Pantyhose Anniversary

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Pantyhose erotica.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/12/2020
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CHAPTER I (The secret)

My name is Jen and I always considered myself a bit of an introvert, at least sexually. I would call our love making pretty vanilla. Anyway, we changed that recently, at least it was new- found fun for us!

I was going out shopping about 3 weeks ago and was almost at the mall and realized I left my wallet at home on my dresser. I turned around and by the time I got home I was gone for about ½ an hour.

I went upstairs to grab it off my dresser and I did a double take as I realized I was not alone.

The mirror on my dresser just catches the mirror in the bathroom and I saw the reflection of my husband. I was going to say something but before I could get the words out, I noticed he was getting busy like a teenager in the bathroom. I stopped and I had to look to see if this was registering. There in the reflection was my husband with one leg in a pair of my pantyhose and he seemed to be wrapping the other leg around his dick.

I was not ready to confront him, so I grabbed my wallet and headed back out to the car. Part of me wanted to barge in on him and say WTF but I never saw him masturbating before, so I just left. I walked slowly and quietly out the door.

I sat in my car and tried to decide if I should go back up and confront him. I didn't. I left and went back toward the mall. I started thinking what could be bringing this on as I never seen him pleasuring himself before.

He did seem adamant that I wear a skirt and pantyhose on my legs because it's supposed to get cold for our anniversary in 3 weeks. He never asks me to wear anything specific and that is planning ahead for sure. Maybe there was something there I missed.

I got in the car and my mind started to race. I was trying to comprehend this and I of course internalized and wondered if this was something I did or didn't do. Things are not exactly hot in the bedroom. Is he no longer attracted to me since I am not in the best shape of my life? Is he bored? Is he sexually frustrated? Does have another woman? Who is he fantasizing about?

I wandered around the mall for a bit trying to figure out how I would address this with Jeremy. My mind continued to race like maybe there is more to this story. Is he doing this a lot? This can't be the first time? Maybe we need more frequency? I certainly have not been focusing on our sex life enough, but clearly, he is focused on sex.

Do I confront him and maybe risk that I will embarrass him into not talking at all or get angry or defensive? He tended to be the one that was more creative but nothing wild in the bedroom. I noticed he has been working out a lot more than he used to, and I am wondering what that is all about. I wandered the mall a bit and I decided to just go home, and that night and I said nothing.

After all this was not something I thought about before this morning and I wasn't ready for sex dialogue. He did not know I saw him, so I figured I don't have to address anything yet. I was glad he was going to work the next day so I would have the house to myself. I wasn't working as the entire office was furloughed so I had some extra time alone in the house.

CHAPTER II (Waking up Sexually)

The next morning, he went to work, and I decided to do some spying on his personal laptop that he left at home. I felt a little guilty, but I explored his browser and I found he was looking at some porn sites.

I wanted to find out what might be driving him to play with my pantyhose and I was able to find he had a lot of options to explore. He had clicked on lots of sex sites involving pantyhose, role playing, and I needed to explore. I clicked on one of the sites he had been looking at to see what might be intriguing him. I was surprised at myself for not gathering my evidence and walking away, but instead I clicked on a random video.

This blond, gorgeous German woman was sitting on a couch in a sexy dress with her legs crossed with pantyhose and high heels. I guiltily found myself watching this video as now I was getting sucked in. She unzipped her dress in the front and exposed her perfect breasts and I watched intently as she fondled them and squeezed her nipples. She ran her hands all the way down her shapely legs to her heels and back up. She was crossing her long legs and rubbing all around her inner thighs.

Then she reached down on the couch and next thing you see is her holding a pair of scissors in her hands. I wondered what the heck this was about. She reached down and unzipped the rest of her dress and spread her legs. She cut a perfect hole in her pantyhose to expose her pussy which I found myself transfixed. I was not in the habit of looking at another female's privates, but this was a close up shot and I was compelled to look.

