Open Mind Pt. 03


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"Hey! Looking good you two! Come on in and have a drink. Have some wine for the lovely lady of the hour here and a fine beer for the man. Come on in and Monica will unveil the painting."

Tyrone led them in and introduced them around. He smiled at the quick glances Steven was giving Olivia who looked like she needed to be taken charge of. Monica was very pleased to see how sociable Kim was as she smiled and laughed and drank her wine.

Monica dinged her glass and said "Okay everyone, now for the moment you have been waiting for. This lovely painting was done by my dear friend Kim." Everyone clapped and Kim blushed slightly and then gave a short bow. "I think she rocked it. So have a look."

Tyrone pulled off the cover carefully and everyone oo'd and ah'd. Tyrone went over and kissed his wife and said "Damn baby! That is PERFECT! It's awesome! Look at that, it's so damn lifelike!" Tyrone went on for a bit and Kim smiled as Monica shook her hand.

"Kim, you did such a GREAT job! Really, this party should be more for you than me."

"Oh no! You were the model; this is all about you..."

"Nonsense! You brought this to life. Everyone, to the painter!" Monica said and held up her glass. Everyone drank and the party broke up into smaller groups.

Monica introduced Kim to Alex and Tatyana. Kim was pleased to meet another family in the development and even more so to meet another 1st generation American. Monica made sure Kim was drinking lots of wine and soon she and Tatyana had Kim agreeing to paint a portrait of Tatyana starting the day after tomorrow.

Steven made some small talk with Alex and Tyrone and a couple others and then found himself with Olivia. As he drank more he found himself slowly taking charge of her, guiding her around, introducing her and she seemed to drink up. She was staring at him with doe eyes that seemed to beg to be taken under control. Steven walked out back for a bit of air while Kim was talking about the painting to all the women and some of the men. Tyrone waited a moment and then went over to Olivia.

"Hey Olivia. You feeling okay? You seem a bit nervous."

Olivia smiled at him but Tyrone could see it was a bit forced. "Yeah, just feeling a bit awkward I guess. I didn't bring a date and I feel a bit odd being the one single."

Tyrone nodded. "I can see how you might feel that way. But then again, so is Steven."

Olivia looked at him a bit oddly and Tyrone chuckled. "Look at Kimy there. She is the center of attention and the life of the party. She doesn't seem to need her hubby a whole lot. Besides Steven is your shrink right? He's supposed to take care of you. Make sure everything is okay, show you around, and take charge of you."

Tyrone could see the wheels in Olivia's head turning and he could tell the drugs were working on her. Her eyes followed where Steven had went out back and Tyrone could see she was flushing a bit and her breath was quickening.

Just then Monica came over and filled Olivia's wineglass and made some small talk. Tyrone headed out after Steven. He found him sipping his wine and an odd look on his face.

"Hey man! How are you doing? What are you out here all alone for?"

Steven smiled at Tyrone and said "I just needed some air is all."

Tyrone shook his head. "Oh no you don't. That's not it at all. You might be a shrink but you are a terrible liar. What's eating you?"

Steven hesitated and then said "Well, I was really happy about my wife doing this painting and wanting to come here tonight. I mean, this is really amazing. She is the life of the party, she's never been like that ever! I should be happy as hell, but, well..."

Tyrone nodded. "You're feeling a bit like a third wheel suddenly? Not necessary? Yeah, I can see that. When my wife and I were living the life I would get that feeling too sometimes. It's hard to stop being the guy in charge sometimes."

Steven nodded and took another drink. Tyrone smiled and said "But you know, maybe I can help."

Steven gave him a quizzical look and Tyrone chuckled. "Your patient Olivia is looking kind of lost. If didn't know any better I'd say she is looking for someone to take charge of her. You know how she has been, all that stress of being in charge. She looking to have someone else take the lead for a bit, and since your wife is having a great time on her own..."

Tyrone sipped his wine and watched Steven's eyes glaze over a bit. With a smile he headed back inside and passed Olivia as she was headed out. Her eyes were glazed a bit as well and Tyrone saw a smiling Monica wink at him.

Tyrone hung back a bit and observed. He made sure that nobody went out there and watched as Steven and Olivia started talking. Olivia moved up closer after a bit and Tyrone could see her body language change. Hew head bowed, she was looking down, she seemed to slump down like someone who was in the presence of someone who was their superior. After several minutes Steven took Olivia's arm and then watched as his hand slid down to her ass and felt it up. He grinned as Steven looked around and led her back behind the small cabana shed.

