Open to Interpretation


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When she let her head fall forward, she noticed him staring up at her, an exultant look on his face.

"How's it feel?" she asked.

"Warm," he murmured. "And wet. And tight."

She ground down against him, her pussy clutching at his shaft.

"How about that?"

His eyes fluttered shut, and a noticeable shudder ran over him.

"That feels good. Very good. Please do it again."

"So polite."

She rocked her hips, working them slowly, bringing her channel along his shaft just a bit.

His eyes opened, and fixed on her, first her face, and then trailing down to her breasts, watching them sway to her movements.

She picked up speed a bit.

"Mm, that feels good," he murmured, "very good."

She giggled at the earnestness.

"You want it slow," she asked coquettishly, "or fast?"

He took a few seconds to decide.

"Slow, please."

"Okay then."

Her hips slowed, returning to the languid pace, grinding down against him.

She plucked his hands from her hips and brought them to her chest.

His fingers curled into the soft swells of her breasts before he even noticed what she had done. The mindless appreciation made her giggle again.

"You like them?"

He nodded, letting go of her breasts to watch them jiggle slightly, and then taking hold of them again. His thumbs rubbed at her nipples, the deft motions surprising her.

A quiver ran over her from the steadily rising pleasure. The exquisite delight of the sensations and the wicked rush of this unnatural coupling worked together to push that pleasure higher.

Her pussy clutched at his shaft, sending out copious juices to dapple it. She maintained a steady, languid pace, her hips working sinuously atop him, her hands resting on his chest.

His attention was entirely on her breasts, alternating between kneading at them, and teasing at their nipples. He watched them closely as well, enamored with how her body reacted to his touch, purring every time her breasts bounced when he let them fall from his grip, sighing every time her back arched to push them forward, groaning every time she shivered at a caress.

And then he sat up and buried his face in her cleavage.

His arm wrapped around her back, one of hers returning the favor, bringing them together securely.

She giggled at his enthusiasm, feeling his mouth roam all over her breasts, peppering them with kisses.

Her hips stilled, leaving his twitching shaft buried inside her.

His mouth locked on a nipple, sucking at the stiff bud. She pressed closer to him, letting her free hand slide over his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin, the firmness of his flesh, the husky rumble in his throat as he growled around his mouthful. That sound was thrilling, the note of unmistakable satisfaction there, the pure desire evident in how he suckled at her breast, utterly enraptured by how her nipple felt in his mouth.

She started the pace back up, working her hips against him, feeling his cock throb in response.

His mouth left her nipple and moved to her other breast.

She curled a hand into his hair and tugged pointedly before he reached the nipple.

When he did not move, instead closing his lips on it, she tugged harder, pulling him off her breast.

The look in his eyes, of awe, of passion, of lust, made her moan.

She kissed him, pressing at the back of his head to keep him close, that maneuver unnecessary as he kissed back eagerly. Her tongue nudged at his lips, and he opened them, letting it slide in and over his. As they kissed, the hand that he had kept at her hip snuck up to her breast, and stroked tenderly, rubbing over the nipple he had been deprived of.

Her pleasure rose higher. His cock throbbed stronger.

She broke the kiss and stared into the brilliant blue of his eyes.

"Are you close?"

A brief confusion reigned over him for a few seconds.

"Yes," he finally said.

She pushed at his chest, sending him down again on his back.

Her hips picked up speed until she was bouncing energetically, her pussy sliding along his length.

He grunted and groaned, squirmed and shuddered, his hands taking hold of her hips to help keep her steady.

She let a hand drift from his chest to her sex.

As she rode his cock, she found her clit.

A fiery spark shot through her nerves as she rubbed at the sensitive nub.

The pleasure built quicker, pushing her closer and closer to climax. The same was happening to him, his face drawn into an expression of sheer delight, his cock jumping and pulsing.

"Come on," she urged him breathlessly, "cum inside me..."

His eyes widened, staring up at her, a low moan tumbling from his gasping lips.

"Give me my firstborn..."

The moan became a soft cry, and he bucked his hips, meeting her halfway.

The first spurt of warmth burst out, splattering through her channel, the potent heat making her quiver, her climax so close.

Her fingers rubbed harder at her clit, more spurts following the first.