She was stunning from her tits, to her legs and honestly, I was impressed with how her pussy looked. I found myself having to get up and get a glass of water as my face was flushed. She really was beautiful, and I wondered how she kept her pussy so perfect with not even a razor bump or a flaw down there. She started to play with her pussy and speak something in German. She was turning herself on and me too.

She inserted her finger and rubbed herself inside and out and starting to squirm on the couch. Then it got really interesting when she stood up, sensually touched herself from her heels to her inner thighs. She turned around to touch her ass which was of course perfect. I am not into other woman but when you look like that there is an appreciation.

She walked over to this long table and slowly crawled over to the other end of the table like she was on the prowl. What was waiting for her on the other end of the table was where it really got Kinky. Attached to the table was a blue dildo that she approached like it was real.

She straddled up to it like she was hunting it and very slowly guided the tip into her pussy lips. Then she bent down and licked it like it was real. She positioned herself to have the dildo in front and ride it as she thrust her waist forward. She slid her thighs forward and she positioned the dildo right in the hole in the pantyhose. She had no problem keeping herself lubricated and she guided it so that she could masturbate alongside it.

I could feel myself getting wet watching someone else give themselves such pleasure. I watched with more admiration than anything as I wish I was that uninhibited. I flashed back to Jeremy and wondered if he went all the way and put them on or if he was just stroking the fabric? I figured I better look soon to see if he ripped them. I could not get the full view of exactly what he was doing but he was also enjoying himself.

I glanced back to the screen and saw her orgasm as she made a final thrust onto the disappearing dildo. I can't believe I didn't have enough sexual voyeurism for the day, but one more click. This next one may have been his impetus to grab my black pantyhose.

I saw this attractive young brunette dressed in pantyhose standing over this guy. She was holding another pair in her hands and kept teasing him sliding and wrapping the fabric on his dick. Then she would pull it slowly off, suck the tip of his penis and do it again. She finally brought him to an orgasm, and he exploded just above her knees. She looked at him seductively and made sure she didn't leave any mess behind as she leaned forward and licked her pantyhose thigh. Wow, that was an experience I had not anticipated when I started the day!

I almost forgot the other reason I was here. I checked his e-mails to see if I could find something suspicious. I didn't find any e-mails or any signs that he was talking with someone else. Later that evening I also checked to see if he had any suspicious texts. Nothing came up. So now I was at least at ease with the fact that he has not gone outside our marriage, yet.

I was actually turned on and mad at the same time. Upset that he was keeping this bottled up and a secret, while turned on that this was something new and exciting. Compared to this our sex life was pretty sedate. I started questioning myself and why I actually got so turned on watching this.


I started doing some more research online the next morning and I guess I was looking for advice to see if I was the only one put in this situation. He was not the only guy or gal into this fetish it turns out and many of the responses said,

"Hell girl, what should you do?" "You have to go with it. Go get yourself some sexy pantyhose if you love the guy and enjoy the ride."

Another one said, "Kinky guys are the best because they normally are the ones that try and keep it interesting."

You might find this just gets your motor running because he is going to find a way to get his kink on somewhere, somehow, with or without you."

Considering we both had such a sedate sex life I started wondering how the heck we change the dynamic after all these years and start having sex become more of an event. I knew some of it would have to come from me because he was never going to be the instigator. He might have these thoughts, but he will keep it to himself if I don't flush it out.

Still 3 weeks before our anniversary so I spent some time switching between some of the sites I knew he was viewing and some of my own and I began to read how others have become less inhibited in the bedroom. Lots of advice out there and they all sounded fun, but I wasn't used to talking dirty or role play or taking over the situation.

I found myself not being able to sleep as each day I got a little deeper into this new world I discovered. I wanted to talk dirty, I wanted to let my mind wander, but what would he think if after all these years I just started acting like a...not sure the word. I am his wife, so I don't want to say like a whore although I told myself maybe more like a sexually repressed woman going through the motions.

With 2 weeks left before our anniversary, I found myself drawn deeper and deeper into other peoples' sex lives and views and every so often I admit it I switched over to the internet for some free inspiration. Sounds like a whole lot of people having way more fun than we ever did.