Tyrone nodded and waited for about ten minutes until they emerged and watched as Steven talked to Olivia for a bit and she nodded and then with a smile moved back towards the backdoor. Tyrone opened it just as she got there and called out "Hey we are cutting the cake! Everyone inside for a piece!"

Steven nodded and moved in. Everyone had cake and the party ended. Kim (who was now saying "call me Kimy!") was pretty drunk and Steven steered her home. Tyrone smiled at Monica as they heard her giggles slowly fade.

"Well, good old Steven will be getting TWO pieces tonight. He took Olivia behind the cabana. I'll check our recorder in a bit, but he got a blow job for sure." Tyrone said.

"Oh, he got more than that. Olivia looked like she had finally figured out the solution to a big problem when she came back. Relief in her face, she was smiling naturally, much more at ease. Oh yeah, she's got a daddy now." Monica replied with a grin.

"So Kimy is going to paint Tatyana? Good. And Tatyana knows "how" she is going to get painted?"

"Oh yeah baby. I picked it out yesterday for her. Black panties and bra, fine and sheer lace, garter belt and stockings, stiletto heels, oh she will be sex walking. Kimy won't last long with that influence. And then we get Crystal in for painting and that will do it."

Tyrone grinned. "I'll make sure Steven has his medicine tomorrow. He might have some guilt over cheating, but I'll make sure he sees things the right way."

Monica and Tyrone checked out the footage of the hidden camera behind the cabana and watched in glee as Steven took charge of Olivia who was blabbering about being horrible for making a pass at a married man, kissed her hard, and then bend her over a chair, hiked up her dress, ripped off her panties and fucked her from behind. He shoved her panties in her mouth like a gag and ordered her "To keep her worthless mouth shut if she wanted to be taken care of."

She had and Tyrone noted the look of surrender in her eyes when Steven penetrated her. "Oh yeah, she's Steven's number one bitch now. Nice. Yeah, she'll do for a mistress. Blonde, nice body, needs some new tits and a bit of work on the ass, but Steven will get her in fine shape pretty quick."

"Wonderful baby. Ohhhh, sounds like Kimy Kane is warming up her hubby nicely. Give you any ideas?" Monica said as she slowly unzipped her dress.

Tyrone chuckled and headed over to the bed.

The next day Monica "popped by" Kimy's house just as she was starting to paint Tatyana. Monica let herself in without knocking and slipped up behind an obviously distracted Kimy with Tatyana lying with a broad smile on the divan. Tatyana was dressed in a very tiny black lace bra and panties, garter belt, and stockings, which matching high black stiletto heels. Her long hair was done up in a nice high tower and was curled, she wore some big sparkly jewelry and some black lace elbow length opera gloves. The lace was see-through so it was even more of a tease than Monica's painting.

Monica waited a bit and could see that Kimy was lost in a probably very X-rated daydream. So she backed out and knocked on the front door loudly. She heard a giggle from out back and then Kimy called out "We are on the back porch."

Monica came by and a slightly flushed Kimy was just starting to paint. Tatyana leaned back and pursed her lips in a sexy pout and Kimy set to work. Kimy didn't glance over at Monica but asked "Hey, good morning. What's up?"

"Oh, just thought I would swing by and see how you were doing with Tatyana here. Everything good?"

"Da, is very good. Kimy iss good painter, going to make sexy painting of Tatyana and me hang over fireplace for hubby to stare at and get horny for sexy wife." Tatyana said in her very thick Russian accent. Kimy flushed just a bit and Monica giggled.

"Tatyana that accent of yours is such a turn on! That thick Russian drawl, God, I bet you make your husband hard just saying good morning." Monica said with a grin.

"Da, my husband get very horny when me talk. Iss good though I tink. Make him easier to wrap around finger."

Monica noticed that Kimy was listening as she painted and was starting to get just a bit of a glaze to her eyes. "Hmmm, time to turn it up a bit." She thought.

"Don't you just love Tatyana's accent Kimy?"

"It's nice, yes."

"I think accents are so sexy. Certain ones are just liquid horny juice for men. Tatyana's there, damn she could melt a bar of lead with it." Monica said. Monica went over and made a show of looking over Kimy and nodded. "I'll bet you would rock an accent."

Kimy twitched a bit. She hadn't put the brush up to the canvas yet otherwise she would have made a mistake. She blushed and shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

Tatyana shook her head. "Neyet. You would rock accent! Nice Asian accent with no L's! You would be very hot with it I tink."

Monica nodded. "I have to agree with Tatyana, with those legs of yours and that hair. Oh yeah, with an accent you would turn heads everywhere you went. All eyes would be on you looked at who that hot chick was with the musical voice."

