Only in a Dream Ch. 08


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Kathy hated to hear this, because she knew how Cindy felt about him. She told him how she really hated to hear that and asked him what he was planning on doing, if he and Cindy did go their separate ways.

He told Kathy he had always wanted to see California, he seriously thought about moving out there and he'd had already completed several job applications for jobs in Bakersfield. This had peaked her interest, because the small town where she had lived, was less than an hours drive from there.

He asked her to please not say anything to Cindy about it, because she didn't want anyone to know.


Brad knew, that early on, Kathy had talked to Matt and Cindy about how her mother had taken her away from California in the middle of the night. How she didn't even get to say goodbye to her friends and she longed to go back there. How she sometimes wished they'd never moved away, and she didn't know if she'd ever get to go back.

"Fuck, I knew it!!" said Brad.

Another seed had been planted, and he was a little worried about what had happened next, he thought maybe Matt had used the 'moving to California' ploy to draw her in again. Brad knew how much she missed her hometown, wasn't it a coincidence that he had put applications in so close to there. Maybe he had seduced her after all.

He started to read again...


Kathy's writings continued about a young man named Jason that had brought her a pair of pants to fix. He was only twenty one years old, but he was one of the best looking men she'd ever seen in her life. My God this kid was hot.


"Have I already read this?"


Had she fucked the kid, or was it all part of the dream?

He reluctantly read on...


Kathy wrote that Jason was smooth, he flirted with her, told her that she was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. How shocked he was, when he found out she was thirty four, he said he thought she was at the most twenty four or twenty five.

Then, almost right away he started talking about getting himself transferred to California. How could he possibly know she was from California?

His charms were starting to work a little bit, when he left, Kathy was flushed, she was turned on and tho she tried not to, she thought about him for a day or two. Liked to fucked Brad's brains out that night!


After thinking about it for a while, Kathy became a little suspicious. She remembered that the first time the boy had come over, he could only come on certain days. And they just so happened to be on one of Brad's day shifts. That was odd. And he was talking about going to California? What a coincidence.

When he returned a couple of weeks later to pick up his pants, the same thing had happened, the only time he could come, coincided with Brad's day shifts. That day, when he arrived, Jason started flirting again almost immediately. Kathy sent him into the bedroom to try the pants on, so she could make sure they fit OK.


When he emerged from the bedroom, it was obvious that he had been touching himself, because his cock was semi erect, the boy was big, he was huge.

Then, he tried to work his way in. He told her that she was one spectacular lady, and one of the most interesting women he'd ever met, was there any way he could kiss her? And would she like to, maybe mess around a little bit.

Kathy told him. that she really didn't think so.

And that's also when she figured something out. She asked him if he knew her sister, Tina. She could tell by the way he reacted after she asked, that he did.

Tina had tried to set her up, thinking that she wouldn't be able to resist this young stud with the big cock.

Jason was impressed with Kathy's work, and prices too. He ended up bringing more clothes for her to alter later on, but he only came over when Brad was home. Kathy insisted on that.


Brad remembered the boy now, but he sure didn't know he'd come on to Kathy like he did, she'd never told him.

"Wow, that good looking twenty one year old kid is now fourty six, wonder what he looks like now? Is he fat? Bald? Would Kathy still think he was hot?" Brad wondered.

Then, Brad remembered the guy was married, because Kathy had altered his new bride's wedding dress for their wedding.

Kathy made an entry stating that Brad told her she couldn't go to the park with Matt anymore and she couldn't understand why. Had he found out that Matt kissed her? Well... She had taken care of that herself and Matt wouldn't try that again or she WOULD tell Brad.


The weekend came along, Cindy had been off from work, then there were thunderstorms, so Matt and Kathy never got a chance to go back to the park together. But, that didn't stop Matt from coming down to visit every chance he got. If Kathy was outside, he was right there talking to her... He had a new angle, he didn't really make any outright passes at her, but he kept talking about how he was moving to California. He was also dropping little hints that he didn't want to make the trip alone.


Even tho it was twenty five years go, Brad remembered heading out to where Matt and Kathy were, and he could always tell by Matt's demeanor, that he was irritated with Brad's presence.


Kathy had also written several entries saying that she almost wished she could go with him, just for a visit. She still had a friend that she kept in touch with out there and knew that she would be welcome to stay for a little while. Then, she could take the bus back home. Maybe when Matt went, she could hitch a ride with him, it WOULD be just two friends sharing a ride, nothing more.


This really got to Brad too, she never told him that she was thinking of tagging along with Matt to California. Hell, she never even told him that Matt was talking about going to California, until just a few years ago. Brad would never have let her go with him anyway.

"Or would she have lied to me, telling me she was going with someone else?!!" he said out loud.

He was starting to figure out why she had hidden this book. He also knew why Matt always looked so damn irritated when Brad went around where him and Kathy were. It was hard to believe, that Kathy couldn't see what Matt was up to.



