Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt. 05


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The two clean and damp slaves, stepped out of the bathroom a short time later, both feeling contented and relieved.

Demi decided that the shared showers would be worth the embarrassment of sharing the toilet, for the most part, anyway.

Their Mistress greeted them from a chair where she was lounging and reading.

"It's about time. Now that you two are clean and happy, it's finally time for breakfast."

"Yes, Mistress." Laney answered for the both of them.

"Demi, my love, I'd like you to spend more time in reverse prayer. I think it's good for you, and fun for me. Do you mind?" Mistress asked, casually.

Demi dearly wanted to protest. She hadn't enjoyed her time with her arms pinioned to her neck, at all. The ache, and the helpless feeling were terrible.

"No, Mistress, I don't mind." She answered, despite her feelings.


Mistress dug out the cuffs and after placing them around her wrists hoisted her hands up between her shoulder blades, once again.

As before she didn't take them all the way up, but she did pull them higher than she had for the first step last time.

"I can see that you're becoming accustomed to this position; good." She muttered as she finished the process.

Demi held back a moan, as her shoulders were already starting to ache.

Damn! she thought, how long this time?

Once again Demi followed her Mistress, walking next to Laney on her leash, feeling helpless, naked, leashed and even more exposed than usual.

As soon as they were seated in another nice eatery with wonderous views of the resort and the ocean, Mistress tightened the connection, bringing Demi's poor arms up until her finger tips touched the back of her collar. Although her arms were getting numb, the ache increased.

Breakfast was again a chore, being fed by Laney. They were a little better at it though, so there was less spillage. Mistress complimented them, proudly, at how enchanting they looked.

Demi, didn't agree, she thought she looked like a baby girl being fed by her mother. It was hugely humiliating.


She was waiting for Laney to offer her another byte of her omelet when she caught site of a woman slowly making her way through the tables with a leash in her hand, but Demi couldn't see a slave on the other end. Weird.

She continued to watch until the woman was only a table away, and then she was shocked to see that the leash ended at the throat of a dog. But it wasn't a dog. It was a girl, on her elbows and knees, struggling to keep up while hobbling along behind.

The girl, or pet, was secured in one of those bitch-suit, get-ups that held her arms and knees bent tightly. Her calves to her thighs, and her wrists to her upper arms. Her real feet and her hands were covered as well. The material looked like thick rubber, or some such. There were pads on her knees and elongated pads on her elbows. They were shaped like paws. The get-up allowed her to shuffle on a more horizontal level, with her head held higher.

Her torso looked human and shapely. Her breasts were as large as her own, and hung down through holes in her suit and swayed actively as she crawled along.

The girl's head was covered by a furry hood that covered her entire face, and gave her a muzzle like a puppy - elongated and with a big black nose. The hood included long floppy ears, that looked a little silly as they swung from side to side with each stagger.

"Demmi," Laney called, interrupting her inspection, to slide in another mouthful.

Jillian noticed and turned to look. "Fascinating," she muttered.

The woman noticed the three of them and nodded in a friendly fashion. "Good morning," she said as she pulled her pet girl along and settled in at an empty table right beside them.

"You have a well-behaved pet there." Jillian commented once the woman was seated, and the pet girl had laid down next to her.

Demi tried to see the puppy's face, but the angle was wrong. What she did see was a silly upturned dog's tail sticking out of the girl's ass. She wondered if that was a permanent fixture. Was it even possible to wear a butt plug full-time? Wouldn't it stretch her ass open, or irritate her hole? She had no idea, but she was certain that it was humiliating.

"She's new to it and learning. We're here for the training, and to practice, so she can be a well-behaved pet when we get back home.

"I'm Emma, and my lovely pet is Bailey."

"Cute name. I'm Jillian and my slave girls are Laney and Demi. Demi is new to her role as well. She is still learning, but doing well. She's a natural."

"They look lovely."

Then she leaned over and tapped Bailey on the top of her furry head.

"Bailey, speak. Say 'hi' to the nice ladies."

Bailey lifted her head, and turned to them. "Arf." She said, loudly enough for everyone around to hear.

Demi heard a couple of giggles from the other tables. She also got a look at the dog's face. The hood made her look very much like a dog. Only her eyes were visible as human features.

