Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt. 02

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Girl transformed.
9.7k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 03/31/2024
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Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt 02

(TF, Trans, mod, non-con, bdsm, DS, lesbian, slave)

By ChangeYourPassword Girl transformed

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Read part one of Dimitry, first.

Demi couldn't believe it. They knew her real name, her old, male name. Her secret was out!

"We were surprised, shocked really, when you told us about your past life in Russia." Jillian said, smiling down at her.

Demi was horrified, frozen, unable to respond. And the look on her face must have given her fears away. Jillian smiled, reassuringly. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with us. The KGB or CIA will never hear about you from us. Will they, Laney?"

"No, Mistress." Laney replied automatically. But there was a giggle just beneath the surface.

Looking at her, Demi could see that the girl was delighted by the whole situation.

"It's the FSB, now. Not the KGB." Demi mumbled, still flabbergasted.

Damn! she was thinking, still absolutely terrified. She must have told them everything! Or enough to ruin her if word got out. She had to stop drinking! Damn Vodka!

She couldn't believe that she had ruined her plan so. She sat there thinking, trying to figure a way out. For a silly moment, she hoped and prayed that it was all a dream, a nightmare actually. Could she wake up, never having met this odd couple? Hell, could she wake up back in Moscow, in the dreary cold, still a member of the GRU. She'd settle for that!

Not possible. This was all too real...

Her escape plan had all worked out so perfectly. She'd gotten out, transformed, and enjoyed her first incredible orgasm, with another woman. Her dream had come true. But now she faced a nightmare.

At least it wasn't at the hands of the FSB goons. Not yet, anyway.

"Um..." she wasn't sure what to say. She had never expected to be faced with this situation. Her plans and dreams had her living quietly as a woman, incognito, for the rest of her days. Now she was fucked.

Jillian smiled, and told her to relax. Then she leaned over and kissed her, lovingly and reassuringly.

It did calm her, a little. The woman was indeed beautiful and she seemed affectionate and not the least bit threatening.

Then, Jillian surprised her. She rolled over on top of her and lying there she kissed her again, more passionately. Pushing her tongue into Demi's mouth. And the kiss was delicious. Demi couldn't help but enjoy it.

And it lasted for several minutes, and the longer it lasted the better, more excited, Demi felt.

When Jillian finally broke it off, Demi was panting for breath. Jillian took a deep breath herself and then sadly she slid off and climbed out of bed.

"Come on you two we need to shower and go out for some breakfast. After that night I need to replenish my energy."

She reached down and grabbed Demi's hand to help her up, while Laney climbed off the other side of the mattress and padded around, chain dragging, to follow along into the bathroom.

Just inside the door, Jillian paused to pull her lover into a big hug and kiss, muttering, "good morning my love."

Demi was impressed, she could see that the kinky pair loved each other, deeply. That would be so nice, she thought, feeling the envy.

The three of them squeezed into the shower stall. It was oversized, but with all of them inside, along with Laney's chain, it was a tight fit.

But that made it even more fun. For the next while, under the warm spray there was a lot of laughing and giggling, skin-on-skin contact, rubbing, caressing and groping. And it was delightful.

They even got clean during the process.

Finally fresh and mostly dry they prepared to go out. Jillian pulled on her bikini bottoms, while Demi put on both top and bottom.

When Jillian gave her a look, she shrugged. "I'm not used to wandering around topless."

"Oh really?" She replied, skeptically. "Men don't wear tops."

Laney giggled, while Demi blushed. Embarrassed and uncomfortable by being reminded of her past.

"I'm not a man anymore." Demi muttered, self-consciously.

"Sorry. No, you're not." Jillan replied, then grabbed her hand and led the way toward the door.

Laney, of course, like a good little slave girl, went out naked and on the end of a leash.

It was a bit awkward walking together down the resort's pathways to find a restaurant for breakfast. Demi didn't know if she should walk next to Jillian, leaving Laney to follow along obediently behind, or if she should hang back to keep her company. Jillian was the one in charge, after all, she was the Mistress.

Demi wound up indecisively somewhere in between. At least that way she could see Jillian's nice ass.

