Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt. 05


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An hour later, Jillian stirred. "I'm afraid we'll be leaving in just four days, and Demi you'll be needing a travel outfit.

"Laney and I have developed a certain style for our trips, haven't we dear?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Laney, can you grab your suit and show it to Demi?"

While Laney got up and went into the closet, Mistress turned to Demi. "Your clothes, the ones we kept anyway, may be fine on occasion, when we get home, but I want you dressed identically for the long trip back. You'll see, it'll be fun."

Laney came back with a black latex bodysuit, that she held up by the shoulders.

"See how pretty and sexy?" Mistress gushed. "You two will look fantastic in them."

Demi could see that it would cover her from neck to crotch. It had long sleeves, and apparently came with a pair of similar latex gloves. Long ones, that would cover her arms completely.

And Laney made a point to show her the crotch section. There were two long, rubber dildos built into the thing!

Mistress giggled. "Those make for an interesting trip. Don't they Laney."

"Yes Mistress. Sitting down, they fill me and push deep, and they wiggle and jostle to the vibrations of the airplane." She didn't seem nearly as enthused by the plugs as her wife did.

"I had that custom made for my Laney. It fits like a second skin. They make them here, out of some sort of latex that actually breaths a little, so you won't sweat to death while you're wearing it on long trips.

"And don't worry, you'll also be wearing a nice, satin, mini-to cover your bottom half. Laney has a darling red one. I think we'll pick up a similar green one for you." She paused to giggle, "it'll be kind of Christmassy.

"Won't that be nice?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Demi was actually far from enthusiastic. She had never had anything in her ass and the only thing she'd felt inside her pussy was a small vibrator. She had no idea how it would feel to have two dildos in her lower holes. Even Demitry had never considered anal sex...

Although the latex might be fun, she admitted to herself. Dimitry had fantasized about sexy, rubber catsuits, back before.


"Demi we just have enough time to get you scanned and your bodysuit made before we leave. I called and made the arrangements earlier this morning."

Demi gave her a confused look.

"Those outfits are custom made, and the first step is to get you a body scan so they have all your measurements. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

After Laney had returned her latex to the closet, she climbed back into the bed, and snuggled up against her wife.

Mistress turned on the television, but looked at her slave girl.

"Demi, I'd like some more. Your tongue felt really good." Mistress said as she nudged Demi back down toward her crotch.

Like a good slave, who didn't have arms, Demi slithered down to again lay between her Mistress' legs. There, she began kissing, licking and finally fucking her Mistress with her very special tongue.

Jillian and Laney were watching a movie, a romance about a 'normal' couple living in LA, while Demi licked, when the slave walker showed up. There was a knock on the door, and since Demi was busy, Laney hurried over to let them in.

"Don't stop." Mistress ordered. She didn't stir so Demi continued, with her head buried in Jillian's crotch.

The walker this time was a woman. She didn't bat an eye when she saw the pair on the bed. She just took a step closer and addressed Jillian. "Hello, Mistress, I'm Selena, here to walk your slave girl over to the spa for her body scanning."

"Yes, I know. Thank you for coming."

Then she reached down and tapped Demi on the head. "Demi you can stop now, it's time for your appointment."

She then regretfully looked up at the woman, "she has such a lovely tongue."

After Demi slid off the end of the bed, Jillian climbed off the mattress herself. "Hello Selena, thanks for your help." Then she turned to Demi, who was standing behind her. "This is my slave Demi. Say hello to the nice woman."

"Hello Miss." Demi said, as Jillian swapped out the chain for her leash.

She then handed the grip over to Selena. "Take good care of her, she's a good girl."

"Of course, mistress." Selena said, coolly. She was a relatively large woman, with a plain, expressionless face. Dressed in the normal staff uniform.

"And you'll need to release her arms for the scan, but make certain you resecure them when the process is complete." Mistress added.

Selena nodded, and Demi sighed, quietly.

Moments later, Demi trailed behind Selena out the door and onto the pathway like a proper slave. She wondered if Jillian and Laney would be enjoying more sex, as wives, while she was away. Probably.

She was following along, mindlessly, when Selena unexpectedly turned onto a side path. Demi knew the route to the spa, and this wasn't it. She immediately got nervous. She was completely under the control of the woman leading her. With her arms secured behind her back, anything could happen!