Demi thought it was bizarre and frightening too. She felt sorry for the girl. It didn't sound like it was just a game for the duration of their vacation. Was it really intended to be a lifestyle for the dog-girl, Bailey. How could she possibly live like that?

Jillian must have had the same thought. "Is she a full-time pet?"

"Well, yes, she will be. As much as that's possible. We started working on it just a couple weeks before we left home for this trip. It's always been my favorite fetish, and one of her fantasies. But the reality has been difficult for her."

She reached down to run her fingers through Bailey's fur, and the puppy girl purred, more like a kitty. She clearly appreciated the affection.

"But we agreed it will be full-time. I'll have to allow her to play the part of a human for the trip back North, but otherwise, from now on, I intend for her to live as you see her."

"But her arms and legs." Jillian prompted. And to Demi it sounded like her Mistress was concerned and even upset.

"Oh that. She is having trouble getting used to those restrictions. I do let her out to stretch and soak in the tub every few days. And occasionally she sleeps in the flesh, in my bed so I can enjoy her body a bit more, but otherwise she will remain on all fours. Won't you, my pet?"


Demi didn't think the girl sounded all that excited by the prospect, but Laney giggled at the sound of her. The puppy girl sounded so cute.

"That's fascinating. And she does seem competent moving around. Forgive me for prying, I assume she's a submissive, but did she actually volunteer for life as your pet?"

Emma chuckled. "No worries. We both enjoy the game. She is most definitely a sub, and she did commit to be my pet, although I doubt if she'd do it voluntarily, now that she's learned what's required. I'm certain she's not exactly content with her existence.

"Right Bailey?"


"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Arf, Arf."

Emma giggled, and winked at Jillian. "that's a 'no'."

She then glanced over at Demi, before turning back to Jillian.

"Demi is armless? Did you have them removed?" she asked, shifting the discussion.

Demi was shocked by the thought. Really? He woman actually though that was a possibility?

Jillian smiled. "At the moment. She does have arms, back behind, but she's learning to do without. Helpless and under our control, like a good slave.

"Demi, stand up and show Miss Emma."

Demi did as she was told. She stood up pushing back her chair with her thighs, but before she could turn, Emma stopped her. "Wait, let me see your markings." She reached over and ran her nails gently across the text. It tickled, and demi squirmed.

"I serve my Mistress," she read out loud. "How nice. It identifies her as both a sub and a lesbian."

Then she ran her fingers down to rub at Demi's other tattoo, the big 'SLAVE' on her mound. "And this really tells her story. I love it." She finished by sliding a finger even lower until she was able to press on Demi's clit, and when she did, the girl chirped and squirmed.

Emma removed her hand, giggling, "Ok, now show me your arms. I still don't believe you have any."

Demi sighed, and then turned to show the woman her back, and how her arms were secured and hidden by her long hair.

Emma laughed. "That's perfect. The way her hair hides her arms, she really does look like she doesn't have any. Like in some of those fantasy photos, she's just a walking pussy and mouth."

Jillian chuckled. "Her mouth is indeed special. I don't care much about her pussy.

"Demi turn and show the nice lady. Kneel down too, so she can get a better look."

"Yes, Mistress," she said with a sigh. She turned and then carefully knelt down. She knew how difficult and dangerous it could be, when she didn't have arms for balance or to catch herself.

Kneeling up her face was right in front of Emma and the woman was staring at her intently.

Demi stuck out her long tongue, and Emma gasped. "Wow. That's unbelievable. So long and big. Does she fuck you with it?"

"All the time. It's like a cock, only better."

Demi blushed, humiliated. She glanced around to see if anyone was eavesdropping, but couldn't see anyone. What she did see was Bailey, laying next to her owner, staring up at her. Her eyes looked large, expressive and attractive against the short fur of her mask.

And the puppy face looked exotically pretty. An artful cross between a dog's and a human's.

Demi still felt sorry for her though. Stuck on the ground, on all-fours all the time. Treated like an animal.

It had to be worse than her own, slave girl life.

Demi was brought back to the present when she felt Emma grab her tongue between her finger and thumb, and pinch it. She reacted by leaning back, pulling away.

"Demi!" Jillian scolded. You stick that thing back out so Emma can sample it, you bad girl."

Shit! Demi knew she was in trouble. She quickly leaned back forward and pushed her tongue back all the way out.

