One Year Internship Ch. 01 – Introduction

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Megan Gets the Details of an Amazing Internship.
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CHAPTER 1 -- the info session

I just sat there. I wasn't sure I actually heard what I thought I heard. So I listened to the voicemail again.

'Hi Megan. My name is Steve Polson. I would like to talk to you about an internship opportunity we have at our company. You come highly recommended so I am very excited to discuss it with you and see if you are interested. We are finishing up with a few other candidates and we hope to make a decision in the next few days, so please call me back so we can get your interview on the calendar as soon as possible.'

This seemed too good to be true. I listened to the voicemail again. He addressed me by name so it was not a wrong number. He said that someone recommended me so he knows something about me. My mind was racing. Who could have recommended me? What did they tell him?

This could not have come at a better time. I'm 3 weeks removed from my high school graduation and I am in major panic mode for figuring out the next steps in my life. Being an adult sucks. Not getting any scholarships is going to make paying for college a bit rough. I wonder if this internship is a paid one. Several thoughts powered their way through my head like a conveyor belt.

'I guess there is no harm in talking to him right?' I thought to myself as I dialed the number.

Three rings in he answered, "Hi Megan. I am so glad you called me back. So you're interested then?"

"I am interested in learning more yes."

"Do you think you could come in tomorrow morning at 9 am?"

"I can. Can you tell me what company this is, what you do, where you are located, what I would be doing in the internship, who recommended me? I do not know any information aside from what was in your voicemail."

"All in good time Megan. I think it is better explained in person. Let me text you the address... and Megan... dress to impress."

"Ok. See you in the morning."

I looked up the address that Steve texted to me. It came back with a company named Tri-Star Biotechnology. Their website was simple and the only information I could find was generically what biotechnology was. I was not sure how to prepare for the interview with such limited information.

I studied what I could. I prepared for all of the usual interview questions like 'tell me about yourself' or 'tell me a time when you faced adversity'. I decided a good nights sleep might help a lot.

The next morning I decided to go for a run to clear my head followed by a protein shake and a shower. Finally I find myself standing in front of my closet trying to decipher what 'dress to impress' might look like.

I finally choose a dark blue dress that is in between date night and corporate America and head out the door. I arrive 15 minutes early and tell the receptionist at the front desk why I am there. She picks up her desk phone and announces my arrival.

A few minutes later a handsome well-kept man in a suit enters the lobby and heads my direction. He is slightly taller than I am, clean-shaven with a head full of flowing brown hair. We exchange smiles and handshakes and he leads me to the elevator on the other side of the lobby.

When we exit onto the 4th floor, Steve leads me through a series of hallways where there is a large room full of people behind every door we pass. Finally we get to a conference room in the back corner of the floor. As I enter, I notice it has windows on all sides and has a nice view over a large park across the street. He offers a chair across from him.

"Would you like anything to drink?" he asks me.

I nod my head no and he sits down and opens a leather-bound folder and pulls out a pen.

He continues, "I am really happy you have come in today. You were highly recommended."

"By whom if I may ask."

"Dr Wilson, your old English Lit teacher. His brother is a research director here. And through a conversation a few days ago the dots connected and you were recommended."

"No kidding."

"Truth. I am interviewing you today based on that recommendation. Transparently, Dr Wilson told us that you are incredibly smart and capable. And that maybe you were bored in high school and that is why you did not quite perform up to your potential. Is that an accurate representation of you Megan?"

"I think that could be a true representation. I will say whenever I did give a class or an assignment my best I always excelled at it. But I did not do that every time."

"And what do you think would motivate you to give your best every time?"

I had prepared for a similar question. I organized my thoughts before responding. "I either need to see value in the assignment itself or value in the benefit I may get by doing it."

"And did you not see value in finishing high in your class and the potential scholarships that could result from doing so?"

"I do now in hindsight. But most of my time up to this point I have not had the best foresight or the best organizational skills. As they say, knowing now what I know now I would do it differently."

