd have to wait their turn, Liv." She giggled. Then I asked, "You ever done that on your desk, on any desk, before?"

Liv shook her head with mirth. "No, not on a desk. And never with Maximilian, sadly. Had a visitor over lunch time a while back for oral sex, though..."

"You sucked his cock under your desk?" The thought was indecent and so decadent.

"No, baby. Roger visited over the lunch hour with a pic-a-nic basket. He talked me out of my pants and knelt under my desk, licking my pussy between strawberries and finger sandwiches. My door was locked, of course."

"You liked that..."

"I did, and thanked him that night the same way."

I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her again. "I'm glad he really knows what he's missing!"

We were there for another two hours wrapping up the project, then we headed home to my apartment for more intermission, regardless of the fact it was only Wednesday.

* * * * *

Friday night, and Liv was late. Summer would officially start in a couple of weeks, but it was both humid and hot enough that everyone knew it had arrived, not even early, to hear the office talk about it. I looked forward to a long two days naked next to my lady love, drowsing away the time in between our sessions of lovemaking. I couldn't wait.

Liv usually left the office about an hour after I did, but let it vary by up to half an hour either way, camouflaging our relationship by keeping our schedules from matching at night, sometimes even leaving a little before I did. Still, I'd left before six, and it was nearly eight. I almost called her at the office, but resisted; if she was there it was probably over something important. Assuming she was at the house, or had just left, I would see her in another twenty minutes, the Traffic Gods willing. I settled back to do some paperwork, always more paperwork, and the sensual respite we were set to enjoy was the best way to spend our weekend, every weekend.

After an hour, with no call or sign from Liv, I picked up the phone, and started to dial her office number, then heard a knock, no a pounding, on the door. Liv had her own key, so she seldom knocked, and never so...frantically.

I swung the door open, wondering what was going on. "Cody!" It wasn't Liv, but Carla. She was crying hard, and I couldn't help but notice she had Liv's flair for staying beautiful even when weeping. I felt Carla swoop into my arms and hold me, shaking and barely holding it together, bawling into my chest with each breath. I backed into the apartment still holding her and swung the door shut. My breath was catching in my throat, because I knew that Carla being here meant something awful had happened.

Keeping my voice steady, I turned her chin up to face me. "Carla, what happened?"

"Sh-sh-she's in the hospital, Cody. I'm so scared..."

"What? When?" She had been fine a little over three hours ago when I left.

"A janitor found her on th-th-the floor of her office. Sh-she fell down, they think, a-and she's in fucking surgery and they won't tell me why..." She wailed the last word, and I fought back my own tears while she sobbed into my chest. If I'd still been wearing my tie, I wouldn't have cared about ruining it.

She clutched me like a lifeline, which I suppose I was, as I walked her over to the sofa. I sat her down, but when I tried to stand and get her some water, she shook her head and burrowed her face further into my chest.

"Carla, we should go and see her."

"No. The doctor said she'll be in for a few hours. What could have..." It was the last coherent thing I heard her speak for an hour. All that time, I just sat and held her, and she finally fell asleep in my arms, cried out. I laid her on the couch and grabbed a blanket, and Liv's pillow, from my bedroom. There was no way I could sleep until we heard more.

Carla's pager buzzed about three a.m., and I roused her from the sofa. She called the hospital and spoke to the doctor. When she started crying, my blood turned to ice, and it felt like my heart had stopped. She hung up and turned to me, more tears pouring from her eyes. "She's out of surgery, she's going to be okay, Cody." I held her while she sobbed, this time in heavenly relief.

This time I took the couch, and let Carla sleep alone in my bed, and we woke up mid-morning, not quite refreshed, but feeling better after the rest.

* * * * *

I didn't get to see her until Monday evening, when they rolled her out of the ICU into a private room. I drove Carla over, and she got to go in for fifteen minutes each on Saturday and Sunday, and told me it had been a heart attack.

I walked in, braced for the worst. Liv's skin was ashen, a look that didn't agree with her. I kissed her on the cheek, not caring who saw, but noticed belatedly that no-one else was in the room. She also looked exhausted, utterly drained. I didn't know if it was the heart attack or the strain of them fixing it that had worn her down.

Liv's eyes fluttered open. "Cody. Thank you."

