Paradise Isle, Perfect Wife Pt. 06


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She sighed, and squirmed, and of course, it turned into a kissing, and hugging and screwing session.

When she'd enjoyed a couple of Mega-O's, and he'd filled her with his cum, he finally mumbled, "I'm certain they're larger."

She giggled, "good."

"You're not worried about them being too large?"

"A little, but I think they'll be fun."

"Me too."

They lounged around the rest of the morning. Eating breakfast in the room, both only a little depressed by their imminent departure from paradise. Tomorrow they'd have to catch the ferry to start their long trip home.

And Reagan would have to face the public in her new role as a perfect wife. A very sexy one, with big tits and skimpy clothes.

She realized that she was in trouble when she grabbed some clothes to go out for lunch. The first dress she tried was definitely tight across her chest. Her bigger breasts pushed at the material and ruined the look. She had the same issue with the next one, and with the two blouses she tried after that.

Damn! She'd have to do more shopping.

When she mentioned the problem to Karter he simply shrugged. "Whatever it takes. I like your new boobs. But you may want to wait until they're fully developed before you spend more money."

So that day as they went out into the courtyard, she didn't like the way she looked. With her breasts stretching the top of her dress, she felt she looked slutty. Or more slutty than usual.

That evening though, she decided that her chest was now the agreed upon size. At least she hoped so.

Leaving Karter behind, she headed back to the store to find some replacement dresses and tops. As she'd be home soon, and be able to find a broader range of outfits, she only bought a couple things.

She returned an hour later, and turned her attention to again sorting through her limited wardrobe. It was frustrating to have to leave even more clothes behind, but her new chest forced her to eliminate several pretty outfits.

"Aren't you going to buy a replacement latex dress? You looked so fabulous in it."

"Can't. No time to run over to the fet resort's store."

"I bet they're open late. We can go now."


"Yes, please."

Over at the fet resort's store, Karter had a lot of fun watching his perfect wife try on latex dresses. The first one was too tight; it crushed her new breasts. And the second one was too loose, at least as far as he was concerned. She was happy enough in it, but he insisted she try on a slightly smaller size.

That one was perfect. It hugged her tightly, showed off her new rack wonderfully and she was able to breath, barely.

"You can wear that for the flight home."

She glared at him, "no way! I can't wear this in public."

"Of course, you can." He said chuckling as he pulled her into a hug and a kiss - a long and passionate one. And his hands roamed all over her back and ass.

When they relaxed, she giggled. "I'll get arrested or cause a riot, in this thing."

Back in the room they immediately stripped and dove into bed for their evening sex session. Karter focused on Regan's new breasts, they were wonderfully large, but firm. He massaged, kissed and sucked on them, happily, until Reagan spoke up. "Enough! I need an orgasm."

He chuckled, "I do love these..."

"Fine, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy them, when we're not fucking."

After they'd made love, and Reagan had thoroughly enjoyed a pair of orgasms, they settled down to sleep.

Karter spent the night with his head pillowed on Karter's magnificent chest.


Appropriately, their day of departure dawned cloudy and wet. A storm had blown in overnight. It made their leaving even more difficult.

They went out to breakfast, hiding under umbrellas. In a couple hours they'd have to catch the shuttle that would take them to the ferry, and the first leg of the long trip back to their new normal. Reagan was particularly subdued. She'd have to face the public as her sexy new self.

She'd spent many of her quiet hours, over the last few days, preparing herself for the stares, comments and confrontations she expected. She had assembled and rehearsed. in her mind, scripts and moves to address each situation she foresaw. She hoped, though, that there wouldn't be any issues. She was, after all, a modern woman in a civilized society. Yah right!

Karter, was actually looking forward to their return. He imagined how jealous everyone would be - how much they'd envy him for having such a beautiful and sexy wife. His friends would see how revitalized his marriage was, and think him the luckiest man in the world. And he was that!

Sipping her coffee, she stared at him. "I'm worried about the trip," Reagan told him nervously.

"Oh, why? About the reactions?"

She shook her head. "Well, it'll take what, something like sixteen hours? Between the ferry ride, the flights and the layovers in between. Right?"

