Opportunity of a Lifetime


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"Can I tell you again how grateful I am that you got rid of Anton once I proved to you that he physically and mentally abused me, and he was getting suspicious that I was having an affair. I wonder if he would have figured out that it was with you that I was having an affair with if you hadn't killed him?" Monica replied.

"I've always been attracted to you since Anton introduced us; I wish that I had met you first -- we'd already have kids."

"He probably would have killed me if he found out that the baby growing in my womb is yours and not his; I mean given the way that he physically abused me for no reason imagine what he would have done if he found that out?"

"No need to think about it again, Monica my love. I took care of him and you'll never have to worry about anyone ever abusing you again as long as I'm alive."

"Do you think that Natalie Morrill actually did see the text you were trying to hide from her; the one where you intimated to your friend that you and I were fucking before Anton's death?"

"Given her last comment to me, she probably did see it." I didn't tell Monica Natalie's entire comment; just that my secret was safe with her. "Regardless, I believe her when she says the secret is safe with her. Now what say we do a little more celebrating, with another love-making session and then I'll give you a back rub?"

A few minutes later Monica moaned "Oh fuck yes that feels good" as I again entered her expectant pussy in the doggy position.

Later, as I rubbed Monica's back I thought it best that after the baby is born (fortunately Anton and I look a lot alike) that we move to another state that has attorney licensing reciprocity and get married only after living there a few months. When I mentioned it to her -- between grunts of pleasure -- Monica was on board.

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teedeedubteedeedubalmost 2 years ago

Yes, you are hapless. Cute story, fuck all the critics........

6King6Kingabout 2 years ago


GumpershnickalGumpershnickalabout 2 years ago

Interesting story. alot of little mistakes I don't normally associate with you but good job

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

A special reply for "amyyum's" Regret that so few readers don't rate wickedness 5*.

I didn't realize that with stories published in "LW" base murder would be a reason for 5*. Surely you noticed that I gave 5*. But I gave that up mainly because of the nature and style of the story. How the author develops the protagonists and what feelings he evokes in me. In terms of content, 90% of the stories published here should be given 1*!

KRD19254KRD19254about 2 years ago

Sorry to many disconnects to establish a real time-line. 'Imhap' steering readers by selective omissions, i.e. store video at 12:27 but too far to drive to the Park to give Anton the fatal shove - based off Anton's broken watch assumed to be time-of-death???


Will being such a clever lawyer retained potentially incriminating texts on his phone - how arrogant and unlikely! And Will did not have Monica walk past a store camera to confirm an alibi??? It's implied Will pushed Anton but not a Perry Mason type conclusion.


What this story does prove so many times in LW, lawyers are slimy adulterers and a News reporter will CHEAT and do anything (even let a murderer walk) for a story.


3*, hooyah, unimpressed with writing methods used to manipulate readers

MbgdallasMbgdallasabout 2 years ago


They didn’t meet. He claimed that they met at 12:45 but was in the video at 12:27. That gave him the additional 15 minutes which was doable.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveabout 2 years ago

So how did he do it? If she couldn’t get there in time, how could he do so if they had been meeting before hand?

MafenMafenabout 2 years ago

Well written, but far-fetchedplot and the end was very predictable.

OOAAOOAAabout 2 years ago

GREAT story and very well written!!!!!! Congratulations!

A_BierceA_Bierceabout 2 years ago

Well-written story about poorly-behaved people. Would've been karmic if the prosecution had accepted his condition for the polygraph, then toward the end after 3 or 4 softballs he was asked "Did you impregnate the defendant?"

njlaurennjlaurenabout 2 years ago

Once we found out Monica was pregnant it was pretty easy to figure out he had been sleeping with her,so the 'shock' of him killing anton wasn't there. One big problem w the story is establishing the time of death from Anton's watch stopping. No cop would ever use that as evidence, just too easy for someone to set the watch's time and smash it ( which is prob what this guy would do). They would go by body temp,which gives a range. If Anton was killed later the TOD would make it possible Natalie ( or he) did it.

They guy also had to be dumb, bc who plans a murder like this and leaves any clue as to motive, like texts implying he was screwing Monica.

In some stories there might be some sympathy if Anton was shown to be an abusive brute, but all we have is Monica's word.

In the end I agree with the poster the narrator is a sleaze who slept with 2 married women and didn't care, knocked one up, and kills the husband...why? For the insurance. These days Monica could pretty easily get rid of Anton as a husband, even have him sent to jail, if he was abusing her. Assuming Anton was guilty of abuse then everyone is a sleaze.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989about 2 years ago

I think the big reveal at the end distracted from the story. Writing a segment where he seduced Monica would have made the story better.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

A very good story, very well told. I would always want to argue with you about the content. To me, nothing is more dramatic than seeing someone get away with murder. But as I said, that's my opinion and has nothing to do with the great story! 5*!!!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

Pretty damn good! We knew from the byline where the story would go, but still a fun ride. It was easy to figure out him and Monica when you foreshadowed with the texts he didn't want Natalie to see, but not too obvious. 5*

amyyumamyyumabout 2 years ago

This story, and the main characters, are just plain wicked. My God, you had the guy fucking both the lust of his life and he "friend's" wife and getting her pregnant. Then there's the pregnant wife conspiring with her lover to kill her husband, and the female reporter cheating on her husband to find out what it's like to be with a big macho man and loving it. Then the reporter and the MC keep each other's secrets.

Anything this absolutely ORIGINAL and wicked has to get 5*. Too bad that lots of people on Literotica don't appreciate originality -- or wickedness.

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