One More Project


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We finally mounted and began our ride but it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I finally put 2 and 2 together.

I got 3!

Not the whole answer, but closer!

The "project" was getting me this horse as a "retirement" gift. It was the "really important thing" Ken had to do, the thing I went out and fucked another man over! At one point during the ride, it occurred to me that, even if Ken decided to leave me, I couldn't feel any worse than this.

I have to confess! However, that would make Ken feel terrible too. Would I be confessing just to clear my own conscience, only to be hurting Ken in the process?

Actually, no! Confessing was NOT going to clear my conscience over this. Not by a long shot!

The ride was a blur of emotion for me and I hoped they all thought it was just excitement over this magnificent gift.

When we got back to the ranch I dismounted and ran over to Ken. I hugged him and kissed him then whispered in his ear, "Thank you. I love the horse. I wish I knew how to tell you how very, very much I love you!"

I knew then that I had to trust in his love for me.

I had to tell him!

I would, as soon as our guests left.

Looking him straight in the eyes and with tears in mine, I added, "I don't deserve this Ken. As soon as our guests have gone, I need a chance to tell you why I don't deserve this!"

For a moment I thought he was going to cry but then he hugged me back and I could feel the old excitement coming on, but all too soon he broke the hug and began helping Sam with the horses while we headed back to the house.

While Sam and Catrina made a light lunch, we headed for the hot tub and were out, dry and part way through lunch by the time Ken got back. How odd! Here I am wishing he DID have a new project he was working on. He must still think I'm angry OR he's pissed because I was so angry.

Shit! What will happen when he finds out how angry I actually was?

As the day wore on I found myself more and more thankful for Peggy who continued to be warm and caring and seemed to know the right thing to say. It was nice having Mandy home, if only for a while, and as I've already told you, Wayne is one of our favorite people.

Saturday night we all sat outside as the evening was warm and clear and the heat of the day had driven away most of the insects. Although my guilt crept up on me periodically, it was a nice night. This time I went and took Ken's arm and asked if he were coming to bed. He said he had promised Sam he would look in on the horses as he and Catrina had headed in to town. I don't know whose horses he was looking in on but it was after 2:30 before he finally crept in to our bed.

I woke at about 7:15 and of course Ken was already up. We had decided on a mid morning brunch before our guests left so I went down for coffee and took it out on to the porch. Not long after I got there, I saw Mandy and Wayne coming back from a walk. Wayne went in for coffee while Mandy and I sat on the porch. My heart stopped beating when Mandy said, "Did Dad ever find you and your friend Wednesday night? He called to see if I knew where you were."

"No. I was home by the time he got there." I answered all too quickly.

A look of confusion crossed her face. "I thought he was home before 2:00 in the afternoon. He called me shortly after that."

Just then Wayne came back with coffee and Peggy and Don came out and, fortunately, the conversation ended there. Not long after that, Ken came up from the barn and we decided that the non-drivers would have some champagne and orange juice with breakfast and soon we were back to the more festive atmosphere.

After brunch we helped Mandy and Wayne and Peggy and Don pack their cars. Mandy and Wayne kissed and hugged me goodbye, Wayne shook hands with Ken, then hugged him. Mandy then had her Dad all to herself and the two of them hugged for the longest time, then kissed and off they went.

Once their car was out of sight, Don kissed and hugged me, then Peggy, to whom I felt closer than ever before without really knowing why, hugged me tighter than ever before.

I watched as Ken and Don shook hands then Peggy hugged Ken. After a very long hug she took his face in her hands and kissed him so gently. There was something about the way she did it that finally let me see what was going on! As they got in their car and drove out the lane, I put my arm around my husband as I realized that 2 and 2 make 4.

I just figured out the whole answer!

"How long have you known?" I asked, tears streaming down my cheeks as we waved goodbye.

"Peggy, Don and I went to the Marriott for a drink Wednesday night. I was in the lobby when you and Stan got off the elevator."

I couldn't stop the tears as they flowed freely down my face.

"Ken I'm sorry. I was so stupid and I've wished from the moment I did it that I hadn't. Please forgive me and give me a chance to make this up to you."

"I can't even begin to tell you how upset I am Ronnie. I love you! I do, but I'm hurting and I'm not sure how to deal with it right now.

"Are we going to be O.K.?"

