Urban Oddballs: 14


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"Ah, uh, yeah, it's gonna be fun and I got's fire magic so it'll be fine."

"Just don't burn down the forest, K Pryo Child? This ain't your dad's barn," Bloom laughed.

"Don't call me that shit! Besides, fire is fucking amazing, you don't know, you don't know!" Riho pointed, taunting Bloom.

"Now girls, settle down back there!" Kathy spoke with a dab of laziness coating her voice.

"Yes ma'am!" The girls answered.


"Wait, I've heard of someone going by the name Pyro Child," Annry interrupted thinking back.

"Oh really? Where, where!" Oeno clapped.

"Oh, uh, she was captured some time ago and sent to jail for committing a bout of mass arson..."

"Oh, oh no..." Oneo muttered, lowering her head.

"Annry girl!" Shawky shouted.

"What, you think lying to her would have been better?" Annry fired back.

"It's okay, Oeno go on with the story," Gaxi said, snuggling into Oeno's large bosom.


The day went on as usual, but when night fell, operation 'Shed Shake Down' went into progress.

"The camp consolers finish their checks around 9:30, so we are going to leave our cabin at around 10:30. Priss ain't gonna know about this because she's a tattle tale and will rat us out," Bloom pointed out.

"I'm right here though..." Said the young Belfve, looking at Bloom with annoyance.

"What?" Bloom gasped, looking at Priss in surprise.

"Yeah, and why are you explaining the plan when we're here already?" Riho pointed out.

"Oh...well did it sound cool?" Bloom asked, embarrassed.

"Yes, I liked it," Oeno giggled.

"Too long winded for me since we just walked out of the cabin and made it over here," Priss shrugged.

"Yeah, sorry Bloom, but she's right," Riho nodded.

"Oh shut up you guys, let's just go inside," Bloom snapped, now frustrated.

The four of them entered the drab shed, looking around but finding nothing of particular note.

"Well, it's a piece of shit, but I mean that's it? I thought there was, like, a place where Kathy stored her weed and porn," Bloom hacked, now disappointed and flustered.

"Well, hmm, let's look around, there has to be some cool stuff in here besides old gardening stuff," Riho suggested.

"Well girls, I'm out. I'm going back to the cabin, this was most unexciting," Priss snorted, tossing her white hair out of her face.

"Alright, later," Bloom scoffed, waving her off.

The group, now a party of three, looked around the old broken down shed for any points of interest.

'What's this thing?' Oeno thought to herself as her hands graced a porcelain gravy boat.

"Oh, it's all dusty, what's under all this, uh, hmm 'Lactomiss'?" Oeno questioned, speaking the name that lay beneath the layer of dust.

The room of the small shed became white, shrouded in a cloud of milky clouds.

"What, what's going on, where is everyone?!" Oeno shouted.

"Hello, darling," said a seductive voice through the clouds.

"Who's there, who are you?" Oeno pleaded

"Who am I? Who are you, little chubby choo, choo?" Giggled the voice.

"What, whoa, wha!" Oeno gasped at the sight before her.

Before her lounged a large female body, with large pendulous breasts that sagged to the misty floor. Her hands were pale and adorned with long black nails that gestured to her. The face that giggled at the young girl was perplexing, made up of plush, flirty mouths that kissed the air in pleasure.

"Oh, um, wha, what are you?" Oeno stuttered, falling back in horror.

"I am Lactomiss, and you freed me from my holdings, little virgin maiden. Now, what should I do for you?" Lactomiss giggled.

"Wait, are you, like, a genie?" Oeno questioned.

"Ahh, hmmm, that's a good question. For the sake of simplicity, yeah, why not?" Lacotomiss giggled, her multiple mouths creating an eerie echo.

"D-do I g-get wishes?" Oeno asked?

"Oh, you'll get more than wishes, my dear. But tell me, what do you desire?" Lactomiss hummed, her mouths licking and prodding the air with several hungering tongues.