I could see him writing notes in his pad of paper. It made me a little bit nervous wondering if I am answering the questions the way he would want me to. He continues, "So, I have a few administrative questions."

I nodded.

"You are 18 years old right?"

I responded affirmatively.

"Do you still live at home or have you moved out?"

I replied, "I still live at home until I can get the next phase of my life going."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Not anymore. We broke up anticipating that we would be going to different colleges."

"Okay. Good. We can move on then. So if you do not get this internship, what are you going to do next? Sounds like you intend to go to college?"

"I am planning to go to college. I am not 100% sure how I am going to pay for it yet. By chance is this a paid internship?"

"I'll tell you about the internship shortly. I have a few more foundational questions first."

I nodded my head trying not to show my impatience.

"Can your family pay for your college?"

"No. My dad was in a car accident a few months ago and has been out of work since. My mom works but it is just enough to help them pay their bills. They won't even be able to help me pay for living expenses."

"I am sorry to hear that. If you are chosen for this internship and you make it through the year you will more than be able to pay for college and living expenses."

"So this is a year long paid internship then?"

"You're getting ahead of yourself again Megan. Patience young lady."

I tried not show my annoyance with a man not that much older than I am calling me young lady. I forced myself to take a deep breath and move forward.

He continued to ask me more foundational questions, as he called them. It seemed that he was evaluating how I assessed certain situations or how I reacted to stress or how comfortable I was in different situations with different people. I must have answered them well enough because he finally moved toward the internship itself.

"Let me tell you about the interview process itself and then I will tell you about the internship. I will finish walking through the details of what is expected of you and what you get for your commitment. Next you will meet with Nicole, who is the last person to do this internship. After talking to the both of us and getting a full picture of the role, you will have to make a choice. If you decide that this is not a good fit for you, then you let us know and there will be an envelope at the front desk paying you for your trouble today. No harm no foul. Or you can choose to formally start the interview process. You would do a session with myself and Nicole, and then a few people from our leadership team will want to see you one after the other. It is a little bit of a grueling evaluation process. But this is a very important role and we want to make sure to get the right person."

It sounded like an intense interview process. When I left this morning I did not think I was going to be here all day.

He asks, "Are you ready to hear about this internship?"

I nod my head in agreement. Finally I think. He puts the pen down, takes a deep breath and begins. "Let me start with the benefits. This company pays well for what you do and the more you do the more you get paid. For example, you will be paid for this interview today. The farther along you make it through the day, the more you will get paid. That is how this internship is set up. The more you do the more you can make. The more of yourself you put into this role the more you will be rewarded."

He takes a drink of water and then continues, "If you make it through the year there is a large bonus that will be paid to you at the end. It is an incentive for you not to quit, no matter how tough it gets."

I started to get worried. Why would anyone want to quit an internship, especially one that pays so well I wondered?

"You start with a probationary period of 60 days. The pay is not that excellent for those 60 days, but it grows each week by 5% thereafter. You are paid weekly. There are monthly bonuses based on performance. Additional money goes into an escrow account which is available upon completion of the year."

My mind was racing. This sounded really good so far.

"Additional compensation includes an allowance for a new wardrobe, access to a personal trainer, access to a chef, all of your living expenses and travel expenses are paid for the duration of your internship. You will want for nothing and get way more than you need. How does that sound?"

I could not contain my smile. I responded excitedly, "That sounds amazing. There has to be a catch. Why is this internship so lucrative?"

"Because it is really hard. That's why. To directly answer your question, there are 2 catches. One, the job is a full commitment. We require that you delay your entry to college for one year and that you move into this facility. We have an apartment on the 5th floor that you would live in so you can be available around the clock. The second catch is that you have to sign a contract that commits you to the year and commits you to non-disclosure of anything you see, hear, or experience to the outside world. You can't tell your friends or family or boyfriend or anybody. You can't sue us. And you can't just quit. We are investing in you and we expect you to invest back in us. Understand?"