At the restaurant, Demi automatically grabbed a chair, as did Jilian, but Laney in her role, took up a position on her knees next to her mistress.

A moment later a server came over with a cushion for her knees, but Jillian told her to forget it, and invited her slave to sit in one of the other chairs.

Demi was pleased, as she wasn't comfortable with her mew friend demonstrating that level of submissiveness. It just seemed wrong.

As they ate, Jillian told Demi some simple details about her life and work, back in the states. The woman was obviously a successful and wealthy executive, and as a result she lived in what sounded like a large and comfortable home in a wealthy area North of San Francisco.

Jillian became very interested when Demi admitted that she had spent a year at the University an hour South of that city.

That forced Demi to provide more details of her past life. Although she glossed over, as much as possible what she'd been doing for her government.

"I just might be able to put those compute skills of yours to good use." Jillian muttered, lost in thought, after Demi had described her education and a little about her work, since graduation.

Throughout the meal, Laney only spoke in response to questions posed to her by Jillian. To Demi, she seemed very quiet.

After eating they went for a long walk around the complex, and out along the beach. It was a beautiful day and Demi, still upset and uncertain, enjoyed that very much. It was just three girls wandering around, having a good time.

She did admit to herself, that her two girlfriends were pretty, friendly and undoubtedly good-in-bed. And their unique relationship was erotically fascinating, as well. But where was this going?

Two long hours later they arrived back in the room, and Demi was pleased and excited when after she'd swapped out Laney's leash for her chain, Jillian grabbed her and pulled her back onto their bed.

There, she began once again kissing her and caressing her lovingly and passionately. And Demi, aroused, returned the affection, especially after Laney joined them and added to the fun.

They continued to simply enjoy themselves in that fashion until Jillian, pushed herself away and lifted herself up, to lean up against the headboard. Demi wound up laying on one side of her, with her head on a breast, while Laney positioned herself similarly on the other side.

They smiled at each other from across their lover's chest.

"It just occurred to me that you were a virgin, last night. At least as a girl; as Demi." Jillian said, happily.

"Wow, Mistress. You're right!" Laney said, excitedly. "I missed that.

"Did you enjoy yourself? Was it wonderful?" she asked Demi.

Demi hadn't thought to look it that way. The sex last night was indeed the fulfillment of a wonderful dream. But Dimitry had enjoyed sex several times with girls. He was no virgin. But now that Jillian pointed it out, she supposed that last night had indeed been Demi's first time.

Demi chuckled. "I loved it. And I guess I was a virgin. A virgin girl, that is." She hated to think about Dimitry, though. He was the past, and all she wanted to do was move on from that life.

"Demi, slide over me. Come onto the other side, so Laney can get to your new pussy and give you something more to enjoy."

It took Demi a moment to understand what Jillian was suggesting, but when she realized what was about to happen, she giggled and began crawling over her mistress. They all laughed as they wrestled for position.

Finally, Demi wound up flat on her back, with Laney laying between her legs and Jillian laying half-on her chest so they could kiss, while Laney licked and sucked.

For only a moment Demi was distracted by Laney's collar chain, as it draped across her thigh, but she soon forgot all about that as she began enjoying the pleasure she was receiving.

It was lovely. Another dream come true.

After Laney had given Demi another mind-bending orgasm, she had pushed her way in between her Mistress' legs and given her an orgasm of her own. Demi switched to being the aggressive kisser.

The three of them wound up sprawled and tangled, all arms, legs and bodies in the bed, recovering and feeling wonderful. Demi in particular was happy. Her two lovers didn't seem at all bothered by her background. Perhaps there wasn't a problem after all.

Too tired after their escapade in bed, Jillian ordered a simple lunch, wine, cheese and crackers from room service and they picnicked on the big bed, laughing and chatting about nothing in particular.

Jillian and Laney seemed like the best friends ever.

After their little picnic, Jillian left her two lovers to relax, as she walked out onto the patio, talking on her island phone.

"You two are great." Demi said as she fell back onto the pillows, watching as Laney, her chain trailing behind, cleaned up the leftovers and tossed everything into the trash.

