Owned Mary


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"You really did smell awful pet. You must learn to control yourself better."

"Your pet is sorry Ms. Simon and she will work to improve her control."

"Tell me pet what you learned last night?" asked Lisa.

"Ms. Simon your pet learned never to question you or your decisions. Your pet also learned to always obey and never disagree or fight you." answered Mary.

"Very good pet. Now we have a lot to do today to get ready for tonight. First we need to clean your insides as well as you have cleaned the outside. I want you to bend over the sink and spread your legs as wide as you can."

"Yes Ms. Simon," Mary responded as she hurried into position. She felt uncomfortable without her high heels which Lisa had not given her time to put back on after the shower.

"This exercise will serve two purposes pet. It will clean out your ass and allow you to practice your control." Lisa then inserted an enema nozzle deep into Mary's ass. The tube attached to the nozzle stretched up to the bag holding 2 quarts of warm soapy water.

Mary glanced back over her shoulder at the swollen bag hanging from the shower rod and hoped she could take it all to please her owner.

Lisa opened the clamp and the warm soapy water began to flow into Mary's upturned ass. Lisa set the flow slowly and ordered Mary to play with her nipples while she filled up. She cautioned her pet not to cum.

Mary began twisting and pulling her swollen nipples as ordered. Jolts of electric excitement shot through her dripping pussy. She looked over at the full length mirror on the door and blushed a bright red at the sight of the tube running into her tight upturned ass while she twisted and pulled her nipples and her bowels filled with the warm soapy mixture.


Mary felt her stomach stretching as the water continued to flow into her upturned ass. She slowed her fingers manipulating her taut nipples as she could feel her body nearing orgasm and she wanted to be obedient. Looking back she could see the bag was half empty.

"Pet, massage your stomach so we can be sure to get you really cleaned out."

The once respected teacher used both hands to massage her bloated stomach working the warm soapy water into every nook and cranny. Mary began to feel some cramping as the bag continued to send its contents deep into her bowels.

Finally the bag was empty. Lisa had Mary stand and face her. Pet's normally taut stomach was stretched out before her as pet continued to work her hands over her distended tummy working the fluids around inside her. "I'm going to remove the nozzle now pet and I want you to hold every drop in until I give you permission to release. Is that clear?"

"Yes Ms. Simon, your pet understands."

"Good". Reaching between her teacher's legs Lisa slowly removed the nozzle from her ass. Mary clenched her ass tight to prevent any leakage. She was determined to obey her owner. "Go and get your heels pet and come back here. Be quick about it."

Straining to hold the liquid churning in her bloated stomach Mary moved as fast as she could to find a clean pair of heels and get back. She knew she could do this and make Lisa happy.

As Marry returned to the bathroom wearing 5" heels fighting the cramps shooting through her bowels as the water demanded release her mind was once again baffled that she could be excited by this treatment and pain. Maybe this is what she deserved. When she got to the bathroom she stood before her owner confused and extremely horny.

"Very good pet," said Lisa as she patted her teacher on the head like she was a good puppy." Squat over the toilet and release the water pet."

Even after all the embarrassing and humiliating things Lisa had forced her to do, being forced to squat over the commode and release an ass full of watery shit in front of her student brought Mary to tears. She wasn't sure whether they were tears of embarrassment or tears of disgust for herself that she had come to this and was excited by it. As the watery shitty mixture rocketing from her splashed up all over her tight girlish ass the tears continued to flow and her pussy continued to send waves of pleasure throughout her body.

Lisa then instructed Mary to fill the bag again with a cold water rinse. After giving herself a cold enema Mary was to hold it for 15 minutes with no leakage, expel it as before, use the disposable douche on the sink, shower and come into the bedroom. She had 30 minutes.

Mary realized if she had to hold the enema 15 minutes she would have to take the water much faster than the last time. Checking the clock Mary hurried to obey her owner.


