Out of the Ashes...


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When I pulled into the driveway, Julia's car was in the garage. I parked, walked in the kitchen door, and just about tripped on her luggage.

She came around the corner with another bag in hand, and I said, "Going somewhere?"

"Well, I thought I had better leave before you kicked my ass out. And before you start, if you are going to just yell at me, then please just leave, and I will be out of your hair in a few minutes."

"Julia, we have been together too many years for me to yell. But I would like to approach this as adults and talk over everything."

"Ok, follow me up to the bedroom while I pack."

I asked, "First of all, where are you going? I only want to know where to get in touch with you."

"I don't know a hotel I guess."

"Ok, so you are not moving in with him?"

"Michael, I don't want to get into this. Besides, I don't want to ever see that little weasel again."

"Ok, as long as you are not moving in with him, why don't you keep your things in the guest bedroom until we can tell the kids, and you find someplace to go?"

"Michael, you can't be serious? You do know what happened?"

"Yes, I know, and I don't mind as long as you are not running to him."

"Well, you can bet on that. After Bob fired us this morning, Mark walked out of Bob's office and in front of God and everybody yelled, 'You whore, I would still have my job if you hadn't flaunted your pussy in my face.' Yeah, we're done!"

I started to giggle, and it became a full-blown laugh. I said, "Ohhh, Julia, how have we come to this." Then she started to laugh.

I said, "The guest room is still open to you if you wish. How do you want to tell the kids? I don't want to do it over the telephone; how about you and me drive up to Sacred Heart and UCONN tomorrow. We can have lunch with one and dinner with the other. It will be a long day, but I would like to handle it face-to-face."

"Let me think about it. Do you think we can stay here without killing one another?"

I said, "You go to your room and I will go to mine. I'll move a TV in your room or anything else that will make you comfortable."

"Ok, I'll do that," was her reply.

I said, "Then you can hunt for a place or I will hunt for a place, whichever you want."

"I'll find a place. I'm the one who fucked this up." Then we both laughed at what she had said. With that, the hostilities were quenched.

"I'll help you move," I said. "Ok, with that out of the way, may I propose that we divide everything fifty-fifty. We keep it all above board to the best we can. You are the mother of our children. We will be with each other on occasions and I don't want any animosity. Ok?"

"I knew there was a reason I love-loved you. You are too damn good!"

"Ok, you get settled and let me know what you want to be moved to the guest room. I will probably go back to work and be back around five or six."

I went back to my safe harbor, my office. I walked in, told Sara that I wasn't to be bothered and shut my door. I got everything of an immediate nature off my desk and then typed an email to all of the department heads that I wouldn't be in the office until Wednesday. I also told them that after Wednesday, my office hours would be erratic for the rest of the week. Even though I knew Kelly was in a marketing committee meeting, while my door was closed I picked up my cell phone and called her cell phone.

She immediately picked up and said, "Hold on, let me step out into the hallway. You OK?"

"Well I'm better than a dead man" I replied. "The shit hit the fan. Julia's boss caught her in bed with another agent and she was fired. I went home and talked to her. She is staying in the guest bedroom for the next couple of days until we can tell the kids, and she can find a place. I can't stay here; people will want to talk to me. I think I will go to the Club to find a drink. It shouldn't be busy this time of day. Can you getaway?"

She said, "I'm so sorry, I can't getaway. I have this meeting and of course, Timmy is playing golf this afternoon so I will have to get the kids. Promise me you will call me later."

"Sure, I call you later."

I then called the girls and made arrangements to meet with them the next day.

I left and headed to the Club just to stay away from work and the house. Well, that was a mistake. As I walked into the Club everyone I met said they were sorry to hear about me and Julia. The word had gone through town faster than a fire. The story might as well have been in 28-point newspaper headlines in the local newspaper.

I went into the bar and sat alone in the back corner table. I think everyone knew to leave me alone. It allowed me to think for the first time today. My mind was running a thousand different scenarios. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. My thoughts ran from wanting to go back in time when we truly loved one another to wondering if I'd made a mistake allowing Julia to stay in the guest room. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have thrown her ass out. If I had the girls would have given me hell for mistreating their Mother. Regardless, the results will be the same whether it be today or a week from now. Julia would soon be on her own and away from me. I wondered if I would have reacted differently to Julia's indiscretion if Kelly wasn't in my life. Regarding Kelly, I keep asking myself do we have a true relationship or is it just basic human desire?