The night came when Matt showed up with his kids, wanting a ride to Mcdonald's. When they arrived at the restaurant, Matt had handed the children some money and sent them in, while he stayed in the car with Kathy. The kids all climbed out and went inside to get their food.

While they sat there waiting, Matt had told her that he was thinking of leaving for California within the next few weeks.

Kathy had thought about calling her friend when she got home, to make preparations for a visit. She was about to ask him if she could ride along with, when he started talking before she got the chance.


He told her, that when he left, he wanted her to go with him, he said that they could start a new life together out there, just him and her. He was in love with her, and he really, really needed her to go with him.


"I fucking knew it!! She never told me about him saying he was in love with her, only that he asked her if she wanted to go out there with him!!" Brad said out loud.

Then a sense of dread hit him, he had a feeling that what he thought that he dreamed may just well had been what he read.

He read on...


Kathy had been in a state of shock, she never answered him. Her hopes of going to California had been dashed, she wanted to go, but wanted no romantic involvement with him whatsoever. She knew that if she went, even just as friends, he would now expect more from her. There was no way that she was going to fuck her way out to California.


Kathy didn't know what to say. She enjoyed being friends with him, this would probably be the end of that too. The children came out of Mcdonald's, piled into the car and they headed for home. Kathy was almost in tears, she'd had such high hopes.

When they were almost home, Kathy noticed what looked like Brad's truck pulling out of their street, she wondered where on earth he was going. She went ahead and turned the block before. If it was him, she knew it would probably upset Brad, that she had driven Matt to Mcdonald's.


As they were pulling in, Kathy noticed a loud vehicle moving quickly down the street towards them and she told the children to stay put until it passed. Matt asked her if she would please think about it, and let him know, he thought that they would make a pretty good couple.

He had no more got those words out, when Brad came sliding to a stop in front of them, and he was very upset. After not speaking since he had asked her to go to California with him, Kathy finally responded to Matt's queries. She said,

"Why don't you go ask Brad if I can go with you to California... And be your little fuck toy."


Matt jumped out of the car and hung around at a distance, only long enough to hear what Brad screamed at Kathy. When he saw how pissed off Brad was, heard him screaming, he didn't even wait on his children. He almost ran home. Kathy told Brad that nothing was going on, she had just given them a ride to Mcdonald's.

She never said anything to Brad about Matt asking her to go to California with him either. She didn't want Brad hurting him, like she knew he would.


Apparently, Matt heard everything that Brad had to say tho, because he never came around Kathy again. He never left Cindy and never went to California either. Kathy knew then, that she'd been played.

She was upset with Matt, she thought he was her friend and all along, he had only been trying to bed her... Just like Brad had warned, and she felt so bad about not believing him now.

She wrote that if she'd ridden with him, he could have cornered her far away from home, she wouldn't have had a choice. She probably would have had to fuck him, or get left behind somewhere. She felt so guilty about it all.


Although she had never provided details, she did tell Brad, just a couple of years ago about Matt asking her to go to California with him. Brad told her he knew that Matt had the hots for her.

All this was now twenty five years in the past.

Brad was really relieved, he knew that Matt had wanted to get into Kathy's pants, but she wouldn't listen to him. What hurt tho, was how close Matt came to succeeding.

If he would have waited just a little longer, Kathy was getting ready to ask him if she could tag along. He would have had her right where he wanted. This really upset Brad, it had been that close... Maybe by only minutes... Seconds.

He turned the page and read on...



Kathy had written a little about how she would miss the old house. She also penned some words about that last day, when her and Brad had walked through for the last time. But, Matt wasn't even mentioned in any of it.

There must not have been anything significant that happened for a while because, Kathy's writings were from later times, after the move to the new house,

"Maybe it got packed away for the move, misplaced, then found again later," Brad thought. He remembered a few boxes of just 'stuff' that Kathy had put in one of the closets.



Kathy's feelings were about the same as Brad's, concerning the children, how fast they were growing up and didn't seem to need her as much. Their youngest still depended on them, but he was spending more and more time outside with his friends. He didn't need the constant supervision that a younger child would. Kathy missed that... Terribly.


Brad turned the page and stopped, the words 'box of condoms' stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of the page. His heartbeat quickened as he started to read...



False alarm. Although he didn't condone it, Kathy had purchased a box of condoms for their daughter to keep in her purse, because she knew that her and her boyfriend (now husband) were getting serious.

Then, he recognized something written down, that had also been in his dream... When Kathy purchased the condoms at the grocery store, the checkout girl became very embarrassed because her boyfriend had walked up as she rung up the box. He looked right at her and smiled, while she held them in her hand.

He laughed as he focused back on the book...



There was a whole page devoted to the romantic trip out of state that her and Brad took one year. How she enjoyed the restaurants they'd gone to and how she almost felt like they were on their honeymoon, because when they were first married, Brad was still on disability and they didn't have the funds to do anything.


