Our 6-Level Orgy: The Newbies

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There’s fun all the way to the end--with consent & approval.
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(Note to readers: This is a standalone story, but there will be more about these characters and their connections. So this can be seen as the first of a series of separate, but sequential, stories. [At the time I'm submitting this, in February 2024, I have two more stories that are about ready, and I intend to have them published about once a month.] The characters are cis het Americans, fucking for fun in a large group. They're all over 18 years old. Details on the sex are in the tags. Enjoy!)


My wife Sally and I host an orgy about once a month. We're in our forties, which is something of a sweet spot for couples who pursue ethical non-monogamy (or, if that term makes your eyes roll, try 'fucking outside marriage, with nobody getting hurt'). People who became parents early, have generally seen the adult kids fly the coop. Folks who had first marriages that didn't go well, are generally doing better in their seconds.

Nearly all of us are in stable zones in our careers (yes, even after COVID disruptions). We also slept around a lot in our college years, so it's not a huge stretch for us to resume that kind of wide-ranging whoopee, and hold no grudges against spouses doing the same. This time, we have dependable birth control, use condoms, and test routinely for sexually transmitted infections.

There are usually ten to twelve couples who gather at our large ranch house, which is connected to city services but remote enough to be private, for our purposes. There's a man and a woman in each couple, and we're basically hetero, and 'cis,' to use a recent term. A few folks like to play power-dynamic games, or use what I'll call 'accessories,' or enjoy confinement--but mostly we suck and fuck, swapping as twosomes or merging as manysomes. Whatever makes everybody happy. In this group, though, some people hold back in various ways, and we have an arrangement that makes that possible. I think the best way to describe that is to recount what happened when a new couple visited recently.

Along with using some phony names (like 'Sally') and doing other things to protect the naughty, I won't say anything about how we maintain everyone's privacy, or allow new people to find us. Trust me (or don't), it all works.

This new couple was young, just under thirty. Their names, in this writing, are Aaron and Deirdre. They're childless, and declined to say whether they'd stay that way. Sally and I think that's their business, not ours.

They may have been a bit surprised to see that we, and everyone else they saw when they arrived, are older than they are. But they weren't turned off. Generally, our crowd is fit, and decent looking. Sally is 5' 6", lean, but curvy, with short golden hair. I'm a shade over six feet, dark-haired, and can get by without my glasses when making love.

The nitty gritty? The over-forty men take either sildenafil or tadalafil. You know, boner pills. We're all normally capable, but for an event like this, erections should be prolonged (not necessarily for four hours), or quickly resume after orgasm. We don't want the ladies to be dissatisfied.

As for the newcomers, brown-haired Aaron was maybe an inch taller than I, in a sleeveless top that showed carved biceps. (Sally approved.) Deirdre was about 5' 8," with shoulder-length strawberry-blonde hair, a sweet face with big blue eyes, a short waist, and nice long legs. (I approved.)

However, we didn't perv on the newbies. As we showed them around the place--especially the large open living room, where most of the banging happens--Sally and I tried to get a clear grasp of whether these two really understood about, ahem, ethical non-monogamy.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" I asked, once I was sure they were both paying attention.

"Totally!" said Aaron.

I expected that from him, and wasn't satisfied with it. "What about you, Deirdre?"

"Um, yeah," she returned, nodding, and not smiling.

Sally asked them, "Whose idea was this?"

"Mine," Aaron admitted. "but Dee agreed to give it a try."

I faced Deirdre. "The way this is set up, you can leave at any time. We announce when one phase is ending and the next is about to start. That can be a good time for a couple to agree that they've gone as far as they'd like."

Sally said to Aaron, "You could think of this as like a video game, with different levels. You can play as many levels as you're comfortable with, but then finish your game before the start of a level that you think might be too much. Then, over the next few weeks, you can talk it through. If you come back, you might decide to stay for higher levels."

Aaron nodded at Sally, really looking at her. Clearly wondering at what 'level' he might be able to do more than look.

"The point being," I said, "you should know your comfort zone. If one of you is ready to leave, before the other reaches a level you're hoping for, you can always come back. If that's something you'd both like."

"That sounds good," said Deirdre, looking at Aaron.

"We're here now," he told her. "Let's not think about next month."

