Open Mind Pt. 03


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Monica eased over by the man and quietly said "Show me what you have here. Quietly please." The man nodded and nodded again when he looked at Kim and Monica shook her head no. The man showed off all the pieces and gave a short run down on who had painted it, when, style, and so on. Monica kept glancing at Kim and noted that her eyes had glazed over and she was breathing heavily and even sweating a bit. They ended with the painting Kim was entranced by and she jumped when Monica tapped her shoulder.

"Easy now Kim. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you. I think I'm done here, anything you want to ask about or are you good?"

Kim took a deep breath and said in a slightly husky tone "I'm good, let's go now." She quickly turned and headed out the door with a smiling Monica following. Kim was silent on the ride home and as they turned into the development Monica said "That last room was a bit much wasn't it?"

Kim jerked a bit and then nodded quickly. "Um, yes. Very much so! I'm, uh, well its embarrassing to say but I always had problems painting nudes. It just seems so wrong to me. Even if it is a classic style."

Monica pulled up to her house and let her get partway out before she said "I don't know about that. It seems really cool to me. Being captured like that in a painting for all time. Having men and women admiring your beauty for years and years after you are gone. Heh, I bet the brunette in that last one is looking back from the afterlife and giggling at how many men she still makes hard with that painting. That's probably why it's there; no married man could hang THAT in the house with his wife around."

Monica let out a short laugh and Kim joined her with some giggles. Monica did notice that Kim's eyes had gotten a bit glazed as she had talked about the painting and she was willing to bet she had a new fantasy for tonight that would have her nice and hot and wet by the time her hubby got home. She waved goodbye and started to walk up the sidewalk. Monica backed up slowly and watched Kim walk and noted that she was moving slowly like a girl trying NOT to rub her pussy lips together.

"MMmmmmmmm, Steven's in for a fun ride tonight." Monica said to herself and then headed home.

Later that night after a nice fuck with Tyrone she picked up the headphones they had hooked up to the bug and listened for a bit. Tyrone rolled over on the bed and grinned. "What's the word baby? Kimy having some fun with her husband? I have a couple of candy stripers at the hospital working on him so he should be nice and randy and ready for fucking."

Monica grinned. "Sounds like they are finishing up. It looks like Kim jumped his bones the second he got home and they've been at it since five thirty. Nearly ten now, she got some stamina that's for sure. Oops, just had a little bit of her accent slip out, but she didn't notice. Ohhhhh, there we go. Steven just finished her off and he is going, going, annnnnnnnnddddddd snore. Good job Kimy, you fucked him unconscious."

Tyrone moved behind Monica and rubber her shoulders. "That painting worked on her then. Good, you ready for part II?"

Monica grinned. "You know it. I'll hit her up tomorrow morning when she is still a bit loopy from this fuck fest."

Tyrone kissed her hard and then went to clean up while Monica switched off the bug and had a nightcap.

The next morning she stopped by bright and early with the coffee. She met Steven heading out the door a bit late and still doing his tie. He grinned at her and moved out with a purpose. Monica stuck her head in the door and called out "Kim? You up? I have your coffee."

"In the kitchen."

Monica walked into the kitchen and noted the bedraggled looking Kim. Her hair was obviously not combed, her eyes had a dull look to them, her makeup was left over from yesterday, and she wore a dark silk nightgown and black slippers. Monica noted that the nightgown was not solid black but semi-transparent and she was not wearing anything underneath. A major change from when Kim would even let her in the house unless she was fully dressed including shoes.

The half awake Kim mumbled a "thanks" and started to sip her coffee. Monica let her sip it for a bit and let the drug get into her bloodstream.

"Hey Kim, I have had an idea."

"Mmmm?" Kim mumbled as her eyes seemed to unfocus a bit more.

Monica could see the drugs had hit her. "You know that last room in the gallery yesterday, the one with the nudes in it? It got me thinking."

Monica could see Kim's eyes get a bit more focus and she got a slight flush which she hid with another drink of her coffee. Monica pressed on and said "Rather than buy someone else's painting, I was thinking I would hire you to paint one of me."

Kim sputtered a sip of coffee and blinked. She took a breath and looked at Monica. "You want me to paint you? Like those, those..."