I decided one morning after Jeremy left I would go check out my top drawer and see if things were moved around. I remembered I only had 3 pairs of pantyhose and it had been a week since I looked to see what shape they were in after he was done with them. He was using the only black pair I had so I knew these were the ones and they looked a little bit like there may have been some pre-cum on the crotch or something on them but not destroyed.

I would have to find a way to bring it up with him and I would, but I was still not ready. They were decent pantyhose I had, but I found myself getting an education on -line about more sexy, expensive pantyhose and I decided to do some online shopping as one of the sites suggested. I bought 6 pairs of Italian seamless pantyhose. 4 my size and 2 just a little bigger as I still had not decided what I was going to do about all this, but I was having some naughty thoughts.

Next day I received my order and I hid them just in case Jeremy was nosing around my drawer. I had to open one of the packages and find out what the big deal was and why it was costing me a fortune to buy these. First thing I did was take a tub and I brought the hand mirror in with me. I had usually shaved down there but not like a pro. I decided to see if I could look like the German girl.

I meticulously and slowly shaved myself from every angle, exfoliating, and taking my time to my perfect shave. I waxed my legs using the kit I got from my salon. I waited until I was all nice and dry and now was the moment of truth as to whether I just wasted my money.

I opened the pantyhose and they looked like there is no way these are my size as they were smaller than the pairs I had. I slowly put my feet in and little by little stretched the fabric up over my knees, my thighs, and up to my waist being ever so careful not to rip them. They still seemed like they had more play and they did so whatever was in the fabric was really hugging my skin.

I went back to my ankles and slowly started pulling them up more until I was able to get them into place. Oh, yeah. These were really what I hoped for as this second skin was a silky, sensual feeling and I ran my hands over my ass and up my inner thigh and I could already tell these were high quality and made my legs look really, really good.

Since these were seamless, front and center was my pussy in all its glory, and I admired my perfect shave. I am not sure a week ago I would have referred to it as my pussy instead of my vagina, but now I am telling myself I need to think, act, and talk like a girl that needs to act less inhibited so my new vocabulary did seemed to work.

Just saying the words in my head made me aroused and I used words like pussy, cock, cum, and fucking so I knew I had certainly let myself lose some inhibition. Anyway, I slipped into a pair of pumps and looked in the full- length mirror. I forgot that the pantyhose also did a good job of forcing my stomach in a bit, so I felt pretty damn good at how I looked and the sheen on the silky fabric was amazing. Damn I looked pretty sexy!

I laid on the bed and actually started petting myself a bit along my thighs and I stretched out on the bed in my pantyhose and heels and felt a new liberation. I opened my laptop and started looking around on the internet while I was laying there feeling pretty horny.

I tried to find the German video again on my own laptop but no luck. I did see another German couple both wearing pantyhose and they were sliding back and forth with his cock on her ass. There was a swishing sound as they were moving in a rhythm and she was moaning. They were making me wet and my new pantyhose were clearly getting my juices flowing so I just barely felt down there, and one thing led to another.

I inserted my finger thought the hose all the way to my ass. I was in full blown masturbation and I could hardly blame Jeremy as I was doing the same thing. I looked at the screen and he was oozing cum all over her ass. She reached back and took 2 fingers and took the cum in her mouth and then grabbed 2 other fingers to rub on her tits.

I played with myself and found myself wrapping my legs around the bed post. Between my hands and fingers and the gyrations on the bed post, I came, and I realized I had started to lose my inhibitions quickly. I guess this must have always been there, but it was locked up a bit.

I did not care if I was no longer myself from a couple weeks ago. I was all in. I peeled off the hose took a shower and hoped my Jeremy was having the same thoughts. I had to stop the raging inside me. I think there must be something wrong with me I am so obsessed the last couple of weeks.

