Pandora's Box Unlocked

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A fictionalized account of a real event.
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It was just past 7:00 pm when Lizbeth gave Scott, her soul mate, best friend and lover a last kiss goodbye. She was going to hang out with her girlfriends to get away for an evening from the stress and daily grind that her/their life had become. It had become her way of blowing off steam and pressure and he understood why. He saw that she had packed her laptop to take, which wasn't unusual for her to do. What was different was the overnight bag she had with her.

He pointed that out to her and she brightly said, "I actually took your advice. You know how I get with the girls and if I get too tipsy or tired to drive home, I can stay over and I'll have the things I need with me!"

"About time you listened to me", he said as he smiled back at her. "Promise me you will call me and let me know if you are coming home or staying over? It's fine either way lover, but you know me; I will worry if you tell me you're coming home and you don't."

Knowing his Aries nature, she knew how protective Scott was of her. His protective streak bugged her a bit at times as Lizbeth was quite the independent sort, but it warmed her to know how much he loved, cared and worried about her well being.

Promising him she would call and with a last hug, she pulled away from his embrace and started for the back the door. Stopping, she turned to him with her beautiful green eyes aglow and said softly, "Don't worry baby. I love you and only you." Lizbeth then stepped out the back door to the carport and was gone.

As Scott savored the sweetness of her last comment, he watched her drive off. He understood she needed to get some time to herself and knew getting away would help improve her state of mind. The long separations as he left town to find work plus her own frustration at not being able to find a decent job over the past many months had taken it's toll on both of them. Still, he knew that her friend's neighbor would likely show up at their gathering later in the evening.

Mick had been rudely injected into his life early New Year's morning. He'd called her at 2:00 am; she got up and dressed sexily, put on her full make up then had gone and given his drunk ass a ride home. Any friend would do that for another friend, so no issues with that. However, she didn't show up back home until almost 6:00 am after leaving at 2:30 am for what should have been a half hour round trip. As a result, New Year's day was not a pleasant one and Scott left their house angry, but mostly hurt, to spend the day elsewhere. Lizbeth realized that she had done wrong by her love and apologized to him. The next night Scott and Lizbeth made passionate, tender and heated love. She fell asleep in his arms after he brought her to a huge cum after filling her tight pussy with his own.

Things between them got a bit better, but all was not well in their home. The financial stress was still there and the impact of that was felt by everyone. Emotions were running high; snappiness and rudeness had replaced the teasing, loving kindness that had always been their way. They both knew this and felt terrible whenever either of them acted that way. Scott and Lizbeth told themselves it would pass, that it was just a sign of the pressures they felt. Lizbeth had become more and more distant with him and that alienation hurt him deeply.

Scott hadn't had any money to contribute to the household since he came home two months ago, making him feel impotent and and almost parasitic because of it. This had played on his mind heavily, eroding away his sense of manhood, so much so that he sometimes had trouble maintaining an erection. It certainly didn't help that Lizbeth was not receptive sexually to him like she had always been ever since they first got together. All of this greatly embarrassed and humiliated Scott and added to his stress.

For many years, Scott had been the provider for his family; the rock that everyone tethered themselves to. Now, he felt like he was caught up in a maelstrom, struggling to keep himself from drowning. Still, he kept his fear and panic bottled up inside, for Lizbeth had implored him to be strong and maintain for her. He was her rock and in his mind, it's the least he could do for her, so he sucked it up and kept his pain inside.

Scott was bored with his lover being away. As was the norm, nothing on the tube remotely interested him. He cleaned the kitchen, making a mental note to himself to wake her tomorrow morning with a hearty breakfast of pancakes, bacon and eggs with hot coffee. "Lizbeth would love that," he smiled to himself. He straightened up their bedroom next, changing the linens on their bed. So many hot, erotically passionate lovemaking sessions had taken place on that comfy bed. She loved sex and he particularly loved sex with her. Lizbeth was the sexiest woman and by far the best lover Scott had ever known and she flattered him by saying the same about him. Her blow jobs were phenomenal!

A man can never tell if a woman is lying about that because women are masters at stroking the male ego. The same woman that will tell you you're the best ever can tell you how inadequate you are the next time they are angry with you. Still, he reveled in his confidence that he knew every inch of her body and knew how to drive her to heights she'd never been before. Scott could make Lizbeth cum harder and more often than anyone before him. She loved how his thick cock fit her perfectly. She was addicted to his taste and adored sucking him to completion, always swallowing his cream as she made him cum like a teenager. Thinking of her responding to his touch, tongue and kisses make his cock harden and swell. He realized he was daydreaming, laughed a wicked laugh at himself and carried on with his housekeeping.

