Outback Affairs


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"Well I considered giving him a blow job too, but then I thought that might get us kicked out," Kylie replied with a mischievous laugh.

"Yeah, that kind of fun might be something to save for some private time," Jen agreed.

"You're not giving the boys much of a chance," Kylie noted.

"Nah, I'm not really in the mood to pick up. I mean, Uni starts back up soon, and it's always a bit sleezy in these clubs, like you don't really get to know someone until after, 'cause it's so noisy. Good enough for a casual hook up, but I have serious doubts about ever finding 'Mr. Right' in a place like this."

"Fair enough."

The three cousins enjoyed the night before heading home in a taxi, Kylie and Andy sharing the back seat, holding hands and leaning against one another, but stopping short of anything scandalous.

"Don't make too much noise, you two," Kylie advised them as they walked from the kerb toward the front door.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked.

"You know, while you're busy fucking later on."

"Oh my God, seriously?" Kylie giggled.

"Hey, I'm not saying our walls are thin or anything, 'cause I really haven't tested them, but I'd rather not find out by hearing you two going at it through the walls."

"You'd prefer just to sit inside the room and listen to us?" Kylie teased.

"Oh, my God no!" Jen hissed. "Just... like, fuck each other quietly."

"Who even said we were going to?" Andy asked.

"Oh puhlease, as if you won't. You've been all over each other all night."

"Well then, how about we just don't talk about it anymore?" Andy suggested.

"Yeah, I think that would be a perfect approach," Kylie agreed with him.

"Fine by me," Jen said, laughing off the risqué topic, despite having instigated it.

"That was weird," Kylie whispered to Andy after they'd managed to sneak into his room together.

"What was?"

"That sex conversation with Jen."

"I guess so."

"Well like, it's not like we've been banging our way around the house or making out in front of her, or anything since we've been in Brissie; at least not until tonight, anyway."

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Andy replied, relaxing back onto his bed.

Kylie leaned into him, snuggling against him, her hand drifting over his body. "Probably. So, noisy sex or quiet sex?"

"Definitely noisy," Andy laughed, turning to kiss her.

Kylie's fingers found the fastenings of his jeans and expertly released them. She stripped them down his legs and took up position between them, her short hair falling around her head as she started sucking him.

"Oooooh," Andy groaned, jokingly threatening to do it louder.

"Do I need to get up there and muffle you to keep you quiet?" Kylie asked, pausing in her attentions.

"Only if you don't want me to make my sister jealous," he said with a laugh.

"Well we shouldn't go making her jealous, being she's been in our corner from the very beginning," Kylie said quietly. She stood up on Andy's bed and wiggled her underwear off before walking up his body to stand over him, then quickly squatted down to land her pussy on his face.

"Now you can quietly put that mouth to good use," she sighed happily, as his tongue went to work on her pussy. She swirled her hips around and leaned in over him to hold herself at an advantageous angle, her pussy juices starting to flow freely in response to his pleasuring. She pulled her top off and released her bra so she was wearing only the black ra-ra skirt, which mostly covered Andy's head. After a few minutes, she decided it would be fun to turn around and suck him again while he continued to eat her out.

"Mmm, someone's gotten pretty hard," she said quietly before taking him between her lips.

"Can't imagine why," he mumbled against her pussy, though not very intelligibly, his hands caressing her buttocks as his tongue delved deep.

They remained engaged in that position for a good ten minutes, before Kylie decided she needed to feel him inside her pussy. She grabbed a condom from the dresser drawer and quickly worked it onto Andy's dick, before sliding back down his body and guiding his throbbing cock inside her.

"Oooh, now we're really at risk of making too much noise," Kylie moaned, before lowering her mouth to Andy's.

He kissed her back fervently, thrusting with his hips, driving his cock up into her. "You feel so fucking amazing," Andy gushed as Kylie sat upright, still facing him. He reached up and teased her breasts and tweaked her nipples.

"You're not too bad feeling," she observed, "but how about we switch, so you can fuck me a bit harder?"

"Wish granted," Andy replied. They flipped over, and Andy drove his dick back into Kylie before pulling back and sliding in again.

"Oh, fuck yes, just like that," Kylie moaned, tweaking her own nipples. Andy held himself above her and thrust with his hips, his balls slapping against her with each thrust. He kept at it until he felt his imminent explosion, and then thrust harder and faster until he came.

