Panic in Aisle Five


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Jordan stared at her for a moment, then sighed and lowered his eyes. "No, you're not assuming too much." A faint smile crept onto her face. "Cherise, I'm starting to love you too."

Butterflies tickled her abdomen. Cherise grinned.

Jordan withdrew his hand and his demeanor shifted. "Latanya called me from jail last week. She wants us to try again--to be a couple, I mean."

The butterflies fled. Cherise's heart skipped a beat. "What did you tell her?"

"There's no way in hell. I made it clear that she and I would never be together again and that she needed to focus on being a good co-parent to Jaylen."


"She said okay but I don't know if she meant it. I tell you this because as long as you're with me, Cherise, I worry about you. I don't know what she'll do. She's got a prior record."

"For coke possession, right?"

"Yeah, and an assault before that. She beat the crap out of her ex-boyfriend's sister with a frying pan. That was before she and I met, and only didn't go to jail on a technicality. She already attacked you once. If it were up to me ... I don't know. I wouldn't want to put you at risk. Even if she doesn't come after you, she's going to stir up trouble of some kind. I just know it."

"Hey." She reached across the table and took his hand. "I understand the risk; I'm no stranger to it, you know. But isn't that my decision? Can you respect me enough to give me the facts and let me decide?"

Jordan stared at her, wide-eyed.

She stood and rounded the table corner. Fortunately, Jordan was seated at an angle, so she was able to slide her leg across Jordan's lap and straddle him. She held his face with both hands."You're worth it--you and Jaylen both."

His strong arms encircled her waist, pulling her close. "Yes, I can respect that."

"Then take me to bed, Mr. Malone." She kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He stood. Cherise wrapped her legs around him as he hoisted her with ease--and for once, the finicky joint in her prosthetic cooperated. Her heart soared at his words. He loves me, and I love him. All the way to the bedroom, her anticipation and joy grew and she hoped it was going to be a memorable session ... and in the end, it was.


As the date of Latanya's parole hearing neared, Cherise could not help but feel nervous, though both Jordan and Meredith told her to relax. Jordan had been granted the restraining order and full custody of Jaylen but Cherise knew that if Latanya could convince the court, those orders could--and likely would--be overturned. Every time she thought of Jaylen's mother storming back into Jordan's life, Cherise fought not to gnaw her fingernails to the quick.

She knew the moment Jordan entered the office.

The rest of the crews were out. Cherise had finished paying vendors and processing customer payments, and taken a break to play with Jaylen. The boy had started walking, in that stuttering imbalanced way children do, but had found his feet quickly and she learned that if she put him down, he'd quickly be on the other side of the office, or trying to push out the exit. Cherise loved to bounce him on her good knee and Jaylen seemed to like it too, smiling and giggling as she talked to him.

Cherise glanced up at the opening office door. Her eyes fixed on Jordan's face and her good mood fled. She said, "They paroled her."

"Yeah." He spread his hands and shook his head, clearly frustrated. "You know how it goes: I testified, guards testified, her record was covered ... but in the end, budgets and prison crowding won out."

"Now what?"

"We go on. The restraining order is still in effect. She can appeal it. Most of the time, I'd say she's too broke to afford a lawyer but she knows people who help her out ... so we'll see."

He approached and held out his arms. Cherise hoisted Jaylen, grunting as she did. "He's getting bigger."

"Growing boy, just like me."

She snorted. "You only grow in one place."

"Yeah but you like that."

She smiled, unable to deny it. Her lips sought his and savored the strength of his embrace. When they broke, his strong hand stroked her cheek. "I love you. I hope you know that."

"I love you too, baby."

Cherise went to work on pins and needles every day for two weeks, half-expecting Latanya to leap from the bushes and attack. She saw no sign of the woman, and neither Jordan nor Meredith reported any contact, save inquiries from a law office requesting to meet to discuss visitations for Jaylen. Each time the subject came up, the stress on his face made Cherise's heart ache for him.

They continued to spend a few nights a week together and with each night, Cherise fell deeper in love with the man and his son. With every moment they spent, she prayed that it would continue.

She arrived at the office on an early August Monday morning around six-thirty, as she normally did. Some of the crew were already assembling, so she settled into the desk and started the day's routines. Jordan arrived around seven, gave her a quick kiss, messed around his office for a half hour, then left for a scheduled meeting with some folks in the city government for a potential contract.

