Pancakes and Shopping Trips


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"You what?"

"We're going to have dinner together."

"Well kiss my ass. Do you know what you are doing?"

He laughed. "Probably not, but it's been fun so far. Merry Christmas, Ben." He hung up.

I shook my head in wonder. "Oh well." I thought. "He's an adult and could do what he wanted." But JT?

Christmas Day ended quietly in my apartment. I didn't even feel like looking at porn to see if I could get a woodie. The day after Christmas, I received an invitation to a New Year's Eve party. My experience in the building so far was gthat party invitations came close to the date of the party. I was always used to receiving them weeks, not days, before the event. Actully the invitations were really just reproduced copies of flyers announcing the party. They told you if they wanted you to bring anything like alcohol or food.

Before moving, my idea of fun was a nice, quiet evening at home. In the short time I had been in that building, a weekend without a party was a dull weekend.

My apartment was on the tenth floor of the building. The tenth floor was also the top floor. The new Year's Eve party was to be on the seventh. I decided not to go.

It was 10:00 when my door bell rang. It was Jerry. "Do you have any Vodka, Ben?" he asked .

"Sure." I had two bottles and I tried to give him both. "Enjoy," I said.

"Just one will be fine. Aren't you coming?"

"Is Evie there?"


"Then I'll pass. Thank you?"

"What's with you two?"

"Nothing. If there was something between us I'd be there."

"Okay, if you say so, but there's a guy there who seems to think a lot of her."

"I wish him well. Have fun." I closed the door. I've always enjoyed the New Year's Eve music programs on TV so I took a shower, put on my pajamas and settled in with a glass of Rombauer Port.

It was just after 11:00 when the doorbell rang again. This time it was Evie. We just looked at each other. Finally she spoke. "Why aren't you at the party?"

"Why aren't you?"

"I was. I came to get you."


"People are asking about you."

"Tell them I'm in bed." I started to close the door, but she stopped in before I had a chance. She crossed to where I had been sitting, picked up my port glass and sniffed.

"Do you have any more?" she asked.

When she lifted the glass to smell the port, I saw my charm bracelet on her wrist.

Rombauer doesn't make port every year. They wait until the grapes are perfect. When they have it, I order a dozen or more bottles and drink it only on special occasions. I rarely share it, but I did that night.

"Very nice," she said. "Rombauer, isn't it?"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. "Yes, Do you know it?"

She laughed. "No. I saw it the last time I was here. Then we both laughed. We sat on the sofa and chatted until just before midnight. We were on our second glass when she put her glass down, leaned over and kissed me. "Thank you for the bracelet. It's perfect and I love it."

I kissed her back and the hardon started.

"Why?" she asked.

"Why what?"

"Why did you pull away from me the last time. I wanted it and was positive you wanted it as well. You haven't been lying, have you? You are divorced."

"Yes, I am."

"Then why?"

I looked at her. Her eyes told me she was concerned so I told her. "I had a heart attack ..." I went on and told her the whole story, including JT's cheating because I couldn't get an erection and the fact that it was only when Dede hugged me that I started getting that ability back. "When you put my hand on your breast I didn't want to go any further because I was afraid I would embarrass myself and do something stupid like cum in my pants."

Just then the TV announced it was midnight and Evie leaned over and kissed me. "Happy New Year." She said softly.

"Happy New Year," I repeated.

"Are you interested in seeing if we can get you hard?" she asked.

"Getting hard is no longer the problem." I reached down and felt it. Then she did the same thing. "The problem is seeing how long he stays hard."

"Why don't we find out?" She asked as she stood and took my hand.

In the bedroom, the first thing I took off was my pajama top. Then I reached and started to unbutton her blouse. "Would you like some help?" she asked.

"No, This is my treasure hunt." That's what it felt like. I knew there was treasure beneath those clothes and it was mine for the taking.

She kicked her shoes off as I reached for the belt on her slacks. I unfastened it, unbuttoned the button, unzipped her slacks, and pushed them down her legs going down with them. I got them to her feet and looked straight in front of me. Her panties were white and I could see her hair through them. I leaned forward and inhaled. I hadn't smelled a female in a very long time, and if there was any doubt about my ability to achieve penis rigidity, it was dispelled with my first whiff of her.

I stood and pushed her blouse off her shoulders then hugged her so my hands were behind her to unclasp her bra. I held the ends in my hands and pulled them around to her front before letting the bra drop to the floor.

She looked at me and smiled. "You're taking too long. Let me help." She grabbed the front of my pajama top and pushed it off my shoulders. Then she put her thumbs in my pajama bottoms and pushed them down my legs going down with them. When she got to the kneeling position, my dick was hard. She opened her mouth and sucked me in. My hands were on her head as she moved back and forth. She hadn't done it long when I flet the cum trying to make its way out.