"Ronnie, like I said, I'm somewhere between hurt and angry, but I've loved you too much and for too long to piss it away over this without at least trying to get past it. What I needed, I got. I needed you to trust me enough to tell me and I believe you were about to. If you understand that I won't get past something like this again, then give me some time to try to deal with it!"

"I do understand! I do! I'm so sorry. I messed up but I want to tell you that I know now it was a stupid thing for me to do, but, I can't fault anyone else. It was MY stupid mistake. I can't even say "it was just sex" because it wasn't even that. I was angry and frightened that you had gone out and committed to another project without any notice to me and without even letting me know what or where it was. I thought that it was because you felt being retired with me wasn't enough to keep your interest and in my anger and self pity, I let Stan Cavan get much farther than I ever intended.

I know you don't trust me right now and I don't blame you, but I'm telling you truthfully that I broke it off with Stan there in the hotel room that night and I repeated my position to him when he called the next day while you and Sam were out in the barn. I told him I was wrong and that it wasn't going to happen again, long before I knew that you were aware of what I had done.

Give me half a chance and I'll spend the rest of our lives making up for the hurt and embarrassment I have caused you. I love you and I know you love me even though I don't deserve it, but I swear, I will deserve it again someday!"

I waited for a response for a while then Ken looked me in the eyes and for the first time I noticed and recognized the hurt I saw there as he said, "I'm hurting and I suppose I'm pissed too but I want to get past it so I will, . . . or I'll die trying."

"Let me know when you're not too pissed to let me start making it up to you." I said with as much lust as there was love, in my heart. In spite of my shame over what I had done to such a wonderful husband, I found myself becoming excited about some of the possibilities in store for us as I tried to make amends.

My heart soared as an old familiar glint shone in Ken's eyes that was also somewhere between lust and love and he said, "It has been hard to avoid you these past few nights but I needed to know where you were over Stan. I just may let you start making it up to me now that I know."

I reached down to rub his hardening cock through his jeans and said, in the most sultry voice I could manage, "There's no time like the present."

I dropped to my knees, unbuckled his belt, pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees freeing his now steel hard cock and took him into my mouth. I put my heart and soul into giving him the best blow job ever. I licked him all over including his balls taking each one gently into my mouth until I could feel him begin to tense then I went full bore, sucking his cock as fast as I could and running my tongue across the bottom.

He moaned and pushed me gently to let me know he was about to cum. I didn't let up. I looked up at him and was soon rewarded with the look of ecstasy on his face and as big a load as he's had in quite some time. When that was done I cleaned him up, still with my mouth and tongue, then stood and hugged him.



It wasn't very difficult at all for me to get past Ronnie having fucked Stan Caven that night. It was wrong and it hurt me at the time, but during the very rare times when it comes to mind, I think back to the countless times that Ronnie has gone "above and beyond" with her brains, her imagination, her body and most of all, with her love, to care for and support me. It doesn't hurt to know, firsthand, that she had broke it off with him entirely on her own before she knew that I was aware of what she had done and, most of all, that she trusted me enough that she was ready and willing to tell me about it, only to discover that I already knew.

I was concerned that in her quest to "make up for the embarrassment and hurt" she had caused me that it would cause an imbalance in our relationship. I want and need a strong wife who would challenge me when I'm out of line and I didn't want her to be submitting to whatever she felt I would want, regardless.

I needn't have worried.

Less that 3 weeks after that weekend at the ranch, I had promised Mandy I would pick up some items from our tack supplier. I got fooling around with Sam while we were renovating the barn for Ronnie's horse and forgot all about it.

Ronnie was mad as hell and made sure I knew it. She cussed me up and down and pushed me to get my ass into town to see if I could still get what Mandy wanted. I was terrified and relaxed only when I managed to find what our daughter needed.

I've loved Ronnie long enough to know when she is upset and embarrassed and there is no doubt in my mind she still is over what she did that night.

Me, I still chuckle when I remember that he had so little control and that he came so fast. Much later when we were able to talk and even laugh about it, we decided that 3 strokes would only qualify as a "full fuck" for a weasel like Stan.

We do much, much better, especially since Ronnie set out to "try to make up for some of the hurt she caused me."

In spite of having had an active and abundant sex life in our marriage up till then, Ronnie since, has thrilled and even shocked me at the number of different ways she can turn me on and then bring me off to a glorious climax.

Most of those events would be Literotica stories in themselves.

