Oz Beach Boy & Odessa Nude Videos

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Matt and Odessa make nude videos of each other...
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NOTES: This is an entry in the Nude Day Story Contest 2023, so I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to vote. This story features my recurring character Matt (a muscular, well-hung, 26-year-old sex addicted male exhibitionist) and my other recurring character Odessa Prince (a beautiful but shy 27-year-old Cosplay enthusiast) filming each other in the nude. This is a CFNM story featuring male nudity, female nudity, female-of-male body worship, male-of-female body worship and performative masturbation, but NO sexual intercourse. This is a work of complete fiction. All characters are over eighteen.


Matt has a very naughty idea...

It was a humid summer's afternoon in Sydney, Australia. My girlfriend Odessa Prince was packing her bag for a brief trip to Adelaide. I had an idea...a very naughty idea.

"Odessa...could I make a nude video of you on my iPad so I've got something to, um, keep me busy while you're away?" I asked.

"Oh, you naughty, naughty boy," Odessa replied with a giggle. "I've never done anything like that before...I've never done the whole sex tape thing. Um, but yeah...that would be sexy. I'll do that. The thought of you playing with yourself while you watch a video of me in the nuddy is actually pretty hot."

"That's good news," I said with a smile. "That's very good news."

"You're such an exhibitionist though, Matt, I get the feeling this is just a ruse so you can star in your own video for me," Odessa said with a laugh. "Am I on the money, lover? Have I got your number?"

"Guilty as charged," I replied. "The thought of you with your hands in your panties while watching a bare-arse video of me is pretty hot too...very hot!"

"Yes, and I must admit, I also like the idea of you having something to, ah, amuse and occupy yourself with while I'm away," Odessa said with a frown. "The idea of you on your own with just your hand for entertainment does not excite me...that does not excite me at all. If this will make it more fun for you, I'm up for it."

Odessa's concerns were wholly justified. Though not clinically diagnosed as such, I'm most certainly a raging sex addict. If I'm not doing the deed itself, I'm thinking about it, and planning how to get it.

I'm a 26-year-old narcissistic Aussie male exhibitionist who loves getting nude, preferably with women watching me. That's my kink, and it's taken me to some truly bizarre places.

I spend hours training to get my body as ripped and muscular as I possibly can. Though partially for health and fitness purposes, my workout regime is principally designed to get my rig as shredded as possible in order to attract as much female attention as I can.

I like to show off and put myself in potentially sexy situations, particularly around Sydney's many beaches and secluded coastal bays. I also frequently stroll around at night on busy weekends looking for action wherever I can find it. I am in a near perpetual state of horniness, and I've enjoyed a lot of sordid sex and many, many kinky hook-ups in my time.

All of that, however, had been well and truly parked as soon as Odessa and I agreed to embark upon a relationship. She wanted us to be monogamous, and even though I knew it would be difficult, I agreed because I was so incredibly taken with her.

Previously my lusted-after neighbour, Odessa Prince was now my first ever girlfriend. I was having a wonderful time with her, and though I hadn't even come close to straying, my mind did guiltily drift off occasionally to thoughts of other women...and especially to the many, many other women I'd fucked over the years.

Odessa and I were having so much sex that I was usually put back on course immediately when my mind wandered, but with her going away for a few days, I was a little concerned. I planned to do a lot of masturbating in Odessa's absence, and having a nude video of my hot new girlfriend would certainly come in handy, so to speak.

"What do you want me doing?" Odessa asked with a cheeky smile. "Lying on the bed fingering myself? Or using a vibrator? Pretty straight-up stuff?"

"Well...um...I was actually hoping for a bit more of a production here," I admitted sheepishly. "Do you still have the keys to the indoor netball court?"

"Oh, my god...yes, I do," Odessa replied with a look of mild concern. "What do you want to do?"

Tall, fit, long-legged, big breasted and absolutely gorgeous, Odessa Prince was an excellent and highly committed netball player for The Southern District Hawks, and I'd watched her play a few games on weekends and evenings. It was a total thrill.

Seeing Odessa move around the court with her characteristic grace and power was a massive turn-on, and I'd masturbated a few times while she walked around the house in her sexy netball uniform for my salacious entertainment, bending over to show me her great butt and amazing cleavage. We always had great sex after Odessa played netball.

