Outback Affairs


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"You're hopeless," Jen giggled, setting her breast to jiggling slightly in Kylie's grasp.

"And horny, too," Kylie lamented.

"Yeah, well that's unfortunate, because there's no way I'm doing anything at all vigorous with my parents like a couple of metres away and with nothing resembling a wall between us."

"You're boring," Kylie accused her.

Jen didn't stop her from playing with her tit, though.

After a couple of minutes, the heat between the pair exceeded comfortable, so Kylie rolled onto her back, disappointed she hadn't gotten more out of Jen. So instead, she slipped a hand into her panties and gently caressed herself.

"Are you masturbating?" Jen asked quietly about ten minutes later.

"Mhmm, you should try it."

"Says the girl who hadn't ever done it at all, before this summer."

"Yeah, but I had a great teacher, and I'm a quick study."

"You're impossible. And you're making me horny," Jen moaned.

Taking the hint, Kylie slipped her hand from her pants and rolled back toward her cousin, lying on her side while Jen lay on her back. She groped for her crotch, and when Jen did nothing to stop her, she rubbed her panties against her slit. She kept going until she could feel them dampen with Jen's pleasure, then worked her way inside them, her middle finger finding Jen's slit warm and welcoming.

"Just how horny are you?" Jen asked with a breathy giggle. "I mean, like, your boyfriend is right outside, and you're fingering his sister."

"When you put it like that it, sounds fucking hot," Kylie hissed with glee.

"If only one of us had a dick."

"Yeah, that would be lots better," Kylie agreed. "But this is still fun."

"Mhmm." Kylie slipped a second finger into Jen's pussy to play and experiment, before slipping her fingers out and swirling one around Jen's clit.

"Oh!" Jen bit back the moan. Kylie released her clit long enough to push Jen's t-shirt up, Jen raising her torso, hopefully inconspicuously, to accommodate the fabric's adjustment. Kylie was about to return her fingers to Jen's pussy, when Jen shucked off her panties!

"Someone is more into this than they've admitted so far," Kylie laughed beneath her breath.

"Oh, just shush and make me feel good!" Jen replied impatiently.

Kylie swirled her finger around her cousin's clit again, and latched her lips onto her nipple, sucking hungrily.

"Oh fuck," Jen sighed. As Kylie continued feasting on her breast and playing with her clit, Jen pulled a pillow over her head and crushed it against her face while she resisted the urge to wail in pleasure! Instead, she released muffled grunts and gasps into the pillow.

Kylie focussed her efforts on Jen's clit, and before too long she felt her cousin spasm in the bed next to her while she came.

Kylie continued gently suckling on the nearest nipple, but now she left Jen's pussy alone, letting her enjoy the aftershocks of her orgasm.

"Well that was unexpectedly delightful!" Jen commented, almost silently.

"Glad to be of service."

"Your turn?"

"Yes please," Kylie whispered. And even while she was trying to keep quiet, she couldn't keep her burning need from infiltrating her voice.

Jen's fingers sought and found her pussy, and now Kylie lay on her back, trying not to moan as her cousin fingered her to orgasm.

"Andy's going to be so jealous," Jen giggled when they were done.

"I reckon you're right," Kylie sighed, basking in her pleasure. "Sleep well."

"I'm sure I will, now," Jen replied, sucking her fingers clean.

--- +++ ---

Friday, April 5th

Andy was the first to awaken the next morning, the camping mattress in the tent not providing quite enough comfort to inspire a long, leisurely sleep-in. He lay inside his tent creating a smaller tent of his own, his morning wood doing its best to break free. He took himself in hand, but merely teased it, not wanting to waste his seed before he found an opportunity to put it to good use. He then puttered around the campsite waiting for signs of life from the van before he was willing to enter it and risk being the one that woke everyone.

He went for a walk and spent some time simply watching the waves roll onto the beach, before deciding it was late enough he'd be excused for starting breakfast even if he did wake someone up. He returned to the camp and fired up the barbecue, then as quietly as he could, slipped inside and grabbed everything from the small fridge he'd need for an extravagant breakfast. It took him a couple of trips, and happily there were no outward signs of activity, even as he gently closed the door the final time.

He warmed the skillet over the barbecue and started frying up bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms, keeping some spinach aside to wilt for when everything else was ready.

As he plated his feast, the door to the van opened, and his father stepped outside.

