Our Little Secret Ch. 09


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Jen and Joel watched the Uber taxi drive off. Jen looked at Joel. "How do you manage it?"

"What?" Joel shrugged defensively, not even knowing what he was being accused of.

"You know what I want even when I don't. How do you do it?"

"You're not that mysterious, Jen," Joel kissed her, but she pushed him away. "You are a good, honest, kind, beautiful, loving person. It's actually quite easy to please you."

"Oh?" she asked ominously with raised eyebrows. "And how is that?"

"I aspire to try to be as half as good as you are." That was the bare truth. "Works every time," he smiled.

She drew forward and hugged him for a long time. "Well, let's see how I find a way to please you after dinner," she whispered. They headed back indoors where the whirling corgis were announcing their happiness.

In all truthfulness, the tetrazzini was good, but not great. But neither of them had to cook it, therefore it was wonderful.

After dinner, Jen started rinsing the dishes, but then remembered what April said, and left them in the sink. Joel had gone downstairs to the basement to see all the things that needed to be done there in preparation for the move.

While Joel was away in Seattle and Phoenix, Jen had done some shopping for California. Most of it was practical clothing, but she also purchased some special items. Jen went upstairs and put on a deep blue baby doll dress with a sheer see-through body below the bust and matching thong underwear. The upper bra part had a plunging neckline, right to the bottom of her bust. It had narrow shoulder straps. The sheer fabric was just barely long enough to cover her up.

She heard Joel come up the basement stairs, and she called down to him from the top of the second floor stairs. "Joel, can you come help me with something?"

"Sure," he called back, and she heard him climbing the stairs. She stood at the top of the steps, so when he rounded the corner at the landing, he saw her standing at the top in her exotic lingerie. "Well," he stopped dead on the landing with a grin on his face, "I don't know what you need help with, but I'm definitely willing."

"I was wondering if you could help me figure out what to do with this?" she said with a mock airhead tone, pulled a corner of the baby doll dress up, exposing her tiny underwear.

"Well," he said, slowly climbing the remaining steps, "that certainly seems like a hands-on job." He reached the step below the top, and put his hands on her hips, and kissed her chest between her breasts. "I might need to study the problem for a while," as he slipped his hands around her ass, and slipped them up inside her baby doll dress.

He stepped up to the second floor, and pushed her back to give him room to stand, and then kissed her on the mouth. She undid his belt, and pulled off his pants. His already stiffened cock was unapologetically tenting inside his underpants. "My, my!" she whispered. "It looks like you're using two heads to solve this problem," and she slipped her hand inside his underpants and wrapped her slender fingers around his stiffened cock.

Joel stepped out of his pants, and slowly, gently pushed Jen's shoulders, and she stepped backwards through the bedroom door as Joel steered her toward the bed. He crouched down in front of her, and Joel pulled down the dainty thong underwear, revealing a completely shaven pussy. He pulled the underpants to her feet, and he helped her step out of them. "Someone has been doing some trimming down here," he said softly, kissing gently where her thick bush used to be.

"It's the Californians thing, isn't it?"

Joel wasn't sure why he was the authority of Californian pussy hair. "California here we come," and he lowered his kisses to her pussy lips, and Jenny let her head fall back and moaned.

She regained her senses, and gently pulled Joel up to his standing position, and this time she squatted down, and pulled his underpants down and instantly took him into her mouth and sucked on his aching love machine. She looked up at him with her big eyes while she continued sucking him. "Could you do something for me?" Jen asked. Joel looked up from her crotch. "Could you please me orally?" she asked.

"I'll try," Joel nodded. "I'm not very experienced in that department. Maybe you can coach me through it."

"And after that I'll please you any way you want," she promised.

She lay back on the bed, and Joel nestled between her open legs. Joel rested his face over her freshly denuded pussy and pressed his flat tongue over her upper pussy lips just to get things started. She put her hands on his head and encouraged him with light moaning. Soon Joel brought a finger next to her pussy, and pulled it open, letting the tip of his tongue dip down into her electrified zone. "Not right on it," she whispered. "It's too intense, more just to one side."

Joel moved to the left slope of her inner folds, and started stroking lightly "Yes," she purred, "just like that." He shifted from left to right side occasionally, and the new sensation brought more moans of delight. She started rocking her hips as Joel grew confidence in his tongue action. Jen rubbed her fingers over the back of his head to coach him on how fast and hard to stroke, and quickly the teamwork paid off as Jen knew she was closing in on her first oral orgasm in her life.