The pathway was short and it ended in a little glade that overlooked a small section of the pool. There was a private bench setting there, under an awning.

Selena led her over to the bench. "You're going to be a good little slave girl and put that bizarrely long tongue to good use. Fuck me with it, like you did with your mistress."

She then pulled her shorts and panties off and sat down on the edge of the bench, with her legs spread wide.

A tug on her leash positioned Demi in between, and another brought her to her knees.

"Come along girlie, do me, or I'll just have to tell your Mistress that you were a terrible little slut, and that you should be punished."

She then grabbed Demi by the hair and pulled her head into position.

With her face only inches from the woman's crotch, Demi surrendered, and sticking out her tongue she began licking at the pussy in front of her. After licking it, gently she began pushing her tongue into the slick hole, further and further until her top lip came in contact with the woman's clit.

Selena, sighed, then moaned and finally tensed, as she mumbled, "nice."

Hating her task, Demi nevertheless did her best to give the woman what she wanted. Just to get it over with. All the while, she felt like a real slave, performing for a handler, not a lover. It was awful.

Soon though, her attentions pushed Selena over the edge and the woman moaned as she clenched her thighs together around Demi's head and enjoyed her orgasm.

Demi was relieved - pleased to get it over with. It occurred to her that she hadn't fought the idea. Hadn't resisted the woman's demands. Like a good slave, she had simply obeyed. That frightened her. Had she actually become a completely submissive, sex slave?

"That was very nice. Your tongue is almost as good as a cock." Selena said as she nudged Demi back so she could stand and put her clothes back on.

"I'll look forward to the next time your Mistress needs a slave walker."

Finished, she pulled Demi back up onto her feet by her leash and then leaned in to give her a kiss. Demi didn't kiss her back.

Selena frowned. "And, listen carefully, slut. This didn't happen. Some Mistresses don't mind things like this, and others consider it a justifiable tip. I have no idea how your owner would react, but believe me, you don't want to know."

"Yes, Miss," Demi replied, submissively.

The woman did take a moment to wipe off her face, smeared as it was with her juices.

Their walk resumed, and they arrived at the spa only a little late for Demi's appointment. Demi was dying for a drink. She couldn't get the taste of the woman's pussy out of her mouth.

At the spa, a technician took her into a small suite of rooms that housed the high-tech scanning equipment.

Inside, Selina helped release Demi's arms, and she was given several minutes to loosen up her stiff and sore shoulders.

Once she had loosened up, she had to stand, motionless, in a closet-sized space while a series of lasers measured her body, a square millimeter at a time.

The process collected Demi's measurements, digitally. They would be used to produce a perfectly-sized, latex bodysuit, like Laney's. With two prongs in the crotch.

When the machine finished, Selena resecured Demi's arms up into the small of her back, returning her to her helpless state.

Following along behind the woman, heading back to Jillian's suite, Demi was able to think more about what had happened, earlier. That was one advantage of being a leashed pet, she didn't have to think about where she was going. All she had to do was follow along, obediently.

She hadn't liked sucking on Selena's pussy one bit. Even though she had tongued Jillian and Laney many times by now, she had actually come to enjoy those sessions. But she didn't like providing that service to a stranger.

It wasn't because the woman wasn't pretty or sexy. It wasn't even because she was forced into it, either. At least it didn't seem to be.

Back when she was Dimitry, he had loved every chance he got at oral sex, with any woman he slept with. But now it just seemed wrong. Weird...

Back at the suite, Selena handed her over to Jillian.

"Welcome back, Demi. Did everything go well?" Mistress asked as she took the leash from the walker, and swapped it out for the chain.

"Yes, Mistress. I was scanned."

As she reported, Demi glanced at Selena, who smiled devilishly back at her, before slipping away.

Mistress gave her a kiss. "Excellent, they told me that your travel suit will be ready before we leave. In the meantime, we need to find you a skirt like Laney's."

A short time later, the three of them headed out to the resort's store. Demi's arms were still secured behind her back, but she was so used to the position by that point, she was no longer bothered by it.

Jillian led her two slaves around the large store until they came to the women's clothing section. Most of the space was dedicated to skimpy swim suits and sexy lingerie, but it did include a selection of dresses and skirts.