"That bacon smell is a helluva hint that it's time to get up and about," Terry said, inhaling deep lungfuls of Andy's breakfast aromas.

"I waited as long as I could, but got hungry," Andy semi-apologised between mouthfuls.

"Fair enough. If you're done with all this cookware and ingredients, mind if I cook something up for myself?"

"Course not. But if you give me a minute, I'll cook for you, if you like."

"Generous of you, but I'll take care of it if you'll cook for the women whenever they crawl out of bed."

"I can do that."

"Excellent!" Terry started cooking a meal similar to his son's, while Andy polished off his own.

Kylie didn't remain much longer in bed. Life on the station hadn't ever encouraged leisurely sleep-ins, and the aroma and sounds of frying bacon was also too good for her to resist.

"Morning," she said a little sleepily as she stepped from the van in a loose-fitting t-shirt and a daggy pair of shorts.

"Hey there," Andy greeted her.

"I hope there's enough of that for me to get some," Kylie said to her uncle.

"Nope, this is all mine," Terry told her. "But Andy agreed to provide for you, so you won't have to wait too long."

"Good enough for me," Kylie replied with a smile, and she pulled up a camp chair to sit and wait. Andy delighted in a glimpse down her t-shirt that showed him her puffy nipples as she bent to sit in the seat. He guiltily flicked his gaze away and to where his Dad was, to check he hadn't been busted (and happily he hadn't).

By the time Kylie was eating, May had tumbled from bed, and after a trip down a pathway to the amenities, she returned to join the others for breakfast.

Once Terry had finished eating, he pulled out his tackle box and began getting set up for the day, intending to spend as much of it as possible on the nearby jetty.

"I hope you're putting my rig together too," May noted around a mouthful of food.

"Of course," Terry replied.

"How long do you guys fish for?" Kylie asked them.

"Most of the day, usually," May replied. "Longer, if there's something to catch. The jetty's only a five-minute walk from here, so it's not like we can't come back up whenever we need to."

"Ahh, cool."

"Want to give it a try?" Terry asked her.

"Maybe later on?"

"We've got plenty of gear, so if you do decide to, just come on down."

"And be prepared to get covered in squid ink," May cautioned her.

"Hey Jen, if you want me to cook your breakfast, you'd better drag your sorry ass out here, otherwise you're on your own, " Andy called out, loud enough for his sister to hear.

Something unintelligible came back.

"Can't hear you."

"My ass says to tell you it isn't at all sorry, but if you'd be so kind, I'd love some breakfast," Jen sang out, this time loud enough to be heard.

"No problem. I'm starting it now," Andy called back.

A couple of minutes later Jen emerged to face the world, her blonde hair still sleep tussled, while she rubbed at her eyes.

"Morning, sleepyhead," May greeted her.

"Only because of bacon," Jen said.


"I'm only out of bed because I smelled bacon," Jen moaned. "Have I got long enough to pee?" she redirected at her brother.

"If you're quick."

Jen hustled off toward the amenities, Kylie jumping up to follow her.

"Right, well, I'm about done May, you need long?" Terry asked his wife.

"Just a quick shower to freshen up," May replied.

"Brilliant. I'll do the same, and then we should be able to catch the incoming tide."

The girls reappeared as the older couple headed down to shower, and they joined Andy at the caravan. Jen happily accepted the breakfast Andy handed to her, and they all sat quietly while she ate it.

"Sleep well?" Kylie asked Andy.

"Wasn't the worst night I've had, how about you?"

"Like a baby," Kylie replied.

"Like a post-orgasmic baby, she means," Jen giggled.

"Huh?" Andy asked, confused when Kylie blushed at his sister's comment.

"Someone was a little horny last night, and she couldn't keep her hands to herself," Jen teased.

"Wait, what?"

"Don't be too jealous, we just fingered each other a little so we'd sleep better," Jen explained, noting the way her brother's hand went to his crotch.

"Need a hand with something?" Kylie teased him, having also noticed the movement.

"Yeah, but not when Mum and Dad are likely to return at any second."

"It's probably a bit too public around here for a blow job, too," Kylie suggested.

"Enough already!" Andy moaned, the suggestion of his cousin's lips being wrapped around his dick doing nothing to lessen the swelling this conversation was causing.

"Well, that was awesome, thanks Andy," Jen said happily, setting her plate aside. You can leave the dishes since you were good enough to cook, and I'll clean them all after I've showered."