--- +++ ---

Sunday February 17 th

Sunday dawned fine and sunny, with only a promise of the heat to come later in the day.

"What do you big city peeps do when you want to cool off?" Kylie asked her cousins as they lounged about during the morning.

"Drive down the coast and hit the beach," Andy answered.

"It doesn't have the convenience of the tank on the station, but there's a bit more suntanned scenery to look at," Jen added.

"Well, how about we go there, then? I can't remember the last time I've been on an actual beach, like one with an actual ocean, rather than just like a dam or something."

"Can't say I had any better plans," Andy said, 'Let's do it!"

They took a few moments to discuss logistics before traipsing off to their respective rooms to change, and to gather what they'd need for an afternoon at the beach. They borrowed May's car, and Jen drove the hour down to the Gold Coast before trawling the streets near the beach for a place to park. It was pretty clear from the challenge finding a parking space presented, that the heat had attracted a large crowd. As they strolled down the esplanade, any doubt was removed. The beach was packed.

They navigated the steps down to the hot sand and found a place to stake out a claim, laying out towels and dumping their bags before applying sunscreen to themselves and to each other.

Jen pulled a small ghetto blaster out and set a mixed tape playing quietly. They alternated between the water and the sand, cooling off, then bathing in the sun to tan, chatting and whiling away a few hours.

Midway through the afternoon, Andy was greeted by one of his friends, who was walking along the beach.

"Hey, dude!"

"G'day Sean, how's things?" Andy replied.

"Yeah, great," Sean replied, struggling to keep his eyes from locking onto Jen's bikini-clad body, after flicking briefly over both of the girls. "You mind if I join you? I tried to roust up a couple of mates, but they all piked on me, so I'm here solo."

"You girls mind?" Andy asked his sister and cousin. "Sean is a friend from school."

"Nah, it's fine," Jen replied.

"Yeah, no problem," Kylie added.

"Awesome, thanks!"

Andy introduced Kylie as his girlfriend, someone he'd met during the summer and who'd be staying with them while she studied. Sean said he'd previously met Jen, though she didn't really recall him.

Sean spread a towel out next to Andy's, Kylie on Andy's other side with Jen the other side of her, placing her furthest from Sean.

After half an hour or so, when everyone had adjusted to the extra person and was comfortable with Sean's presence, he produced a small bottle of vodka.

"Anyone for a drink?" he offered, glancing around to check there weren't any police patrolling the area.

"Sure," Kylie replied, leaning across Andy to take the bottle. Jen declined on the basis of being the driver, and Andy joined in when Kylie passed him the bottle to hand back to Sean. The three younger teens passed the bottle back and forth for a while, getting a bit tipsy before all four of them headed down to the water to cool off again.

"Dude, is your sister single?" Sean quietly asked Andy at one point, when they were isolated enough not to be overheard by the two girls.

"As far as I know she is, but like, don't be a dick," Andy replied.

"What do you mean, don't be a dick?"

"Exactly that. Don't go hitting on her in front of me. Better yet, don't hit on her at all!"

"But duuude, look at that body! She's fucking amazing!"

"Um, that's my sister, Sean."

"Who cares? You can't tell me you haven't tugged one out, thinking about what those tits must look like naked."

"Sean!" Andy protested.

"What? She's like the hottest chick on the beach! You can't tell me you haven't noticed how like every guy here is checking her out. Like tell me you haven't occasionally wished your girlfriend had tits like your sister?"

"What?" Andy asked, shocked by this new direction Sean had steered the discussion.

"Like, seriously, Kylie seems great and all dude, but she's got like no tits at all!"

"You're crossing a line Sean," Andy warned his friend ominously. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, or maybe Sean was just more obnoxious than he'd ever realised, but even that warning didn't stop him.

"Dude, she's titless... she's a surfboard; her bikini top is even baggy!"

"What did you just say?" Kylie blurted out just as Andy started to raise a fist. She and Jen had circled around behind them without the guys noticing, and they'd come within earshot.

"What he said was it's time for him to get going," Andy said, lowering the fist he'd been about to launch.

"What? No, no way!" Sean said, laughing.

"I think it would be for the best, Sean," Andy replied levelly.

