Pandora's Box


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As she was headed out of the parking lot, she suddenly noticed that Lisa was fast asleep in her Honda Accord. Through a crack in the window, Stephanie could tell that the interior of the car reeked of stale cigarette smoke, and the ashtray was overflowing to the brim with cigarette butts. Lisa's pants were unzipped and her hand lay motionless between her crotch. Stephanie quietly slipped into the passenger's seat without waking her but then slammed the door shut, startling the slumbering girl.

"Hey sleepy head," Stephanie said as she lit a Pandora and handed it to Lisa.

"Hey," Lisa replied as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, saw what Stephanie had in her hand and gladly took it. "What's up?"

"What's up with you," Stephanie said as she lit a 120 for herself. "What are you doing out here?"

"I couldn't sleep so I came out to listen to some music," she replied bashfully as she tried to zip up her pants.

Smoke poured out of Stephanie's mouth as she began to giggle, then she said in a mockingly serious tone, "Have you been masturbating? Don't you know you can go blind doing that?"

"No," Lisa replied defensively as her fingers fumbled over the zipper. "Yes," she then admitted in frustration as she finally gave up on the zipper. "It's these cigarettes you gave me. They make me so damn horny that it wasn't enough to finger myself under the covers. I needed to masturbate AND smoke; so I came out to the car late last night. And once I started," she added as she caught herself moving her hand down between her legs, "I just couldn't stop." She took a deep puff and inhaled it forcefully into her lungs where she kept it there. "It's like I was a fucking machine mass producing orgasms. I've never experienced anything like it! And Stephanie," she added with only vapor left to exhale, "I can't stop fantasizing about Spencer. It's like all I want is for him to fuck me."

Stephanie looked at Lisa curiously, remembering what Jezzie had said about Lynn and Lisa:we'll need them. Stephanie didn't know what role her horny friend had to play in the corruption of Spencer, but her instincts told her she must have some part. "Lisa," she said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out the Pandora's Box, "let me ask you something. Do you believe in free will?"

PART 8 - Surpassing Expectations

Spencer sat outside the lecture hall checking his phone every few minutes to see if there were any text messages from Stephanie. He couldn't understand why she hadn't replied to his messages. She was a no show at Physics at 9:20. If she didn't show up for Asian American Lit at 10:30, he would skip class and head over to her dorm to see if she was there. Something must be wrong with her phone because she always replied to him within a few minutes of receiving a text.

And then another thought occurred to him: what if her phone was working? What if she was simply avoiding him? Worry filled him as he wondered whether he had said something the night before to make her angry. Shame began to creep up inside him as he thought about the horrible acts he made her perform on him in the backseat. Maybe she had been disgusted by the acts; maybe she'd never see him again.Man, if I could only have a cigarette and just think things through.

A cigarette? Why did he suddenly think of that? He reached into his coat pocket and found the pack that Stephanie had slipped in there. He dare not bring it out and reveal his secret to the world, but just knowing it was there, he had to admit, was a bit exciting. He imagined himself as a smoker, lighting a cigarette without a care as to what others thought. And as he played this fantasy in his mind, the shame began to quickly recede, replaced by the growing erection between his legs.

He looked at his watch as students began filing into the lecture hall. He was torn between walking in with them, or going to find Stephanie - and maybe sneaking a cigarette somewhere along the way. He placed his hand once again into his coat pocket and wrapped his fingers around the pack, imagining that there was some form of energy emanating from it to increase his excitement. He didn't think he could sit through Asian American Lit without Stephanie -or was it without having a cigarette first? He stood up and within an instant began walking away from the lecture hall and onto the walkway. He didn't know exactly where he was going; he would just let his legs go where they took him.

And then he noticed a few hundred feet in front of him on the walkway that there were puffs of white smoke rising from the mass of heads heading in his direction. Even with his concern to find Stephanie, he decided he had a few moments to spare to see if there might be a beautiful Asian female smoker (or two) headed his way (for with the student body being majority Asian American, the chances were good that he would like what he saw). He was not disappointed, but he was surprised to see that those smokers were Stephanie and Lisa. The crowd seemed to part in front of them as they walked up the path, dressed entirely in black, smoking their long white Pandoras. Both wore pitch-black sunglasses over their eyes which Spencer found erotically arousing.