"Oooh a shower sounds good. I think I'll join you, since I can't join Andy for his," Kylie said, rising from her chair.

"Sure, you can even share a cubicle with me if you want," Jen said, peering at her brother to gauge whether her comment was causing any further reaction.

"You're mean," Andy said gutturally.

"I kind of like your sharing your girlfriend so freely," Jen teased further. "You've got some real family spirit!"

"Aww, stop torturing the poor boy," Kylie said. "I'll be quite okay with my own shower. After all, what I really need this morning is some dick."

"Should be able to arrange some of that later on," Andy suggested.

"I bloody hope so," Kylie replied with a grin. She gently teased her nipple through her t-shirt, drawing attention to her absence of a bra.

"Well, it's time to shower, given the 'rents are on their way back," Jen suggested, nodding in the direction of their returning parents.

Andy carried all the cookware and dishes inside the van and left them for Jen, before grabbing a towel and a change of clothes and toiletries before heading down to shower. He resisted the temptation to take care of himself, only teasing himself a little, the thought of fucking Kylie urging him to do more, but also helping him to restrain himself.


"So do you two need me to give you some privacy?" Jen asked after the younger generation had all returned to the campsite and were sitting around.

"Well, since you're offering," Andy said with a grin. "Care to join me in the tent, Kylie?"

"That's a bit, like, close to everything, isn't it?" Kylie asked, eyeing off the tent next to them. "Like I'm pretty sure anyone walking past would hear whatever was going on."

"Then where else would you suggest?" Andy asked. "I'm pretty sure if we got into it inside the van, it would like rock too much and stuff."

"You could go to the sand hills, if you're worried about being heard inside the tent," Jen suggested.

"Sounds... kind of sandy?" Andy replied.

"Take some towels, it's not that bad."

"Is that a personal guarantee?" Kylie asked, "Like, you've actually tried it?"

"Well, I can guarantee your privacy... but like, I haven't actually fucked anyone in the sand hills."

"Makes me wonder just what you have done, and more importantly, who it was with," Andy posed.

"Well, you can just keep on wondering, because except when I borrow your girlfriend, it's not something I'm going to tell my little brother about!"

"I for one am willing to give it a go, how about you, Andy?" Kylie asked.

"Better than being busted in a tent!" Andy exclaimed. "I'll grab a couple of towels."

"Well if we're headed to the beach, I'm at least putting my bikini on. Having gone to the trouble of buying one, I may as well get some use out of it, even if I don't swim."

"Dunno, it's not that warm," Andy observed.

Kylie still went into the van to change, and Andy followed her inside to retrieve a couple of large beach towels.

"You know, you're not supposed to watch your cousin getting changed," Kylie giggled as she pulled her t-shirt off, instantly becoming casually topless in front of him.

"Oops. I guess I'd better not look, then," Andy replied, holding a hand over his eyes, with his fingers spread wide enough apart it was clear he was totally looking.

Kylie stripped off her shorts and underwear as well, and then pulled on her new high-cut green bikini bottoms, before adding the top, which even with a small cup size was quite baggy on her.

"Damn, you're sexy," Andy groaned, adjusting his dick.

"You say the nicest things," Kylie replied with a smile. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on top of the bikini, and Andy led her outside, having gathered the towels.

"Have fun, you two," Jen bade them.

"What are you going to do?" Kylie asked her.

"Probably sunbathe and read a book."

"Cool, enjoy the peace."

Andy and Kylie set off down the beach together. They weren't able to hold hands, because there were too many people camping nearby, all of whom knew the family from their many years of holidaying in exactly the same campsites every Easter. Even on the beach itself they had to be careful, since there was a constant stream of walkers and joggers getting their exercise.

"Is this going to be private at all?" Kylie bemoaned when she saw how many people were strolling up and down the beach.

"Not here it isn't, but a bit further along, we can head up into the sand hills and get out of sight."

They walked a couple of hundred metres further, and sure enough, there were plenty of opportunities to head off of the beach and out of sight. They clambered up and over a few hills until they felt they were far enough off the beach, and then they spread out their towels.

Kylie pounced on her cousin the instant the towels were down. She jumped into the air, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist while he was still standing, and then thrust her tongue into his mouth, kissing him hungrily. Andy held her against him for a few moments before allowing her slight weight to bear him down to a towel, where she lay atop him and continued to kiss him, now grinding her pussy against his hardened dick.