"Stop, I can't hold it," I said.

She took her mouth off and looked up at me. "How long has it been?"

"Over a year."

She smiled. "Let it come. There will be more time later."

Her mouth went back and she resumed sucking. Another few bobs of her head and her mouth was full. My hands were on the back of her head and I finally let go of her.

She stood and smiled again. "Thank you," she said.

"Thank me?" I said as I slowly sat before I collapsed. "Holy shit. Thank you. That was unbelievable."

"I think so too. I've never had that much." She still had her panties on. "Should I get dressed, or do you think there might be more?"

I remembered as a teenager that it didn't take long to get hard after cumming and that night was no exception I was already starting to feel myself stiffening.

"Stick around for a couple of minutes." I said as I started pulling her panties down.

It was almost dawn when we finished and we were lying on our sides facing each other. She spoke first.

"It's been a year for you, but two for me."

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"I hadn't met anyone I wanted, but it didn't take me long to realize that I wanted you." We just looked at each other for a long time before she giggled. "I guess we don't have to worry about whether he's going to work again.

I laughed. "No, we don't, but to be honest with you, if I knew you were going to be there at the end, I would do it all over again."

She smiled. "Liar." Then she kissed me.

She felt me and smiled. Then sat straddle of me and reached down and put me in her. When I was there, she put my hands on her breasts and started moving up and down. She did that for a few minutes then threw her head back, closed her eyes, and started moving faster. Up and down. Faster. In and out. Faster. Fast. Faster still until she raised herself up and slammed down on me and screamed. she had moaned before, but never screamed; but that time she did. Then before she could scream again, she leaned down and crushed her breasts against my chest and kissed me hard muffling her second scream.

I had never been so thoroughly fucked in my life.

The next thing I remember was my phone ringing. I looked and it was Dede and 10:00 in the morning. I answered it. "Hello Dede. Happy New Year."

"Same to you. Have you seen Evie? she left the party last night to get you, but she never came back. Nobody's seen her, and she doesn't answer her phone. We're starting to get worried."

"She stopped by last night and asked why I wasn't at the party, but I haven't seen her since." I told her and smiled at Evie.

"He's lying, Dede. I'm with him and your phone call woke us." Evie said loud enough for Dede to hear.

"My phone did what?"

Evie laughed. "I hope your New Year's Eve was as good as ours."

"Probably not," laughed Dede.

I heard Jerry in the background. "Did you find her?" he asked.

"Yes. she spent the night with Ben." Dede told him.

I heard him laughing. "Go Ben."

"Stop it, Jerry," said Dede. Then she spoke to me. "We're having Crab Quiche if you two are interested in joini ng us."

I looked at Evie who nodded her head. "Evie says yes, so we'll be there shortly.

It took us almost an hour because we had to shower, together of course, and I shaved while she did her hair.

Jerry opened the door with a big shit-eating grin on his face. He reached for my hand to shake and after we shook he hugged Evie. "Congratulations, you two. It couldn't happen to a nicer couple."

"What couldn't?' I asked.

"Whatever happened to cause both of you to look so happy."

"It's the new year, dipshit," said Evie. "Everybody's happy in the new year." Then she wentto the kitchen where Dede was.

"Don't know how you did it, Ben. You're only the third guy I know of in two years she has dated," he whispered. And according to Dede, none of them ever got so much as a kiss. She's known in some circles as the ice queen.

I laughed. "Ice queen, my ass." I thought. Evie was hotter than a two dollar pistol.

The four of us sat and had crab quiche, frsh fruit, and mimosas. Evie and I took a bit of teasing at first, but it was all right.

Dede and Jerry were fast becoming close and dear friends.

On April Fool's Day, Evie moved in with me. I still didn't have much in the way of furniture, but she did, so we enlisted the help of some of our friends and neighbors and moved her stuff to my apartment.

We has perfect lives and spent every minute we could together or with our ever-growing circle of friends. The only disagreement we had involved two of those friends. It seemed they were at a company party or picnic of some sort, and she was caught kissing an old boyfriend. Most og the women, including Evie, maintained that she did nothing wrong.

My first and only question was, "Did she kiss him on the lips?"

"Yes." Was the answer.

"Then she was flat-assed wrong. The only people you kiss on the lips are your spouses or lovers."

Man, oh man did that ever cause a row. Not one woman agreed with me and not one man disagreed. Evie stayed miffed at me the rest of the day.

That evening at home, I told her. "Before or after we're married, if you kiss any other man on the lips, our relationship is over."