"I'd like to make a video of you on the court," I replied. "I want you to take off your netball uniform piece by piece until you're eventually totally naked."

"Geez, Matt," Odessa said with a smile. "That's pretty naughty. My tits will be bouncing all over the place."

"That's the idea," I said, laughing. "Then I want you in the shower soaping up and getting yourself off."

"Whoa!" Odessa said with a laugh. "You've really thought this through, huh?"

"I certainly have," I replied. "And you really want to do a video of me too?"

"Yeah, of course...I was just gonna get you nude and jerking it in the bedroom, but if we're going physical and widescreen here, I've got another idea," Odessa said. "I want you down in the gym, working out...totally nude. And then I want you to jerk yourself off on the weight bench while I film it in glorious close-up."

"I like the sound of that," I responded. "You know I like to do that anyway."

"What...jerk off on the weight bench?" Odessa asked, giggling.

"No, work out in the nude," I replied with a laugh. "You know I do that."

I had converted my apartment's downstairs lock-up storage room into a small home gym. It was a totally private space, and I often lifted weights and trained down there naked so I could check the form on the various muscle groups I was working.

Nude training was a great suggestion I'd received from Australian WWE star Rhea Ripley, who I'd enjoyed an extremely sexy dalliance with some time back while the bone-breaking blonde was back down under on a promotional tour. [See Story: "Oz Beach Boy Wrestles Rhea Ripley"]

"Try working out in the nude," Rhea had suggested. "That way, you can see what every muscle is doing, front and back."

It was not the sort of advice you get in bodybuilding magazines, but I'd found Rhea's naughty suggestion to be surprisingly beneficial when trying to really sculpt the various parts of my body. For an exhibitionist like me, it was also a turn-on to get nude in a situation like that. Having Odessa watch me and film me would make it even hotter.

"We won't be able to do anything on the netball court until late tonight to make sure we don't get caught," Odessa explained, "so how about we make you a movie star right now, Matt?"

"I'm ready," I said, laughing. "I'm always ready."

"We'll use my iPad," Odessa explained. "We can shout directions to each other off-screen, and I'll lay some music and credits over the footage to make it look like a real porno. This will be fun!"

Through her work creating content for a female-focused website, I knew Odessa had a knack for video editing and playing with various types of footage, and that she'd work wonders even with video we'd created ourselves just on an iPad. Our little nude movies were going to look good...in more ways than one.

"Sounds good, Odessa," I said. "Let's do it. Make me a star!"

Odessa Prince calls..."Action!"

Odessa checked her iPad and looked around Matt's home gym. Her new boyfriend had painted the storage room a crisp white, and he'd placed a series of full-length mirrors around the space.

There was a weight bench, as well as a large collection of free weights lined up along the walls. There was also a metal chin-up bar bolted into the wall. In one corner of the room was a small set of shelves packed with clean black towels, oils, deodorant, water bottles, and other bits and pieces.

Matt had laughingly told Odessa that his much older female landlord had happily allowed him to convert the space into a gym, even though renters weren't usually permitted to make major changes to the storage room.

"What did you do, Matt?" Odessa asked. "Go down on her?"

"No comment," Matt replied with a smile. "No comment at all!"

Matt was dressed in a tight black singlet, and a pair of loose grey sweat-shorts with thin, stretch-fabric exercise pants underneath. Matt had trainers and socks on, and he'd even lightly oiled his arms, which showed off his already bulging biceps even more. To put it bluntly, Matt looked fucking hot. This was going to be a very sexy video.

"Okay, Matt, do you want to start with some stretches?" asked Odessa, who was casually dressed in a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and shorts. "Let's tease this out, huh?"

"You know I'm a tease," Matt replied with a smile. "You talk me through it, yeah?"

"You bet," Odessa replied with a wink. "Action!"

With a sly smile, Matt walked into the centre of the room, and started with some cross-body stretches, placing his right arm over his torso, and his left hand over his right bicep, which caused all of the muscles in his arms to casually pop.

Matt repeated the process with his left arm, and then took turns stretching his arms upward over his head, and bending them at the elbow, gently working the muscles along the bottom of his arms. Odessa giggled with quiet joy while Matt put his extraordinary body through its paces.