After some further thought, I realized that I needed something like this to occur to sever the relationship. I just hadn't been able to do it on my own. Since it had occurred there's been no separation anxiety. I also realized the pent-up tension surrounding my home life had disappeared. My usual tight chest allowed me to breathe easy for the first time in a long time, and my head cleared. The way this situation had unfolded made my path crystal clear.

The next thing that popped into mind was finding an attorney. I picked up my phone and called Dan Richards, a friend who had gone through a similar situation not long ago. He led me to Melanie Ryan, an attorney who he described as a pit bull with a take no prisoners attitude. She sounded like the person I needed to represent me. I made arrangements to see her Thursday. I then made a checklist of items that I needed to get done, most of it financial in nature. The way the situation had presented itself, I didn't think the separation and eventual divorce would be much of a problem, but you never know when you might need a pit bull.

I thought about what I was going to say to the girls, and how they would react. Going to see them tomorrow was the right decision. This is not something that needed to be conveyed over the phone.

Then my thoughts fell to Kelly. Over the past couple of months, we had grown close. Not all of our time together involved sex and even at that, we still haven't had full intercourse. On occasions, she and I just had lunch and talk. Even if sex wasn't involved there was one thing that Kelly desired. She was starved for affection; hugs, kisses, and cuddling were mandatory. Sex was secondary to her craving for closeness.

I stayed at the Club until about 4:30 making arrangements, but before I left, I called Kelly's cell phone. The timing was perfect; she was back in her office.

When she answered she said, "Hold on, let me shut my door. Where are you?"

I told her I was still at the Club but was headed home. I told her we were going to see the girls tomorrow and I would be back to work on Wednesday. I also told her I had an appointment with an attorney on Thursday.

She asked if I was sober enough to drive. I said I had had only two beers all afternoon. I was good. Her only request was that I stay in touch and to call anytime I wanted to talk.

The rest of the week was a whirlwind. It was just about frigid in the car as the weather outside going and coming back to see the girls. I thought the girls would be upset, but I guess my girls are smarter than I am. I think they saw it coming. On the way back Julia thanked me for not putting her on the spot with the girls. She also said she appreciated me not prying.

Julia started looking on Wednesday and quickly found a place she could move into on Saturday. She spent Thursday and Friday packing up. I was in and out of the office both days. I helped Julia move some of her things on Saturday. I spoke with Kelly at least once each day.

After delivering the last box on Saturday as I was about to leave, Julia came up to me, put her hand on my cheek and said, "Michael, I'm sorry, so sorry," and gave me a quick peck on my lips. The finality of her words was deafening.

After coming back from Julia's condo, I walked through the house. Julia's closet was completely empty, her make-up and toiletries all gone. There was little remaining in the house that would imply that she was ever here. There were no voices, no talking, and no laughing. It felt so cold and I felt so lonely. That's when the weight of the situation hit me. I sat down on the side of my bed and cried.

I was awakened Sunday by a telephone call from Becky. Over the last few days, she and Lindsey have been talking with Julia and with each other. Becky said that she and Lindsey agreed that Julia was a selfish bitch. She wanted to know how I was doing and said that she and Lindsey would come home if I wanted.

I told her not to be too hard on her mother. Although I was not at the top of the world, I was getting better each day. About that time, my front doorbell rang. I told Becky I would call her back. In just my t-shirt and pajama bottoms I went to answer the door.

"My goodness, were you expecting me?" It was Kelly. Timmy was on a weekend golf outing with his buddies and she had taken the kids over to her mother's.

She said, "Change and I will take you to breakfast." I changed and we left. She drove.

While at breakfast Kelly said, "Michael, I have a little confession that I never told you. There have been rumors about Julia for a long time. That is one reason that I built up enough courage to approach you and play our little game. Enough said about that subject. I won't bring up anything unless you bring it up."

Man, I must have been a blind idiot.

