Parallel Lives Pt. 01


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"That's not a problem," she assured him as she adjusted the height of the bed, raising it up until he was at a suitable elevation to permit her to handle him without straining her back. "It doesn't matter that you're gay or whatever - I think you'll find that we're well used to dealing with all kinds of orientations here - gay, straight, bi or whatever."

The bed came to a halt once it was level with Kerrilynn's waist.

"Just lie back, and let me know when you're about to ejaculate - that's all you need to do," she said as she picked up a collection pot from the table and slipped on a pair of latex gloves. "Close your eyes and imagine that I'm a man if it helps."

"I don't know if that'll work," Rupert replied nervously. "But sure, I suppose it's worth trying at least."

"Now then, you ready?" she asked him.

"I guess," he shrugged in reply.

Kerrilynn reached towards Rupert's groin and with both hands she started to palpate his genitalia. He gasped a little, as he always did whenever his penis and testicles were being handled by another person, be they lover or medical professional, and then sighed as the initial shock was replaced with pleasure almost straight away.

"Feel okay?" she asked him.

"It's... oohh... fine," he answered, his eyes closed as he savoured her touch.

"Good, let's see if we can get you nice and hard so that I can milk some semen from you," Kerrilynn said, a little lasciviously as she coaxed his penis to life.

Much to his relief, Rupert found his penis was responding to her touch, and it wasn't long before his previously soft and floppy appendage grew to its full erectile potential.

"Mmm... now, I see a lot of these every day," Kerrilynn said as she started to masturbate him in earnest. "And I've seen them in all their shapes and sizes, and I have to say that you have a very nice penis, Rupert. I'd definitely give it nine out of ten."

"Er, thank you," he said, acknowledging her compliment. "Oh, and call me Roo - everyone does."

"Roo," she said, contemplating the diminutive form of his given name. "I like that - it's sorta cute. It really suits you!"

Kerrilynn returned her attention her job at hand, and upped the pace of her reciprocal motion, pumping Rupert's erection and looking out for the subtle bodily clues that signified his approaching climax. She looked to his nipples, noting how erect they were becoming and cupped his testicles in her left hand, waiting for the moment they would be drawn up into his body. She'd been doing her job long enough to have developed the knack for predicting the onset of a man's orgasm to within a few seconds.

Sure enough, after eight or so minutes of fervent stroking, Kerrilynn noticed Rupert's nipples hardening, and between his legs she felt his scrotal sac tightening and drawing his testicles into his body, his bare skin was covered in goosebumps and he was breathing shallowly and rapidly.

"Uhh! I'm... hahh... I'm gonna... hmmff... I'm gonna come!" he exclaimed as he reached his point of no return.

Quickly, and with well-practiced skill, Kerrilynn picked up the plastic collection pot and held it in place over the head of Rupert's penis just as he was about to spurt.

"Hnnggh! Hah-h-h! Ahh-h-h! Oh, Jeez! Ungghh-h-h!" Rupert grunted and grimaced as he came.

Several rapid-fire spurts of precious fertile semen erupted from within him, and landed safely in the confines of the little plastic pot. As the initial spurts of Rupert's ejaculation diminished, she continued to milk as much of the valuable fluid from him as she could until there was no more semen forthcoming.

"Well done, Roo - that looks like a nice quality ejaculate," she said as she sealed the little pot.

"Th-thanks," he responded breathlessly as he sat up.

He looked at his penis as it gradually drooped and shrank back towards its dormant state.

"No, thank you, Roo," Kerrilynn said as she wrote his details on the pot's label. "Every last drop of this stuff is precious. So, how was it? Your first handjob from a woman."

"It was good, I guess," Rupert replied.

"Just good?" she asked him, pouting in mock offence.

"Okay, it was really good," he amended. "It's just... well, if the circumstances were different..."

"And if I were a man?" Kerrilynn supposed. "Look, it's totally okay - I don't expect you men here to be universally appreciative of my masturbatory prowess - like I said, we get guys with all kinds of sexual orientations through here. At the end of the day, as long as it wasn't horribly unpleasant for you then I consider it a job well done."

"Well, that's good to hear," Rupert answered. "And I can assure you that it certainly wasn't horribly unpleasant -- just not what I'm used to."