Stephanie walked right up to him and, after taking a cheek-hollowed puff on her Pandora, planted her lips squarely on Spencer's, blowing the smoke into his lungs followed by a passionate twirl of her tongue with his. Spencer found the smoke as easy to breathe as air, and exhaled through his nose as he kissed Stephanie back. When the two lips were unlocked, Stephanie finally said, "Hello lover. Did you miss me?"

"Where have you been?" Spencer replied, though with that luscious smoke inside his body, his mind was more focused on carnal matters of the immediate future. "I was just coming to look for you."

"Well," she said with a quick glance at Lisa, "here we are. And now, you need to come with us." She took him by the arm and pulled, but Spencer stood his ground.

"Babe," he replied, "we have class."

Stephanie looked over at Lisa who smiled wickedly as she puffed on her Pandora, her emotional balance restored after looking into the Pandora's Box only an hour earlier. "He's such a school boy," Lisa said with a giggle.

"I know," Stephanie said with a smirk. "But I love his innocence," she added as she placed her hand on his cheek and began to caress it. "And now you need to come with us." She took off her sunglasses and stared sweetly at him as she took a puff on her 120 and snapped back the thick, creamy contents into her mouth. That was enough for Spencer who gave no further struggle as she lead him out to the parking lot.

"Do you mind if I sit gunshot?" Lisa asked as she dropped her cigarette onto the pavement and quickly slipped into the front seat before Spencer could reply.

"Where are we going," he asked when he got into the backseat and Stephanie started up the automobile.

"It's a surprise," she replied mysteriously.

As the car pulled out of the campus and on to the main road, Stephanie and Lisa each lit a fresh Pandora. There is no doubt that Spencer enjoyed watching these two beautiful women light up, but he wasn't so keen on being asphyxiated from their second-hand smoke which floated into the backseat like a dense fog. He pushed the power window button to bring in some air, but it was locked.

"Uh, Steph?" he asked with a little cough, "Could you please unlock the window?"

"Just sit back, lover," Stephanie replied as she looked at him from the rear-view mirror, "and breathe in deep." She and Lisa both took puff after puff and let the smoke float from their mouths without inhaling so that its texture remained dense and its effects powerful.

In a brief moment of panic, Spencer thought he could hold his breath, but it only took a few seconds for the sweet aroma of the smoke to change his mind. Indeed, he started to feel like he could float off of his seat. A tingling sensation that began at the base of his spine worked its way up to his scalp. The smoke didn't just smell pleasing; it felt wonderful as it worked its way into his lungs. As he watched Stephanie and Lisa puffing seductively away on their Pandoras, he could hardly think of a reason why he shouldn't join them, as well. What was the use of resisting? He reached into his pocket and pulled out his pack of 100s.

From the rear view mirror, Stephanie watched him put a Pandora into his mouth and light it freehanded. The tip glowed orange in the dense fog that had filled the car as Spencer took a powerful puff, curved his lips in the shape of an O, and snapped back the smoke into his lungs. He closed his eyes as he slowly exhaled through his nostrils, and then brought the cigarette up for another puff. Stephanie smiled wickedly at her handiwork.Step one complete, she thought to herself.

Spencer sat back in his seat comfortably, enjoying the pleasure of filling the car with even more smoke.This is fantastic, he thought to himself.I'm a smoker now.


Spencer had two more Pandoras before he reached Stephanie's home, and he felt as high as a kite when they parked the car. Smoke billowed out of the Mercedes when the doors opened in front of the small suburban mansion that his rich girl friend called home.

"So why are we here?" Spencer said seductively as he came up behind Stephanie and pressed his pelvis against her ass.

"Oh, you'll see, lover," Stephanie said as she spun around, wrapped her arms around his waist, and looked at him hungrily. "Remember I told's a surprise."

He moved his face towards hers. He wanted to join their tongues in a luscious, smoky kiss, but Stephanie put her fingers up to his lips and would only give him a wink. "Patience, my love," she whispered. She then moved to his side, keeping her arm around his waist.

Lisa came up along the other side of him and placed her 120 near his mouth. "You just keep smoking," she said seductively, "and breathe in deep."