Monica laughed. "No, not like those paintings. Although I think I would make a hot nude model don't you?" She pouted and struck a pose and laughed at Kim's flush. "Just kidding! No, but one of me in one of my designer dresses on a divan, something like those old Noble families in Europe. I think I would look great over the fireplace."

Monica noted Kim's eyes had seemed to unfocus for a bit and she had started to breath heavily for just a moment but had gotten back to normal when Monica laughed. "Oh I've you little Kimy Kane, you just had some nice and slutty thoughts if that look is any indication." Monica thought as she smiled.

Kim looked at her and started to stammer. "Me? Oh no, I've never done that. I mean, I could, but that's not my thing. I really don't think..."

Monica moved over and took her hand. "Hey now girlfriend. Calm down. Take a deep breath. There you go. Oh good lord you are so flushed! You don't look so well. Here sit down. Good thing I have my purse. Here take two of these and they will settle your stomach. Shush now! You are obviously worked up. Here, have a sip of coffee, that's it. There now, give it just a moment and, oh yes Kim, there you go. Yeaaaahhhhh, feels good doesn't it?"

Kim had started to breath faster and Monica had quickly set her down and given her two pills of "Medicine" to settle her stomach. The pills were really full doses of the drug and Kim's eyes were now very tiny pinpricks and she was leaned way back in the kitchen chair with a dazed look and a slight smile on her face.

Monica smiled as she started to massage Kim's shoulders. She leaned down and started whispering in Kim's ear. "Now Kim, no more of this "no I can't" shit. Yes you can and you will because you want to listen to me and do what I ask you."

"Yes, I want to listen to you." Kim said in a dreamy voice.

"Good. You want to paint me, you want to paint me in a hot dress and a sexy pose because secretly it turns you on to see women, sexy women, display themselves don't you?"

"Yes I want to paint you. I want to paint you in a sexy dress because I like seeing women display themselves." Kim said.

"That's it. So it's settled then. Go get your things set up and I'll go change. Remember sexy, I want you to think about how you would want to display yourself in a picture. Lovely legs, well done hair and makeup, sexy pouts, lots of cleavage, and just a hint of panties maybe. I'll bet it turns you on to think of how sexy you could look in a picture yes?"

"Yessss, I get so turned on." Kim said with a sigh.

Monica stepped back and Kim stood slowly like a sleepwalker and moved out towards the basement door where her stuff was set up. Monica shook her head. "Oh no Kimy, natural light. Let's do this outdoors."

Kim paused and Monica could see some wheels start to turn as the drug cycled and part of her brain kicked in. "Yes, of course, natural light, what was I thinking. Go get your things Monica, and I'll get set up. Mmmmmm, the couch out by the back of the pool, we will put a sheet over it and prop up one side like a divan. Oh yes, perfect!"

Monica grinned as Kim moved downstairs. She hadn't even reacted to being called "Kimy" and Monica could tell the drug was working perfectly. Monica went and got her things which she already had laid out. She came back and Kim was just finishing setting up her things. She had a large canvas, one that would more than cover the fireplace mantel, and she was more animated. She turned around and saw Monica and she stopped with her mouth open.

Monica was a knockout by anyone's measure. Just under six foot, her body was toned to a t, had an ass you could bounce quarters off, an hourglass waist, and a perfect 36CC rack with lovely nipples that tended to point out when aroused (which was most of the time). Her hair was done up in a tall bun and she had done her makeup perfectly with the help of a stylist who was waiting at home to help her. Her dress was a strapless tube cocktail dress that was tight and hugged her body like paint. Her tits were barely held in check and she wore long black stocking with a garter and 6 inch black stilettos. She was so hot she was practically on fire.

Kim stared at her and after a moment licked her lips and her eyes glazed a bit. Monica let her mind wander for a minute and then she slowly swayed over to the improvised Divan and laid down on her right side. She rested on her elbow and ran her left hand down her thigh. "How's this Kimy?"

Kim blinked and flushed. She started to babble and Monica said "Shhhhhhhh. Just start painting Kimy."

And she did.