We ran into several people at breakfast that both Kelly and I knew. They must have known about Julia. It was either my paranoia or everyone was whispering about Julia and/or me being out with another woman.

We went to the mall just to walk after breakfast; we met the same situation. More people we knew, and more whispers. I guess with me being with Kelly, and Julia's affair becoming public, we did give them something to talk about.

As we drove back into my driveway I asked, "Do you want to come in?"

Kelly said, "No, the temptation is too great."

I said, "Temptation?"

"Yeah, if I go back in with you, we would both end up naked, I wouldn't want to leave, and I need to go to pick up the kids."

"And what is wrong with that?"

Kelly responded, "Although I would love it more than you know, I don't think this is the time. We need more time. Besides, it seems that the Mom Taxi never ends."

You know, I always thought I was the smart one. I was finding out my girls and Kelly had a better grasp on things than I did.

Kelly and I sat in the car and made out and groped a little bit, and then she left.

Monday was a return to normalcy at work. I didn't get to talk with Kelly much. I got a text from her about 10:30 Monday night. It said, "Found something. Need to see you. I argued with Timmy. He left. Lunch tomorrow?" Of course, I replied, "Yes."

When I walked into Little's on Tuesday at lunch, I knew where to find her. When I sat down, she didn't say a word, she just slid a 'Thank You' card over to me. But as I opened the card, I realized the card wasn't for me.

Whoever sent the card was a good artist. Inside the card was a drawing of a couple in bed, having sex, with her legs over the man's shoulders with their genitalia exposed and exaggerated. Floating over the bed were several written phrases of 'Oh God!' with lines attributed to the woman. The names of 'Gina and Timmy' were written to the side with lines to the man and woman. On the other side on the floor was something in a pile, with lines to the written words of 'cum rags'.

At the bottom was an inscription: "Thank you for the great weekend. I'm so sore I can hardly walk. Love, Gina."

I looked up, with a questioning look. She said, "I found it on the floor of the garage. I guess it fell out of his golf bag when he took it out of his car. I made copies of it and confronted him last night. It wasn't like the confrontation that you and Julia had. We fought. He tore up a copy of the card that he thinks was the original. I'm glad I made copies. He admitted to the affair. All of these weekend golf outings he has been going on, she has been going with him. All of his golf buddies know all about her and have been covering for him. She even fixes their meals when they come in from playing golf. It has been going on for quite some time. He said some nasty and hurtful things. I wasn't much better. He said I could have the kids; he didn't want anything to do with them. The argument got to a point that he packed a bag and left just before I texted you. I guess he went to stay with his little slut."

I asked, "Do you have an attorney?"


"OK, if I call my attorney to see if she can see you this afternoon, would you go? She's good, a real hard charger."

After hearing my words Kelly faced the reality of the situation and showed her first signs of emotion. Tears dribbled from her eyes, after a moment her head started shaking and she finally replied "Yes,".

I drove Kelly over to Melanie's office, made the introduction, and then sat in the lobby so they could talk. When I was facing divorce with Julia, Melanie came highly recommended. Julia agreed to use the same attorney. Melanie was handling everything and dealing directly with Julia. It seems to be going well, and I hoped to sign the separation agreement soon. Melanie was fair and straight down the middle. But I didn't think she would be as amenable with Timmy, particularly after his remark about the boys.

Sure enough, when Kelly came out, on top of having red eyes from crying, she was determined to do what Melanie had suggested. Melanie was going to file for divorce on the grounds of abandonment and adultery. Melanie was also going to hire a private detective to follow Timmy. She cautioned Kelly not to be in a precarious position, spend the night or be in any situation that could be construed as having sex or have a sexual relationship with any man or woman. Above all, do not have sex with Timmy, or be in a position that he could claim that he had sex with Kelly. Well, that blew my mind. While driving back to the office, Kelly said that she hated it, but we needed to cool it for a while. I understood.

Melanie called Kelly on Thursday and said the private detective had given her all the information she needed. Timmy was indeed staying with Gina. She planned to file on Friday.