CHAPTER IV (The Anniversary Night)

OK so it was finally anniversary night and I had bought another skirt online. It was a little past my knees and had a 3" slit on the side so I could show some extra leg in the car and I knew it would set the mood. The blouse had sheer sleeves that buttoned at the cuff and was cut in the front just enough to show some cleavage. I wasn't in my twenties anymore that's for sure, but I felt I looked pretty good.

I was fully ready to go with a nice bath, and a freshly shaved, sexy pussy and I decided to forego the underwear and just put on a new pair of seamless pantyhose under my dress. I felt pretty naughty all through dinner. Jeremy was looking good as he lost a few pounds and had his shirt unbuttoned and he smelled good as he put on some nice cologne. Jeremy said I really looked fantastic and I told him I was glad he noticed.

After the second drink my inhibitions started to take over because I leaned over and whispered to him.

"I was wondering if you knew anything about my missing some things in my underwear drawer?"

"What do you mean?" he said.

"I just thought it was weird that my underwear door was open and a couple of things looked like they were about to fall out of the drawer?"

"You think we were robbed or something?"

"No, not that. Just forget it, I must have done it in the middle of the night?"

He didn't take the bait and I was not ready to open this up at the table. In my head I wanted to say I think someone was trying to cum in my pantyhose, but I stopped myself. We finished our drink and since I know he was doing a lot of thinking I thought I would try out some of my new -found confidence.

We got into the car and I hiked up the slit so that it was riding halfway up my leg.

I said, "Oh crap, I hope I didn't just get a run in my new hose."

He looked over and I was hiking it up even further I was exposing more than just leg. He was pulling out of the parking lot, so I guess he did not notice that I fully exposed my pussy to him, but I knew I had taken a new step.

"Oh, I guess it is nothing."

He had one hand on the wheel, and he was reaching his other hand over.

"Are you sure?" he asked?

He brushed his hands across my silky black nylon, and I am pretty sure he had an immediate hard on. I had a plan when we got home.

We got home and I told him to grab a glass of wine and come upstairs. I went up stepped out of my skirt and kept my pantyhose on, removed my bra but kept on my silky shirt. I reached under the pillow where I had stashed a brand-new pair of unopened pantyhose one size up and the pair that he had originally used. When he walked in, I was opening a brand-new pair of pantyhose.

I held them in my hands as he walked in.

"Well?" Are you up for it? You see, someone left a little mark in my other pantyhose and I had to go out and buy a new pair."

He turned red and luckily, we both had lost some of our inhibitions.

"I saw you violating these."

I held up the original pair he had taken from my drawer.

"OK, you caught me".

He said he had been horny and found this site as he liked to look at with hot girls in lingerie and he clicked on a site that took him to this pantyhose site. He went on to tell me this is something he always wondered about since High School when girls wore them a lot and he had a girlfriend that let him run his hands all the way up to the top of her thigh and then stop. That was about as far as his High School career went sexually so clearly, he had been frustrated for a long time.

One thing led to another and he wanted to feel how tight it must be to have nylons hugging his cock.

I asked," How many times have you fondled my hose?"

"So far only once but I think if you didn't catch me it was going to be again, soon."

He started to feel some new- found libido and then things just snowballed the last couple of months. It was not the first time he ever watched porn but a couple months ago when I was out with the ladies, he found himself all alone in the house and was watching fifty shades on HBO and had his laptop by his side. Typed in lingerie and just kept clicking.

Found a vintage pantyhose porn movie and it reminded him of how much he remembered stroking his girlfriend's legs and he started to realize life it too short to keep everything suppressed just because someone somewhere might not think it is normal.

"So, I admit it." he said. "I went through your drawers and at first, I just ran the nylon on my dick, and it felt good. Then I put my dick inside the leg and pulled it tighter. Then I started thinking how good this felt but maybe I could make it even tighter, so I put them on. That was the first time, really. I made such a wet stain that I took them off and rinsed them a bit with water. Had a feeling if I left them on much longer, I was going to blow my load."

"Well thanks for sharing and coming clean. I think you are right that we can't look back but let's use this time to explore, OK?"