"Yeah, take a not so subtle hint, and bugger off," Jen said.

Kylie had clearly heard enough of what had been said for it to impact her, and she was visibly upset. She started trudging away from the water before any of the others, and Andy went quickly to follow and to console her.

Jen wasn't far behind, not wishing to be left alone with Sean for even a moment, who was left staring after them. After a decent pause he followed them, and with the message having finally appeared to have sunk in, he gathered his things and left, looking back a little regretfully, though without having offered any apology.

"What a cockhead!" Jen observed after he'd left.

"That's such an understatement," Kylie added.

"I'm so sorry! I've never seen him being such a wanker before," Andy said to the girls. "I'd have never let him join us if I'd realised."

"Not your fault," Kylie sighed, though the experience had clearly sapped all the joy from her day, and it wasn't long until they packed up their gear and headed for home.

"I can't believe a guy would be so insensitive and shallow as to insult a girl's breasts like that," Jen snapped while they were driving home.

"Yeah, well that's 'cause yours are so amazing that no-one would ever say anything bad about them!" Kylie replied.

Her fury wasn't directed at Jen, but that wasn't totally obvious in the heat of the moment. Nevertheless, Jen understood, and didn't take it personally. "Mine come with their own challenges," she only said.

"Yeah, but those challenges are probably easier to live with than being called a titless surfboard."

"You're not titless at all," Andy objected. "Your tits are totally sexy. Don't listen to what one asshole has to say."

"I'll be okay."

"Yeah, but you shouldn't need to be okay," Jen said. "You should be able to be you, without assholes making you question anything about yourself."

"Sounds like heaven," Kylie replied with a sigh.

The conversation petered out, and they travelled the final ten minutes home in silence.


Later that night Andy went to slip into Kylie's room, but he encountered his mother heading for the bathroom, which forced him to detour and then backtrack, seeing that his mother was too alert for him to pay Kylie a visit that night.


Once May and Terry had left for work the next morning, Andy sought to make up for his failed visitation attempt of the night before.

"Hey gorgeous," he said when Kylie appeared for breakfast.

"Hi," Kylie replied with a shy smile.

"You good?"

"Yeah, not bad, thanks."

"I was on my way to visit you last night, but I ran into Mum and had to turn back. Then, like a goose, I fell asleep, and I didn't wake up until morning."

"Bummer, I could have used some cheering up."

"I was going to worship your hot boobies and make sweet passionate love to you."

"Who's planning on worshipping boobies today?" Jen asked with a laugh, entering the kitchen. Andy and Kylie both blushed furiously.

"If you're around, probably everyone," Kylie replied.

"Hey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your boobs," Jen replied.

"That's what I keep telling her," Andy said.

"Yeah, but you're the only one who's ever actually proved it," Kylie said.

"I can prove it too, if you like," Jen chipped in.

Andy and Kylie both stared at her in shock.

"Really? You want to worship my tits?" Kylie asked.

"I'll be happy to, if Andy is willing to share his girlfriend for a while."

"Do I get to watch?" Andy asked.

"And when did this become your decision?" Kylie asked, turning on him.

"It's not! I just like answered the question; she was the one who suggested I had any say in it!" Andy backpedalled, pointing accusingly at his sister.

"Damn straight! And given it's my decision, I'm quite willing for Jen to prove she'll happily worship my boobies."

"Cool," Jen smiled.

"However," she added, since by this point she was feeling playful, "Because you assumed he had any part in the decision, your brother gets to watch."

Andy held back the whoop of joy he felt like releasing.

"As long as he's only watching," Jen said, "It's fine by me."

"Well just let me shower first, then," Kylie replied, her mood already significantly better than it had been when she'd entered the room.

"May I join you and begin my worship in the shower?" Jen asked her.

"Sure, that sounds like fun," Kylie replied with a bright smile.

Kitchen chairs were pushed back, scraping loudly across the tiled floor, and dishes were quickly discarded into the sink to be dealt with later. Kylie led a short procession to the bathroom before removing her clothes. Jen too undressed while Andy simply took up a seat on the toilet, where he could watch the events unfold. The sight of the two girls stripping had him straining against his pants, and he flicked his gaze back and forth, admiring the diversity of form and all its beauty (though he was careful not to spend too much time admiring his hot sister).