Mary felt the rushing of the cold water into her ass. She was immediately chilled. The cold water started cramping more quickly. Maybe because it was filling her faster. Mary began to massage her stomach to relieve the discomfort. When the bag was empty Mary noted the time. She had used 7 minutes. She had nothing to do but stand around with her swollen belly and fight the urge to let it out. She saw herself in the mirror. What a pathetic sight. Her hair was a mess, no make-up, bloated stomach and she was shivering from the cold water filling her. Her body was lean and muscular and her breasts were firm and capped with hard swollen nipples. Her pussy was bare and she could see the moisture on its lips and on her thighs. Her hair was so very short and the blonde streaks made her look a whole lot younger than she was. She was embarrassed by herself and she thought 'I bet Amy is embarrassed by me too.'

Finally the time was up and she expelled the foul smelling liquid her shivering body splashing herself as before. She quickly mixed the douche and cleaned out her pussy.

She jumped in the shower making it as hot as she could stand to warm her chilled body. A quick washing including her hair and Mary was out drying herself as she slipped on her heels and rushed into the bedroom with a minute to spare.

When she entered the bedroom she saw Lisa sitting on the bed using the phone. She stopped and stood before the teenager completely naked and waited for instructions. She couldn't get her pussy to stay dry. She could feel the juices beginning to flow.


There is nothing more embarrassing than standing naked in your own home waiting for instructions from a fully clothed person half your age. 'Why are my knees shaking and my nipples so hard?'

Finally Lisa was off the phone. She looked over at Mary and tossing her a long sweater said "Let's go, we have a lot to do."

Mary pulled the sweater over her head. It barely covered her ass and bare pussy. "Ms. Simon, your pet is not dressed or prepared to go out."

Lisa looked back and said simply, "Yes you are." And she walked out the door.

Mary had no choice but to follow her owner. She tugged at the hem of her sweater, ran her fingers through her undone hair and taking small careful steps she followed Lisa out to the car. "Pet when you get in lift your sweater out of the way so you don't sit on it," reminded Lisa.

"Yes Ms. Simon." replied Mary as she opened the car door, pulling her sweater up in the back and put her bare ass on the cold leather seat.

Mary had no idea where they were going and Lisa gave no indication as she drove in silence. Finally they reached their destination, the beauty shop where Mary's hair had been cut and streaked and she had endured the humiliating waxing of her pussy. She wondered what was in store for her this time. She would soon find out.

First Mary's short hair was trimmed even shorter and then bleached totally blonde. The transformation was astounding. Then the submissive teacher was lead into the back room and ordered to remove her sweater and climb on the table for another waxing. It was a different technician this time and Mary was again humiliated to strip naked in front of a complete stranger. This technician was more touchy, feely and not at all embarrassed by Mary's nakedness and her sopping pussy. Mary simply lay on the table with her legs spread wide while Lisa and the technician discussed her as if she weren't there. The hot wax set her fires burning hotter and by the time she put her sweater back on her thighs were slick with her juices.


Once Mary was covered as best the sweater could cover her she paid the bill with her credit card and at Lisa's direction added a large tip for the girl who did the waxing.

"Thank you and come back soon" said the girl.

"Oh we will. At least I'll send pet back. Maybe she can do something special for a nice girl like you." Mary blushed a deep red as she followed Lisa back to the car. She automatically lifted her sweater and deposited her bare ass on the cold seat. She wondered, 'Where next'. She knew Lisa was not done with her yet.


Lisa drove to the mall. Getting out of the car Mary immediately tugged her sweater down to be sure her tingling pussy was completely covered. If she moved carefully she could avoid putting on a display for everyone. She hurried to follow Lisa into the mall. Lisa headed for a specialty leather store. Mary followed silently behind her owner.

The salesman greeted Lisa as if he knew her and they walked together to the back of the store. Lisa motioned her Mary to hurry and follow. They moved into a back private dressing room and Lisa ordered Mary to remove her sweater.

With a red face Mary once again displayed her naked body to yet another stranger. The salesman proceeded to take Mary's measurements. "Mmmm 35" with about a C cup, 22 1/2" waist and 32 1/2" hips" said the salesman as his hands lingered on her body.

"Well pet, it looks like the diet and exercise are working," said Lisa.