Cherise frowned at that. They'd taken a half-day Friday and eaten a late lunch at Jordan's townhouse. The meal had been excellent and Cherise had been ready for dessert. Instead, Jordan had begged off her staying, citing having some things to take care of, and the entire time he'd seemed distracted and nervous. She'd driven home horny and confused. They'd only exchanged a few texts over the weekend.

I don't get it. Things were going so well. Is he distancing himself? Is ... She sighed. I'm borrowing trouble. Just relax, Cherise. Despite her words, the worry persisted, kicking around the perimeter of her mind.

Meredith dropped by around nine, with Jaylen in tow. Her smile brightened on seeing Cherise. "Good morning, dear. How you doing?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Just okay? Hmm. Well, can you watch little Jay here for a while? I have a few errands to run."

"Such as?"

"Bikini wax, for one. You want the fine details?"

Cherise flushed. "No, that's all right."

Meredith laughed and handed Jaylen to Cherise. "I'll be back by lunch, okay?"


The older woman gave Jaylen a brief hug, then left. Cherise settled the boy on her lap. "I guess it's just you and me." She tickled him under the chin.

Jaylen giggled and squirmed his face away from her finger.

"You think you could tell me what's up with your dad?"

The toddler wiggled but didn't answer.

She smiled. "That's okay, buddy. I didn't think you would." She placed him in his playpen and wheeled back to the desk.

The door slammed open and a woman stomped inside.

Cherise raised her head. A snarky statement sprang to her lips as she readied herself to tease Meredith for forgetting something ... and then the barb died on her lips when she saw who it actually was.

Latanya's gaze fixed on Cherise and her eyes narrowed. "Wait, what? Ain't you that bitch from the supermarket? What are you doing here?"

Cherise hefted the phone's handset and dialed 9-1-1. Almost immediately, she heard the operator ask for the nature of her emergency. Cherise set the handset on the desk, hoping their words would be audible to the operator. "You're not allowed to be here."

The woman stomped toward Jaylen but Cherise moved to the side, to stand directly in her path, and spoke for the benefit of the operator. "Latanya Lacroix. There's a restraining order against you."

"Shut up, bitch. I'm taking my son. Get out of my way or--" She reared back to swing.

Cherise was expecting the attack. She'd replayed her first encounter with Jordan's ex over and over in her head, and daydreamed about all the things she would have done differently. Now, faced with that situation, she did the one thing she really hadn't expected she'd do.

Her fist shot out, striking Latanya in the cheek. The woman staggered back and her hands flew to her face. Her incredulous look suggested she had never expected Cherise to hit her first.

Cherise shook her fingers, wincing at the pain of the blow. Damn it, I am not a fighter. What am I doing? I've been lucky with the cops and-- She glanced at Jaylen. No. If this is what finally lands me in jail, it'll be because I'm doing some right for once.

She raised her voice, again hoping the operator was still listening. "There's a restraining order prohibiting you from coming near Jaylen. You're violating your parole. I've already called the police, so you best get the hell out right now."

Latanya screeched and launched herself at Cherise.

This time, Cherise wasn't ready. She fell backward with Latanya on top of her. A glancing blow to her head made her ears ring; a second blow flared pain through her nose and cheek. Fear and rage flooded her mind. Cherise's hand found her opponent's chin. She thrust upward, knocking the woman backward, onto her legs. She swung again, striking something solid, and Latanya shrieked in pain. Cherise scrambled back and kicked free of her foe.

The squawk of the emergency operator blared that the police were on their way. From the murder in Latanya's eyes, Cherise supposed the other woman hadn't heard.

Latanya lunged for Jaylen but Cherise raised enough to launch herself, throwing them both to the floor. She landed on Latanya's back and tried to hold her but the woman yelled and fought like a maniac. Panicked, Cherise flailed her fists, landing blow after blow, though it only seemed to make the other woman angrier. Cherise tried again to grab her but Latanya bucked, throwing her loose.

Cherise landed flat and rolled onto her back, just as her opponent leaped onto her. Their hands slapped at each other's faces and Cherise had a sudden image of two screaming toddlers wailing at each other without inflicting any real damage. She doesn't know how to fight any better than me. But I can't let her take Jaylen! Have to hold on, until the cops get here. She shoved again, knocking Latanya away, and wriggled backward.