He nodded, "more like seventeen or eighteen."

"I'll die from lack-o-nookie," she said with a giggle and a groan.

He chuckled, paused and pulled her into a loose hug. "Oh, I get it. You don't think you can wait? The sex drive nanites have been turned off."

"No, I won't be able to wait that long, and I'm not sure all of those little bugs have indeed been turned off. I'm still feeling horny as hell."

"We could join the mile-high club on the flight. Most of it will be after dark." He suggested, with a hopeful grin.

She gave him a gentle slap. "No, you stud. No privacy."

"But you'll be dressed for it. It should be easy."

This time she punched him, lightly. "I'm always dressed for it. And I always want it. But not on the plane. I'm not a slut." And as she said it, it occurred to her that looking at her, most people would think she was just that.

"Alright, I understand." He replied, placatingly. "Let me think."

After a few minutes of silence, Karter pulled out his island phone and called their hostess.

"Alondra, I need to make a minor adjustment to our travel plans, can you help? I'd do it on my cell phone, but..."

"I understand, of course we can help. Let me hook you up with one of our travel agents, they handle those types of requests for all of our guests."

A few minutes later he had arranged for them to get access to the private, frequent traveler's lounge in the Miami Airport.

"That'll be about the half-way point in our return trip," he explained to Reagan after hanging up the call.

"I've been in that lounge. It's huge and has a bunch of small conference rooms for business meetings. Since it will be late, I'm sure we'll be able to grab one."

She smiled, "and put it to good use."

"Better than some boring business conference," he laughed.

As they finished packing up their things Reagan took one last look at herself in the mirror. She wondered if she hadn't made a mistake, she looked top-heavy - huge breasted. And braless, with her short skirt, high heels and looks, she was certain she did indeed look like some bimbo slut.

Much to his disappointment she had decided against wearing the almost obscene latex dress, but she had condescended to wear the tight latex skirt with a pretty, satin blouse. The skirt held her ass tightly, and squeezed her legs together, limiting her stride while hiding her bare pussy. Of course, her stocking tops peeked out beneath the hem.

She knew everyone would stare and consider her pornographic. But that was all part of Karter's perfect wife dream. And she was stuck with it.

As she moved around, she felt her oversized breasts shifted obscenely beneath her thin top. She'd have to get used to that...

"Damn, you look wonderful." He said, smiling broadly, watching.

"I look like a porn star."

"You look like a model. You're my perfect wife."


Reagan's suitcase was almost empty. She had left almost everything she had brought behind, all of her clothes, underwear, shoes and swim suits. It all went to charity. She wouldn't be able to wear any of it either because it didn't fit, or wasn't allowed.

She had begun a mental list of all the things she'd have to buy when she got home, and sadly all of the things she'd be getting rid of, which was most of the contents of her closet.

They were both sorry to quit the wonderful place. Like every other vacationer, they didn't want to leave paradise, but on the other hand, they were anxiously looking forward to getting back to their normal lives. Although there would be many changes...

There were times during those last hours when Reagan lost her enthusiasm about her return. She would be a different person now, at least on the outside.

She knew that her good brain was unchanged, her body, her clothing and her behaviors were certainly different. She had become used to the changes, and even enjoyed many of them, she knew that they would cause her trouble, back among the members of their community.


As soon as she stepped off the ferry, onto the larger, neighboring island, she tensed up. It was her first time back in civilization, and from here they'd be catching the first leg of their flights home.

The latex mini-skirt she was wearing, was indeed obscene. She knew it. But it wasn't half as bad as the dress that he had wanted her to wear. She'd decided not to wear the dress Karter requested, but she had agreed to wear the latex skirt, to appease him. As a perfect wife, she surrendered that much to his wishes.

On the ferry she hadn't felt too out of place, among the other departing guests. They were all attractive and many of the women were also sexily dressed.

But among the local population she drew a lot of attention. Most of it was admiring, some of it was lascivious, and occasionally it was disdainful and insulting.

Once inside the airport everything was hectic so there were fewer gawkers. But seated on the plane, the parade of other passengers, all eyeing her as they filed past on the way to their seats, bothered her with their stares and overheard comments.