Then, there was another page about the night they rented a cabin about fifty miles from home for a short getaway. Kathy never went into the dirty details, but she made it clear that her and Brad had an energetic all nighter and how much she enjoyed it. Smile.


Then there was a big gap in the dates, the next entry was from 2004. Kathy remembered sadly, as she talked about the shock of finding out about the death of Greg. How he'd been such a good friend to her and Brad, how funny she thought it was, that his family had assumed she was having an affair with him.

Wondering just what Greg had actually told them, that made them think there was something going on between them.

It bothered her for a long time, that she never made it over there to see what Greg had wanted to tell her. She felt guilty, but, how could she possibly know that he would be dead the next day.


A month later, she was in Walmart and ran into Kurt Mitchell and his wife, Marie. This was the first time she'd ever met Kurt's new wife. They stood and talked for quite a while about the old neighborhood, and all that had occurred after they had moved away. She told him all about her and Brad's grandchildren. Kurt asked her if Brad still had his boat and still liked to fish, she told him about how he had traded for bass boat that he had now.

Brad turned to the next page and noticed another big jump in the dates... to last week. Then he remembered the dream again...


Kathy had written that she had gone to a birthday party at Tina's friend Candice's house. The party was for Candice's 4 year old granddaughter and Tina had brought along her own grand daughter, who was 5. She wrote how nice Candice's house was and how she had enjoyed the time spent with the little girls there, compared to all of the boys that she and Brad had for grandchildren.


About 7:00 PM, Candice's son Doug, showed up with his friend Todd. Kathy had wondered about the son's friend, Todd, because he looked so much like the 'Todd' that had chased after her back about the same time her and Brad had got together. She thought that maybe it was his son.

She had noticed Tina was talking to the both of them quite a bit, then she came over and asked Kathy to keep an eye on her grand daughter, she was leaving, and would be back in just a little while, there was something that Doug and Todd were going to help her with.


Tina left with them about 7:45 and didn't return until 11:30. Kathy had been pretty sure that she knew exactly what Tina was up to, and she was right! On their way home, Tina had bragged about how hot those two young guys were and how big their cocks had been. Then she went into detail about all of their activities.

She told Kathy that she should have come along, that there was another one of their friends back at their apartment and he had also joined in. So there would have been plenty of cock to go around.


Tina laughed and said that it was funny, because she'd fucked the one boy's dad a long time ago. Todd was indeed the son of the Todd that had worked with Kathy so many years ago. Tina asked if Kathy remembered him and said that she still thought that Kathy had fucked him, and if she really hadn't, she was stupid.

"Oh yeah, you hooked up with B-r-r-a-a-a-a-d about that time didn't you? All of those hot guys chasing after you, and you went with him... Ha ha ha! I guess he has made a good living for you tho, hasn't he?" said Tina.

"I am curious tho, with his legs being so fucked up, and the other health problems he's got... Can he even get it up anymore? Ha ha... Does he make you c-u-u-u-m?!! Ha ha ha ha."

Kathy was starting to get a little agitated with Tina, and she told her,

"He does just fine, and I'm happy and very satisfied... And yes he does... He makes me come... sometimes two or three times when we do it."

Kathy noticed that Tina's smile kind of faded a little when she told her that. She wrote that it was true about coming more than once, but at her age, any more than one time made her feel exhausted for a day or two.

When Tina dropped Kathy off, she told her that she needed to wake up and take off those 'goody two shoes,' she didn't know what she was missing.

"If you want me to set it up, I can hook you up with Doug and Todd, in fact Todd asked me who the lady that I left Tabitha with was, he thought you looked good enough to eat. When I told him that you were my older sister and you were almost 60, he said he couldn't believe it, there was no way that you were that old. He said he would like to give you a good fucking!" Tina told Kathy.

"So? how about it, are you game...? I'll set it up, I'm telling you, you won't regret it."

Kathy was shocked and a little hurt by what her sister had just said, and told her NO! She was NOT interested.

"Brad thinks I'm good enough to eat too, and he does it quite well, thank you," Kathy said.

She thought back to when her and Brad first got together and her and Tina had had a similar conversation about this young guy's father. She was just about ready to rip Tina a new one, but she decided that she wasn't going to say anymore . She pushed it aside, because she still wanted a relationship with her only sister, they weren't getting any younger. She at least wanted to keep the peace between them for her mother's sake.

"So, that's why you've been with him all of these years huh? He eats your pussy, doesn't he?" Tina quipped.

At first Kathy didn't say anything, she just smiled real big. Then, she had to ask,

"Why, haven't any of your three husbands done that?"

Tina didn't answer, just stared out of the front windshield of her car.

"You should find a husband that really likes the taste of pussy, I've got one... You don't know what you're missing!" Kathy said, as she got out of the car and headed inside.


Brad thumbed through to the end, that had been the last entry in the book. What Tina had said to Kathy, had made him angry.

"Why does she harbor so much resentment of Kathy? It's so obvious that she's still jealous of her, and she's fucking still trying to get her to fuck other guys," he said to himself.