Latanya sat on her haunches, her shoulders trembling as she fought for breath. Cherise wiped her upper lip, dismayed to see it come away bloody. Her head hurt, her hands hurt, and her lungs heaved. But Latanya sported a handful of cuts and one of her eyes was already swelling shut. Cherise's nostrils flared. "You're not taking him."

"What do you care?"

"I care."

The two women staggered to their feet. Cherise's bum leg squeaked and she realized it was broken again. Fantastic. Latanya's left arm hung in a funny way and Cherise wondered if she'd sprained it.

A pitiful wail echoed through the room. The boy sat in his pen. tears covering his face. Latanya appeared indifferent to her son's panic, which only hardened Cherise's resolve. Her heart went out to the boy.

Latanya sneered. "You think Jordan gives a shit about you?"

Cherise raised her chin. "None of your business."

"If he did, he wouldn't have been tapping this ass all weekend."

A wave of cold dizziness enveloped her. "What?"

"Two or three times, he snuck over for some quick fuckin'." Latanya laughed. Cruelty laced her words. "He can't stay away from this. He'll always be mine."

Cherise stared, unable to speak. Is ... is that where he went Friday night? Is that why he's so distant? Is she lying? She would, just to get to me but ... Her nostrils flared and her mouth pressed into a thin line. It doesn't matter right now. If she's right, that's for me and him to sort out later. She's not taking Jaylen. "You know what, Latanya? You can shut your bitch-mouth.

Latanya's lip curled and she shifted weight, as if making ready to pounce. Cherise tensed, bracing for the blow.

The door flew open again and two uniformed officers burst inside, guns drawn. "Freeze! Get down on your faces and put your hands behind your backs."

It hung there a moment and Cherise feared Latanya might launch herself at the cops--not because she particularly cared if they shot her, but because she or Jaylen might be hit in the crossfire.

Then Latanya slowly raised her hands and knelt and even as she did the same, Cherise breathed a sigh of relief.


The officer--a white man in his mid-forties, who had been one of the first two who'd responded to the call--unlocked the cuffs. "Sorry about that, ma'am."

Cherise rubbed her wrists. His chagrin-filled voice almost made her think he was sorry. Their handling of her and Latanya had been none too gentle and she wondered if it would have been different had she been white. One of those things I guess I'll never know. "Thanks," she muttered, aware that her own tone was not all that thankful.

The man winced and moved away.

She rotated her arms. Having her hands locked behind her waist for a half-hour had left her shoulder with a burning ache.

I guess I should be glad Jordan returned as fast as he did. Her eyes flicked to Jordan, who stood nearby talking to two other officers. He clutched a copy of the restraining order. Good thing, too. As soon as they saw that, they got Latanya out of here quick.

Cherise snorted; if anything, the woman had fought harder than she had at Valor Foods, until she'd ended up hogtied and shoved screaming into the back of a cruiser.

Busted her parole and a bunch of new charges. She's going away for a while this time, I hope. And me? I guess I dodged punishment yet again. She glanced at Jordan again. Maybe.

She wandered toward her desk, where Meredith sat with Jaylen. The boy had calmed and nursed a small sippy cup of milk, though his wide eyes darted between Cherise, his father, his grandmother, and the cops. Meredith's own expression was haunted. "Cherise, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being careless. I should have known Latanya would be lurking around. She's too much of a snake to give up. I should have been here with you and Jaylen."

Cherise looked away. "Don't worry about it. She might have jumped you somewhere you couldn't get help. At least the cops came here quick."

Meredith cocked her head, then stood, cradling Jaylen in her arms. "What is it?"


"Don't give me that. Something else is bothering you?"

She faced Meredith. "Where did Jordan go all weekend? We were having lunch Friday before he scooted me out the door. He was in a hurry to leave and--" She clamped her lips shut.

Meredith raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"Latanya said she saw him a few times this weekend."

"Mmm. I guess I should let Jordan explain, then." Without another word, Meredith turned and left the room, taking Jaylen with her.

What do I do here? I want to trust him. He hasn't done anything Darius did and Latanya would lie to crack our relationship ... but did she? I have to know. I can't do this again. But do I believe him?

The cops finished and departed, leaving her and Jordan together. He approached and touched her shoulder. "How you doing?"

Cherise shied away from his touch. "I'm okay."

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?"

"Maybe. Jordan ..." Cherise bit her lip. She didn't want to ask but she had to know. "Where did you go on Friday night?"

A guilty look settled on his face. "I had an errand to run."

"To see Latanya?"