I sat and held her hand. "What happened, Liv?"

"I was about to leave to come to you. Suddenly I felt dizzy and numb, and fell to my knees, trying to catch my breath. Chest hurt like hell, then it felt like someone took a sledgehammer and belted me with it right here." She motioned weakly to the center of her chest. "That's the last thing I remember until waking up in here. The doctor saw me Saturday, told me what had happened."

"How? Baby, you're the healthiest woman I know..."

She grinned faintly, a mere shadow of her usual wicked, lustful leer. "With all the exercise you and I get in bed, I have plenty of cardio and...well, not exactly low impact." She disengaged her hand from mine and touched my cheek. "I love you, Cody, so much..."

I kissed her palm and held it again in both of my hands. "How long will you be in the hospital?"

"Two weeks." She winced and rolled her shoulders.

"I'll be here every day."

"You'll need to, Cody."

I blinked back a couple of stray tears. "But baby, you're going to be okay, right?"

She closed her eyes and nodded. "It will be two or three months before I'll be fully back at work, back to normal, but I'll do what I can with your help. I'm relying on you, because I know you can do it. You know a lot of what I do, and I want you to sit in on the meetings for me. Learn the job, learn how to help me make decisions. Already spoke to Tanya about it."

"They let you call her?" And not me?, my now outraged inner voice bleated.

"No." She laughed softly. "Tanya lied and said she was my sister, came to see me an hour ago. She agrees with you doing this for me. Being my stand-in."

"You sure?" This was the last thing I had expected, ever. I was a junior analyst, with the firm for less than a year, and I mentioned this to her.

"About that..." She gave me a wry smile. "It takes two years to get promoted, babe. Usually." I remembered Annette cautioning me about that very thing last October. "Tanya approved my request to have you booted up to Senior Analyst. She agrees you deserve it; talk to her for the details. You report to both of us for now."

"Isn't that going to look suspicious?"

"Like you're fucking your way to the top?" She laughed again, then winced when a cough made its way to the surface. "Cody, Tanya knows you and I sleep together. I let her in on that last month. She doesn't need to approve, but she does." Liv looked as satisfied as I'd seen her in a while.


"Just say yes, my wonderful man. I need you in that office while I can't be there, and watching out for the firm. I love you and I trust you with my company and my life."

Now I did cry, just a little, with gratitude and relief. My girl's going to be okay.

* * * * *

Liv arranged to have me stay over at the house most nights to watch over Carla, who was too miserable to make her usual sexy comments, or even titillate me with naughty suggestions or showing off any portion of her body, nearly identical to Liv's. I felt the same, and wanted Liv to be back in her house, and our beds.

Every night after work, I visited the hospital and spent an hour or two talking to Liv, giving her a rundown of what I had heard and looked at during the day. She approved of my suggestions, and said that Tanya would do the same. Over the weekend I'd spent nearly six hours each day with her, which occurred to me was the longest span of time we'd ever spent fully clothed outside or working hours. She was grateful for my being there for her, and seemed to be getting stronger.

The doctor didn't give me any information about her state of health. Sharing her life and bed didn't have any benefits the hospital acknowledged.

Throughout, I avoided mentioning the subject of sex entirely. Not because I didn't want to be with her, but because I didn't want her to focus on that, or think it influenced my attentiveness. She knew it wasn't, but I was still careful not to bring it up. So she did.

"Cody, you haven't been laid for over two weeks. Must be...difficult...for you, not getting into my bed with me."

"There isn't room here, Liv."

She smiled. "I know, but you probably can't wait until I get home, right?"

"Baby, I'm not thinking about it that often, just about you."

"That is very sweet, Cody, and I think it's actually true." Her face turned serious. "The doctor and I had words about it." She sat up, and looked stronger and healthier than she had since that awful night I'd first visited her here a week ago.

She looked levelly at me. "He says no sex for another three months at least. Nothing at all, my love."


"Let me show you something, baby." She pulled up her hospital gown, and sat with it at her neck, holding it on her shoulders. Between her perfect breasts was a thick white bandage, running from almost her throat down to where the tan lines at the bottom of her breasts gave way the darker skin of her well-toned tummy. She was still trim and lovely, but her skin remained pale from her ordeal, and was a little looser. I knew she had lost weight, but she was as beautiful as ever.