Outback Affairs


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"Oh fuck, that's good," Kylie moaned as Andy slid home in her pussy. He wrapped his hands around her thighs, her calves now resting against his shoulders as he began rocking his hips back and forth, his dick sliding joyously in and out of her warm, welcoming pussy.

"Harder, fuck me harder," Kylie demanded, so Andy increased the speed of his thrusts, his balls slapping against her tight little buttocks. Kylie drew her knees toward her chest, and Andy felt he was deeper inside her pussy than he'd ever been as he hammered away at her.

"Fuck, not going to last long," Andy moaned, his arousal already kick-started from the time he'd spent watching his girlfriend and sister playing together.

"I don't care, I want you to cum, just not in my pussy," Kylie answered needily.

So Andy hammered away at her with his cock until the risk of explosion was too high. He pulled his cock from his cousin's pussy and pumped it with his fist and exploded over her, his cum splattering all over her body.

"Mmm, it looks like there's more than just a bathroom to clean up now," Kylie giggled, running a finger through the cum decorating her body.

"We could take care of both clean-ups at the same time," Andy suggested.

"I like the sound of that, count me in."

Moments later they were back in the shower, where they first cleaned Kylie, and then attended to the puddles on the tiled floor.

--- +++ ---

Monday March 4 th

Following two more weeks of enjoying the final days of their summer, Jen, Kylie and Andy faced the start of their new school year.

"You ready for this?" Andy asked Kylie, as they walked to the train station to head into the city proper.

"Probably not," Kylie replied.

"Relax, it's only orientation, and the actual classes don't start for another week," Jen reassured her. As Andy and Kylie had both gotten into courses at the same university Jen attended, she'd agreed to show them the ropes.

"I think it's the number of people around that's still freaking me out the most. Even though we've been going into town and stuff, the thought of so many people in one place is still a little daunting, given what I was used to in the country."

"That's fair," Jen replied. "But there're plenty of places where you can get some peace and quiet if you need to, and I'll be happy to show you some of them."

"That would be great, thanks Jen."

True to her word, Jen took Andy and Kylie on a tour of the campus, and introduced them to the myriad of clubs available to be joined, and helped them with signing up for classes. Neither Kylie nor Andy jumped into any of the clubs, but they did take some time to explore what the options might be.

By early afternoon they all had their schedules sorted, and were prepared for the actual classes to kick off the following week.

"So you managed to keep your Wednesdays free, right?" Andy double-checked with Kylie on their way home.

"Yep, Wednesday should be a fun day, given we have it off together," Kylie replied with a grin.

"I think I'm glad I'll be busy doing other things," Jen laughed. "I can already see you two are totally going to put some humping into hump day."

"Damned straight," Andy agreed with a laugh. "We'll have the house to ourselves, so we can fuck wherever we want."

"Except for my room," Jen cautioned them.

"Probably, yeah," Andy teased.

"No, not probably," Jen insisted.

"No, not in your room," Kylie agreed.

"Fine," Andy agreed a little sullenly. "So given we don't have to be home for another few hours, ya want to catch a movie?" Andy asked Kylie.

"Definitely!" Kylie agreed. "Want to come too, Jen?"

"Nah, I'll pass, thanks."

Andy and Kylie walked Jen to the train station, then they headed off to the nearest cinema.

"Any idea what we should see?" Kylie asked. "Like, I couldn't even tell you the last time I went to a cinema."

"I've heard good things about The Breakfast Club," Andy suggested.

"Cool. Let's go see that then."

They bought tickets and found a spot near the back of the cinema where they were well-distanced from the other patrons. With schools having gone back, and the movie having been released a month earlier, the early afternoon session had a sparse crowd in attendance.

Andy held his cousin's hand while they watched the start of the movie, but it wasn't long until she freed her hand in favour of teasing his cock. After a good amount of teasing, and with a pleasant ache in his balls, Andy returned the favour, and after releasing the button and zipper securing Kylie's shorts, he slipped his hand inside her panties, finding her pussy lips pleasantly wet.

"Have you ever been sucked off in a cinema?" Kylie asked her cousin in a whisper, once he had her squirming in her seat.

"God no," Andy whispered back.

"Time to change that, then," she suggested quietly.