Odessa pointed at Matt's legs, and he then grabbed one ankle at a time and pulled his feet up under his butt, stretching out the muscles in his powerful thighs. He then pressed down on his tilted heels to gently ease out his calves. Graceful and composed, Matt was putting on quite the show.

"Okay, let's lose the singlet and do some bicep curls," Odessa said quietly while looking at her iPad, which was propped up on a small tripod. "Let's heat it up a bit."

Almost pouting at the camera, Matt gripped his tight singlet at the hem and then slowly, sexily rolled it up over his heavily ridged abdomen and marbled pecs, glacially revealing his bare torso, and then up and over his shoulders and head.

With a wicked smile, Matt scrunched up his removed singlet and then tossed it into a corner of the room. He then walked over to the shelves, and picked up a bottle of oil. Looking right at the camera, Matt popped the top, flipped the bottle, and then liberally squirted oil all over his bare torso.

Behind the tripod, Odessa laughed and clapped silently as Matt then smeared the oil all over his rock-hard torso, and rubbed it into his smooth, waxed skin until his entire upper body glistened sexily in the soft light of the storage space turned home gym. Matt made tight fists of his hands to flex the muscles in his now slicked-up arms and ripped torso. Odessa gasped with delight.

The beautiful 27-year-old was astounded at how little direction Matt required. Odessa's new boyfriend really knew how to play on his sexuality and use his heavily muscled body to his advantage. She'd never met a man so unashamed in exploiting his sex appeal. Odessa's mind boggled at what Matt might have been involved in sexually before she met him.

With another smile, glistening, bare-chested Matt shook out his arms and hands, and strutted over to the free weights lined up against the wall. He casually picked up two mid-sized weights, turned to face the camera, and began a series of intense bicep curls, the muscles in his arms instantly popping and engorging.

Knowing she could smoothly edit it all together later, Odessa carefully picked her iPad up off the tripod, and walked slowly toward Matt, moving in for a series of delectable close-ups.

Odessa slid in beside Matt and raked the camera down his left arm as he continued his bicep curls, capturing the enthralling manner in which his veins strained and rippled under his smooth skin. Odessa gasped as she caught Matt's enormous biceps inflating as his arms moved up and down.

"God, you look great, Matt," Odessa said encouragingly. "You look really amazing. This is so hot!"

Odessa moved around gracefully to the front of Matt, and captured his slick, stony, bare chest and deeply corrugated abs as they shifted and rippled with the movement of his powerful arms.

Odessa expertly moved the camera briefly down to Matt's crotch, the bulge of his enormous penis visible through his shorts. Odessa held the naughty shot for a few moments, and then walked the iPad back to its tripod.

"Okay, Matt, let's get rid of the shorts," Odessa said from behind the tripod. "It's time for those to go!"

Matt dropped the weights on the floor, shook out his arms and hands, and then hooked his thumbs into the sides of his soft, grey sweat-shorts. Matt smiled at the camera, and then slid them down his smooth, muscular legs, and over his sneakered feet. Matt plucked the shorts off his feet, scrunched them up, and threw them to the side of the room with his discarded singlet.

His muscles pumped and his smooth skin oiled, Matt now stood in just his black exercise pants. Odessa smiled. Matt's penis was so big that he had to tuck it between his legs when he was wearing a swimsuit, but Odessa had requested that he let his appendage hang down his leg this time. She giggled at the obscene outline of Matt's member, which bulged almost to the very bottom of the long exercise shorts, which stretched practically down to his knees.

The fabric of the exercise shorts was so thin that Odessa could almost see the veins in Matt's penis, along with the very obvious bulge of its big, angry head. She could also see the huge wad of Matt's equally outsized balls held in tight between his legs.

"Let's do some shoulder presses," Odessa instructed, suggesting one of the few weight exercises she knew by name. "Work it, Matt!"

In just his tight, thin, figure-hugging exercise shorts, Matt was quite the sight. He turned and revealed his rock-hard butt to the camera, its curved rigidity perfectly displayed in the light fabric shorts. Matt bent over luridly to add to the sexy spectacle, picked up two weights, and then turned to face the camera.

Matt executed a set of perfect shoulder presses, smoothly lifting his strong arms high above his head, beautifully elongating the muscles of his oil-slicked bare torso while working his back and shoulders.

The bulge in Matt's ball-hugging shorts almost begged Odessa for release, and she was desperate to see it hanging loose. Utilising all her will-power, Odessa let Matt go through a few more shoulder presses.