Kimy was blushing furiously now and for just a second Monica was worried they had overdone it. But Kimy's eyes lost a bit of the edge they had and she looked at Tatyana. Tatyana nodded and said "Thick accents sexy. You sexy. You need accent."

The accented voice seemed to do the trick and Kimy's eyes glazed over and she spaced out for a bit. Monica just let it slide and waited for her to return from la-la land. She winked at Tatyana as Kimy finally shook her head and said "Um, Monica, I need to concentrate. Do you mind giving me some space please?"

"Not at all dear, not at all. I'll stop by later this afternoon. By the way, how do you like my dress? Lovely isn't it?"

Kimy looked at the designer dress and nodded. "Yes, very wuvly."

Monica smiled and headed out.

Monica stopped by that afternoon and was very pleased at how Kimy was progressing. She had worked fast and the large portrait of Tatyana was well along. She would likely finish it tomorrow, or the day after for certain. But Monica was more concerned with how her soon to be porn star was mentally progressing.

For one she was now painting in a very nice and tight two piece. Metallic gold, nice and slutty looking with high heels and lots of makeup. Monica could tell she had been getting advice from Tatyana, who being a high dollar whore knew exactly how to dress the slut. Aside from showing so much skin she was giggling a lot and making some very slutty comments and jokes. She was obviously a bit buzzed and Monica was glad to see that several margarita glasses were near the paints.

"Hewwo Monica! Gwad you stopped by. How do you wike the painting?"

"Oh my! Kimy, you have a grade talent I tell you. Hmmmmm, Tatyana, you had better be ready for some nasty sex tomorrow night once A-man sees this!"

"Da, I tink he no want to go work next morning!" They all giggled at that.

Monica got a drink and sat down to watch. Tatyana pattered away while Kimy painted. Monica noted with glee that once she sat down Kimy started to change up a bit. She had been in a place to be fully in view of Tatyana, now she moved so she could be seen by them both. Monica saw her movements, very graceful and sexy and she realized that the little whore was showing off for her. She moved from pose to pose easily and she smiled and pouted as she did it.

"Perfect. The little slut is eating the attention up. By tomorrow, she'll be primed for the third painting." Monica thought.

After a bit Monica headed home and talked with Tyrone. "The little minx is well on her way. She's developing a slutty Asian accent, she's now wearing revealing clothes, making slutty jokes, and she doesn't move so much as change poses. She'll be ready to start showing off by tomorrow."

Tyrone nodded. "I've been working Steven carefully. Olivia is putty in his hands and she wants to be nothing put putty. She's now helpless and Steven feels responsible for her, and she is a huge turn on for him because she is exactly what he wants; a weak, servile, dependent woman who must have him take charge of her. With Kimy growing into an independent slut, he desperately needs this."

"Good. We need to be careful, this is the time when we have to be sure they are on-track." Monica said with an evil smile.

The next day Monica waited until early afternoon before she visited. She quietly opened the front door and slipped out towards the back and heard some moaning. She very quietly slipped up to the patio door and peeked out.

Tatyana was sitting on a pool chair with a big smile on her face and holding her cell phone out. On the divan Kimy was laying back and was fingering herself wildly while Tatyana giggled. Monica heard a "click" sound from the phone and Tatyana said "Oh nice one Kimy, I got your eyes all rolled back. God you are such a slut on camera!"

"MMmmmmmm, me wike performing for you! Painting turn me on so much! God, me such swut!" Kimy breathed out.

With that Monica opened the door and strode out with a big smile. Kimy gasped and went for a large towel on the table and Monica said "Stop!"

Kimy froze and Monica walked over and leaned down. She looked into Kimy's eyes and saw confusion, lust, and embarrassment. She smiled and took her chin in her hand. "Kimy, no need to be embarrassed or scared. I have a very Open Mind. Tatyana has an Open Mind. And so do you. A VERY Open Mind, yes? One that understands all kinds of people do all kinds of things that is okay. You do what makes you feel good. I'll even help you."

Kimy's eyes glazed when she heard Open Mind. After a short pause she said in a slightly dazed voice "Yes, me have Open Mind. I wiwl do what makes me feew good." She blinked and licked her lips. Her eyes gave Monica the once over and Monica smiled. She moved back and sat next to Tatyana who also had a slightly glazed look to her eyes. Monica smiled more at the high dollar whore and leaned over to her.

"Hey Tatyana. How about I film for a bit? Why don't you go over to Kimy and help her see what having an Open Mind is all about."