"I-I want to be sexy. I want to be super sexy, like, like!" Oeno stuttered flustered.

"Hmmm, like me?" Lactomiss giggled.

"Yes!" Oeno panted.

"Hehe, your wish shall be done," Lactomiss laughed.

The echo of this monster's laughter rang into Oeno's head, making her feel woozy.

"What's happening, this is unbearable!" Screamed Oeno as she held her head in panic.

Then, unable to stand the booming laughter, Oeno fell unconscious.


"What was that?" Shawky asked intrigued.

"I don't know, and I still don't know," Oeno stated.

"What happened next?" Gaxi clapped.

"Well..." Oeno trailed off.


'When I awoke the next morning, everyone looked at me with strange and curious eyes. I didn't know what had happened, until I tried to get out of bed.'

"Oh, woah!" Oeno cried as the weight of her new breast flung her forward, causing her to edge back into bed out of fear.

"This is bullshit, how did you get a growth spurt?" Riho scoffed.

"Yeah, this is most peculiar," Priss stated.

"It must have been from that genie last night!" Oeno gasped.

"Last night? What do you mean?" Bloom asked.

"Yeah, yeah, you know last night when we all snuck out to that broken down shed out in the woods?" Oeno exclaimed.

"What shed?" Bloom asked.

"Yeah, what do you mean? We all stayed in last night and watched Riho do little fire tricks," Priss pointed out.

"Yeah, you said you even liked when I made the two flames into a heart," Riho stated, a little heartbroken that Oeno forgot her cool trick.

"No, no, we went to a shed in the woods and this genie turned me like this..." As Oeno got out of bed, her pajama bottoms fell to the floor, as they were now too big for her slim body.

"Geez, you've almost got a six pack..." Priss stared.

"Ah, don't look!" Oeno blushed, covering herself up.

"Well shit, at this rate do you even need to stay here at camp?" Riho grumbled.

"Hey now, that's mean, Riho, she still wants to have fun like the rest of us!" Bloom huffed.

"I don't know, Riho has a point. Why stay at fat camp when you look like that?" Priss expressed, her palm outstretched and scanning down Oeno's bombshell body.

"No, we are the Badger cabin and we will stick together through the summer. Besides, maybe Onion can be a motivator for the rest of us!" Bloom nodded, poking at her own fat belly.

"I'm...I'm sorry guys," Oeno sighed.

"Don't be sorry. You can't stop nature, right?" Bloom giggled.

"Hehe, right," Oeno answered back.

'I knew in my heart that this was a lie, but the others didn't believe me. Though, I felt bad throughout my stay because no matter how hard they worked, I felt like I had cheated and was supplying them with false hope due to how I got this body through unconventional means. Well, from that point on the summer rolled on as summer's do, and soon the friends I had met and I faced departure. However, I think they were all angry with me on a personal level due to how I had gained this body so easily. Even Bloom, who defended me, I know on some level had a bit of malice towards me.'

"So, Bloom can I have you number so I call you? I know you live a long way from me, and I..." Oeno was shut down by a simple hand wave.

"No, I mean, I would just cramp your style. Besides, looks like your mom is here. Today's your birthday too, right?" Bloom smiled, pointing to a car pulling up at the camp's gate.

"Yeah, um, okay, maybe we can talk over 'Album'! Oeno waved, running towards the car.

"Yeah..." Bloom responded.


"You didn't see her again, did you?" Shawky asked, putting a concerned hand on Oeno's thigh.

"N-no..." Oeno sobbed.

"Oh Oeno," Gaxi whimpered, hugging her friend's bosom.

"That shit's sad, man, those were some jealous ass bitches," Annry scowled.


The end of another summer had come.

"Jeez, where is she? She's supposed to be coming home today from fat camp. I hope she's okay, she seemed pretty upset when she left," said a now eighteen-year-old Bolboa as she stepped up to the porch of Oeno's sizable suburban home. 'Ding-dong' went the doorbell as Bolboa tittered back and forth on sky blue lacquered feet adorned in gladiator styled sandals.