Sally and I shared a look. A red flag wasn't waving, but its storage case had opened.

"The bar over there," I said, indicating the far end of the room, "is lightly stocked. Nobody here is a heavy drinker, and we hope you don't think that's necessary for you. We don't need to lower our inhibitions."

"Really?" said Deirdre, looking at me with a bright smile.

"She hates beer breath," said Aaron, with a bit of an edge.

"She's not alone," said Sally, giving Aaron a wink. That got a smile from him.

"As Sally pointed out," I said, "the evening advances in phases. Level One is, simply, conversation. We small-talk with one another, catch up on what's happening. Having new people will change that. We'll all introduce ourselves, and try to learn about you. Whatever you're willing to tell us."

Sally said, "We're boring old people," as much to me as to the newbies. "If anybody starts in on their golf game or Pinterest account, I'll bang a hammer on a frying pan."

"Anyway," I said, "Level One is where we are now. Gradually working our way to the sofas and the floor cushions. Not necessarily with our spouses."

"Cool," said Aaron. He held out a hand towards Deirdre and seemed to bedroom-eye her. In liquid tones he said, "Would my special lady like to join me?"

Deirdre smiled, and scrunched a bit, taking his hand. Clearly this was a move Aaron had made several times, and it still worked.

They went to a sofa and sat together. Sally and I gave them space, but kept watch. A few couples came and went, joining them on the sofa. The young folks seemed to relax a bit, with Aaron not as hot-to-trot. I took that as a good sign.


In the interest of preserving everyone's privacy, I will skip nearly all of the conversations. But I'll include this, from one of our African-American couples. Esther sat on the sofa with Aaron and Deirdre, and brought out her usual joke: "From my perspective, what we're doing with y'all is what I call ethnical non-monogamy!" Both newbies laughed, politely and perhaps genuinely.

Note: Esther was born and raised in the urban Northeast. She brings out 'y'all' sometimes for effect.

The living room isn't just big, we've furnished it for this kind of action. We have four sofas, six loveseats, four overstuffed easy chairs, thirty big floor cushions, and three ceiling fans. At the start of the night, we have sixty large towels available, along with ten boxes of condoms, forty bottles of lube, and two cases of water-based wet-wipes. Those are stored on shelf units behind the bar, because they won't be used until later.

In time Sally said, "Time to bring down the lights. For the benefit of Aaron and Deirdre, this is the start of our Level Two. You may now, with consent, make out with other people. This is hugging and kissing with clothes still on, and not touching erogenous zones." Sally also turned on slow-dance music, at background-level volume, so quiet conversation can be audible.

The dimmed lights don't impede vision, so people don't blindly bump into each other. A pair in the midst of a makeout can generally, ahem, make out the other's facial features, and a new person who may try to join or swap with the pair knows who the pair are. This clearly did not apply to Aaron and Deirdre, who didn't know any of us.

As the hosts, Sally and I felt obligated to start Level Two with Aaron and Deirdre. I was relieved to see them making out together. A couple with a strong bond often starts this way at their first orgy, in effect saying that each will be here for the other.

Sally and I gave them a couple minutes. When they started to look up from their cuddle and check out the room, Sally and I sat with them.

"May we join you?" I asked.

"Oh, please do!" said Deirdre, turning to me.

Sally stood Aaron up and said, "When I cheat on my husband, I like to be at least ten feet away." Aaron laughed as she guided him to floor cushions at least ten feet away.

Taking Deirdre into my arms, I asked, "What do you like?"

She caught on that I meant what she'd like in this limited makeout. "Gentle kissing," she said quietly. "Tongue is okay. And you can hug me close."

I leaned down to her to begin the kiss and embrace, but she slid her legs over mine, and levered her butt onto my lap. This put us roughly even from the waist up, with so much of her height in her legs.

We tongued into our mouths slowly and smoothly. Her hands on my back traced ribs and scapulae through my polo shirt. Her breathing quickened.

She freed her mouth to whisper, "When can I undress you?"

I phrased this carefully. "Limited garment removal would happen in Level Three. No breasts or genitals exposed then." I didn't want her to focus on me exclusively, although I really would have liked that.

She pressed her torso on mine. She said, "You feel nice," then resumed our frenching. She squirmed on my lap, and felt what thickened there. "That too."