I've heard the expression, "Once a cheater, always a cheater!" but I don't believe it.

Do I think she will never, ever stray again?

I don't think she will, but there is always the risk she might I suppose. I just know that both before, and particularly after that night, she has been well worth the risk and, what the heck, even if all hell breaks loose some day, and she does screw up again, I'll be hurt but I will definitely survive!


Even now, several years later, as I sit with our grandson, Kenneth Roger Branson (named after both his grandfathers) in my lap, I am momentarily embarrassed, even ashamed of what I did that night. I thank God every day that Ken is the wonderful forgiving man he is and that he had the courage to give me another chance. I marvel at his strength of character. He and I have even laughed at the notion that 3 strokes is probably a full fuck for Stan, but it is only my love for and my dedication to Ken, that will let me laugh at something that I am so ashamed of.

I have used my imagination and even read stories from a website called Literotica, to search for ways to show Ken my love and appreciation for sticking with me and letting me try to make it up to him. To tell you the truth, I have loved every moment of it and I'm looking forward to continuing it far into our future together.

Actually, my husband, our daughter and our son-in-law have just finished packing their car and putting our granddaughter into her car seat for the trip back to Atlanta where they live and, after a wonderful week of being grandparents, I'm ready to hand over our grandson (that's what's so "grand" about being a grandparent, you get to hand them back when you're done) to his mom and dad and get back to the wonderful task of seducing my husband again as soon as they're gone!

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Agree with previous commenter. Reconciliation was (perhaps) warranted and to not reconcile (eventually) would be cutting off his nose to spite his face. But it was way too fast and easy. Doesn't work like that in real life.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Not against the reconciliation. She literally was insane with anger, immediately broke it off in the hotel room, even before knowing about his 'last" project, her remorse was palpable, and she was about to confess only realizing he already knew and was waiting for her confession. But the reconciliation came too easy. Need more depth. More discussion, maybe counseling about her anger and her seeking revenge so fast, and some time apart with self examination. Yes he had time to already process it, but was still wrapped up with a bow too quickly.

ibuguseribuguserabout 1 year ago

Was a good story until the discovery but lacked some drama after it. Sounded like reading a textbook.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kind of cavalier treatment of adultery. The setup was interesting. But the reconciliation did not come off as earned. Regardless of three strokes, she went to that hotel with the intention of getting a "revenge" fuck over what she thought was Ken taking on a huge secret work project. She acted irrationally and went far enough for Stan to put on a condom and penetrate her (briefly). The fact that she did not enjoybit is not really material to the fact that she did cheat. Sure she will never do it again. And yes she was upset and going out of her mind, but she did cheat. Can she be forgiven? Perhaps. Buy for it to happen so matter of factedly is disappointing.

bobareenobobareenoover 1 year ago

Every time a writer on this site mentions this site in their story, an extra star dies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I usually do not like RAAC stories but this one was good but I still feel Ken should have evened the score by having a short affair. 2 wrongs do not make a right but at least the other party would know what it feels like.

miket0422miket0422almost 2 years ago

Overall it is a well written story but, I really struggle with the idea that it wasn't all that difficult for Ken to get over what Ronnie did.

I get that receiving her present really drive it home how stupid she had been. But, seriously... Hubby goes off to buy a really thoughtful gift for his wife and her reaction is to accept a dinner date with a a scumbag who's been trying to get into her pants for years, them get drunk quickly and accept an offer for a nightcap I'm his room???

Not saying Ken shoulder have forgiven her and stayed with her but, getting over it without much difficulty just doesn't add up for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

" It was MY stupid mistake."

Why do authors try and minimize and trivialize cheating by referring to it as a mistake? Cheating is much more than just a mistake. Its numerous selfish entitled decisions that are made over time without any thought or regard about their spouse and the disastrous and horrible pain and suffering it brings to their spouse.

So, to answer the questions why do authors minimize and trivialize cheating by calling it a mistake; they do it so they can write a simple reconciliation that occurs quickly with little or no effort on the part of the cheater. It eliminates the need for remorse, contrition and restitution upon the part of the cheater and allows the cheater to suffer no serious consequences for the selfish entitled actions. Writing a reconciliation that included all those things would require much more effort from the author that they're obviously not willing to put into the work.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

Not every mistake requires revenge. That's no way to live a life. I found this too believable and I think it's going to haunt her at least as long as it does him. Good job.

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