A strong orgasm struck her, halfway through his, her pussy spasming around his shaft, the added tightness and wetness making him growl, his hips bucking again.

She cooed, stopping the pace to grind down against him, luxuriating in her orgasm and the continued spurts. A sudden, wicked thrill ran over her, at the knowledge that they were searching out her unprotected womb to consummate this strange union.

As the orgasm ran its course, she looked down at the demon, drinking in the ecstatic expression on his face, his eyes aimed at her but not quite focusing.

They came down from the heights of pleasure together. She sighed, the orgasm bleeding into afterglow.

After a few more seconds of indulging in the afterglow, she lifted her hips, letting his softened length slip from her.

His eyes focused on her again.

As she smiled at him, he placed a hand on her belly.

A slight warmth seeped into her skin.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"You wanted me to give you a firstborn," he answered matter-of-factly, "so I am making sure our union results in a child."

"Wait, no, don't do that," she said quickly, grabbing his hand and pulling it off her.

He frowned.

"I thought you wanted me to give you your firstborn."

"Yes, I do."

"So then, I shall ensure our union is fruitful."

She shook her head.

"No, I don't want you to."

"Why not?"

She let a mischievous smile tug at her lips.

"Are you really only going to fuck me the one time?"

"Our contract calls for me to give you your firstborn. We only need to...fuck...the one time."

She rolled her eyes and slid her hands up his stomach.

"You know, humans don't just have sex to make babies. We also do it for pleasure."

He glanced down to her hands as they settled on his chest, and then back at her.

"Yes, I am aware."

"So then, why don't we go a few more rounds?"

He stared back at her.

"Those 'rounds' will not necessarily ensure pregnancy, even if you are fertile. Our contract is clear that I am to give you a firstborn, and such is my intent."

She smiled.

"It's my intent too. But our contract isn't clear about the specifics. It doesn't say, for example, that we fuck once, and then you use your powers to make sure I get pregnant. So, why don't we go a few more rounds?"

"How many did you have in mind?"

She shrugged.

"I don't have a number in mind."

"And how do you propose we ensure your pregnancy?"

Her smile returned.

"Well, why don't we leave it up to chance?"

He shook his head vehemently.

"You are to have a child by me. That is our contract. Do not try to wiggle out of it by proposing we 'leave it up to chance'."

It was her turn to shake her head.

"I'm not trying to wiggle out of it. But our contract doesn't say anything about specific timing, or about this particular time having to end with me being pregnant. And, you said yourself earlier, it doesn't matter to you when you get my firstborn. You will sooner or later."

He stared up at her but stayed silent.

"So," she pressed on, "why don't we fuck a few more times, or a bunch more, and then see what happens? I'll know in a week or two whether or not I'm pregnant...if this works the same way human sex does. And if I'm not pregnant from this, just come on back. I want you to get me pregnant, but we don't have to rush it. Especially if the timing doesn't matter to you and isn't specified in our contract."

He stayed silent for a few more seconds.

"Why do humans love to negotiate?" he finally asked, a slight tone of exasperation in his voice. "It rarely works."

"Do you agree to the terms of the contract?" she asked, trying not to smirk.

"Yes," he sighed.

She let the smirk spread over her mouth.


As he pursed his lips, she slipped off him, and lay down next to him.

"So, what's it like being a demon?"

He looked over at her in bewilderment.

"Like, what's your day-to-day? What do you do?"

He shrugged, still taken aback.

"I observe."

"What do you observe?"

"Those I am contracted with."

"So, you're going to observe me?"

He nodded.

"I would make sure you honor our contract and make it difficult for you to escape its terms if necessary. Many who make these deals come to regret them sooner or later."

"Do you like it?"

He scrunched his nose in a disbelieving expression.

"What sort of question is that? Do you like your existence?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess. Life's nice. There's...friends, family, music,"

His disbelieving expression continued.

"Whether or not I like my existence matters not."

"So, if you observe humans, that means you've seen some slices of life, right?"

He hesitated, and then nodded.

"Ever been tempted to try it out for yourself?"


"Why haven't you?"

He frowned.

"Is this an interrogation? Why are you so fascinated with my existence?"

She giggled at his reaction.