She looked at me. Married? Are we going to get married?"

I smiled and pulled out the ring. "It's been considered." I started to put it on her finger. "What do you think? I asked as I went down on one knee.

She knelt down with me and just stared at the ring. She threw her arms around me and, with tears in her eyes, said yes.

Her first call was to her parents in Phoenix. Her second was to her brother, also in Phoenix. Then she grabbed my hand and we rushed to Dede and Jerry's. All she had to do was raise her left hand and both women started squealing, then laughing, then crying.

I never thought of calling anyone at first. Then I called my brother, Billy. "Congratulations. When can I meet her." he asked. both of our parents were killed in a plane crash when I was 18 and he was 16 so we were all each other had.

"How about the 4th of July?" i asked. "We're having a party and you're invited."

"May I bring a guest?" he asked>'

"Of course," I answered.

"Aren't you going to ask who it is?"

"Should I?"


"Okay. I'll bite. Who is it?"

"JT." There was along silence before her spoke again. "Hello? Ben? Still there?"

"I'm here. Did I hear you correctly? You're bringing JT?"

"If it's all right with you."

"To be honest with you, Billy, I think it's a bad idea. I don't want to see her, associate with her, or be near her. I don't know what kind of a relationship you have with her, but I don't want any. You remember that she cheated on me, don't you?"

"Of course I remember, but she's different now."

"Different my ass. A leopard doesn't change its' spots. The bottom line is don't bring her.

He laughed. "Okay. I'll see you on the 4th."

The 4th came and Billy met Evie and the rest of our friends. it was a very nice day. I asked him about his relationship with JT.

"God, that woman can fuck," he said. "but she wants to fuck everybody."

"I told you. Leopards never change their spots," I said.

He told me that while they were seeing each other she admitted to cheating on me with Freddy even before my heart attack. "That's when I decided I didn't need her anymore, so I dumped her, but like I said, man, she can fuck."

I enjoy my time with him anyway.

Evie and I thought a September wedding with a honeymoon in Australia would be perfect. Billy was my best man and Dede was Evie's Matron of honor.

Billy brought a date. She was a widow with two children. They loved Evie and she spent a lot of time with them. I enjoyed watching her with them.

After the minister said, "you may kiss your bride", and I did, Evie whispered in my ear, "I want lots of kids." I smiled. We had discussed having children and we both agreed that we wanted them. We just hadn't discussed how many.

I met Evie's parents, brother, and his family at the wedding. We got along famously and still do. Billy married his date a year later.

Evie and I lived in the apartment another year. We wanted a house with a yard our first born, Diana, and any other children we might have, would be able to run and play in.

Dede and Jerry bought the house next door to us and our friendship continues.

Evie doesn't shop on Saturday mornings. We cook pancakes together. she loves pancakes.

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DazzyDDazzyD5 months ago

4 ' is your score! Great story, crap editing.'

Simon_MastersSimon_Masters6 months ago

Good story, resonated with me sadly.

I don't want to labour the point, but even free writing packages have rudimentary spell checkers.

DessertmanDessertman6 months ago

As others have pointed out your story badly needs proofreading and spell checking. These errors are such a distraction from the flow of the story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

45 and above is the general range for widowmaker heart attacks.

Lifestyle, eating habits and genetics are the 3 significant pointers aside from age.

Sure you can have kids after 45 but the real question is whether your sperm is up to it and whether they're capable of producing non defective off-spring. For the woman, 45 is really pushing it, unless you're happy with downs.

Perhaps more importantly is that when the kids are just leaving Uni you'll be 66, when they get their first home, get married and have kids you'll be lucky to still be alive.

When you do the maths, having kids in your 20s is the only thing that makes sense.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Didn't make sense, first his brother was going to bring JT then he comes up with some half assed story about her cheating ways. Even assuming it to be true, they didn't have kids so it wasn't a real relationship, just play acting.

After having a heart attack, taking the blue pill is a really bad idea, far worse than continuing to eat bacon and other artery clogging, salt laden garbage.

I don't think this second marriage will last very long, probably about as long as his extremely short life expectancy.

vanyevanye6 months ago

How old was he that he had a Widowmaker, and then wanted kids?

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

Femdom agitprop well told..

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

She was a lovong wife that only cheated after her husband couldn't give her the cock she craved but then it turned out that she had been a cheater all along... It feels like a bunch of justifications after the fact and just lazy writing...

enderlocke77enderlocke777 months ago

Guessing the rest of ur stories are the same u should try a new theme or not see u haven't written in a few years

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Again. I really like the happy ending, but JT and Freddy should have bled a little.

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