Party Desire Ch. 03-04

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Invited to girls' party, David dresses the part.
3.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 12/23/2003
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Chapter 3 - A Party Surprise

Downstairs Suzie and the other little girls were all running round the house excitedly playing 'pin the tail on the donkey'. Mrs Baxter calls Suzie over.

'Suzie I've a very special surprise for you. This is Molly. She's come to play with you.'

I fiddle awkwardly with my ruffles and Suzie looks at me strangely some recognition showing in her face.

Mrs Baxter laughs. 'Don't look so alarmed, Suzie it's David.'

I turn a beetroot red and Suzie's face turns from confusion to joy. She laughs hysterically, jumps up and down and claps. She wipes a tear from her eye.

'David is that really you?'

'Yes,' I say quietly. 'It's really me.'

'But why?' she asks.

I explained about Tracy, the hide and seek game and her perfect disguise. She was impressed that they couldn't find me and for a moment I was proud. Then she studies the dress closer.

'That's Tracey's old favourite party dress,' she said at last. 'And it fits you so well. Tracy was really disappointed when she out grew it. It's a bit old fashioned now otherwise mummy would let me have it. Tracy never had the heart to throw it out.' She giggles. 'I bet she's delighted that it fits you and it's found a new careful owner.'

'No, no, you don't understand,' I say slightly irritably. I won't be keeping it. It's only for a few more minutes. It was a disguise for the game.'

'Well I don't care,' she says. 'It looks lovely on you and I think I prefer you as a little girl, and I hope that you stay a girl! Besides, David,' she said, playfully fiddling with my puff sleeves, 'you look much better in a skirt than you ever did in a pair of trousers.' She giggles again but this time louder. 'I loved you as David but I love you more as Molly'. She says pulling me along by the hand. I was her new toy and she couldn't wait to introduce me to all her girl friends. Needles to say they all were amazed at my transformation. And Becky and the four girls who saw me in Tracey's room where embarrassed that they didn't see through my disguise.

'Are you wearing Tracy's panties?' Becky asks. I blush and from the corner of my eye see Mrs Baxter look over proudly.

'...yes,' I mumble, Tracy made me. She said I had to... for authenticity'.

It was hopeless I tried to justify the effort Tracy had made but they all thought it rather strange.

'You really are a girl.' she sings and before I could stop her she lifts the hem of my dress smartly upwards. Gloria a pretty brunette standing next to her joins in and lifts the many petticoats exposing my panties to the other girls. I blush a deep red. More shrieks of laughter and giggles fill the room.

'He's wearing girls panties,' a fair haired girl called, Linda cries cruelly. I took my skirts from their hands and pushed them down, ashamedly as another girl twangs the back of my bra strap. 'And he's wearing a bra,' she shrieks. I blush and struggle to free myself from the group, but that was it. They soon lost interest in me. Besides they had a party to attend and the prizes, games and food was far more of a distraction than me.

After my initial embarrassment the girls happily accepted me. We played some more games and sang songs. Suzie had a fabulous Karaoke machine and I did a mean rendition of Gloria Gayners Hit, 'I'm every woman.' It was true - I had a fantastic time and I soon forgot about the dress and the fact that I wanted to go to the toilet. Age didn't seem to matter. Dressed as I was I comfortably regressed to their level. I felt so youthful and I found myself really enjoying myself. I experienced a girly childhood I never had. The party dress, bra and panties enabled me to emotionally engage. I felt like one of them at their age. I even found myself squealing and shouting in a very girlish manner. Mrs Baxter still kept giving me glasses of orange juice as if id never drunk before and soon I was bursting to go to the toilet yet again but every time I went to the bathroom it was occupied.

Eventually tea was served. The dining room was laid with a long table with twists of crepe paper across them and paper plates. We all sat down and ate Turkey sandwiches, Christmas pudding, jelly and ice cream. I pulled a cracker with Suzie and she made me wear the paper hat. Ironically my cracker contained a tiny lipstick that looked like red patient leather. Mrs Baxter painted it on me and all the girls laughed but I was beyond caring. Later I spilled blancmange all down the front of my dress. I was terrified that Mrs Baxter would be cross but she was cool. After a huge tea that hit my stomach like a concrete-bollard accentuating my need to go to the toilet. Mrs Baxter made us all sit on the floor back in the lounge for a so called surprise nevertheless I found myself chatting with the other girls excitedly. Again I asked to go to the toilet but was told there was no time.