Andy looked frantically around the dark cinema while Kylie urged him to get his shorts down around his ankles. When he was sorted, she took up residence on the floor between his legs, and soon had her lips wrapped lovingly around his engorged shaft, sliding up and down.

Andy suppressed the moan he dearly wanted to release as he split his attention between watching what was happening in his lap versus checking to see if they were about to get busted.

Given the enthusiasm with which Kylie went about sucking him, she was clearly enjoying herself. Her mouth slipped up and down his shaft, lips sealed around it, tongue flickering whenever any opportunity presented. Andy had expected her to work him to orgasm as quickly as she could, given how eagerly she'd knelt before him, but after the initial frenzy, it seemed she was settling in for longer.

Andy's cock pulsed pleasurably within Kylie's warm, willing mouth, responding to the stimulation. The flickering light of the movie allowed him to see varying degrees of visual detail, drawing his gaze more and more often. He loved the sight of her hollowed cheeks whenever she sucked her way back up, and the sensations when she took as much of him into her mouth as she could was everything he could hope for.

When his orgasm neared, he tried to quietly grunt a warning, though like always, Kylie didn't seem to care. She sucked him through to completion, swallowing happily as he pumped his warm cum down her throat. Kylie held him until he'd completely finished, then suckled just a little longer until overstimulated, he flinched away. Kylie clambered back into her seat, and Andy wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close and slipping his hand within her top to tease at her small breast.

"I think we should see that again," Kylie suggested on the way home. "Like I enjoyed what I saw of it, but for some reason, there was a good fifteen minutes I missed."

"I know what you mean. They were definitely the best fifteen minutes of the movie, but I couldn't really tell you what happened either. At least not what happened on the screen."

"Glad you enjoyed the intermission then."

"Shit, how could I not? I reckon we need to find some time to make you cum when we get home though, just to like even things out."

"Hey, it's cool by me whether you do or you don't. I'm sure even if nothing more happens today, something will soon."

"True enough. Hey, you know, if you did your hair differently, you could almost pass for Molly Ringwald?"

"Yeah, right, the Claire character. And even she has bigger tits than mine."

"She's not as sexy, though."

"True. So why would I want to look like her? She should try to look like me!"

"It was just a random observation," Andy laughed. "I'd much rather have you than her... though maybe her bank account could come in handy. Having stacks and stacks of cash available would definitely be a good thing."

"Too bad that's not likely, then. You'll just have to settle for being normal and having a hotter-than-Molly girlfriend."

"Who just happens to be my cousin..."

"Yeah, that just makes it extra fun though, right?"

"Damned straight it does."

--- +++ ---

Wednesday March 27 th

Over the next few weeks, Wednesdays became Andy and Kylie's 'fuck all over the house' day. It started off simply enough. With no one else home, they took advantage of not having to worry about anyone catching them at it, so they didn't bother wearing much in the way of clothing. It wasn't long until that progressed to their both being nude almost all day, which of course resulted in a lot of sex, given how much seeing each other naked turned them both on. On their first Wednesday, when they eventually made it out of Andy's bedroom, they ended up having sex in the living room. Andy was quick to suggest they should fuck in every room in the house, picking a different room each Wednesday.

Kylie was happy to agree, but she pointed out that doing it in Jen's room might be pushing it too far, since she'd explicitly forbidden them from doing anything in there.

"Doesn't mean we can't fuck where she eats," Andy had responded with a mischievous laugh.

"That's terrible," Kylie replied.

"Terrible, but fun?"

"Oh definitely," Kylie giggled in return. Andy took her hand and led her to the dining room table. He backed her up against it, kissing her, his cock already hard and crushed between them from the thought of what they were about to do. Their hands roamed each other's bodies as they kissed, until Andy brought his hands to Kylie's waist and lifted her up, sitting her on the table in the same spot Jen's plate sat when they ate their meals. Andy knelt before her, pushing her legs apart, so he could access her pussy. He parted her lips with his fingers, and slid his tongue up between her already wet lips. He set to pleasing his cousin-come girlfriend, his tongue flicking in and out of her vagina, caressing her lips, and swirling gently around her clit.