It didn't take Jillian long to pick out a pretty grass-green mini-skirt for her Demi. Under normal circumstances Demi would have considered it pretty and sexy, but now she wasn't all that enthused. Coupled with the black latex top, she knew she'd draw a lot of attention. And she worried about the more normal populace's reaction. On sexy Paradise Isle, erotic clothing was one thing, but back in civilization, it might be too much to deal with.

"Laney, did Demi have any pretty shoes in her collection?" Jillian asked.

"Well Mistress, she did have a couple of pairs of sandals with three-inch heels. Purchased here, I believe."

"Oh, I don't think those will do. How tall are the heels on the black pumps you wear with your travel outfit?"

"Five-inch spikes, Mistress."

"Well then, let's go find a pair for our Demi."

As they walked over to the shoe department, she asked, "Demi have you ever walked in five-inch heels?"

"No Mistress." Demi answered, nervously. She'd never walked in any high-heels, let alone very tall ones. She'd purchased the three-inch sandals to practice in.

"Well, you can practice in our room. They will take some getting used to."

"Yes, Mistress. I'm sure."

They returned with the skirt, stay-up stockings and two pairs of high-heeled pumps for Demi - a black pair and a red pair.

The black shoes would go with her travel outfit and Jillian purchased the red pair because they looked so sexy on Demi's legs, and Jillian liked her girls to look sexy at all times.

"I even enjoy making the men jealous. Driving them crazy with lust. It's fun to watch their cocks bulge, while knowing that they'll never get any from you." She had commented while they shopped.

As soon as she had swapped out the leash for the chain, Jillian had Laney put on a pair of the stockings, armless Demi couldn't do it for herself, and then fit her with her new shoes. Laney then helped her to her feet. Demi was shocked by how it felt. Her balance was terrible, and her feet, ankles and legs immediately started hurting.

Thankfully, Laney held on to her, helping keep her from falling over. Without arms, she couldn't use them to help her balance, or catch herself if she tripped and fell.

Again, she wished Mistress would release her from the arm bondage.

Laney carefully walked her around the perimeter of the room. There wasn't all that much space, but there was enough.

Mistress sat and read her book, occasionally glancing up to watch the progress and encourage her new girl.

Slowly Demi learned to balance on the insanely high heels. But the pain in her feet and legs increased, at the same rate as her competency.

After her first dozen laps, Mistress had freed Demi's arms, so Laney didn't have to escort her in her rounds. She could balance and catch herself, as necessary. Of course, once freed, Demi spent the next while in acute pain as she slowly worked the circulation, feeling and function back into her poor arms.

Eventually both her arms and her feet in the tall heels worked decently.

Jillian was impressed by how well her girl moved around in the difficult new shoes. Much more practice was necessary, though. Demi was still graceless, and needed to learn to deal with minor obstacles, stairs and uneven surfaces.

They'd work on that in the days to come.

Before long it was time for lunch, and Jillian led her two slaves out, and into the courtyard leashed but otherwise unencumbered. Demi had use of her arms, and was wearing simple sandals rather than high heels.

It was a huge relief for the tired slave girl.


The three of them were seated at a table in Jillian's favorite restaurant. The place served Asian food, and had a great location with a view of the ocean.

Jillian had even given the girls permission to talk openly and freely, so the three of them were enjoying themselves. The primary topic was the trip home. Even though they loved it there on the island, Jillian and Laney were looking forward to their return to normalcy.

Demi was interested, but nervous about yet another change in her lifestyle. She was curious, though about Jillian's house and what her life would be like when they got there.

Jillian had moved on to another topic when they were interrupted by a handsome, yet cold-looking man. He spoke to Jillian with a German accent, ignoring the other two. "Your slaves shouldn't be seated at the table like that. They should be kneeling. The staff will provide pads."

Mistress looked at him disdainfully for a moment. "My slaves will sit wherever I tell them to sit. And they'll kneel when and where I tell them to."

The guy shook his head. "You're awfully permissive with your slaves. They're even talking openly, like spoiled little girls," he replied, not willing to give up on his campaign.

Demi couldn't understand why the guy was being such a prick. She was relieved that Jillian wasn't so nasty and demanding.

"Again. My slaves, my rules. You may move along, now." Jillian told him, commandingly.