Emma, giggled. She again pinched Demi's tongue and massaged it for a bit. Then she leaned down until they were face-to-face and let go just as she leaned in for a kiss. As she did, she sucked Demi's tongue into her mouth, and held it there while she ran her own tongue along its underside.

Demi was surprised by the move, but didn't resist. She knew better.

She just allowed the woman to hold her like that.

Finally, Emma let go, and sat back up.

"That is truly phenomenal," she said, enviously. "Is it natural?"

"Oh no, they did it here at the clinic, with their magical nanites."

"We're aware of those things. They did that?"

Jillian nodded proudly. "They did."

"I may have to get that done for Bailey. It would be perfect for a puppy. I wonder if they could make hers even longer. Like a real dog's. It could hang out of her mouth; wouldn't that be darling?"

Jillian laughed. "Until she learned to control the thing, Demi's used to hang out sometimes. It was hilarious.

"Wasn't it Laney?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Demi was mortified. She had hated those days. She looked down at Bailey, but her mask hid her feelings on that possibility. An even longer tongue hanging out of her mouth like a dog's. God, that would be humiliating, Demi thought.

While they were talking, a server brought over a bowl of water and placed it down in front of Bailey. Apparently well-practiced, she casually dipped her snout down into the bowl and lapped up a drink.

When she lifted her head again, she ignored the water dribbling down off her nose and muzzle.

Jillian and Emma then began discussing the Island's clinic and the wonderful, and very sexual things they were capable of.

"I thought about getting my pet a nose ring. I understand that they insert permanent ones, or as near to permanent as is possible." Emma mentioned.

"I've contemplated that too. For both my girls. Just think about attaching the leash there," Jillian replied, enthusiastically."

"I know, right?

"But I'm afraid, with her mask it wouldn't work." Emma said, shaking her head sadly.

Jillian nodded her understanding. "I've been meaning to ask about that. Does she wear that all of the time too?"

"Yes, it's part of her outfit. Without a human face, she's a more convincing pet. It's a constant reminder for her. And out in public it makes her anonymous. She appreciates that aspect, actually. No one knows who she is, or used to be."

"But how do you two kiss?"

Emma chuckled. "It's actually kind of fun. Her muzzle isn't all that long, so our tongues can meet in the middle, and I kind of like kissing her soft, rubbery lips. I keep them covered in a strawberry lip gloss."

Jillian laughed. "Strawberry?"

"Sure, why not? Better than the taste of rubber." Emma replied, laughing herself.

They were interrupted when the server delivered Emma's meal.

The woman then stepped away for a moment and returned with a bowl for Bailey. Like before she placed it on the ground, where the pet girl could reach it.

Again, Demi watched, fascinated but disgusted as the poor girl dipped her rubber snout into the bowl and somehow slurped up the mushy concoction, meant for pets.

Damn! she thought. How can she actually accept that existence?

The conversation between the tables lagged while Emma and Bailey ate their breakfast, and Jillian and her girls finished theirs.

After a few minutes though, Emma sat back and looked down lovingly at her pet.

Then she turned to Jillian. "I do love her. See how good she's getting?"

Jillian smiled and nodded her agreement.

"I like her tail." Jillian said to keep the visit going. She was fascinated by the other pair.

"I do too. Its fun to watch it sway while she moves."

"She wears it always?"

"Yes, of course. All dogs have tails.

"And that's why we know about nanites. They gave her an injection on our first day here. Those things manage her asshole."

"Manage her asshole?"

"Yes, It's kind of gross, actually.

"When she removes her tail, she shits. She can't stop herself. The nanites, push out her poo, whenever they sense that the plug isn't in place," Emma explained.

"Wait. So, without the tail she's incontinent."

"As far as shitting is concerned, yes." Emma chuckled. "She can hold her pee, but unless she keeps her tail in place, it's terrible accidents or diapers."

"Wow," Jillian replied in wonder, but she didn't sound impressed.

Demi felt terrible for the pet girl, and when she glanced over at Laney it was clear that she felt the same way.

Bailey's life was most certainly a lot worse than hers. For a moment she felt lucky.

Their breakfast complete, all of them stood up to head out, except for Bailey, of course.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Emma muttered. She then grabbed a napkin and squatted down in front of her pet. She spent several minutes wiping the puppy's mouth and snout, cleaning away the mess from her meal. All the while she quietly muttered little blessings. Things like, 'you're such a good little puppy'; 'mommy loves you so'; 'I'm so proud of you', and 'my Bailey is such a good pet.'