Joel's tongue was getting tired, but he didn't let that slow him down. He continued stroking her, and he knew she was close by listening to her breathing. Now the fingers on his head were pressing harder and harder, and she was groaning louder, so Joel took a chance and went right over her clit and pressed into it with his tongue, and Jen sucked in a huge breath as her hips came off the bed as her clit fired electrical charges to every reach of her body. Joel stayed with her, and kept pressing hard into her pussy, and the second wave tore into Jen's flesh as she let her breath out in a long, low moan.

Joel pressed again, but in an instant, Jen had crossed the line from pleasure to pain, and she gently pulled him off. "That was fantastic," she whispered, still out of breath.

Joel lay beside her with his hand over her baby doll covered breast. She started to get up, but he held her there. "Relax and enjoy," he whispered, and he put her hand over his, and together they held her breast in place.

After five minutes of bonding, Jen turned toward him. "So, what can I do for you?"

"Well," Joel had been working up to it in his mind, "how about we recreate our first night together?"

"You want to ... on my face?" she asked gently, without scorn or judgment.

"Some sucking, some fucking, some between the breasts, and then on your face," he nodded.

"Okay," she smiled, "but no pictures this time." Joel was lying on his back. Jen settled between his legs, and took Joel into her mouth. She sucked him slowly and steadily, like she does, and soon brought her hand to assist with some steady jerking. All his oral work on her had already built up his own arousal levels, and Joel quickly felt his balls churning. He moaned appreciatively as her cheeks puckered inwards on each upstroke from her sucking action.

Jen pulled off, and crawled forward over his body, and kissed Joel as she lowered herself onto him. "What about a condom?" he asked.

"Don't cum in me," she whispered, and lowered herself onto his bareback cock, and they both groaned as Joel entered Jen naturally for the first time. Her lubricants were dripping out of her freshly orgasmed pussy, and Jen easily slid up and down Joel's rod. She sat up onto his hips and sucked in a harsh breath as Joel bottomed out into her deep vagina. Jen lifted herself up a little, and pulled her baby doll dress over her head, revealing her perfect tits and large nipples.

Joel reached up and played with her breasts while she rode his cock for a good five minutes. His balls were closing on critical. "You better pull off," he warned her, and she gently lifted herself off him, and lay on her back beside him. Joel straddled her torso, and rested his cock between her perfect breasts. She squeezed them together, and he started fucking between her tits, watching his cock pop above her breasts between each stroke.

Just like their first time, she reached down and opened her mouth, and sucked the tip of his cock on each thrust, and the combination of senses and visuals quickly vaulted Joel over the edge. He pulled away, and jerked his cock, aiming for her face. She closed her eyes but lifted her chin up, waiting for the onslaught. Joel's balls finally burst, rifling the first shot across her left cheek, beside her eye. The second one was straight up the middle of her nose, between her eyes. He kept on jerking as the third one went across her right eye, up into her hair. The next two went over her left eye again. When he was finally done, Joel whispered "Don't move."

He walked naked into the connected bathroom, and retrieved a fresh washcloth and ran warm water through it, and returned, and handed it to Jenny. She wiped her face off with the cloth. Joel took it back, and dropped it in the sink. He came back and lay down beside her, and they held each other.

"We should get tested," Jenny said, breaking a few minutes silence with the practicalities of a long term relationship.

"Yeah, good idea," he said, and they kissed. "Are you on birth control?"

"I used to be on the pill. I stopped a while ago, but I can go back on."

Colonel Greene better be right about doing the impossible.

- - -

Trish Maples picked up the phone again. This was one of those once-in-a-lifetime calls. Trish had always been regarded as something of a dinosaur – a relic who still believed in old fashioned investigative journalism. There were a few papers that still prescribed that approach, but even they were feeling the pinch as fewer readers were willing to parse through the details when the ten second sound bitewas so much easier.

She always liked Insight at ABC. Trish had to look up who the executive producer was – she was out of touch for so long. It was still Tony Armstrong, or Anthony as he was known professionally.

She started up her voice recorder, put her phone in speaker mode, and dialed the number. She asked for Anthony Armstrong, and was routed to his assistant. She asked for Tony, said it was Trish Maples calling, and he wanted this call.

"Trish!" Tony's voice came on the line. They had started in the ranks together. He followed the wave toward faster, shorter news cycle journalism, and climbed the corporate ladder. She never begrudged him for that, but always felt he looked down on her for not following his footsteps. "Long time. How are you?"

"Tony," Trish went straight to the point. "You're my first call, and it's up to if you you're my last. I have a major exclusive, and I need someone to produce the interview."

"Whaddagot, Trish," she could hear Tony's oh-no-not-again tone. Not that Trish was prone to calling with this kind of offer, but Tony must receive this pitch all the time.