"Because you're a freaking demon. Like, it's supernatural, otherworldly shit. It's interesting."

"My existence is vastly different from yours. More than you could possibly imagine. The basic elements of your world, time, space, life, death, we don't experience them. I could live as one of you, but you could never live as one of me."

"I can still be interested."

He groaned in slight annoyance.

"So, why haven't you tried out human life for yourself? Are you scared you'll like it?"

He looked over quickly at her.

"No," he said, surprisingly defensively, "but...I have known others who have tried such a thing. The reactions were...split. Some enjoyed it thoroughly, others hated it. I do not know how it would be for me, and I am comfortable with my...existence, as it is."

She rested her head on his shoulder and traced a hand idly over his chest.

"May I ask you a question now?" he began. "Or is there more to this interrogation?"

"Go for it," she shot back, smirking.

"Would I be correct in assuming that your desire for musical talent is related to a desire for fame?"

She hesitated.

"Sort of, yeah, I guess. Mostly I just want to make a living playing music, and it's hard to do that in shitty bars."

He looked over at her.

"I have dealt with many humans who wanted fame or wanted something that would lead to it. Why is recognition so important to humans?"

"Hmm. Well, I can't speak for everyone...but I think people just like being noticed. Some want that more than others, but I think everyone wants it to a degree. Attention, love, plus money doesn't hurt. For me, I love making music, and I want to make a career out of it, and I need to be well-known for that."

He nodded slowly.

"So," she began, letting her hand trail down until it reached his softened length, "are you ready for the next round?"

He nodded, this time confidently.

His length twitched in her hand, and then swelled, returning to full size in seconds.

She sat up, and raked her eyes over his body, appreciating the smooth skin and lean muscles.

A thought struck her.

"You know," she began, "you're hot, but why don't you show me the real you?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"You could not conceive of my true form. Were I to show it to you, your mind would collapse in on itself and you would lose all sanity you possess."

"Don't threaten me with a good time," she joked.

His eyebrow stayed raised.

"Why don't you show me your shadow self, then? The form you appeared to me in."

"You would not rather I stay in this form?"

She shook her head.

"Very well," he said, uncertainty in his voice.

His olive skin began to swirl before her eyes, morphing into shadows. In seconds, he was back to the form he had first appeared in, his body made up of darkness, the nebulous whorls approximating a humanoid figure. Her hand had not moved from his cock, but there was no change in anything but appearance, that shaft now a stiff spear hewn from shadows but still warm and firm.

The dual glittering voids that were his eyes stared up at her. Somehow, she detected more uncertainty.

She straddled him, finding the same solidness as before underneath her, her body meeting his.

Her hand kept his cock steady as she lined herself up to it, that head meeting her slit.

There was nothing indicating any supernatural details, only a hard heat.

But she was staring down at him, at his shadowy flesh, into his inhuman eyes, and now, there was no escaping the wicked nature of this coupling.

She worked her hips against his cock, rubbing her slit over its head, wetness building at her sex.

He groaned, taking hold of her hips, his uncertainty dissipating.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yes," he growled.

His uncertainty dissipated further, until it was replaced by desire.

She shoved herself down onto his cock.


"Oh, he's so beautiful!" her mom squealed.

Katie gazed down at the newborn baby in her arms as he squalled and squirmed.

"Look at all that hair, oh, he's such a handsome little devil!"

"Hi there," she murmured, drinking in every little detail, from his tiny, scrunched-up face, to his little limbs waving and kicking, to the cute slight paunch of his belly.

It had only taken the nine rounds of that one encounter for her to get pregnant. She had been slightly disappointed, as the idea of a demon stealing into her room at night to impregnate her had been surprisingly and somewhat embarrassingly arousing.

The pregnancy had been normal enough aside from her cravings for the previously unthinkable combination of onions and chocolate. Her family and friends had been understanding even when she had told them she was not sure who the father was. She had even started to make inroads in her music career, the talent that the demon had given her quickly put to good use, Katie writing and performing well into her pregnancy. And although there had been no contact from the demon, sometimes, when she had woken up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or from discomfort, some of the shadows in her bedroom had seemed to swirl and glitter.

"I'll go tell everyone the good news," her mom said then, kissing her on the forehead before rushing towards the door.

