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Husband finds his wife's panties in his driveway.
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Why would your wife's panties wind up in the driveway?

Who would have thought that a pair of sexy panties lying in my driveway would threaten twenty-one years of marriage?

My sweet wife would go on a girl's night out from seven to eleven o'clock. I would be at a poker game until about 12:30.

Last Friday, I got out of my car and found a cute set of panties next to her car door. They were my wives. I had bought them at a unique store. I went into the house. Laura was already in bed. She smelled like stale beer. I said something to her, she responded in a slurred speech. I couldn't understand it. She rolled over and went back to sleep.

My wife and I are both fifty-years-old. Laura is in excellent condition. She is a beautiful woman. Her breasts are enormous and are admired by all. Laura works as a legal secretary in a law office. She has a happy personality and is a fun person to be around. She is always smiling.

My name is Bob, an introvert who tolerates people. I work as a computer programmer for a small company.

We had a happy home life, and I considered our sex life average. I have never considered infidelity and never believed my wife did.

We have one son in college.

I thought about the girls-night-out. Laura had started going about two weeks ago. We usually had a date night on Fridays. She asked, "Can we switch our date night to Saturdays so she could go to a GNO on Friday?" I immediately said no. I never liked the idea of GNO nights. I asked her, "Since you do not drink or dance, why are you interested?" She responded, "She just wanted to sit around with the ladies from work and gab." I replied, "You could invite the ladies over for coffee any night." She said it would not be the same, and she wanted some time away from the house.

My ex-wife met her boyfriend at one of these GNO's. The idea turns me off. I said to her, "Let me think about it.

Laura, we have been married many happy years. Going to a GNO could mess things up." "Bob, do you believe I would screw around on you?" "Yes, I do not want you to go. You have a few drinks, you dance with some handsome guy, and you think you will never get caught. It could cause the end of our marriage."

"This pisses me off. The thought that you believe I would ever commit adultery."

Laura, would you promise not to get drunk or dance with men at the GNO?


Well, that started it. Our date nights ended. I started poker on Fridays.

I had to decide what to do about finding the panties.

I checked with a lawyer. He clarified the state laws on divorce. He told me to get any proof I could that she was committing adultery.

I hired a PI to check on her.

She seemed in her normal happy mode the next day. I had to control my emotions. Saturday night, she wanted to go out. I said as long as she had her GNO's, I would pass on our date night. I told her, "I do not like or approve of GNO's. I still think it will end our marriage. I also did not wish to have sex until I knew it wasn't sloppy seconds."

She almost blew up at my suggestion. Laura replied, "You never have to worry. I will never have sex with you on Saturday." I replied, "Once you start adultery, you won't limit it to Friday nights." That ended the discussions.

The next few days were gloomy. We hardly spoke one word to each other. On Tuesday, she mentioned she had to go to New York with her boss for a week. I said, "You have never gone away in the years you worked for them; why now?" Her reply was, "I must go. I have the most information on the case."

The next day I picked up the phone and dialed her office. I got her boss. I said, "Mr. Berks, I am planning a surprise trip for Laura's and I's anniversary. Are there any days that it would cause a problem with her job if I booked them?" Berks replied, "She is clear for the next month. You can pick any day. Have a great time."

The following week my PI asked me to drop by his office. He had loads of pictures of her dancing. Always with the same male. He also had pictures of her in the back seat of a car necking. I found out the male was Richard Denning, a bachelor who was a player. He likes seducing a married woman.

I was deeply in love with my wife. I did not want a divorce. Every day we sat and had a fifteen-minute morning coffee. We discussed everything. Our date nights were always fun. She never missed a day telling me how much she loved me. At night we watched TV together. We were a great match. I decided to talk to her.

After supper, I mentioned I had something important to discuss and would like her full attention.

"Laura, would you like a divorce?" "No," was her quick response. "Do you still love me?" "Of course, why would you ask me such a question?" "Because you are starting an affair." Her reply was, "Don't be silly. Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Well, to start, you would rather have GNO than date night. You are going on a trip with Richard Dennings and not for the company. You don't seem to care that we stopped having sex. You are treating me like I am an ogre. You come home drunk without your panties. Should I continue?"