Spencer let her insert the white filter into his mouth and hungrily took a double-pumped puff. He opened his mouth, snapped back the cloud, and felt the power of the Pandora coursing through his body. "I am completely at your command," he said with smoke pouring out of his mouth and nostrils. He put his arms around the shoulders of the two smokers and the three of them walked up the path to the front door.

Stephanie inserted her key into the lock, but the door wouldn't budge. "What the fuck?" she said in aggravation as she realized someone had turned the deadbolt. "Lynn must be home," she said turning to her companions, and then proceeded to pound on the door.

From behind the door they heard something crash, then a loud "Shit!" that sounded like it came from a female. The deadbolt turned and slowly opened a crack. "Stephanie," a disheveled Lynn said in surprise as she stood holding a cigarette in one hand and her blouse covering her breasts in the other. "And you brought guests! Well," she said with a turn of her head down the hallway, "what a surprise." She took another quick glance behind her and then said in a desperate whisper, "Why aren't you at school?!"

"I need a room," Stephanie said matter-of-factly as she easily pushed the door open and walked past Lynn into the foyer. Spencer and Lisa stood staring in surprise at Lynn who smiled sheepishly. "Come on," Stephanie said impatiently as she waved her friends in.

"Hi Lynn," Spencer said nervously as he walked through the door behind Lisa.

"Spencer," Lynn said as the hand holding up her blouse moved to caress Spencer's chest seductively. "So good to see you." Spencer smiled at her obliviousness to the fact that her breasts were now in full view.

"Button up, godammit," Stephanie's voiced bellowed, and Lynn quickly put her hand back to holding up her blouse.

Stephanie walked down the corridor from the foyer and saw in the living room why Lynn was not at work. There sitting on the couch was a half-naked Asian American male that couldn't have been more than 19. He reached for his thick black rimmed glasses, quickly jumped off the couch and searched frantically for his boxer shorts. "Who's the nerd," she asked her sister with a dry smile.

"Hi," said the young man nervously as he put out his hand with his boxer shorts swinging from his fingers. "I'm Keith, Lynn's friend." He dropped the shorts on the floor, then nervously picked them back up.

"A little young for you, isn't he?" Stephanie said with a look at Lynn.

"He's legal!" Lynn protested. "He's my new intern," she whispered to Stephanie, and then added with a wink at Keith, "we were just getting acquainted." She took a slow burning puff on her Pandora as Keith smiled sheepishly.

Stephanie stared at the erect penis jutting out from the man's crotch. "Well," she said with a wry smile, "it's nice to meet you on the up and up."

Spencer stood motionless at what he was witnessing. How radically his world had changed in just the last 24 hours. Lisa, eager to get on with what they came there to do, stubbed out a cigarette in a nearby planter and lit a fresh 120 freehanded. "Well, we did come her to fuck, didn't we?" she mumbled with the cigarette bouncing up and down between her lips, and proceeded to loosen her belt as she walked towards the young man.

Ashamed and embarrassed, Keith covered his erect penis with his boxer shorts and turned to pick up his slacks off the couch. "Listen, Lynn, maybe I should come back later...."

"You sit your ass back down on the couch," Lynn barked fiercely that took everyone in the room aback. Then regaining her composure as best as she could while taking both hands and smoothing her hair back, she added: "I have to talk to my sister...and then you're going to fuck me."

"Listen, Steph," Lynn said pulling her sister back into the hallway, "these cigarettes are fucking fantastic. And no matter how many I smoke, the pack is always full." She looked over hungrily at Keith and began to fondle her breasts. "In the wrong hands, they can be quite dangerous." She pulled out a cigarette and lit it slowly, keeping her eyes in Keith's direction who smiled and gave a nervous wave.

"Have you given any to Keith?" Stephanie asked.

"Fuck no," Lynn replied in a smoky exhale. "I'm keeping these for myself." She took another puff and snapped it back. "Besides," she said after exhaling, "he doesn't smoke." She took a slow burning puff and French inhaled a thick ball. "Poor, misguided fool," she said with smoke cascading down through her nostrils.

"You need help, sis." Stephanie pulled her back into the living room. "Lisa, I need to be alone with Spencer." Lisa looked crestfallen. She was hoping for a little ménage a trios. Sensing her disappointment, Stephanie added, "Don't worry, girl friend, he'll pop your cherry later. First I need you to take care of Lynn," and she handed her the back pack with the Pandora's Box inside it.