"Bobby!" Oeno cried as she embraced her friend.

"Holy shit, Onion!" Bolboa cried as two massive breasts suffocated her.

"Oh, sorry, I'm still getting used to these," Oneo giggled.

"Onion, look at you, you look fantastic! How did this happen? You're so tall, and uh, big, but in a sexy way though, not that you weren't before it's just...wow," Bolboa babbled, astonished.

"Well, during camp I guess I hit puberty. I was a late bloomer, but yeah, crazy, right?" Oeno giggled.

"Hell yeah it's crazy, you look like a bustier version of your mom. I mean, these things are nuts!" Bolboa giggled, poking Oeno in the boob.

"Well, it's the last day of summer before school starts back up, do you want to go swing by the park to get our free ice cream?" Oeno giggled.

"I was hoping you hadn't forgotten about that. Even though we're not kids anymore, we should still be able to get our back to school scoops, right?" Bolboa giggled.

After Oeno had gotten dressed the two ventured to the park to get their free ice cream. However, along the way Oeno got cat call after cat call due to her more adult-like body.

"What's with all this attention?" Oeno asked.

"Seems like the guys really dig your onions, Onion," Bolboa laughed.

"Oh, shut up, Bobby," Oeno giggled, sticking her tongue out.

Arriving at the park the two took their place in line behind some various younger people, excited to get their free scoop of ice cream and send off the last day of summer vacation.

"That reminds me, Onion, where are you going to school this year? You always talked about becoming a nurse, so are you still going through with that?" Bolboa asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I still want to be a nurse. Haven't gotten my confirmation letter back yet, but I think I did pretty well on the exam," Oeno nodded, sure of herself.

"That's good, you always were the smart one, Onion. Oh, look at that, we're next!" Bolboa giggled.

"Cool, cool, so what are you getting in to...?" Oeno said before being cut-off.

"So, you want the usual, right?" Bolboa smiled.

"Oh, uh, yeah! Root beer and Mustard!" Oeno clapped.

"Every year that you say that, it sounds worse. I'll take cherry and vanilla," requested Bolboa.

The two then took their seats on a nearby bench in front of the fountain.

"So about where you're going to..." Oeno was cut-off again by the cries of a small child

"I dropped my ice cream!!" The child cried as her mother tried to comfort her.

"Hold that thought, Onion," Bolboa winked.

"Whahah, huh?" The little girl paused as Bolboa approached her.

"Hey there, sweetie, did someone drop their ice cream?" Bolboa asked, kneeling down to the little girl's level.

"Well, I hope you like cherry and vanilla!" Bolboa smiled, holding the ice cream cone before the little girl.

The little girl clapped with glee, taking the ice cream with much elation.

"Thank you so much ma'am!" The mother nodded.

"Yeah, thank you, lady!" The little girl cheered, her face covered in red.

"No prob, enjoy your day!" Bolboa waved back.

"Wow Bobby, you're a great person!" Oeno giggled

"Yeah, I know Onion, haha, but, uh, that doesn't really get me anywhere," Bolboa sighed.

"What do you mean, Bobby?" Oeno asked.

"I'm joining the Thunder Brigade, Oeno..." Bolboa said with heavy emphasis.

"Your dad's Outter party? I-I thought you were taking the exams to be a police officer?" Oeno questioned, innocence in her voice.

"I didn't make it..." Bolboa grumbled.

"Wha?" Oeno gasped.

"They said I was a liability due to my anger issues with my teammates," Bolboa uttered with disgusted remembrance.

"But you hate your dad..." Oeno murmured, feeling bad for her friend.

"Yeah, yeah, I do, shit sucks right now, which is why I wanted to see you. Ya see, um..."

"What is it, Bobby?" Oeno pressed.

