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Oliver moved swiftly through the house and found Anne and Peggy in the kitchen. He smiled as he approached Peggy.

'Peggy, thank you so much for the wonderful meal and your hospitality. Unfortunately, I have to return to Washington, I hope you can forgive me.'

Peggy gave him a puzzled look. When he turned to Anne, she too was mystified.

'What is it, what's wrong?'

'We'll talk in Washington, we can't do it here.'

'But why not, is it my Dad?'

'Things are not the way I thought they were. I really have to go.'

He looked over at Peggy

'I need to call a cab, can I use your phone?'

'I'll do it for you but do you really have to go? We've not had chance to get to know you.'

I'd like that Mrs Brockman, I really would but the circumstances don't allow it. Maybe some other time.'

As Oliver walked off in the direction of his room Peggy looked at her daughter.

Well, I'm going to call for a cab. I suggest you go and talk to your father and find out what just happened.

Oliver went to his room and picked up his bag before letting himself out to wait at the kerbside. No sooner had the cab turned up than a tearful Anne came running from the house.

'Oliver, please don't go, come back into the house and we'll talk about it.'

He put his bag down and put his hands on her shoulders.

'Anne, my darling, I love you, I always will. Nothing in the world can change that, but now the nature of that love must change. From now on, I have to learn to love you like a sister. Go back and talk to your father. I will see you when you get back to Washington.'

She was still trying to absorb what he'd said as the taxi pulled away.


The phone was ringing when Oliver stepped into their Washington apartment. He answered it knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant. All the way home he'd wracked his brain trying to find a way he and Anne could stay together. No one else knew so there would be no trouble getting married but every time he ran through it he came back to the same thing. She was his half-sister and it would not be right. Who knew what effect it might have on their children?

'Oliver, Oliver, are you there?' Anne's voice came to him through the telephone.

'Yes, I'm here. Has your father told you?'

'He's told us that he might be your father.'

'Might be? Is that what he said? In that case, he's adding abuse of my mother's memory to his considerable sins.'

'I don't know what you mean. Can't you come back so we can sort it out?'

'What's to sort out? Your father is my father, and it's tearing me apart. I can't come back. I couldn't be in the same room with that man without doing something I'd regret.'

'But why, he can't be the only serviceman who got a girl pregnant. I don't understand, this is so .unlike you.'

'You don't get sent home in the middle of a war just for getting a girl pregnant. Ask him to explain why he got sent back to Randolf.'

'Will that help us?'

'I don't think anything can help us. I wish it could then I wouldn't feel so empty. I'm going to move back into embassy accommodation. Call me at work when you get back and we can work out where we go from here.'

Tears ran down his cheeks as he listened to Anne sobbing into the phone.

'I don't know what to do. I love you so much.'

'And I love you, that's why I feel so empty inside.'

Oliver held the phone until the line went dead. Then went in and started packing up his stuff. By the end of the day, he had moved back into the embassy accommodation.


Days ran into weeks with Anne and Oliver spoke on the phone several times. Neither felt capable of having a face to face meeting. Oliver knew his work was suffering and talked to his boss about returning to England. It was three weeks after his confrontation with Karl when an aide told him there was a Mrs Brockman in the foyer asking to see him.

'Are you sure its Mrs not Miss Brockman?' Oliver asked.

'Reception definitely said Mrs Brockman. Do I tell them you are unavailable?'

'No it's okay I'll go down and see what she wants.'

When he got to reception he found that it was indeed Mrs Peggy Brockman waiting for him. As he walked over to her he tried to decide how he should greet her. Peg saved him any embarrassment by throwing her arms around him and giving him a hug. She backed off and looked at him.

'Oh my, you look awful, are you sleeping properly.'

'No Mrs Brockman, I haven't slept well for weeks.'

'I thought so, my Annie is just the same.'

'Mrs Brockman I...'

'Enough of the Mrs Brockman I told you to call me Peg. Now is there somewhere we can go to talk?'

'Yes, I'll see if there is an interview room free.'

'Ah to hell with that, let's go out and get a coffee.'

'We could go over to the Kahlil Gibran memorial garden there's usually a van selling coffee hot dogs.'

They took their coffees and sat side by side on a bench.

'How much did Karl tell you?'

'I know that you're his son, if that's what you mean. I know that he must have got himself into big trouble over in England. That's why he came home feeling sorry for himself.'