Bob, "You have been spying on me."

"Yes, you are a bright woman, but you do not seem even to care that I find out about your adultery."

"Well, Bob, we have been married twenty-one years. Our marriage was getting boring.

Richard has worked hard to seduce me. He has been successful. He is a player, and I know he will soon leave me. I do love you and wish you would accept it. However, do whatever you must do to stay happy. Just remember that it will end soon, and we can go back to what we were."

My bags were packed. I got the luggage and left for a one-bedroom apartment I had rented it.

The next day I asked my lawyer to file the divorce papers.

To my surprise, Laura did not even try to call me. I found out as much as I could about Richard. I planned on giving him as much pain as possible. I called Mr. Berk and told him the entire story. He was not happy. He told me he would make the couple aware of his displeasure.

I acquired a bottle of methyl mercaptan (Skunk oil). I shared it with Richard by pouring it into his car.

I, of course, canceled all our shared credit cards and withdrew as much as I could from our bank accounts.

The following month I did not hear from either Laura or her lawyers. My son called and asked me what was going on. After I explained it to him, he was distraught with his mom.

Finally, Laura called and asked me out for dinner. I agreed. We went to a high-end restaurant. I asked her to save the critical conversation to after we had eaten. It was enjoyable. It reminded me of date night.

Laura wanted to return to what we had. She started the conversation by telling me how much she missed me. She also mentioned the things we shared before our problems began.

I asked her about Richard. She said they had broken up after he realized that my husband was aware of my adultery. He was no longer interested in me." They still worked together but were no longer lovers."

I asked if she was looking for a new lover. She responded, "I had my fling. I want my marriage back."

The question came up, "What about GNO?"

I would stop going.

I told her, "Let me think about it."

My mind told me that she would have to pay in some way for the pain she had caused. I went home and wrote her a letter. I set some conditions for my return.

Dear Laura,

This experience has been painful. I had told you I thought the GNO would cause problems. I was correct. For me to return, I would have to know you never would return to GNO's. If the words girl's night out were even mentioned, I would file for a divorce.

I would also have to know you were never going to have lunch again with Richard or see him for any reason. The only way I would know that is if you stopped working with him. Mr. Berk would, and I am sure, get you another job somewhere else in the company.

I would not have sex with you until you had a thorough check for STDs. I would also have to believe you would live up to all that I asked and that you truly loved me. I think a trial separation is necessary. Let us find out if you are serious about getting together, or this is just a stalling tactic until you find someone.

If you sleep with someone during the separation, then you are not serious about getting together. I will divorce you.

Three months sounds about right. Both of us can date. Frequently a woman at work and I are having lunch. I want to take her out. I will not have sex with her until after three months.

You can go out with all the young studs you desire--just no sex with them.

Would you please reply in writing to this note? No reply means it is not acceptable, and you wish to divorce.



Laura's reply

Dear Bob,

I love only you. I never intended to have sex with Richard. He had asked me out to dinner and a few drinks many times. I always said no, I am married. We have worked together for the last two years. Sometimes we took our work to lunch. After a while, even though we were not involved with work, we had lunch together. We became very close.

One day Richard said to me, "Why don't you go to GNO's with your friends. I told him I was not interested in a bunch of gossips. He said, "He often dropped into the bar when your friends had the GNO's." He often danced with the ladies from the office." He said I should join them and we could have a few drinks together. The GNO's sounded like a date without cheating. I decided I would go the following Friday.

I was surprised at your resistance. When you dropped date night, I almost changed my mind.

When I went, I immediately saw Richard. He asked me to dance. When I was in his arms, I knew he had hooked me. I wanted him.

The second week I went home with him.

We decided to go together to New York for a week. I never expected you to check on me.

Mr. Berk talked to us and is sending me to another department.

I agree with all your requests.



The response from Laura was as I expected. I was not so sure about her living up to my rules.