"I'm moving out to Clubsdale. Thunder Brigade East needs a tanky Fighter, and I've got the stats," Bolboa hissed with pensive hesitation.

"That's okay. Clubsdale isn't that far away, and I can call you, right?" Oneo smiled, trying to find the positives in this situation.

"Sure, Onion, you sure can," Bolboa said with a smile.


"What happened to her?" Gaxi asked while nibbling on a lemon cookie.

"I-I don't know. The last time I heard from her she'd finally quit the Thunder Brigade, but she said she wouldn't be back home," Oeno sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry Oeno," Annry said, looking away.

"It's alright, Annry, I too am at fault for making you reveal yourself to me that time," Oeno sighed with regret.

"No, it's alright, I just...I just didn't know that we had so much in common," Annry said, looking down.

"Aw, that's sweet, Annry girl," Shawky smiled.

"S-shut up!" Annry pouted.


Days passed and Oeno saw her friend off as she left for Clubsdale. However, that was the start of a downward spiral of things from there.

"Dear, it'll be okay, maybe apply somewhere else," Omio said, trying to soothe her weeping daughter.

"It's too late, ma, there's no one else taking applicants. I put all my eggs...in one basket and blew it!" Oeno wailed, sobbing into her pillow while kicking her feet against the bed.

"It's okay, honey, maybe Daddy has some advice?" Omio said with hesitation as her husband peeked into the room.

"Oh, uh, yeah, um, sweetie, uh...?" Bullget stammered.

"Y-eah, Daddy?" Oeno sobbed, her eye red with tears.

"Would you mind working on the milk farm with auntie Bessie?" Bullget blurted, much to his wife's horror.

"DADDY!" Oeno wailed.

"Look, honey, she's not as bad as you remember her being, and she always said she'd love to have you down there," Bullget explained, mustering through his wife's scowling.

"This is a terrible idea, Bullget," Omio said, patting her grief stricken daughter.

"Uh, um, oof," Bullget stammered.

"Honestly, Bullget, what about the steel mill?" Omio offered.

"Honey, do you really want our daughter around people like Zeeks?" Bullget said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh Dear, that's racist!" Omio cried.

"Honey, statistics show that nine in ten rapes are caused by flop goblin men. It's on the blogs, baby!" Bullget pressed.

"Rape!" Oeno cried, sobbing more into her pillow.

"BULLGET!" Omio yelled.

"Oh, ahhh, shit..." Bullget sighed, palming his face.

"It's gonna be okay, sweetie, shhh," Omio cooed, calming her daughter.

"Ah, jeez I'll get Bessie on the phone," Bullget stammered.

"BULLGET!" Omio yelled.


"Geez, your dad ain't so cool. He's kind of goofy," Annry scoffed.

"Hush, Annry girl, that's mean." Shawky scolded.

"Yeah, I mean when left with no options you have to at least try to do what you think is best for your children, right Oeno?" Gaxi stated, looking up at her friend from between her massive breasts.

"Yes, you're right, but this is complicated..." Oeno murmured.


"So look at my niece all grown up in more ways than one, hahaha!" The cow woman laughed.

"Yeah, uh, thanks, aunt Bessie...," Oeno peeped.

"Well girl, let's put you to work!" Bessie laughed.

"W-what what do you mean? Like helping the girls milk, or something?" Oeno asked, confused.

"Oh no, girly, with big fat titties like that I'm gonna make you a cow!" Bessie laughed, slapping her niece on her pale ass.

"What, b-but dad said...!" Oeno stuttered, cupping her huge assets.

Oeno then reeled back as her face suffered a blow from her auntie, causing her to fall to the ground crying as she held her reddened cheek.

"My brother is a dumb bleeding heart. He makes a perfectly good CDG with breasts bigger than mine and decides to marry the damn thing. How pathetic. No race loyalty among these men, I tell ya," Bessie scoffs, looking down at Oeno in utter distain.