I knew that Timmy had been served when I heard a commotion in the hallway Monday about lunch. I was glad that the security guards got to him before he got to Kelly's office. The guards carried him away and off the premises. Kelly called Melanie and Melanie filed a restraining order Monday afternoon.

Timmy got an attorney and tried to file a countersuit. Melanie got that quashed and filed for a permanent protection order and for financial responsibility. Melanie then had Timmy served at work. That put Timmy in a bind with not only the court but his job. He finally cried Uncle and gave into Melanie's demands. After two weeks of legal wrangling, he said they could go ahead and work on the separation agreement.

In the interim, Julia and I had agreed to the separation agreement, and it was signed. She is and I am free to see or date anyone we wished with the clock ticking on the final divorce. I started liquidating assets to pay off Julia.

The next Friday after work, I got a call from Kelly who said she got a filed copy of her separation agreement in the mail. She was free.

I asked, "Can your mother could keep the kids tomorrow morning?"

"I think so, what do you have in mind?"

"Can you be at my house around 11:00 in the morning? If so, I have a request. Wear something casual, and no bra or panties."

"Mr. Williams that isn't proper work attire!"

"You can be casual because I have a very hard project I want you to work on."

"I will be there at eleven, ready to take on the task."

The next morning a little after nine, I was finishing brushing my teeth after getting out of the shower and drying my hair when I heard the doorbell. I pulled my PJ bottoms and a t-shirt on and walked to the door. When I opened the door, there was Kelly. She said, "I couldn't wait," as she threw herself into my arms. I know we gave the neighbors a show. Closing the door was the last thing on my mind. Between the kissing and groping, I realized she didn't have on a bra, and she was pantyless.

Kelly said, "Take me upstairs, I can't wait any longer." I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. I hadn't even made up the bed, but that wasn't even a consideration. I would never have thought that Kelly would be standing in my bedroom as I was removing her top and jeans. As her jeans dropped to the floor, I stood breathless admiring her beautiful body. If you thought she looked good with clothes on, she was drop-dead gorgeous naked.

Pheromones were heavy in the air, like the scent of her perfume. My PJ bottoms finally gave way to her tugs, exposing my rock-hard cock. Talk about excited - my cock ached for her.

My eyes were locked on her well-shaven mound and moist slit. There seemed to be a spark as our naked bodies touched. As I was kissing her, my hand roamed between her legs. Her thighs were warm and sticky, and yes, her freshly shaved pussy was drenched with anticipation. With my hard cock reaching for the ceiling, I sat down on the edge of the bed with her standing between my legs. I took one of her luscious breasts into my mouth, swirling, pulling and twisting. Her body shuttered. I looked up at her and her eyes were closed, and her head tilted back. Gently gripping with my lips, I flicked the tip of my tongue over the engorged tip of her teat. I could feel it harden even more and a moan of pleasure escape from her mouth. My hand rubbed her mons, lightly stroking her lips and inner thigh. She parted her legs more to give me more access. Her aroma was so erotic I could have cum from her scent. She was so wet my middle finger slipped into her easily. She gasped again and then made throaty noises as my finger moved toward her g-spot. I slid in a second finger. Her cunnie contracted around my fingers I hooked my fingers to tease her g-spot which made her body thrust toward me.

She dropped to her knees and started for my cock. I said, "No-No, this is your day!" pulled her up and laid her beside me on the bed. While kissing, I squeezed her vaginal lips together with her little clit between. Heat radiated from her. I started with a side to side movement, then pulling which quickly produced a thrust. After a few minutes, I started to stroke the space below her clit which produced a hard grinding motion as she clenched her butt cheeks together. I had barely touched her clit when she held her breath as her chin rose to touch her chest. I saw the most beautiful orgasm face I'd had ever seen.

Her vaginal lips were just glistening with her juices. As she came down, I replaced my fingers with my tongue. I licked her little rosebud to her clit producing a continuous moan. As I split her lips with my tongue, her juices flooded out. I licked up as much of the sweet juice as I could. She moaned under my tongue's touch. She sighed, "I love the way you eat me." Licking where my fingers had been just below her clit, I moved to sink my tongue into her. It buried itself into her vagina and repeated the motion; finally, I used the tip of my tongue to slap and spank the head of her clit.