Parallel Lives Pt. 01


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Rupert sighed and laid down on his bed. It was surprisingly comfortable and not at all like the rickety metal bunks that had once been installed in the prison's cells during its days as a penitentiary. He tested the armchair too and found it similarly comfortable. Mounted into the wall opposite the bed was a large flatscreen smart TV with full internet access, and a small panel by the door controlled the lighting, allowing it to be either brightly lit or dimmed, or just to leave the bedside lamp on. It actually felt rather cosy - the only hint that it had once been two prison cells were the bars on the small windows.

"What do you think of it then, Roo?" Kevin asked him as he stepped into the room.

"Could be worse, I suppose," he replied. "Nice bed - I've slept on worse during my porno days. Comfy chair too."

"I meant this place in general," Kevin responded. "About... y'know... what we're here for... what we're going to be made to do."

"Oh," Rupert replied, and sat up a little straighter. "Well, there's not much we can do really, except to just do as we're told. Let me tell you, Kev, the idea of having sex with a woman doesn't particularly excite me in any way, but if I've got to do it, then I've just got to try and get on with it. I only hope that I can, y'know, perform."

"You mean, that you can get an erection?" Kevin asked.

"In short, yes," Rupert answered frankly. "I mean that's half the battle. The other half is if I can be able to, y'know, deliver the goods. Looking at pictures and videos of naked women didn't do anything for me - I've no idea if being in the same room as a naked woman would ignite anything inside me. I guess I'll just have to wait and see."

"What if you can't get hard?" Kevin enquired logically.

"Then I guess they'd have to give me one of those serum injections," Rupert replied. "Though I don't quite relish the thought of having a needle jabbed into my penis either. Especially if it's every fucking time."

Rupert looked at Kevin, who appeared to be rather anxious.

"How about you?" he asked the younger man. "I expect you're as nervous as I am - though at least I already know what having sex with someone is like, even if it's with other men rather than with women."

"I am nervous, I guess," Kevin answered honestly. "I mean, I know it ought to feel good, and part of me is really excited about that, but it's just... well... if it was somewhere other than here, y'know? And with someone I actually want to have sex with."

"I get you," Rupert acknowledged. "I wish the circumstances were different, but here we are. Right now I should be at my desk at work, counting down the hours until I knock off and get on the train home for a cosy night in. But instead here I am, dressed in a loose-fitting grey tracksuit with a red wristband that's tracking my every movement, facing at least the next twelve months being made to have sex with women I don't want to have sex with. But whether you or I like it, that's what's going to happen to us - we'll just have to get on with it."

"You're right, I guess," Kevin said with a sigh as he slumped onto Rupert's bed. "I just wish, y'know, that I had a few more years of freedom before being taken here. I wanted to go travelling, to see the world - I had this far-fetched idea of backpacking all the way to Singapore."

"You'll have plenty of years to do that after you leave here," Rupert assured him. "I think the longest recorded time a male has been fertile in one of these places is five years - this isn't a life sentence or anything, it's only for a few years at the very most. I know it's a cliche, but you have your whole life ahead of you. And besides, you'll be given a lump sum in compensation for your time here - you could use that to fund your travels."

"I guess," Kevin said, his voice slightly brighter. "I hadn't thought of that."

The First Day

It took a few moments for Rupert to remember where he was as he awoke from what had been a fitful first night in his room. For a blissful moment he was in his own bed back in his little studio apartment in Sussex, but as lucidity caught up with him he remembered he wasn't in his home after all. He was in fact many miles away, incarcerated in the Victorian edifice of Parkhurst Fertility Centre, and that today was to be his first full day as an involuntary member of the Global Repopulation Program. Looking at the clock on his bedside table he could see that it was a little past eight o'clock - normally he'd be on the train to work by now.

In the absence of any sleepwear being issued to him the day before, Rupert had slept naked - something, that felt rather risqué as his mother had always believed that a boy sleeping in the nude was rather sleazy. "Respectable boys wear pyjamas," she'd always told him.