Kylie leaned back on her hands, hips thrust forward, as she basked in the joy Andy was delivering through her pussy. She lifted a hand to her left breast, tweaking her puffy nipple until it was hard and erect. She moaned, her pussy starting to twitch and flutter in response to Andy's attentions. When he clamped his lips against her, his tongue flattened against her clit, she gave a squeal. His tongue began with small movements back and forth, but those movements became more forceful the longer they continued, Kylie encouraging him the entire time.

"Fuck yes, Andy, just like that, right there! There, yessssss!" she squealed as she came with a gush. Andy rose quickly and thrust straight into her orgasming pussy, holding himself deep to savour the clenching of her muscles as she rode the waves of her climax. Slowly he started rocking his hips, sliding his cock in and out, Kylie gasping and biting her lip while she was penetrated over and over.

Kylie lay back on the table, pulling her knees toward her head beside her, like a frog sprawled on its back.

Andy took her thighs in hand to provide leverage as he started fucking her harder and faster. As he neared orgasm he pulled out, stroking furiously until he exploded. Cum flew from his dick, spraying over the length of Kylie's body, the first shot sailing up to splash down near her breast, before his subsequent spurts coated her belly and mound. She eagerly smeared it all over her body, rubbing his seed into her skin.

"I really should get on the pill," Kylie moaned. "I want to feel you cum inside me so bad!"

"That would be freakin' awesome," Andy replied. "Either that, or I'm going to have to start stashing condoms all over the house, so one of them will always be within easy reach. He stepped back a tad and ran a finger between Kylie's lips, admiring the trail of her pleasure, her own juices, unlike his, having coated her anus and dribbled down between her cheeks and onto the table.

Kylie held her hands out to him, and Andy pulled her to a sitting position before sliding her off the table, dragging her butt across the mess she'd left there.

"So do we leave it or clean it up?" Andy asked.

"Eww, of course we clean it up!" Kylie exclaimed.

"I know, I was just joking. Even I wouldn't leave that on the table. Imagine if Mum worked out what it was!"

They grabbed a cloth and some paper towels and cleaned off the table, discussing how fun it would be if there was a lingering scent of their sex that only Jen could smell at dinnertime.

"How serious were you about getting on the pill?" Andy asked his cousin.

"Deadly. Even your pulling out isn't really safe, and no offence, but there's no way I'm ready to have your baby, or any baby, for that matter!"

"Yeah, I can't say I really want to be a Dad yet, nor to explain to our parents how I knocked you up!"

"I just don't really know like how to go about it. I don't have a doctor here in town yet, and like if I went to your family doctor, I wouldn't want to risk he or she saying something to your Mum."

"Yeah. But maybe you could speak to Jen? She might think of a way to go about it."

"Good idea."


Later that night, Kylie went and found Jen in her room.

"So um, Jen, I've got something kind of personal to ask you," Kylie said, taking a seat on her cousin's bed.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead," Jen replied from where she was seated at her desk, working on a Uni assignment.

"Well, um, God, how do I ask this? Shit, okay, let's go with straight up."

Jen looked amused at her cousin's awkwardness.

"Are you on the pill?"

"Um, yeah," Jen replied, hesitating only slightly.

"Okay, good, so like, how did you get a prescription?"

"From a doctor, of course," Jen replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well yeah, obviously. But like, did you go to your family doctor?"

"Oh God no, I didn't want that getting back to Mum and Dad at all! I wasn't risking that!"

"Precisely. So how did you get it?"

"Right, I see what you're asking now," Jen said with a reassuring smile. "I went to Health Services at Uni. They put me onto a doctor who wrote me the prescription."

"You can do that?"

"Yeah, I'll take you there tomorrow if you like?"

"That would be so awesome!" Kylie gushed.

"Pretty good timing to ask me, actually," Jen commented after doing some mental arithmetic.

"How so?"

"Well, you have to take the pill for a week before you're protected. So like, if we get you a prescription tomorrow and can get it filled right away, then by Good Friday you'll be ready for sex. And given we'll be away camping, I have no doubt you can find an opportunity to have fun with Andy, especially since Dad goes fishing almost all day, and Mum goes hiking for hours with her friends."

"Ooo, that's super exciting!"

--- +++ ---

Thursday, April 4th

"So how long is this drive?" Kylie asked, as she piled into the back seat of the family station wagon with Andy and Kylie.