She knew she was an erotic sight. It's going to be like this, for me, from now on; I might as well get used to it, she told herself. But she still felt a level of embarrassment that was hard to accept.

When she glanced over at Karter, he winked, obviously enjoying himself. He leaned over to whisper, "they're all either jealous of you, or they want you."

She smiled unenthusiastically back at him.

In Miami, they shuffled off the plane, along with the other sheep, and made their way into the concourse.

The two of them were making their way toward the lounge when some drunken traveler, a guy in a suit staggered out of a bar and stopped right in front of her.

"Hey babe, you're the sexiest thing I've seen all day." He said, slurring his speech.

When she and Karter tried to move around the clown, he shifted to block her path once again.

Damn, Reagan thought, here it comes. She looked around and spotted a pair of airport cops, a man and a woman, standing off to the side, watching the people passing by, looking for troublesome ones.

She caught the eye of the female officer, and the experienced woman examined the situation and got the message.

"Give us a break, man, she's mine and has no interest in you." Karter said.

"You her pimp? How much for a blow-job?" The ass-hole said, loudly enough to turn a few heads. Everyone was too busy to stop, but it was embarrassing nonetheless. Reagan blushed. And Karter tried to push his way past the guy, but he was big and held his ground.

Reagan, decided to apply one of her rehearsed routines.

"Sorry John-boy, but I'm not interested. It would take the entire National Debt for me to give you only one second of my time. Of course, that's probably as long as you'd last." She finished by laughing at him.

It took a while for her words to register in his addled brain, but as soon as he got the message he began to frown and growl.

"You bitch!" he grumbled, loudly.

While they sparred, Reagan saw the cops wandering in their direction.

"Well, you dolt. If you really want to impress me, whip it out. Show me what you've got. Maybe I'll reconsider. But my guess is that your prick is about this big," and she held up her little finger, while she laughed some more.

"Fuck you, slut!"

She could see how angry the idiot was getting, and for a moment she was afraid he'd hit her. But she wasn't about to stop now. "Come on, unzip and show me your little dick."

Now the guy was really pissed. He reached out and grabbed her wrist.

She took a step back, but he held on. She turned to the side and calmly said, "that's assault."

The lady cop was close enough by that time to hear, and she'd obviously seen the interaction, although she may not have heard what had been said in the noisy terminal. Reagan could see that she already had her Taser gun in her hand.

"Let go of her." the two cops said, in unison.

"Fuck you, too!" he said without even looking to see who it was. He was still staring daggers at her.

But when the cop said, "mister, you're under arrest." He woke up and released his hold.

And as soon as he did, the woman cop tased him. ZAP!

He collapsed in a heap, moaning pitifully, as Reagan and Karter stepped back.

As her partner tended to the perp, the woman cop turned to Reagan. "Are you okay, Miss?"


"Good, I imagine you have a plane to catch, so I won't take up much of your time. I just need name and contact info for the report. My body camera caught enough on tape, I'm sure."

After Reagan had provided her with her details, the officer let them move along. "We'll be in touch if we need testimony, but I doubt if anything will come out of this. That turkey will take a while to recover, and he'll miss his flight. It will teach him a lesson."

"Thanks officer." Reagan said as she leaned in and gave the woman a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"You're something else." Karter said as they walked away. "I thought we were in trouble."

"We? I'll have to deal with shit like that from now on," she replied, testily.

Then she took a deep breath. "It's the price I'll have to pay to be your perfect wife."

"Sorry." He mumbled, understanding that the situation was indeed his fault.

She grabbed his hand. "I'll be alright."

After that mess, they calmed down as they worked their way straight to the lounge. Checking in at the desk, as it was late, they found the place almost deserted. Just a few guys lounging and dozing on the comfortable furniture, or watching the big-screen TVs. They paid them no mind.

Karter led her over to a row of small meeting rooms; they had doors, but also narrow windows between the common area and the room.

When Reagan looked at him, questioning the privacy aspect, he smiled, "we'll make it work."

They went into the last one in the row, and he closed the door, propping his bag against it to provide some security. Then he grabbed one of the chairs and rolled it over to block the bottom half of the glass.