He yawned, stretched, and then climbed out of bed. The only thing he was wearing was the red wristband that he couldn't take off - he hated the thing already, and it hadn't even vibrated once yet. He used the toilet and gave himself a cursory wash in the handbasin to freshen up a little and then put his uniform on. He stepped out of his room onto the wrought iron landing and joined the steady stream of men making their way towards the showers. He looked in on Kevin's room only to find that he'd already left. With a slight shrug Rupert just continued on his way to the showers, carrying the small bag of toiletries he'd been issued with. When he arrived in the changing area adjacent to the showers he found Kevin midway through undressing. Rupert came and stood next to him and began undressing himself.

"Well, Roo, this is it I guess," Kevin said to Rupert, whom he'd already come to regard as a mentor of sorts. "Our first full day in this madhouse."

"Yeah," Rupert replied absently as he stripped off, not taking his eye off his attractive companion for a moment as he disrobed.

He continued to observe Kevin who was again concealing his genitals with one hand as he picked up his toiletries bag with the other and stepped off towards the showers. Rupert knew he was ogling the boy's tight derrière as he walked away from him, but he couldn't help himself - Kevin was quite possibly one of the most attractive guys he'd ever seen. He sighed and continued undressing, knowing that he could never do anything more except to admire his naked body from afar. And besides, staring at the naked lad for too long might cause him to experience the thing that all men in a communal showering environment dreads, and he definitely didn't want that to happen.

Think unsexy thoughts, he willed himself repeatedly. Think unsexy thoughts.

Once he too was naked and the immediate crisis in his nether regions had been averted, Rupert headed into the showers and stood under one of the available shower heads.

"Morning," the naked man stood next to him said as he stepped under the warm deluge. "You're new here, right?"

"Arrived here yesterday," Rupert confirmed.

"Name's Garth," the other man said as he reached across to shake hands.

"Roo," Rupert replied, shaking Garth's hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Roo? Like, as in kangaroo? Bit of an odd name if you don't mind my saying so!" Garth chuckled amiably.

"It's short for Rupert."

"Oh," Garth responded. "Ah, right - I get it now. Kanga-Rupert!"

"The girls I work with, well, used to work with I guess, bought me a little plush kangaroo to sit on my desk," Rupert reminisced - was it only a couple of days ago since he'd been in his office? "They nicknamed me "Kangaroo", but I didn't mind it really - I guess they thought it was kinda cute."

Rupert looked down as Garth tugged his foreskin back and cleaned his penis, just as Elizabeth had instructed. Rupert did likewise, not caring if the other men were looking or not.

"How long have you been here?" Rupert asked him.

"Six weeks now," Garth responded. "It came as one hell of a shock - I went to my routine evaluation expecting to be told I'm firing blanks, like I have been for the past twenty two years, and be able to go back home to the wife only to be told "congratulations, Mr. Abbott, you're fertile!" Before I knew it I was being bundled into the back of a security van and now here I am."

"Same here," Rupert replied as he rinsed himself off. "At least I wasn't alone - see that young lad in the corner over there? Name's Kevin, it was only his third evaluation."

Rupert gestured towards where Kevin was facing away from everyone, stood under one of the showers in the corner of the room and clearly ill at ease with sharing a communal shower with around thirty other naked men.

"Poor kid, he can't be more than nineteen then, if it was only his third evaluation," Garth responded.

"Never even had sex before," Rupert added.

"Well, he'll be in for a baptism of fire here then," Garth said as he stepped away from his shower head. "As soon as that wristband starts vibrating he'll be getting his cherry popped whether he likes it or not! They don't muck around here - they put you straight to work, virgin or not. I'll see you around, friend."

Garth stepped away and sauntered back towards the changing area, picking up a white towel from a stack along the way. Rupert finished up and followed the older man back into the changing area. He picked up a towel for himself and returned to where he'd hung up his clothes, which was easier said than done when everyone's clothes were exactly the same as his. He managed to find them after a short while, but only once he'd remembered the number of the hook he'd hung them on.