"Well, the stuff in this little pot is testament to my handiwork!" Kerrilynn chuckled as she placed the sample pot into a vacuum tube.

"Just out of interest, what happens to it now?" he asked her.

"Well, it gets sent over to the lab where it is tested, and after that it gets frozen in liquid nitrogen and taken down into the vault," she replied as she closed the tube and pressed the button that sent it on its way with a hiss of air.

"Vault?" Rupert queried. "It gets put into a vault? Like a bank vault?"

"Do you have any idea how valuable viable human semen is these days?" she asked him.

"Not really," Rupert replied in mild confusion. "I just thought, y'know, it's just... cum."

"What you just produced just now is worth more than twenty thousand pounds," Kerrilynn stated candidly.

"How much?" Rupert responded in astonishment, quite unaware at how valuable the tiny little cells that his testes were currently producing were to the Global Repopulation Program and to the future of the human race.

"Twenty thousand pounds," Kerrilynn confirmed. "At any one time there is more than a million pounds worth of frozen semen down in our vault here. Once a month a security van, complete with four police outriders, comes to pick up the month's semen production and takes it under armed escort to the Global Repopulation Program's main European cryogenic storage facility deep underground inside a mountain in Switzerland."

"But why? I mean, I get that it's valuable, what with there being so few fertile men nowadays, but why go to so much trouble? Armed escorts? It's a bit over the top, isn't it?"

"Not at all," Kerrilynn replied. "Armed escorts are needed because there are desperate women out there for whom having a baby is the most important thing in their lives, and would think nothing of getting hold of viable semen by whatever means necessary. Plus, it's important to make sure that none of it ends up on the Black Market. It's also why you're here, safely kept away from the outside world. Before places like this were established, fertile men were being abducted and raped for their semen."

"For real?" Rupert gasped.

"Desperate and unscrupulous women will resort to desperate and unscrupulous things," Kerrilynn said as she picked up a small sachet containing a cleaning wipe. "Hold still for a moment while I clean your penis up."

Rupert gasped as she took hold of his overly sensitive penis and cleaned it with the moist paper wipe.

"You might not have noticed," she said as she went about her work. "But our uniforms don't have pockets."

Rupert looked at her standard issue clothing, and noticed that there was indeed an absence of pockets.

"It's so that we can't smuggle anything out of here that we're not supposed to have," she explained. "After every shift we have to take our uniforms off and then we're searched before being allowed through to the locker room where we put our "outside" clothes back on."

Kerrilynn slipped off her latex gloves and screwed up the cleaning wipe and tossed the lot into a small bin in the corner of the room.

"Right, all done," she announced with a smile, lowering the bed back down. "You can put your clothes back on now."

Rupert was glad to be able to make himself decent again, and he gratefully slid off the bed and picked up his clothes.

"Will it be you who does this every day?" he asked her as he slipped his trousers on.

"I'm afraid not," she replied. "We're all just randomly assigned by computer. But I expect our paths will cross again during your time here. Any other questions before I send you on your way?"

Rupert thought for a moment.

"Well, there is one thing that's troubling me," he said hesitantly. "You see I've... well... I've never y'know... done it... with a woman, I mean."

"Ah, you're a virgin, eh?" she chuckled.

"Well, a virgin where having sex with a woman is concerned," Rupert expanded. "I've had sex with men plenty of times before."

Many, many times before, he thought to himself, recalling his career in pornography.

"Well, if you can get hard for me, you'll be able to get hard for whatever woman you're assigned to," Kerrilynn assured him. "And she won't be expecting the most mind-blowing sex she's ever experienced. The women volunteers are fully briefed on what to expect and what not to expect from you. If they want amazing sex they need only find a prostitute for a guilt-free night of wild sex!"

"Yeah, I guess," Rupert replied.

"Now then, be on your way, Roo - it was nice milking you today," Kerrilynn said once Rupert was fully dressed. "Until next time."

"Yeah, er, thanks, um, Kerrilynn," Rupert responded as she ushered him towards the door.

As Rupert left the room and stepped back into the corridor he joined several other men on their way out, and another couple on their way in. He stopped and leaned against the wall and spent a few moments processing what had just happened. This would be his life, six days a week, for the next twelve months at least. He sighed, collected himself, and then left the building.