The surprise turned out to be a jolly rotund man dressed as Father Christmas complete with snowy white beard, boots and huge red tunic. He even had a beautiful lady dressed as an elf in green tights and a ridiculously high leather tunic. Predictably we all had to queue up for a chat with Santa and a gift. As I sat on his huge knee I hoped he wouldn't see through my disguise. He didn't notice and as a reward for being a good little girl he gave me a beautiful dolly with rose flushed cheeks and brown sleep eyes dressed in a spangled skirt and a pretty knit with pantaloons and tights. Quite inexplicably I loved it and carried it with me everywhere.

Everyone laughed at his jokes and he kept us amazed with little tricks. I relaxed, acclimatised to my surroundings, and enjoyed the company of my new little friends and the sumptuous dress I wore. It was while Santa left and I was laughing with the other girls that the lounge door opened and in walked Tracy with my new girlfriend Jill. I could have died as Tracy points me out with a wicked smile.

Chapter 4 - Ridiculed in a dress

'David, love' Tracy calls proudly, 'look who's here. I invited her. I said you'd had an accident. I thought you needed help.'

I could have died with embarrassment. 'Accident,' I say furiously.

'It's all right,' Mrs Baxter calls, 'it wasn't serious he's only split blancmange over his dress. It shouldn't stain.'

Jill looked horrified.

Tracy laughs.

'You promised,' I say, 'you promised to keep this a secret.'

Tracy laughs again but her tone of voice suddenly changes. 'And you said you loved me and that you'd never leave me.' Her look was smug and gleeful. I was flabbergasted. I didn't know what to say or what to do.

Jill's jaw slackens. 'What on earth are you playing at,' she says.

'Er... Parties,' I say. 'Suzie, Tracy's sister invited me. I know this looks odd but it's not what it seems'

Suzie hearing her name waved. Tracy waved back.

'We were good friends when I was seeing Tracy. I couldn't let her down even though we've finished.' Tracy looks cross.

'Yes... But why the party dress? Aren't you getting a bit... involved,' she fingers my dress and pats one of the many ruffles. 'I wouldn't have minded you coming to her party but dressing as a little girls... it's not right... it's not healthy.'

'Oh!' I say putting my dolly onto a nearby chair, my skirts rustling loudly. 'Tracy can you explain?'

Tracy smiles wickedly and turns to Jill. There's a long pause.

'I know Jill,' she eventually says, 'it surprised me but the moment he got here he ran straight up to my bedroom and demanded that I dress him in this pretty party dress. I didn't know what to do. He was most adamant. I'd never seen him behave so strange.'

'No,' I scream, 'that's not what happened. Tell the truth.'

Tracy smiled at me cruelly and turned to Jill sympathetically, 'Didn't I tell you he would deny it.'

'Tracy's set me up.' I scream.

'I don't believe you.' Jill spat. 'Couldn't you say no? You didn't have to wear her dress.'

'Tracy suggested I wore it as a disguise for the game.' I bawl but as I said it I knew it didn't sound very plausible.

Alerted by the commotion Mrs Baxter walked by.

'Mrs Baxter, Mrs Baxter please tell my girlfriend, Jill why I'm wearing this dress.' I ask pleadingly.

Mrs Baxter looks at Tracy with her Mother to daughter eyes. 'Oh! Dear girls don't involve me in your quarrel. Leave the boy alone. If he likes wearing a dress let him be.'

'No,' I scream, 'tell Jill how it happened.'

'Girls,' she snaps, 'remember this is a party, we're supposed to be having fun. All I know is that I found David in Tracy's room wearing her favourite dress. Yes, I did think it strange but you here of everything nowadays and I didn't want a scene. Not so close to Christmas with all Suzie's young friends here.'

'No,' I cry.

Tracy laughs. 'Oh! Honey don't be shy you should tell Jill the truth. I'm sure she knows all about your fantasies.' She turned to Jill kind-heartedly. 'I know it's a shock but David begged me to dress him in this my favourite party dress the moment he walked though the front door.' She titters. 'He's even wearing a gorgeous pair of my pink panties and I've stuffed him a training bra. Look and see how he fills the dress.'

Jill looks absolutely flabbergasted.

'Do you want to see his panties? There very lacy.'

'No, I don't,' Jill screams.

'That's a shame, he's got amazing legs and his thighs are lovely and milky white.'

I jump back scared she was about to hoist my skirts like a flag.

Tracy sighs. 'I know it's a shock for you but doesn't he look like one of the girls. He's been playing so good. He's probably the best behaved little girl here and he's even got a present from Santa and I do believe he's won a prize. Do tell Auntie Jill what you've won Molly? Do show us.'

'I'm not his Auntie and who's fucking Molly,' my girlfriend shouts with disgust. 'David, Is that your new name?'

'Yes,' Tracy quickly replied. 'That's what he told everyone to call him.' She points to my sticky name tag.' He caused quite a scene until we changed it.' Jill looked even more horrified.