Still naked in order to let the air around him dry him off fully, he rummaged in his toiletries bag for the cheap disposable razor he'd been issued with and stepped over towards the hand basins to shave and brush his teeth. He deposited a glob of standard issue shaving foam in the palm of his hand and daubed it over his chin. Rupert never particularly enjoyed shaving, but he hated being stubbly and looking unkempt even more.

His chin wasn't the only part of him that he hated being all stubbly, and Rupert spent the next few minutes carefully shaving his pubic area until that too was fashionably soft and smooth. Normally he would visit his local salon for a full waxing, but without such treatments available in the Fertility Centre, shaving would have to suffice. He'd noticed several other men in the showers had chosen to shave their intimate area too, so he concluded that it wasn't considered to be too odd a thing to do here. After taking care of that he felt he might as well shave his chest and legs as well until he was satisfactorily smooth all over. It was what he'd normally do at home anyway, and in an odd way he felt a little calmed by that notion, as though he could maintain at least a little normalcy in the situation he now found himself in.

Once cleanly shaven, he finally put his uniform back on and located Kevin who had dressed and was stood at one of the other basins shaving, and together they made their way along with the other men towards the cafeteria for breakfast.

The cafeteria was housed in one of the more modern parts of the Fertility Centre's compound in a circular building of glass and steel. It reminded Rupert of the refectory at his old university where he'd often eat alone since there weren't many men his age to socialise with. There'd been no shortage of female students keen to talk with him however, although it was usually pretty obvious that their real reason for talking with him was purely in an effort to get into his pants. It was after a close call behind the university's gymnasium with four young women that he started wearing the chastity device his mother had bought him before he left home to study. Had the women who'd cornered him not been noticed by one of the faculty staff just as one of them was about to reach down inside his trousers, he shuddered at the thought of what they might have done to him. Stories of male students being gang-raped on and off campus were not unknown. Ever since that day he took every precaution he could to avoid being taken advantage of.

The canteen here was somewhat different from the university refectory in that all of the people sitting down to breakfast were men, and the only women to be seen were those behind the long counter serving up the food. Just as he'd suspected, the food on offer was all healthy stuff - high in fibre, low in fat, and though Rupert was never one to enjoy a greasy full English breakfast (except as a treat on Christmas morning with his mother) he would've loved nothing more than a large plate piled with sausages, bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms and beans, all lavished with tangy brown sauce and several slices of fried bread on the side. Instead, he was forced to choose from several tedious looking varieties of muesli, an assortment of fresh fruit, or wholemeal toast with low fat spread in lieu of butter. He opted for the toast, which he considered to be the more palatable option. He also picked up a glass of pineapple juice, and though there wasn't any coffee on offer, at least there was a selection of teas available. He chose a small pot of Assam, along with a cup and a small jug of milk (skimmed of course) and with Kevin tagging along behind him, found himself a table.

"Well that was fun," Kevin grumbled as he sat opposite. "Sharing a shower with loads of other naked men - not my idea of a nice way to wake up every morning."

"It could be worse," Rupert shrugged as he took a bite of toast.

"Oh yeah, I'll bet you loved it in there, ya big homo," Kevin chuckled. "All those naked men to gawp at - I'll bet it was like Christmas and your birthday all rolled into one!"

"Well, I'll admit to a little "window shopping", but I wasn't checking out everyone," he replied instead.

Just you, Kevin, he thought, but kept his lurid thought to himself.

The clock on the wall above the serving area ticked over to nine o'clock, and just moments later several men's wristbands started vibrating, including the man sat at the table to Rupert's left.

"Already? Oh, for fuck's sake! At least give me a chance to finish my fucking breakfast!" he responded angrily.

He hastily took several quick mouthfuls of muesli, drained his glass of orange juice and then briskly left the cafeteria. Just a few moments later, Rupert's started vibrating too. It was a continuous vibration, heralding that he was to report for his first semen extraction.

"Well, "shit just got real" I think," Rupert said, quoting a line from the movie Bad Girls II as he regarded his vibrating wristband.

"Good luck, Roo," Kevin said.

"Thanks," Rupert replied as he finished as much of his breakfast as he could. "And good luck to you too, Kev - I expect you won't be far behind me."