She returned to the bed, emptying the wine bottle into her glass. She then carefully climbed onto the mattress to sit next to Demi, offering her a sip. Demi chuckled and leaned over to allow her to pour a little into her mouth. It was a very intimate gesture, and she loved it.

"We've been together for quite a while and truly love each other. She takes good care of me, and in turn I give her as much loving as she wants."

"And the whole slave game? Is that just something you two play at while you're here?"

Layney deliberately put the empty glass on the nightstand, and then turned to face her. "Demi, it's no game. It's the basis for our relationship. I am Jillian's slave girl, full time. Here and back home. It makes both of us happy. You've seen it."

Demi was surprised. Laney was serious. It was all real. And it was so very sexy.

Just then Jillian, the Mistress, came back in and set the phone down.

Seeing the two of them sitting together, looking serious, she asked, "what have you two been talking about?"

"Well, Mistress. Demi didn't seem to understand that we are real. That you are my Mistress and I am your slave, full time. That it's not just a game."

Jillian stepped over and sat down on the bed, next to her slave, wrapping an arm around her, possessively.

"Demi, it may be hard for you to understand, but we love each other and our roles are well established and the basis for our relationship. Laney is my slave. She's happy and so am I.

"Now, enough talk, I think we all need a nap. Scooch over and make room for me."

Still surprised by her girlfriends' admission, Demi slid over to the other side of the bed so that Jillian could lay down, again taking the middle position, while Laney, with her chain could lay on the other side of the mattress.

When Jillian rolled partway in her direction and kissed her, Demi enjoyably kissed her back. Then Jillian rolled back to face Laney, draped her arm over her and kissed her. The kiss finished, she stayed like that, comfortably and happily.

Demi laid there unmoving, as her two bedmates drifted off to sleep. Damn this is so sexy, and so much fun. She never dreamed it could be this good.


They began stirring a couple hours later. It took a while but eventually they were all fully awake and admitting to feeling much better, more energized, and ready for a fun evening.

"Tonight, we'll do dinner in one of the clubs, then we can drink and dance the night away." Jillian declared, and Laney and Demi agreed that sounded like a great idea.

As they were going out on the town, so to speak, Jillian spent some time on hair and makeup and came out of the bathroom looking more beautiful than ever. Demi loved her even more.

Laney then took her into the bathroom and did both their hair and makeup, providing a simple tutorial to her girlfriend as she moved along.

They both came out feeling excited and pretty. Demi felt wonderful.

"Before, we go, I have a little present for you Demi. It has no real significance, but it will look good on you, and help you fit in a bit better with mine and Laney's relationship."

Curious, Demi simply smiled.

Jillian chuckled, as she stepped behind and wrapped a choker necklace around her neck, closing a latch at the back.

A necklace? Demi wondered. That was nice, but what did she mean about fitting in with their relationship?

She reached up and felt her new necklace. It was tight around her throat, and it felt like a linked chain.

Absently she walked into the bathroom so she could see in the mirror.

It was a tall linked chain, almost like something off a man's wrist watch. The thing was shiny silver, and admittedly pretty. She kind of liked it. But it also had a ring affixed in the center at her throat. And that made it look like Laney's slave collar. Sexy, but hardly appropriate. She wasn't a sex slave like her friend.

She reached back behind her head and explored the thing's closure. She couldn't figure it out. She couldn't remove it. Although she didn't really want to, not wanting to spoil Killian's gift.

"What do you think?" Jillian asked when she rejoined them.

"It's pretty. I like the way it looks, except for the ring." And she reached up to flip the thing dangling at her throat.

Jillian laughed. "Don't worry about that. I won't leash you. You're not my slave, just my girlfriend, and lover."

Demi smiled; she was happy being the woman's lover.

The three of them walked along, happily, watching the lovely sunset. Paradise Isle was a beautiful place.

They passed several bars and restaurants before they arrived at a big place with a dance floor, a large bar area and a similarly sizable restaurant. They were lucky to find a table in the restaurant space, but close to the bar. If they could hold onto the table they could easily dance when they were ready.

When Jillian ordered wine and food for the three of them, Demi didn't challenge her. Apparently, she always ordered for her and her slave girl.