"She said you spent time with her--for some 'quick fucking,' in her words."

His eyes widened. "She told you that?"

"Yes." Cherise crossed her arms. "Well?"

Jordan started to laugh. "God, what a damn witch."

"What do you mean?"

"You think I'd ever touch her again?"

"I don't want to but I know men."

Jordan shook his head. "Not this man. Not ever. I had to run two errands Friday. First of all, I had a meeting with my and Latanya's lawyers to revisit the custody agreement, because she demanded the meeting. Nothing changed and she stormed out, screaming vowing to ruin me and to take Jaylen away from me. She yelled that if she couldn't have me, she'd never let me be happy again. All of this happened in front of our lawyers and is on the record, since mine insisted on recording the meeting. Even hers didn't argue in her favor after that."

"Okay, assuming that's true, that doesn't account for the rest of the weekend." Her demeanor cracked and Cherise's lip started to tremble. "Jordan, I want to believe you but ..." She trailed off and lowered her eyes, unable to complete the thought.

Strong fingers took her hand. "Cherise, look at me. Please."

She did.

Jordan rubbed her knuckles with his thumbs. His touch was warm and gentle, and confident in its strength at the same time. He smiled at her. "Do you want to know where I was the rest of the weekend?"

Her dry voice scratched out of her throat. "Yes."

"Green Bay, from late Friday, until late last night."


"I was visiting your mom and dad. I also got to meet your brothers. I couldn't tell you until today but call your parents, and they'll tell you I was there the whole time."

A surge of indignation rippled through her, at the man seeing her family behind her back. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"I wouldn't have gone up and imposed on my own but your dad invited me up. We've been talking since he and your mom visited. He took me to a media event with this year's team on Saturday and I got to meet a few players. It was a lot of fun."

She stared at him.

"And I'd been stalling on something a while. Since I was already going, I decided to use this opportunity to ask for permission."


Jordan dropped to one knee. His hand fumbled in his pocket until he pulled a small box.

Cherise's heart hammered in her chest.

He popped the lid. Prismatic light and gold sparkled from within. He grinned at her. "What do you think?"

On instinct, she glanced at her hazy reflection in the office window, taking in her bruises and cuts, her torn and dirty clothes, her messed hair, and bent leg. She tapped her heel. "Jordan, how ... I mean you can't ... I'm ..."

"You're perfect. I don't care about your leg. That doesn't define you. I don't care about your past. It's something you learned from and overcame, to grow into the fantastic person you are now. You love Jaylen as much as you love me and you take care of him better than his own birth mother. You're so strong, so beautiful. How could I not love you?"

"I ... I don't know what to say."

"You say, 'Yes.' "

Cherise couldn't help herself. Tears came to her eyes and a smile to her lips. She whispered, "Yes. The answer is yes."

Jordan was on her feet in a flash. His strong embrace all but ripped Cherise from her feet. She hugged him back with all her strength. Can this be real? After all the bad decisions and all the mistakes I've made, how did I get this lucky?

Cherise gazed into Jordan's eyes, kissed him, and decided the "how" didn't matter. It was another chance and this time, she wasn't going to waste it.


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DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithabout 1 month ago

Beautiful ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 1 month ago

Good story, although I’m not entirely sure why you are using colour denominations for some characters and not others? That minor issue aside, I enjoyed the story, both people tentative and bruised from previous relationships makes for a good combination, place an innocent child and an abusive mother in the mix and it’s a winner. I was surprised that you didn’t use a line about her being prepared to fight to protect Jaylen at the end there, very much in the Momma Bear mould, nothing quite as attractive to a Dad as a potential Stepmother willing to go to war to protect her Man’s child. Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Please write another chapter. Jaylen will have a real mommy, that loves him, and she may be carrying his brother or sister. If you don't think he's her baby, try hurting him, or her husband, Jaylen's daddy!

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 months ago

We can guess the rest but an epilogue would have been nice. But still a cracking story. Well done and thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nice story. I get that you didn’t have an editor, but it was probably a half Literotica page longer than it needed to be. Still, a great piece of work, overall.

norafaresnorafaresabout 2 months ago

Five easy stars. Excellent work, Peyton!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I was excited to see a new story from this author. It was both interesting and different…and well written as usual (with a few minor errors). Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nice story…even if they are Packers fans.

stewartbstewartbabout 2 months ago

Happiness doesn't fall into your lap ... it sometimes needs to be fought for again and again.

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