As she painted Monica would drop some occasional comments. "Do you think I would look better like this?" or "Oh just let me stretch a bit. Ohhhhh yeesssssss, mmmmm nice." as she would arrange her body to show off her tits, or her legs. Kimy would kind of slow down and her eyes would glaze over a bit and for a few moments she would be in la-la land. Then she would shake her head and get back to work.

Sometimes Monica would make a joke about one of the painting and that would get Kimy to flush and stammer a bit, but as the day wore on, she stopped stammering and just would glaze over and be in a daydream for a bit.

Amazingly enough she actually made a lot of progress. But by her estimation she would need three full more days to do it right. Monica of course agreed and she would come over every morning with coffee and pills. Kimy started complaining of headaches the next day which was a side effect of the drug. It had been designed to do that to allow for a method of dosing people in an unsuspecting manner. Other over the counter aspirins and so on would not work and the headaches would get worse until dosed again. Once the changes took hold the drug's side effects ceased. Tyrone thought it had to do with the drug attacking certain parts of the brain and once those parts had been changed up the drug ceased to hurt them. Monica didn't care so long as it worked.

By the end of day two, Kimy was making some very bold jokes and statements and encouraging Monica to pose very sexy. By the end of day three, Kimy had asked Monica if she wanted to show panties or "Commando". By the final day, Monica came in the door and saw Kimy playing with herself as she looked at the painting. She quickly moved back, gave her a few minutes and then knocked loudly. She had found a flushed but happy looking Kimy ready to finish the painting.

Monica had to admit it was fucking NICE. Kimy was a great artist and Monica felt almost a little bad that she would likely lose her desire to paint after she was changed. The large painting had captured Monica in wonderful repose and it was lifelike to a T. Kimy had gotten the slightly evil smile, the glint in her eyes, and her graceful body perfectly. It was like a giant tease; you could practically see her tits and her snatch but just not quite. Kimy even joked it would likely give Tyrone blue balls just looking at it.

Monica then moved to the next part of the plan. She told Kimy she was going to unveil it at a party the following night to some friends and she and Steven would simply have to come so she could show them. Monica smiled inwardly as it only took a few moments to convince the formerly very shy Kimy to agree to come.

While Monica worked on Kimy, Tyrone was working on Steven. At the BBQ Tyrone had piled him with drugged drinks and food and had gotten him pretty relaxed. Tyrone had carefully questioned him about his practice and found out he was more into therapy and helping hard driving professionals work out stress. And a good many patients were women.

"Really? I would have thought you would have more men." Tyrone said as he topped of Steven's glass again.

"Nah, it's the hard charging women who are "Going to win at the man's game!" who are the biggest customers. I am pretty good, and once I helped out a senior VP in an advertising firm she spread the word. I'm trusted and a lot of them like my wife and her art so they actually prefer me to another woman. You wouldn't believe the competition women have amongst each other. I would never say it out loud to any woman, or man I thought would blab, but I think women are more cutthroat with each other than with men. Oh sure they will rally around another woman publically, but whew! When they get behind closed doors, they are brutal with each other. I think they feel they can trust me over a woman therapist since I'm married and more or less a neutral in their eyes."

Tyrone nodded. "I can see that. It makes a lot of sense actually, maybe it's biological but women, no matter what they say, are attracted to strong men. Men who show leadership, and take charge and provide. It's gotten be tough though, having all those women around you."

"Nah, I got a great wife. I just wish she was more outgoing. I like going out and she is so shy sometimes."

Tyrone snickered. "Maybe you could have one of your ladies go out with you as a surrogate? You know a fill in for your wife?"

Steven looked at him and saw Tyrone was grinning and he snickered a bit too. "Well, I doubt my wife would like that. But she might not mind me pushing her to go."

"Hell doc, I bet it would be easy for you. You could probably get inside their minds with no issue and make them putty in your hands. Good thing I'm not in your shoes, I just might start bringing home some patients for some special treatment."

"Your wife wouldn't mind?" Steven asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Tyrone gave him a dirty grin. He looked around a bit and motioned Steven in closer. "I'll let you in on a little secret. We used to be swingers a long time back. We still have a couple of friends who sometimes stop by for a fun night, if you follow."

Steven blinked and mouthed a "wow". After a moment he shook his head. "I can't believe that. You don't strike me as the type really."