"I have the mastermind behind the Albuquerque Orgy. The man who made all those girls fuck their brains out." Trish knew how to deal with guys. The line went quiet for a long time. She thought maybe he disconnected. "Tony?"

"You mean you have the guy who actually forced twelve women in Albuquerque to participate in an orgy against their will, and one of them died. You have that guy." Trish could tell by the way Tony was talking someone else was in the room, and he was backfilling that person in.

"That's the guy. I'm coming to you as an exclusive. My next call is CNN."

"No, no – wait Trish," his tone was serious now. "Don't go to CNN. What do you want? Trish I'm putting you on speakerphone. Trish Maples, I have Sally Jamison here." Sally Jamison was the lead anchor for Insight.

"Hi Sally," Trish offered warmly.

"Trish, did I hear Anthony correctly? Do you have the Albuquerque Orgy guy?"

"The one and only," Trish nodded into her phone.

"Have you met him?" Sally asked.

"I've spoken to him on the phone," Trish explained. "He is willing to talk. He is in custody, and I have made full arrangements for this interview."

"Trish, there was never an arrest for that," Tony objected.

"It's not that kind of custody," Trish explained. "That's all I can tell you before you sign."

"What do you want, Trish?" Tony asked again, and this time listened.

"I want Sally to do a three hour hidden identity interview spanned over three one-hour Insight shows. You do a different one minute bio cut-out on me in all three shows, and you give me credit on the entire story and three million."

"When do we get to meet the person?"

"Whenever you want, but there are travel considerations and security restrictions around that that I'll explain once we're signed up."

"Where is this person?"

"Hawaii," Trish explained. "And there are two caveats. No identifying information of any people involved, and no discussion of the deaths, which are under criminal investigation."

"Trish," Sally's voice came through, "I think you're over-reaching. We can dedicate one show. Not three."

"You will wish you had agreed to five when you hear the rest, Sally. Trust me when I tell you, the Albuquerque Orgy is the lead in to the bigger story. You get to hear that when you sign up."

"Trish, how about we agree on two shows," it was Tony, "and we'll look at what you have, and see if needs a third?"

"No," Trish shook her head. "You agree to three shows now, and you will thank me later, or I call CNN, and you'll put a gun to your pretty head and blow your brains out all over that expensive glass wall in your office. Tony, you know me. I do not ever blow smoke."

"Give us a moment," Tony said. They pressed the mute button.

"Trish?" It was Tony two minutes later.


"Three shows. We put an assistant tied to your hip who reports to us. Everywhere you go, everyone you see. You get three 30 second bio cut-outs – one in each show – and credit for the whole thing. Two million, but this larger story has to pan out, or there's no deal."

"Deal," Trish said right away. "I guarantee you will consider it a bargain when the dust settles."

"What's our first move?" It was Sally.

"After we sign, I need the two of you, your assistant producer, and an executive vice president or higher of ABC to go to DC, and swear an oath of secrecy before a federal judge. Then I will introduce you to a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. That's the bigger story." The line went quiet again. "Guys, you there?"

"Trish, just how big is this story?" Sally asked.

"Sally, you are going to cum on live TV."

"How quick to air do you think we're talking?" Sally said, ignoring the crass remark.

"If you don't run this by Labor Day, someone else will sniff out the story and beat you to it. But understand, even if they do, I have a lock on this Albuquerque guy. No one else has my access."

"Trish, we're going to fly you up here," Sally said. Trish knew they were in New York.

"Send me the papers. I'll set up the JCS meeting in DC once we're all signed up."

"Trish," it was Tony. "I know you had options. Thanks for coming to us first."

"I start with the best," Trish smiled, and hung up, and stopped the recording.

"That went well," Colonel Brian Greene complimented Trish Marples after she hung up.

"I told you they'd go for it," she smiled.

- - - End of Chapter 9 - - -

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This story is getting better, as the author settles into the idea. I liked it from the beginning, but as it is refined it gets even better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great Story

The story is well thought out and very enjoyable to read. I keep looking forward to the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great story

Really enjoying the tale. Best story on literotica. A little sex and a real story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Everyone seems interested in three girls who stripped on a bar.

Which is unusual considering how often that happens. Have you ever seen a Girls Gone Wild? Spring Break or Mardi Gras or hell, just a typical Saturday night? There is way too much interest in a fairly common occurrence to justify your story.

The perpetrator is locked up for life after being framed with child porn, when Joel raped two young women and defrauded however many others. It's just stupid and it's very disappointing how this playing out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing

Really enjoying you're story and look forward to seeing more :)

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