Open Mind Pt. 03


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It was about six when Monica heard Steven stumble in. Tyrone had collared him after work and had gotten him plenty drunk. "Kimy? You around here babe?" he called out drunkenly.

"Down in basement baby! Me gots new job!"

Steven stumbled downstairs and blinked at all the changes. Then his eyes slowly focused on his naked wife licking a black rubber dildo with a big grin on her face.

"What's going on baby? What's all this?" Steven asked.

"Oh baby, you have Open Mind about dis! Me gots over my fears! Me like to be in pubwic view now! No more scared! Me now doing sex acts on live feed! It make me so hot baby! Come on! Fuck me on camera now! Me give you fuck wike you never had!"

Steven's eyes had blurred a bit with the words Open Mind, but Monica could tell he was a bit resistant.

"Steven, your wife has finally overcome her fears and that is a great thing. You should help her celebrate this. I know you have an Open Mind about this, and your wife will have an Open Mind about your, needs, as well."

Steven looked at Monica and then licked his lips. He looked at his wife. "Baby, you like doing this? Performing like this?"

"Yes! It awesome!"

Steven started to take off his jacket and let it slip onto the floor. "Ok. That's wonderful. I'll support you 100 percent. But you have to support me too."

"Support you baby? Wike how?"

"I have to help some clients, women clients. They have weak minds like yours used to be. They can't really function unless a really strong man takes them in charge and controls them. I've been holding back because I was worried you might see that as cheating on you. But if you can do this, I just know you are Open Minded enough to let me do what I have to do to help these poor girls."

Monica smiled as Kimy's eyes glazed for just a second and then she was smiling her sluttiest smile yet. "Baby, you good hubby! Me fuck you whenever want, but you wet me do porno work and you can do whatever need doing with other women."

Steven ripped off his shirt and jumped on his wife. Monica quickly flipped on the camera and Kimy's eyes lit up when she saw the red transmitting light go on. She ripped off her husband's pants and had him on his back faster than Monica could follow. Kimy had his cock down her throat all the way and she grinned at the camera while she went to town.

Monica had to work hard to keep from laughing at Steven bewildered expression as his wife fucked him seven ways from Sunday. She sucked his cock till he burst, then licked him clean and hardened him up again. She then let him play with her tits and she mounted him like a horse and rode him hard. She flipped around halfway through it and did reverse cowgirl. She popped off him and got down on all fours and growled out "Fuck me wike dog! Fuck my tiny widdle brains into mush!"

Steven pulled himself upright and mounted her from behind and began to pound into her. Kimy kept her face straight at the camera and squealed in glee the whole time. Steven finally came and with a large grunt passed out and fell back on the bed with his eyes rolled up. Kimy giggled and blew a kiss at the camera. "Me hope you aww enjoy show! Me Kimy Kane and me see you horny guys tomorrow!"

Monica cut the feed and stood up. "Great show Kimy. Take the rest of the night off. Tomorrow you need to paint Crystal for me, and then we will work that lovely ass in the afternoon."

"You gots it boss! Me see you den!" Kimy got up naked and strutted upstairs without so much as a glance at her husband lying in a pool of sweat and cum. Monica grinned and headed home.


Tyrone smiled as he passed a nice looking blonde woman in a business suit and skirt coming out of Steven's office. She had a glint in her eyes and was buttoning her blazer. Tyrone could smell a hint of pussy coming from her despite the rather heavy perfume. His thoughts were interrupted when Steven called out to him.

"Hey Tyrone! Come on in. That was the last client for today and I was going to head out a bit early. But since you are here, how about a drink?"

"Oh, that is a fine idea. Scotch?"

"Johnny Walker Blue, of course. Have a glass."

Steven handed Tyrone a glass and they sipped the expensive scotch. "So what brings you by? Need some help?"

Tyrone chuckled. "Nope. I actually wanted to see how you were doing. This last week has been pretty busy and I was wondering how you were holding up."

Steven grinned. "Oops, were we a bit too loud last night?"

"Well, that and you fucked Kimy on the hood of your car in the driveway while Tatyana and A-Man watched. Kind of hard to keep that quiet when your wife is screaming for her hubby to "Fuck her Swut brains into the ground.""