"About two hours," her Aunt May said from the front passenger seat.

"Oh, that's like nothing," Kylie said happily.

"Yeah, nothing for a country girl," Andy moaned.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad. I'm sure you can entertain yourself for a couple of hours," his father replied, laughing.

"Just go to sleep, it works for me," Jen said. She was seated directly behind her father, who was driving, and she already had a pillow wedged against the window, well prepared to kip for the duration of the ride.

Kylie had been good enough to take the middle seat, separating the siblings, who hadn't been keen to sit next to each other, leaving Andy sitting behind his mother on the kerb-side of the vehicle.

"Alright, everyone got everything?" Terry asked.

"Hope so," May replied.

"Well it's not like we're going to the end of civilisation, there're shops around if we've forgotten anything," Jen suggested.

"Yeah, but I know who ends up paying for that stuff you left behind," her father retorted. He accelerated away, checking his mirrors to be careful the caravan wouldn't sideswipe anything on the way out of the driveway.

After the first hour of driving, Jen had done exactly what she'd said she would, and was asleep. Kylie had her nose in a novel, while Andy stared out the window watching the scenery flash by, listening to the radio and the occasional chatter of his parents. He jumped slightly when he felt a hand closing over his crotch. He looked quickly to the front of the car to make sure no-one was watching before glancing across at Kylie. She was studiously reading her book, giving nothing away, though she surreptitiously gave his rapidly hardening cock a friendly squeeze. Andy wormed his way out of his jumper and draped it across his lap, covering the subtle movements of his cousin's hand.

Kylie teased him on and off for the next half hour while Jen slept happily beside her. When Jen woke Kylie stopped, which was both a blessing and a disappointment as far as Andy was concerned. It only left half an hour of their journey though, and the remaining time passed quickly enough.

"So what are the sleeping arrangements?" Andy asked as he helped his parents set up the caravan.

"Girls get the other double bed, you get the tent," his father stated simply.

"Excellent!" Jen declared. "We won't have to put up with Andy's farting and snoring."

"A win for the whole family!" May joked along.

"it's so nice to be loved," Andy sighed dramatically. He turned away and wrestled the tent from the back of the car.

"I'm sure you'll be good with some self-love, Bro," Jen teased him quietly once they were out of earshot from their parents.

"Yeah, just great."

"I'm sure we'll find time to have some fun together," Kylie assured him later on. "Don't go wasting anything tonight, let me suck it out for you first chance I get."

"Fuck," Andy groaned, his cock hardening at the offer.

"Maybe that too," Kylie laughed.

"Sleeping alone is going to suck," Andy moaned.

"You do it every night at home," Kylie observed.

"Yeah, but there at least we can sneak into each other's rooms sometimes. We've got no chance here. Wait until you realise how much the van moves just from someone rolling over in bed.

"We'll always have the daytime," Kylie reminded him in an attempt to cheer him up.


"Right, it's happy hour!" Terry declared once everything was in place.

"Yay!" Jen replied enthusiastically.

They pulled up folding chairs, cold drinks and nibbles, and Jen inserted a mix tape in her ghetto blaster while they sat around and chatted. When it was time for dinner, Terry fired up the Coleman BBQ and the girls prepared salads, while Andy monitored his Dad's beer to ensure it was never empty for any longer than it needed to be.

After an enjoyable dinner under the stars, the whole family went for a stroll along the beach before returning to the van, where they played some cards before retiring for the night. Andy made his way into his tent, frustrated. He hadn't even managed a chance to give Kylie a kiss good night! He sighed as he closed his eyes and sought some sleep.

Kylie was equally as frustrated, having become accustomed to finding a moment or two alone with Andy at the end of the day when they'd kiss and grope each other, and occasionally suck a dick or a nipple. Instead, she found herself in bed with Jen.

Which possibly wasn't all bad. "Snuggles?" Kylie whispered to Jen once they were both under the covers.

"Sure," Jen whispered back, and Kylie spooned in behind her cousin. She slipped a hand under Jen's arm and smoothly slid it under her t-shirt to cup her amazing breast.

"Snuggles huh?"

"Well yeah," Kylie quietly giggled, squeezing Jen's boob.