"What about Keith?" Lisa asked as she took hold of the backpack.

Stephanie looked over at him as he sat nervously like a little boy. "I don't care. Fuck him if you want. But only Lynn looks into the box." She started to walk away but then turned back to Lisa. "And give me at least an hour with Spencer."

Lisa moved next to Lynn who was still fondling her breasts while snapping back ball after ball of smoke from her Pandora as she stared at Keith in the living room. She seemed pretty far gone, Lisa surmised. Indeed, she recognized this state of chaos that she herself was in only a few hours ago - until order was once again restored when she opened Pandora's Box and was visited by Jezzie in a dreamlike state.

"You like how these Pandoras make you feel?" she said softly to Lynn.

"Oh, yessssss." Lynn's reply was deep and guttural. She eyed Keith closely, watching his every move, and ready to pounce on her prey.

"Come in here for a moment," Lisa said with a tug of Lynn's arm as she led her into a sitting room off of the hallway. "I want you to meet a friend of mine and Stephanie's that will make them feel even better, without all the clutter in your mind right now."

Spencer had been standing in a state of shock taking in the whole scene. He wondered if he should try and make some small talk with Keith, but nothing came to mind. As for Stephanie, satisfied that Lynn would be taken care of by Lisa, she put her hand gently on Spencer's arm and said seductively, "Let's go upstairs."

As the two headed up the grand staircase arm in arm, Spencer walked slowly so as to see (or at least to hear) what was going on between Lisa and Lynn. He felt a sudden cold draft sweep through the hallway and up the stairs that moved through his body like ice, followed by Lynn shouting in ecstasy, "Holy Fuck!" Spencer froze on the staircase and looked at Stephanie who had an evil smile on her face. "Come on," she said, and moved on ahead of him.

Spencer, however, couldn't help but turn around to watch Lynn walk slowly back into the living room with a dazed look on her face, with Lisa walking behind her with a freshly lit cigarette between her lips and putting something into the backpack hanging around her arm. Lynn sat down next Keith, lit a 120 freehanded that she puffed on for an eternity, and exhaled a long stream, her eyes transfixed on the empty space before her. It was as if she were trying to process everything that had just transpired within the last few moments when she, too, was met by Jezzie in a dream who asked her if she believed in free will.

Unsure of what to do, Keith moved closer to her and tenderly put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me," she responded in a deadly tone that frightened the teenager as he moved his hand away from her. She took another long drag, held it inside her lungs, and exhaled a long, thin stream of smoke. "Put your shorts on and get the fuck out of my house."

Confused and now completely humiliated, Keith stood up, put on his pants, and grabbed his coat as he made his way for the hallway leading to the front door; but as he passed Lisa, she stopped him with a gentle touch on the arm and said, "What, no goodbye kiss?"

Before he could respond, Lisa grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled his face towards hers. Forcefully she inserted her tongue into his mouth, which Keith responded to awkwardly and half-heartedly. But within seconds, she had brought her cigarette up to the side of her mouth and took a hard drag, letting the smoke drift into Keith's mouth. He tried to pull away, but she held on tightly to the back of his neck now with both hands, making it impossible for him to break free and leaving him no choice but to breathe in through his nose, carrying the smoke into his lungs. Immediately Lisa could feel his kisses becoming more passionate, and Keith dropped his coat and grabbed her by the waist with both arms. She could feel his dick pressing hard against her waist, and she knew it was dying to be set free from the zipper that held it back. She pulled her lips back and looked into his eyes which now had a hungry, lustful look. "You're really gonna like smoking," she said as she brought the 120 up to his lips and let him take a long puff.

Lynn, who was now coming out of her daze, looked on with interest as Lisa began to unzip Keith's pants and moved toward the pair from her place on the couch. She had an uncontrollable urge to be fucked, and here was just the pretty boy to do it.

Spencer stood half-way up the staircase transfixed by the scene.What the fuck have I gotten myself into, he thought in wonderment. Something inside him told him to flee. Was it the voice of his father? Of God? But then he heard another voice that blocked out the others.

"I'm waiting," Stephanie called out from an upstairs bedroom, and then he remembered why he was there. It was to finally fuck his girl friend; and he was determined to fuck her hard. He dropped his fully smoked cigarette on the sandstone staircase and crushed it with his shoe while lighting another.