I paused to think through this. I would have to delay going to college for a year. I am going to have a hard time paying for it anyway I thought. Maybe getting on the job training here and getting paid for it might be better than college. And the money and other perks sounded pretty good. I nodded my head in agreement.

I asked, "So what are my responsibilities that I have live on site and be available around the clock and get rewarded so handsomely?"

"Very good question Megan. You have three primary responsibilities. One, you must learn about our business and become a contributor. Everybody in this building works hard and contributes to the bottom line. We all do what it takes to make the company and our investors money. You will need to commit to doing your part."

"Two, as I mentioned, you will live in the apartment on the 5th floor. You will have access to the gym, to a personal trainer, and to a chef. We expect you to use those to take care of yourself and to always stay in top physical condition. Do you understand?"

I refreshed my thoughts about having to move into a strange apartment in the middle of a large corporate building. He keeps emphasizing 24 hours a day as if there are people working in the middle of the night and need something from an intern who doesn't know much. But whatever, if they are going to pay me a bunch of money to be available, fine.

I asked, "So you said there are three responsibilities. What is the third?"

"The third is the most important and usually the deal breaker. This is where we have usually lost the other candidates.

Thinking there is nothing that could be that bad I blurted out, "Well what is it?

He took a deep breath and let it out, "You are to be a full service call girl for anybody in the company and their associates to do anything they want with you at any time. Our CEO believes a happy satisfied workforce produces better results. I think he is right, as our company has grown over 1000% since he implemented this 3 years ago. You would be the fourth incantation of this internship."

I could not stop my jaw from physically dropping open. Steve let the uncomfortable silence hang in the air as I processed this. It started to make more sense as to why they pay this person so well, why they get a new wardrobe, why they are to stay in tiptop shape, and why they need to live on site.

My mind was bouncing all over the place periodically going back and forth. On one hand, I am no stranger to sex and I like it, but nothing on this scale. I did a little math and the number of potential sex partners was crazy high. I couldn't really do that could I? But the money...

Finally I asked, "How much does this internship actually pay?"

"I do not know the final compensation package as the bonuses could vary wildly. I mean most of it varies based on performance. That is a question better suited for Nicole. I do know it can be extremely lucrative. I'm sure Nicole could walk you through it all in detail."

I took a deep breath. I needed to talk to Nicole. I am scared to do this, but if the money and the opportunity is as significant as Steve is representing it might be worth it. I should at least consider it.

He interrupts my thought, "Fork in the road number one is upon you Megan. Have I told you anything that makes you want to leave or do you want to continue to the next phase and talk to Nicole?"

"The first two responsibilities as you described them seemed very doable. That third one is a doozy."

"Is that going to be an eliminator for you?"

I took a deep breath and had visions of how whores get treated in society. But how would anybody know? My mind was about to get going again when Steve interrupted again, "Megan I think you should talk to Nicole. There is no harm in hearing her inside view of the role and the compensation. Then you can make a decision on whether to continue past that or not."

I nodded my head and said, "Okay. I'll talk to her."

With that he stood up and indicated I should follow him. We head to the elevator again. This time he pushes the button to the 5th floor. As we ride the single floor up he says, "On the 5th floor, there is what would be your apartment along with a couple others, the gym, the kitchen, and a large entertainment room."

The elevator door opens and he exits and turns to the right. Maybe 30 feet down a hallway is a set of double doors. They look similar to those you would see for the honeymoon suite at a nice hotel. He rings the doorbell. About a minute later, it opens.

Standing in the doorway is a gorgeous girl who looks like a model. She is a tall skinny cheerleader type with her long blonde hair pulled tight into a high ponytail. She shows her perfect smile as she invites us in.