"Wait, do you mean Momma?" Oeno sobbed.

"Let's get you properly plumped up, dearie!" Bessie smiled as she pulled her niece off the ground and dragged her into the barn.


"By the gods..." Shawky swore.

"My god, so this is what was relived for you again? So did you suppress this memory, then?" Annry questioned.

"Well who wouldn't suppress something like that? It's terrible!" Gaxi huffed, jumping into Oeno's lap.

"Oh, thank you my little Greeny baby," Oeno smiled, hugging Gaxi, though her tiny body was mushed between the expanses of alabaster flesh that were her massive breasts.

"True, fuck, I'm sorry, that was mean," Annry pouted

"No, no Annry, it's fine. I know y-you have a sharp edge," Oeno murmured.

"Whew, um, Bizzy, may we have some more tea please?" Shawky asked, fanning to her succubus.

"Yes, right away, ma'am!" Bizzy nodded, preparing another pot.

"Are you up for continuing, Oeno girl? I know this is pretty traumatic for you," Shawky asked, trying to consider Oeno's feelings.

"No, no yeah, I can keep going. Thank you for the refreshments, Bizzy."


"Haha, well now you've been producing rather well over these past few months," Bessie laughed as her brown hand rested against the bloated mass that was Oeno's right breast.

Oeno's body was locked in a leather-like case that was suspended into the air, her freely hanging breasts resembling two white, oversized speedbags as clear tubes drained them of their fluids. Her head was free, but her long orange hair was pulled back into a bun as a tube fed nutrients into her mouth.

"Yeah, I mean you're better than I expected. A virgin cow pumping out milk with just a little bit of inducement, incredible!" Bessie clapped.

However, Oeno's thoughts kept shifting back to such things as, 'Where are mom and dad?' and 'When is this going to end?'

'Need some help, darling?' Murmured a familiar voice.

'Who, who are you?' Oeno stammered, panicking.

'Pfft, forgot me already? Well, darling, you still have some wishes left if you're done enduring, well, whatever this is,' giggled the voice.

'Oh, the genie, I remember! Okay, okay, um, give me the power to get out of here!' Though Oeno.

'Your wish is granted, now open your eye,' giggled the voice.

Oeno found herself surrounded by a burning inferno as the barn began to burn down around her. However, somehow, she was on her feet, free from any constraints. At this point she knew she had to run, run as far as she could from this place. Though her movement was clumsy due to her having to hold her massive breasts as she ran, the expanse of white flesh, oozing out of the cage of her arms as she did so. As she escaped the barn, she heard a sickening crackling accompanying the screams of several people as it succumbed to the burden of the flames falling under its own weight.

"No, no!" Oeno cried as an explosion engulfed the barn, kissing her body with hot air and bits of debris as she ran.

Then as if by magic the flame seemed to dance out of the burning corpse of the barn lighting several other building in the area ablaze much to Oeno horror as she caught glimpses of this happening as she escaped the property. With much effort and regretful tears Oeno kept running, she hit the dirt roads of the country and kept going, venture as far as her pale legs could carry her. Every once and a while she would glance back at the burning farm, it's blaze turning the blue of the night sky into a sickening beauty of purple and orange. Each time was met with a heavy apology as she ran.


"Excuse me..." Shawky stammered, leaving the room.

"It wasn't my fault, Shawky, I didn't know," Oeno cried.

"Oeno..." Gaxi sobbed.


Oeno wondered the dirt road in the dead of night, carrying her massive breasts in the cradle of her arms so that they would not impede her progress. She walked and walked before reaching a nearby forest. Now exhausted from walking, Oeno collapsed in the grass. During the night she was plagued by dreams of all of those lost souls that she had an indirect hand in murdering. Their cries haunted her mind, echoing louder and louder as the night drew on. Not being able to bare the cries of the descended any longer, Oeno's blue eye shot open only to wince at the greeting of the morning light.