The salesman left the room and returned in a short while with a black leather garment which Mary soon discovered was a corset. He fitted it snugly under her breasts and wrapped it around her body. Mary's first thought was that the man had brought the wrong size since the two ends did not come near to meeting behind her. She was ordered to lean forward slightly and grasp the stand before her. The man then began tugging and pulling the laces, squeezing Mary's body as the ends of the garment began to get closer. He continued pulling and tugging until the side finally met in the back. Mary could hardly breath as the air was crushed out of her lungs. "Ms. Simon, your pet cannot breath. It is too tight."

"Nonsense pet. If anything we may try a smaller one if you continue to complain."

Mary fell silent and continued to struggle for air as the salesman continued to tighten the laces until the corset was completely laced and tied off. Once he finished he took the tape and measured Mary again. Sensing her submissive situation he allowed his hands to roam freely as he measured his latest victim. "35-19-32 1/2," he announced proudly.

"That will do for now." said Lisa. "Pet put your sweater on and pay the gentleman."

Mary did as ordered wondering how she could pay all these new bills without Bill finding out.

"Pet, tell the gentleman you would love to spend a few hours with him privately to thank him for spending his valuable time helping you."

A distressed Mary turned to the salesman and said, "Sir, Ms. Simon's pet would love to spend a few hours with you, when you have time to thank you for your expert assistance." Mary found it difficult to speak as the corset continued to cut off her breathing.

"Well I get off at 9:00." he replied looking over the embarrassed customer.

"Pet will be busy this weekend. How about Tuesday at 9:00? She can meet you here."

"Great and Thanks."

"No problem pet loves to thank people in whatever way they like."

Lisa lead the way back to the car as Mary struggled to keep up with the garters hanging below the sweater on her bare thighs. Breathing was becoming a little easier as she learned to take shallow breaths.


When they got back to the car Mary discovered quickly that sitting in the corset made breathing that much more difficult. With her bare ass on the cold seat she struggled to get air into her cramped lungs. She knew not to complain or Lisa might make her go back and get an even tighter one.

"Pet, I want you to play with your soft smooth pussy for me. Tell me how nice and wet it feels."

Mary reached under the hem of her sweater and was shocked and appalled to find her pussy dripping wet. "Ms. Simon your pet is very wet," answered Mary blushing a deep dark shade of red. How could she be excited by this forced behavior? Why did she still get embarrassed by her body's reaction? She was beyond confused. She decided to just obey and not think she didn't understand anyway.

Lisa pulled into a McDonald's drive thru. Mary knew not to stop without being told so she continued to finger her wet slit as she turned a deeper red with Lisa pulling up to the window to order. Lisa ordered one large orange juice. Mary felt a spasm in her pussy and a heat wave pass through her body as she was displayed to the boy in the drive thru window.

"Pet stop playing with yourself now before you have an accident and cum all over the seat." said Lisa loud enough for the boy to hear. "Give me a $1.34 for your drink."

Mary pulled her fingers from her pussy and digging in her purse she searched for $1.34. The entire time the young boy had a clear view of her bald glistening pussy. Finally she found the money and handed it to Lisa.

"Don't give it to me pet. Pay the boy."

Mary leaned across the seat and handed the boy the money. Her face was beet red. She took the drink and sat back in her seat lifting her sweater first giving the boy one final look at her ass.

"Drink up pet we need you to maintain your strength. You won't be eating anything with nutritional value for a good while."


When Lisa and Mary arrived home Mary quickly finished her juice and was ordered upstairs to her (Lisa's) bedroom. "Time to get you ready for tonight pet. I expect no problems from you this evening." said Lisa as she followed pet up the stairs admiring her firm smooth buttocks and thighs.

"I want you to remove your sweater, go and use the bathroom if needed you may not get another chance for quite a while, and then clean yourself thoroughly and completely. Touch up your hair and do your make-up and meet me in the living room in 30 minutes."

"Yes Ms. Simon."

As Mary hurried to the bathroom to do her owner's bidding, Lisa began her preparations for the evening's activities. She gathered the limited amount of clothing pet would need and all of the bondage equipment needed for the evening. She could hardly contain her excitement that tonight she would be presenting her first slave to the group for their use and enjoyment.