'No,' I cry again.

Tracy looked impatient. 'Were waiting, Molly. What did Santa give you and what did you win?'

'A dolly and some nail varnish,' I say dryly.

Tracey stifles her laughter. 'You've seen Mollies dolly,' haven't you.' She points to my dolly on the chair.

'And what about the varnish? It's not just ordinary nail varnish. But pretty young girls sparkly nail varnish.' She giggles and I want to hide my painted nails in my pockets but I had none.

'Show Auntie Jill. I'm sure shed love to see.'

Reluctantly I held my hands out and Jill looked at my painted nails in disgust. I felt a big lump in my throat and I tried not cry. I held my fingers together as tight as I could and squeezed my eyes shut so the tears couldn't get out because I didn't want to be a cry-baby. Then someone got hold of my hand and I opened my eyes again. It was Mrs Baxter. Music had begun again and all the girls were dancing around and around the room. 'Come on, love don't you want to join in? I shook my head.

Suzie came over and pulled my hand oblivious to the scene I had caused. 'Please Molly, please dance with us.'

'Go on Molly,' Tracy's says sarcastically. 'Suzie will be so disappointed if you don't do a pretty dance. 'You'll look lovely in your dress. It will sway so wonderfully. I'm sure Jill will want to see. Won't you?''

I suddenly my desperation for the toilet came to a head but her mother was most insistent. So I let Suzie pull me into the centre of the room. I danced awkwardly at first to a collection of teenage pop songs as Jill watched with contempt but after a few moments with the help of the other girls I soon found myself singing my hips in time with the music. My petticoats rustled, my skirts swirled and the many sequins sparkled and shone. Tracy roars with laughter and points my dress detail out to Jill and the blancmange stain from earlier. A balloon burst and then one after the other, like gunfire, three other balloons exploded. Taken by surprise I promptly lost my balance and tumbled to the floor. With a squeal I land in a heap on the floor. It was all highly undignified. My swirling skirt flew up, I exposed my pretty panties and my hair went everywhere. All the girls starred goggle eyed. Then something inexplicable happened. Something I hadn't done for many years. I guess it was all the jumping about, the strange feeling of the skirts and the gallons of orange juice that I had drunk but I wet myself. My face turns to panic as my pretty panties soak and hot wee runs down my leg. I jump up in terror as tears roll down my face. 'Wa-a-a-a-ah! I roar standing in the middle of the room. Everyone leaps away from me as if I had a contagious disease. Some of the girls point at the dark stain spreading on my dress and the puddle forming under my feet.

'Oh! Dear,' said Mrs Baxter, 'don't worry, love.'

'Wahl,' I sobbed, 'I'm so sorry.'

Mrs Baxter was quick to react and she ushers me past the gleefully smiling Tracy and the shell shocked Jill. 'It's all been a bit too exciting for her. Don't worry,' she says reassuringly. 'Lets get you cleaned up and into some pretty new clothes and if you wipe those eyes I'm sure Tracy will let you put on some of her make-up.'

'But I'm a boy,' I cry. I'm not a little girl. I don't know what came over me. It's this dress. It's made me behave all weird. I feel so young and girlish.'

Mrs Baxter looks at Tracy 'Come upstairs and give us a hand. Perhaps you can find him something else to wear.'

'My pleasure, Of course Mummy,' she smiled and minutes later I was dressed in a black, up-to-the-bum skirt, skimpy silk top, black fishnet tights, towering high heels and new white lacy panties. The clothes were from her current wardrobe and where clearly more grown up. They were beautiful.

Back downstairs I was disappointed to see that my Jill and almost all the girls had gone. The party was over. A mother collecting her child looked at me and smiled.

'You look lovely ducks but your girlfriend Jill's gone,' she looked very angry and she said Tracy can have you. She was in quite a mood. Bit upset I think.'

Tracy smiled joyfully and I knew then that I'd been had.

'Don't worry,' Tracy says. 'I still want you. Can't we give it another go? You and I, We're made for each other. Say yes please.'

I was furious. 'You've turned Jill against me. She now thinks I'm a total sissy. A pansy that enjoys dressing as a girl.'

'Don't get you're knickers in a twist. What's the harm? It was only a bit of fun. Jill takes life too seriously. She has no sense of humour. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.'

'But I've lost Jill.' I wail.

Tracy ignores me. 'Please say we're an item. If you do I won't tell anyone about today.'

'What's there to tell? I say angrily.

'Plenty,' she said. I bet a lot of our school friends won't be so sympathetic. Just be thankful that Jill doesn't go to our school.'

'When did she go,' I ask grumpily.