As we walk in I get a view of the place. It looks like a top quality downtown apartment with nice furnishings. I resist the urge to ask for a tour. Steve interrupts my daydreaming, "Nicole, I have finished my intro with her and gave her a high level overview of what the role requires and what the benefits are. I did not scare her off yet. Now it is your turn."

"Thank you Steve. I'll call you later."

Steve looks at me and says, "It was nice to meet you Megan. Good luck with Nicole. I very much hope you choose to continue with us today. He turns and leaves shutting the door behind him. Nicole invites me into the living room. I choose the couch facing the window. She chooses the loveseat that faces the TV, adjacent from me.

She opens with, "It is nice to meet you Megan. I have heard a wee bit about you. How was your intro with Steve?"

I reply, "It was fine. I think I answered his questions well enough. He invited me to continue the process with you."

"Indeed. So the responsibilities as he explained them did not scare you off?"

"Not yet. They sound intense. Steve told me that since you have been doing this role that you could give me specifics about what really happens and what the compensation actually looks like."

"I can and I will. But first I have some questions for you."

She goes on to ask several questions similar that Steve asked. They included questions about how I handle certain situations focusing on how I respond to things I don't want to do. As we went back and forth I found myself looking her over. She has impeccable skin, a nice tan, and perfect facial features. An that was just the beginning.

She interrupted my gaze, "So what questions do you have for me?"

I quickly gathered myself. "Steve told me that I would have to be a call girl for the whole company and be available at any time. Those were his words. What does that mean?"

"It isn't really for the whole company. Obviously most of the company does not even know about us thank goodness. But it means what it means very literally. It means that, in theory, anybody in the company can ask you to do anything sexually or otherwise at any time and you are expected to do it. You will be available to meet whatever the needs of our employees are at any time day or night."

"Anything? For anybody? At any time?"

"24 x 7. That is why you will live in this apartment. Easy access."

"That does not sound so great. Why does the company need a girl to service all of their employees like this?"

"Our CEO believes it greatly contributes to the happiness of our employees, most particularly our leadership team. He believes this role has significantly contributed to the incredible growth the company has had over the past 3 years. So he wants to keep doing it even though my time is coming to an end."

I took another deep breath. I guess it makes sense in a twisted kind of way. "Can you give me some positives for being a sex slave to a slew of random people?"

"If you love sex, this is awesome. Some people are very good lovers. There are many men that are great lovers. A few of them have wondrous cocks where I cum as soon as I feel it plunged deep inside of me. I hope to continue to fuck them after I am no longer obligated to. There is a woman in accounting who licks my pussy better than anybody I have ever been with. Some of the role-play is a lot of fun. And the financial rewards are off the charts. But we can talk about that later."

"Wait. You have sex with women too?"

"Of course. We have employees that are women as well. You are to service all employees who request you. I will say the ratio of men to women is definitely lopsided."

"And what do you mean by role-play?"

"There are a couple different flavors. So one, you will need to entertain clients to assist in winning business. In that role you have to represent the company professionally but also play the role of sexual plaything for the potential client. It is an act all the way through. Does that make sense?"

"I guess. So you are saying that in addition to sucking and fucking employees, I may from time to time have to suck and fuck random clients to win business?"

"Of course."

I frowned at that one. This is sounding less appealing regardless of the potential money. I continued, "What was the other role-play area?"

"That one is more interesting. There are about a half dozen employees that have fetishes that you would have to participate in."

"Like what?"

"There is a guy in sales that wants me to be his dominatrix. He wants me to whip him and hurt him. His needs have escalated over the course of the year."

"Escalated. Like you really hurt him?"

"No no no. Not really. I mean his fetish is that he likes to be demeaned by a woman. So that escalated. At first it was just talking down to him. Then it moved to forcing him to do things for me, like eat my ass. Eventually it moved to me fucking him with a strap-on dildo. Last week we hit the pinnacle. I made him eat my pussy and my ass until I had an orgasm. Then I fucked him really hard with a strap-on. Then I pissed all over his body and face and left him to clean himself up."