* * * * * *

Kevin could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he followed the other men towards the women's accommodation block. He was experiencing a swirling maelstrom of feelings - anxiety, excitement, anticipation, and yes, there was even a hint of mild fear in the mix for good measure. He was about to experience sex for the very first time in his life - in only a short while he would be a virgin no longer. He only wished that he at least had some say in who it was that he surrendered his virginity to. Still, there was no point in dwelling upon it - taking Rupert's words to heart, he knew he had to focus on doing what was expected of him.

The men he followed entered the building through a doorway marked "Donor Entrance", which led into a small reception area. Once inside, each man ahead of him tapped his wristband against a square panel on the desk, behind which was sat a woman in the Fertility Centre's standard staff uniform. Once he reached the desk he followed suit, and held his wristband against the scanner.

"WF62298S - good morning, Mr. West, go up to room 325," the uniformed woman instructed him.

He nodded his understanding and followed the man before him into the women's accommodation building. As soon as he entered he immediately noticed the difference between this building and the old Victorian former cell block he and his fellow men were housed in. For starters, it was much more modern and up to date, and resembled a plush hotel with carpeted corridors and walls adorned with pictures of pleasant pastoral scenes rather than austere bare brickwork.

Room 325 was located on the third floor of the building, and Kevin managed to find it with relative ease. All the while his heart continued to pound in his chest as his mixed emotions intensified with every passing moment. I'm going to have sex, his mind kept telling him. Full-on, unprotected, bareback sex! Anxiously, he knocked on the door.

"Come in," the female voice on the other side responded.

He opened the door and was straightaway taken aback by what he saw. He'd expected to be greeted by an attractive woman, possibly a bit older than himself perhaps, and in those respects he was met with exactly what he'd expected. What he hadn't expected however, was for her to be dressed only in a lacy matching bra and panties set. Almost instantly he felt his manhood respond to the alluring sight his eyes were seeing.

"Hi, you must be Kevin," she said, welcoming him into her room. "I'm Sophie - nice to meet you."

"Yeah, er, nice to meet you too," Kevin replied. "So, um... you and I have to... I mean... we're here to..."

"Have sex?" Sophie responded presumptively. "That's the general idea, yes."

"Er, yeah, of course. Silly me! Ahem!" Kevin spluttered. "I guess that's why you're, er, already, um, undressed."

"Well, we're expected to get straight on with it," Sophie said as she reached behind her back and unclipped her bra. "Keep foreplay to a minimum, they told us, and just get right down to business."

"R-really?" Kevin stammered.

"We're not here to have sex for pleasure, or so we were told at our orientation," Sophie continued as she slipped her bra off to reveal her breasts. "I'm here to get pregnant, and you're here to get me pregnant. End of."

"So, why did you volunteer? If you don't mind my asking?"

"Well, because of my husband mainly," she replied. "And to do my bit of course."

"You're married?" Kevin gasped.

In an age where there were so few men to go round, it was quite unusual for a woman to bag herself a husband - the majority of women were forced to live as spinsters.

"Very happily married too," Sophie went on. "But of course I'm not getting any younger, and every single time my husband has been for his Semen Evaluation he's fired blanks every time. So we decided, or rather I decided, to volunteer for the Repopulation Program. So here I am."

Now in only her panties, Sophie stood right in front of the nervous nineteen year old lad.

"Now, enough about me. You're a little overdressed, aren't you?" she said slinkily. "How about I help you out of those clothes?"

"Er, y-yeah, I guess," Kevin responded, trying to coax his words out around the lump in his throat.

Sophie unzipped his standard-issue grey tracksuit top.

"Th-there's something you ought to know though," Kevin said as Sophie pushed the garment off his shoulders.

Sophie looked him in the eye, prompting him to elucidate.

"You see... well, the thing is I'm... um... I haven't, er... before..." he stammered.

He took a deep breath and then forced the words out.

"I'm a virgin," Kevin confessed. "This is my first time, so, er... sorry if I'm a little, um... nervous."

Sophie abruptly stopped her undressing of him and looked straight at him.

"You're a virgin?" she asked him for clarification, for she wasn't sure if she'd heard him correctly.