"The exercise shorts have to go, Matt...I need you naked," Odessa directed. "Let's give that anaconda some air! It's penis time! Let's introduce the star of the show!"

With a bracing lack of hesitation, Matt smirked and then hooked his thumbs into the sides of his skimpy exercise shorts. He slid them down over his crotch and thighs, first revealing his gloriously man-scaped pubic hair. Matt's lengthy, fierce, ropey, vein-crossed, uncut cock then flopped up and down as the tight shorts finally slid over it.

Though she'd now seen it plenty of times, Odessa still gasped and giggled as Matt's huge member dangled heavily over his outsized nut-sack as he stepped carefully out of his exercise shorts. Matt threw them to the side of the room with the rest of his gym clothes.

Odessa smiled with excitement, very, very happy to finally be looking at Matt in the nude. She glanced at the iPad on the tripod to make sure it was all being captured properly. Completely naked except for his trainers and socks, Odessa watched with delight as Matt flexed the muscles in his bare torso, and made tight fists of his hands to make his arms bulge impressively.

The naughty show-off even twitched his obscenely dangling penis to make it jump a little. Odessa had so many serious doubts about the insanely over-sexed Matt, but he was just so fucking hot.

"Pose a little," Odessa said quietly. "Show me what you've got, lover."

Matt cut the classic bodybuilder's pose, lifting his arms and flexing his biceps. He then stretched out his arms above his head, and held his hands behind his head, making his chest and arms bulge alluringly. Matt dropped his arms, and then briefly gripped his flaccid penis, giving his monstrous member a quick squeeze.

"Let's get you on the weight bench," Odessa directed. "It's time for some bench presses."

Odessa moved the tripod so the iPad was positioned right at the base of the weight bench. Matt slid down onto it and spread his legs wide, allowing his penis to flop down onto the vinyl of the weight bench, where it uncoiled like a relaxing snake.

With a very naughty laugh, Odessa looked at the iPad to see Matt's big penis filling the entire screen. The positioning of the iPad was perfect; Matt's musculature had been firmly and sexily established in the naughty video, and Odessa was now making his equally impressive penis the star of the show.

Matt grabbed the lightly weighted barbell above the bench off its stand, and then proceeded to execute a series of perfect bench presses. The image on the iPad had Matt's penis well and truly in the foreground, but his chest and arms were clearly visible as he pushed the barbell expertly up and down. Odessa watched excitedly as the wonderfully nude Matt went through his weight routine. It was time, however, for the, um, climax of the show.

"Alright, Matt...the time has, ahem, come," Odessa said with a giggle. "Are you ready to play with yourself?"

Matt sat up, smiled, and then placed the barbell back on its stand. Rather than going straight into jerk-off mode, Matt surprisingly stood up and walked over to the shelves, his penis and testicles swinging luridly, and his perfect butt wonderfully visible.

With another wicked, sexy smile, Matt picked up the bottle of oil again from its place on the shelf. Looking right down the camera once more, Matt popped the top, flipped the bottle, and then liberally squirted oil all over his crotch, letting it drip sexily over his pubes, penis and testicles. Matt then smeared the oil all over his low-hanging genitals.

Dripping oil all over the floor, Matt walked back to the weight bench and resumed his position, his legs spread luridly wide open, and his now greasy, glistening penis lolling stickily on the vinyl of the bench, leaving oily traces all over it. God, Matt looked hot...like a big, greased-up gladiator ready for battle.

"Okay...showtime," Odessa said quietly from behind the tripod. "Administer a little self-love, Matt...pleasure yourself...show yourself a good time...have sex with someone you really love...work that willy! Come on, baby!"

"Geez," Matt muttered quietly. "Settle down..."

Odessa's mouth hung slightly agape as Matt grabbed his greasy, flaccid cock with his right hand, and got a good, firm grip on it. He slowly peeled his protective foreskin back, gradually revealing his big purple cock-head. Matt then started to leisurely pump his penis up and down, taking his time and accentuating the movement for his excited audience-of-one.

As Odessa watched eagerly from behind the tripod, Matt continued to play with his oiled-up member. He gradually picked up speed, gliding back and forth. After just a few strokes on the weight bench, Matt had a full-blown erection, his enormous appendage extended out and up to its full length.