My son Thomas called me on the phone, "Dad, you have been married for a long time. I think it would be a tough adjustment for you and mom to make if you divorce."

My reply was, "I will never trust your mother again. I do not want to spend my life wondering what she is doing. There are women out there who I can trust. I currently have been dating one without sex. I am fond of her. She is far more trustworthy than your mom, who thinks life with me is dull.

My life with your mom was fulfilling. I loved our talks in the morning. I enjoyed our nights together.

She was great company. Our sex life might not have been that exciting, but it was enjoyable. I miss all that. To her, it was boring. That's life. I can not imagine what I could change that would make life more thrilling. "

"Dad, can I repeat part of this conversation to mom?"

"Certainly, I do not think anything I say matters to her."


The reality was setting in. My stupidity started not with the sex but when I realized that my feelings for Richard were growing. That's when I should have cooled it. The lunches should have stopped.

At the same time, my relationship with Bob started downhill. The morning coffee became a chore. My mind became absorbed with Richard. Date nights were always my favorite occasions. I gave that up for what? An opportunity to cheat on my husband? The life that I enjoyed the most I gave up.

The sex with Richard was enjoyable, but so were the fattening foods I have given up to remain slender.

I always enjoyed sex with Bob. I did not go with Richard for the sex. And instead, I found the excitement of falling in love was what I was after.

I found it like having an old dog in the house, loving it, getting a pup, and enjoying the new spirit.

After a while, we feel good again playing with the old dog. I could live without the pup but not without the old dog. I promised myself I would never again allow myself to get compromised. I would stop any flirtation immediately. I would enjoy what I had. It was better than anything anyone else had to offer.

I told Bob what I had discovered. He said, "See if you feel the same way after three months."

The three months started. The first thing I noticed was that I missed having coffee and speaking with Bob. The nights were the worst. I hated being in the house alone. I had loved date night; that was gone.

Going to GNO was out of the question. I decided that this was all my fault, and I had to live with it.


Eleanor, an attractive lady from work, heard a rumor that Laura and I had separated. She asked me if it was true. After I acknowledged it, she asked me out for dinner. I was happy to accept. That night I picked an expensive restaurant.

We had a wonderful conversation. Eleanor had divorced when she caught her husband cheating.

I explained that Laura and I had separated for three months. We would then decide our future together.

We both would date, but no sexual activity would occur.

After dinner, we danced then returned to Eleanor's home. She invited me in, and we talked for a couple of hours. It was a great evening. We planned on other dates.

As I lay in my bed that night, I could easily visualize having a pleasant life with Eleanor.

The next day I had dinner with Eleanor. No sex, but dates were acceptable. I told her about my three-month separation from Laura. Eleanor responded, "That sounded good to her, but she would not be exclusive until I was divorced." She also mentioned that "Wednesdays were for her father. She left work and drove thirty miles to his house. He was terminal, and she said she never missed a Wednesday, even during her marriage."

Eleanor and I dated about twice a week. I never questioned her about her other dates.

The best alternative to paying a PI for three months was to bug Laura's cell phone.

She did not try to contact Richard, but he sent her several messages. Laura did not reply.

Laura went out with several young guys, but as far as I could tell, there wasn't any sex.

I decided to ask Eleanor if she was having sex on her dates. I realized this would probably piss her off, however, after my divorce. I expected to ask her to marry me.

Eleanor responded quickly to my question, "Are you having sex with your dates?"

"That is none of your business. It will become your concern after your divorce."

I agreed, but I think I got my answer. Before I asked Eleanor to marry me, I should do a small amount of checking. I had a PI check on her divorce and also what she did on Wednesday night.

Eleanor was the cause of her divorce. Her husband caught her cheating. She cheated on him with a married fellow named Otto. It continued after the divorce and was still happening. She went to a Hotel with him every Wednesday.

The best decision for me was to stop dating her, which I did.

She called. I told her I was looking for a long marriage. Fidelity was necessary. Two divorces were enough in my life. I felt she wanted a more open relationship than I was interested me. Surprisingly, she did not argue. She hung up on me after I asked her to say hello to Otto.