Steven grinned. "Well, that was Kimy's idea. She is getting to be quite the actress." He leaned forward. "You know we fucked in front of Tatyana before that, and in front of Monica and then Crystal. I came home Wednesday afternoon after a cancellation and found Kimy stripped down to nearly nothing playing with herself while she was wrapping the painting for Tatyana. Tatyana was eating it up and encouraging her. She had her phone out and was recording it and it was driving my wife nuts. I came in, saw that, and jumped right in. I came up behind her and cupped her tits and started whispering in her ear about how sexy she was for the camera and how Tatyana would be watching her, sexy little Kimy, being fucked by her husband over and over for YEARS. And she spun around, threw me on the couch, ripped off my clothes and rode me like a horse."

Steven leaned back with a big smile. "Yeah, I thanked Tatyana for her help after that, well once I was able to get up. Kimy was downstairs firing up the camera so we talked a bit. Tatyana said I should take her out for dinner and that she and her husband were going out. She then hinted maybe I should send her a text when I was getting back and leave the living room curtains open. So I did, but Kimy started to mess around on the drive home. We pulled up next to a pickup with some high school boys in it and she started to blow me once she saw them looking at her in her micro-dress. They cheered her on and she went wild! I damn near wrecked the car twice, and when I got home and saw Tatyana and A-Man pulling up I knew Kimy wasn't going to wait. So I pulled her out of the car, sat her on the hood, jerked down her dress and started sucking her tits. As soon as she saw she had an audience it was all over and the show was on!"

Tyrone was grinning broadly. "And that was when I opened up the windows and saw what was going on. Your wife is definitely out of her shell. And actually that is what I wanted to talk to you about."

Steven looked at him with a puzzled look and he continued. "How are you taking it? Your wife suddenly finding herself so to speak. She's finishing painting Crystal today, a nude, and I'm willing to bet she will be more than ready for a nice fuck when you get home, or will be playing with herself with the curtains open making sure the whole neighborhood gets a show. You're not exactly in the same spot you were a month ago."

Steven looked at him and his smile slipped a bit. "Yeah. It's a bit weird. She doesn't seem to care much about what I'm up too. She loves fucking and playing around, but other than that? The house is getting pretty messy, she hasn't cooked in a while, and all she cares about is sex, painting erotic painting, fooling around, and going out dressed as skimpily as she legally can. That and working on the live streaming porn site. She doesn't work out in the house anymore and goes to the gym down the street so she can flaunt her bod. She gets hit on every day. So far, no issues, but..."

Tyrone nodded. "Feeling a bit guilty? I know how you have been "helping" some of these ladies lately. Olivia is practically your slave. She meets you for breakfast coffee, comes by for lunch, and usually has an hour appointment with you. I've seen how she dresses now and I know that is your taste."

Steven nodded. "Yes. Mentally, she really can't handle anything without a strong hand to guide her. Right now it's me. I can't just let her go or someone bad will take advantage of her."

"And the others?"

Steven flushed a bit. "Well, they are not really anything. Not that I'm trying to take advantage of them, but well, they are so easy to, to..."

"Play with?" Tyrone said.

"Yes. They are so weak in the mind it's like they are putty in my hands. I am turning one woman into a lesbian slowly and she doesn't even know it! The others just think I'm a quickie, but I'm in their minds and I love it!"

Steven's face fell. "But I shouldn't love it at all. This is wrong! But when they strut in here all strong and cocky, and then become weak little girls as I work on them. God! I can't stop! But my wife, while she is awesome on the site, I'm afraid of her with another man. I'm still jealous and even though she gave me permission to do this, I still have reservations about her with someone else. It's eating me up!"

Tyrone nodded. "I figured you might be having some issues. Here, take two of these pills. Don't argue just do it. There now."

Tyrone waited a few moments for the pills to take effect and Steven's eyes glazed over. "There, feeling better?"

"Yes, much." Said a dazed sounding Steven.

"Good. Now listen, what you have here is a time to have an Open Mind." Steven blinked and Tyrone continued. "Your wife was a recluse, shy, and simply not able to deal with social situations. You wanted to help her break out of her shell. She did, but now you are missing the old wife. The one you could control. But she has given you a gift that shows how much she loves you."

Tyrone leaned forward. "You wife is now a voyeur, an attention hog, a performer, and porn star. She has come out of her shell and she wants to be lusted after, to show off her hot bod, and to have wild sex while people watch. You don't mind having sex with her, but you miss the control. So let your wife go."