Tatyana blinked and then said "Da! Is good idea Monica." The lingerie clad hooker stood and strutted over to a smiling Kimy who was playing with herself again and knelt down. "Here, let me show you some fun tinks. Lean back Kimy."

Kimy looked up at Monica who stood and held up the camera so she could see it. "Go ahead Kimy, I'm recording this all. I'll make sure you are center screen the whole time."

When she said that Kimy smiled broader and leaned back more and spread her legs wide. Tatyana leaned down and started to lick her lovely shaved pussy and Kimy gasped. Her head rolled back and her eyes rolled up into her head.

"Ooohh, dat nice Tatyana! Ooooooooo, yes wik der! Ohhh! Ooooo! Oh baby girw!" Kimy moaned out as she adjusted herself for Monica's filming. Monica smiled as her latest victim posed and performed. She was a natural at this.

Monica noted how she was always looking right into the camera and constantly adjusting to show her body in the best way. She spoke dirty and encouraged Tatyana on and directed her in her pleasure giving. Monica started giving her some tips as well.

"Nice Kimy. That's it. Cup your tits, yes just like that. Lick your nipple, oh yes that is HOT! Stretch out your right leg, yes right like that. Push gently down on Tatyana's head, yes! Moan, there you are! Embrace the orgasm as it builds, yes, yes, and YES! That's it! Give me a scream you little slut!"

Kimy danced like a puppet to Monica's instructions and she threw her head back with a loud scream of "YESSSSS, YOU WIDDWE SWUT! FUCK KIMY! YESSSS!!!!" Kimy's eyes rolled back and her body went limp with a loud giggle and then some twitching from the after orgasm twings. Tatyana leaned back on her heels like the professional whore she was and smiled.

"Another satisfied customer I tink. Dis on house Kimy. You good friend, you get a freebee for today only!" Tatyana said and they both giggled and Monica joined in. Kimy sighed and sat up. "You whore? Me not know dat. Mmmmm, you vewy good whore, me gwad you good friend wike Monica!"

"You could make a bundle working for husband. He my pimp and good fuck." Tatyana said as she stood up and put on a black silk robe. Kimy seemed to consider it a moment and then shook her head.

"Me no tink so. Fucking fun, but me no want to have to pwease others, me want to be in spotlight."

"Well then, maybe we should post this recording? I'll bet a lot of horny men and some women will download it and beat off to it." Monica said with an evil grin.

"That's it you little whore. Let those corrupted wheels in your slut brain turn and get the right idea." Monica thought. Tatyana grinned at her and strutted off to the house to let Monica finish Kimy off.

"Posting fiwm might be fun. But me want to be seen and watched live, no just recording." Kimy said.

"Oh honey doll. That's easy! I can help you set up a XXX account on a porn site right now. I can get you registered and doing live shows in a few minutes." Monica pulled out a small envelope from her suit jacket and held it out. "This is a contract. You sign it and I'll be your agent. Getting on a website is easy, but you let me help you and I can get you starring in some pornos. Once you get recognition, you'll have men lined up for miles to long on and see you perform any kind of deviant sex act you want to. Live, for the whole world to see."

Monica's evil grin was matched by one from Kimy. "Whowe worwd? Men and women signing on to see me perform sex acts? Me wikey! Me wike wots! Me sign!" and she practically knocked Monica over grabbing the contract and signing away her life. With a smile Monica led her inside to her downstairs gallery. Monica made a couple of phone calls and soon several large men came in and moved in a large bed, hung up some wall coverings, some lights and set up several cameras. They linked it to a remote keyboard for Kimy while she watched. As they got closer she started to play with herself and stripped naked and lay on the bed. "You guys big hewp! Me give you free show!"

Monica gave her the go ahead and Kimy did a striptease and then broke out some toys. She teased herself with a vibrator and the sucked off a glass dildo. The men were obviously hard, but Monica wouldn't let them touch her. She was concerned about making sure that Steven was fully onboard with the new Kimy before she tried to let Kimy have sex with strangers.

The men left and "Kimy Kane" signed on. Monica stayed with her and ran the electronics for her. Monica noted that she would have to hire a minder for Kimy, likely a remote one, as Kimy kept trying to lead her into her bed for a two-person show and that she was so excited she would start stripping and playing with herself without charging money for a private show. But other than that Kimy Kane was a major hit. In the four hours she was online, she never had less than fifty watchers, who were all playing a high rate to watch her private shows. Gifts worth various amounts of money flowed in and Monica could tell she had money-maker on her hands.