Now, I have another decision. Should I go back with Laura or look for someone new.

Now was the time to check on Laura. I asked her," Have you had any sex on your dates?" She immediately answered, "No."

Do you think we could make your life less boring without bringing other men into your life?

"I should never have said boring in the context of how we live." During the last few months, I have missed our coffee together. The beautiful conversations we had. All of it. When I said all that crap, I was trying to justify having a relationship with Richard. You are the man I want. I am so sorry."

I responded. Let us live like we were for another year. At the end of the year, decide if it's worth staying together.

We did. We both were kinder to each other. Neither of us ever gave any indication that someone else was more interesting. I fell more in love with Laura and believe the same was true of her. However, marriage was out of the question. I could never trust her. We agreed to live together and share household expenses.


Laura and I have lived together for ten years, an excellent ten years. We were never married. I refuse to. There is not much difference between our married friends and us. That's the way it will remain.

Permission: I give my consent to anyone interested in writing a follow-up or alternate version of any one of my stories. Would you please mention my article in your credits?

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Yes, GNOs are never a good idea. Going to places where the point is to find other people to have sex with? Stupid. Just like Bachelor and Bachelorette parties. It's like playing Russian roulette with your relationship. You would probably be better off actually doing the bullet thing rather than these type of parties.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


26thNC26thNC3 months ago

She didn’t even deserve this semi RAAC.

HappyWaitingHappyWaiting3 months ago

Good letter for Dear Abby, not a great read in Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very childish written and hard to follow. Not worth finishing either.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It was okay, but almost just like your GNO story (titled as such). The only real difference is the woman from work that he was dating was still seeing her lover that caused her own divorce. Nothing new here.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She wants to find love with another man and thinks of her husband as an old dog. Just something to be with because she's comfortable but not in love.

She's not a good wife, not even a good person. He deserves better than her and Eleanor.

5 stars tho. I always enjoy your stories.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

In the next chapter it will go on tell how she became a full fledged slut wait the first time she cheated on her husband she was already a full fledged slut she just later becomes a whore and of the husband tried to be something he's not a man but him forgiving and moving back in with her and having a relationship with her other then between there kid made him a cuck bitch and real man would have kicked to the curb and then made her and her lovers life hell

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Dumb fuck story.

HighBrowHighBrow6 months ago

A little confusing at times, but I liked it.

shadrachtshadracht6 months ago

Reread this. I should've checked if I'd read it before. It still sucks. He explains twice to the same person about his separation. He indicates "Laura needs to have some pain" and then proceeds to inflict nothing. There's a brief time out where she's still getting attention from others. What a weird, robotic unenjoyable story. 1*

Bry1977Bry19778 months ago

im confused! when did they acutely get divorced??

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted8 months ago

Missed the paragraph where they got divorced.

goodshoes2goodshoes28 months ago


NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuy10 months ago

This story struggled to maintain a path. It never said they divorced but they never married…

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

If someone actually did that... live with his ex, do all the things they did when married, but said... "Hey, I don't trust her!" He is just as untrustworthy and shallow as the woman he divorced. If you want a clean break, then do it that way and both move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

OK, so when did he divorce her. From what I read they never divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If the MC was stupid enough to remarry her, he'd best have his divorce attorney on speed dial. BTB

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So…when did he actually divorce Laura, such that he never married her after they got back together?


2 **

dogslife4me2003dogslife4me2003over 1 year ago

My wife and I went through a rough patch similar to this. No infidelity, at least I do not believe so, but her family had long since made up their minds that I was a bad guy, and they were overly involved at one point, and since she decided to fix her marriage to me, they all disowned her. We were separated for 10 months, and two teenaged kids with disabilities and disorders taxed our marriage severely, and I was always not home due to being a pilot taxed our marriage. Moving closer to her family was supposed to help but the intent was nefarious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

All over the place....

LucasredLucasredover 1 year ago

Decent story but stilted writing. Loosen up.

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