A few seconds later, Katie found her eyes drawn over to the door, which was half-open, her mom in the process of leaving the room, but now frozen in place, much like the doctor and the nurses.

Across the room, on the far wall, a dark spot appeared.

She watched in resignation as that familiar darkness spread, coating everything in shadows, the doctor, nurses, and her mom disappearing along with the equipment and the bed, until she was left holding her baby in that familiar featureless space.

To her right, shadows began to swirl, and a figure formed.

Glittering eyes stared at her.

A few seconds of quiet followed, as her baby's cries calmed into coos.

"You know," she began slowly, gazing down at him, "I did my best to not get attached...I really did. Every time I thought about him growing inside me, or felt him kicking, or saw how excited my parents were, I told myself I would have to give him up. But now, seeing him, holding him, hearing him..."

She looked back up at those glittering eyes, shifting her arms slightly as her baby squirmed.

"This is the price," that deep voice said gently. "Our contract is clear."

She shook her head, feeling tears threaten to build. An idea sprung up in her mind.

"The contract says you get my firstborn. It's not clear how you get it."

"I get it from you. You are to hand the babe over."

She shook her head again.

"There's another way you can have my firstborn."

She heard a very soft sigh.

"You wish to change the terms of our contract again?"

"The terms are vague," she shot back, "maybe intentionally so."

"What are these new terms?"

"Raise him with me."

Those glittering eyes blinked in surprise.

"He's already yours, but if you raise him, he truly becomes your child. You get him, which is the base of the contract. And if that doesn't satisfy you, well, you said yourself that it doesn't matter when you get him, because you'll get him sooner or later. You'd just have to wait sixty, seventy, eighty years, however long he lives for, and then he's yours when he dies. Eighty years should mean nothing to you. Time doesn't affect you like it does me."

The demon stared at her, but stayed silent, so she pressed on.

"And you said yourself you've been tempted to experience human life, but you don't know how it would be. I can help you. I can be your guide. Raise him with me, be with me, live like a human for however long you want. Think of it like a vacation. And we can have sex pretty much whenever we want...not right away, but after a little bit. You enjoyed having sex. A lot."

"You would have me raise your child with you?"

"Our child. I would have you raise our child with me."

A slice of a shadow raised, as if in approximation of an eyebrow.

"I have no experience raising children. I would not make a proper father."

"I don't have any experience either. We can learn together. You can become a proper father."

Another soft sigh followed.

"Our contract is not specific," she said resolutely.

"If you ever deal with my kind again, I would advise you to not be so...interpretative. Others might not tolerate it as I have."

"I don't care about what others think, I care about what you think."

Her baby cooed. She glanced down at him and then back up at his father.

"Raise him with me. He can be yours that way."

A third sigh came from the shadows.

"Do you agree to the terms of the contract?"

A silence fell in the dark, featureless space for a few painfully, agonizingly long seconds.


Katie smiled, feeling a weight she had not even noticed lift off her shoulders.

"Do you want to hold him?"

The demon hesitated, and then reached out.

She beamed, and carefully transferred their baby over.

Their baby cooed again, staring up squinty eyed at his father, receiving a similarly inquisitive gaze in turn.

"What will you tell everyone about me?" the demon asked her.

"I'll figure something out. I told them I wasn't sure who the father was, so there's some room to work with. You'll just have to get used to your human form."

His shadows began to swirl, and seconds later, his human form stood before her, olive skin, curly hair, and lean physique the same as it had been during their lustful encounter. Their baby babbled incoherently.

"So," Katie began, "we have something else to figure out, something very important."

The demon glanced over at her.


"What to name him. Any ideas? Oh, and what's your name, by the way?"

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Blackpaw29Blackpaw296 months ago

That was adorable

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Fantastic, and very cute

I KNEW they’d end up together! I look forward to the sexy adventures of hot mom and demon dad!

tz11138tz11138over 3 years ago

Definitely need more. Please

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Original and creative (pun intended)

A clever plot line very well presented. Perfect length yet fully developed despite it brevity. Impressive!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

this was a great read id almost want a sequel

apoxwolfapoxwolfover 3 years ago
Well written

A well written story, with a unique approach.

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