In any case the resort's food was always great, especially when compared to the old days back in her homeland. Her ex-homeland. She'd never go back there.

They chatted casually, while they ate and were pleased when a live band, rather than merely a DJ, began playing in the bar, next door.

Hurriedly finishing their food, and with a new round of drinks, arranged by Jillian, they rearranged their chairs to listen to the music and watch the dancers.

After a while Jillian led Laney up, and despite the leash, they moved well and happily along with the crowd.

They danced through several songs, before returning to the table for refreshments.

Then after the band finished a break, and resumed playing, the pair stood, grabbed a reluctant Demi and dragged her onto the floor, amongst the other gyrating revelers.

It quickly became obvious to her two girlfriends, and several observers around them, that Demi was a terrible dancer.

Giggling delightedly, Laney did her best to coach her friend into some reasonably graceful movements. But it was a struggle.

At one point, Jillian slid around behind her and unfastened Demi's top, tossing it aside, exposing her breasts.

Demi was surprised and embarrassed. Blushing, she tried to cover herself, but Laney laughing delightedly, grabbed her hands and pulled them away. "You have beautiful tits, show them off!"

Demi looked around; no one seemed to be staring at her chest, so she smiled nervously and went back to dancing, as best she could, with her two best friends.

Resigned, she spent the rest of the set bare-breasted, and feeling self-conscious. But as the time passed, she learned to just go with it.

Before they left the floor she searched for her top, but couldn't find it. Damn! She'd be topless for the rest of the night.

Back at the table. Jillian looked at Demi and shook her head sadly. "Demi, you're a terrible dancer." she said, laughing. "That's something else you'll need to learn."

"I do have a lot to learn," Demi admitted, sheepishly.

"You certainly do, and we'll be teaching you."

That sounded intriguing.

Finally, late, they walked back to Jillian and Laney's suite. As always, the first task was the ritual changing of the slave's tethers.

But as Jillian turned from completing that task, Demi gave each of them a quick kiss. "It's been wonderful. You two are great, but I've been here with you for two days. I've had a wonderful time, but I think I'd better get back to my own place."

Jillian frowned. "Nonsense. I won't allow it. Now come to bed and make love to me," she said, before she grabbed Demi, and literally threw her onto the bed, laughing delightedly.

Demi was momentarily surprised, she bounced on the mattress, while her girlfriend's laughter got her laughing too.

Giggling, Laney ran around the bed, dragging her chain, and slid in beside her, while Jillian followed Demi onto the mattress. She started on top of her but then rolled until they were facing each other with Demi on top. All the while the two of them giggled and kissed.

After a few minutes of that play, Jillian began pushing Demi down to lay between her legs. And Demi, understanding, slid Jillian's bikini bottoms off, and then settled down and began lightly kissing the woman's pretty pussy.

Laney, with Demi covering her Mistress' sex, shifted over to kiss her.

But only a minute later, Jillian pushed her down to suckle on her breasts.

With her mouth freed, she began giving Demi little, whispered hints and tips on what felt better. Where to kiss, suck and tongue to provide the best feelings - the greatest pleasure.

And Demi paid attention. She did have a lot more to learn.

She felt proud when after a while Jillian began moaning and squirming and then orgasmed.

That really made Demi feel accomplished. She was getting better at loving women like a woman.

But that was it for that night. Slave Laney apparently didn't often receive equivalent pleasures. And Jillian declared that she was too tired for more sex, so they all settled in for the night.

Demi wasn't afforded any attention, but that was okay with her. But she was happy enough. She really liked both her new best friends. And lying there tangled with them, feeling their bodies, and with them caressing hers, she didn't want it to ever end.

They were making her new life wonderful.

The sexy pair were enthralling. Even the whole Mistress-Slave thing, was intriguing and fantastically erotic.

She drifted off to sleep, content and picturing herself in love.


The next morning started with another threesome shower. And again, it was fun and sexy, and filled with laughter and full-body groping, all around.

It was in the middle of that merriment that Demi realized she was still wearing her dog collar. She'd forgotten all about it, and she didn't want to interrupt the fun by asking Jillian to remove it. So, she ignored the thing while Laney washed her neck and chest, and nipples, and...