'He'll never be my father, he just provided the sperm. My father is a good man, a great man, who deserved a better life than the one fate dealt him. I'm afraid your husband was part of that.'

'Enough of all that, it's not important now. How much do you love my daughter?'

'I can't answer there isn't a value high enough to put on it. Since I've known her she's become my reason for waking up in the morning. She is the one I lie awake all night thinking about and I don't know how I'm going to live without her.'

'That's what I thought. Now you just sit there and listen, my Annie is not the only one in the family who is attracted to guys with an English accent and fine British manners. When Karl came home and was sent to Randolf he was feeling pretty damned sorry for himself. He started drinking a lot and I know that he took advantage of some of the women on the base. I found myself in a place where I knew no with a husband who was either absent or too drunk to notice me. I was all set to throw in the towel and go home to my folks. Then at the end of the war, I met someone. He was a Squadron Leader just like you and he had that wonderful accent. Not only did he notice me, he treated me like a lady. He'd been drafted into Randolf to see if there was anything he could learn from our training methods and we got together for coffee a lot. He would tell me tales of life in England. How they had to deal with food rationing and black market. I would tell him about my life growing up here. We became friends and I started to tell him all about my life with Karl. He was my shoulder to cry on.'

'Someone must have told Karl about coffee shop meetings he came home drunk and angry. He accused me of fraternising with that god damned limey officer he hit me across the face with the back of his hand and then he forced himself on me. I knew it was the drink made him do it but it didn't help when I saw my face in the mirror next day. I knew I couldn't meet Allan, that was his name Allan Roberts, from Canterbury I think. I knew I couldn't meet him with my face all bruised so I stayed at home until I needed to do some shopping. He found me in the market and whisked me off the base to Live Oak Park. We sat by the lake and I told him everything. He wanted to give Karl a damned good thrashing but I told him it would only make things worse. He took me in his arms and held me. I felt so safe in his arms and I kissed him. It was there, on the grass that we first made love and it was so wonderful. He was kind and gentle and I felt so loved. It helped, you know. I could tolerate Karl's behaviour while I had someone who really loved me. When he came to the end of his tour of duty he asked me to go back to England with him but I couldn't do it. I'd made promises before God, for better or worse, for richer for poorer. I couldn't go back on that.'

'I missed him so much. I really do know how you feel without Annie because that's how I felt without Allan but then I found I was pregnant with Annie. I wasn't looking forward to it but the change in Karl was amazing. He sobered up and became very attentive. Allen wrote to me regularly, begging me to go to England and join him but I couldn't it would have broken Karl's heart. From the day she was born Annie was always Daddy's little princess.'

A tear made it's way down Peggy's cheek and Oliver gave her a tissue to mop her eyes.

'That's a very sad tale Peggy, I feel privileged to have heard it.'

'It's not over yet,' she said. She reached into her purse, pulled out a printed sheet of paper and handed it to Oliver.

'Read this.'

Oliver looked tat the sheet which seemed to be a report from some sort of laboratory.

'I don't understand, what is this.'

'It's one of those new DNA paternity tests. Karl is subject A and Annie is subject B.'

'But it says no relation?'

'I know Annie is Alan's child. I knew there was a chance but Karl loved her so much I didn't want to know until now. I couldn't stand the thought of you two feeling as empty as I have for all those years.'

'Does Karl know?'

'He does now. He threw me out.'

'Still the hypocrite eh. Do you know where Annie is right now?'

'At your apartment I guess. I told her to take sick leave.'

'Good let's go.'

He took Peggy by the hand and rushed out of the park. Out on Massachusetts Avenue he hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of the apartment.

Oliver ran up the stairs while Peggy waited for the lift. He was hammering on the door by the time Peggy arrived.

'What's the matter with you man you've got a key don't you.'

'No, I left it inside.'

'Well I do,' she said as she reached into her purse. She was pushing Oliver out of the way when the door opened and there stood a bleary-eyed Anne dressed only in her pyjamas.

'What's all the noise about where's the fire... Oliver? Why are you here?'

Oliver took her hand in his and sank down onto one knee.

'Anne, my darling, this isn't the way I'd planned to do this but would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?'

Anne looked around in a daze unsure if any of this was really happening. Beyond Oliver, she could see her mother vigorously nodding her head and mouthing 'Say Yes.' She looked down at Oliver who was still holding her left hand.

'But I thought...'

'But nothing, will you marry me.'

Once more she looked at her mother who with tears in her eyes gave her the same signal.

'Yes, yes, of course, I'll marry you but what has changed?'