"My mother... well, she wanted to keep me pure until she could sell my virginity to one of her friends," Kevin explained. "But I refused to go along with it. She said I was wasting a golden opportunity to earn some good money to help pay for my university fees. The thing is, I'd much rather go travelling than studying, and she wouldn't allow me to use the money her friend would have paid for taking my virginity to go towards what she regarded as a waste of money, rather than use it to invest in an education. So in the end I put my foot down and told her that I would lose my virginity when I wanted to, and I'd give it to someone I love, rather than someone paying for the privilege. Now though, it looks like I don't get a say in the matter after all."

"Ohmygod, I'm sorry," Sophie said as she sat on the bed. "I keep forgetting how hard it must be for boys these days. I mean, it can't be easy seeing your friends dying of Swift's Disease one by one, never knowing if you might be next. I expect you lost a few friends to it."

"I was in a class of ten other boys at school," Kevin replied with sorrow in his voice. "Only me and one other boy called Callum lived to reach our eighteenth birthday - one by one they all got sick and then passed away."

"It's such a cruel disease," Sophie sighed. "Robbing mothers of their sons, and sisters of their brothers, leaving those lucky enough to survive into adulthood infertile. Except for a lucky few like yourself."

"If you can call "lucky" as being locked up in this place for at least the next year," Kevin responded sourly. "Being basically forced into fathering as many babies as possible."

"We all have to do our bit," Sophie pointed out. "You've been given a precious gift - you're fertile, it's something that should be cherished."

"Exploited, more like!" Kevin added.

"It depends which way you look at it."

"At least you get to volunteer for all this," Kevin replied sourly. "We men aren't afforded that luxury - we're forced into it whether we like it or not."

Kevin looked at her, and in that moment as he saw the expression on Sophie's face he realised that things hadn't quite got off to an auspicious start.

"Sorry, I... I just wish this could be under more romantic circumstances," he said with a sigh. "I'm being a dick... it's not your fault. It's just..."

"Shh, it's okay," Sophie said soothingly. "Look at it this way - it's a first time for me too. It's the first time I've ever taken a man's virginity, and to be honest I'm a little nervous about it."

"Nervous? How?"

"Well, because now that I know it's your first time I want it to feel special for you," Sophie explained. "I want you to be able to remember this for the right reasons. I want your first time to be better than mine was."

"Your first time? You weren't... like... raped or something, were you?"

"Oh, Good Lord, no! It was nothing like that!" Sophie assured him. "It was just that, well, like you my mother sort of arranged it all behind my back. It was my eighteenth birthday gift, she said. Can you believe she'd hired a prostitute for me to lose my virginity to on my birthday? I was shocked, but at the same time amazed and excited to actually have a real, live man in our house. And a naked man at that! He was beautiful, so masculine and powerful - he literally exuded manliness from every pore of his naked body, and he was mine, Mum said, for the entire evening."

"That doesn't sound so bad to me," Kevin said. "Well, not to the man I came here with, that's for sure! He's gay, and I expect he'd love nothing more than to have a naked hunk at his disposal."

"I've no complaint about the way he looked," Sophie went on wistfully. "He was like a Greek athlete, and with a cock to absolutely die for. But when I took him up to my room, that was when things changed. Suddenly I was terrified of him in the confined space of my room, especially when he started kissing me and reaching up into my skirt. I thought I'd be the one in control, but this man - I can't even remember his name now - took charge of everything. He took my knickers down, picked me up and dropped me onto the bed, and in moments he was on top of me. And then without any hint of foreplay he was inside me - nobody ever tells you how painful a girl's first time can be, especially if the guy is particularly well endowed like he was. My hymen was torn as he invaded me, and my insides were stretched like never before - it wasn't exactly the amazing experience I'd been led to believe it was, that's for sure.

"Don't get me wrong, it was one hell of an adrenaline rush, and once he realised he was being a bit too rough with me he explained that it was the first time he'd ever taken a girl's virginity and wasn't sure whether or not to be assertive or to go gently. Mother had instructed him to "do the deed and make my daughter a woman,"so that's exactly what he did. Mum said he was a licensed professional prostitute, but the way he acted with me wasn't especially professional at all - I expect he was actually just some friend of a friend or something.