The water was turned on and quickly adjusted, and the two girls stepped into the shower alcove, pulling the curtain closed behind them.

"Hey, no curtain!" Andy protested.

"Only if you clean up all the water afterward," his sister responded.

"Sure, no problem," he agreed hastily, his hand already adjusting his hard dick in anticipation of watching his sister and cousin in the shower together. He eyed them critically as they moved about under the water, just picking up the soap for starters. As much as Sean had a point about the perfection of his sister's tits, he still loved and adored Kylie's. They were sexy in their own way, and he loved being fortunate enough to get so many chances to enjoy them. To think only one variety of breast was perfect was to his mind, naive.

As he watched, Jen began her worship by soaping up Kylie's chest and gently washing each breast. She took her time, offering a running commentary about how sexy they were, and how hot it was the way her puffy nipples responded to the stimulation. She spent a good five minutes washing each breast, occasionally lavishing attention on them with her mouth in concert with her hands.

Andy desperately wanted to take his cock out and stroke it while he watched this amazing show, but he wasn't sure how his sister would react, even if Kylie was likely to approve. He settled for rubbing himself through his clothing.

Eventually Jen suggested they take things into the bedroom, and the water was shut off. Andy took two towels, passed one to Jen, and wrapped Kylie in the other, doing some worshipping of his own while drying her off.

"Someone must have enjoyed the show," Kylie laughed, feeling his boner pressed against her body from time to time as he manoeuvred around her.

"It was pretty fucking hot," he admitted.

"Every boy's fantasy, no doubt," Jen laughed.

"Well, in my best fantasies there's a bit more kissing and fingering and stuff... and even some third-party participation, but yeah, it was right up there."

"Yeah, I bet you'd wish for all that," Jen replied.

The three moved to the bedroom, and Jen laid Kylie out on the bed, both of them still naked. She climbed atop her and kissed all over her flattened chest, this position seeming to make her breasts disappear entirely, although the puffy caps of her nipples still protruded upward. Andy needed to keep moving about the room, since Jen's long, blonde hair often tumbled over her head and blocked his view.

"Why don't you make yourself more useful by coming over here to attend to this spare boob before you give her pussy a good licking," Jen suggested to her brother. "You wouldn't have to move around so much that way. If Kylie's okay with that?"

"Good idea," Kylie purred.

Andy wasn't silly enough to protest, so he moved to take his girlfriend's breast in his mouth, sucking on its delectable nipple while his naked sister followed suit right next to him. He wondered momentarily how many girls were able to say they'd ever had opposite sex, naked siblings sucking on their tits in tandem... probably not many. He teased her nipple with his lips, tongue and teeth, while Jen did the same to its twin.

Kylie writhed beneath the siblings, the pleasure coursing through her body feeling exquisite!

Andy reached down to tease her between her legs, finding her soaking wet with pleasure. He slid a finger between her lips to add to the stimulation. Then after several minutes of that pleasuring, Andy surrendered the breast to kneel between Kylie's spread legs. He parted her pussy lips with his fingers and held her red pubes out the way while his tongue zeroed in on her clit. He settled happily into his task, thrilled by the squeals of delight Kylie was letting out under the siblings' worship.

Jen continued at her task of teasing and pleasing her cousin's nipples until Andy had managed to bring her to orgasm. Then she gave Kylie a quick kiss on the lips.

"And that's how awesome your breasts are," Jen summarised happily. "And don't you ever let some stupid boy persuade you otherwise!"

"God, that was amazing! Thank you both," Kylie purred happily.

"You're most welcome. Now don't forget to clean the bathroom floor, Andy."

"Wow, mood killer!" Andy replied.

"Fuck the bathroom, that can be cleaned a little later," Kylie said. "Like after you've fucked me to another orgasm."

"Sounds like the best sort of delay to me," Andy replied with a grin, "I'll get a condom."

"Don't bother, just fuck me!" Kylie exclaimed.

"That sounds like my cue to 'Exit, stage left'," Jen quipped, and she did.

Andy quickly discarded his clothes once Jen left, and he moved to stand at the end of the bed. He seized Kylie's legs and dragged her close to him and raised her ankles toward the ceiling, the height of the bed perfect for him to stand without any need to bend his knees while sliding his dick between her lips.