I was very aware of how nice she felt on me, high and low. "Thanks."

Even in the low light, I saw that she may have been miffed, because I hadn't reciprocated the praise.

I whispered, "There are a lot of people here. You could get better acquainted with them, if you like. I live here, you can always find me. And I'll be very happy if you do."

She chuckled quietly. "Sorry, didn't mean to...you're just, really...okay, yeah." She gave me one more kiss, then stood up.

For the rest of Level Two, Aaron and Deirdre mingled pretty well. It helped that everyone else was receptive to them, and sometimes took the initiative. I mean, they were young, hot, and new.

A few of the regulars, seeking fun with us, followed our lead as Sally and I took turns to keep an eye on the young folks. This allowed me to get into a close cuddle with Fiona (during which we talked dirty, sotto voce, to put more sizzle into Level Two and set the stage for later). Sally enjoyed a flirt tour of most of the men, with deep kissing.

Then, in one of the trademark moments of our event, I went to a storage room in the back of the house, and wheeled to the living room the long, large clothes rack with hangers. I brought the lights back up full. Both for the newcomers and for the regulars, I announced, "Now we conclude Level Two, and begin a break, ten minutes or more. During that time, you may store your clothes here. Naughty bits are to remain covered in Level Three." I then showed Aaron and Deirdre the sticky notes they could use, to identify their clothes. "You probably won't need them, everybody remembers what they wear."

"Nuts," said Aaron, shedding his t-shirt. "I was hoping to swap for something nicer."

That surprised me, but not Deirdre, who laughed appreciatively. So did other people who heard him. I realized that Aaron is funny. He didn't even undermine the remark by leering about what else 'swap' and 'nicer' could mean, he simply let everyone else find that layer of the statement.

I saw that his humor was probably one of the major things that Deirdre liked about him. Maybe it carried a deeper self-awareness than he had shown so far.

My lovely Sally, down to bra and boy shorts, went to the bar, and topped off the big coffee urn. Most of the crowd gathered there, in part because Sally is enjoyable to observe when down to bra and boy shorts. Aaron and Deirdre were still at the coat rack, so I took the opportunity to provide a bit more guidance.

"I realize you don't know everybody," I said quietly, "but in just about every case, bonded couples have now gotten back together. They've been gallivanting around, and now they're checking in. In some cases, this for them to decide how much longer they'll stay, and how far they'll go, and who they'll play with. This is a chance for you to do that."

I then headed towards the bar, to give them that opportunity. I didn't eavesdrop, but I heard Deirdre talk first, quickly. She sounded more upbeat and exuberant than when they'd arrived. So far, so good. Maybe.


Once everybody was clearly done with the break and ready to resume friskiness, Sally brought the lights down again. I began Level Three on a clump of floor cushions, initially with Lindsay. She was in a sports bra that might have been a bit too small, because it gave her squeeze cleavage, which was emphasized with each deep breath. I was, of course, motivated to make her breathe that way, so I did things that I knew would arouse her, like kissing behind her ears and caressing her butt. At first she had breathed heavily without needing to, for the same reason she had chosen this bra, but soon I had encouraged her lungs to do that. It's good to be familiar with a makeout partner.

Soon, Larry joined us, on Lindsay's other side. Then arrived Steffi, pressing onto my open side. In short order, hands and mouths were going all over the place, mainly but not entirely to surfaces of the opposite sex.

We became an example. I heard Sally's voice, to one or both of the newbies, say this: "When consent is established, we can go beyond couples, and outside matrimony. All four of them have left their spouses, to form this snogpile."

I didn't look towards her. I paid attention to my fellow snoggers. I enjoyed doing so, and I'm sure they did also. Even though Steffi can be a terrible tease. She likes to lick me right along the waistband of my boxer briefs, and then grin at me.

In a little while, this particular snog broke up, as folks sought out others for this kind of fun. I hung back, making enough eye contact with Sally (on a sofa with Dan and Lester) to let her know that I'd maintain oversight for a while. This is, in fact, something she and I take turns on, even when we don't have new people. It's a safety thing. We both know first aid.