Scott finished hanging up the last of her clothing; Lizbeth would try on several items before deciding what to wear, then leave the discards wherever she dropped them. Women! The bedroom looked good; all neat and orderly and you could walk without stumbling over her boots and shoes! She would be pleased he thought, as her self-generated clutter depressed her. He burned her favorite Indian incense to give the room a lovely and exotic fragrance. Scott had chosen black accented with gold bedclothes; her pale white skin always looked stunning as she lay naked on black sheets. The last chore was to clean her bathtub before he hopped into the shower for a good scrub up before bed. As he soaped his body up, Scott slowly stroked his thickening cock as he thought of her. Stopping before he released his pent up passion, he shaved and rinsed off before stepping out to dry off.

While brushing his teeth, he noticed the time on his phone; it was 2:00 am. She hadn't yet called or sent him a text to let him know if she was coming home or staying over as she had promised. Scott figured she was just caught up in her fun and lost track of time; nothing unusual for her. Although it irritated him that she didn't call as promised, it made Scott happy to think Lizbeth was having a lot of fun letting her hair down with her friends.

Turning off the lights, Scott slid into their comfortable bed. God, it felt so good! He sent her a text message reminding her of her promise. Lizbeth didn't respond. He waited a bit and sent another. Still nothing after quite awhile. It was nearing 3:00 am when she finally responded to his text messages.

"My phone ringer was turned off, sorry baby," she replied.

"Are you staying or coming home, love?" he asked.

"I'm not sure yet," she sent him a text back.

"Honey, It's almost 3:00 am. How could you not know?"

"It's that late? I lost track of the time!"

"Good, then you are having fun! Did the neighbor stop over?"

"Ya, Mick is here with all of us. He makes me laugh, he is so silly!" came her response.

"Well, I am tired and going to sleep, so have fun. I am assuming you aren't coming home," Scott replied.

"I do plan to come home in awhile. Don't worry baby, I'm fine and just having a lot of fun being me. I so love you when you let me be myself! Sleep tight and I will be home soon," she assured Scott.

Scott put his phone in the charger and rolled over to sleep. Mick was there, as he knew he would be! She is a terrible flirt and tease and pushes men to the limit with her overt sexuality, which isn't always a good thing. The last time she and her friend's neighbor were together, she was all over him without actually making out or groping. Lizbeth had told Mick that "she fucking liked him." Scott knew that Mick felt the same way about her, but Mick was wary of Scott after their first meeting. Scott's burning eyes had made it clear to Mick Scott's feelings about Lizbeth. Still, Scott clung to her words that she loved him and only him and not to worry. Scott fell asleep thinking of his love.

The other girls had either left or fallen asleep, so Lizbeth went next door to Mick's apartment with him so as to not disturb those sleeping. Mick made her laugh some more, feeding her ego compliments and pouring her more rum. Lizbeth was way past tipsy, but she was still in control of herself, or so she thought. Mick made them some food and they sat down together on his tiny couch in his little apartment. Their thighs were touching on the cramped bit of furniture they now shared. As they ate, he was aware of the gentle pressure she was applying to his thigh. He pressed back and she responded in kind, not saying a word. As they finished their meal it Lizbeth noticed it was almost 4:30 am.

Feeling the alcohol and starting to tire, she told Mick, "I've had a great time with you, but I ought to get home."

Seeing that she was too lit up to drive safely, Mick said, "Lizbeth, you've had too much to drink. Why don't you just stay here tonight?"

Looking him in the eyes as she spoke, "I would love to sleep with you sometime. Not a sexual thing, just comfort and closeness. But, I should get home Mick, Scott is expecting me."

"Cool, that's fine with me, but you're too drunk to drive safely and I don't have a car. Sleep here and leave in the morning. Comfort and closeness and that's it, I promise!" said Mick with a warm smile.

Mick's argument made sense to her and she knew her mate would already be asleep anyway. She would leave early the next morning and wake Scott up with a fat blow job, she smiled to herself.

"Okay then, I'm going to get ready for bed. Be out in a few minutes," she announced as she took her overnight bag and went into Mick's little bathroom. Stripping off her clothing and underwear, Lizbeth pulled on a long nightshirt. It was her fiance's long-sleeved shirt that she had pirated from him and the thought made her giggle. Brushing her teeth and dabbing on a bit of perfume, Lizbeth looked into the mirror and thought she still looked younger than her actual age. Satisfied with what she saw, she switched off the light and walked out of the bathroom.

Mick was already in bed. Lizbeth pulled the covers back and, smiling her herself, saw he still had his boxers on. She slid into his bed; it wasn't nearly as comfortable or large as her own. Still, it felt good as she was very tired now. She kissed him lightly on the lips good night and thanked him for being such a good friend, then snuggled up to him with her back to his chest. Mick slowly began to rub Lizbeth's shoulders and neck, his strong laborer's calloused hands felt good to her as he worked the knots in her shoulders and then her upper back. Her soft groans encouraged him, so he worked all areas of her back. As he rubbed and kneaded her shoulder blades and sides, her brushed her breast and hardened nipple a couple of times, but Lizbeth said nothing about it.