Oliver stood and put his hands on her shoulders.

'Your mum has some important news for you. It's going to be upsetting but at least we can face it together. I'm going back to get the ring and arrange some compassionate leave.'

He kissed her stepped back then came in and kissed her again/.

'I love you, Annie Brockman.'

'And I love you, Oliver Mortimer. I don't understand what's going on but I know that I love you.'

'I'll leave you to talk to your mum. I'll be back in an hour.'

When Oliver returned, he found two women with tear-stained faces. Anne ran to him and held him in a fierce hug.

'Oh, Oliver what are we going to do? He is the only father I've ever known. I'd always dreamed he'd walk me down the aisle.'

'Of course, you have, he's your father just as my father is the one back in England. Why don't you call him and tell him that?'

'Would you be okay with that, him walking me down the aisle? You don't hate him too much?'

'How could I hate a man who helped make you the woman you are? Of course, he must be the man to give you away.'

'I'll call him from the bedroom. I'm afraid I might get emotional.'

'I think that's a foregone conclusion but wait there's something else we need to do first.'

He pulled a small black box from his pocket.

'This was my mother's ring,' he said, as he slipped the ring onto the third finger of her left hand.

'Now, go call your father.'

Anne ran off to the bedroom and Oliver sat down next to Peggy. She put her hand on his.

'Well, it looks like you are the man that Annie says you are. He's not a bad man you know, Karl. He was a good father and he loves his little princess.'

'He still threw you out. Despite the fact that he'd done the same thing.'

'Yeah well, perhaps we'll have to give him time to think about that. Your father knew almost straight away, he's had time to accept it. Karl has only just found out. I would never have had the test done if you had never come into our lives, I thought it was better not to know but I couldn't let it ruin two more lives.'

'I'm not sure how Dad will take it but I guess I can get used to him being my father-in-law.'


One Year Later

'I still say we could have put on a better show back home,' Carl said as the hairdresser fitted the tiara to Anne's head.

'Oh stop being such a grouch, Dad. I know you think the church is small but it's beautiful and I love it. The wedding would have cost you a lot more back in the states.'

'And I would have paid it willingly to see my princess married to a good man who wouldn't take her away from me.'

'Oliver is a good man and he's not taking me away from you. We'll be coming stateside from time to time and you and Mom will always be welcome here. I know Oliver and his father have already told you that.'

'Yeah, that was good of him, considering. I'm not sure if I'd have shaken his hand if it had been the other way round. We'd better not run into that Reynolds guy while we are over here.'

'I doubt you will. I'm certainly not going looking for him. I've got my Daddy right here. Now, how do I look?'

Anne stood before him. The white strapless dress fitted her perfectly and clung to her curves. On the floor, the hairdresser spread the train out so that it looked like she was standing in a pool of white satin. The diamond tiara sparkled in her auburn hair. Karl suddenly found it difficult to breath let alone speak. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

'You... You look beautiful. More beautiful than any woman I've ever known. That boy just better look after you.'

'You know he will, Dad. Now we'd better get moving I know the bride is supposed to be late but we are stretching it a bit.'

Anne took his arm and they walked out of the room and down the main staircase where the pageboy picked up her train. They walked out through the big main doors and down the steps to the drive. As they turned towards the church, Karl stopped.

'What's wrong, Dad?'

'Nothing's wrong I'm just taking in the fact that my baby is going to be living in a house that has its own church.'

'We could be living in a small cottage, I'd still marry him.'

'I know, Baby. Let's go.'

As they walked into the church the organist struck up with Mendelson's wedding march. When the vicar asked 'Who givest this woman?' Karl stepped forward and placed Anne's hand in Oliver's.

He made his way back to the pew and stood beside Peggy. She took his hand and squeezed it.

'Look at it this way honey, we're not losing a daughter we're gaining a vacation destination.'