His words were prophetic, for no sooner had Rupert left the cafeteria, Kevin's wristband started to vibrate. Except that his was pulsing rather than vibrating continuously. The young man gulped - it meant that in only a matter of minutes he would be losing his virginity, and without any say in the matter whatsoever.

* * * * * *

Unsure of where he had to go, Rupert approached a member of staff to ask where he had to report to.

"Was it pulsing, or vibrating continuously?" he was asked.

"Continuously," he answered.

"Semen collection building - just follow the blue signs," the uniformed officer responded, pointing towards the exit, above which was a blue sign pointing the routes to the complex's various sections.

Rupert thanked her for her assistance and found his way towards the semen collection building. It was a rather squat and unassuming building, just a single storey flat-roofed brick building with only a line of clerestory windows along the sides and a single door to break up the monotony of its southern elevation. Rupert, along with the other men whose wristbands had called them there, entered the building where an officer sat behind a desk, assigning each one to a semen collection room. He saw that each man ahead of him had tapped his wristband against a scanner on the desk, and once he reached the head of the queue he followed suit.

"AE41733D - good morning, Mr. Stephens, report to room seventeen," the woman at the desk informed him as his details popped up on her screen. "Next!"

Rupert followed the other men through a set of double doors that led into a long corridor lined with doors. He soon found room seventeen and opened the door. He expected it to be much the same as the semen collection rooms at the Evaluation Centre, and to find a "suck-o-matic"machine and a technician waiting there to insert a catheter into his penis and connect him up to the device, but when he entered the room he was surprised that there was no machinery in the room whatsoever. Instead all there was in the room was a height adjustable bed laid with clean white sheets and a wide strip of light blue paper dispensed from a roll at one end. He wasn't surprised however, to find a uniformed woman waiting for him.

"Good morning," she addressed him brightly and politely - her identity badge gave her name as Kerrilynn Archer, Semen Collection Technician. "Can you confirm your name and registration number please?"

"Rupert Stephens, AE41733D," he replied.

"That's fine, thank you," she said as she checked his details against her schedule. "Oh, I see this is your first time here."

"Uh, yeah, I arrived here yesterday," Rupert answered.

"So, still settling in, huh?" she asked him. "Well, as you can see, we don't use semen collectionmachines here - things are somewhat low-tech here."

"Surely, you don't mean?" he surmised, noting the absence of any kind of equipment in the room other than a stack of plastic sample pots on a table. "You're going to... y'know..."

"The powers that be deemed that semen collection in Fertility Centres ought to be a bit more hands on," Kerrilynn replied. "Not to mention cost effective - it's cheaper for us to do it the old fashioned way than it is to invest in dozens of SEA machines. So yes, I am going to masturbate you myself in order to collect your semen. But before I can get on with that I need you to get undressed. So, clothes off please, and then hop up onto the bed here."

Rupert was rather stunned - this wasn't what he'd been expecting at all. The only downside to it all was that he was in the company of a woman, rather than a man. He could see that she was attractive - with her long blonde hair, a kindly face with blue eyes that were nicely framed by a pair of black-rimmed spectacles, and she had a nice slim figure too, with a nicely proportioned bust and wide, feminine hips. But as usual, her femininity did not excite him in any way.

"Come along," she prompted him. "Clothes off!"

Rupert sighed and did as he was told and within a few moments, he stood before her completely naked.

"Now, we can do this on your back or on all fours if you prefer," Kerrilynn said as Rupert climbed up onto the bed. "Or you can stand and rest your hands on the bed -whatever you're most comfortable with will be fine."

Rupert opted to lie on the bed -- being masturbated on all fours took him back to an experience from his porn acting days that he would rather forget. He'd been on the receiving end of handjobs before, although they had always been with other men, either in private or on whatever porn set he'd been working on - this was to be the first time a woman had ever masturbated him, and he wasn't sure if he'd attain a sufficiently sturdy erection. The early signs were not encouraging.

"Comfy?" Kerrilynn asked him as he laid down.

"I guess," Rupert replied. "Don't know if I can get hard though - no offence, but I'm err... I'm not attracted to women, you see."