The other mother looked slightly guilty. 'She's just this minute gone,' she replied. 'If you hurry you might catch her.'

Tracy looked cross.

Good I thought and without thinking I skipped out of the lounge hoping to catch her. Sure enough as I flew out the front door she was just turning out of the drive. 'Jill Jill,' I cried and hearing me call she turned slowly round. 'Please don't go. Not like this. I don't want to lose you.' She turns round a slight smile on her face but the smile turns into horror as she looks at what I'm wearing. Her face reddens with suppressed rage.

'Oh! My god! What are you wearing now? The party dress was bad enough but now you're wearing a mini skirt.' She looks agitated.

'Sorry,' I mumble apologetically, Tracy didn't have anything else that fitted me.'

'Yea right! That's a pathetic excuse and you know it. You can't expect me to believe that. Can you?'

I tug awkwardly at my short hem and towering in my heels with my legs together I rub my knees together. The nylon rasps alluringly.

'You look like a cheap slut. She's really got her claws into you. I bet you would do anything for her dressed like that? Do you expect me to want to go out with a total sissy? I wouldn't lend you my clothes that's for sure. You never could get her out your mind even when we went out.'

'No, that's not true. I love you.' I say

Jill laughed, I don't love you. I may have but not now. Tracy has helped me see a different side of you. She's welcome to you. I want a real man not a sissy who likes wearing skirts and dresses.' she turns to go.

'No,' I cry, 'there's been a terrible misunderstanding.'

She laughs and looks me up and down suspiciously 'Your bra straps showing, sweetie.'

I blush and slip a painted nail under the spaghetti strap and hook it back over my shoulder.

'You're unbelievable,' she says. Turns and strides purposefully down the street.

'Jill,' I cry, 'don't go.' but a few more strides and she turns the corner and is gone. Immediately I feel awkward in my mini skirt and skimpy top. A group of boys who were playing in the neighbours front lawn had stopped and stood motionless watching me. A large lad puts his fingers in his mouth and emits a loud wolf whistle. I blush.

As I turned and minced back to the house my head sagging in humiliation I caught Mrs Baxter's lounge curtain twitch. I look up and saw Tracy standing with Suzie and Mrs Baxter. Little Suzie was holding my new dolly making its arm wave. They all wore the same gigantic smile. I looked at Tracy with desperation and she mouthed the words 'Happy Christmas - I love you.'


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RenaultClio2003RenaultClio2003about 2 years ago

I feel that this was a good read. I wish that you had Tracy and David get back together with some sex, but other than that, this story was very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Enjoyed it, found it a really erotic read thanks for sharing.

Tootight1Tootight1about 4 years ago
Good story

I don't know why, but it is a good story, at their age especially. Although never stated, there is a certain degree of assumption going on, especially with age , and what they had already done something in the past. Nothing was stated, but it was implied.

After this party his thoughts will awaken his decisions, and hers for that matter. What happens next should be an interesting story to tell. Apparently Tracy's mother went along with everything that happened, and approved. That tells a story too. Sounds like he could have a very active sex life, varied and enjoyable. Maybe Tracy is the one for him.

Tootight1Tootight1about 5 years ago
good story

2nd read, and still good. I think I would have throat punched Mrs. Baxter, as a matter of fact , I know I would have. Tracy would be peeling what's left of her face off the carpet and plastered walls. I was that vindictive when I was younger, I still am, but smarter about it now. Women need to learn what the cost is for manipulating another person, and never face consequences.

Tootight1Tootight1about 6 years ago
good story

I guess in some way. In a way, he found out that neither one of his past girlfriends where worthy of his affection, or trust.

Tracy's mother was another story completely.

Suzie, had to be priceless. In time maybe 20 years she might still want him, who knows. Stranger things have happened.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

yes it is a good story. Do I, or would I like something like this to happen to me, I don't know. One thing is for sure, retribution would be awhile in coming. As far as Jill is concerned, that was wasted time. Who would want to be with a mind so narrow and closed. I don't know how much of the whole charade was a set up, or planned, but it did reveal one thing. Tracy still loved him. Sometimes a person has to be hit over the head with a 2X4 to see the light, and maybe this ordeal was just the hit he needed. Was he pissed, what do you think. In the end, maybe before he gets inside he will see the light.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I was expecting sexy not a CFNM where the guy is made to suffer. Three pages just to force him to pee his panties and lose his girlfriend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
enjoyed it

enjoyed it, he was led a bit easily into the dressing up, and the story ended too abruptly. a lot more could be carried on with this story, ie. tracy and molly go out shopping etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

This story really sucked!! The plot line didn't really have much to it and the fact that this Tracy chick did that is absolutly horrendous!!!!

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