"Oh, what type would that be, you need to have an Open Mind about this stuff man." Tyrone said and grinned a bit when Steven blinked and shook his slightly.

"No offense meant Tyrone, as a professional psychologist I'd say you strike me as someone who wouldn't want to share his wife with anyone. I certainly wouldn't, she's a knockout. I certainly wouldn't want to share Kim."

Tyrone nodded. "Oh certainly, I am very protective of my wife. But I LOVE watching her enjoy herself. When we were swingers, she would do stuff I didn't like to do with other men and I got to do the same with other women. It was fun, we all got our little kinks and fantasies fulfilled and we all enjoyed it. We eventually stopped as we moved on to other things we liked doing. It helped our sex-life a lot. It's not for everyone sure, but I think everyone would probably enjoy trying it at least once."

Tyrone watched Steven as his eyes glazed over slightly. Tyrone could tell he was having a daydream and was guessing it was something to do with some nasty sex. Steven's glazed eyes looked over to his wife and then at Monica and the off into space a bit. Tyrone then let out a laugh and Steven started back into reality.

"Well, maybe not everyone. But hey, maybe you should prescribe it to some of you patients. Might help relieve some stress."

Steven and Tyrone both laughed at that and then had another drink.

The next day Tyrone made some phone calls to some lady friends of his and later that day Steven had a couple of rather nice looking professional ladies come in on short notice calls. Steven quickly could see they had a lot of stress and his professional opinion was that it was probably sexual in nature. Repression, no time for relaxing, relationships not working out. Several of them shared some quite vivid fantasies and daydreams about being controlled and being manipulated. The general theme was most of these ladies were looked for someone to take charge of them sexually since they were such dominant people in the real world.

Over the next several days, Steven noted his calendar was full of ladies with the same problem. He remarked about it to Tyrone over a beer (Tyrone had run into him on purpose after work and pulled him into a nearby bar for a drugged beer), and Tyrone had jokingly said it was a good thing he was a straight doctor or he might be tempted to start messing with their heads. Steven had laughed, but the thought stayed with him and he was thinking about it during sex with Kim that night.

Steven had noticed that their sex life had picked up drastically since moving in. Every night they started fooling around and it always led to a passionate fuck. Steven started to notice that his wife was becoming a lot more outgoing and was trying some new positions and some sexier clothes.

Steven liked the changes but he also had a slight problem with it. He was starting to fantasize more about control and getting into people's heads. Kim normally was very submissive and that would have been wonderful with some of the daydreams he had been having. But Kim was getting a bit wilder and more independent. While she would eventually do what he asked, he didn't like having TO ask. It was a bit frustrating for him.

He also was drinking a bit more. Tyrone made some great homebrew and had given him a case. He had starting having one after supper every night, and his wife seemed to encourage his drinking. He was also having some headaches in the morning but Kim gave him a new aspirin and he was now taking two a day.

Tyrone kept on top of Steven. He had provided the beer and Monica had Kimy wrapped up pretty well so getting her to get her husband a beer in the morning and some of the pills was easy. Tyrone made sure he ran into Steven every morning and they would talk and Tyrone could tell that, obviously tired from sex or not, Steven was beginning to have some issues with his wife sexually.

Tyrone turned up the heat. He made sure that the calendar was full of sexually frustrated women who were practically begging to be exactly what Steven wanted. But Steven was pretty tough and resisted.

The night of unveiling of the painting came and Tyrone and Monica were ready for the next stage.

A-Man and Tatyana were coming over for this, as well a couple of "filler" couples who were actually plants working for Tyrone. They also had one of the patients invited who was a friend of theirs in real life. Olivia was her name and she was also a target of Tyrone's. She was the owner of a small business that would be perfect for a money laundering scheme and Tyrone was drugging her by way of her secretary and some special subliminal messages being played as background music in her office. Tyrone figured he would kill two birds with one stone by corrupting Steven using her while she was corrupted too.

Kim and Steven arrived after everyone else had gotten there (Tyrone had given them a slightly later time) and Tyrone grinned as they came in. Steven was dressed in a nice suit and Kim was wearing a very tasteful cocktail dress. It was strapless, black, silk and clung nicely to her body. The hem was just below the knees and she was in black stockings and heels. Definitely more skin was showing that she would have shown a week back.