"Between webcams and making porn, she can strut around the neighborhood and show off, and hang out with Tatyana and the other hookers, or with Crystal and her stripper friends. But I think you love her too much for her to be selling herself, and stripping, while definitely a nice display, doesn't feature sex. But making pornos does and that is her calling."

"Now, a woman like that isn't going to care about what her man is doing if she is being taken care of. She won't mind a mistress, especially one that her hubby can command to do anything, like co-star with her or play with her on her webcam. Olivia is pretty much already your slave, bring her home tonight and explain the new set up. Hell, after you take on Olivia, you can have the others as your girlfriends or whatever. And you get some nice submissive women to play with when you aren't fucking your porn star wife. You wife loves you enough to let you have any woman you can corrupt, so let her have any man she wants to play with. She won't love them, she will just use them to get her rocks off, like a good porn star."

Steven blinked and Tyrone watched his eyes twitch a bit. Tyrone was pretty sure Steven was ready for the next and final step. He was absolutely sure Kimy was. Monica had just called him to let him know that she had gone with Crystal after the painting was done and was doing an amateur's night dance. Kimy had done really well, and had even gotten an offer to come dance, but she had declined due to the no sex on stage rule.

A smile slowly spread over Steven's face. He nodded and said "Yeah. Yeah! That is the solution! Man it was right in front of my eyes the whole time."

Steven jumped up and grabbed his suit coat. "Tyrone, I'm going to talk to Kimy. I'm going to introduce my wife to my Mistress and lay out the rules."

Tyrone nodded and chuckled as Steven practically shoved him out the door. Steven was on his cell phone and Tyrone heard "Listen, close your shop and go to my house now. We are going to get everything set up. Do not talk back to me! I gave you an order, you obey it bitch!"

Tyrone got home right behind Steven. Olivia was parked in front of his house and was waiting with a bit of apprehension. Steven saw Tyrone and waved him over. "Come on! You need to be in on this."

Steven led them through the door. Tyrone smiled. The house was a bit dirtier than it had been and obviously someone had not been picking up. Steven had him and Olivia sit and then in a bit he led Kimy in. She was wearing nothing but a tiny gold metallic bikini top and bottom and 6 inch stiletto gold heels. She had on thick makeup, and was covered in sweat. She looked at Tyrone and Olivia. She looked at Steven and said. "Wewl?"

"Baby, we are going to set things up right." Steven said as he moved up behind her and cupped her tits. Kimy moaned and started to push back into him. She winked at Tyrone and blew a kiss at Olivia. "Well hon, you are off to a great start. Want to give our friends here a show while you explain?"

Steven grinned and pulled off her tops. He pinched her nipples and nuzzled her neck. "Sure. Baby, you love to show this hot fucking bod of yours and you like to show it being fucked and played with. I'm going to let you play with other women, or men, or me."

Kimy's eyes were wild. She spun around and kissed Steven hard. "Oh baby! Fuck YES! That exactly what me want! To show my bod, and my tits, and my wovewy wittle pussy, and to perform!"

Steven turned her around and shoved her over by a chair. He bent her over is and pulled down her bottom. As he unzipped he continued. "Yeah, we're going to talk to Monica and get you an audition with a porn company and you can make movies. You will be a real life star! We'll hook you up with the best porn studs in the business."

Steven eased his rock hard cock into his wife's pussy. Tyrone could smell her from his seat and Olivia was squirming in her chair. Kimy was moaning as her husband pumped her hard. Steven kept on talking as he ground into her.

"But baby, you're just a horny bitch. I need some women I can control, and you are beyond that. See Olivia over there? She's my Mistress now, she's my little whore who obeys me and only listens to me. I'll have other bitches, but remember you're my wife and we are in this together. What do you say?"

Kimy was panting as Steven pounded her. "Yes! Fuck Yes! Keep as many whores as you want so wong I can show off and perform! You wet me play on camera and you can do whatever you fucking want!"

"Alright then "grunt" we have a deal baby! Hang on! YEAHHH! Fuck yeah, that was a fuck!" Steven cried out as he shot his load into his wife while Tyrone and Olivia clapped. The applause seemed to fire up Kimy even more because she popped of Steven's dick and dropped down and started to lick him clean. She kept looking back over her shoulder to make sure the others were watching and giggled as she worked her husband. After cleaning him she turned with a hungry eye and pointed at Olivia.