I had to explain this to Deirdre. I was on a stool at the bar, looking out upon the entire arena of physical eagerness, when she approached me. Slowly, with a smile somewhere between cute and wicked. She pouted when she learned that she had to leave me alone, but then gave me a crooked smile over her shoulder as she went elsewhere. So, it appeared, she was funny too.

I saw that Aaron was clearly digging the action, making out on the floor with Margo. And surprised when, as the end of Level Three was announced, she kissed him and stood up.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Margo, her smile clear even in this light. "George and I only go this far. It's fun to play with other people like this, but nudity and sex we keep to ourselves. Thanks to you, we'll have a very exciting time when we get home. George may want to go all night."

"Seriously?" said Aaron, hands out in appeal to anyone who might listen.

"Not everyone here goes to the limit," rumbled bass-voiced Bennett. "There's even different stops within couples. My wife Lindsay will be happy to be nude with you in the next level, but without arousing any erogenous zones. During that time, I will give and receive manual stimulation of those zones. Then we'll be on our way."

Margo leaned to give Aaron another kiss, stroking the hair on the back of his head. "I'll fantasize about you tonight," she said with a parting smile. She probably thought that would make him feel better, but in physiological terms, it probably made him feel worse.

I blamed myself for failing to anticipate this. I waved Aaron to approach me. He stalked over, likely beyond frustrated.

"We have plenty of bathrooms," I murmured for his ears only. "It's okay to go rub one out. Blue balls aren't good for anybody." Even with tadalafil in my system, I had failed to think in terms of the metabolism of a younger male, especially one who had shown up horny. "We're in the break between levels. You won't miss anything."

"She's really hot!" he griped.

"I've never banged her either," I told him. "I keep hoping that she and George will loosen up with us. But we'll never pressure them. They're friends of ours, and they play by the rules."

Aaron managed a half-smile. "Could everyone maybe wear signs around their necks? Like 'cocktease' or 'total slut?'"

I returned a quarter-smile, but said, "I'll let that go, because you're new and I didn't prepare you for this. But lose that attitude, now, or I'll have to kick you out." His humor appeared to cover a wide spectrum. The nasty part didn't belong here.

He took a breath, and said, "Sorry."

"Accepted. Now go do what's necessary."

As Aaron went to a corridor, accurately judging where bathrooms might be, Deirdre approached me, with a puzzled look.

"Is he okay?"

Now I needed to take a breath. If Margo, in bra and panties, was hot, Deirdre was scalding. Her skin, everywhere I could see it, was smooth, and supple, and...inviting? I overcame that earlier, but now she might be about to get naked.

"I think he will be," I said, giving Aaron the benefit of the doubt. "You might want to keep checking in with him. And if you have to leave early, try to make sure that he doesn't go over the top with you when you get home."

I didn't want to assume too much about someone I'd just met. But the expression that came to her face, and then quickly departed, suggested to me that she'd had over-the-top times with him. Not good ones.

A few of our male regulars hovered around us. I gave them stern looks. This conveyed them that they shouldn't instantly pounce on the chance to be the one to undrape Deirdre. They all moved off.

Then Sally sashayed up to my right, and side-hugged me. To Deirdre she said, "I'm definitely in the mood to take one for the team. Actually, more than one. Will you be okay with me promising Aaron, as soon as he's back, that I'll boink him if you stay to Level Six?"

This fleeting Deirdre expression looked, to me, like relief. "Hey, it's an orgy," said Deirdre. "He's looking for more women."

Since I'd fucked up by omission before, I now tried to anticipate any other issues. "You should keep checking in," I repeated. "For your sake, too. Make sure you still feel okay with Sally making that move, when Aaron puts on a condom."

"Okay," said Deirdre, nodding. Nothing obvious, to me, in her expression. Maybe a serious effort to fulfill orgy etiquette.

Sally delivered the next announcement, after everyone had returned to the living room. Aaron was not the only one who'd stepped away, and maybe not the only one to deal with excess arousal. Although, as Freud never said, sometimes a bathroom trip is just a bathroom trip.

"In Level Four," said my wife, "erogenous zones must be fully revealed. If you have special items that make you feel sexy, like leather, or high heels, you can wear them as long as what your partners hope for are fully in play. This means breasts, crotches, and butts. Mouths may be used on breasts, but not crotches or butts."