Mary cleaned up taking care to keep the corset dry. Her mind began to wander again. 'How had she come to this? When was Bill coming home to somehow save her? How could he save her without finding out everything she has done? What was Amy doing? 'Then she put everything out of her mind because right now her most important task was to please Lisa to protect her family from shame and to make Lisa proud of her pet. With five minutes to spare the corseted naked teacher walked down the stairs of her own home and presented herself to her teenage owner and she was proud to have obeyed.


Lisa directed Mary to put on the black sheer stockings on the couch and attach them to the garters. She warned her to be sure the seams were perfectly straight.

Mary soon discovered what was normally a simple task was much more difficult because of the tight corset pinching her waist. While she had learned to breath by taking shallow breaths any bending or twisting made even shallow breaths a challenge. But with great effort Mary was able to get the stockings on and attached with seams perfect, no runs and not a wrinkle. She stood for inspection by her owner with a sense of satisfaction.

Next Mary was handed a new pair of black leather 6" heels with ankle straps. Mary again bent and twisted in the tight corset and put on the heels checking to make sure her stockings were still straight.

Once Mary had straightened in her heels, Lisa stooped and locked each of the shoes to her pet's feet. Lisa then locked thick leather ankle cuffs to each of her pet's slim ankles before standing to examine her pet. Identical leather wrist cuffs were locked to Mary's wrists. "Put your wrists behind your back pet" ordered Lisa and the leather cuffs were locked together imprisoning her hands uselessly behind her back. "I want you to stand here and do not make any moves without my help," said Lisa as she turned and picked up a ring gag. "Understand, not a step."

"Yes Ms. Simon your pet will not move without your help."

"Open wide."

Mary opened her mouth as far as she could and Lisa placed the large hard leather ring gag in her mouth. After making the necessary adjustments the gag spread Mary's lips and teeth so far open her jaws began to ache immediately. Mary watched as Lisa placed plugs in each of her ears and all sound stopped. She could not hear a thing. Her owner then placed soft pads over her eyes and a blindfold over the pads putting her in complete blackness. The loss of sight and sound was disorienting and Mary had to fight the panic raising inside her. She could feel as Lisa placed something in her nose forcing her to breath through her open mouth.

As the panic grew Lisa fastened a wide thick leather collar around Mary's slim neck. This forced her to hold her head up and reduced her head movement to almost nothing. Mary could feel the final addition to her bondage as Lisa pulled a hood over her head covering her face completely except for a large opening over her spread mouth. The hood attached to her collar which held it in place.

Lisa stepped back and admired her handiwork. Mary stood before her in total black from her heels to the top of her head. The heels and the stockings accented her long legs enticingly. The garters outlined her bare smooth pussy and framed her tight ass from the rear. The corset pinched her waist giving her a perfect hourglass figure with her hard tip breasts totally exposed. The collar was a work of art, 5" wide and made of stiff shiny leather with D rings all around. And the black hood completely isolating the teacher from reality. She could not see, hear, smell or say anything. The ring on the top of the hood would be of use later. The gag was perfect because her mouth was completely available yet useless to her. Lisa smiled as the drool began escaping her pet's open mouth. Her nipples were hard and the dew on her teacher's thighs was already visible.

Mary was completely severed from the outside world. She stood very still because she had been so ordered and she was afraid to move. She jumped as she felt something being wrapped around her body and attached to her collar. She had no idea what it was other than it was cool where it touched her skin.

Lisa had covered her pet with a long black cape which completely hid her body from neck to heels. The cape and the hood were the only things visible.


Lisa took Mary's arm and led the blind, deaf teacher shuffling out to the car and buckled her into the front seat. She then got behind the wheel and they headed for their destination.

Mary could feel the vibration of the car and occasionally feel the force of a turn but she had absolutely no idea where they were headed. After what seemed like a long time, but with her sense basically gone time was hard to measure, the vibration stopped and Mary thought the car had stopped. A few moments later she was shocked by a hand on her arm pulling her gently from the car. She had not even known the door had been opened.

Lisa led the slowly moving teacher up to a huge house and knocked on the door. All Mary knew was she moved a distance and stopped. The door was opened by a woman slightly older than Mary in a tiny black maid's uniform balanced on 7" heels. Lisa led Mary into the house.