"You, get ass over here! Me not done and I want to put show on for my hubby." Olivia rose and went over while Kimy shoved Steven into another chair. Kimy turned and grabbed Olivia and kissed her hard on the lips and held it for several seconds. Olivia was a bit breathless when Kimy broke it but didn't have time to do anything other than gasp as Kimy tore off her top, ripped open her blouse and began to suckle her tits. She maneuvered her back onto the couch and worked her out of her panties while hiking up her skirt. She buried her face into Olivia's snatch and Olivia's body tensed up and she began to moan and thrash. Soon the moans were replaced by screams of pleasure and Tyrone watched in amazement as Kimy's tongue made Olivia dance like a puppet. Kimy slipped her fingers in and Olivia let out a shriek, her eyes rolled up, and she passed out boneless on the couch.

Tyrone watched with a big smile as Kimy crawled over to Steven and began to work on his cock again. Just before she started to slide it down her throat she looked over at Tyrone and said "Watch dis, is going to be greatest show you ever see."

While Tyrone would not agree with that statement, he would later state that it was certainly in the top five.

Tyrone headed home about two hours later. Kimy had fucked Steven unconscious, and then had woken up Olivia and done another number on her, and then used smelling salts to wake up her hubby and they had a wild threesome in the living room while Tyrone watched. He smiled as Kimy kept looking at him and smiling, happy that she was the center of attention. She hadn't offered to have sex with him, but he understood why. She needed someone to watch, and after she had polished off her hubby and his new mistress, there was no one else to fuck for an audience.


"Well, I'd say our last addition to the housing project turned out perfectly."

Monica grinned as Tyrone sipped his sparkling wine. "You have a gift for understatement dear."

They both laughed and looked around. They were over at Steven and Kimy's house for the wrap up party for Kimy's first full length porn movie. Monica had been dead right when he had said she had star potential. Hot Chicks and Dicks Studios had let her audition and had signed her on the spot for a sweet contract. She had several bit parts, and rapidly built a huge fan base. They had quickly put on as the lead star in a full length plot porn and she had killed it. There was already talk about the porn awards for best actress and best newcomer.

Steven had organized the party and everyone was here. The whole cast, plus some other stars, plus the whole neighborhood. Jay and Crystal had come over along with a couple of Crystal's BFFs from the club all decked out in sleazy stripper wear. A-Man and Tatyana had come, and A-Man had been nice enough to offer up some of his best hookers for the party. The crew was having a blast with the porn stars and the additional strippers and hookers. Plenty of great drugs and lots of top shelf booze fueled the party.

Tyrone looked over by the cabana. "Kimy Kane" was naked except for heels and was fucking the director reverse cowgirl on a divan while others watched and cheered her on. Her now famous fake tits (36 EE) bounced merrily as she giggled and pouted for the cameras.

Aside from her porn career, her online account was one of the most popular in the world. She was on every day for at least six hours and would have hundreds of people watching her. They had to assign a full time web assistant to monitor her account and make sure she was not doing anything for free. As soon as she started getting viewers she went from teasing to full on show in a flash, so in order to make money they had to have a watcher. And he had to be remote because Kimy had co-opted a guy when he was in the same room with her into a sex show. She had done the same when they moved it into another room, so now it had to be remote.

Monica pointed over at Steven and Tyrone smiled even more. Steven wore a sharp suit and looked like a professional. On his arm, dressed like a slut was Olivia, in a micro-metallic dress and black latex thigh boots with 6 inch heels. Olivia now lived with Kimy and Steven and was openly introduced as Steven's mistress. Under his influence, her company had been bought out by Tyrone who was using it to laundry money for the local mob and now she was a spineless, mindless piece of blonde fucktoy arm candy with fake tits, an all over tan, and a rock solid bod that was worked on daily.

On Steven's other arm was Jackie. Jackie was "his girlfriend". She was another one of his hard charging professional patients who had fallen deeply under his thrall and was now 100% under the thumb of her boss instead of fighting for his job and was working just as hard to make sure he kept it. She was a scorching hot redhead with a nice body and a 36CC natural set of tits. Steven openly dated her and took her out several nights a week and sometimes spent the night over at her place. But he had said it "wasn't serious" and he would move on eventually. None of the other women minded.