"Roll over on your stomach so I can do a proper massage," Mick ordered.

Lizbeth eagerly complied, telling Mick how good the massage felt. Mick grabbed some massage oil he had on the nightstand, quickly shed his boxers then straddled her legs, sitting on the backs of her thighs. Her nightshirt was in the way so he slipped his hands underneath, exposing her naked butt to his gaze. She realized the nightshirt was making it awkward for him to massage her and feeling very relaxed now, she removed it. He caught a glimpse of her lovely breasts and hardened pink nipples before she laid back down. Pouring the scented oil onto her back, Mick began a deep tissue massage. As he applied his weight to his hands, she felt his nakedness on her bare thighs. His body heat felt good to her and the massage was making her feel so damned good! As he rocked forward then backwards while massaging her, his now very erect cock slid between her nether cheeks, brushing against her rosebud and sending shock waves through her body. She felt her pussy swelling and getting wet. She hadn't been much into sex mentally for quite awhile now, but obviously her body sure missed it!

Mick was very aware of her arousal; he could smell her sweet scent and could see the traces of wetness on her plump, cleanly-shaven pussy lips whenever he rocked backward. Mick now started kneading Lizbeth's hips and soft ass, using the oil generously. His hardon almost hurt; he wanted, no needed to fuck her, but he had told her it would be just for comfort and closeness tonight. He was an honorable man, but damn, Lizbeth was such a cock teaser!

Mick worked down to the fleshy checks of her ass, letting his fingers trace gently across her rosebud from time to time. Her moans emboldened him. She was aware of his forbidden touches, but it felt so good! Mick was much younger than Lizbeth and it made her feel good and very sexy to be wanted by another man. She knew this shouldn't be happening, but Lizbeth was fast losing her self-control. Her hard little clit was taking over for her brain and her pussy was very wet and very ready to be fucked!

Mick dipped his fingers low into her ass cheeks, brushing firmly against the very wet lips of her sex. Her loud groans when he touched her clit was all he could take; he went over the edge! So much for his promise to her! He slid three thick fingers into her dripping pussy, resting his thumb on her clit. She started to cum almost immediately, gushing her wetness all over his hand as he roughly finger fucked her.

Wasting no time and not waiting for her orgasm to subside, he slid his big cock into her in one swift motion. She moaned aloud as he buried himself into her balls deep and began to fuck her like a madman. It had been awhile for him as well and he had a large load built up. She was moaning and groaning, panting and telling him to fuck her harder and harder as she pushed her ass back at him to get him into her as deeply as he could go. He didn't last very long; her tight cunt was milking his cock, causing him to pump her full of his hot seed. Spasm after spasm shook him as his cock sprayed four big cum shots against her womb. Spent now and exhausted, Mick pulled his deflating cock out of her stretched out pussy and slid off of her to her side. With a quick kiss to her neck, Mick fell quickly to sleep.

Miles away, just as Mick was spending his cum into Lizbeth's wanton cunt, her soul mate Scott woke up startled, sweaty and feeling very disturbed. "Must have been one helluva nightmare." Scott thought to himself. He saw his love had not come home; it was now after 5:30 am. Feeling shaken and sick to his stomach without really knowing why, Scott fell slowly back into a fitful sleep.

Lizbeth lay there in another man's bed, listening to him snoring. Her unprotected sex filled with his seed, she froze at the thought, "My God, what if he got me pregnant?" Her mind was racing over that and what was to come with the rise of the morning sun. Resigned to her fate and yet wanting still more, she slid down the bed, leaned over Mick's sleeping form and sucked his passion-soaked cock into her hot mouth, bringing him quickly back to hardness. She sucked and stroked and devoured his cock, taking him deeply into her throat. Mick growled as he filled her mouth with his salty and somewhat bitter cum. She swallowed it all, savoring the different taste and the feel of his cock in her mouth as he groaned in his release. Totally wiped out now, Mick fell back asleep.

Smiling at Mick's boyish sleeping face, she softly arose, got dressed and left for her home and the waiting arms of her soul mate, painfully aware she had unlocked Pandora's Box and wondering what would become of them now.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's an unending story. Probably the writer doesn't know how to end a story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Finish the damn story. I hate it when a lazy writer leaves us readers hanging.

lbeachamlbeachamabout 3 years ago

Burn her down. Don't look back.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Nothing to wait for.

She doesn't have a soul mate. She never did.

She was just kidding herself into believing that she had found hers. She's a heartless soul and poor old Scotty (her soulmate?) needs the truth and get as far away from her as possible. No BTB, just get away from a deceitful, delusion woman whose future as a whore looks promising.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Negative comments scared him off. Sometimes things work out.

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