Reagan had, meanwhile located a corner that was the least visible space. "Here," she said." Fuck me now," and she sat and then laid on her back on the carpeted floor. When she spread her legs pushing against her rubber skirt, her sweet pussy was on full display, and it was already wet and glistening, invitingly.

He didn't hesitate.

As soon as they had finished, he rolled off, stood up and pulled up his pants.

She chuckled. "That was nice, and we were lucky. Nobody bothered us."

"We were lucky, and it felt good," he replied.

"And kinky."

They had plenty of time to clean up in the restrooms and down a couple of drinks before their flight left for home. They spent their time relaxing in the lounge amongst the dozing road-warriors.

Their final flight was uneventful, they slept through most of it, and they had no further issues in the airport after they landed.


At last, the ride-share driver dropped them off at their home. The guy hadn't spoken a word during the drive, but as they hauled their bags up the walkway, he sat there, car idling, as he admired the view.

Inside the house, they immediately collapsed onto the big family-room couch. Exhausted, and relieved to be home.

Idly, he turned on the television. The thing was almost always on, when they were home and relaxing.

"Turn that off, and make love to me. It's been hours." Reagan ordered while giggling.

He turned to see her pulling her top off. Her breasts looked fantastic! By the time she had peeled off her rubber skirt, her stockings and shoes he too was naked.

That enjoyable event was special. It was their first sex in their home, with her as the perfect wife. And it went as well as all of their sex sessions had since their first day on the island.

They were still laying on the couch when she lifted her head off his lap.

"You'll have to turn up the heat, if I'm to spend my days inside, naked, like this."

"I'll do it. It's really your choice, my love. You can stay dressed or go naked. I'll be happy either way."

"If I wear a dress, I have to wear the shoes," she said, seemingly undecided. "I'm sick of tottering around in my high-heels."

"But you've gotten used to them."

She sighed, "I have, but I miss my tennis-shoes, and sandals.

"And I can't wear these outside in the garden, or on the lawn."

Smiling broadly, he replied. "Well, you can go barefoot out there, as long as you go naked, too."

She gave him a disgusted look. "And show off my new body to the neighbors?"

He chuckled, "Bill would love it."

"Bill's a dirty old man. And Nellie would call the cops and report me for indecent exposure."

He laughed again. The closest neighbors, with the best view of their back yard, were an older couple. Nice enough, but no fun at all.

"I'll have to find shoes with those wedgie heels, if they make any tall enough."

"So, you've decided to stay dressed around the house?" he asked. It would be fun if she remained naked.

"No, I haven't. Just turn up the heat for now." She replied, frustrated.

Eventually they found the energy to unpack and start in on the resumption of their 'normal' lives. Reagan though didn't imagine her new life to be anything like her old one.

She did expect it to be better when it came to their relationship. After all, she was now Karter's perfect wife. And she was indeed pleased with her improved body. It was at work, and out amongst the general public that she was dreading.

They slept like the dead, that night. Happy and comfortable in their old, familiar space.


In the morning after more great sex and a simple breakfast, Reagan dressed in one of the outfits from the island, and went out shopping. Her number one priority was clothes. Things that would fit, and satisfy her nanites.

"Want an escort?" Karter had asked. He was concerned about her safety, half expecting every man who saw her to accost her.

"No, I should be okay. I'm not going anywhere dangerous, and it's light out. I have added pepper-spray to my shopping list, for emergencies."

"Good idea."

"I figure I'll be gone most of the day, until I need a fix, anyway," she said with a giggle.

He laughed, "a fuck-fix?"

She shook her head, "yes, I am addicted..."

"But it's not all bad?" he asked, getting serious.

She smiled, "no it's not. And we're both happy. Happier than we've been in a very long time."

He stepped over, pulled her into a hug and kissed her passionately. "I love you. More than ever."

"I love you too," she replied before kissing him again.

As soon as she got into the car, she encountered her first challenge. In the deep bucket seats, her short skirt rode up so high her bare thighs were visible, and almost her pussy, too. Anyone in a truck, looking down would see her.

She giggled as she imagined leaving a string of distracted driver wrecks behind as she drove around.