"Mmm, I wanted to suck you so badly last night," Kylie gasped, when she finally released Andy from the kiss.

"And I was so horny for you," Andy moaned as she made room to get into his pants, her hands working quickly and efficiently to undo them and drag them down his legs. She eagerly swallowed his cock, taking him deep into her mouth and sucking noisily, uttering lots of appreciative sounds.

"Oh fuck, that's amazing," Andy groaned as she devoured him. She worked her mouth up and down enthusiastically, her lips gliding along his hard shaft. Andy tangled his fingers in her short red hair, pretending to guide her head up and down, even though dominance wasn't really his thing.

Kylie plunged down and held him deep in her mouth of her own volition, then she held still, while saliva drained down from her mouth to coat his cock and balls.

"Your cock is so yummy," she declared happily when she pulled her head back, her eyes watering. "And it's fun to ride, too!" She pulled off her t-shirt before standing up to lose her shorts. Andy reclined on the towel, watching as she slid off her bikini bottoms and squatted over him, reaching for his cock. She held him in place as she slid down and speared herself with his erect dick. "Oh that's sooo good!" she cooed as he filled her.

"Fucking awesome!" Andy agreed. He reached up and pulled her down for a kiss, releasing her bikini top while they did.

Kylie eagerly snatched it away from between them while she rocked her hips and ground on his dick. She pushed her torso back upright to ride him properly, and Andy took the opportunity to tease her nipples and play with her breasts.

"You feel so fucking good inside me, and you're so hard," Kylie moaned.

"Hard? I totally blame you for that," Andy replied with a grin.

"Blame accepted." She held herself a little above him as he started thrusting up into her pussy.

"Switch?" Andy suggested.

"Mmm, yeah, let's," Kylie agreed.

She dismounted and took Andy's place on the towel, and he got between her legs and slid happily back inside her, thrusting deep. He leaned over her, hands on either side of her as he began fucking her passionately.

Kylie pulled at his t-shirt, wishing to get him completely naked, and initiating a brief break in their fucking, she accomplished just that.

Andy then resumed his efforts, sweat starting to glisten on his skin in the morning sun while they fucked happily.

"I can't wait to feel you explode inside me," Kylie cooed.

"Wait! I'm not wearing a condom, but I can cum inside you?" Andy asked in shock, having expected to pull out.

"Yeah, you really can! I've been on the pill for a week, so it's all good now," Kylie replied with a face-splitting grin.

"Fucking A!" Andy fucked her harder and faster for a few moments, and just the thought of being allowed to fill his cousin's womb with cum had him too excited to last long. Sure enough, within a couple more thrusts, he couldn't hold back.

"Cumming!" he cried, to which Kylie gave a little squeal of glee.

He thrust once more, and held himself deep inside her while his cock pulsed and his warm cum spurted into her.

"Oooooo," Kylie wailed joyously, "That feels incredible!"

"Fuck yes, it does," Andy agreed, holding himself inside his girlfriend's warm pussy while his ball sac was evacuated.

"We're definitely going be doing that again! And again and again, and probably even some more!" Kylie predicted happily.

Andy leaned down and kissed her, and then he rolled away, still panting from his pleasurable exertions.

"Hmm, but now there's something new we haven't ever needed to deal with," Kylie reported, propping herself up on her elbows as she felt Andy's cum seep from her pussy. "It's kinda messy."

"Guess I hadn't thought about that," Andy noted.

"Me neither," Kylie giggled. "Oh well, it's nothing a swim won't fix."

"Kinda cold, though."

"Don't be a wuss. You'll be fine, Mr. Sissy Man! If I'm going in, so are you."


Kylie pulled her bikini back on and urged Andy to restore his board shorts as well, and then they picked up the rest of their stuff and carried it back over the sand hills onto the beach.

"Ooo, squishy!" Kylie laughed as she began walking, playfully wiggling her hips as she continued leaking cum into her bikini.

The two cousins ran into the surf, squealing and laughing as the water splashed them. Andy stared at his cousin's bikini top clinging to her nipples, enjoying the way they pushed out the material. Once the bikini was wet, the cool breeze brought them to attention and hardened them noticeably.

Kylie plunged her hand into her bikini and agitated the ocean water vigorously to give herself a good rinse, while Andy kept an eye out for anyone on the beach who might be paying more attention than they needed to. Before long, Kylie was happy with the restored state of her bikini, so they returned to the beach, grabbed their things, and headed back to the campground.