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26thNC26thNC3 days ago

Truly great story that doesn’t strain the credibility of anyone who is aware of the history and people of wartime England.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Inconceivable. War changes everything. Star crossed lovers, couples and nations... what God hath wrought together, let nothing render it asunder?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Carl and Allan were predators. See no issues with Peggy. If she had not sought solace and comfort elsewhere, she would have had to divorce the monster that Carl became (abusive, disconnected, morose, angry, recidivist cheater and seducer, and alcoholic). Her getting pregnant via Allan, saved their marriage and brought Carl back to being a man again. At least somewhat close to what she originally married. Felt terrible for Clifford, given the reveal. But he was broken and guess could not live without Daohne, who was an absolute mess with all the deceit, seduction and disinformation. Again Carl was evil. He may have matured and gotten better over time as a good father to his non-biolohical daughter and finally became a better hsuband again, but he was the worst of the characters. His sins were great. Allan took advantage of a distraught battered woman. But if she had not found Allan, she woukd have left Carl anyways. Oliver and Annie were great. They did nothing wrong. Both were good characters. My heart still goes out for Clifford and the grievous imjury that Carl did to Clifford and Daphne's marriage. I like how when Clifford came back, suddenly Carl no longer existed to Daphne. He didn't rate anything in her life and she tossed him aside without a second look. Driving Carl into fury and self loathing, becoming an alcoholic and bedding a bunch of other women, such was his obsession with Daphne.

One criticism. In that time, there is certainly no reliable birth control, hence the events of the story. But ... DNA testing did not exist for decades. The DNA report was completely anachronistic. By like 20 years or more. 5 stars.

deependerdeepender3 months ago

Very good story. Thank you very much.


Two years after they were married, Annie and Oliver were informed that Clifford and Allan are identical twins.

Btrying2Btrying26 months ago

Good story just think Pete/Karl should have made some effort to see what happened afterward. He was a scum that did redeem himself through the love of a forgiving and good woman. I know two wrongs, etc, but Peg was the glue in this story for me. Clifford the pure victim held his family together. Thus allowing the story. A little too sad for my taste but still well crafted. Thanks for sharing. John

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good story,the ending in no way was a surprise to any reader who paid attention and absorbed what they were reading, connecting the dots was automatic...4stars..JZk

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This sort of DNA fingerprinting/testing wasn't developed until the '80s and then was used to identify individuals in criminal investigations. Surely the framing story is suppose to take place earlier than that or Oliver and Anne would be in their '40s. The story could still have worked if Anne's blood type was revealed to be incompatible with her supposed parents- for example a child born of two parents with type O blood would also have type O blood. Any other type and mum's been playing away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Karl Pete Brockman was just American trash, trailer park trash

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sauce for the goose and gander,great story 5 stars.Dalbydad

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

This is the definition of a clusterfuck 😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Quite a mess. War makes for strange bedfellows. Of course this occurred before reasonable forms of birth control. Karl was quite an asshole. He stepped up finally when Anne was born. He cheated on Peggy with Daphne, then multiple times at Randolf when he was depressed about losing Daphne, and then when he came back was drunk all the time and beat his wife. If anything Peggy having an affair andngetting pregnant saved their marriage. Sounds like without meeting Alan she would have left Karl to go back to her parents and sought a separation, maybe even a divorce while Karl drank himself to death. Karl only woke up when Peggy got pregnant, assuming it was his. I don't mind him being upset with Peggy when there was a reveal as the wound was fresh and it looks like he reconciled with Peggy. No one was blameless except the children and Clifford. Both Karl and Alan are assholes. The two women, Daphne and Peggy were under crazy or extenuating circumstances. I don't agree with comments below that want to rake Peggy over the coals. If Karl had not been such an asshole (at least not as fast on the make with Daphne) then none of this mess would have happened. He got into drinking because of his exile to Randolf and his losing Daphne all while Peggy was pining away for him at home. His behavior became nasty and he demanded her further by sleeping around there at Randolf base with other women. Even then she did not do anything physical, only really letting Alan court her after he hit her in a drunken rage. I am glad he shaped up but I don't blame Peggy. And telling him early would have just meant a broken marriage and her raising Annie as a single mom, which was super tough back then. Nah don't blame Peggy. Interesting that asshole never checked up on Daphne ever again. At least she got Clifford back. I like how as Clifford is wounded, Daphne tells him to not leave her, begging him, and dismisses Karl as meaning nothing to her. Glad they worked it out. Grief can do powerful things to people and Karl who lusted for Daphne as soon as her met her was a predator.

StiixxStiixxover 1 year ago

Fantastic twist at the end. I saw “possible outcome”, but never woulda guessed the end twist.

Bravo 5 stars!!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Creative plot. Thanks.

francemanfrancemanabout 2 years ago

Sorry, but that didn't work for me.

I liked you to go on a sensitive and controversial subject.

On the other hand, even if I liked the return of baton concerning the paternity of his daughter, I did not like the end in the form of Disney World where everyone is nice, everyone is happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent last line

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