It was cute. She sounded like every other dog owner.

Demi wondered if it was a part of the training. Constantly reminding the girl that she was a doggie rather than a person. Positive reinforcement.

Just like she got from Jillian, when she rewarded her and Laney with quiet time to make love.

The five of them moved leisurely out of the restaurant, across a little bridge and onto the walkway. Although Bailey moved pretty well on her 'paws', her stride was short, so she dictated a very slow pace.

A short distance later they arrived at a crossroads, and Emma indicated that she was heading in another direction.

They all stopped to say their goodbyes. Emma kissed all three of them, one-by-one. Demi was last, and the woman took some extra time to suck on her tongue, finishing by turning to Jillian. "I just love this tongue. And she's perfect as a walking oral penis. You really should have her arms removed. She doesn't need them to fuck."

Jillian chuckled, "I'll think about it," as she squatted down and then slid onto her own hands and knees to kiss Bailey on the mouth. As suggested, she pushed her tongue as far in as she could and was pleased when her tongue met Baileys, and they played a bit, together.

When she stood up, she giggled. "Strawberry."

Emma chuckled, "nice, eh?"

"Yes. You're right."

With that they split up and headed off in their own directions.

Walking back to the suite, Jillian turned to Demi, "See Demi, my girl. Your life as a slave is not nearly as bad as Bailey's as a pet. Agreed?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Yes, what?"

"Bailey's life as a pet puppy, is much worse than mine."

"Good, remember that, and thank me."

"Thank you, Mistress, for taking me on as your slave."

"You're welcome, Demi. And I want to hear you say that every day."

"Yes, Mistress."

Demi followed along after that, still disturbed by Emma's final comment about her. 'A walking oral penis'? Armless?

The woman was an absolute horror, and poor Bailey was her pet. Good God!

Jillian was loving and kind in comparison.


As they approached the door to their suite, Demi was hoping that her arms would be freed when they got inside.

She was disappointed, though.

After closing the door and swapping leashes, Mistress turned to them. "I'd like my two beautiful slaves to make love to me," and she peeled off her bottoms and stepped over to lie on the bed.

"Yes, Mistress." The pair replied as they took up their normal positions, Demi kneeling down between Jillian's spread legs and Laney laying half on top of her wife so they could kiss.

Demi thought it a bit unusual, Jillian didn't usually demand an orgasm in the morning. Perhaps she was horny because of the bizarre couple they'd just met.

Afterwards the three of them wound up lounging on the bed.

"It'll never work," Mistress said, out of the blue.

"What Mistress?" Laney asked.

"Their relationship. The whole pet puppy thing."

Laney chuckled, "Emma and Bailey? I agree, it's too much."

"I imagine that a month from now they'll both call an end to their game. Bailey will grow disgusted with living like an animal, and Emma will get tired of taking care of her."

"I'm not sure it will even last that long. But I hope they stay together."

"Me too. I did like Emma."

Demi had just been sitting, listening. "But what about her tail and that insane nanite package?"

Laney laughed, "that is kind of shitty."

They all laughed for a few moments, before she continued, "She is stuck with that for, what five years until the nanites die off? She can switch to a regular butt plug, at least. I doubt if she's into diapers."

Jillian chuckled. "You never know, she could also be into infantilism."

Demi had never heard of that, perhaps her English wasn't that good. So, she had to ask. "What's that?"

Jillian gave her a look. "Adults pretending to be babies."

Laney added, "Yah, they require almost as much care and feeding as a pet puppy. Or a girl without arms."

She giggled as she added, "maybe that is something Bailey would be interested in."

Jillian laughed, "But I don't think it would last, either. And you know how much work a girl without arms is."

Laney giggled. "It's not that bad. Feeding her is kind of fun."

"But how about wiping her ass?"

"Oh, yah, right. Never mind. Don't have her arms cut off." Laney replied, laughing.

Jillian glanced at Demi who clearly wasn't entertained by the discussion. "I never would."

Demi mumbled, "Thank you, Mistress." And Killian gave her a loving pat on the head.

The three of them settled in to relax for a bit, although with her arms still secured, Demi had trouble getting comfortable. She did realize that she was indeed getting used to the position, even though she hated the helplessness. Her shoulders still ached, but not as much. It was tolerable.