Demi was impressed by her Mistress' strength.

The guy harrumphed, and then moved off, shaking his head.

With the boor sent off, Jillian looked at her two slaves. "I am awfully soft on you two, but as long as you behave, I see no reason to get heavy-handed. Now where were we?"

Laney spoke up, "you were just commenting on that stud slave over there, Mistress." And she nodded toward a table where a woman, and her male slave were eating their meal. The slave was kneeling obediently next to his mistress. She was feeding him morsels from her plate.

With each little byte, he sucked it off of his dominant's fingers and licked them clean at the same time. It looked both erotic and submissive.

"Now that's a very well-behaved slave." Jillian commented.

"You mean we're not?" Laney asked, giggling.

Jillian chuckled. "You two are perfect for me."


After their meal, Jillian led her girls for a pleasant walk along the resort's pathways. It was a lovely day; the sun was warm, and the sounds of the ocean surf made for a nice background.

She pulled her girls over toward a bench on the boardwalk and the three of them sat down, Mistress in the middle.

Relaxing, watching the waves, Demi spotted the pair from lunch; the Mistress with the obedient male slave, walking in their direction.

When the boy's Mistress was near, Jillian called out a pleasant "Hello, you have a well-behaved boy, there. I'm Jillian."

"Hello, I'm Marilyn, and thank you. He's my slave and my husband. A recent graduate of the Slave School, here on the island."

"So, he must be well disciplined." Jillian said.

"Yes, he is, now anyway.

"His name, by the way, is Gary, and he agreed to become my slave a year ago, when he finally surrendered completely to his fantasies, realizing who he really is."

"A submissive slave boy?"

"Exactly," Gary's wife and mistress said, proudly.

Jillian nodded, and turned to Laney and Demi. "Girls make way for Mistress Marilyn. Kneel." she ordered.

Her slaves slid off the bench onto the boardwalk and Laney crawled over to kneel next to Demi.

Mistress Marilyn took a seat on the bench while her slave knelt in front of her. The two women wound up sitting side-by-side with the slave boy kneeling, facing his wife, and Demi and Laney similarly positioned facing their own Mistress.

Demi found herself next to the guy, who she was surprised to see was locked into a chastity cage. None of them had noticed that it, when they were back in the restaurant. At the time, they'd been focused on his eating.

She could only imagine how difficult it must be for him, surrounded all of the time by the erotic sights and open sex, on the island.

Apparently, Jillian had just noticed, as well.

"You keep him caged?" she asked Ms. Marilyn. Jillian was only vaguely interested - he was a male, after all. But it was a nice day, and the woman was attractive and friendly.

"Oh, yes. You know how boys are. Denying him pleasure keeps him horny and obedient. He'll do anything for release."

"That's wise. All boys should be caged." Jillian responded with a smile.

Mistress Marilyn nodded. "I milk him on occasion, just to keep him sane." she said, giggling.

Demi glanced over at him to see him cringe and blush at the mention of that treatment. She could imagine how that must affect him.

For the next while the two slave owning women chatted about their submissives. And how they kept them in line. Jillian had considered the use of chastity devices, but had never tried it.

"I'm thinking of upgrading his arrangement with a Chasti-Permalock device. They sell the entire product line here, you know." Marilyn told her new friend.

"You'd love a more permanent arrangement, wouldn't you Gary, dear?" she then asked her boy.

"Yes Mistress," he replied, without any enthusiasm. He didn't sound like he loved the idea.

Jillian chuckled. "He does seem well secured. I have some experience with CP, a wondrous company. Demi has a bunch of their nanites swimming around in her bloodstream. Don't you Demi?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Fascinating, I'd only be looking for a more convenient and controlling chastity for him."

She smiled and reached down to affectionately ruffle his hair. "He has been awfully good since he graduated from slave school. He deserves a reward."

When she said that they all noticed him stiffen, clearly hoping that his mistress was implying a release.

Jillian glanced at Demi, and smiled devilishly. Then she turned to Marilyn. "Well, I just might have a gift for your boy.

"You see, Demi is a new slave, and she's very much the lesbian lover. I'm quite certain that she's a virgin."

Slave Demi was thinking, oh no, oh no, please no.

Slave Gary was thinking, oh yes, oh yes, please yes.